Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2002 ML 320 Mercedes-Benz
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M-Clas s Operat or’s Manual.
ML 320 ML 500 ML 55 AMG.
Our com pan y and s taff congr atulate y ou on the purc hase of y o ur ne w Mercedes-Benz. Y our selection of our product is a demons tration of your trust in our com pan y name. Further , it exem plifies your desire to o wn an aut omobile that will be as easy as pos sib le t o operate and provide y ears of service.
1 Cont ents Intr oduct ion Product i nformation ................ .......... 7 Roadside assis t ance .... ............. ........ 1 0 Where to find it ................. ............... 1 4 Reporting Safety Def e cts ........ ........ 1 6 Instrument s and controls Ins tr uments and control s .
2 Cont ents Headlam p mode ................ ............... 99 Night security illumi nation ......... 1 0 1 Locator lighting ............. ............. 1 02 Fog lam p switch ...................... ...... 1 03 Haz ard warning f lash er switc h .... ..
3 Cont ents Driving Control and oper ation of radio transmitters ........ ............. 1 64 The f irs t 1 00 0 miles (1 500 km) .................... ............. 1 65 Maintenance .......... ............ ............. 1 6 5 T ele Aid ................
4 Cont ents Instrument clu ster display Malfunction and indicator lamps in the i ns tru ment cluster ............. 24 0 On-board dia gnostic sy s tem – Chec k engine malfun c tion indicator lamp ................ ............. 240 Brak e warning lam p .
5 Cont ents Practical h ints Firs t aid ki t .................. ................... 2 50 Fuses .... ................... ................... ...... 250 Electrical outlet ................. ............. 252 St owing items in the vehicle .. ......2 52 Hood .
6 Cont ents Vehicle care Cleaning and care of t he v ehicle .298 Po wer w asher ..... ................... ...... 299 T ar st ain s ............ ................... ...... 299 Paintw or k, painted body components .............. ................... 29 9 Engine cleaning .
7 Introduction Product in forma tion Kindl y observ e t he follo wing in y our o wn best interes t: W e recommend using Mercedes-Benz original p arts as w ell as conv ersion parts and accessories explicitl y appro ved b y us fo r your v ehicle model.
8 Introduction Operat or’s manua l This Operat or’s Manual contains a great deal of useful inf ormation. W e ur ge you t o read it carefull y and familiarize y ourself with t he v ehicle before driving.
9 Introduction Im portan t noti ce for Calif ornia retail buy ers of M ercedes-Benz aut omobiles U nder Califor nia la w you ma y be entitled to a rep lacem ent of y our vehicle or a refund of the pur.
10 Introduction Roadside assistanc e The Merced es-Benz Roadside Assi s tance Program p ro vide s fact ory trained techn ic al help in the ev ent of a breakdown.
11 Introduction Chang e of address or owner ship If y ou change y our add ress, be sure t o send in the “Change of A ddress N otice” foun d in the Service and W arranty Information Booklet, or sim.
12 Introduction W e continuousl y s triv e to im prov e our product, an d ask for y our unders tanding that w e reserv e the right to mak e c hanges in design and equipment. Therefore, in formation, illus trations and descriptions in this Operator’ s Manual might differ from y our vehicle.
13 Introduction Wa r n i n g ! This Spo rt Util ity V eh icle is de sign ed f o r bo th o n-roa d and of f-roa d use . It can g o pl aces and perform tas ks f o r whic h conv entional 2-wheel dri ve pas senger car s w ere not int ended.
14 Introduction Where t o find it The Operat or’s Manual is divided int o eight sections: • Ins truments an d controls: An o vervie w of all the controls t hat can be operated from the driv er’s seat. •O p e r a t i o n : Information on the v ehicle’s eq uipment and its operation.
15 Introduction Problems with y our v ehicle If y ou should experience a problem with your v ehicle, particularl y one that y ou believ e ma y affect its saf e operation, we ur ge y ou to imme d iat el y contact y our authorized Mercedes-Ben z Light Truc k Center t o ha ve the problem diagnosed and co rrected if required.
16 Introduction Fo r the US A on l y: The follo wing text is published as required of manufacture rs under Title 49, Code of U.S. F ederal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant to t he “N ational Tr af fi c and Motor V ehi cle Safety A ct of 1 966”.
17 Contents - Instruments and controls Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Instrument s and controls Ins tr uments and control s ............... 1 8 Center console .
18 Instruments a n d con trols Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Instruments and co ntrols P68.
19 Instruments a n d con trols Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 1 Cup holder , s e e page 1 32 2 Park.
20 Instruments a n d con trols Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Center cons ole 1 Ashtra y with lighter.
21 Instruments a n d con trols Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ov erhead control panel 1 Interior li.
22 Contents - Operatio n Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Operation V ehicle ke ys ................. ................... .. 24 Start l oc k-out .. .......
23 Contents - Operatio n Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Basic sett ing – automatic mode ............. ............. 1 1 2 Programmi ng the basi c tem perature se tting .
24 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index V ehicle k ey s Included with your vehicle are 2 remote controls wit h folding mas ter key s.
25 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Obta inin g rep lacem en t ke y s Y our v ehicle is eq uipped wit h a thef t deter rent locking sy s tem requiring a special k ey manuf acturing process.
26 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Centra l locking sy st em (Radio fr eq uency remot e contro l) The mas ter k ey has an integrat ed radio frequency remote control.
27 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Lo ck in g an d un l ock i ng w it h re m ote c on t ro l Un l o ck i n g : Press tra nsmit button Œ once.
28 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Pa ni c bu t to n T o activ ate press and hold button (1) for at leas t one second. An audible alarm and blinking turn signal lam ps will operate for appro ximatel y 3 minutes.
29 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Mechanic al ke y s The mechan i cal k e ys fit all loc k s on t he vehicle. Remo ve the protectiv e cap from the door lock befor e inserting t he mecha n ical k ey into the loc k .
30 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Doors 1 Opening – p ull handle 2 U nlocking dr i v er’s door loc k 3 Locking driver ’s door loc k 4 Individual door fr o m inside: Push lock butt on down t o lock.
31 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Each i ndividual d oor and the liftgat e m us t be loc ked with t he respectiv e door lock button – the driv er’s door can onl y be lock ed when it is closed.
32 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Centr al locki ng switc h 1 Locking 2 Un l o ck i n g The centra l lockin g switc h is located on the cent er console.
33 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A utom atic c ent ral locking The central loc king switc h also operat es the aut omatic central loc king.
34 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Liftg ate 1 Grip molding 2 Hand le, outsid e 3 Rec e ss ed gr ip Im p ortant! A minimum height clearance of 7 ft.
35 Central lo cking system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 1 Hand le, inside 2 Locking 3 Un l o ck i n g Im p ortant! In case of dan ger , the unlock ed liftgat e can be opened with the inside or outside handle.
36 Antitheft alarm system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Antitheft alarm sy st em The indicator lam p is located in the center console.
37 Tow- away pro tection Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T ow - a wa y alarm an d glass br eakag e sensor The switc h (1) is located in the o verhead console.
38 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Seats, front Caution! Do not remo ve head r estraint s except when mou nting seat cov ers. For remo val see page 45.
39 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! Prior to op erating the vehicle, the driver shou.
40 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Manua l seats (ML 320) W e recommend to adjus t t he manual seat in t he following order: 1 Seat, fore / aft Lif t hand le (1) , slide se at to desi red pos ition and allo w handle to reeng age.
41 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index P ow er seats (stan dard; optional on ML 320) The slide switc hes are locat ed on t he entry side of each front seat base.
42 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Onl y minor pers onal adjus tments, as describ ed belo w , should then b e requir ed.
43 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Memor y func tion (optional; Can ada onl y: s tandard on M L 500; USA: s tandar d on ML 5 5 AMG) The memory and s tored po sition buttons are locat ed on the entry side of each front seat base.
44 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Reca lling positio ns from mem ory T o recall a seat and exterior r ear view mirr or position, push and hold one of the position buttons “ 1”, “2” or “3” until seat mo vement has s topped.
45 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Head res traint remo val Rem oval : Pull head res traint t o its highest posi tion. Pus h loc k butt on (arro w) and pull out head res traint com pletel y with bot h hands.
46 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Heated seats (opt ional on ML 32 0) The seat heater swit ches are located on t he center console. The seat heater s can be switc hed on with the engine running.
47 Seats Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e s: When in operation, the seat heater consumes a large amount of electrical po wer . It is not advisable to use the seat heater longer than necessary .
48 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Seat belts an d integr ated r est raint sy s t.
49 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e : For c leaning and car e of t he seat belts, see page 302.
50 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index F as tening of seat belts 1 Latc h plate 2 Buc kle 3 Rel ea se b ut to n Push lat ch plat e (1) into buc kle (2) until it clic ks.
51 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tigh ten t he la p port ion to a snug fi t by pull ing shoul der portion up.
52 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Operati on The inertia reel s tops the belt fr om unwinding during sudden vehicle s tops or when quickl y pulling on the belt.
53 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index • Ne ver w ear the shoulder bel t under y our arm, ag ains t y our neck or off y our shoul der .
54 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Wa r n i n g ! USE CHILD RESTRAINTS PROPERL Y .
55 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Bab ySmar t TM airbag deactivation s y st em.
56 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Supplemental res traint sy s tem (SRS) Airbags ar e i nt ended as a supplement to seat belt s.
57 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Emerg ency t ensioning retr act or (ETR) The seat belts for the outboard passeng er seats (ex cept in the optional 3rd ro w seats) ar e eq uipped with emer gency te nsioning retract ors.
58 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Airbags 1 Driv er airbag The mos t ef fectiv e occupant restraint s y s tem yet dev eloped for use in production vehicles is the seat belt.
59 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 3 Side im pact airbag, fr ont The side i m pact airbags are located i n t he fr ont and rear doors.
60 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 5 Wi ndow cur tain airbag The head protection wind ow curtain airb ags af f ord increased protection ag ainst injuries to the head and upper body .
61 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index In the operational mode, after t he indicato.
62 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Side im pact airbags oper ate bes t in conjunc tion with a properly p ositioned and fas tened seat belt.
63 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Y our v ehicle w as originall y eq uipped wi.
64 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index • Sit properl y belted in a n upright position wi t h your back agains t t he ba ckres t .
65 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Wa r n i n g ! A ccident resear ch sho w s that the safes t place f or chi ldren in an a utomobile i s in the rear sea t .
66 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Saf ety guidelines f or the seat belt, emer ge.
67 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index When y ou sell the vehicle w e s trongl y ur.
68 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Infa nt and chil d res traint sy s tems W e recom mend t hat all infants and c hi ldren be proper l y res trained at all times while t he vehicle is in motion.
69 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Wa r n i n g ! Childr en 1 2 yea rs old and .
70 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ins tallatio n of infant an d child r estr ain.
71 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index V ehicle with third ro w seats 3 T ether anc.
72 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! An inf ant and c hild res traint sy s tem mu st not b e ins talled on the right second row seat while a passeng er rides in a third ro w seat.
73 Rest rain t syste ms Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ins tall a “LA TC H” type chil d seat according t o the manuf acturer’s ins tructions. The c hild seat mus t be firml y attac hed in the right and left side mount i ng fitting s (1).
74 Ad justab le ste erin g whee l Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Adj ustab le st eering wheel Un l o c k i n g : Mo ve le ver (1) d own. The indicat or lam p, located i n t he ins t rument cl us ter , comes on.
75 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Inside r ear view m irror Use y our inside rear view mir ror to deter mine t he size and dist ance of objects seen in the pass enger side rear view convex mirror .
76 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A utomatic (optional on ML 320): Wi t h the k ey.
77 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ext erior rear vie w mir rors The switc h is located on the center console.
78 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index St oring exter ior rear vie w mirr or positions .
79 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ext erior rear vie w mir ror , electricall y foldin g (optional on ML 32 0 and ML 500) The switc h is located on the center console.
80 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driv er’s side ext erior rear view mir ror , a.
81 Rear view mirro rs Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Im p ortant! Electrol yte drops coming i nto contact with the vehicle paint finish can only be com pletel y remov ed while in their liquid st ate and b y applying plenty of w ater .
82 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Instrument cluster.
83 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 1 Coolant t e m perature g auge, see page 87 .
84 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Indicator lam ps in the ins trument clus ter Hi.
85 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If the “CHECK EN GINE” malfunction indica.
86 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A ctivating ins trum en t clus ter dis pla y The displa y for t emperatur e, odometer , oil lev el indicator and clock is activated b y: • Opening the driver’s door .
87 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Clock (1 3) A djus ting clock (ins trument clus t er activ ated) : Minute: P ull out knob (2) and tur n it to the right.
88 Instrument cl uster Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Outside te mpera ture indicato r (2) The tem perature sensor is locat ed in the front bum per area.
89 Trip computer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tri p c o mpu ter (optional on ML 320) The trip com puter is located in the o verhead console.
90 Trip computer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T o c hange an entry , select mode t o b e c hanged: • Date – Press RESET k ey , the mont h sho wn blinks.
91 Trip computer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Zone map N ort h America Zone map South America.
92 Trip computer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T o ca libr ate the com pa ss: If t he vehicle w as exposed to a s ignificant m agnetic zone, suc h as high v oltage pow er lines, the com pass ma y ha v e to be calibrated.
93 Trip computer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index • S top wat ch – Press RESET k ey t o s tart the count. Press ag ain to s top the count. Press and hold RES ET k e y to reset sto p wa tch .
94 Flexible s ervice system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Flexible servi ce sy st em (FSS) (servic e indic ator) The FSS permits a f lexible servi ce schedule that is directl y related to t he operating conditions of the veh icl e .
95 Flexible s ervice system Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! The FSS indicat or is not an engine oil le vel indicat or . See page 96 f or engine oil lev el indicator .
96 Engine oil level indica t or Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Engine oi l lev el indic ator T o c heck the engine oil le vel, park v ehicle on lev el ground, with engine at normal opera tional tem perature.
97 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ext erior lam p swit ch Rotate swi tc h $ t o p ositions : D Off U A utomatic headlam p mode, see page 99.
98 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Turn sign al failure If one of the turn signals fails, the tur n signal indicat or sy s tem f lashes and s ounds at a f ast er t han n o rmal rate.
99 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Headl amp m ode The headlam ps can be swit ched on and of f manuall y or autom aticall y .
100 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Da ytim e running la mp mode (Canada onl y) Turn ext erior lamp swit ch to position D . When the engine is running the lo w beam headlam ps are aut omaticall y switc hed on.
101 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Night security il lumination This function will be onl y activ e wit h exterior lamp swit ch in position U .
102 Exterior lam p switch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Setting illum ination time: The illumination time can onl y be set while the vehicle is at a s tands till and the electronic k ey in s teering l ock position 2.
103 Fog lamp swi t ch Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Fo g l a mp s w i tch The switc h is located in t he center console. Press d o wn rock er switch symbols: 1 Front f og lamp s on.
104 Hazard w arning flasher Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Hazar d wa rning flasher swit ch The hazard w arning flasher switc h is located on t op of the st eerin g column.
105 Windshiel d wiper/washer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Windshie ld wipe r/washer switch Mov e s talk brief l y up for single wipe without adding was her f luid (use onl y when windshield is w et).
106 Rear wind ow wiper/washer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Mov e s talk up f or: Nor mal wi per speed F ast wiper speed Not e : When shiftin g into re verse with win dshield wipers on, the rear wiper automaticall y tur ns on.
107 Rear wind ow wiper/washer Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Wi t h k ey in s teering loc k position 2: 1 Intermitt ent wiping To a c t i v a t e : Press uppe r half of th e switch.
108 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A utoma tic climate co ntrol P68.
109 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 1 Displa y and controls 2 Thumbwheels for the center air outlets T o open the left air and cent er air outlet: Turn the left thumbwheel upward .
110 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Front displa y and contro ls 1 Air volum.
111 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A utoma tic climate co ntrol The automatic c limat e control onl y operates with the engine r unning.
112 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Basic s etting - aut omatic mode To a c t i va t e : W ith th e eng ine runn ing, brie f l y pr ess th e U butt on.
113 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Progr amming the basic tem perature setti ng Set tem perature control t o the desired tem perature.
114 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Special settin gs (use only for sho rt dura tion) Turning the air volume con trol wheel or air dis tributi on wheel switc hes of f the automatic mode.
115 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Defros ting / W indo ws f ogged up on the inside To a c t i va t e : Press t he P button.
116 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Air recirc ulat ion This mode can be selected to t emporaril y reduce the entry of an noying odors or dust into the vehicle’s interio r .
117 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Econom y mode The function of this setting cor responds t o t he automatic mode.
118 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Switc hing the aut omatic climat e control on and off To s w i t ch o f f : Set air volu me control wheel to position 0 .
119 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rea r passenge r compar tment climat e control The climate control is locat e d on the rear center console.
120 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rea r passenge r compar tment adjus tabl.
121 Automatic climate control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rear w ind ow de fro ster Turn the k ey in s teering l ock t o p osition 2. T o select: Press t he F butt on in the control panel of the automatic air cond i tioner .
122 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Powe r w i nd ows Po w e r wind ow swit ches lo.
123 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Turn key in st ee rin g lock to po siti on 1 or 2 . Opening the side window s: Press k on the switc h to resis tan ce point.
124 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Bloc king of rear d oor windo w opera tion If n.
125 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rea r q uar ter windo w s (optional; Can ada .
126 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Sliding /pop-up ro of (optional) 1 to sl ide ro.
127 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Wi t h the roof closed or tilted open, a sc reen can be slid into the roof opening t o guard ag ains t sun ra ys.
128 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Interi or lighting Lam ps abov e ins trument pa.
129 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Lam ps abov e rear doors Interi or lamp s abov e rear doors are sw itched on when opening a rear door , and switched of f (soft fade) d ela yed when closing rear d o ors.
130 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Swit ch f or interior lamps / lam ps abo ve r ear doors 1 Press to swi tc h lamps abov e r ear doors of f.
131 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Sun visor s Swi ng sun viso rs down to prote ct agai ns t sun glar e.
132 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Interior S torag e compar tments, armres t and cup holder Wa r n i n g ! T o help a void personal inj ury during a co llision or sudden ma neuver , exe rcise car e when st owi ng things.
133 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Glov e bo x Pull handl e (1) t o ope n. The glo ve bo x is illuminated with ke y in st eering lock position 1 or 2 when open ing the lid.
134 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index St orage com partment under front passenger s ea t (s tandard; optional on ML 32 0) The s torage com partment under the front passenger seat is loc kable with its separat e k ey (1).
135 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Cup holder i n front of ar mres t To o p e n : Slide the cover r earw ard, see page 1 3 3, and fold the cup holder (1) for ward.
136 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Cup holder i n rear cent er console T ouc h cov er (1), the cup holder opens aut omatically . Close the cup holder before f olding the rear seat bench.
137 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Asht ra y s Center cons ole By t ouching the top of the co ver lightl y , the ashtra y opens automaticall y .
138 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Light er 1 Center cons ole lighter Turn key in st ee rin g lock to po siti on 1 or 2 . Push in li ghter (1); it wi ll po p out automatic ally when hot.
139 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Split rear seat bench The r ear se at be nch can be mov e d fore / aft , folde d and lo wered t o increase t he car go area.
140 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 5. Pull l ock butt on (2) up, and fold seat bac k fo rward until it loc ks in place. The red ba ckres t loc k indicat ors at the loc k buttons (2) are not visible in lock ed position.
141 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T o return seat benc h s ection to sitting position: 1 . P ull lev er (1) and raise seat bench section until it loc ks in place.
142 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Easy entr y/exit f eature (onl y in vehicles with third ro w seats) Fold ing right seat bench section f or access to rear com partment area: 1 .
143 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rear seat he ad res trai nts Raising: Pull up on head r estrain t. Low ering: Push do wn on head res tra int.
144 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Third r ow seats (optional on ML 320 and ML 50 0) Tw o sing le seats can be unf olded to en lar ge th e seat ing area.
145 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 7 . Pull release le ve r (3) and unfol d seat bac k until it locks securely in place . 8. Ins tall head rest raint in seat bac k.
146 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T o remov e seat: 1 . Lift t ensioner (1) upwar d to a horizontal position t o release t ension of the s trap.
147 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Remo v able car go f loor plat es The cargo floor plates (1) behind t he split rear seat bench ar e removable.
148 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index St orag e of car go f loor plat es T o s tore c argo f loor plat es, open hook and loop s trip (6) at bott om of backres t of the split rear seat b enc h and insert floor plates (7 , arro w).
149 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Enlar ged car go area The cargo ar e a can be enlar ged b y moving the rear seat bench forw ard.
150 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Cargo tie-down ri ngs Carefull y sec ure cargo b y appl ying e ven load on all rings with rope of sufficient s trength to hold do wn the cargo.
151 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Hook s Four hooks, locat ed on the rear com partment trim panels can be used t o secure light w eight items (maximum per missible w eight per hook: 9 lb s.
152 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ins tallation: 1 . Eng age partition net in holders (1). 2. Insert tie do wn hooks (2) in rings (3) behind the front seats.
153 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ins tallation behind rear seats 1 . Ins ert tie down hook s (2) in rin gs (3) behind the rear seats.
154 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Loading ins tructions The total load weight inc.
155 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e s: The trunk is the pref erred place to car ry objects. The enlarged c ar go area should only be us ed for i tems whic h do not fit in the trunk alone.
156 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Re moving b lind: Pull right side mounting sleev e to ward v ehicle center (arro w) until bu tton (2) engag es, and remo ve blin d from holders.
157 Interior equipment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T elephone, gener al See se parate instruct ion man ual for ins t ructi ons on how to oper ate t he t elep hone.
158 Garage door open er Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Garag e door opener 1 Signal transmitter k ey s 2 Hand-held remote control tr ansmitter The built-in remote control is capab le of operating up to three separatel y controlled objects.
159 Garage door open er Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index For op eration in the US A onl y: This dev i ce com plies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules.
160 Garage door open er Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rol ling code prog ramming: T o train a ga rag.
161 Garage door open er Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Operati on of remot e control: 1 . Tur n ke y in s teering l o c k to posit i on 1 or 2 . 2. Select and p ress the appropriate butt on to activ ate the remo te controlled device.
163 Contents - Drivin g Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving Control and oper ation of radio transmitters ........ ............. 1 64 The f irs t 1 00 0 miles (1 500 km) .
164 Control and operation o f radio tr ansmitters Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Control and opera tion of radi o transmi tter s MCS, r adio and t elephone 1 Observe all legal requ iremen ts.
165 The first 1 000 miles Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index The first 1 000 miles (1 500 km) The more cautiousl y you treat y our vehicle during the break -in period, the more satisfied y ou will be with its performance lat er on.
166 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T ele Aid (optional for Canada) Important! The initial ac.
167 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! Alw a ys m ak e sure that the indicator lam .
168 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index The T ele Aid sy s tem is a v ailable if: • it has been activ ated and is operational.
169 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Initiating a n emerg ency call manua ll y Briefly pr e ss on co ver (1) – the cov er will open. Press t he SOS butt on (2) brief l y .
170 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index R oadside Assis tance button • Located in the o verhead c ontrol p anel is t he Road side Assistance button • .
171 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index When the connec tion is es tablished, the message “RO ADSIDE ASSI S T ANCE – C ALL CONNECTED ” appears in the MCS displa y .
172 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If the indicator lam p in the Roadside A s sis tance butt.
173 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index The T ele Aid sy st em will tran s mit data gen er ating the vehi cle identification number , model, color and location (subject t o a v ailability of cellular and GPS signals) .
174 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! If the indicator lam ps do not star t f lashin.
175 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! If the indicator lam p continues to f lash o.
176 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Once t he vehicle is u nlock ed, a Respon se Center specialis t will att em p t t o es tablish voi ce contact with the veh icl e occ up a nts .
177 Tele Aid Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Info Serv ices (optional, ex cept Canad a) Info Servic es categories inclu de new s, sport s, st ock s, we at her and calend ar reminders.
178 Catalytic converter Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Catal yt ic con v erter Y our Mercedes-Benz is.
179 Emission control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Emissio n control Certain sy s tems of the engine se rv e to k eep t he to xic com ponents of the exhaus t g ases within per missible limits required by la w .
180 Steering lock Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index St eering loc k 0 The k ey can be withdra wn in this position onl y . The s teering is lock ed when the k ey is remov ed from t he s teering lock.
181 Steering lock Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Caution! T o pr even t accelerat ed battery di schar ge and a possible dead batter y , alw a y s remove t he k ey from the s teering loc k.
182 Starting and turni ng off the engine Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Sta rting an d turning o f f the engine Bef ore s tar t ing Ensure that parking br ake is e ng aged and that se lec t or lev er is in position “P” or “N”.
183 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A utomatic transmission The au tomati c .
184 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving The select or lever is automaticall y loc ked while in position “P”.
185 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Maneuv ering T o maneuver in tight ar eas, e.g. when pulling into a parking space, con trol the vehicle speed b y graduall y relea sing the brak es.
186 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Select or lev er position The current selector le ver position is indicated in the gear ran ge indicat or displa y .
187 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Neu tr al No p o wer is t ransmitted from the engine t o t he drive a x le. When the brak es are released, t he v ehi cle can be mo ved freel y (pushed or to wed).
188 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Brief l y press selector le ver in the “D + ” direction: The t ransmi ssion w ill shif t f rom t he curre nt gea r range to the next higher gear r ange.
189 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Gear rang es: U pshift through 4th gear onl y . S uitab le for performance drivin g. U pshift through 3rd gear o nl y .
190 Automatic tran smission Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Emerg ency oper ation (Lim p home mode) If.
191 Parking bra ke Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index P arking bra ke T o eng age, fi rml y depress parkin g brak e pedal (1).
192 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving ins tructions Driv e sensibl y – sa v e fuel Fuel consum ption, to a g reat extent, depends on driving habits and operati ng conditions.
193 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index P ow er assistance Br akes Ex cessive use o.
194 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index All chec ks and service w ork on t he brak e sys tem should be carried out b y an aut horized Mercedes-B enz Light Tru ck Ce nter .
195 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index P arking Important! It is advisab le to set the parking b rake whene ver parking or lea vi ng the v e hicle.
196 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Specified tire pressures mus t be maintained. This applies parti cularly if the tires are su bjected to high loads (e.
197 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tire t racti on The safe s peed on a wet, s now co vere d or icy road is alw a y s lo wer than on a dry road.
198 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tire s pee d rati ng ML 32 0: Y our v ehicle is factory equipped with “H”-rat ed tires, which ha ve a maximum speed rating of 1 30 m ph (2 1 0 km / h).
199 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Snow chains Use only sno w chains that are test ed and recom mended b y Mercedes-Benz. Y our aut horized Mercedes-Ben z Light Truc k Center will be g lad to ad v ise y ou on this subj ect.
200 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If the vehicle is parked after being driven o.
201 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Deep w ater Caution! Do not drive through f looded areas or water of unkno wn depth. B ef or e driving through water , determine its depth.
202 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Off-R oad driving F amiliarize your s elf with the vehicle cha racteris tics and gear c hanging befo re you att empt any dif ficult terr ain off-road driving.
203 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Checkli st bef ore off-road dri ving • Tires: Check the tread depth and maintain specif ied tire pressure (see tire p ressure label inside the fuel filler f lap).
204 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving on emban kments, slopes and ot her s teep i n c l i n e s s h o u l d o n ly b e d o n e st r a i g h t u p o r d o w nh i l l , i.
205 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving downhill: Select gear ran ge “1” on the automatic transmission, see page 1 83. Driv e downhill obser ving the same rules as driving uphill.
206 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving thro ugh water 1 20 in ( 50 cm) Before driving through water , determine its dept h. It should not be deeper than approximatel y 20 inc hes (50 cm).
207 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Crossing obs tacles: Select gear ran ge “1” on the automatic transmission, see page 1 83. Cross obs tacles (e.
208 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Retur ning from off -roa d driving Off-road driv ing increases s train on the v ehicle. W e rec ommend that y ou ins pect th e ve hicle f or po ssibl e damage after eac h off-road trip.
209 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Trai l er towi ng Trai l er Hi tche s Onl y ins tall a trailer hit c h receiv er appro v ed for y our vehicle.
210 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index V ehicle and tr ailer w eights and r atings Gros s V ehicle W eight Rating ( GVWR) is the maxi mum per missible vehicl e we ight: 66 1 4 lbs.
211 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Chec king weights of vehicl e and trai ler .
212 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index T owi ng a trai ler There are man y different la ws, including speed l i mit res tricti ons, ha ving t o do with trai ler to wing.
213 Driving instructions Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A t very s teep inclines, not manageable with selector lev er in p osition “1”, switch transfer case to L OW R ANGE, s ee page 2 27 for instructi ons on how to e ngage LO W R ANGE.
214 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Cruise con trol The cruise control allo w s you t .
215 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index 3 Canceling T o cancel the cruise control, brief l y push le ver to position 3.
216 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e s: If the engine does not brak e the vehicle sufficientl y while driving on a do wngrade, the speed y ou set on the cruise c ontrol ma y be exceeded.
217 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Br ake assis t sy s tem (B AS) The B AS is desig.
218 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index The B AS / ESP malfunction indicat or lam p in t he ins trument clus ter comes on with the ke y in s teering loc k position 2 and should go out wi th the engine running.
219 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Antiloc k brak e sy s tem (ABS) Important! The ABS im pr o ves s teering control of the vehicle during hard braking m aneu vers.
220 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If the char ging vol tage falls b elow 1 0 volts, t he malfunction indicator lamp comes on and the ABS is switc hed off.
221 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index F our-wheel electron ic traction sys te m (4-ETS.
222 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e : In winter oper ation, t he maximum effectiveness of the electronic tra ction sy st em is onl y ac hieved with Mercedes -Benz recomm ended M+S rated radial-ply tires and / or sno w chains .
223 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Electron ic st ability pr ogram ( ESP) The ESP enhances directional cont rol and reduces driving wheel spin of the vehicle under v arious driving condition s.
224 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If th e B AS / ESP mal function ind icator lam p ¿ come s on contin uously wi t h the engine runni ng, a malfunction has been d etected in either sy st em.
225 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index ESP c ontrol sw itc h ESP contr ol switc h located in cent er console. T o switc h ESP off, press upper half of s witch.
226 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index If one driv e wheel loses traction and b egins t o spin, the brak e is applied until the wheel reg ains suff icient traction.
227 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tr ansmission control – LO W R ANGE mode The switch i s locat e d in the instrument panel.
228 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Swit c hing o n: 1 . S top the vehicle. 2. Mov e transmiss i on select or lev er to position “N” .
229 Driving systems Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Important! During of f-road dr iving a sp ecial .
230 Parking sy stem Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index P arking assis t (P arktr onic) (optional) The Parktronic sys tem assis ts the driver during park ing maneuv ers.
231 Parking sy stem Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Sensors 1 Sensors located in bumper (front bu mp e r s hown) A t otal of 1 0 sensors (1) moni tor the v ehicle’s front and rear areas .
232 Parking sy stem Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index W arn ing indicat ors 1 Segments, lef t side 2 Segments, right side V isual and audible signa ls indicate to t he driver t he relativ e dist ance between the v ehic le and an obst acle.
233 Parking sy stem Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Monit oring reac h of sensor s Front bumper: Rea r bu mpe r: The firs t y ellow segment li ghts up at these dis tances.
234 Parking sy stem Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index All y ellow a nd one or both red segments light up . A dditionall y , there is an acous tic war ning las ting appro ximatel y 3 seconds.
235 What you should know at the gas stati on Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index What y ou should kno w at the g as s tation Fuel su ppl y The fuel filler f lap is loc ked and unlock ed t oget her with the doors and lif tgat e using the electronic k ey .
236 What you should know at the gas stati on Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Lea ving the engine running and the fuel cap open can cause the “CHEC K ENGINE” lam p to illuminate.
237 What you should know at the gas stati on Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index • Coolant For normal replenishing, use w ater (pota b le w ater qu ali ty ).
238 Check regular y and before a long tr ip Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operati on Driving Ins trument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Chec k regularl y and before a long trip 1 Engine oil le v el See “Checking engine oil lev el” on page 255 and “En gin e oil level ind icator ” on pa ge 96 .
239 Contents - Ins trument cluster display Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Instrument clu ster display Malfunction and indicator lamps in the i ns tru ment cluster .
240 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Malfunc tion and ind icator l.
241 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Not e s: When run ning ou t.
242 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Supplemental res traint sy s .
243 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Electron ic st ability pr o.
244 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index ABS ma lfunction in dicato r .
245 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Seat belt war ning lam p W ith t he k ey in s teering l ock position 2, the seat belt warning lam p comes on for a short time if the driv er’s seat belt is not f ast ened.
246 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Lo w engine oil le v el war ning lam p W ith t he k ey in s teering l ock position 2, the oil le vel w arning la mp comes on an d should go out when the engine is running.
247 Mal func tion a nd ind icator lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Lo w windshield and headlam p w asher sy st em f luid le vel w ar ning lam p W ith t he k ey in s teering l ock position 2, the w arning lam p come s on.
249 Contents - Practica l hints Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Practical h ints Firs t aid ki t .................. ................... 2 50 Fuses ...
250 First aid kit Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Firs t aid ki t The first aid ki t is located behind the cov er (1) in the liftga te. T o open, pull in direction of arro ws and remov e cove r .
251 Fuse s Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Fuse bo x in engine com par tment 1 Fuse bo x in engine com partment T o g ain access t o the fuse box , release clam ps (arr ow s), l if t t he f use b ox cov er ( 1) up a nd r emove it.
252 Electrical outlet Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Electri cal outlet Tw o elec trical out lets can be foun d, one at the front passeng er footw ell, and the othe r in the rear com partment (alw a y s operati o nal).
253 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Hood To o p e n : T o unloc k the hood, pull release lev er (1) under the driver’s side of the ins trument panel.
254 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Wa r n i n g ! T o help pre vent personal inj ury , sta y clear of mo ving parts when the hood is open and the engine is run ning.
255 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Chec king engine oil lev el 1 Oil dips tic k 2 Oil filler cap T o c heck the engine oil le vel, park v ehicle on lev el ground, with engine at normal opera tional tem perature.
256 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex A utomatic transmission f luid le vel The transmiss i on has a pe r m anent fill of automatic trans missio n f luid.
257 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Add ing coolant If coolant has to be added, a 50 / 50 mixture of wat er and MB anticorrosion / antifreeze should be ad ded.
258 Engine comp artment Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex W indshield w asher/headla mp cleani ng sy s .
259 Windshiel d wiper Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Windshiel d and headla m p w a sher f luid mi.
260 Spare wheel, vehicle jack Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex The v ehi cle jac k, wheel bolt wrench an d scr e wdri v er are located in the rear cargo com partment behind the c o ver in the right side trim panel.
261 Spare wheel, vehicle jack Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 2 Ve h i c l e j a c k 3 Screwdriver 4 Wheel bolt wrenc h The screwd r iv er is placed in side t he wheel bolt wrenc h handle.
262 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Wheels Re place rims or tires with the same de signation, manufac turer and type as sho wn on the original part.
263 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Rot ating wheels The wheels can be rotated according t o the degree of tire w e ar while retainin g t he same direction of tra vel.
264 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Spare wheel In the case of a flat tire or break -do.
265 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Important! T o realize the tota l crum p le zone in case of a rear end collision, t he space-sa ver spare wheel mus t be s tored in its holder with the tire def lat ed .
266 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 2. Loosen scre w (2) using wrench supplied with vehicle t ools, see page 259. The screw (2) remains in the holder .
267 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Changing wheels P osition the ve hicle jac k only.
268 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Mov e vehicle t o a lev el area whic h is a safe dis tance from the roadwa y . Important! The vehicle doors lock if the lef t front wheel rotates with the engine running.
269 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 6. Place jac k on firm ground . Position the jack under the tak e-up brack et so that it is alwa y s v ertical (plumb-line) as seen from t he side, ev en if t he v e hicle is parked on an incline.
270 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Using the wrenc h, tighten the fiv e bolts ev enl y , follo wing the sequence illus trat ed, until all b olts are tight.
271 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Inf lating the space-sa v er tire (ML 55 A M G onl y) 1 . R emov e air pum p from compar tment behind the space-sav er spare wheel.
272 Tires, Wheels Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Tire i nf la tion pr essure A table (see fuel filler f lap) lis ts t he tire inf lation pressur es specifi ed for Mercedes -Benz reco mmended tires as w ell as for the v arying operating conditions.
273 Batter y Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex If a tire cons tantl y loses air , it should be inspected for damage. The spare tire should be c heck ed periodically f or condition and inf lation.
274 Batter y Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Theref ore, w e stro ngl y recommen d that you ha ve the.
275 Jump sta rting Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Jum p sta rting Im p ortant! A disc harg ed battery c an freeze at appro ximatel y +1 4 ° F (–1 0 ° C).
276 Jump sta rting Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex The battery is located on the right side in the engi ne com partment.
277 Towing Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T owi ng the vehicl e Important! When to wing the vehicl.
278 Towing Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex ML 320, ML 50 0 The rear to wing e ye is located behind the right side cov er in the bu m per p anel. 2 Tow i n g e y e , r e a r C ove r re m ova l : Using a flat blade screwdr iver pry out the co ver .
279 Towing Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex ML 55 AMG and v ehicles with optional sport pac kage. The rear t owing e ye is located b ehind the right side cov er (1) in t he bum per pan el.
280 Towing Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T o be certain t o a void ad ditional damage to the v ehicle pow ertra in, howe ver you should d o the following: • Wi t h damage t o front axle, r aise front axle.
281 Towing Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Tr ansmission selector le v er , manua ll y unlock ing In the case of po wer f ailure the transmission select or lev er can be manuall y unloc ked, e.
282 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Ext erior lam ps Head lamp adjustment Correct headlam p adjus tment is extremel y import ant. Check and readjus t headlam ps at regular inte rvals and when a bulb has been repla c ed.
283 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Headlam p asse mbl y (Halog en) 1 Headlam p v e.
284 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Headlam p ass embl y (BiX enon) 1 Headlam p v ert.
285 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Bulbs f or high beam H7 55 W Open hood. Remo ve c over (4). P ull off electrical connector (7). U nhook and mov e aside clampin g ring.
286 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Fo g l a mp a s s e m bly The fog lam p s are loca ted in the front bum per . Check and readjus t fog lamp s at regular int ervals an d when a bulb has been repla c ed.
287 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T ailla mp as semblies 1 S top lam p (1 073 [32.
288 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Pull off electrical connector (2). Squeeze tabs (3) together and r e mo ve bulb holder . Push bulb int o sock et, tur n countercloc kwise and remo ve.
289 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex License pla te lam ps (C 5 W [tubular] bul b) Remo ve b oth securing scre w s, remov e lam p and tak e out bulb.
290 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Adj ust ing headlam p aim Correct headlam p adjus tment is extremel y import ant. T o c heck a nd readjus t a headlam p, foll ow s teps 1 thr oug h 6.
291 Exterior lam ps Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 5. (Hi gh beams on): Sim ulta neous ly turn adj usting sc rew s (1 and 2 o n page 283 or 284) coun tercloc kwise t o adjus t headlam p do wnwar d, clockwise up ward.
292 Remote control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Remo te control battery replacement Changing batteries U nfold mas ter k ey from holder b y pressing k ey rele as e button.
293 Remote control Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Synchro nizin g rem ote con trol If the remote control does not function correctl y and the batteries are in order , the sy s tem ma y ha ve t o be resync hronized.
294 Emergency oper ation of slidin g/pop-up roof Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Emerg ency oper ation of sliding/pop- up roof The sliding / p op-up roof can be opened or closed manually should an electrical malfunct ion occur .
295 Manual releas e for fuel filler flap Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Manual r elease fo r fuel filler f lap The manual release is l oc at ed behind the cov er in the left rear compar tment trim panel.
296 Roof rack Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Replac ing w ind shield /rea r wi ndow wip er b lade Rem oval : Fold wiper arm (1) forw ard (winds hield) / rearw ard (rear windo w) and turn wiper blade (2) at a right ang le to the arm.
297 Contents - Car care Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Vehicle care Cleaning and care of t he v ehicle .298 Po wer w asher ..... ................... .
298 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Cleaning a nd care of t he v eh.
299 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Scratc hes, corros i v e deposits, corrosion or damage due to negligen t or incorrect care cannot alwa y s be remo ved or repaired with t he car -care pr oducts recommended here.
300 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Engine cl eaning Prior to cleanin g t he engine com partment mak e sure to protect electrical com ponents and connect ors from the intrusion of w ater a nd cleaning agent s.
301 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Cleaning the par ktronic sy s tem sens ors Use a mild c ar w ash dete rgent, suc h as Merc edes-Benz appro ved Car Sham poo, with plenty of w ater .
302 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Light allo y wheels Mercedes-Ben z approv ed Wheel Care should be used for regular cleaning of t he light allo y wheels.
303 Cleaning an d care of the vehic le Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Up h o lst e ry Using aftermark et seat co vers or wearing clothing that ha v e t he tendency t o give off coloring (e.
305 Contents - Technic al data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Technica l data Spare parts se rvice ..... ................... 3 06 W a rranty cov erage .
306 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Spare par ts service All authorized Mercedes -Benz Light Truc k Centers maintain a s toc k of original s p are par ts req uired f or maint enance and repair w ork.
307 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Identificati on labels 1 Certifica tion label an .
308 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index La y out of pol y- V -belt driv e 1 A utomatic belt.
309 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Te c h n i c a l d a t a Model ML 320 (1 63 1 54).
310 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rims – Ti res 1 Must not be used w ith snow chains. Model ML 320 ML 500 ML 55 AMG Rims (light al loy) Wheel offset 8 J x 1 7 H2 ET52 2.
311 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rims – W inter ti res Rims – Ti res (optional ) Model ML 55 AMG Rims (light al loy) Wheel offset 8 1 / 2 J x 1 7 H2 ET 52 2.
312 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Electri cal sy st em We i g h t s (see certification tag) Model ML 320 ML 500 ML 55 AMG Generat or (alter nator) 1 4 V / 1 1 5 A 1 4 V / 1 50 A 1 4 V / 1 50 A S t a r t e r m o t o r 12 V / 1.
313 Technical data Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Main di mensions Model ML 320 ML 500 ML 55 AMG Ov erall v ehicle le ngt h 1 82.6 in (4638 mm) 1 82.6 in (4 638 mm) 1 82.
314 Fuels, coolants, lubri ca nts etc. - capacities Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. – capacities V ehicle components and t heir res pective lubricants must matc h.
315 Fuels, coolants, lubri ca nts etc. - capacities Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Brak e sy s t e m (MB Brak e f luid [DO T 4+]) approx. 0.75 US qt (0.
316 Fuels, coolants, l u bricants etc. Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Engine oi ls Engine oils are sp ecifi call y tes ted for their su itability in our engines.
317 Fuels, coolants, l u bricants etc. Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Premium unl eaded g asoline Caution! T o maintain the engine’s durabili ty and perf ormance, premium unleaded gasoline mus t be used.
318 Fuels, coolants, l u bricants etc. Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Gasoline a dditiv es A ma jor concer n among engine manufa cturers is carbon build up caus ed by g asoline.
319 Fuels, coolants, l u bricants etc. Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index the engine tem perature will increase due to the lo wer heat trans fer capability of the solution.
320 Cons umer informati on Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Consumer i nfor mation This has been prep ared as required of all manuf actures of passeng er cars under Title 4 9, Code of U .
321 Cons umer informati on Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Te m p e r a t u r e The tem perature gra.
322 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Index A ABS (A ntilock brake sy s tem) ....... ................... ............. 2 1 9 LO W RANGE – ABS .....
323 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index A u t omat ic transmission ......... ............ .................... ...... 1 83 Emerg e ncy Operation ....
324 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Central locking sy st em ................. ................... ............. .. 26 A utomatic cent ral loc k ing .
325 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Driving instructions ... ................... ............. ................... 1 92 Driving of f ............
326 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index ETS (4-ETS+) ... ................... ................... ............. ............. 22 1 LO W RANGE – 4-ETS+ .
327 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Fuel reser v e warning . ................... ................... ............. 2 42 Fuels, coolants, lubricants et c.
328 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Ins tr ument clust er ............ ................... .................... ........ 82 A ct iv at ing display .
329 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Locator lighting ..... ................... ................... ................... 1 02 Lock abl e s torage com partment .
330 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index O Obtaining re placement ke ys .. ................... ................... .. 25 Odometer/Trip odome ter .......
331 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Rear seat head re s traints .............. ................... ............. 1 43 A d jus ting .... .........
332 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Snow c hains ....................... ................... ............. ............. 1 99 SOS-call See T ele Aid .
333 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and c ont rols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index Tie-down rings, cargo ....... ................... .................... ...... 1 50 Tire inf lation pres sure .
334 Index Te c h n i c a l data Instruments and co ntrols Operatio n Drivi ng Instrument cluster dis pla y Pract ical hints Car car e Index W Wa r n i n g l a m p s See Malfunction and indic ator lam ps in the inst r ument c lus ter .. ...............
Service and Liter ature Y our authorized Mercedes-Ben z Light Truc k Center has trained tec hnicians and original Mercedes- Benz parts to service your vehicle properly . For expert advice and quality serv ice, see y o ur authorized Mercedes -Benz Light Truc k Center .
Order No. 6515 62 57 13 Part No. 163 584 5 5 83 USA Ed ition B 2 002.
Please observe the following: BOOKSPINE for Operator’s Manual 5 / 8 in. (1.6 cm) 3.5“ (8.9 cm) 163 Operat or’s Manual M-Cl ass Please ensure the correct position of model code and model name.
An important point after buying a device Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mercedes-Benz 2002 ML 320 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center