Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet Mercedes-Benz
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CLK-Class Cabriolet Operat or’s Manual Seite 1 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
CLK 320 CLK 430 CLK 55 AMG Seite 2 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
Our com pan y and staff c ongratulate y ou on the purc hase of y our ne w Mercedes-Benz. Y o u r s e l e c t i o n of ou r pr o d u c t i s a de m o n st r a t i o n o f yo u r t r u st in ou r c o mp a ny n a m e .
1 Cont ents Intr oduct ion Product i nformation ......... ............. .... 7 Operator’s manual ............................. 8 Where t o fin d it ........... ............. ........ 1 3 Reporting Safety Defects .............. .. 1 5 Instru ments and co ntrols Ins tr uments and controls .
2 Cont ents Multifunct ion s teering wheel, multifunct ion displa y .. ............. .. 88 Trip an d m a in od om eter and sub me nu ......... ............. ........ 92 A u dio sy stems ....... ............ ............. .. 9 3 Radio .................
3 Cont ents A utomatic transmi ssion . . ............. 1 95 Parking brake ........ ............ ............. 204 Driving instructions ......... ............. 20 5 Driv e sensibl y – sa ve fuel .............. ............ ............. 205 Drinking and driving .
4 Cont ents ENGINE F AN ............ ................... 239 COOLANT (coolant level) .... ...... 240 COOLANT TEMP . (coolant tem p erature) .......... ...... 24 1 LIGHTING SY S TEM ....... ............. 242 LIGHT SENSOR ........ ............. ......2 43 STEER.
5 Cont ents Wiper blade .............. ............. ......3 05 Light alloy wheels ................ ......3 05 Ins tr ument clust er .. ................... 3 06 S teering wheel and gear selector lev er ......... ............. 30 6 Cup holder ... ..... Seite 6 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
7 Introduction Product in forma tion Kindl y observ e the follo wing in your o wn bes t interes t: W e recommend using Mercedes-Ben z original par ts as well as conversion p arts and accessories e x p l i c i t ly a p p r ove d by u s f o r yo u r ve h i c l e m o d e l .
8 Introduction Operat or’s manual This Operat or’s Manual cont ains a great deal of useful infor mation. W e ur ge y ou to read it carefull y and familiarize y ourself wit h the v ehi cle before driving.
9 Introduction Im portan t notice f or Calif ornia r etail buy ers of Merced es-Benz automobi les U nder Califor nia la w y o u ma y be en titled to a rep lacement of your vehicle or a refund of the p.
10 Introduction Roadside ass istance The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assis tance Program pro vide s f actory trained tec hnical help in the ev ent of a breakdo wn.
11 Introduction Operati ng your v ehicle outs ide the US A or Canada If y ou plan to op erat e your v ehicle in f oreign countries, please be a ware that: • Service facilities or replacement parts m.
12 Introduction W e continuousl y striv e to im pro ve our product, and ask for y our unders tanding that we reserv e t he right to mak e c hanges in design and eq uipment. Therefore, information, illus trations and descriptions in this Operator’s Manual might differ from yo ur v ehi cle.
13 Introduction Where t o find it The Operat or’s Manual is divided int o eight sections: • Ins truments an d controls: An o vervie w of all the controls t hat can b e operated f rom t he driver’ s seat. •O p e r a t i o n : Information on the vehicle’s equipment and i ts operation.
14 Introduction Problems with y our v ehicle If y ou should experience a problem with y our v ehicle, partic ularl y one that y ou believ e ma y af fect its safe operation, we ur ge y ou to immediate l y contact you r authorized Mercedes-Benz Cent er to ha v e the problem diagnosed and corrected if req uired.
15 Introduction Fo r the US A onl y: The follo wing text is published as req uired of manufactur e rs under Title 49, Code of U.S. F ederal Regulat ions, Par t 575 pursuant to t he “N ational Traffic and Mot or V ehic le Safety A ct of 1 966”. Seite 16 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
17 Contents – Instr u ments an d controls T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Instru ments and co ntrols Ins tr uments and controls ............. .. 1 8 Center console .
18 Instrumen ts and control s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Instruments and contro ls J_A208.
19 Instrumen ts and control s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x For m ore detailed d e scriptions see Index on page 326. For adjust ment of air outlets, refer t o automatic climat e control, see page 1 20 .
20 Instrumen ts and control s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Center console 1 Sof t top switc h, see p a.
21 Instrumen ts and control s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Ov erhead control panel 1 T ele Aid (emerg.
22 Contents – Operation T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Operation V ehicle ke ys ........... ................... ........ 2 4 Start lock -out ...........
23 Contents – Operation T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T elephone .. ............. ................... ........ 96 T elephone book ....................
24 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Ve h i c l e k e y s Included with y our vehicle are 2 electronic k ey s with inte grate d r adio frequency and infrare d rem ote controls plus remov a ble me chanical ke y .
25 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Electr onic k e y The electronic ke y has an integrat ed radio freq uency and infrared remo te c ontrol, plus remov able mec hanical key .
26 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Start l ock-ou t Important! Remo ving the ele ctronic k ey from t he s teering lock activa tes the star t lock -out.
27 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Centr al loc king sy s tem Radio frequency and infr ared remote control The electronic ke y has an integrat ed radio freq uency and in frare d rem ote cont rol.
28 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 6 Infrared receiv er in driver’s door handle 7 Inf rare d receiver in pas senger doo r hand le P80.
29 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Lo ck in g a n d un l ock i n g w it h re m ote c on tr o l Un l o ck i n g : Pres s tr ansm it b utton Œ .
30 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Choosing global or sel ective mod e on remote control Press and hold transmi t buttons ‹ and Œ simultaneousl y for appro x.
31 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Opening a nd closing windo w s fro m outside Aim transmitter ey e of remote control at a door receiv er .
32 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Pa ni c b u tt on T o activ ate press and hold button (1 ) for at leas t one second. An audible alarm and b linking ext erior lam ps will operate for appro xi matel y 3 mi nutes.
33 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Doors 1 Opening – p ull handle 2 U nlocking dr i v er’s door 3 Locking driver’s door 4 Individual door from inside: • Push lock butt on down to l ock.
34 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x If t he vehicle has previ ously been locked from t he outside, opening a door from the inside will tr i gger t he alarm.
35 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Centr al loc king swit ch 1 Locking 2 Un l o ck i n g The central loc king switc h is locat ed in the center console.
36 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A utom ati c ce ntral lo cking The central loc king switc h also operat es the automatic central loc king.
37 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Trunk When the trunk is separat el y lock ed, it remains l ock ed when centrall y unloc king the veh i cle.
38 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: In case of a malfunction in the central loc king sy s tem the trunk c an be unloc k ed individua ll y .
39 Trunk lamp T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Trunk lamp If the trunk is to remain open for a long period of time, the trunk lamp can be swit ched off b y pulling out the plunger in t he switc h (arro w).
40 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tr unk lid release swit ch The switc h is located on the center console. A minimum height clearance of 5.
41 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tr unk lid emerg ency release (v ehi cles built prior to September 200 1) The eme rg ency release button (1) is locat ed in the t runk lid.
42 Central lo cking system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tr unk lid emerg ency release (v ehicle s buil t Sept embe r 200 1 and l ater ) The eme rg ency release button (1) is locat ed in the t runk lid.
43 Antitheft alarm system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Antitheft alarm sy s tem 1 Indicat or lamp in.
44 Tow- away alarm T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T o w-aw a y alarm The switc h is located in t he center console.
45 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P ow e r sea ts, fron t T o opera te t he front po wer seat ad.
46 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The slide switches ar e located in eac h door .
47 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: Y our v ehic le is equipped with pow er head res traints, do not try t o raise or lo wer t hem manuall y .
48 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Memory st oring and rec alling 6 Memory bu tton 7 Pos it i on bu t ton s Sto r i n g Three sets of seat/head res traint positions ma y be programmed into memory .
49 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Reca lling T o recall a seat/head r es traint and exterior rea.
50 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Important! Prior to op erating the vehicle, the driver should a.
51 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Front head res traints Rem oval : T i l t t h e ba c k r e st re a r wa r d f o r e a s i e r re m o va l of t h e f r o n t head res traints.
52 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rol l bar and head r es traints, rear The rear head res tra i nts are int egrated in the roll bar . The roll bar wil l be automatical ly raised in an acci dent or in a potentially dangerous drivin g situ ation.
53 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Swit ch f or roll bar an d head res traints, rear The switc h is located in t he center console. Turn electron i c k ey in s teering lock t o position 2.
54 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Bac kres t 1 Releas e lev er Fol di n g for wa rd : Lif t relea se lever (1 ) and fold bac k re s t forward. T he seat will automaticall y slide f orward and the head res traint will mo ve do wn.
55 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Mult iconto ur se at (optional; s tandard on model CLK 55 AMG) S o m e m o d e l s m ay b e e q u i p p e d w i t h m u l t i c o n to u r s e a t s .
56 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Heated sea ts, front (optional, s tandard on model CLK 55 AMG) The front seat heat er switches ar e locat ed in the center console.
57 Seats T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: When in operation, the seat heater consumes a large amo un t of ele ctr ica l power . It is not advis abl e to use t he seat heat er longe r than necessary .
58 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Seat belts an d integr ated r estr aint sy st e.
59 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e : For c leaning and care of the seat belts, see pag e 306.
60 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x F as tening of seat belts 1 Latc h plate 2 Buc kle 3 Rel e as e b ut to n Pu s h l a tch p l a te (1 ) i nt o b u ck le ( 2 ) u n t il i t c li cks .
61 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tigh ten the lap portion t o a snug fi t b y pul lin g should er portion up.
62 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Caution! For safety reasons, a v oid adjus ting the seat or bac kres t into positions whic h could af fect t he cor rect seat belt position .
63 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x • Pregnant w omen should also use a lap- shoulder belt. The lap belt por tion should b e positioned a s lo w as possible on t he hips to a v oid an y possible pres sure on the abdomen.
64 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Bab ySmar t TM airb ag d eact ivation s y stem .
65 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Self-tes t BabySmart TM wit hou t spe cial chi.
66 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Emer gency t ensioning retr act or (ETR) The seat belts for the front seats are equip ped with emer gency t ensioning r etract ors.
67 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Airbag s 1 Driv er airbag The driver a i rbag is located in the s teering wheel hub.
68 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 3 Side im pact airbag The side im pact ai rbags are locat ed in the doors. The mos t effectiv e occupant res traint s y s tem y e t dev eloped for use in production v e hicles is the seat belt.
69 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Initiall y , when the elec tronic k ey is turn.
70 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Side i m p act airb ags The side im pact airbags are designed to a ctivate onl y in certain side im pacts exceeding a preset threshold.
71 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Y our vehic le was originall y equipped with airb ags which are de signed to acti vate in ce rtain impact s ex ceeding a p reset threshold t o reduce the pote ntial and se v erity of injury .
72 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x • Sit properl y belted in a n upright position with your back against the backrest.
73 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Safety guidelines f or the seat belt, emer gen.
74 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x When y ou sell the vehicle w e s trongl y ur ge.
75 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Infa nt and chil d res traint sy s tems W e recommend all infants and children be properl y re- s trained at all times while the vehicle is in motion.
76 Rest rain t sy stem s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Wa r n i n g ! Childr en 1 2 y ear s ol d an d .
77 Adjusting tel escoping steering col u mn T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Adj ustin g telescoping st eering column Un l o ck i n g : Pull handle (1) out t o its st op.
78 Rear view m i rrors T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Inside r ear view m irror Man ually ad just t he ins ide mirro r . Use your i nside mirror to det ermine the size an d dis tance of objects seen in t he passenger side conv ex mirror .
79 Rear view m i rrors T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Ext erior rear vie w mir ror s The switc h is located on the center console. Turn electron i c k ey in s teering lock t o position 2.
80 Rear view m i rrors T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Im p ortant! Electrol yte drops coming into contact with the vehicle paint finish can onl y be com pletel y remov ed while in their liquid s tate, b y appl ying plenty of w ater .
81 Rear view m i rrors T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P arking positio n The passenger-side exterior mirror can be adjus ted and programme d to assis t t he driver during parki ng maneuv e rs (e.
82 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x I n st ru m e n t c l u ste r J_A208.
83 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 1 Push bu ttons V and W for int ensity of inst r.
84 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Indicator lam ps in the instrum en t clus ter Hig.
85 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A cti v ating instr ument clust er displa y T h e in str u m e n t c lu st e r i s a c t i va te d by : • Opening the door .
86 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Coolant t emperature g aug e (3) Durin g sev ere oper ating co ndition s and st op-an d-go city traffic, the coolant tem perature ma y rise close t o the re d marking.
87 Instrumen t cluster T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tri p odometer (9) T o reset to “0” miles/km: A ctivat e the ins trument clus ter if it is not already activ ated b y pressi ng t he J b utton on the ins trument clust er .
88 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Multifunc tion s teering wheel, mu ltifunction displ a y Seite 88 Donnerstag, 31.
89 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Depending on .
90 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 1 Multifunct ion s teering wheel 2 Multif unction di spla y Turn the electronic k e y in st eering look to po sition 1 or 2.
91 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Press t he è or ÿ b utt on repeatedl y until the requir ed sys tem is displa yed.
92 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tri p and main odomet er and sub menu 1 Trip and main odometer See page 87 for ins tructions on resetting the trip odometer .
93 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Au d i o s yst e m s Radio 1 A u dio sys tem i s switc hed off. 2 The radi o is switc hed on.
94 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x CD pl a yer (optiona l) 1 Audio sys tem i s switc hed off. 2 The CD pla y er is switc hed on.
95 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Cassette pla yer 1 A u dio sys tem i s switc hed off. 2 The cassett e pla yer is switc hed on.
96 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T elephone T elephone book 1 The telephon e is switched of f. 2 The v ehic le is c urrentl y outside the transmitt er or receiv er range.
97 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The telephone mus t be switched on. Press t he è or ÿ b utt on repeatedl y until the displa y (3) appears.
98 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Red ia li ng 1 T he telephone is ready for use. 2 Number or n am e s tored in the redial memory .
99 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The telephone mus t be switched on. Press t he è or ÿ b utt on repeatedl y until the displa y (1) appear s.
100 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Incoming ca ll The telephone mus t be switched on. 1 “CALL” — y ou are being called Press t he í b u tto n to a n s wer t h e c a ll .
101 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Navi ga t i o n s yst e m (optional) 1 The na vigation sys te m is switc hed off.
102 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tri p comput .
103 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Press t he button è or ÿ repeatedl y until the displa y (1) appear s.
104 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Malfunc tion .
105 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Specific malf unctions can b e recalled b y press i ng button J .
106 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Individual settings R 8 J_A208.
107 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 1 Prelimi na.
108 Multifuncti on steering wheel, m ultifunction di splay T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Press t he è or ÿ b utt on repeatedl y until the individual sett ing preliminary displa y (1) appear .
109 Flexible s ervice system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Flexible service s ys tem ( FSS) (servic e indic ator) The FS S permits a f lexibl e servi ce schedule that i s directl y related to the operating conditions of the veh ic le .
110 Flexible s ervice system T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The service in dicator disapp ears automaticall y after 30 seco nds or if butt on J on the ins trument clus ter is pressed .
111 Flexible s ervice system T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Foll owing a com plet ed A or B service the Mercedes-Ben z Center sets the counter mileage to 1 0 000 m iles (Canada: 1 5 000 km ).
112 Engine oil level indica t or T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Engine oi l lev el indic ator T o c heck the engine oil le vel, p ark vehicle on l ev e l ground, with engine at normal operational t emperatur e .
113 Engine oil level indica t or T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x O n e o f t h e fo l l ow i n g m e s s a ge s w i l l s ub s e q u e n t ly a p p e a r on the indicator: “EN GINE OIL LEVEL – O.
114 Exterior l amp switch T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Ext erior lam p swit ch D Off C Parking lam ps.
115 Exterior l amp switch T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: W it h the elect ronic k e y remov e.
116 Head lam p cle anin g syste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Headlam p cleaning s ys t em (optional, s tandard on model CLK 55 AMG) The switc h is located in t he center co nsole.
117 Combina tion switch T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Combina tion swit ch 1 Lo w beam (exterior lam .
118 Combina tion switch T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 6 Control for wi ndshield wip er/washer sy st em: Push brief l y f or single wipe without adding washer f luid (use onl y when wi ndshiel d is w et).
119 Hazard warn ing flasher T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x V ehicles without rain sensor: I f t h e v e h i c l e i s st a n d i n g s t i l l , t h e w i p e r w i l l s w i tc h ba ck to setting I, int ermittent wiping.
120 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A utomatic climate co ntrol P83.40-2157-29 1 3 3 6 2 4 * * Mercedes-Benz D O L B Y -S TE R E O 5 J_A208.
121 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 1 Air volume control for center air outlets, turn whee l up to open. 2 Air volume control for side air outlet.
122 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Disp la y and c ontrol s Press the desired butt on t o activ ate, indicator lamp is on while activa ted.
123 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Econom y The function of this setting corresponds t o the automatic m ode.
124 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rear wi ndow d ef roster Turn electron i c k ey in s teering lock t o position 2. T o select, press F butt on.
125 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Air rec ircul atio n This mode can be selected to t e m poraril y reduce t he entry of an noying odors or dus t into the v ehicle’s interior .
126 Automatic climate control T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Dus t filter N early all dus t particles and pollen ar e filtered out before outside air enters the passenger com p artment thr oug h the ai r d is tr ibu tio n s ys te m.
127 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A udio and t elephone, oper ation These ins tructions are int ended to help y ou become acquai nted with you r Mercedes-Benz v ehicle radio.
128 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Operati ng and displa y elements 1 On/off, volum e, .
129 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 10 Soft k ey s f or radio band selection, see page .
130 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Enteri ng the code number Switc h on the radio. “CO DE” will appear on the displa y . Using the butt ons on the alpha-numeric k e ypad, ente r the fiv e digit code.
131 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Oper ation Swit ching on a nd off Press t he control knob . The radio is swit ched of f when the ignition k ey i s turn e d to p osition 0 or remo ved from the ignition.
132 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Fa d e r 1 Press t he A UD k ey repeatedl y until “F ADER” a ppear s on the displa y .
133 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Radio mod e Selecting radio m ode Press button. Selecting th e band Press t he k ey located below the desired band.
134 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Scan tuning Press t he SC k ey . Each s trong receiv able s tation on the band selected will be tuned in for 8 seconds.
135 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Cassette m ode Not e : V ehicles equipped with the COMAND s ys tem do n o t come with a fact ory inst alled cassette mec hanism.
136 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The radio will swit ch t o c a s s e t te m o d e . T r a c k 1 w i l l b e pla yed an d “ SID E 1 ” displa y ed.
137 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tra ck s ea rch fo rward s /b a ck war d s Press t he button.
138 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Scanni ng Press the “SC” k ey . Each track on the cassette will be pla yed for 8 seconds in ascending order .
139 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x CD mo de Gener al not es on CD mode S h o u l d e xc e s s i v e te mp e r a t u r e s o c c u r w h i l e i n C D m o d e , “TEMP HIGH” will ap pear in the displa y and m uting will tak e place.
140 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x CD c ha nger instal led 1 CD c hanger 1 2 CD mag azine 3 CD tra y 4 CD If a CD c hanger 1 i s inst a ll e d, it ca n be o pe r at e d fr o m th e front control panel of the radio .
141 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x If there is no CD in t he select ed magazine slot, “N O CD” and the corr e spondi ng slot number will be displ a y ed (e.
142 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Random pla y/repea t functio n T h e t ra cks o f t h e c u r r e n t CD ar e p l aye d i n r a n d o m o r d e r when the random feature (RDM) is selected.
143 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T elephone operation V arious functions of the M ercedes- Benz integr ated cellular telephone 1 can be perform ed a nd dis pla yed via the car radio.
144 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Swit ching betw een name sear ch an d number searc h Press ABC ke y - Name search Pre ss NU M k ey - N um ber s earc h Sear ching and select ing phon e bo ok entr ies b y name Press t he ABC k ey .
145 Aud io sy ste m T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A ccepting incoming c all in tel ephone mode Wi t h an incoming call, t he ringing t one will be heard and the mes sage “C ALL” appears in the disp la y .
146 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Powe r w i n d ows Po w e r windo w switc hes are locate d on center console. 1 left, front 2 left, rear 3 right, front 4 right, rea r Turn electronic k ey in s teering loc k to position 1 or 2.
147 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Express o pening and cl osing of door window s Press switch k or j pas t resis tance point and release — windo w opens or closes com pletel y .
148 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P o wer win dow s – oper ated with soft t op switc h Soft top switc h is loc ated on center co nsole.
149 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Interio r lig htin g 1 Aut om atic interior lighting Press once and t he automatic int erior lighting is activ ated.
150 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Sun visors Swi ng su n viso rs d own to p rotect against s un gl are.
151 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Interior St orage c ompar tments, armr est and cup holder Glov e bo x 1 U nlocking: Turn mechanical ke y to v ertica l position and remo ve.
152 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x St orage c ompar tments in cent er console T o ope n compar tment in armres t: Press button (4) and lif t lid.
153 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Cup holder in cent er console T o open cu p holder: Brief ly press butt on (7). The cup holder opens auto maticall y .
154 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Asht ra y Center console, front By touc hing the bottom of the cov er lightl y , the ashtra y opens automaticall y .
155 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Light er Turn electronic ke y in s teering lock t o posi tion 1 or 2. Push in light er (1); it will pop out a utomaticall y when hot.
156 Interior equipment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Cargo tie down r ings 1 Ring Carefull y secure cargo by appl ying e ven load on t he tw o rings wit h rope of sufficient s trength to hold the c argo.
157 Telephone T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T elephone, g eneral Note : See s eparate ins truction manual for instr uc tions on ho w to op erate the telephone.
158 Garage door open er T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Garag e door opener 1 Signal transmitter k ey s .
159 Garage door open er T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x For op eration in the US A onl y: This dev i ce com plies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules.
160 Garage door open er T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rol ling code prog ramming: T o train a g arage .
161 Garage door open er T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Operati on of remote control: 1 . Turn electronic k ey in st eering lock t o position 1 or 2. 2. Select and press the appropriat e butt on to activ ate the remo te controlled de vice.
162 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Soft top A minimum height c learanc e of 6 1 / 2 ft.
163 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Im p ortant! Do not manuall y mov e c orner f laps (1) of soft top com partment co ver .
164 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Lo werin g Soft T op 1 . Engag e parking brak e. 2. Close luggage co ver and trunk lid. For notes on the lugga ge cov er , see page 2 50.
165 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The switc h is located on the center console. Not e s: If indicator lam p blink s slo wly , a malfunc tion has occurred in t he sys tem.
166 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e : For saf ety reasons, t he sof t top cannot be lo wered while drivi ng. Raisin g Sof t T o p 1 . Engag e parking brak e.
167 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 5. Press loc k button (1) and fold down lock ing handle (2). 6. Turn loc king handle 90 ° clock wi se and pull soft top frame carefull y do wn until it meets the winds hi eld header attac hment points.
168 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e : For safety reasons, the soft top cannot be raised while drivi ng.
169 Soft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x If t he in dic ator lamp in th e sof t top switch blin ks .
170 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x W ind screen (opti onal ) The wind screen is most effectiv e when all four side windo w s are full y raised.
171 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Important! The open end of the hook s mus t point to w ard the veh ic le ’s fr on t . 3. Insert end s ection in right opening (3) on q uarter panel first.
172 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Re m oval Push lef t and right side buttons and remo ve wind screen upward. Note : Do not insert foreign objects in openings for the wind sc ree n.
173 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Stori ng Pull end se c tions in direction of arro w (1) and fold in direct ion o f arrow (2) . Place wind scr e en in its s t orage bag, and clos e t he bag.
174 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Roller Blin d (horizontal) T o open bl ind: 1. P u l l o u t b l i n d o n t a b ( a r r o w 1 ) t o wa r d s v e h i c l e s r e a r.
175 Wind screen T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Roller Blin d (v ertical) T o open bl ind: 1 . Fold dri ver and front passenger seat bac kres ts forw ar d. Seite 176 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
177 Contents – Drivin g T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Driving Control and oper ation of radio transmitters ............... ...... 1 78 The firs t 1 0 00 miles (1 500 km) .
178 Control and operati on of radio tr ansmitters T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Contr ol and oper ation of r adio tr ansmitt ers COMAND, radio and telepho ne 1 Observe all legal requ iremen ts.
179 The first 1 000 miles T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The firs t 1 000 miles (1 500 km) The more cautiousl y you treat y our vehicle d ur ing the break -in period, the more sati sf ied y ou will be with its performance lat er on.
180 Catalytic converter T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Catal yt ic con v erter Y our Mercedes-Benz is e.
181 Emission con trol T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Emi ssi on con trol Certain sy st ems of the engine se rve to k eep th e t oxic com ponents of the exhaus t g ases within permissibl e limits required by la w.
182 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T ele A id (optional for Canada) Important! Th e in i ti a .
183 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Important! Alw a ys mak e sure that the indicator lam ps i.
184 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x The T ele Aid s ys tem is a vailable if: • it has been activ ated and is operat i onal.
185 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Initiati ng an emerg ency call manuall y Briefly press on c ov er (1) – t he cov er will open. Press the SO S button (2) b rief l y .
186 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Roadside Ass istance b utton • Located belo w t he center armres t cov er is the Roadside Ass istance bu tton • .
187 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x If the indicator lam p in the R oadside Assis tance button.
188 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T ele Aid sy s tem could not initiate an Information call (e.g. the releva nt cellular phone network is not a v ailable).
189 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Important! If the indicator lam p continues to f lash or t.
190 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rem ote d oo r u nl o ck I n t h e c a s e yo u h ave yo u r ve h i c l e l o c ke d u n i n te n t i o n a l ly (e.
191 Tele Aid T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x St olen vehi cle trac king services In the e vent your vehicle w as s tolen, report t he incident to the police who will is sue a numbered incident report.
192 Steering lock T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x St eering loc k 0 The electronic k ey can be withdra wn in this p osition onl y . The s teering is loc ked when the electronic k ey is remov ed from the st eering lock.
193 Steering lock T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Important! If the electronic ke y is left in t he st eer ing lock position 0 for an extended period of time, it can no longer be turned in t he lock.
194 Starting and turni ng off the engine T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Sta rting and tur ning off the engine Bef ore s tar ting Ensure that parking br ake is e ng aged and that select or lev er is in position “ P” or “N”.
195 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A utomatic transmission The autom ati c t ra.
196 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Driving The select or lever is automaticall y loc ked while in position “P”.
197 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x St opping For b rief s tops, e.g. at traffic lights, lea ve the tra nsmi ssi on i n ge ar and ho ld vehic le w it h t he s erv ice brake.
198 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Select or lev er position The current selector le ver position is indicated in the gear r ange indicat or displa y .
199 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Dependent on the program mode selector switc h pos ition “S ” or “W” t he m axim um spe ed i n t he rev erse g e ar is dif ferent.
200 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Press and hold selector lev er in the æ direct ion: The trans missi on will shif t from the current gear dir ec tly to gea r r an ge “ D”.
201 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Gear rang es: U pshift through 4th g ear onl y . Suitable f or performance d riving. U pshift through 3rd gear only .
202 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Prog ram mode selector swi tch The transmission is p r o vided wit h a select or switc h (1) for S tandard “S” and W inter/W et (sno w and ice ) “W” program modes .
203 Automatic transmission T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Caution! Ne v e r c h a n g e t h e p r o g r a m m o d e w h e n t h e s e l e c t o r l ev e r is out of position “P”.
204 Parking bra ke T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P arking bra ke T o en ga ge, firmly depress parking brak e pedal.
205 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Driving ins tructions Driv e sensibl y – sa ve fuel Fu e l c on s u mpt i on , to a gr e a t ex te n t , d e pe nd s o n dr i vi n g habits a nd operating conditions.
206 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P ow er assi stance Br akes Ex cessive use of s.
207 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x A ll ch e cks a n d s e r v ic e wor k o n t h e b ra ke s ys te m s h ou l d be carried out b y an aut horized Mercedes-B enz Center .
208 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x P arking Important! It is advisab le to set the parking b rake wheneve r parking or lea vi ng the vehicle.
209 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Specified tire pressures mus t be maintained. This applies part icularly if t he tires are subjected t o high loads (e.
210 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Tire t r action The safe speed on a wet, sno w cov ered or icy road is alw a y s low er than on a dry road .
211 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Snow chains Use onl y snow chains that are tes ted and recommended b y Mercedes-Benz. Y our aut horized Mercedes-Benz Center will be glad t o advise y ou on this subject.
212 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x I f t h e ve h i c l e i s p ar ke d a f t e r .
213 Driving instructions T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x In wint er operation, the maximum effectiven e.
214 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Cruis e control The cruise control allo w s y ou to .
215 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 3 Canceling T o cance l the cruise contr ol, brief l y push lev er to position 3. When y ou s tep on the brak e pedal or the vehicle speed drops belo w ap pro x.
216 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: If the engine does not brake the vehicle suff icientl y while driving on a do wn grade, the speed y ou set on the cruise control ma y be ex c eeded.
217 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Appl ying the brak es v ery quickl y resul ts in maximum B AS assis tance. T o rece iv e the benefit of the sys tem you must appl y continuou s full brak ing pow er during the st opping sequence.
218 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Antiloc k brak e sy s tem (ABS) Important! The A BS impro ves st eer ing cont r ol of the vehicle during hard brak ing man euvers.
219 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x ABS con trol The ABS malfunction indicat or lamp - in the ins trument clus ter comes on with the electronic k ey in s teering loc k p osition 2 and should go out with the eng ine runni ng.
220 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Electr onic st ability pr ogra m (ESP) The ESP enhances directional control and reduces driving wheel spin of the vehicle under v arious driving condition s.
221 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e s: The malfunction indicator lamp ¿ for the ESP is combined with that of the B AS.
222 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x ESP c ontrol switc h ESP co ntrol switc h locat ed on cent er console. T o switc h ESP off, press upper half of t he switc h.
223 Driving systems T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Not e : A void spinning of one drive wheel. This ma y cause serious da mage to the drive train which is not co vered b y the M ercedes-Benz Limit ed W ar ranty .
224 What you should know at the gas station T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x What y ou should kno w at the g as s tation Fuel su ppl y Open flap by pu shing near front (ar row).
225 What you should know at the gas station T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Driving Ins trum ent clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x •E n g i n e o i l Engine oil le vel chec k, see page 1 1 2 and pag e 256. Fill q uantity bet ween up per and lo wer di psti ck marking le ve l: 2.
226 Check regular ly and before a long trip T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Driving Ins trum ent cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Chec k regularl y and before a long trip 1 Engine oil lev el See “Engine oil le vel, c heck ing” on page 1 1 2 and page 25 6.
227 Contents – Instru ment cluster display T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Instrument clu ster display Malfunction and indicator lam p s in t he ins t rument cl us ter .
228 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Malfunc tion and ind icator lamp.
229 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Br ake warn ing lam p Ex cept C.
230 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Supplemental res traint sy s tem.
231 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Electron ic st ability pr ogram (ESP) — war ning lam p The y ellow ESP war ning lamp in the speedometer dial comes on wit h the electronic k ey in st e ering loc k position 2.
232 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T elescoping st eering column .
233 Mal func tion and ind icato r la mps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x R oll bar w arn ing lamp The roll bar war ning lamp is located i n the roll bar switc h in the center console.
234 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Malfunc tion and w arn ing messag e.
235 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x DISPLA Y DEFECTIVE (e ngine control uni t) This message is d i spla yed t o indicate that the infor mation being rela yed b y the engine control unit is no longer com plete.
236 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x B A TTER Y/AL TERN A T OR This message indicates a malfunction which mus t be repaired immediatel y .
237 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x ABS-SY STEM A malfunction has been detecte d in the sy st em. The brak e s y st em functions in the us ual manner , but without antiloc k assis tance.
238 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x BRAKE L INING WEAR When this mes sage appears during braking, it indicates that the brak e pads are w orn do wn.
239 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x PA R K I N G B R A K E Parking brak e, see page 204. ENGINE F AN 1 The cooling fan for the coolant is fault y .
240 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x COOLANT ( cool ant lev e l) When th is mess age ap pears w hile drivin g, t he c oola nt lev el has dropped belo w t he required lev el.
241 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x COO LANT TEMP . (coolant tem perature) 1 Observ e coolant t emp erature g auge, see p age 86.
242 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x LIGHTIN G SY STE M When the mess ag.
243 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x LIGHT SENSOR W it h the elect roni.
244 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x EN GINE OIL LEVEL 1 The e ngi ne oil lev e l mu st be checked imme diately . See E ngin e oil lev e l indicator on page 1 1 2 2 There is no oil in the engine.
245 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x ELEC. S T ABIL. PRO G. (Ele ctron ic stabil ity program) 1 A m alfu ncti on h as been detec ted i n t he sys tem.
246 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x WA S H E R F L U I D When this message appears while the engi ne is running, t he lev el of the reserv oir has dropped t o appr ox.
247 Malfunction and warning messa ges T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x TELE AID 1 When this message app ears, a mal function has been dete cted in t he Tel e A id s ystem . Seite 248 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
249 Contents – Practica l hints T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Practical h ints Firs t aid kit .................. ............. ...... 25 0 Shelf below rear windo w .
250 First aid ki t T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Firs t aid kit The firs t aid kit is s tor ed in the lef t trunk well.
251 Luggage cover T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T o o pen compartm ent: Press butt on (arro w).
252 Fuse s T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Fuses Before replacing a blown fuse, determine the cause of the short circui t. Spare fuses are supplied i nside the main fuse bo x (1).
253 Fuse s T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex A uxiliary fu se bo x belo w the trunk floor 2 A uxiliary fuse bo x below t he trunk f loor . T o gain access, l if t tr unk f loor .
254 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Hood Wa r n i n g ! T o h el p p revent p erson al in jury , sta y cle ar of m ov i n g p a r t s w h e n t h e h o o d i s o p e n a n d t h e e n g i n e is run ning.
255 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex To o p e n : T o unloc k t he hood, pull release le ver (1) under the driver’s side of the ins trument panel.
256 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Chec king engine oil lev el (CLK 3 20 shown) 1 Oil di ps tick 2 Oil f iller c ap T o c heck the engine oil le vel, p ark vehicle on l ev e l ground, with engine at normal operational t emperatur e .
257 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex A utomatic transmission f luid le vel The transmiss i on has a permanent fill of aut omatic trans missi on f luid.
258 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Add ing coolant I f c o o l a n t h a s t o b e a d d e d , a 5 0 / 5 0 m i x t u r e of w a t e r a n d MB anticorrosion / antifre eze should be added.
259 Engine comp artment T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex W indshield w asher / headlam p cleaning sy st em 1 W indshield w asher/headlam p cle aning sy st em f luid reserv oir Capaci ty a pprox.
260 Spare wheel, vehicle j ack T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Spare w heel, vehic le tools, s t orage c ompar tment 1 Trunk f loor 2 Hand le 3 Lug gage bowl 4 V ehicle tools Lift tru nk floor and engag e handle in grip molding of luggage cover .
261 Spare wheel, vehicle j ack T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Ve h i c l e j a c k 1 Jac k arm 2 Jac k base See i llus tration for proper s torage of jack.
262 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Wheels Re place rims or tires with t he same d esignation , manufac turer and type as shown on the original part.
263 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Rot ating wheels CLK 430, CL K 55 AMG: Wheel rotation ap p lies onl y when wint er tires are moun ted on a ll four w heel s.
264 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Spare wheel Spare wheel CLK 320 (ex cept S port P ack age) Important! The spare wheel rim is mount ed with a full size tire of the same type as on t he v ehicle, and is full y functional .
265 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex If the arro w on tire side wall does not point in direc.
266 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Changing wheels Mo ve vehicle to a lev el area which is a safe dist ance from the roadw a y . 1 . Set parking brak e and turn on hazard warn ing f lasher .
267 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 4. Using the wrench, loosen but do not y et remo ve the wheel bolts.
268 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 6. Insert jack arm full y int o the tube hole up to the s top.
269 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 1 0. Clean contact sur faces of wheel and wheel hub. Ins tall wheel on wheel hub. Insert wheel bolts and tighten them slightl y .
270 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Note s : Befor e s toring the jack, the jack ar m mus t be low ered almos t to the base of the jac k. F or proper s tora ge of vehicle jack see page 26 1.
271 Tires, Wheels T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Tire inf lation pressur e A table (see fuel filler f lap) l ists the tire inf lation pressures sp ecified for Mercedes-Ben z recommended tires as well as for the varyin g operating c onditions.
272 Batter y T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex If a tire cons tantly loses air , it should be inspected for damage . The spare tire should be chec ked periodicall y for condition and inf lation.
273 Batter y T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Theref ore, w e s trong l y r ecommend that you hav e the ba.
274 Jump sta rting T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Jum p s tart ing Im p ortant! A disc harged b atter y can freeze at appro x. +1 4 ° F (–1 0 ° C). In that case, it must be thaw ed out before ju mp e r c a b l e s a r e us e d .
275 Jump sta rting T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Proceed as follow s: 1 . Po si t io n t h e veh i c l e w i t h t h e cha rg ed b a tt er y so t ha t the jumper cables will reac h, but nev er let t he v e hicles touc h.
276 Towing T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T owing the v ehicle Im p ortant! When to wing t he vehicle, pl.
277 Towing T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex The rear t owing e ye is locat ed at the right, belo w t he bum per . The front to wing ey e is located on the passeng er side behind a co ver in the bum per panel.
278 Towing T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex W e recomm end that the vehicle be transport ed using f lat bed equipment. This method is preferable to other types of t owing.
279 Towing T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Tr ansmissi on selector lev er , manuall y unlock ing In the case of po wer failure the transmission s e lect or lev er can be manuall y unlock ed, e.
280 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Ext erior lam ps Headl amp adjus tment Correct headlam p adjus tment is extr emel y import ant. Check and readjus t headlam ps at regular inte rvals and when a bulb has been replaced.
281 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Headl amp a ssembl y (Hal ogen) 1 Headlam p v ertical.
282 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Bulbs for lo w or h igh beam H7 (5 5 W) Open hood. Rotate c ov er (2 or 3) co unterc lo ckwise and rem ov e .
283 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex T ailla mp assembli es Open trun k lid.
284 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Side marker la mp, front (5 W/4 c p bulb ) Care fully sl ide la mp t owards f ront ( arrow), a nd rem ov e back and fir s t .
285 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex High mount ed s top lam p, Add i tional tur n signals.
286 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 2. ( Low be ams on) : Using a carpent er’s le vel, align an d mark a ver tical center line (8) on the tes t screen using t he v ertex of the angle form ed in eac h beam i mage.
287 Exterior l amps T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 5. V ertical headl amp ai m (low b eams on): Turn adj.
288 Electronic key T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Changing ba tteries in the elec tronic k e y 1 Tran sm .
289 Electronic key T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Inse rt m echani cal ke y (4) in sid e o pen ing ( 5) to op en latc h. Press brief l y (do not use mechanical k ey as le ver) to release battery com partment .
290 Electronic key T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Important! Batteries contain materials that can har m the environment if disposed of im properl y . Rec ycling of batteries is the p refer red me thod of disposal.
291 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Raisin g so ft top man ually In case of malf unction, the pow er soft top can al so be raised manuall y .
292 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 5. U n loc k soft t op s torag e com partment: Open trun k lid with mec hanical k ey and lift protection cov er .
293 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 7 .
294 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 9. Do not p lace soft t op frame (5) ont o windshield header . 1 0. Place rear windo w section of sof t top (6) in its v e rtical position .
295 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 1 3. Low er rear wind o w s ection of sof t top (6). 1 4. Open trunk lid w it h me chanica l ke y an d ca refu ll y guide lugg age cov er (p age 2 5 0) into its s t orage com partment.
296 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 1 6 . U s i n g s c r e w d r i v e r ( s u p p l i e d i n v e h i c l e t o o l k i t ) , t u r n sc r ew c l o ckw i se to t h e stop .
297 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex 1 9. Turn loc king handle 90 ° clockwise and pull soft top frame carefull y do wn until i t meets the windshield header atta chment poi nts.
298 Emergency operation of s oft top T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Ant enna The non-re tractable antenna should be re mo ved before en te r in g a n a u tom a t ic c ar was h , to a vo i d d a ma g e to t h e ante nna mas t or vehicle p aint finish.
299 Manual release for fuel filler flap T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Manual rel ease for fuel fill er f lap The manual release k nob is locat ed behind the right side tr unk pa nel.
300 Replacing wiper blade in sert T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car car e In dex Rem oval : Fo ld w ip e r ar m for wa r d. P r es s sa fe t y ta b dow n ( 1) , pu s h wiper blade d ownw ard (2) and remo ve.
301 Contents – Vehicle ca re T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Vehicle care Clea ning an d car e of the vehicle ................ ............. 3 02 Po wer w ash er .
302 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Cleaning a nd care of the v ehicle In.
303 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Scratc hes, corros i v e deposits, corrosion o r damage due to neglig ent o r in corr ect car e can not alwa ys be rem ov e d or repaired with t he car-care products recommended here.
304 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Engine cl eaning Prior to c leaning t he engine com partment mak e sure t o protect electrical com ponents and connectors f rom the intrusion of w ater a nd cleaning agent s.
305 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Headlam ps, ta illam ps, turn si gnal lenses Use a mild c ar w ash deter gent, suc h as Merce des-Benz appro ved Car Sham poo, with plenty of water .
306 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index I n st ru m e n t c l u ste r Use a gentle dis hwashing det ergent or mild deterg ent for delicat e fabrics as a w ashing solution.
307 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Up h o l ste r y Using a f termark et seat co vers or w earing clothing that ha v e the tendency to give off color i ng (e.
308 Cleaning an d care of the vehicle T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Practical hi nts Car c are Index Soft top Cl e a n so f t to p w it h s o f t top r a is e d an d lo cked . L ower th e s of t top into th e stora g e comp a rt m en t o n ly i f t h e sof t t op is comp letel y dry .
309 Contents – Tec hnical data T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Technical data Spare parts se rvice ........... ............. 3 1 0 W a rranty cov erage .
310 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Spare par ts service All authorized M ercedes-Benz Cent ers maintai n a s toc k of original spa r e parts req uired for maintenance and repair work.
311 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Identificati on labels 1 Certif ication label 2 V ehicle Identification Number (VIN) When ordering sp are parts, please s pecify vehicle identif ication and engine numbers.
312 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x CLK 320 s hown 3 VIN, visible (lo wer edge of windshi.
313 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x T echnical d ata Model CLK 320 (208 465) 1 CLK 430 (.
314 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rims – Tires (ex cept Spor t Pac kage) Rims – Tir es (Sport Pac kag e) 1 Also permiss ible 225/45 ZR 1 7 .
315 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x 1 Also permissible 225/45 ZR 1 7 2 Also permissible 245/40 ZR 1 7 3 3 Must not be used w ith snow chains.
316 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Rims – W inter ti res Elect rical sy s t em Model CLK 430 CLK 55 AMG Rim (light allo y) Wheel offset 7 J x 1 6 H 2 1 .
317 Technical da ta T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x We i g h t s (see c ertification tag) Main dimensio ns Trunk loa d max. 220 lb (1 00 k g) Model CLK 320 CLK 430 CLK 55 AMG Ov erall v ehicle le ngt h 1 80.
318 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. - capacities T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. – capacities V ehicle com ponents and their respective lubric ants mus t mat ch.
319 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. - capacities T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Win d s h ie l d wa s he r s ystem (MB Windshi eld washer con cen trate “S” 1 ) appro x.
320 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Engine oi ls Engine oils ar e specif icall y tes ted for their suitability in our engin es.
321 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Premium unlead ed gasoli n e Caution! T o maintain the engine’s durability and perfor mance, premium unleaded gasoline mus t be used.
322 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Gasoli ne additiv es A maj or c oncern among engine manufacture rs is carbon build up caus ed by g asoline.
323 Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x the engine tempera ture will increase due to the lo wer h e a t t r a n s f e r c a p a b i l i t y o f t h e s o l u t i o n .
324 Cons umer info rmatio n T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Consume r infor mation This has been prep ared as required of all manuf actures of passeng er cars under Title 49, Code of U .
325 Cons umer info rmatio n T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Inde x Te m p e r a t u r e The tem perature grades.
326 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Index A ABS (Ant ilock brak e sys tem) . ............ .................... ...... 2 1 8 Malfunction indicator lamp .
327 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Defros tin g ... ................... ............. ............. ................... 1 23 Displa y and con trols .
328 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index CD c hanger See A udio s y st em ......... ............. ................... ............. 1 40 Cellular telephone .
329 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Drinking and driving ....... ................... ............. ............. 205 Drive sensibl y - sa ve fuel ....
330 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Exterior lam p malfunc tion and warning message . ................... ............. ............. 242 Exterior lamp swit ch .
331 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index H Hazard warning f las her switch ... ................... ............. . 1 1 9 Head res traints Front ...........
332 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Replacing bulbs ...... ................... ............. ............. ...... 280 Side marker lam p, front ........
333 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Mirror , exterior , rear view ...... ............ .................... ........ 79 Mirror , inside , rear view ...
334 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Rear v iew mirrors Exterior ....... ............. ................... ............. ............. ........ 79 Inside .
335 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index Setting the audio volume .............. ................... ............. 1 08 Shelf below rear windo w ........ .
336 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ontrol s Operati on Drivi ng Instrument cluster di spla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index TELE AID - malfunction and warning messages .................. ............. ............. 247 T elephone .. ......
337 Index T echnical data Instruments and c ont rols Operati on Drivi ng Instrument clus ter dis pla y Pr actical hi nts Car car e Index W Wa r n i n g l a m p s See Indicator lam ps in the inst r ument cluster ......... ................... .......... Seite 338 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09. Seite 339 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09. Seite 340 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
Service and Lit erature Y our authorized Merc e des-Benz Cent er has trained t echnicians and original Mercedes-Benz par ts to servic e your v ehic le properl y .
Order No. 65 15 1244 13 Part No . 208 58 4 29 83 U SA Editio n A 2002 Seite 342 Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2001 9:35 09.
Please observe the following: BOOKSPINE for Operator’s Manual 5 / 8 in (1.6 cm) 3.5 in (8.9 cm) 208 A O perator’s Manual CLK-Class Cabriolet Please ensure the correct position of model code and mo.
An important point after buying a device Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Mercedes-Benz 2002 CLK-Class Cabriolet along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center