Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Macintosh Performa 600 series Apple
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M a c i n t o s h P e r f o r m a U s e r ’ s G u i d e Includes setup, troubleshooting, and important health-related i n f o r m a t i o n f o r M a c i n t o s h P e r f o r m a 6 0 0 s e r i .
K Apple Computer , Inc. © 1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement.
iii C ommunic ati ons reg ul ati on i nf or mati on v i 1 Gett i ng Star te d 1 Plu g gi ng in the computer 1 Installi ng an ex pa nsi on c ard 3 C onnecting a m onit or 3 C onnecting t he mouse and k.
3 Con ne ct i ng A dd it i ona l Eq ui pmen t 3 1 Where to c onnect additi onal equipment 3 2 C onnecting an A pple P lainT alk Microphone 3 3 C onnecting e x ter nal stereo speakers 34 Ex pandi ng me.
Ap pend i x A He a lt h , Saf ety , an d Mai n tena nce Ti ps 7 5 Health-re lated inf ormation about c omputer use 7 5 S af ety i nstr ucti ons 80 Handli ng y our computer equ ipment 8 1 Cl ea ni n g .
vi Communications Regulation Information Co m mu ni c at io ns reg ul at i on i n f orma t io n FCC statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules.
DOC statement DOC Class B Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
Monitor cable (sometimes built into the monitor) Monitor power cord Computer power cord Keyboard Macintosh Performa computer Monitor Mouse Keyboard cable (sometimes built into the keyboard as shown he.
Th e illu strati on on the f acin g pag e show s all the equipment y ou will n eed t o set up y our computer and b egin us i ng it. P lace y our equipment on a stur dy , fl at s urf ace near a grounded w all outlet.
When y ou are ready t o b egin, f oll o w these steps: 1P lug the socket end of the computer’s power cord into the recessed power cord socket (marked with the symbol ≤ ) on the back of the computer. 2P lug the other end of the power cord into a three-hole grounded outlet or power strip.
I nsta l l i ng a n e x pan si on card If y ou purchased an y ex pa ns ion c ards separatel y from y our Mac i nt osh, i nstall them no w . (For instr uct ions , see Appendix B , “Installi ng an Ex pa ns ion Car d, ” as w ell as t he do cumentati on that c ame with t h e c ards .
3P lug in the monitor power cord. Be sure t o plu g the pow er cor d into a t hree-hole grounded out let or pow er strip . Monitor power cord Monitor power socket 4 Chapter 1.
Con ne ct i ng the mo n it or cab le After y ou plu g i n the monit or po wer c ord, y ou connect t h e monit or c able t o the computer ’ s m onitor port. T o connect t h e monit or cab le , f oll ow t hese steps: 1A ttach the monitor cable to the monitor.
Co n ne ct i ng the mou se an d k e ybo ar d Y ou ha ve a c hoice o f sev eral k e yboar ds f or your M acint osh. Th e w a y you connect t he mouse and ke yboar d dep ends on whether the ke yboar d has a separate c able or a bu ilt-i n c able .
Con ne ct i ng a k e yboa rd w it h a separa te cabl e 1P lug the mouse cable into the port on either side of the keyboard. Most ri ght-handed p eople pre fer t o use the mou se with t h eir right hand; most lef t-handed p eople pre fer t o use t h eir left hand.
Co n ne ct i ng ot h er e q u ip men t If y ou are n e w to t h e Mac intosh, it ’ s a good i dea t o get s ome ex perience us i ng y our computer bef ore y ou connect other equipment , s uch a s a pri nter or sc ann er . T o lear n b as ic M acintosh s kills , cont i nue with the instr ucti ons in this c hapter .
T ur n i ng the com put er on F oll o w these steps t o tur n th e computer on: 1 Turn on the monitor. See t he i nformati on that c ame with y our monit or f or the loc ati on of t he pow er butt on. 2 Turn on your computer by pressing the Power key.
3C heck to see what’s on your screen. m If y ou see the Macint osh des kt op , as in the illustrat ion belo w , y our s y stem so ft wa re ha s already been i nstalled, and y our computer i s ready t o use . S kip now t o the secti on “What ’ s Ne xt?” l ater in this c hapter .
P rob lems t u rn i ng y ou r c om pu te r o n? If y ou don ’ t see a nyt hi ng on t he screen, check t hese item s to see if y ou c a n ident ify the prob lem: m Is the computer plu g ged into a po.
W ha t’ s nex t? Co ngratu lat ions! Y ou ’ v e finished setting up y our computer . N ow c ontinue with one o f the f oll owing steps: m If y ou are n e w to t h e Mac intosh, tur n t o the n ex t secti on, “ Lear ning t h e Ba sic s.
Lea rn i ng the bas i cs If y ou are n e w to t h e Mac intosh, y ou should be gi n by l ooki ng at t h e eas y-to-u se pro gram c alled the P erf or ma T ut orial. The tw o-par t tut orial teac h es y ou the ba s ic s kills y ou ’ll need t o use y our computer .
If y ou don ’ t see the pic ture f or the Perf or ma T utori al on y our screen, put the ar ro w on the w ord “ Lear ni ng ” a nd c lic k (pres s and release) t he mouse butt on. If y ou r un out of room on y our mou se pad or des k while mo v i ng the mou se , pi ck up the mouse and p lace it w here there ’ s more r oom.
T ur n i ng the com put er o f f To tur n the computer o f f , y ou choose S hut Do wn from t he App le ( K ) menu . Detailed instr ucti ons f oll o w . ( N o t e: T he Shut D ow n command is al so a v a ilable i n th e Special menu. ) 1M ove the tip of the arrow to the Apple ( K ) menu at the top left of the screen.
2C lick Shut Down. To tur n the computer on, s impl y pres s the P ow er ke y a g ain. WARNING Do not turn the computer o f f by pre ss ing the standby po wer butt on on the bac k pa n el. If y ou do so , y ou ma y lose any w ork y ou ha ven ’ t pre v ious l y sa v ed to a di s k.
W here t o f i nd a ns w ers When y ou ha v e quest ions about u s i ng y our Mac intosh, t h ere are se v eral pl ace s y ou c an look f or a ns wers . In this book Use this book to help you set up your computer and learn about it, or to find solutions to problems.
Th eG ui de menu i s y our mai n source o f i nf ormation w h en y ou ’ re workin g with y our computer . Th e menu is i dentif ied b y a quest ion mark ( h ) i n th e upper -right c or n er of t he screen. 19 2 Ge tt i n g He l p Use the instructions in this chapter to learn about the help available to you in the Guide menu.
Gett i ng an s w ers t o y ou r quest io ns When y ou ha v e a quest ion w hile working wit h y our computer , y ou can g et the an sw er by c hoos i ng M acint osh Gui de from t h e Gu ide menu . 1P ull down the Application menu (in the upper-right corner of the screen) and choose Finder to make it the active application program.
3N otice the three buttons at the top of the window: Topics, Index, and Look For. Mac intosh G uide gi ve s you t hree w a y s of f i nding informati on: m Topics lets y ou choose from a li st o f general s ub jects; it i s li ke t h e table o f contents in a book .
2C lick “Setting Options” in the list of topics. When y ou c lic k any t opic area, a li st o f rel ated quest ions appears on the ri ght si d e of the Maci ntosh Guide wi ndow. 3C lick the question “How do I set the time and date?” and then click OK.
Gett i ng an s wers w it h the In dex butt on 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Index button. An alphabetic al list o f s ub jects appears on the lef t si de of t he wi ndow . 2S croll through the alphabetical list until the phrase “background pattern” is visible.
4C lick the question “How do I change the background pattern?” and then click OK. Or double-click the question. A small window appears with instr ucti ons for y ou t o f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Mac intosh G uide pr o v ide s step-by-step instr uct ions t o a ns wer t h e que sti on y ou selected.
Gett i ng an s wers w it h the L ook Fo r bu t t on 1 In the Macintosh Guide window, click the Look For button. A small bo x app ears on the lef t si de of t he wi ndow , where y ou can type tex t. 2 Click the arrow button to activate the text box. 3T ype “sound” in the text box and then click Search.
4C lick the question “How do I change the beep sound?” and then click OK. Or double- click the question. A small window appears with instr ucti ons for y ou t o f oll ow . 5 Read and follow the instructions in the window. Mac intosh G uide pr o v ide s step-by-step instr uct ions t o a ns wer t h e que sti on y ou selected.
Ti ps f or usi ng Maci n t os h Gu ide Here are a f e w tips f or us ing Mac i ntosh G uide e ff ecti v el y: m Mac intosh G uide i s a v ailable onl y when y ou are i n the Finder—the de s k top area w h ere y ou c a n see the ic ons of di s ks , fo lders , and files .
Iden t ify i ng ob jects o n the screen So me ti mes y ou ’ll see a n unf amili ar item on the screen a nd as k y ourself , “What ’ s t hat?” Y ou c a n get an ans wer b y us i ng a M ac i ntosh f eature know n as Ba lloon He lp .
Lea rn i ng usef u l sh or t cu ts Y ou can perform many ta s ks in th e F i nder more qui ckl y if you u se ke yboar d or mou se shor tcuts . For e x ample , i nstead of c lic ki ng an ic on a nd c hoosing Op en from t h e File m enu, y ou c a n s impl y double-c lic k the ic on to open it.
3 Read about the shortcuts available for the category you selected. Cli ck t he right arro w i n the lo w er -ri ght cor ner of the window t o disp la y the nex t wi ndo w (if there is one) .
Th e illu strati on b el ow sho ws a b as ic Mac i ntosh s y stem. Y ou c a n ex pa nd y our computer s y stem b y connectin g additi onal hard w are (suc h as a printer , modem , or ex ter nal stereo sp eakers) .
W here t o c on ne ct add i t i ona l e q u i pmen t Th e illu strati on on thi s pag e show s where equipment shou ld be connected t o y our computer . F or instr uc ti ons on connect i ng addit ional equipment s uch a s a pri nter or sc ann er , see the manual that c ame with the equipm ent.
Co n ne ct i ng an A pp le Pl ai n T a lk M ic ro ph one Y our computer has a s ound i n put por t , whi ch y ou c a n use t o connect an App le Pl ainT al k Microphone . U se P la inT al k onl y: Y ou should c onn ect onl y the App le Pl ai nT al k Micr ophon e .
Co n ne ct i ng ex te rna l st ereo speak ers Y ou can tak e adv a nta ge o f your c omputer ’ s stereo s ound output by attac hi ng ex ter nal po wered (amp lified) speakers . 1 Assemble the speakers and the cable you need. Y ou n eed a cab le with stereo miniplu gs at eac h end to c onnect one or both speakers t o the computer .
5C onnect the speakers together with speaker wires, if necessary. 6 Turn on the computer. Y ou h ear the computer ’ s s ound throu gh the ex ter nal speakers . N ot e: To contro l the v olume o f y our external sp eakers , use t h e v olume butt ons on the front o f the computer .
Ex pa nd i ng memo r y Th e random-acce ss m emory (RAM) in y our computer c a n be ex pa nded. In stallin g additi onal RAM adds more mem ory chips t o y our computer and ex pands its c apabilit ies .
Y our computer c ame installed with se veral read y-to-u se appli c ati on pro grams . Y ou can open these pro grams b y c lic king their butt ons i n the Launc h er .
I nsta l l i ng ap pl ica t io n pr og r a ms Y ou ’ll prob abl y w ant to bu y and i nstall additi onal appli c ati on pro grams . See th e manuals y ou recei v e with y our pro grams f or i nstr ucti ons on installi ng and us i ng th e m.
W o rk i ng wi th se v era l pr og r a ms at a t i me Y ou can open as many app lic ation pr o grams and des k acce s sorie s as y our co mputer ’ s memory all ow s . All open pro grams are listed in the App lic ati on menu at the ri ght end of t he menu b ar .
H id i ng and sh ow i ng wi ndo w s on the d eskt op Y ou can hide all window s ex cept those o f the act i v e pro gram b y choos i ng Hide Others from t he Appl ic ati on menu . Th e other pro grams remain op en e v en thou gh thei r window s are hidden.
If y ou r c om put er doe s not ha ve a CD -RO M dr iv e If y our computer does not ha v e a CD-R OM dri v e , use A pple B ackup t o cop y th e entire contents o f y our Mac intosh har d dis k to fl opp y dis ks .
2C lick the Apple Backup button in the Launcher window. Th e A pple B ackup pr ogram opens . 3C lick the Continue button. A me s sa g e app ears , sho wi ng y ou how t o ident ify the high-dens ity flopp y dis ks y ou n eed. 4M ake sure your floppy disks are high-density.
6 Insert a high-density floppy disk into the disk drive. A me s sa g e tells y ou w h en it ’ s t ime t o i nser t a nother flopp y dis k . 7 Lock each disk as you remove it from the computer. Label the disks to indicate the order in which you create them (for example: Backup 1 , Backup 2 , and so on).
4C lick the Apple Backup button in the Launcher window. Th e A pple B ackup pr ogram opens . 5C lick the Continue button. A me s sa g e app ears , sho wi ng y ou how t o ident ify the high-dens ity flopp y dis ks y ou n eed. 6M ake sure your floppy disks are high-density.
7C lick the button that corresponds to your choice. Mak e s ure you ha v e enou gh time and dis ks to c omplete the cop yi ng . If y ou st op the cop yi ng bef ore it ’ s done , you ’ll ha v e to start o v er from the beginni ng . 8U nlock your first backup floppy disk.
R est ori ng the i n fo rmat io n on y o u r ha rd d i sk If informati on on your har d dis k b ecome s damag ed or lost , y ou c an rest ore it if y ou ha ve a b ackup c op y of t h e informati on.
5I f you’re starting up from the Macintosh Performa CD, turn on your Macintosh and then immediately press and hold down the x (Command), Shift, Option, and Delete keys (all at the same time). As soon as the smiling Macintosh appears on your screen, release the keys.
10 Respond to any messages you see on the screen. If A pple R e store f inds a n item on y our hard di s k that is ne wer t han a n item with t h e sam e name on the flopp y dis k, it a s ks whether y ou w a nt the ol der ve rsi on of t he item to rep lace t he n e wer v ersi on.
49 Consult this chapter if you experience problems using your computer. W hen y ou ha v e q ue st i on s If y ou w ant to kno w how t o do a par t icu lar ta s k with y our computer , ref er to Macin tosh Guide i n th e Guide ( h ) menu . F or i nstr uct ions on u sin g Mac intosh G uide , see Chapter 2 of t his manual.
T ak e y ou r ti me When y ou see a n er ror me ss a ge, y ou don ’ t ha ve t o take ac ti on immedi atel y . Th e me ss a ge sta y s on the screen until y ou c lic k the OK butt on or tur n of f the Macin tosh.
Star t o v er Often y ou c an elimi nate a prob lem simp l y by c learing the c omputer ’ s memory a nd st ar ting ov er . If y ou can, sa v e any open do cuments bef ore restar tin g the Mac i ntosh .
R ebu i ld y ou r d eskto p reg ul a rl y A proces s know n as “re building t h e de s kt op ” helps y our Mac intosh k eep trac k of data on y our star tup dis ks . Althou gh y ou us uall y use the hard di s k i n y our computer as a startup dis k, y ou c a n als o star t up fr om a n y other dis k that has s y stem so ftw are i nstalled.
So l ut io ns t o com mo n pr ob lem s The computer is turned on but the screen is dark. One of t h e f oll o wi ng i s probab l y the c ause: m Y ou ha ve a screen s a ver pr ogram t hat darkens t he screen when the computer ha s not b een used f or a cer tain p eriod.
When you start up, a disk icon with a blinking question mark appears in the middle of the screen. Th is ic on i ndic ates t hat y our Mac i nt osh c a nnot find the s y stem so ft w are it needs to start up .
When you try to start up from a floppy disk, a disk icon with an X appears in the middle of the screen and the floppy disk is ejected. This ic on indic ates t hat the flopp y dis k y ou tried t o star t up from is not a star tup dis k. Wa it a f e w seconds .
The hard disk icon does not appear on the desktop. If y ou don ’ t see a hard dis k icon on t he des kt op , try the f oll o wi ng: m If the hard di s k is inter nal, shut do wn y our computer , w ait at least 1 0 seconds , and then tur n it on a g ai n.
Your Macintosh can’t read a floppy disk. If y ou see a mes sa ge t hat a flopp y dis k is unreadable , try one of the f ollo wi ng: m If the dis k has ne v er b een used, y ou ma y s impl y need to initi alize it. F or instr ucti ons , see the “Dis ks ” top ic o f Mac intosh G uide , a v ailab le i n the Guide ( h ) menu .
A dialog box with a bomb appears. Y our s y stem has a s of tw are problem . m Wr ite do wn w hat y ou w ere doing w hen the mes sa ge appeared, the te xt o f th e messa ge , a nd th e mes sag e num b e r , if th er e is on e . m Re star t y our Mac i nt osh.
Check t h e star tup dis k a nd pro gram y ou were u s i ng w h en the problem occur red. Make s ure that all pro grams , de s k acce s sorie s, a nd s y stem ex tensi ons y ou ’ re us i ng are c ompati ble with t he s y stem s of tw are .
Typing on the keyboard produces nothing on the screen. One of t h e f oll o wi ng i s probab l y the c ause: m Y our s y stem has a s of tw are problem . Re star t y our Mac i nt osh. F or i nstr ucti ons , see “ Start Ov er” i n the secti on “When Y ou R un I nto T rouble ” ear lier i n this c hapter .
You can’t start an application program or it quits unexpectedly. Or, when you try to open a program, you see a message that not enough memory is available. One of t h e f oll o wi ng i s probab l y the c ause: m Th e Mac i nt osh ra n out of m emory .
You can’t open a document, or you see a message that an application program can’t be found. m Som e do cuments c an b e op ened by more t han on e applic ati on pro gram. T ry star ting a pr ogram t hat y ou thi n k mi ght be able to open the document , th en choose Open from the pro gram ’ s File menu t o try to open the document.
N ot e: Some c haracters t hat c a n b e disp l a y ed on the Mac i ntosh are not accurate l y disp l a y ed on DOS c omputers, and v ice v ersa. F or more inf or mati on about w orki ng wit h DO S do.
Al so c heck t hat the chain of de v ices i s ter mi nated properl y . For informati on on setting S CS I ID numb ers and ter mi nating a S CS I chain, see the manuals t hat c ame with y our SC SI equ ipment.
If y ou s e e the M aci nt osh de skto p 1P ress the Open/Close button of your CD-ROM drive to open the CD-ROM tray. 2P lace the Macintosh Performa CD disc in the tray with the disc label facing up. Mak e s ure the disc is l ying fl at i n the tra y .
6 Click the CD icon to select it as your startup disk. 7 Close the Startup Disk control panel. 8P ress and hold down the Control, Command ( x ), and Power keys.
3C hoose Scan For Defects in the Functions menu. If the pro gram finds dama g ed bloc ks , it marks them s o the computer will not st ore i nf or mati on i n them.
4 Click Test. 5W hen a message tells you that testing is complete, click Quit. If the te st re v eals a pr oblem, y ou ma y b e able t o cor rect it b y us i ng Di s k First Aid or another dis k repai.
4C lick Repair to begin testing and repairing the disk. Y ou can ’ t repai r the star tup dis k or the dis k that contains the Dis k First Aid pro gram, but y ou c an test the se dis ks b y c lic ki ng V erify .
I n it ia l iz i ng a ha rd di sk Th e har d dis k i ns ide y our computer w as initialized (f or matted for u se) at the f act ory , s o y ou shouldn ’ t need to initi alize it.
3 Click Drive until the disk you want to initialize appears. Y ou cannot initi alize the dis k that y ou used t o star t up y our computer or t h e dis k that contains the A pple HD S C Setup pro gram. 4C lick Initialize. 5C lick Init to initialize the hard disk.
Re i ni ti a l iz i ng y ou r c om put er’ s i n te rna l ha rd di sk Y ou i niti alize y our i nter nal hard di s k us i ng a pr ogram c alled I nter nal HD F or mat , whi c h is on t h e Ut i l it ie s flopp y dis k that c ame with y our computer .
I nsta l l i ng or rei nsta l l i ng s y st em so f tw a re Sy stem so ft w are is t he set of pro grams and other file s that y our computer use s to star t itself up , keep trac k of y our file s , and r un the applic ati on pro grams y ou use . S y stem so ft w are is k ept i n the S y stem F older.
Ho w t o i nsta l l or rei nsta l l s y st em so f tw are If y our computer has a CD-R O M dri v e , y ou c an i nstall or reinstall s y stem so ftw ar e by follo w i ng th e i n st r u ctions i n th e M ac i nto s h P erf orma C D booklet th at cam e with y our computer .
F or y our o wn s af ety and that of y our equipment , f oll o w all the i nstr uct ions in thi s chapter . K eep these instr uct ions a v ailab le f or ref erence by y ou a nd others .
Mu scu lo sk ele ta l d i scomf or t A s with any ac ti v ity that inv ol ve s sitt ing f or lon g p eriods o f tim e , us ing a co mputer can mak e y our musc les s ore a nd stif f .
E y e fa t i gue E y e f ati gue c a n o ccur w h en e v er the e ye s are f ocused on a nearby ob ject f or a lo ng time . This prob lem o ccurs bec ause the e ye mu sc les mu st w ork harder t o vi ew an objec t that ’ s c loser t han about 20 feet (6 meters) .
Y ou ma y ha v e to rai se your c hai r so y our f orear ms and ha nds are at the proper ang le to t he ke yboar d. If thi s make s it imposs ib le to re st y our feet fl at on the floor , y ou c a n use a f ootrest wit h ad justab le h ei ght a nd tilt t o mak e up f or a n y g ap b etw een the floor and y our f eet.
A v o id i ng f at ig ue m Chang e y our seated pos iti on, stand up , or stretch w h en e v er you start to f eel tired. Frequent shor t breaks are helpful in reducing f ati gue . m Us e a light t ouch w hen typing or u sin g a mouse and k eep y our ha nds and fingers relax ed.
Saf ety i nst ruc t i on s F or y our o wn s af ety and that of y our equipment , al w a y s take the f ollo wi ng prec auti ons . T ur n o f f the computer c omplete l y and disconnect t he pow er pl.
Ha nd l i ng y ou r c o m put er eq u i pmen t Fo llo w these g uidelines f or ha ndling y our computer and its components: m When setting up y our computer , pl ace components on a sturd y , flat s urf ace , and care full y f oll ow all setup instr ucti ons .
Han dl i ng the mon it or F oll o w these pr oced ures f or ha ndling a monit or: m T ur n do wn t h e screen bri ghtnes s contr ol if y ou lea v e the computer turn ed on f or extended periods . If the bri ghtn e ss i s not tur n ed do wn, the ima ge on the screen cou ld “bur n in ” a nd dama ge t he screen.
Han dl i ng fl opp y d i sks E ject i ng a di sk F or instr uc ti ons on eject i ng a fl opp y dis k, a CD-R OM disc , or a remo v able medi a dis k, see the “Dis ks ” top ic o f Mac i nt osh Gui de , a v ailab le in the Guide ( h ) menu . 125 ° F (52 ° C) 50 ° F (10 ° C) Keep disks dry.
If y ou can ’ t eject a f lo pp y di sk If y ou can ’ t eject a fl opp y dis k i n the us ual w a y , try the f ollo wi ng in order: m Hold d ow n th e x and Shif t ke y s and pres s the numb er 1 ke y on your ke yboar d t o eject a dis k i n the i nter nal dis k dri v e .
C lean i ng y ou r eq u i pmen t Fo llo w these g en eral r ule s when c lea ning the outs ide o f y our computer and its components: m U se a damp , so ft , li nt-free c loth t o c lean th e computer ’ s e x terior . A v oi d getti ng moistur e i n a ny o p en i ng s .
2 Turn the mouse upside-down and turn the plastic ring on the bottom counterclockwise to disengage it. On s ome mou se de v ices , you ma y n eed to pre ss t h e pl ast ic ri ng (rat her than tur n it) to di seng a ge it. If y ou c a nnot disen g a ge t h e ring , y our mou se ma y be loc ked.
L ock i ng an d un lo cki ng the mo use Som e mouse de v ice s c a n be lo c ked s o that the ball c a n ’ t b e remo ved. A loc ki ng m ouse ha s a small hole on t he pl ast ic ring . T o lo ck th e mo use , follo w th ese ste ps : 1 Insert a straightened paper clip into the hole on the plastic ring.
T o unloc k the mouse , f oll o w these steps: 1I nsert a straightened paper clip into the hole on the plastic ring. 2P ress down on the paper clip while you turn the ring counterclockwise.
Ex pansi on c ards are printed circuit boards t hat c an b e i nstalled i n y our co mputer to gi v e it speci al capab ilitie s, s uch a s enha nced v ideo c apabilit ies , ne tw orki n g a nd communi c ati ons , a nd additi onal pro ces sin g pow er .
Car ds fit int o sl ots on the c omputer ’ s lo gic boar d, the board that ho lds the co mpon ents that mak e y our computer w ork. There are three typ es o f sl ots on y our computer ’ s lo gic b.
Installi ng an ex pa nsi on c ard in v ol ve s three steps: m openi ng the c omputer m i ns er ting th e card i nto a s p ecific slot m c los i n g the computer Open i ng the c om pu te r 1S hut down your computer by choosing Shut Down from the Apple ( K ) menu or the Special menu.
4P ulling gently, swing the panel down, and slip it out. 5I f there are security screws on the vertical plate on the back of the computer, remove them with a Phillips screwdriver. If there are security screws, remove both screws from the vertical plate.
6U nplug the power cord from your computer. 7S wing the handle out from its storage position. Then grasp the handle and gently but firmly pull it toward you. Th e v er tic al pl ate a nd the lo gic boar d to w hich it ’ s attached s lide all t h e w a y out o f the computer .
In st a lli ng a pr oce sso r-d i rect sl ot (PD S) c a rd 1I f your PDS (processor-direct slot) card has ports for connecting equipment, remove the plastic access cover from the vertical plate. 2 Remove the PDS card from its static-proof bag. Hol d the c ard b y its edg e s to a v oid t ouching an y connect ors on th e c ard.
5P ress down on the card until the connector is solidly in place. Don ’ t for ce the car d. If you m eet res istance , pull the c ard out and try ag ai n. T o see if the c ard i s properl y connected, lift it g entl y . If it res ists and sta y s i n pl ace , it ’ s connected.
96 Appendix B 4A lign the card over the communication slot. 5P ress down on the card until the connector is solidly in place. Don ’ t for ce the car d. If you m eet res istance , pull the c ard out and try ag ai n. T o see if the c ard i s properl y connected, lift it g entl y .
C lo si ng the com put er 1S lip the base of the logic board into the guide rails inside the computer case and swing the handle back into its storage position. 2P ress the reset button on the logic board, and then slide the board back into the computer.
3I f you removed security screws earlier, reinsert them now. 4S lip the three hooks at the base of the back panel into the grooves on the computer case. 5S wing the back panel up and snap it into place. Snap the plastic back panel into place. Slip the three hooks on the back panel into the grooves in the computer case.
6P lug the cables back into the computer. 7 Reconnect the power cord. Y our computer is no w ready t o tur n on and use . WARNING Ne v er tur n on y our computer unle ss all o f its i nter nal and ex ter nal parts are i n pl ace . O p erating t h e computer w h en it is open or mis sing parts c a n be da ng erou s , and can dama ge y our computer .
101 Y our computer k e yboar d contains cer tain sp eci al ke y s that type writer ke yboar ds don ’ t ha v e . Many o f the se ke y s allo w y ou to gi ve c omma nds to t he co mputer without us i ng t h e mou se .
Special keys on Apple keyboards (c ontinued) Control key In combination with other keys, this key provides shortcuts or modifies other actions. Delete key Use to delete selected material, or the character to the left of the insertion point. Enter key In a dialog box, pressing Enter is the same as clicking the outlined button.
T y pi ng speci a l cha ract ers and s y m bo ls Y ou can type a v ariety of inter nat ional and other sp ec ial s ymbol s and c haracters (inc ludi ng c haracters with di acritic al marks , suc h as ac cents) b y press i ng com bi na tions of ke ys .
I f y ou s e e r e ct an g l e s: If y ou see rectang les instead of di acritic al marks on some of th e pi ct ures o f k e y s i n K e y Caps , try pres s i ng Opti on- x to see th e diacrit ic al marks .
K (Apple) menu 15 ^ (circumflex) 104 x -Control–Power key, for restarting computer 51 x -Option, for rebuilding desktop 52 x -Option-Esc, for quitting program in trouble 51, 58 x -Shift-1, for eject.
compatibility with system software 58, 60 disk repair 68–69 disk test, for external hard disks 67–68 disk test, for internal hard disk 66–67 installing 37, 38 memory problems with 61 opening 14,.
CD-ROM drive. See also Macintosh Performa CD adding or replacing 36 ejecting disk from 83 location of, in computer 31 Open/Close button for 31 starting up from 47, 64–66 cedilla, typing 104 characte.
disk test programs for external hard disk 67–68 for internal hard disk 66–67 displaying windows on desktop 40 documents, DOS 62–63 DOS disks 57 drive.
formatting external hard disk 70–71 formatting floppy disks 57 formatting internal hard disk 70, 72 frozen system, troubleshooting 51, 58–59 function keys 102 G grave accent, typing 104 grounding plug 2, 81 Guide menu 14, 17, 19.
Finder 39 hard disk 10, 14, 56 Internal HD Format 72 opening, shortcut for 14 question mark, as Guide menu indicator 14, 17 “sad Macintosh” 55 Trash 14 identifying objects on screen 28 Index butto.
M Macintosh basics 13–14 Macintosh desktop 10 Macintosh Guide window 20–27 appearance of 20 closing 27 “Huh?” button in 27 Index button in 23–24 Look For button in 21, 25–26 moving 27 movi.
mouse pad 13 moving arrow on screen 13–14 moving insertion point with keys 102 moving Macintosh Guide window 27 moving mouse 13–14 musculoskeletal discomfort 76 N networking card.
R radio and television interference vi random-access memory (RAM) adding 36 required for QuickDraw GX and PowerTalk programs 37 rebuilding desktop 52 when application can’t be found 62 when icons don’t appear correctly 56 reinstalling system software 73–74 remote control sensor 31 repair.
starting up 9–10. See also restarting Macintosh from CD-ROM drive 47, 64–66 from device other than internal hard disk 47 from floppy disk 66 troubleshooting 11, 53–56 startup disk purpose of 73 .
pointer does not move 58–59 power 11, 53 rebuilding desktop 52, 56, 62 repairing disks 63–69 restarting Macintosh 51 “sad Macintosh” icon 55 screen display 11, 53 SCSI devices 54, 56, 63–64 .
The Apple Publishing System This Apple manual was written, edited, and produced on a desktop publishing system using Apple Macintosh computers and QuarkXPress. Technical illustrations were drawn in Adobe ™ Illustrator; screen shots were created and modified with system software, ExposurePro, Aldus SuperPaint, and Adobe Photoshop.
An important point after buying a device Apple Macintosh Performa 600 series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Apple Macintosh Performa 600 series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Apple Macintosh Performa 600 series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center