Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VMS200 Kyocera
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ii TNT! Us er Guide This manual is based on the production version of the Kyocera TNT! phone. Software changes may have occurred after this printing. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in technical and prod uct specifications without prior notice.
User Guide iii These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for t he general population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies.
iv The Health Industry Manufacturers Association and the wireless technology research community recommend that you follow these guidelines to minimize the potential for interference. • Always keep the phone at least six inches (15 centimeters) away from your pacemaker when the phone is turned on.
User Guide v Access ories Use only Kyocera-approved accessories with Kyocera phones. Use of any unauthorized accessories may be dangerous and will invalidate the phone warranty if said accessories cause damage or a defect to the phone. Radio Frequ en cy (RF) energy Your telephone is a radio transmitter and receiver.
vi To determine the level of compatibility between your hearing aid and this Virgin Mobile HAC- certified phone, combine the M rating of your hearing aid and the M rating of this phone. For example, if you pair an M3 hearing aid with an M4 phone, you will achieve a combined rating of 7.
Phone Us er Guide vii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 Getting S tarted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Phone battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Purchasing a ccessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Finding you r phone’s s erial number.
viii 12 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Menu options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Guide 1 1G ETTING S TARTE D Phone battery Installing the bat tery T o install the battery: 1. With the b ack of th e phon e facing you, l ocate the n otch near th e botto m of the ph one. 2. With your thumbnail in the notc h, lift up on the back cove r to rem ove it.
2 Phon e batt ery Battery care General safety guidelines • Do no t dis assemb le or op en t he batt ery . • Do not cr ush, bend , defor m, punct ure, or shre d the ba ttery . • Do not attempt to insert foreign objec ts into the batte ry . • Do not i mmerse the battery or ex pose it to water or other l iquids.
User Guide 3 Purchasi ng accessorie s T o purc hase acce ssori es fo r your new phon e, such a s a hands -free h eadset, carrying c ase, or car p owe r ad apte r , plea se visit www .virginmobile m. Finding your phone’ s serial numbe r T o activ ate you r Virgi n Mobi le ac coun t, you need your ph one's s erial numbe r .
4 Phone ov erview Phone overview Getting to know you r phone The follo wing illustr ation sho ws the phone i n open posi tion. 1. Earp iece sp eaker . 2. Main sc reen . 3. Navigation key scr olls thr ough lists and text e ntry field s and a ccesses sh ortcuts from the main screen .
User Guide 5 The follow ing illustr ation shows th e phone in clos ed position. With the phone clos ed, the keys are locked to prev ent acc idental key p resses. 1. Jack f or hands- free heads et only (sold sep arately). 2. Vol u m e key to rai se or lo wer spea ker volu me.
6 Phone ov erview Screen icons These i cons m ay appe ar on you r phon e’ s screen : The phone is o perating in IS95 digital mode . The phone is o perating in 1X digital mode. The phone is r eceiving a s ignal. Y ou can make and rece ive cal ls. Fewer b ars ind icate a weak er s igna l.
User Guide 7 Main menu The con tents of th e main menu a re as foll ows: My Stuf f My ringtones My grap hic s My games My th emes My Acco unt Accesses your Virgin Moble ac count Settings Display Sound.
8 Basic navigation Basic nav igation Use th ese key s to access t he basi c funct ions on your pho ne: • Left optio n button : Select items that ap pear on the lo wer left o f the disp lay . At the ma in screen , you c an select Menu . • Right op tion butt on : Selec t item s that appear on the lo wer right of the dis play .
User Guide 9 2B ASIC F UNCTIONS This s ection expla ins basic functiona lity of you r phon e. For mo re det aile d expla natio ns of you r phone’ s feature s, refer to the later ch apters. Powering up T o turn on your p hone, press the End key and wait u ntil the pho ne display lights up.
10 Ending p hone cal ls Answer using earpiece Press th e Se nd key or any ke y with An y Key Answ er ena bled. For m ore in form ati on, see “Any k ey answer” o n page 43. Answer using speakerph one Press th e Sp eakerpho ne key . Answer using flip Y ou ca n set th e phone t o answ er immedi ately when yo u open the f lip.
User Guide 11 3C ALL F EATURES This c hapter desc ribes cal l features such a s volume, holding calls, s peed diali ng, and o ther fea tures. V olume control Y ou have severa l ways to c ontrol the v olume of your pho ne. Adjust volume dur ing a call T o adjust the earpiec e volume durin g a call, pre ss the Vol u m e ke y up or dow n.
12 Emergency se rvices Send a call to voicemail T o imm ediate ly send a call to voicema il without answerin g it, select Ignore . Note: Make certai n that Open to answer is Disabl ed, or els e opening th e flip wil l answer t he call . See “Ope n to an swer” o n page 43.
User Guide 13 4T EXT E NTRY Y ou can enter lette rs, numbers , and symbols in conta cts, text mes sages, a nd your ban ner . T ext e n tr y mod e s The curr ent text e ntry mode ( and capitaliz ation setting , when ap plicable) are indi cated by ic ons.
14 Text entr y modes 2. If the word doesn ’t matc h what yo u want, press th e 0 Nex t key to check oth er word match es. 3. When yo u see the word you w ant, press the Space # key . Enter symbols While e nteri ng text in norma l alph a mode , you can en ter sy mbols by pres sing t he 1 key un til yo u see t he sy mbo l you wan t.
User Guide 15 T ext entry quick reference This t able gives instructio ns for en tering l etters, n umbers, an d symbols. T o.. Do th is... Enter a le tter Use norma l alpha mode a nd press a k ey until you see the lett er you want. For more opt ions, see “T ext entry modes” on page 13.
16 Ca ll li s ts 5R ECENT C ALLS Call lists Detail s on the calls y ou made, r eceived , or miss ed are st ored in th e Recent C alls lis t and are identi fied by the f ollowing i cons: View recen t calls 1. Selec t Menu > Recent Calls and on e of the following : – Missed calls disp lays calls rece ived, but not an swered .
User Guide 17 6M ESSAGING This c hapter describes how to se nd, rec eive, and erase m essage s from you r phone. Fo r informat ion on voic email messag es, see “V oicem ail ” on page 11. Note: T he feat ures an d menu s desc ribed in this chapt er may vary de pendin g on service s available in your area.
18 Erase m essages icon fla shes if th e me ssa ge is urge nt. Urgen t mess ages are als o mar ked in the I nbo x. Message not ifications If you see a messa ge notific ation, sele ct Inbox to view mess ages . Scro ll to a mess age a nd se lect Vie w to open it.
User Guide 19 Working with messages This sec tion provi des some tips about messa ging with yo ur phone . Unable to send messages Y ou may not be ab le to send or receiv e message s if you r phone’ s memory is nearly fu ll, or if digital servic e is not availab le at th e time.
20 Message setting s Message settings Message settings help configur e your phone’ s text mess age s ettings . T ext message alert Choose your al erts f or voic email, pag es, or me ssages. 1. Selec t Menu > Messaging > Msg sett ings > TXT ton e .
User Guide 21 Auto-erase Y ou ca n set your p hone to e rase me ssage automat ically whe n memory is n eeded for incom ing messa ges. Selec t Menu > Messaging > M sg sett ings > Auto-era se and one of the fol lowing: • Disa bled erases no messa ges.
22 Viewing Cont acts li st 7C ONTACTS Use yo ur phone’ s Contac ts list to stor e informa tion about a person or c ompany . Each cont act ent ry can have up to six phon e number s, two em ail ad dresse s, two Web ad dres ses, two stre et addr esses, and a sp ace for notes.
User Guide 23 Add code or extension When you s ave the phone n umber of an au tomated servic e, you may i nclude a p ause to s top dialing, where y ou can wait to dial an extens ion.
24 Working with contac ts – Primary number makes this number the prim ary num ber for the cont act. – Add to group adds the number to t he busine ss, pe rsonal , or cus tom grou p. Contact email address T o work on the ema il addr ess of an e xisti ng conta ct: 1.
User Guide 25 – Secret / Not secret mak es the no te secr et, hiding it from t he screen until you enter the lo ck code . Assign ring tone T o assign a ringto ne to a contact : 1. Selec t Menu > Contact s > Find n ame . 2. At the Contacts list, sel ect a cont act.
26 Searching con tacts Customize gr oups 1. Selec t Menu > Contact s > Groups . 2. At the G roups lis t, selec t a grou p. 3. Selec t Options and one o f the follo wing: – Ringtone assigns a ringtone to the g roup . – TXT ton e assign s a text tone to the g roup .
User Guide 27 8V IRGI N XL Accessing V irginXL With Virgin XL, you can ac ces s musi c, entert ainment, an d information servi ces from your ph one. Download ringtones, wallpaper s, scre en save rs, and mo re. C heck Virgin Mo bile ’ s Web site at www .
28 Checkin g your acco unt balance 9M Y A CCOUNT You can manag e your Virg in Mobi le acco unt direc tly from y our ph one. Th e basic tasks a re summarized in this c hapter . For more in formation about yo ur accou nt, go to www .virginmobile m.
User Guide 29 4. Scro ll do wn to sele ct Lo gin an d pre ss the OK key . 5. Scroll down and sele ct Credit Card or PayPal . 6. Ent er the amou nt you wa nt to add and pre ss the OK ke y . Y ou c an T op-Up i n amou nts o f $10, $20 , $30, $ 50, or $90.
30 My r ingtones 10 M Y STUFF Note: If you don ’t have enoug h mone y in you r account , you need to T op-Up before downloading . My ringtones The M y ri ngtone s fold er s tores your prel oaded and do wnload ed ring tones . Y ou ca n downlo ad ring tones t o your phon e from the V irgi n Mobile Web site at w ww .
User Guide 31 11 T OOLS Y our phone c omes wit h tool s and gam es. Some of the games or tools descri bed he re may not be ava ilable on your phon e. If you rec eive an inco ming call wh ile yo u are p layin g a gam e, th e game is paused and exited .
32 Calendar – Scroll up o r down to chang e hour , minute and AM/ PM. Press th e OK key to sa ve the time and move to the next field . 6. At the D uration field , modify the dura tion of eve nt, if need ed. Press OK to change the duration. – Scroll le ft or right to move between th e hour a nd minute field s.
User Guide 33 – Selec t Option s > Sort by time to sort even ts by tim e. – Selec t Option s > Sort by type to sort event s by type . – Selec t Options > Sort by priority to sort events b y priority . – Selec t Option s > Eras e all eve nts to delete al l events .
34 Tip calcul ator Set the quick alar m 1. Selec t Menu > To o l s > Alarm clock . 2. Highl ight th e qui ck alar m and s elect Set . 3. At the T ime field, select a time option. A notific ation shows the quick a larm is on. When th e quick al arm rin gs, sele ct Off to tu rn o ff the alarm or Rese t to set the qui ck alar m again.
User Guide 35 Tim e r The Timer count s dow n for the sp eci fied tim e, and beep s whe n that a mount of time has elaps ed. 1. Selec t Menu > To o l s > Tim er > Set . 2. At the Set T imer , enter the time le ngth. – Scroll le ft or right to move between th e hours, minu tes and seconds fields.
36 Menu op tions 12 S ETTINGS Menu options The c ontents of the Set tings menu are as f ollows: Display Graphics Menu style Themes Greeting banner Lang ua ge Backlight Auto-hyph en Time/Date format Br.
User Guide 37 Disp lay Graphics Y ou ca n select a wallp aper for your pho ne’ s main screen , a scr eensave r which appears after 10 secon ds of no ke ypresse s, and cal ler IDs for your contac ts.
38 Sound s Set backligh t duration You can set the leng th of time that brig ht backl ighting rema ins on. Select Menu > Settin gs > Displ ay > Backligh t > Durat ion and one of th e followi ng: • Disa bled turns back lighting of f.
User Guide 39 Ringtones Y ou can ch ange th e ringto ne for your ph one. Yo u can al so assig n ringt ones for di fferen t tasks. Your phone has m ultipl e ringt ones you can choose t o use for all incoming calls, incoming busin ess call s, and i ncomin g persona l cal ls.
40 Conven ience Fast find With Fa st Find enab led, yo u can pre ss on e or two keys to view cl ose mat ches of the nu mber you are looking fo r . 1. From the m ain scre en, p ress the k eys correspon ding to t he letters of the name you want to find.
User Guide 41 Change t he hold message 1. Selec t Menu > Settin gs > Convenience > Hold call > Re-r ecord msg . 2. Reco rd the m essag e twic e, as pr ompte d. 3. Selec t Save to s ave the me ssage or Opt ions and one of the fol lowing. – Play to replay y our message .
42 Call options Digit le ngths Use the d igit lengths to determin e whether to l imit your di aled numbe rs to N orth A meri can num bers or any numbers .
User Guide 43 Open to answer This f eatur e enabl es you to answ er a ca ll by opening the flip . Select Menu > Sett ings > Call opt ions > Open to an swer > Enabl ed . Any key answer By defau lt, the ph one is set to mute the ringt one when you pres s any key .
44 Messaging You can view these nu mber s onl y when en teri ng them for the first time. T o make a ca ll to an emerge ncy number from a lock ed ph one, you must dial th e num ber (inclu ding area co de) ex actly as it was s tore d in Emer gency Nu mber s.
User Guide 45 This f eature w orks onl y when yo ur phone is in digital mode . Y ou do have th e opti on of turn ing o ff the lo cato r to em erge ncy ser vic es.
46 Phon e inf or mat i on Hearing aid Enabl e your phone t o operate with a T -coil Hearin g Aid devic e. Select Menu > Se ttings > Accessories > H earing aid > OK > Enable d . Note: Enable Hearing A id only w hen using y our phon e with a T - coil H earing Ai d device.
User Guide 47 13 V OICE C OMMANDS You can call a cont act, dial a phon e num ber , access men us, or fin d contact information from your voi ce dial list using voice commands . Note: Yo u cannot use voice re cognition to end a call; you must p ress the End key w hen the flip is open .
48 Voice co mmand s 3. Say “Co ntact ” and the name of the per son you want to call. The pho ne prompt s, “Ple ase repe at” or “Say a name ” if it doe s not recog nize th e nam e.
User Guide 49 14 G ETTING H ELP Customer Support T o contact Virgin Mobile’ s customer support depart ment fo r info rmatio n about your ph one, acco unt h istory , call cover age ar ea, an d spec ific feat ures av ailable to you, such a s call forwardin g or voice mail: • Go to www .
50 Product e valuation 15 C ONSUMER L IM ITE D W ARRANTY Kyocer a Wir eless Co rp. ( “KYOCE RA”) offer s you a limited w arranty t hat the en closed prod uct or produc ts (the “Produ ct”) wi l.
52 I NDEX Numerics 1-touch dialing , 41 A accessories headsets , 45 settings , 45 T-coil hearing aid , 46 TTY devi ce , 45 accessory , v, 3, 49 activation of phon e , 3 adding contacts , 22 extensions.
Phone Us er Guide 53 displa y backlighting , 37 banne r , 37 brigh tness , 3 8 color themes , 37 lang uage , 37 main m enu , 3 7 settings , 37 time/date format , 38 display results , 41 down load , 30 drafts folder , 19 E earpiece , 10 volume , 38 editing contact s , 2 3 electronic serial number (ESN).
54 multimedia messages aut o r etr iev e , 20 My Account , 28 my graphics , 30 my ri ngtones , 30 N naviga tion key , 8 netwo rk location informati on , 44 network settings , 44 notes, contacts , 24 n.
Phone Us er Guide 55 speed dialing , 11 stopwatch , 35 symbols , 1 4 T T-coil hearing aid , 46 teletype , 45 text entry , 13 capitalization , 1 4 changing modes , 14 current mode , 13 defa ult mode , .
Kyocera Wire less Corp . www.kyocera-w ireles 82-K8214 -1E N, Rev. 001 Page 56 T uesday, May 27, 2 008 5:3 6 PM.
An important point after buying a device Kyocera VMS200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Kyocera VMS200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Kyocera VMS200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Kyocera VMS200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Kyocera VMS200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Kyocera VMS200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Kyocera VMS200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Kyocera VMS200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Kyocera VMS200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center