Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product W10300236A KitchenAid
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Thank yo u for Choosing KitchenAid ® Appliances. W e hold our company to the highest quality standards and it is im portant to us that you have a positive experie nce owning a KitchenAid ® pr oduct. For you r convenience, we have provided an easy t o follow User Instruction Book.
2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: When using the dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following: SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ■ Read all instructions before using the dishwasher. ■ Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
3 Quick Steps Dishw ashe r Use Pr epare and Load the Di shwasher IMPOR T ANT : Remove l eftover food, bone s, toothpic ks and oth er hard items from the dishes. Rem o ve labels fr om containers befor e washing. ■ Make sure that when the dishwasher door is closed no items are blocking the deter gent dispenser .
4 ■ Rinse aid keeps water fro m forming droplets that can dry as spots o r streaks. They also improve drying by allowing water to drain off of the dishes after the final rinse. ■ Rinse aid helps to reduce ex cess moisture on the dish racks and in terior of your dishwasher .
5 Y ou can customize your cyc le by sele cting an op tion. See option sel ections. I f you change your mind, press the option again to tu rn off the option, or select a different option. Y o u can change an option an ytime before the se lected opt ion begins.
6 Dishwasher Fea tures Y our KitchenAid dishwasher may have some or all of these features. PROSCRU B ® Wa s h A re a The PROSCRUB ® wash area is located at the back of the lower level rack. NOTE: Y ou must select the PRO SCRUB ® wash option to use this feature.
7 T o replace the rack: 1. Gently pull rack tra cks forw ard in d ishwasher u ntil they st op and click into p lace. 2. T o open track stops, flip the track stop to the ou tside of the track. 3. Place th e back rack rollers on each side of the rack in to the track slot an d roll the rac k back into th e tracks.
8 Ve r y Ha r d W a t e r If you have hard water (above 15 grains), clean your filter at least once per month. Building up of white residue on your dishwasher indicates hard water . For tips on r emoving spots and stains, see “T roubleshooting” section.
9 T roubleshooting First try the solutions suggested her e or visit our web site and r eference F AQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to possibly avoid the cost of a service call.
10 ■ Food soils remain on dishes Be sure t he dishwasher is lo ad ed correctly . Improper loading can greatly decr ease th e washing performance (see “Dishwasher Use.”) Check filter to e n sure it i s pr oper ly i nstalled. Clean it if needed. (See “Cleaning Instructions” i n “Filtration System” f or details.
11 KITCHENAID ® DISHW ASHER W ARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY For one year from the date of purchase, whe n this major applian ce is operated an d maintained acc ording to instructions attached to or furnis.
For additional product i nformation or to view F AQs (Frequently Asked Questions), in U.S .A. visit: www In Canada visi t: www If you do not have access to the Int ern et and you nee d assist ance using your product or you wou ld like to s chedule service, yo u may contact KitchenAid at th e number b e low .
Nous vous remer cions d’avoir choisi les appareils KitchenAid ® . Notre compagnie entretient les norm es de qualité les plu s élevées et il es t important que vo us soyez satisfa it de posséder un p ro du i t KitchenAid ® . Pour votre comm odité, vous trouverez un Ma nuel d’instructions d’utilisat ion facile à suivre.
2 IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ AVERTISSEMENT : Lors de l’utilisation du lave-vaisselle, suivre les précautions élémentaires dont les suivantes : CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ■ Lire la totalité des instructions avant d’utiliser le lave-vaisselle.
3 Étap es rapide s Utilisation du lave-vaisselle Prépar er et charger le la ve-vaisselle IMPOR T ANT : Enlever de la vaisselle les r estes alimentaires, os, cure-dents et autr es articles durs. Enlever les étiquett es des récipients avant de les mettre à laver .
4 ■ Selon la du reté de l’eau, remplir l a section de lavage principal du distribu teur , voir il lustration . Remplir la section de prélavage jusqu'au ni veau indiqué, si nécessaire. REMARQUE : Les qu antités indi quées c orresponden t à l'emploi d 'un dét ergent en poudr e standa rd.
5 On peut personn a liser le pr ogramme en sélectionnant une option. V oir la sél ection d'op tions. Si vous chan gez d'avis , appuyez su r cette opti on à nouveau pou r la désa ctiver , ou sél ectionnez u ne option différente. V ous pouvez chan ger une option à tout moment avant que l ’option chois ie ne commence.
6 IMPORT ANT : Le capteur incorporé au la ve-vai sselle cont rôle le degré de sa leté. L a durée du programme et/ou la consommati on d’eau peuvent varier étant do nné que l e capteu r raju ste le programme pour ass urer des performan ces de l avage opti males.
7 Filet SUR E-HOLD ® pou r petits artic les Ce file t es t pl acé à l ’av an t du panier inférieur . Utiliser le filet po ur les petits articles qui, autr ement, risqu eraien t de “vol er” à l ’intérieur du lave-vaisselle d urant un programme.
8 IMPOR T ANT : Lors de l 'utilisation des pa niers pou r ustensiles de cuisson en position basse, le panier de niveau intermédiaire doit aussi être à la posi tion la plu s basse.
9 Nettoy age IMPORTANT : Ne pas utiliser de brosse mé tallique ni de tampon à récurer , etc., su sceptible d'endommager les filtres. Rincer chaque f i ltre sous le jet d' eau du r obin et, pour éliminer la plupart des soui llures.
10 ■ Il res te du dét erg ent d ans le di str ib uteu r ou la pa stil le s e trouve au fond de la cuve Inspecter la vaisselle tell e que le s tôles à bi scuits, les planches à découper ou les grands récipients, etc. qu i peuvent bloque r l'ouverture du distri buteur de détergent.
11 REMARQUE : Les articles chargé s peuvent se déplacer lorsque les panier s sont poussés à l 'intérieur du l ave-vaisselle. Vérifier que les articles n'interfèrent pas avec les bras d'aspersion, le tube d'alim entation d'eau ou les jets d'aspersion PROSCRUB ® .
GARANTIE LIMITÉE À VIE SUR LA CUVE EN ACIER INOXYDABLE ET L'INTÉRIEUR D E LA PORTE Pendant l a durée de vi e du produit, à compter de l a date d'ac hat, lorsqu e votre gros appareil mé.
An important point after buying a device KitchenAid W10300236A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought KitchenAid W10300236A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data KitchenAid W10300236A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, KitchenAid W10300236A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get KitchenAid W10300236A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of KitchenAid W10300236A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime KitchenAid W10300236A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with KitchenAid W10300236A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device KitchenAid W10300236A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center