Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product II Apple
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Tutorial There are six commands on the reference card indented one level u nder NEW : UP , DOWN , LEFT, RIGHT, PARAGRAPH, and MODE. They correspond to six of the options on ThinkTank’s NEW Com— mand menu and they allow you to specify what kind of new material to add and where.
Living Videotext, Inc. ThinkTank Manual Program by: David Winer with assistance from: Jonathan Liewellyn Manual by: John Unger Zussman with assistance from: David Greene.
Software: Copyright Cc) 1983 Living Videotext. Inc. All rights reserved Copyright (c) 1981 Apple Computer, Inc. Parts of this software are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of California, 1979 Manual: Copyright (c) 1983 Living Videotext, Inc.
Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: LEARNING ABOUT THINKTANK 1 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO THINKTANK 1 Box 1—1: Sample Uses of ThinkTank 2 The Outline Approach 3 Overview of the ThinkTank Man.
ThinkTank Manual Reorganizing an Outline 63 Printing an Outline 66 Creating a New Outline 66 Concluding Note 68 Box 4-1: Printing with 'Uppercase Computers 69 Chapter 5: USING THINKTANK: NOTES AN.
Table of Contents LIST OF FIGUKES AND TABLES Figure 1—1: Product Plan Outline 4 Figure 1—2: ThinkTank Product Plan Outline 6 Figure 2—1: Apple II Keyboard Figure 2—2: 11 Figure 2—2: Apple II.
PART I LEARNING ABOUT THINKTANK Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO THINKTANK ThinkTank (tm) is a visual tool for working with ideas and information on your personal computer. The ThinkTank program uses the familiar format of an outline to help you generate, organize, store, and retrieve ideas with remarkable ease and efficiency.
ThinkTank Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------ Box 1—1 Sample Uses of ThinkTank The applications of ThinkTank are as unlimited as your imagination.
Introduction THE OUTLINE APPROACH The key to the power and flexibility of ThinkTank is its outline approach to organizing information. T he outline ap- proach mirrors our natural way of processing information.
ThinkTank Manual Product type: alcoholic beverage Primary market: young adults Taste: sweet and fruity Position: high Status and sophisticated But random thoughts do not make a product plan; they must be arranged into a coherent, persuasive document. So you might organize your thoughts into an outline as shown in Figure 1—1.
Introduction colleague, you may have to decipher your handwriting or (worse) have it typed. Outlines on paper can be major hassles. Figure 1—2 shows the same outline as ThinkTank might display it on your computer screen. (This is actually an ex- cerpt from a larger outline included with the ThinkTank program and used as an example in this manual.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 1—2: ThinkTank Product Plan Outline The first part is called Learning About ThinkTank . Fol- lowing this introduction, Chapter 2 describes how to start up and begin to operate ThinkTank on your computer. Chapter 3 gives you a brief tour of ThinkTank and contains essential in- formation about using it.
Introduction If you have questions or problems that the manual does not resolve, check with your dealer. ThinkTank dealers are trained to configure the program to your computer system, provide guidance and information, solve problems, and help you get the most out of ThinkTank.
ThinkTank Manual Some software companies have chosen to combat piracy by making their programs impossible to copy. We decided against such copy protection because it could prevent you from getting the full benefit of ThinkTank. There are legitimate reasons for you to make copies.
Apple Versions Chapter 2 THINKTANK ON APPLE PERSONAL COMPUTERS ThinkTank comes in three different versions for Apple com- puters: one for the Apple II and II Plus; one for the Apple IIe; and one for the Apple III. This chapter contains inform- ation and instructions for each version.
ThinkTank Manual * a video monitor (preferable) or television set (and adapter) * a printer (recommended but not required) On the Apple II, ThinkTank uses the simple 40—column, uppercase—only display. If you have an 80—column card, Think— Tank will automatically switch it off or ask you to do so.
Apple Versions * the video monitor supplied with the Apple III * the System Utilities Disk supplied with the Apple III * a printer (recommended but not required) TOUR OF THE APPLE KEYBOARDS The keyboards of the Apple II, Apple IIe, and Apple III computers are illustrated in Figures 2—1, 2—2, and 2—3.
ThinkTank Manual “Reproduced by permission of Apple Computer, Inc. 1983” Figure 2—2: Apple IIe keyboard itself, but it is often used with other keys to give ThinkTank commands. For example, you give the com- mand CTRL—D, which is used to delete text in Think— Tank’s text editor, by holding down the CTRL key and pressing D.
Apple Versions “Reproduced by permission of Apple Computer, Inc. 1983” Figure 2—3: Apple III Keyboard * CAPS LOCK or ALPHA LOCK : [Apple IIe and III only] A shift lock key. Once you press it, all letters are capitalized until you press it again.
ThinkTank Manual * REPT: [Apple II only] The REPEAT key, when held down simultaneously with another key, causes the other key to repeat. On the Apple IIe and III, you can repeat a key by simply holding it down. * RETURN: The RETURN key enters a headline into Think— Tank or selects a command.
Apple Versions Floppy Disk Systems If you are operating ThinkTank on a floppy disk system, you will need at least two disk drives. Drive 1 is considered your main disk drive and is used to load and hold the THINK— TANK PROGRAM DISK. Drive 2 and other drives contain ThinkTank data disks.
ThinkTank Manual Your disk drives will whir and their lights will turn on as your computer reads information from the disks. On the Ap- ple II or IIe, you will soon see the ThinkTank date display shown in Figure 2—4, which means that the program has loaded successfully.
Apple Versions Step 3: SET THE DATE ThinkTank keeps a record of the current date, which it “stamps" on the outlines you create and print. Each time you start up the program, ThinkTank displays the last date entered and asks you if you want to change it, as shown in Figure 2—4.
ThinkTank Manual Press the slash ("/“) key and notice that the month begins to flash. You can now use the arrow keys to set the correct month. When you’re finished, press the slash key again and set the year. If you make a mistake, press the slash key several times to cycle back to the incorrect component.
Apple Versions Figure 2—6: ThinkTank Sample Outline (b)Operator Loading . If you are not loading the sample outline or the same one you used last time, you will see the FILES Command Menu at the bottom of your screen as shown in Figure 2—7.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 2—7: FILES Command Menu drives or a hard disk drive. Press ~ and ThinkTank will give you a chance to browse through your outlines. It begins to display the names or titles of the outlines it finds on your disks. You can press RETURN to select an outline or the right arrow key to display the next name.
Apple Versions Figure 2—8: EXISTING FILE Menu H ard Disk Systems If you have a hard disk drive, its increased capacity and rapid access will make ThinkTank especially powerful and con- venient.
ThinkTank Manual Step 1: ENTER THE PASCAL OPERATING SYSTEM There are several ways to do this, depending on your system. You may simply have to turn on your computer or press the RESET key (CTRL—RESET on some machines). If you are run- ning a PASCAL program, simply exit from it.
Apple Versions #4: TANK TANK: TANK and press RETURN. In a moment you will see the ThinkTank date display (Figure 2—4 above), which indicates that you have suc- cessfully loaded ThinkTank. If you have any trouble, check the installation information in Appendix D.
ThinkTank Manual shown in Figure 2—8 above, it is correctly configured for a hard disk drive (or possibly for more than two floppy drives ). Press B and ThinkTank will give you a chance to browse through your outlines. It begins to display the names or titles of the outlines it finds on your disks.
Apple Versions DON’T WRITE—PROTECT YOUR. WORKING DISKS Most disks have a small notch on one edge called a write—enable or write—protect notch. Only if your computer senses that this notch is present will it record new informa- tion on the disk.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 2—9: Exit Screen Always use this procedure to exit from the ThinkTank program. DO NOT simply shut off or reset your computer; al- though doing so will terminate the program without damage, you always risk losing information that h~s not yet been recorded on your data disk.
Apple Versions Character Description Keystroke ----------------------------------------------- Up arrow CTRL—O Down arrow CTRL—K Backslash CTRL—Y _ Underscore CTRL—Z [ Left square bracket CTRL—J ] Right square bracket SHIFT—M For example, if you want to insert a backslash into your outline, press CTRL—T instead.
ThinkTank Manual SUMMARY This chapter has discussed the use of ThinkTank on Apple computers. After reading it, you should know: * what equipment is needed to run ThinkTank on the Ap- ple II, Apple IIe.
Brief Tour Chapter .3 A BRIEF TOUR OF THINKTANK This chapter Contains a brief tour of the ThinkTank program. Like a ten—day, seven—country European tour, it hits only a few of the highlights. But it also introduces you to the way ThinkTank works and presents essential information about operating it.
ThinkTank Manual 1. Type the number 1000 and press the left arrow key. 2. Type “." (period). 3. Press the RETURN key. When ThinkTank finishes expanding , press it again. Take note of this procedure; you’ll need it again later. By the end of the tutorial you’ll know why it works.
Brief Tour TEE TEXT AREA The Text Area is where ThinkTank displays the outline you’re working on, or as much of it as fits on the screen. The entries you see are headlines and they are arranged in outline form, with some indented under others.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 3—2: Expanding a Headline We’ve chosen the “<“ key to expand a headline because it represents the command visually, going from small to large. In addition to pressing "<" or “,“, you can also expand a head- line by pressing RETURN.
Brief Tour THE COMMAND AREA The Command Area occupies the bottom four lines of the screen, the first and last of which are highlighted. This area contains information about ThinkTank commands and about the status of the program.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 3—3: Main Command Menu Command Keys Notice that there is a single character displayed at either end of the explanation line. This character is the command key for the highlighted option. For example, the com- mand key for EXPAND (as shown in Figure 3—3) is “<“.
Brief Tour The Secondary Command Menu Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the last selec- tion on the Main Command Menu, EXTRA. The explanation line reads MORE THINKTANK COMMANDS. Press the slash key, its com- mand key, and the Secondary Command Menu appears as shown in Figure 3—4.
ThinkTank Manual ADDING A NEW HEADLINE To see how this menu system works, let’s enter a new head- line. You can’t just move the bar cursor where you want a new headline and start typing. That’s because: UNLESS YOU TELL IT OTHERWISE, THINKTANK INTER- PRETS YOUR KEYSTROKES AS COMMANDS, NOT TEXT.
Brief Tour pointer called the flashing cursor at the place where the new headline will start. In the Command Area it tells you to: TYPE NEW HEADLINE, THEN (RETURN) (LEFT ARROW) ERASES LAST CHARACTER Type the words: This is a new headline and watch them appear on the empty line.
ThinkTank Manual DELETING A HEADLINE You’ve just added a headline that doesn’t belong in this outline; let’s delete it. First make sure the bar cursor points to (is highlighting) the headline you want to delete. Then press “ID” to select the DELETE command from the Main Com- mand Menu.
Brief Tour ThinkTank also has two powerful text editors built into it, which you can reach through the EDIT option on the Main Command Menu. These editors, which are described fully in the reference guide, enable you to insert, append, or delete sec- tions of text; copy them or move them around; and search for or replace key phrases.
ThinkTank Manual BACKING UP Since computer disks are fragile, you should always have more than one copy of them. The basic rule of thumb for backing up your disks is: NEVER GET CAUGHT WITHOUT A BACKUP COPY OF ANY INFORMATION YOU COULD NOT, OR WOULD NOT WANT TO, RE—ENTER IF IT WERE LOST.
Brief Tour One way to back up a ThinkTank outline is to copy the en- tire disk, just as you backed up your ThinkTank disks. A bet- ter way is to use ThinkTank’s PORT command to transfer your outline to a text file. The process is described in the reference guide under PORT.
ThinkTank Manual With the material in this chapter, you should be ready to experiment with ThinkTank. The next chapter, the tutorial, describes your primary resources for learning about ThinkTank and introduces you to each of the major things you can do with it.
Tutorial Chapter 4 USING THINKTANK: A TUTORIAL ThinkTank’s extensive prompts, menus, and explanations on the screen make it virtually self—teaching.
ThinkTank Manual THE THINKTANK REFERENCE GUIDE Part II of this manual, the reference guide, contains a full description of each ThinkTank command, including how it works, where to find it, its command key(s), whether it takes a command prefix, and cross—references to related entries.
ThinkTank Manual Figure 4—1: NEW Command Menu After Selecting MODE As a general rule, there is only one “path” to each Think— Tank command. The EDIT commands, however, are exceptions.
Tutorial THINKTANK’ S COMMAND SYSTEM ThinkTank’s command system gives you “the best of both worlds”; you can always choose to be prompted and guided or to take a “fast path” to action. Let’s review the two different ways to select a command, using NEW (again) for illustration.
ThinkTank Manual Press RETURN to select DOWN, the highlighted option. As it did in Chapter 3, ThinkTank opens up space for a new head- line below CHRISTMAS LETTER and waits for you to enter one. Instead of typing a new headline at this point, press the ESC key to cancel this command.
Tutorial * If a command is on the Main Command Menu, its com- mand key will also work “outside” the menu —— from the Top Level of ThinkTank. (Exceptions are DELETE and EXTRA. ) For commands on other menus, you must display the .menu before you use their command keys.
ThinkTank Manual The Escape Valve ThinkTank’s command keys let you speed down a “command tree”; the escape valve lets you speed back up. To illus- trate, look at KEYWORD/SEARCH under “Getting Around” on the reference card. You can use this command to search f or a word, phrase, or pattern of characters.
Tutorial first prompt; presumably you’ve changed your mind about the pattern you wanted to SEARCH for. If that’s not the case, it takes only one more ESC to get back to Top Level. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Let’s see how ThinkTank’s reference tools can help you ex- plore its most complex command, PORT.
ThinkTank Manual Press F (for FORMATTED) and then Y (for YES ) to take a look at ThinkTank’s formatting options. Although ThinkTank is not a word processor, it allows you substantial control over the appearance of your ported outlines.
Tutorial now, the time has come to ESCAPE out of this exploration. Pressing ESC when prompted for a text file name returns you to Top Level. Had you pressed ESC earlier in the PORT process, however, ThinkTank would have returned you to the previous menu, not Top Level.
ThinkTank Manual GETTING AROUND Arrow Keys and Direction Commands Begin at Top Level with the THINKTANK DEMONSTRATION out- line restored to its initial condition (Figure 3—1). Use the arrow keys, as discussed in Chapter 3, to move the bar cursor up and down the outline.
Tutorial Figure 4—3: Expanding and Collapsing 2. COLLAPSE PSYCHOGRAPHIC SEGMENTS and EXPAND it again; 3. COLLAPSE DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTS and EXPAND it again; and 4. COLLAPSE INTENDED MARKETS and EXPAND it again. Notice how COLLAPSE hides everything under the bar cursor head- line, while EXPAND reveals only the first level under it.
ThinkTank Manual Searching for a Keyword Suppose you want to find information on salaries in the PERSONNEL RECORDS outline. Collapse PRODUCT PLAN, move the bar cursor to PERSONNEL RECORDS, and type “ KS ” for KEYWORD/SEARCH. When ThinkTank prompts you for a search pattern, type: salary and press RETURN.
Tutorial Figure 4—5: Entering a New Paragraph ADDING AND EDITING Adding New Material Restore the sample outline to its original condition (Figure 3—1) again. Suppose you want to add some new material below what’s already there. Move the bar cursor to the last headline on the screen and type ND for NEW/DOWN.
ThinkTank Manual Adding new material to a ThinkTank outline is easy. You never have to type a carriage return. The screen should look like Figure 4—5.
Tutorial Editing a Paragraph The Top Level of the paragraph editor strongly resembles the Top Level of ThinkTank. As the Command Area suggests, you can press the arrow keys to move the flashing cursor, type "/" to see the EDIT Command Menu , or press ESC to exit.
ThinkTank Manual and down arrow keys , use CTRL—O , and CTRL—K instead.) The position of the flashing cursor, like that of the bar cursor, determines where your commands will take effect. You can hold the keys down (or hold down your REPT key if you have one) to move the flashing cursor more quickly.
Tutorial Figure 4—8: Editing a Paragraph Next press CTRL—G and the right arrow key to GOTO the end of the paragraph. Press the right arrow key twice more to in- sert two spaces, then press CTRL—C and watch ThinkTank COPY the selection at the cursor position.
ThinkTank Manual anything else, type CTRL—D to DELETE the original selection. ThinkTank gives you a chance to reconsider; type Y for YES . As Figure 4—10 shows, you’ve just seen how to move a block of text quickly: select it, copy it, and delete the selection.
Tutorial REORGANIZING AN OUTLINE Copying Suppose the boss wants you to reorganize the PRODUCT PLAN. Let’s make a copy of it first, in case we decide later that we don’t like it. Collapse your new outline, type “4U” to move the bar cursor UP to PRODUCT PLAN, and then collapse it.
ThinkTank Manual Moving Now let’s move the parts of the PRODUCT PLAN under the new headlines: * Move the bar cursor to PRODUCT CONCEPT and type M2U (MOVE/2 UP) and MR (MOVE/RIGHT) to move it under ONE STEP AHEAD. * Move the bar cursor to COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS and type M3U (MOVE/3 UP) and MR (MOVE/RIGHT) to move it there also.
Tutorial Deleting Suppose the boss doesn’t like the reorganized PRODUCT PLAN. Move the bar cursor up to the copy of PRODUCT PLAN and type “/DO” (slash for the Main Command Menu, D for DELETE , and O for OUTLINE ). The reorganized outline disappears.
ThinkTank Manual PRINTING AN OUTLINE Next let’s try printing an outline. As you recall, print- ing is one of the functions of ThinkTank’s PORT command. Before you start the process, there are two preliminaries: 1. The position of the bar cursor determines what part of an outline will be ported.
Tutorial You can’t just replace the THINKTANK DATA DISK with your new one; you have to use the FILES command. It allows you to close your current outline (the THINKTANK DEMONSTRATION) before switching outlines or creating a new one. Examine the FILES command options under “Getting Started” on the reference card.
ThinkTank Manual use the NEW command to begin adding headlines and paragraphs to your outline. CONCLUDING NOTE Now that you ye completed the tutorial, you are well on your way to mastering ThinkTank.
Notes and Suggestions ------------------------------------------------------------------ Box 4—1 Printing with ‘Uppercase Computers’ ThinkTank prints outlines pretty much as they appear on your screen.
ThinkTank Manual letters. Enter a “^“ just before and after the word or phrase to be capitalized, as in ^UNICEF^. (On the Apple II, you en- ter a caret by pressing SHIFT—N.) Neither caret is printed; the first is a signal to begin capitalizing and the second is a signal to end capitalizing.
Notes and Suggestions Chapter 5 USING THINKTANK: NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS We (Living Videotext, Inc.) didn’t just create ThinkTank; we use it . . . a lot. This chapter contains notes and sugges- tions we’ve accumulated through extensive experience with the program.
ThinkTank Manual MOVE , ThinkTank will forget about it by the time it actually moves the outline. GETTING STARTED Configuring ThinkTank to Your Computer System You use ThinkTank’s FILES command to create a new outline or examine an existing one.
Notes and Suggestions To do this, simply use the UTILITIES/DISK command to tell ThinkTank that you have a hard disk system. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a hard disk —— ThinkTank can’t tell the dif- ference. Now, when you create a new outline, you are free to set the size of the file and store it wherever you have enough space.
ThinkTank Manual 1. ThinkTank will only search material beneath (subordinate to) the bar cursor headline. Before you begin a search , make sure the bar cursor is at the top of the o utline you wish to search. 2. Be as specific as possible when entering a keyword.
Notes and Suggestions moment as it returns to Top Level. If you’re adding a Lot of new material, the disk access mounts up and becomes tedious. You can streamline this process by consistently using the NODE option on the NEW Command Menu. In NEW mode, you return to the NEW Command Menu, not Top Level, when each command is completed.
ThinkTank Manual Constraints on Headlines There are two constraints on ThinkTank headlines. First, they can’t be blank. To create the effect of a blank head- line, select a NEW option and type a space before you press RETURN. Second, a headline can’t exceed the width of your screen.
Notes and Suggestions * Use the MOVE/MODE option, which allows you to con- nect a series of MOVE commands without returning to Top Level each time. In MOVE mode, ThinkTank displays the MOVE Command Menu after each MOVE , ready for another MOVE command.
ThinkTank Manual an easier, more efficient way —— backing up your outlines in text files. You will need one or more disks, formatted for the PASCAL operating system, to store the backup files. The files should be arranged in STRUCTURE D style, which is more compact than ThinkTank’s regular file format.
Notes and Suggestions RECALL can help you enter the correct file name. When Think— Tank asks, NAME OF PASCAL TEXTILE?, press CTRL.—E to RECALL the last entry. Text File Ports with Two Floppy Drives Here are concise instructions for porting between an outline and a text file for a computer system with two floppy disk drives.
ThinkTank Manual DISK. Then press the space bar to return to Top Level. (b) Porting from a text file to an outline. 1. Move the bar cursor to the headline below which you want the text to appear. 2. From Top Level, press “ PTR ” to select PORT/TEXTILE/RECEIVE .
Notes and Suggestions You should type a carriage return , however, if you want to end a line before the right margin. Suppose you want to in- dent a block of text (like the return address and date in a letter) 20 spaces. At the beginning of each line, type 20 spaces for the indentation.
ThinkTank Manual Imagine the selection as an extremely flexible rubber band. When you start the selection, you tack down one end of the band at the anchor point. The other end is attached to the flashing cursor. When you move the cursor, the band stretches or relaxes depending on your direction of movement.
Notes and Suggestions If you run out of disk space, ThinkTank will display the message DISK FULL! See the error messages section for sug- gested courses of action. You can avoid these conditions by using the PERCENT com- mand to monitor your use of internal memory and disk space.
Signifies a translation Figure 5-1: Translating Your Commands - 84 -.
Notes and Suggestions you want to generate for which your keyboard has no keys. Or you may want ThinkTank’s text editing commands to be consis— tent with a word processor you’re accustomed to. You can reconfigure ThinkTank’s command keys with the UTILITIES/KEYS command.
ThinkTank Manual cumbersome, and if you type slashes frequently, ye recommend that you change the command key that displays the command menu. Use the UTILITIES/KEYS/EDITOR command to reconfigure SHOW—MENU to CTRL—W or some other unused, uncommon keystroke.
Glossary Appendix A GLOSSARY ASCII : The American Standard Code for Information Inter- change; a standard method for translating keystrokes into an electronic code.
ThinkTank Manual Configure : To adapt ThinkTank to your computer system, needs, and preferences. You can configure ThinkTank’s disk setup, command keys, and SPECIALIST commands. Data Disk : A disk which holds a ThinkTank outline. The THINK— TANK DATA DISK is the sample data disk supplied with the ThinkTank program.
Glossary Flashing Cursor : When entering or editing a headline or paragraph, a pointer that indicates where your next action will take effect. Format : To draw a nap on a disk so that your computer can ac- curately record and retrieve each piece of information.
ThinkTank Manual Mode : A temporary state devoted to a certain class of operations. For example, “NEW mode” is designed f or adding a series of entries to an outline. Operating System : A program that performs the functions of an “executive director” for your computer.
Glossary Secondary Command Menu : The menu, displayed by selecting EXTRA from the Main Command Menu, that contains additional ThinkTank commands. Selection : A block of text in a paragraph that you want to copy, delete, or move. Serial Number : Each copy of ThinkTank bears a unique number designed to identify its registered owner.
ThinkTank Manual Volume : In the PASCAL operating system, the name by which a floppy disk or section of a hard disk is identified. Window : A metaphor for the way an outline is displayed on your screen.
PASCAL Appendix B INTRODUCTION TO TILE PASCAL OPERATING SYSTEM The ThinkTank program is written in a language called PASCAL and runs under th e PASCAL ( or p-code ) operating system ( p-System ). We have tried to eliminate the need for specialized technical knowledge about the PASCAL system, but in using ThinkTank you will sometimes encounter it.
ThinkTank Manual PASCAL file names can be up to 15 characters (letters, numbers, or other symbols) in length. Since PASCAL systems differ in allowing special characters (like punctuation marks) in. file names, it is usually best to use only letters, num— bers, and periods.
PASCAL for formatting disks in Appendix C of this manual. Unless you supply a different volume name, the formatting program will name it BLANK:. If you have a hard disk, you should know that files are stored on disks in segments called blocks. Each block can hold about 500 characters, or about eight typed lines.
ThinkTank Manual When the PASCAL operating system is operating but no program or command is being executed, you will see the PASCAL command prompt on the screen: Command: E(dit, R(un, F(ile, C(omp, L(ink, X(ecute, A(ssem, D(ebug, ? (If your computer screen can display only 40 characters on a line, you may see only half of this prompt.
Disk Management: Apple Appendix C DISK MANAGEMENT All ThinkTank information —— the program, your outlines, and text files —— must be stored on disks. This appendix con- tains instructions for preparing, examining, and backing up your ThinkTank disks.
ThinkTank Manual Copying Disks The most important reason to copy a ThinkTank disk is to make a backup copy of the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK, as described in Chapter 3. Do this as soon as possible . You may also want to copy your ThinkTank data disks to back them up.
Disk Management: Apple Selecting DISK— MANAGER from the SPECIALIST Command Men u You can display the SPECIALIST Command Menu by pressing the slash (“ / ”) key three times from the Top Level of Think— Tank. This menu is illustrated in Figure C—1; it may contain additional options if you, your dealer, or a system developer has added them.
ThinkTank Manual Figure C—2: DISK MANAGER Command Menu The DISK MANAGER Command Menu has four options: * FORMAT : Formats a floppy disk for the PASCAL operating system. (Command key F) * COPY : Copies the contents of one floppy disk onto another. (Command key C) * LIST : Lists a directory of the files on a floppy disk.
Disk Management: Apple Insert the disk you want to format in Drive 2 and press the space bar. ThinkTank will begin to format the disk. If the disk to format is not blank, ThinkTank gives you one last .
ThinkTank Manual If the disk in Drive 2 is not blank, ThinkTank gives you one last chance to change your mind: THE DISK IN DRIVE2 HOLDS SOME DATA COPY ONTO THE DISK ANYWAY? PRESS “Y” FOR YES, “N” FOR NO The copying process will erase any information on the disk.
Disk Management: Apple Figure C—3: Listing a Disk Directory Returning to ThinkTank When you’ve finished formatting, copying, and listing disks, press ESC , ThinkTank’s all—purpose escape valve, to exit from the DISK MANAGER Command Menu. ThinkTank asks you to verify that you want to return to the main program; press Y (for YES ).
ThinkTank Manual. APPLE II SERIES: HARD DISK SYSTEMS If you have an Apple II, II Plus, or IIe computer with a hard disk, you can use the DISK—MANAGER commands described above in certain specialized situations, but we do not recom- mend using it. For most disk management you will need to use the PASCAL operating system utility programs.
Disk Management: Apple Formatting Floppy Disks Press D to select device handlin g commands from the Apple III Utilities Menu. Your computer will display the Device Han- dling Menu. Press F to format a volume . Insert the disk you want to format in Drive 2 and press RETURN twice .
ThinkTank Manual If the disk in Drive 2 is not blank, the computer gives you one last chance to change your mind. The copying process will erase any information on the disk. If you still want to copy to the disk, press Y (for YES) to confirm it and the com- puter will complete the formatting operation.
Technical Information Appendix D TECHNICAL INFORMATION INSTALLING THINKTANK ON A HARD DISK If you have a hard disk drive, its increased capacity and rapid access will make ThinkTank especially powerful and con- venient. If your disk is not configured for the PASCAL operating system, contact your dealer for instructions.
ThinkTank Manual option when you enter PASCAL or execute ThinkTank. Your dealer can help you set this up, or you can obtain detailed technical information and instructions from Living Videotext in a technical note described later in this appendix. You should now be ready to start up and run ThinkTank as described in Chapter 2.
Technical Information ASCII CONVERSION TABLE Code Char Key Code Char Code Char Code Char –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––.
ThinkTank Manual THINKTANK TECHNICAL NOTES This manual contains all you need to know for normal operation and installation of ThinkTank.. But we’ve designed ThinkTank as an open system and you may want to put it to specialized use.
Technical Information normally consistent with the file formats used by other programs. This technical note describes the format of a ThinkTank outline file. It is designed for users who want to write programs that create or use ThinkTank outline files.
PART II REFERENCE GUIDE This part of the ThinkTank manual contains a general description of ThinkTank’s screen and command structure, a detailed description of each command, and a list of ThinkTank error messages. THINKTANK COMMANDS The ThinkTank screen is divided into two sections, a Text Area and a Command Area , as shown in Figure R-1.
ThinkTank Manual Level . You can give many ThinkTank commands at this level. After executing a command, ThinkTank typically returns you to the Top Level of the program. You can precede many commands with a command prefix which determines how many times the command will be executed or how many levels of the outline it applies to.
Reference Guide * COPY * ALPHA * PROMOTE * MERGE * DATE * UTILITIES * SPECIAL The command keys for the options on the Secondary Command Menu operate only from within this menu, not from Top Level. Special features and programs that can be used in conjunc- tion with ThinkTank are listed on the SPECIALIST Command Menu .
ThinkTank Manual ALL Replace all instances of search pattern Command key: CTRL-A Command prefix: No Location: XCHANGE Command Menu ( Paragraph Edit or) See also: XCHANGE; BROWSE When you select XCHANG.
Reference Guide ARROW KEYS Move bar, menu, or flashing cursor Command keys: Arrow keys, CTRL-O, and CTRL-K Command prefix: At Top Level only Location: Varies See also: DIRECTION COMMANDS At Top Level, the arrow keys move the bar cursor from one visible headline to another, disregarding the structure of the outline.
ThinkTank Manual BACKGROUND Change background display Command key: * Command prefix: No Location: Top Level ThinkTank normally fills in the background of an outline on the screen with (invisible) blank spaces. The BACKGROUND command changes them to periods (.
Reference Guide BROWSE Browse for an outline or search pattern Command keys: B or CTRL—X Command prefix: No Locations: EXISTING FILE Menu (FILES/EXISTS) XCHANGE C ommand Menu ( Paragrap h Editor) Se.
ThinkTank Manual CAPITALIZE Capitalize when printing Command key: or ^ Command prefix: No Location: Paragraphs (uppercase computers only) See also: PORT; EDIT ThinkTank prints paragraphs pretty much as they appear on your screen .
Reference Guide COLLAPSE Hide text from view Command keys: > and . (period) Command prefix: No Location: Main Command Menu See also: EXPAND Hides material beneath the bar cursor headline. Options are given on the COLLAPSE Command Menu: * BOTH : Both paragraphs and subheadings hidden under the bar cursor headline will be collapsed.
ThinkTank Manual COPY Copy bar cursor outline, selection, merged paragraph, or floppy disk Command keys: C or CTRL—C Command prefix: Varies locations Secondary Command Menu SELECTION Command Menu (P.
Reference Guide DATE Set date Command key: D Command prefix: No Locations: Secondary Command Menu; Startup ThinkTank “stamps” the date on your outlines when it prints or saves them. You tell the program what the date is when you start up ThinkTank or by using the DATE command.
ThinkTank Manual DELETE Delete or restore text Command keys: D or CTRL—D Command prefix: No Locations: Main Command Menu EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) SELECTIO N Command M enu (Paragraph Edit.
Reference Guide When you select DELETE (command key CTRL—D ) from the EDIT Command Menu in the paragraph editor, ThinkTank erases the character under the flashing cursor. When you select it from the SELECTION Command Menu, DELETE erases the selection (after giving you a chance to confirm).
ThinkTank Manual DISK Configure ThinkTank to your disk drives Command key: D Command prefix: No Location: UTILITIES Command Menu See also: FILES; UTILITIES You can use the DISK command to tell ThinkTank about your disk configuration. ThinkTank uses this information to tailor the FILES command procedure for creating or changing outlines.
Reference Guide DISK—MANAGER Format, copy, or list a floppy disk Command key: D Command prefix: No Location: SPECIALIST Command Menu (SPECIAL corn— mand — some versions only) See also: SPECIAL; Appendix C If DISK—MANAGER appears on your SPECIALIST Command Menu, you can use it to format, copy, or list the files on a floppy disk.
ThinkTank Manual DOWN ARROW Move bar or flashing cursor down Command keys: Down arrow and CTRL—K Command prefix: At Top Level only Locations: Top Level; Paragraph Editor See also: ARROW KEYS At Top Level, moves the bar cursor to the next visible headline.
Reference Guide EDIT (1) Edit paragraph (2) Edit headline Command key: E Command prefix: No Locations: Main Command Menu ` NEW Command Menu (NEW mode only) NEW/PARAGRAPH See also: NEW; RE—ENTER ThinkTank has two powerful text editors, one for paragraphs and one for headlines, that make it easy to modify the text of your outlines.
ThinkTank Manual ( 1) THE PARAGRAPH EDITOR The structure of ThinkTank’s paragraph editor is similar to the structure of ThinkTank itself. The editor displays the paragraph in the Text Area between dashed lines. The editor’s pointer is a flashing cursor that you can move to any charac- ter position in the paragraph.
Reference Guide * TYPEOVER : Allows you to type over (and replace) ex- isting text. (Command key CTRL—T). * FIND: Searches the paragraph for a pattern that you enter. You use the right and left arrow keys to search forward and backward through the paragraph.
ThinkTank Manual use the backslash (““) and caret (“^“) symbols as shift indicators to tell ThinkTank to capitalize other letters when it prints the paragraph. See Box 4—1 for a more complete description. ThinkTank has a limit of 2048 characters in a paragraph.
Reference Guide * Press CTRL—L and CTRL—R to move the flashing cursor through the headline, one word at a time. * Press CTRL—B to erase the character just to the left of the flashing cursor. * Press CTRL—D to erase the character that the flashing cursor points to.
ThinkTank Manual ENTER Enter name of outline to open Command key: E Command prefix: No Locations: EXISTING FILE Menu (FILES/EXISTS) FILES/NEW (hard disk systems only) See also: FILES; EXISTS; NEW If y.
Reference Guide ESCAPE Cancel or conclude the current command Command key: ESC Command prefix: No Location: Anywhere See also: Chapter 3; EXIT For all practical purposes, ThinkTank’s ‘escape valve” -- the ESC key —— always allows you to stop whatever you are doing.
ThinkTank Manual EXISTS Open an existing outline Command key: E Command prefix: No Location: FILES Command Menu See also: FILES ThinkTank displays the FILES Command Menu after you have selected the FILES command and closed your current outline, or when you start up the program.
Reference Guide data disk.s at any time during this process. (Com- mand key B ) * SPECIFY (floppy disk systems only): ThinkTank displays a menu of the drives that may contain your data disk.
ThinkTank Manual EXIT Exit from current command or mode Command key: ESC Command prefix: No Location: Varies See also: Chapter 3; ESCAPE Exits from the current command or mode and returns to the next higher level (this may be Top Level or the PASCAL operating system).
Reference Guide * ESCAPE : Cancels the EXPAND command and returns to Top Level. (Command key ESC ) The command prefix determines the number of levels expanded (one, if not given) and applies only to SUBREAD S and BOTH , not to PARAGRAPH .
ThinkTank Manual FILES Switch or create outlines Command key: F Command prefix: No Locations: Main Command Menu; Startup ThinkTank outlines are stored in files on disks.
Reference Guide * EXIT : Terminates ThinkTank and returns to the PASCAL operating system. Equivalent to quitting ThinkTank from Top Level by pressing ESC. (Command key ESC ) For a description of what happens when you select EXISTS or NEW from the FILES Command Menu, see the reference guide listings for these commands.
ThinkTank Manual FINISH Accept selection as currently defined Command key: CTRL—S Command prefix: No Location: SELECTION Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) See also: SELECT Concludes SELECT mode and defines the selection as cur- rently displayed. FINISH only appears on the SELECTION Com- mand Menu if you have begun a selection.
Reference Guide FORMATTED Port according to format settings Command key: F Command prefix: No Location: PORT STYLE Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you print an outline or port it to a text file, ThinkTank displays the PORT STYLE Menu which allows you to choose among three standard ways of organizing your ported material.
ThinkTank Manual the right margin minus the left margin, plus 1. ( 76 ) 4. Page Length Range: 20—10000 Number of lines on a printed page. Since most print- ers print six lines per inch on 11—inch paper, page length is normally 66 .
Reference Guide 7. Headline Depth Range: 0—10000 Determines how many levels of headlines are print- ed. If the headline depth is set to 10000 or some other large number, all of the headlines are printed or ported. If set to 0, headlines are suppressed and only the paragraphs are printed or ported.
ThinkTank Manual 11. Table of Contents Depth Range: 0—10000 Determines how many levels of headlines are included in the table of contents. For example) if the con- tents depth is set to 2, the first— and second—level subheadings of the bar cursor headline are in- cluded.
Reference Guide 14. Pause at New Page Choices: YES NO Determines whether ThinkTank will pause before begin- ning a new page. Set this format to YES if you are using single sheets of paper that have to be fed in- dividually into your printer.
ThinkTank Manual the formats. Instead you can enter the character’s numeric equivalent (as defined by the American Stan- dard Code for Information Interchange, or ASCII), preceded by a slash (“/”). For example, since the ASCII code for carriage return is 13, you would en- ter ‘ / 13 ” .
Reference Guide * RETURN: Cancels the save decision and returns to the port format settings. Once you’ve finished choosing your format settings, you can go on to print or port the outline.
ThinkTank Manual INSERT Insert a block of text Command key: CTRL—I Command prefix: No Location: EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) See also: EDIT Places you in INSERT mode and opens up a blank line at the flashing cursor for inserting a block of text.
Reference Guide KEYS Change ThinkTank’ s command keys Command key: K Command prefix: No Location: UTILITIES Command Menu See also: UTILITIES; Chapter 5 As discussed in Chapter 5, there are several reasons why you might want to use the UTILITIES/KEYS command to recon- figure ThinkTank’s command keys.
Reference Guide * Press ESC to cancel or conclude the process of changing the command keys and return to the KEYSTROKE CONFIGURE Menu. If you~ve changed any keys, ThinkTank will give you one last chance to save or undo the changes.
ThinkTank Manual KEYWORD Search for a keyword Command key: K Command prefix: Yes Location: Main Command Menu Tells ThinkTank to look through your outline for a par- ticular word, phrase, or pattern of characters. Start by moving the bar cursor to the top of the outline you want to search; then select KEYWORD.
Reference Guide LAST Open last outline you worked with Command key: I Command prefix: No Location: EXISTING FILE Menu (FILES command) See also: FILES; EXISTS If you give the FILES/EXISTS command (or start up Think— Tank and choose EXISTS ) and you have a hard disk or more than two floppy, disk drives, ThinkTank displays the EXISTING FILE Menu.
ThinkTank Manual LEFT ARROW Move bar, menu, or flashing cursor Command key: <- Command prefix: At Top Level only Location: Varies See also: ARROW KEYS At Top Level, moves the bar cursor to the previous visible headline. The command prefix tells ThinkTank how many headlines to move.
Reference Guide MENU Examine or modify the SPECIALIST Menu Command key: H Command prefix: No Location: UTILITIES Command Menu See also: UTILITIES; Chapter 5 As discussed in Chapter 5, you can add your own PASCAL programs or commands to ThinkTank’s SPECIALIST Command Menu.
ThinkTank Manual When you select ADD or LOOK to examine, modify, or add a SPECIALIST command, ThinkTank displays or prompts you for four items of information: * Command Name : The name of the command as it appears on the SPECIALIST Command Menu.
Reference Guide * DELETE : After the second paragraph is merged into the first, ThinkTank deletes it from the second head- line. (Command key D ) * COPY : ThinkTank retains a copy of the second paragraph under the second headline. When the merge is complete, there will he two copies of the second paragraph in the outline.
ThinkTank Manual HOVE Move bar cursor outline Command key: H Command prefix: Yes Location: Main Command Menu Moves the bar cursor outline in whatever direction you specify from the HOVE Command Menu. The options are: * UP : Moves the bar cursor outline one position up at the same level of the outline.
Reference Guide NEW (1) Add a new headline or paragraph (2) Create a new outline Command key: N Command prefix: Varies locations: Main Command Menu FILES Command Menu See also: EDIT; FILES; EXISTS (1) ADDING A NEW HEADLINE OR PARAGRAPH The NEW command on the Main Command Menu allows you to add material to an outline.
ThinkTank Manual * ESCAPE : Cancels or concludes the NEW command and returns to Top Level. (Command key ESC ) The command prefix determines how far from the bar cursor head- line the new headline will be in the specified direction. En- ter it just before selecting an option from the menu.
Reference Guide An outline must fit on a single disk. You can store as many outlines, on a hard disk as will fit, but only one on a floppy disk. (See Chapter 5 for a way of circumventing this limit.) ThinkTank’s response to the FILES/NEW command depends on your disk configuration.
ThinkTank Manual you may not create the new outline on the drive that contains the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK. The disk you choose must contain enough free space to store the new outline. ThinkTank responds to the FILES/NEW command by asking for the name of the new outline file.
Reference Guide NOSAVE Port format settings are temporary Command key: N Command prefix: No Location: EXIT SETTINGS Command Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT; SAVE When you PORT an outline in FORMATTED style, ThinkTank gives you a chance to review and change the 16 format settings that control the appearance of your ported outline.
ThinkTank Manual PAGE Hove to another page of text Command key: CTRL—P Command prefix: No Location: EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) See also: EDIT If you are editing a paragraph that occupies more than one page (screen) of text, you can use the PAGE command to display another page and move the flashing cursor to it.
Reference Guide When you select PARAGRAPH from the EDIT ENTRY Menu, it means that you want to edit the paragraph directly beneath the bar cursor headline. When you select PARAGRAPH from the EXPAND or COLLAPSE Com- mand Menu, it means that you want to expand or collapse only the paragraph under the bar cursor headline, not the sub- headings.
ThinkTank Manual PLAIN Port according to minimal format settings Command key: P Command prefix: No Location: PORT STYLE Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you print an outline or port it to a text file, ThinkTank displays the PORT STYLE Menu which allows you to choose among three standard ways of organizing your ported material.
Reference Guide Table R-1 Minimal Port Format Settings Minimal (PLAIN) # Format Setting --------------------------------------------- 1 Line Spacing SINGLE 2 Left Margin 0 3 Right Margin 79 4 Page Len.
ThinkTank Manual PORT Print or port a ThinkTank outline Command key: P Command prefix: No Location: Main Command Menu You can use the PORT command to print an outline, trans— fer information from one outline to another, back up outlines, and send outlines to another ThinkTank user.
Reference Guide * SEND : Transfers (copies) the bar cursor outline to a PASCAL text file. The disk on which you store the file must be formatted for the PASCAL operating system (see Appendix C). (Command key S ) * RECEIVE : Transfers (copies) a text file into a ThinkTank outline, directly below the bar cursor headline.
ThinkTank Manual * ESCAPE : Cancels the style selection process and returns to the previous menu (PORT DIRECTION or PORT DEVICE). (Command key ESC ) The last step is actually to print or port the document. If you are printing, make sure your printer is properly connec- ted and the power is turned on.
Reference Guide Within certain constraints you can port a text file that’s not organized in STRUCTURED style into a ThinkTank outline. This is especially useful for transferring a docu- ment created with a PASCAL—compatible word processor into ThinkTank.
ThinkTank Manual PRINTER Print bar cursor outline Command key: P Command prefix: No Location: PORT DEVICE Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you give the PORT command, ThinkTank displays the PORT DEVICE Menu which allows you to choose whether to print the bar cursor outline or to transfer it to or from a text file.
Reference Guide PROMOTE Promote subheadings of bar cursor headline Command key: P Command prefix: Yes Location: Secondary Command Menu Promotes subheadings to the same level as the bar cursor headline. The command prefix determines how many levels of subheadings are promoted (one if not given).
ThinkTank Manual READ Read through an outline Command key: RETURN Command prefix: No Location: Top Level See also: EXPAND When you press RETURN at Tap Level, ThinkTank expands the first level of subheadings under the bar cursor headline. If there are none, or if they are already expanded, it expands the paragraph under the headline.
Reference Guide RECEIVE Port a text file into an outline Command key: R Command prefix: No Location: PORT DIRECTION Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you give the PORT/TEXTFILE command, ThinkTank displays the PORT DIRECTION Menu which allow you to choose the direction in which information is to be transferred.
ThinkTank Manual RE—ENTER Re—enter bar cursor headline Command kay: ; Command prefix: No Location: Top Level Erases the text of the bar cursor headline and prompts you to enter a new one.
Reference Guide RETURN Return to previous command, activity, or outline Command key: R Command prefix: No Location: Varies See also: EXIT If you have interrupted a command or activity, the RETURN command allows you to resume it. For example, suppose you give the FILES command to switch to a different outline.
ThinkTank Manual RIGHT ARROW Move bar, menu, or flashing cursor Command kay: -> Command prefix: At Top Level only Location: Varies See also: ARROW KEYS At Top Level, moves the bar cursor to the next visible headline. The command prefix tells ThinkTank how many head- lines to move.
Reference Guide SEARCH Search for a pattern Command key: S Command prefix: Yes Location: KEYWORD Command Menu See also: KEYWORD When you give the KEYWORD/SEARCH command, ThinkTank prompts you for a search pattern.
ThinkTank Manual SELECT Work with a block of text Command key: CTRL—S Command prefix: No Location: EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) See also: EDIT Enables you to manipulate a whole block of text in a paragraph, as opposed to individual characters.
Reference Guide You can give all of the commands on the SELECTION Command Menu by pressing their command keys at the Top Level of the paragraph editor Thus, if no text is currently selected, you can press CTRL—S from Top Level to START a selection.
ThinkTank Manual SEND Port bar cursor outline to a text file Command key: S Command prefix: No Location: PORT DIRECTION Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you give the PORT/TEXTFILE command, ThinkTank displays the PORT DIRECTION Menu which allows you to choose the direction in which information is to be transferred.
Reference Guide SPECIAL Select special features Command key: / Command prefix: No Location: Secondary Command Menu See also: MENU ThinkTank can be used in conjunction with a variety of other programs and commands which are listed on the SPECIALIST Command Menu and displayed with the SPECIAL command.
ThinkTank Manual If you give the FILES/NEW command (or start up ThinkTank and choose NEW ) and you have a floppy disk system with three or more drives, ThinkTank displays the NEW FILE Menu which al- lows you to select the drive number for your new outline.
Reference Guide STRUCTURED Port in a style that ThinkTank can read Command key: S Command prefix: No Location: PORT STYLE Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you print an outline or port it to a text file, ThinkTank displays the PORT STYLE Menu which allows you to choose among three standard ways of organizing your ported material.
ThinkTank Manual TEXTFILE Port to or from a text file Command key: T Command prefix: Yes Location: PORT DEVICE Menu (PORT command) See also: PORT When you give the PORT command, ThinkTank displays the PORT DEVICE Menu which allows you to choose whether to print the bar cursor outline or transfer (copy) it to or from a PASCAL text file.
Reference Guide lines to 40 characters when it receives the text file. The best way to avoid this problem is to restrict headlines to 40 characters when you anticipate porting the outline to a 40—character computer.
ThinkTank Manual UNDO Restore original or cancel selection Command keys: U or CTRL—N Command prefix: No Location: Varies See also: SAVE; SELECT When you finish editing a paragraph or modifying Think— Tank’s command keys or SPECIALIST Command Menu, ThinkTank gives you a chance to change your mind before saving the changes on your disk.
Reference Guide UP ARROW Move bar or flashing cursor up Command keys: Up arrow and CTRL-O Command prefix: At Top Level only Locations: Top Level; Paragraph Editor See also: ARROW KEYS At Top Level, moves the bar cursor to the previous visible headline.
ThinkTank Manual * MENU: Select this option to revise the SPECIALIST Command Menu. This operation should only be attempt- ed by advanced users. (Command key N ) * ESCAPE : Cancels the UTILITIES command and returns to Top Level. See the reference guide listing under each option for further information.
Reference Guide WINDOW Fine-tune the window position Command key: W Command prefix: Yes Location: Main Command Menu See also: SPACE Your computer screen serves as a “window” on your outline. You can adjust it with the WINDOW command, which displays the WINDOW Command Menu .
ThinkTank Manual WORD LEFT Move flashing cursor one word left Command key: CTRL-L Command prefix: No Location: Paragraph Editor See also: EDIT; WORD RIGHT Moves the flashing cursor to the last letter of the previous word.
Reference Guide XCHANGE Replace one pattern with another Command key: X or CTRL—X Command prefix: Varies Location: KEYWORD Command Menu EDIT Command Menu (Paragraph Editor) See also: KEYWORD; EDIT When you give the KEYWORD/XCHANGE command (command key X ), ThinkTank prompts you for a search pattern and a replacement pattern .
ThinkTank Manual You can also give the commands on the XCHANGE Command Menu by pressing their command keys at the Top Level of the paragraph editor. In effect, XCHANCE has two command keys at Top Level: CTRL—X for XCHANGE/BROWSE and CTRL—A for XCHANGE/ALL .
Error Messages ERROR MESSAGES ThinkTank’s menus and prompts guide you easily through the program and minimize the chance of error. Occasionally, however, you may misunderstand an option, press a key inadver- tently, or tell ThinkTank to do something it can’t.
ThinkTank Manual 2. Unformatted disk . Your data disk is not formatted for the PASCAL operating system. Suggested solu- tion: Format the disk as described in Appendix C. 3. Write—protected disk . The write—protect notch on your data disk is covered by a tab, preventing Think— Tank from storing information on it.
Error Messages Can’t Do a MOVE at Summit! Where It May Occur: COPY; DELETE; MOVE; PROMOTE Possible Causes: You must have one and only one headline at the highest level (summit) of an outline. ThinkTank will not let you delete this headline or create another.
ThinkTank Manual Can’t List This Disk! Where It May Occur: SPECIAL/DISK—MANAGER/LIST Possible Causes: ThinkTank’s disk manager (not provided on all versions of ThinkTank) couldn’t list the directory of the disk in Drive 2.
Error Messages Can’t Hove Cursor Up/Down/Left/Right! Where It May Occur: Direction commands Possible Causes: There’s no visible headline to move the bar cursor to in the indicated direction. Suggested Solutions: Check where you want to move; remem- ber that the direction commands follow the structure of the ex- panded outline.
ThinkTank Manual Can’t Open Last Outline Where It May Occur: FILES/EXISTS/LAST Possible Causes: You told ThinkTank to open the last outline you worked with, but it’s not where you last used it. Suggested Solutions: Use another option from the EX- ISTING FILE Menu to open the outline.
Error Messages Can’t Save Translations to Disk! Where It May Occur: UTILITIES/KEYS Possible Causes: ThinkTank tried to save your new keystroke configurations on the disk but couldn’t. Suggested Solutions: Keystroke configurations are stored on the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK in a file called TANKOPTIONS.
ThinkTank Manual Copy Requires a Selection Where It May Occur: COPY (Paragraph Editor) Possible Causes: You pressed CTRL—C to copy part of a paragraph, but no selection is defined. First you must iden- tify the text you want to copy by selecting it.
Error Messages Electronic Disk Failure! Where It May Occur: Varies Possible Causes: ThinkTank has found a problem with your disk drives. This is a hardware problem; it is not caused by program errors or defective disks. Suggested Solutions: Ask your dealer to check out your computer system and service it if necessary.
ThinkTank Manual Error Writing Menu to Disk! Where It May Occur: UTILITIES/MENU Possible Causes: ThinkTank had trouble recording your new SPECIALIST Command Menu on the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK. Suggested Solutions: The SPECIALIST options are stored on the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK in a file called TANKOPTIONS.
Error Messages 1. Make a copy of the outline disk, following the in- structions in Appendix C of this manual. 2. Port as much of the outline as possible to a text file. 3. Use the FILES/NEW command to create a new outline and port in the text file you created in Step 2.
ThinkTank Manual Menu is Empty! Where It May Occur: SPECIAL; UTILITIES/MENU/LOOK Possible Causes: You’ve tried to examine the options on the SPECIALIST command menu, but there aren’t any.
Error Messages No Outlines Available on Disk! Where It May Occur: FILES/EXISTS/BROWSE Possible Causes: You’ve asked ThinkTank to display the names or titles of the outlines on your system, but it can’t find any. Suggested Solutions: Make sure the disks containing your outlines are properly Inserted and available to the system.
ThinkTank Manual No loom for Replace Pattern! Where It May Occur: XCHANGE (Paragraph Editor) Possible Causes: If ThinkTank carried out your XCHANGE command, it would exceed the limit of 2048 characters in a paragraph.
Error Messages Outline Disk is Write—Protected! Where It May Occur: Varies Possible Causes: You’ve tried to open, add to, or change an outline on a “write—protected” disk. ThinkTank will let you examine the outline, but the commands for adding or changing information (e.
ThinkTank Manual Paragraph Too Large to Fit in Memory! Where It May Occur: KEYWORD/XCHANGE; MERGE; EDIT/PARA— GRAPH Possible Causes: If ThinkTank carried out your command, it would exceed the limit of 2048 characters in a paragraph.
Error Messages Some Text Wouldn’t Fit in Outline! Where It May Occur: PORT/ TEXTFILE/ RECEIVE Possible Causes: The text file you are porting into ThinkTank has overflowed the allotted space on your outline disk.
ThinkTank Manual If they aren't, or if you have a hard disk system, respond to the PASCAL command prompt by typing S . PASCAL will tell you whether swapping is on or off and ask you whether you want to “toggle” (change) it. Assuming that it’s currently off, type Y (for YES ) and press RETURN .
Error Messages Suggested Solutions: If you want to delete the last character of the paragraph, use BACKSPACE instead of DELETE. Too Many Commands! Where It May Occur: UTILITIES/MENU/ADD Possible Causes: There s no room on the SPECIALIST Com- mand Menu or in memory for any more SPECIALIST commands.
ThinkTank Manual Unable to Read or Write to Disk! Where It May Occur: Varies Possible Causes: ThinkTank tried to read (write) informa- tion from (on) your outline disk and couldn’t. Suggested Solutions: If your disk is “write—protected,” remove the tab from the notch on the disk.
Index INDEX adding headlines 36, 57, 74, 149, 161 paragraphs 57, 74, 161, 166 adjusting screen window 184, 192, 193 ALL command 116 ALPHA command 77, 116 alphabetizing headlines 77, 116 Apple II/II Pl.
ThinkTank Manual closing outlines 67, 120, 140 COLLAPSE command 49, 54, 121 COLLAPSE command menu 121 command area 33, 113 keys 34, 46, 48, 114 reconfiguring 83, 151, 191 reviewing 152 prefixes 47, 49.
Index headlines 38 merged paragraphs 125, 158 outlines 65, 124, 165 paragraphs 124, 167 selections 61, 124, 182 text 60, 81, 118, 124 deliberate method 47 depth of headlines 144 of paragraphs 145 devi.
ThinkTank Manual headlines 38 outlines 65, 124, 165 paragraphs 124, 167 selections 61, 124, 182 text 60, 81, 118, 124 error messages 197 errors, correcting 38 ESC key 11, 38 ESCAPE command 50, 135 ESC.
Index FORMAT command 100, 142 format settings minimal 168, 169 port 51, 143, 165 reviewing 148 standard 143, 148, 165 FORMATTED command 51, 143 formatting disks 97, 100, 104, 105, 142 glossary 87 GOTO.
ThinkTank Manual keyboards, Apple 11 keys action 151 command 34, 46, 48, 114 reconfiguring 83, 151, 191 reviewing 152 editor 151 special 11, 26, 27 KEYS command 85, 151 KEYSTROKE CONFIGURE menu 151 KE.
Index deleting 125, 158 messages, error 197 mistakes, correcting 38 mode MOVE 76, 159, 160 NEW 74, 159, 162 MODE command 159 MOVE command 64, 160 MOVE command menu 160 MOVE mode 76, 159, 160 moving ou.
ThinkTank Manual PACE command 166 paper, continuous 146 PARAGRAPH command 166 paragraphs 31 blank 76 collapsing 121, 167 defined 62 deleting 124, 167 depth of 145 editing 59, 80, 130, 166 expanding 13.
Index prefixes, command 47, 49, 71, 73, 114 printer, preparing 66 PRINTER command 66, 174 printing initialization (setup) messages 147 outlines 66, 170, 174 with “uppercase computers” 69, 120, 131.
ThinkTank Manual adjusting 184, 192, 193 as a window 32, 193 ThinkTank 30, 113 SEARCH command 50, 56, 73, 181 searching, far keywords 56, 73, 141, 154, 181 secondary command menu 35, 114, 139 section .
Index STRUCTURED command 187 styles, port 143, 168, 171, 187 subcommands 115 submenus 35, 115 support 6 swapping 22 system operating 93 requirements 9 utilities (Apple III) 27, 104 table of contents 1.
ThinkTank Manual UTILITIES command 191 UTILITIES command menu 191 VlSI command 192 volumes, PASCAL 94 WINDOW command 193 WINDOW command menu 193 WORD LEFT command 194 word processors and ThinkTank 110 editing outlines with 168.
THINKTANK MANUAL UPDATE. LIVING VIDEOTEXT, INC. 1000 Elwell Ct., Suite 232, Palo Alto, CA 94303 THIS SHEET IS IMPORTANT! It brings you up to date on several minor errata, program changes, and tips we’ve discovered since the last printing of the ThinkTank Manual.
“TRANSLATE” UTILITY PROGRAM DOCUMENTATIoN PAGE 1 LIVING VIDEOTEXT, INC. 1000 Elwell Court, Suit. 232, Palo Alto, CA 94303 “TRANSLATE” provides compatibility between ThinkTank outlines and Apple DOS 3.3 text files by converting files from one format to the other.
“TRANSLATE” UTILITY PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION PAGE 2 "insert dos disk in drive2” and then to “press (spacebar) to continue” or “press (esc) to cancel.” First insert your disks as indicated and then press the space bar. TRANSLATE will let you know if either disk is formatted incorrectly or in the wrong drive.
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However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Apple II. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Apple II along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center