Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 910101063 Konftel
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T h e K o n f t e l 30 0I P U s e r G u i d e ENGLI SH.
2 OmniSound ® HD – Opti mal so und By incorporating fu ll du plex au dio , the patented aud io technology O mn iSound ® gua rantee s the aud io conference an im pres sive and crys tal cl ear sound.
1 T ABLE O F C ON TENTS De scrip tio n 2 Genera l .................................................. 2 Maintenanc e .......................................... 2 Connections ........................................... 2 Key pa d .......................
2 GENER A L The Konftel 300IP i s a conference phone for I P telephony offeri ng a host of innovat ive features: • Omni S ound ® HD aud io technol og y • IP t elephon y for exib le and affordabl e tele phony • Option of us ing tw o accounts si mu ltaneously • Conference feature for automat ic mult i -par t y di al ling .
3 DE S CRIP TIO N SD memo ry card p or t Ex pansi on micro - phone port Disp la y scree n Speak er Microphone Keyp ad LED s Power supply p or t Se curit y lo ck p or t AUX port Net work cab le por t E.
4 (blank) . - 1 G H I 4 P Q R S 7 D E F É È 3 M N O Ö Ø Ñ 6 W X Y Z 9 A B C Å Ä Á À 2 J K L 5 T U V Ü Ú 8 0 K E Y PA D Writing te x t Each button contains l etters and characters - m ore than those shown on the button ( see il lustration below ).
5 DE S CRIP TIO N DISPLA Y SCRE EN On Ho ok Pres s to d ispl ay th is s creen. Of f Ho ok Pres s to di spla y th is screen. Line s t atus: Line free (Befo re acco unt name – telephone n ot regis ter.
6 6 Line me nu Pres s LINE to switc h to and from th is menu. Menu Pres s MENU to swit ch to an d from a menu. NA VI GA T I ON A ND S E L EC T ION I N M EN U S Pres s MENU . S elect the opt ion you want from the menu usi ng the arrow but tons.
7 7 DE S CRIP TIO N Wr itin g style in i nstructi ons In t he in structions, MENU > SE T TIN GS ( 6) means you shou ld: Pres s MENU . Mark the SE T TIN GS option usi ng the arrow but tons and conrm by pressing OK to open the menu ( or pre s s button num ber 6 ).
8 ANSWER ING C ALLS A ri ng tone is heard and the b lu e LEDs sta rt ashi ng. Pres s to answer . T he L EDs show a st eady bl ue lig ht . ANSWER ING C ALLS O N HOLD If a cal l is made to the c.
9 CA LL I NG F RO M TH E PH ON E B OOK Please turn to page 1 7 for in structions on add ing and updat ing con tacts in the phone- book. P res s and hold down a n umber button for two s econds.
10 AD JU S TI NG T HE S P EAK ER V OL U M E Adjust the speaker vol ume usi ng the buttons and . P LAC I NG CA LLS O N TE MPORA R Y HOL D Mute Pres s ( Mute ) to t urn off the mi crophone. T he L EDs change f rom blue t o red. T he other party cannot hear what you ar e saying .
11 T urn to “ M ANAGI N G PHONE LI NES” on t he next pa ge for instruct ions on putti ng an ind ividua l on hold d uring a mu lti-par t y call an d other more advanced features.
12 SELECTING ACC OUN T WHEN DIA LLING If you ha ve more than one account regi stered in your K onf tel 300IP , you can use the l ine mode to select the account th at you want to use for the new ca ll . Maki ng a new cal l Pres s LINE . T he li ne menu wit h the name of your accoun ts is d isplayed.
13 S WI TC H IN G BETW EE N L I N ES DU R I NG M U L TI -P AR T Y CA LLS T a lkin g pri vately w ith one in di vidua l Pres s HOLD . All l ines are put on ho ld . Alternative ly , you can pre ss H OLD af ter openi ng the li ne menu or you can select SPLIT CONFER ENCE from the li ne menu to put the l ines on hold.
14 CUT TIN G A LINE Ind ividua l lines can be cut out of a mu lti-par t y call . Pres s LINE . T he li ne menu is displ ayed. Mark the li ne you want to c ut and pre ss . T R A N SF E RRIN G C A L L S If you wi sh to transfer a cal l to another tele phone.
15 The Konftel 300IP g ives you the opti on of usi ng a p ass word to protect contact in formation in t he phonebook and conference gu ide. Al l contact s entered by defau lt can be acce s sed by al l us ers and cannot be pas sword protected. Al l contacts entered by Admi n are also disp layed in defau lt mode.
16 C H AN GI NG T HE P RO FI L E NAM E AN D P AS SW OR D L og in to K onf tel 300IP , see page s 34 – 35 . Sele ct Set tin gs > Basic . Clic k on the Edit button under the headi ng Prol es . Enter a name and a new PI N co de. Clic k on Set and save your settings by cl icki ng on S ave .
17 The Konftel 300IP’ s phonebook can hold up to 1 00 0 num b ers in each user pro le. See page 8 for making ca ll s via t he phoneb ook. Plea se turn to page 4 for i nstructions on us ing t he keypad to enter text.
18 DEL E TI NG CONT A CTS Sele ct MENU > PH ONE BO OK > ERA SE C ONTACT ( 2, 4). Mark the contact you want to delete a nd pres s OK . C onrm that you reall y want to del ete the con tact by pres sing OK or cancel the de le- tion of a con tact by pre ssing C .
19 E X TERN AL PHO NEBO OK (LDA P) Kon ftel 300IP has suppor t for an external phonebook. This means it can commu nicate with a catalog ser ver according t o LDAP ( L ightweight Directory Acces s Protocol ). T o make the external phonebook acce ssible, a n admi nistrator must activate and congure th e LDAP funct ion i n Kon f tel 300IP .
20 S EARC H FO R AN D CA LL A CO N T AC T Sele ct MENU > E X T. P H O N E B O O K ( 3). Kon ftel 300IP contac ts t he database, whi ch sends al l the cont acts. T he rst 50 ar e shown in Kon ftel 300IP ( with st andard def ault sett ings) . Enter one or more s earch characters to lter t he li s t.
21 The conference gu ide mak e s it easy to s et up cal ls with as man y as ve peo ple, i nclud ing your own phone. The Kon f tel 300IP automat ically d ia ls al l the contacts in the conference gr oup. Y ou can create 20 conference groups in each user prole.
22 C O N FERE N CE GUID E DISPL A YING CO NF ERENC E GRO UP PARTICI P A NT S Sele ct MENU > C O NF G UIDE > SEARCH GROUP ( 4 ,1) . Mark the group you want and pres s OK . T he names of th e conf erence gr oup partic ipants ar e disp layed .
23 DE L ET I NG A CON FE R EN C E GR O U P Sele ct MENU > C O NF G UIDE > ERASE GROU P (4 ,4) . Mark the group you want to dele te and press OK . C onrm that you reall y want to del ete the grou p by pres si ng OK or cancel the delet ion of a group by pres si ng C .
24 It is possible t o re cord a phone conference on an SD ( Se cure Di gital ) mem or y card so you can li sten to it l ater on. It is pos si ble to record a call i n progre ss and use the Konftel 300IP as a dictaphone. K onf tel 300IP su pp or ts SD and SDHC cards and the recordi ng capacity is 35 hours per GB.
25 L I S T E N I NG T O A RE COR DI NG Y ou can listen to a recorded phone conf erence on your Kon f tel 300IP or a computer usi ng an SD memor y card reade r . Recordi ng s are saved in wav format and can be pla yed back on your choi ce of medi a pla yer .
26 DEL E TI NG A RE C ORDI NG Sele ct MENU > REC O RDIN G > ER A SE FILE (5 , 3) . Mark the folder you want and press OK . Mark the reco rdi ng to be deleted and pres s OK . C onrm that you reall y want to del ete the record ing b y pres sing OK agai n, or cancel the dele tion of a record ing b y pres sing C .
27 The Konftel 300IP h as tw o groups of settings: Basic and Adva nced. Y ou must enter the Admi n. PI N code to acces s the advanced set ti ng s. The simpl est w ay to mak e s ettings is usi ng a P C and the Kon f tel 300IP web i nterface (see page 34 ).
28 SE T T IN GS Settin gs when c onnect ing e x terna l equi pmen t (Au x) The Konftel 300IP can be connected t o a wirel es s headset o r an external P A s ystem. An option al P A interface box is requi red for PA system connecti on. Sele ct MENU > SE T TIN GS > BA SIC > AUX P O R T (6 ,1, 6 ) .
29 Cha ngi ng text on the dis play sc reen The text on the disp lay screen can be changed when t he Kon ftel 300IP is on hook. Sele ct MENU > SE T TIN GS > BA SIC > SCRE EN TEX T ( 6 ,1, 9 ) . D elete exi sting t ex t using C and en ter your new t ext.
30 SE T T IN GS S ETTI NG S DU R IN G A CAL L The HEAD SET /PA, PHONE BOOK, TRANSFER and EQ UALI ZER menus may be acces sed duri ng a call and are d isplayed when the MENU button is pres sed. The r st option is either H EA DSET or PA depend ing on whether P A is acti vated or not.
31 AUTO is the defa ul t set ti ng and is recommended in most ca ses . The gure shown in brackets is the measured cali br ation va lue. Select different lev els and com pare the aud io qu al it y to ach ieve your pref erred set ting . NB.
32 SE T T IN GS CHE CK ING ST ATUS The status menu can be used for troubleshooting. On ly the adm ini strator is able to c hange these s ettings. See “Instal lation and Ad mi nistration of K onftel 300IP” for an explanat ion of the settings. Account 1 T o check accoun t set ti ng s for SI P a ccount 1 .
33 SE T T IN GS N AT Tr a v e r s a l T o check whet her addres s conversion is activat ed, wh ich ma y be nece ss ar y if the phone i s b ehind a r ew all. Sele ct MENU > S TAT U S > NAT TRA VERSAL (8 , 3) . T his sh ows the st atus for : - ST U N - TU RN - ICE Me dia T o check priori ties of audio codecs and DTMF sig nal li ng.
34 Y ou can use the web brow ser of a P C connected to t he same net work to manage contacts, conference groups and setti ngs in the K onf tel 300IP . Your c hoice of language for the K onf tel 300IP does not af fect the web i nter face, whic h is only i n Engl ish.
35 L OGG I NG I N TO T HE K O NFTE L 3 00 I P Enter the phone’ s net work addres s in the web browser addre ss bar . Sele ct De fault or an empty us er prole in Prole a nd enter t he PI N co de. T he defau lt code is 0000 . Y ou can create a per sonal pass word-p rotected phonebook using a user prole.
36 MA NA GI NG T H E P HO NE BOO K Sele ct Phone Book . Here, you can add, ch ange and del ete contacts. Y ou c an also i mpor t existi ng contacts. W hen you cal l o r are cal led by a contact who is al ready in the phonebook, that per son’ s name is displ ayed on the screen.
37 Editing cont act s Clic k on the Edit contac t button after the contact you want to change . Edit the contact and c lick on Sa ve contact . Deleting cont act s Clic k on the Era se contact b utton af ter the contact you want t o delet e.
38 It is normal ly pos si ble to expor t contact b ooks s tored in your PC in CSV format. Clic k on the Scr o ll… button under the headi ng Impor t in the we b win dow . O pen your CSV le. Clic k on Imp or t . T he name is l imit ed to 1 5 characters, since the K onf tel 300IP screen cannot d isplay more than 1 5 characters.
39 MA NA GI NG T H E CON FE R EN CE G U ID E Sele ct Phone Book > Confer ence guide . Here, you can add, ch ange and del ete conf e rence groups. It is a lso pos sib le to i mpor t groups that you ha ve created. W hen a cal l is connected to a contact who is already i n the phonebook, that per son’ s name is displ ayed on the screen.
40 Deleting a conf erence group Clic k on the Erase gr oup but ton next to the group you want t o delet e. C onrm that you want to del ete the grou p. You can a lso delete a l l groups by pres sing E rase all groups . Impor ting con ference gro ups Y ou can impor t conference groups usi ng a comma sepa rated val ues (CSV ) le.
41 CHECKING T HE CA LL LIST Incom ing , outgoing and m is sed calls are d ispl ayed in the cal l list in c hronological order . Sele ct C all li st > Recent .
42 BA SIC SE T TIN G S T he settings only affect the user prole you selected when you logged in. Sele ct Set tin gs > Basic . Sele ct Set tin gs > Basic . Cha ngi ng PI N code an d prol e name The PI N code can be changed from the defau lt set ti ng to protect agai nst unaut horised use.
43 Sel ect defau lt accou nt The Konftel 300IP can save settings for two ac counts, e.g. a company P BX and a pu blic IP t elephon y ser vice provider . Thi s setting determ ines whi ch accoun t shoul d b e used as de faul t. Y ou can s elect the accou nt you want to u se for a call by pressing LINE b efore di all ing the number.
44 Ad justin g the sou nd The sound reproduction can be ad justed to t he requ ired pitch ( SOF T , NE UTR AL and BRIGHT). Sele ct Soft , N eutr al or B right under the heading Equalizer and cl ick on Save . Display tex t The disp lay t ext appe ars on the screen when the Konftel 300IP is on hook.
45 CHE CK ING ST ATUS Although i t is not possible t o make settings i n the Status men u, the in formation here may be useful when trou bleshooting . Sele ct St atus . Y ou can nd the phone’ s s eria l num b er , net work por t addre ss and current soft ware ver sion on the Basic t ab.
46 IP st ands for I nter net Prot ocol and is the standard protocol for transferring i nformation over the I nternet between computers and other devices. The s ame standard is normal ly used in local network s too. An IP a ddress i s the un ique network addre ss that a computer has in t he network.
47 Thes e addres se s are designed li ke emai l addres se s, i. e. name@ dom ain , for example bob@ company .com . A complet e URI ( Uniform Re so urce Identie r ) is created when the protocol that is used to comm un ica te wi th the resource is added to the address.
48 Siz e Diameter 2 4 0 mm, he ight 77 m m Wei ght 1 kg Colour Liquori ce blac k Displ ay screen I ll umi nated graphi cs (LCD ), 1 28 x64 Keypad Alph anu merical 0 –9, * , on , off, m ute, hold, vo.
49 Envi ronment T emperature: 5 ° – 4 0°C Rel ative hum idity: 20 – 80% condensation free Recommended acoustic cond itions: Reverberation period: 0 .
50 If an ything i s wrong with your K onf tel u ni t, pl eas e contact the pl ace of purch ase. Guarantee We gi ve a two -ye ar guarantee on our conf erence tel ephones. Ser vice Ser vice is offered af ter the expi r ation o f the guarant ee. Please conta ct your retai ler and ask for a cos t es ti mate.
w ww.konf 1 1004 8 - 6 1 - 0 01 R e v 4A Konftel AB, B ox 268, SE-901 06 Umeå, Sw eden Phone: + 4 6 90 706 4 89 Fax: + 4 6 90 13 1 4 35 E-mail : info@konf Konftel is a leading company and the world’ s fastest growing brand, within audio conferencing equipment.
An important point after buying a device Konftel 910101063 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Konftel 910101063 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Konftel 910101063 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Konftel 910101063 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Konftel 910101063 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Konftel 910101063, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Konftel 910101063.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Konftel 910101063. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Konftel 910101063 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center