Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 100M Lowrance
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Pub. 988-0148-651 Portable Turn-by-Turn Mapping GPS Operation Instructions.
Copyright © 2004 Lowrance Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distributed for any purpose, without prior written consent of Lowrance. Any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited.
i Table of Contents Preface: Introducing GPS ....................................................... 5 How Lowrance GPS and the GPS System Work ......................... 5 Section 1: Installation & Accessories .................................... 7 Power .
ii EPE (Estimated Position Error) ............................................. 37 Satellite Display ...................................................................... 38 Trip Calculator ............................................................
iii WARNING! A CAREFUL NAVIGATOR NEVER RELIES ON ONLY ONE METHOD TO OBTAIN POSITION INFORMATION. CAUTION When showing turn-by-turn navigation data, a GPS unit will show the shortest, most direct route to the destination. There are times when it may give directions, such as a U-turn, that may be prohibited in some locations.
iv Notes.
5 Preface: Introducing GPS And, how this manual can get you out on the road, fast! Welcome to the exciting world of turn-by-turn GPS navigation! We know you're anxious to begin finding your way, but we have a favor to ask.
6 First, think of your unit as a small, highly automated computer. The iWAY 100m i n c l u d e s a k e y p a d a n d on -s cr ee n m e nu s s o y ou c a n te ll it wh a t t o d o. The screen lets the unit show your location on a moving map, as well as point the way to your destination.
7 Section 1: Installation & Accessories This section describes the various accessories and cables that came with your iWAY, and exactly how to use them. Some of the most important in- formation in this section is how to connect the iWAY to your car's stereo, and how to use the MMC card to get your map information onto the iWAY.
8 Do not mix different battery types. Mixing battery types may cause leak- age. (For example, don’t use both alkaline and NiMH batteries at the same time, and don't use standard alkalines with rechargeable alkalines.) Battery Installation Turn the unit over so that the back is facing you.
9 Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter with Speaker To use external DC power: Plug the power cable's cigarette lighter speaker adapter into a cigarette lighter receptacle. Next, pull aside the rubber cover on the bottom of the unit and insert the other connector as shown in the following image.
10 Both of these solid-state flash memory devices are about the size of a postage stamp, and range in storage capacities from 8 MB to more than a gigabyte of storage. We have successfully tested SD cards up to 512 MB. Additional MMC cards are available from LEI Extras; see ordering in- formation inside the back cover of this manual.
11 Add an MMC Card. 5. Turn the plastic rotating card lock until it holds the card firmly in place, with the grip parallel to the direction of the batteries. 6. Replace the batteries and battery cover. R-A-M Bracket Mounting Systems Several R-A-M mounting brackets are available for your iWAY.
12 Be sure to check the suction mount for adequate adhe- sion each time you use the unit, and reinstall it if neces- sary. This is a portable mounting device, and the normal heating and cooling cycle of a car's interior will eventu- ally loosen the seal.
13 After assembling the mount as described, slide the iWAY into the cradle and connect the power cable. You can loosen the socket arm nut to posi- tion the unit for optimum viewing, then tighten it snugly. To remove the bracket, pull on the suction release tab to break the vacuum seal.
14 Moving on: iWAY Operation Now that you've got the iWAY installed and working, it's time to find out how it works. The following section jumps right into a description of the Map Display, wh i ch will tell you everything you need to know about the iWAY's moving map and the various settings in the map menu.
15 Section 2: The Map Display and Map Menu Options This section addresses the unit's Map Display operation. You can use the Map Display to access all of the iWAY's navigation features, from finding the nearest restaurant to plotting a road trip across the country.
16 6. ZIN (Zoom In) – This key lets you zoom the screen in to see greater detail in a smaller geographic area on the map. 7. FIND – The Find key launches the iWAY search menus. 8. EXIT – The Exit key lets you return to the previous screen, clear data or hide a menu.
17 Sounds command: enables or disables the sounds for key strokes, as well as controlling the type and frequency of voice navigation instructions. Units of Measure command: changes the units of measure used in displaying distance, time and heading information.
18 Using the map is as simple as turning on the iWAY. A screen similar to those in the following images appears. For illustrative purposes, we have removed the textual data boxes that usually appear at the bottom of the screen, allowing more of the map to show.
19 Map display, left, and Map Menu, right. The Map Display has its own menu, which is used to find distances, change the orientation of your map, view map data, and perform other helpful map functions. To access the Map Menu, press the MENU key. We'll describe the various options in the Map Menu in detail later in this section.
20 Whenever you have a waypoint selected, you can press the FIND key and choose S ELECTED I TEM to access more information about it. A Waypoint In- formation Screen will appear, which includes detaile.
21 GPS Practice Run Start with the iWAY installed in your car. As you practice, try navigating to a location at least a few blocks away. You should start out navigating to a destination you're already familiar with. Don't be too surprised if iWAY suggests a different route than you would take.
22 The Map Menu When you're using the iWAY you can press MENU to open a Map Menu containing several settings and commands relating to its mapping op- eration. You can use these settings to change the information iWAY provides you, as well as the way it generates that information.
23 Map Orientation command is shown left, and the Track Up mode at right. Track Up mode is ideal for driving directions, where " turn left" and "turn right" can more closely resemble the information presented on the screen. However, you can change the map orientation to North Up or Course Up if desired.
24 Use the Route Options menu to control how iWAY generates routes. When generating a route, the iWAY is able to analyze certain types of roads or turns and adjust their values to either prefer or avoid them. Preferred road types will occur more often in your routes – the iWAY will deliberately try to take those types of roads.
25 Prefer/Avoid Toll Roads By default, toll roads have a fairly high value in iWAY's route genera- tion, because they are generally high quality roads with high speed limits, allowing you to get where you're going faster. Of course, the convenience of toll roads comes at a price.
26 Auto Zoom (On/Off) The iWAY has an Auto Zoom feature which attempts to show you the most map detail possible as you navigate along a route. While the moving map shifts to track your current position, the Auto Zoom will zoom the map in and out based on your speed and the distance to your next turn.
27 To turn an item on or off, select its entry in the list using ↑ or ↓ (use ← or → to select a Subcategory). When you've selected the category you wish to change, press ENT to check it (turn it on) or uncheck it (turn it off). The Category list is longer than will fit on one page, so a scrollbar appears to the right of it.
28 A sample Turn Preview screen. As you can see in the previous image, the Turn Preview screen includes a close-up map of the turn itself, and you can see the gray route line indicating your path.
29 Entered Pos ition allows you to enter the exact latitude and longitude of a location, and the iWAY will then create a waypoint at that location. Average Pos ition causes the iWAY to record multiple location samples (until you end sampling) and create a single waypoint at the average of the various locations.
30 Notes.
31 Section 3: Main Menu Options The iWAY has a Main Menu containing a handful of options and menus designed to let you customize the operation of your iWAY. To access the Main Menu, press MENU twice ( MENU | MENU ). The Main Menu will ap- pear, as shown in the following image.
32 cially during night use; low levels may make the screen seem too dark for easy viewing. Use the slider bar to adjust your screen's brightness to your preference. The Contrast Slider controls the graphical contrast between screen col- ors. Like brightness, contrast must be balanced to individual tastes and lighting conditions.
33 To adjust the display's back light delay options: 1. Press ↓ to L IGHT D ELAY | ENT |press ↑ or ↓ to select mode | EXIT . Light Delay menu. Setting shown is "continuous," which is ideal for night travel in a vehicle on external power.
34 To turn other routing instructions on and off: In addition to audi- ble beeps whenever you press keys, the iWAY 100m is able to speak instructions guiding you through your routes. The Sounds Menu pro- vides four checkboxes to let you control how much time the iWAY spends talking to you.
35 The iWAY Units of Measure Menu. To change any setting: select the label of the measure you wish to change and press ENT . A drop-down list appears, showing the available options. Choose the units you prefer, and press ENT . Safety Mode The iWAY has a Safety Mode to prevent vehicle drivers from operating the GPS while the vehicle is in motion.
36 Safety Mode disable menu. Choose whether you want Safety Mode on or off by selecting the appro- priate label, and press ENT . WARNING: When a GPS unit is used in a vehicle, the vehicle operator is solely responsible for operating the vehicle in a safe manner.
37 The Satellite Status screen. The GPS Status Screen contains several graphical elements that repre- sent a lot of information. Current Position Lock A set of three buttons along the left side of the screen indicates the qual- ity of position lock your iWAY currently has.
38 Satellite Display A white circle that serves as a graphical view of the satellites overhead fills much of the right half of the screen. Each satellite is shown on the circular chart relative to your position. The GPS receiver is tracking sat- ellites that are in black type.
39 If you'd prefer a more accurate average measure, raise the Threshold above idle speed. The Trip Calculator will only track time spent and distance traveled while you're moving faster than the Threshold. You can adjust this value by selecting the label S PD T HRESHOLD and pressing ENT .
40 This example shows the Pop-up Help message for the Screen com- mand, located on the Main Menu. Disable/Enable TBT (Turn-by-Turn) Although the iWAY is designed to provide you with powerful turn-by-turn routes, sometimes you want navigation information directly to your desti- nation, regardless of the roads between here and there.
41 GPS Data files: GPS Data Files contain waypoints, routes, trails and event marker icons. Instructions for copying GPS Data Files between your computer and an MMC are contained in the instruction manual for your MMC card reader and MapCreate 6 software.
42 At left, the MMC File Browser, with Card Info screen shown at right. Power Saving The iWAY will flash low battery warning messages when battery power declines to a certain level. The power save feature conserves battery power by changing the position update rate.
43 To access the Power Saving feature from the Main Menu, choose P OWER S AVING . On the Power Saving display, press → or ← to move the slider bar. The left end of the scale is minimum power saving (full battery power); the right end of the scale is maximum power saving (minimum battery power.
44 Notes.
45 Section 4: Searching, Finding, and Navigating One of the most important uses of the iWAY is generating routes to help you get from where you are , to where you want to be. In this sec- tion, we'll teach you how to make iWAY generate a route for you, as well as how to use the information iWAY provides.
46 NOTE: Any time you perform a search while the map cursor is up, the dis- tances listed for search results will be calculated from the cursor position, not your current position.
47 Use the arrow keys to enter names and numbers in iWAY text boxes. Now that you know how to enter the information the iWAY will need, let's look at some of the ways you can use this information. We'll simply work our way down the Find Menu screen.
48 The Recent Finds list. You can use the Recent Finds command to quickly get back on your route if you diverted to a POI along the way, or to navigate back and forth between two locations on a common commute. Find Waypoints The My Waypoints command is used to search among waypoints that you have created on the iWAY.
49 Choose the waypoint you're interested in by selecting it from the list and pressing ENT . The Waypoint Information Screen will appear, al- lowing you to G O T O the waypoint, F IND O N M AP , E DIT its name and icon, or D ELETE it. Use the left or right arrows to choose any of these options, and press ENT to continue.
50 Since this is the result of a POI search, the Waypoint Information Screen will likely have the name of the POI, its street address, and probably even its phone number. That can be very helpful for calling ahead to get a table at a restaurant if you're out of town.
51 section. Enter the desired address number, and press ENT . The Find Address menu will appear again, with the information you entered in the Address field. 3. To enter a street name , select the label S TREET and press ENT and the cursor will enter the text field.
52 choices will appear. Use the arrow keys to select the line of the address you want, then press ENT to bring up its Waypoint Information Screen. Of course, you already know how to use the Waypoint Information Screen. You can see how far away the address is, or choose Find On Map or Go To if you want to begin navigating to it.
53 Find first street, left, Street found, right. Find an Intersection To find an intersection, repeat the instructions for finding a street, en- tering the name of a crossing street in the Second Street field. Yo u could now also select a city, but your search will probably be faster if you leave those boxes blank.
54 By default, the iWAY tries to find you the fastest, shortest route to your destination. It will generate a list of instructions detailing the turns you need to make and the roads you need to follow along the way. It will also draw a gray line on the map display, showing the route you're supposed to take.
55 Using Turn Preview and the Directions List Turn Preview and the Directions List are both described in Sec. 2. The main navigation mode of the iWAY is the Map Display with its Overlay Data and voice instructions.
56 take. If the route is over unknown ground, this can be a very useful way to prepare yourself for the path ahead. Considering Temporary or Local Conditions Of course, the iWAY cannot possibly be aware of all temporary or local conditions that could affect your course.
57 Index A Accessories, 5, 7, 11, 40 Antenna, 6, 59 B Backlights / Lighting, 16, 33 Batteries, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 42, 43 Brightness, 5, 16, 31, 32 C Cancel Navigation, 25 Contrast, 16, 31, 32 Cursor, 1.
58 50, 51, 52, 53 By Cursor, 47 Streets, 52 Waypoints, 48 Speaker, 6, 7, 9 T Text Boxes (Customize Display), 18, 28, 29, 55 Trail, 41 Trip Calculator, 5, 17, 38, 39 Turn Preview, 27, 28, 55 U Units of.
59 FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the fol- lowing two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful in- terference, and (2) this device must accept any interference re- ceived, including interference that may cause undesired opera- tion.
60 Lowrance Mapping Database End User License Agreement The data (“Data”) is provided for your personal, internal use only and not for resale. It is protected by copyright, and is subject to the following terms and conditions which are agreed to by you, on the one hand, and Lowrance Elec- tronics, Inc.
62 L IMITED R IGHTS C ONTRACT N O .: __________________________________________________ C ONTRACTOR (M ANUFACTURER / S UPPLIER ) N AME : NAVTEQ Contractor (M ANUFACTURER /S UPPLIER ) A DDRESS : 222 Me.
63 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS FULL ONE-YEAR WARRANTY "We," "our," or "us" refers to LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS, INC., the manufacturer of this product. "You" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases this product as a consumer item for personal, family or household use.
64 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service and genuine Lowrance parts. If you're in the United States and you have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Customer Service Department.
Accessory Ordering Information for all countries To order Lowrance GPS accessories, please contact: 1) Your local sporting goods, marine, aviation, automobile or consumer electronics store. Most quality dealers that handle outdoor electronic equipment or other consumer electronics should be able to assist you with these items.
Visit our web site: Lowrance Pub. 988-0148-651 © Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA 121604 Lowrance Electronics, Inc..
An important point after buying a device Lowrance 100M (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Lowrance 100M yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Lowrance 100M - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Lowrance 100M you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Lowrance 100M will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Lowrance 100M, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Lowrance 100M.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Lowrance 100M. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Lowrance 100M along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center