Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product KUDS01DL KitchenAid
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UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER Use & Care Guide For que stions abo ut featur es, operati on/performance, parts accessories or serv ice, ca ll: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, call for assist ance 1-800-461-5681 , for instal lation and service, call: 1-800-807-6777 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWA SHER SAF ETY ..................... ................. ........... ........... .. 3 Before Using Your Dishwasher .................................................... 4 PARTS AND FEATURES ............. ........... ............
3 DISHWASHER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Before Using Y our Dishwasher ■ Instal l where dishwa sher is protec ted from the elements. Protect agains t freezing t o avoid possible rupture of fil l valv e. Such rupt ures are not covered by the warrant y . See “Storing” in the “Dis hwasher Care” section for wint er storage information.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES Contr ol Panel Front Contro l Panel 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 2 19 20 21 22 23 12 3 4 15 17 18 16 5 24 1 4 1. Upper spray 2. 2-Pos ition top rack adju ster [two] 3. FLEXI-FOLD DOWN™ flexib le tines 4. Removable top rack 5. SA TINGL IDE ® upper rack track 6.
6 START-UP GUIDE Bef or e us ing yo ur dish wash er , r emo ve al l pa ckag ing mat eria ls. Read thi s entire Use and Ca re Guide. Y ou will find import ant safety in formation and u seful operati ng tips. Using Y our Ne w Dish was her 1. Rinse aid is essential for good drying.
7 ■ It is important for the water spray to reach all soiled surfaces. ■ Load dis hes so t hey ar e no t st acke d or over lapp ing if possib le. For b est dryin g, wat er must be able t o drai n fr om all surface s. ■ Load heavy pots and pa ns carefully .
8 FLEXI-SPLIT™ divided tines The row of tines on the righ t side of the to p rack ca n be adjust ed to make room for a variety of dishes. T o a djust the fr ont half 1. Grasp the tip of th e tin e that is in the tin e hold er . 2. Gently push th e ti ne out o f the tine ho lder .
9 ■ Do not load glas ses, cups, or pl astic it ems in the bot tom rack. Load small it ems in the bottom rack onl y if they are secu r ed in pl ace. ■ Load plat es, soup bowls, etc. , betw een tin es. ■ Overlap the edge s of plates for l arge loads.
10 ■ The lar ge rack inse rt allows yo u to wash a nu mber of large plates, plat ters, and trays . Remo ving th is inse rt allows you t o wash la r ger i tems such as cas seroles, large mixing b owls, stock p ots, and roa st e r s .
11 T o r emove small insert 1. Pull out t oward the back of rack and lift up t o release. 2. Lift insert out of rack. NOTE : It will b e eas ier t o inst all t he inse rts i f you re move the silverware bas ket from the rack. T o install large insert 1.
12 Loading Silverware Basket Load the si lver war e bask et whil e it is in the bott om rac k or t ake the basket out for loading on a co unter or table. (See recommended loading pat ter n shown.) NOTE : Unloa d or re mov e th e bask et befo r e unl oad ing the racks to avoid spil lin g water droplet s on th e sil verware.
13 NOTE : Fill amounts sh own are for st andard powdered de tergent. Amounts may vary if y ou use liquid or concentrated pow dered detergent. Follow instruct ions on the pa ckage when usi ng liquid dishwash er detergent or conc entrat ed powdered de tergent.
14 Dishwasher Performanc e T i ps Hot wat er di ssolv es and activ ate s the dis hwas hing detergent. Hot water als o dissolv es grease on dishes an d helps glasses dr y spot-free. Is the w ater temperat ure too low? For best dishwas hing re sults, water shoul d be 12 0°F (49°C) as it ente rs the d ishwash er .
15 † A small amoun t of water is run thr ough the pu mp to r emove soil partic les be tween the m ain was h and fin al ri nse. NOTE S: ■ The sens or in yo ur dishwas her monitors th e soil l evel. Cyc le time and/or water usage ca n vary from the numbers above as the sensor adj usts th e cycle for th e best wash p erformance.
16 Adding Items Duri ng a Cycl e Y ou can add an i tem anyt ime tha t the Add a Dish indicator glows . Open the door and check the det ergent dispenser . If th e cover is still closed, y ou can add it ems. T o add items 1. Lift up the door l atch to st op the cycl e.
17 5. Press the S tart p ad. The disp lay wi ll fla sh once to tel l you t hat the dela y ha s start ed. NOTE : T o cancel t he delay , p ress 4-Hour Delay to t urn the light off or pr ess the Start pad. IMPORT AN T : ■ Operate your di shwasher on ly when you are at ho me.
18 W ASHING SPECIAL ITEMS If you have doubts about washin g a particular i tem, check with the manuf acturer to see if it is dish washer saf e. Materi al Dishwa sher Safe? /Com ment s Alumi num Ye s High water temp erature and detergents can affect finish of an odized alu minum.
19 DISHWASHER CARE Cleaning Cleaning the exterior In most case s, regular use of a soft , damp cloth or spon ge and a mild d eter gent is all that is n eces sary to keep the o uts ide of your dishwash er looking nice an d clean.
20 TROUBLESHOOTING First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call. .. Dis hwash er i s n ot op erat ing pr ope rly ■ Dishwasher does not run or stops during a cycle Is the door closed tightl y and lat ched? Is the right cycle selec ted? Refer t o the “Cycle S electio n Charts.
21 Is the home water pressur e high enough for p roper dishwas her filli ng? Home wa ter pr essur e shoul d be 20 to 120 psi (138 to 828 kPa) for pr oper d ishwashe r fill. A b ooster pump on the wa ter sup ply ca n be a dded i f pressure is too low .
22 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, plea se check “T ro ublesh ootin g.” I t may save you the c ost o f a se rvice cal l. If you sti ll ne ed help, follow the i nstru ctions b elow . When calli ng, please kn ow the purchase date an d the comple te model and s erial number of you r appliance.
23 KITCHENAID ® DISHW ASHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For one year from the date of purchase, w hen this dishwas her is operat ed and maintai ned ac cording to instructi ons attached to o r furn ished wit h the product, Kitch enAid will pay for replacement p arts and repair lab or to correct defects in materia ls or workm anship.
24 Notes.
25 LA S É CURI T É DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
26 Av a n t d ’ utiliser le lave-vaisselle ■ Instal ler le l ave-vai sselle dans u n endroit à l ’ abri de s inte mp é ries. Prot é ger l ’ appareil con tre le ge l pour é viter un e ruptur e p ossib le du r obi net de r empli ssage . De tell es ruptu re s ne sont pas couv ertes par la garantie.
27 PI È CES ET CARACT É RISTIQUES T ableau de com mande T ab leau de commande à l ’ avant 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 2 19 20 21 22 23 12 3 4 15 17 18 16 5 24 1 4 1. Bras d ’ aspersi on s up é rieur 2. R é gleurs [ deux] po ur 2 po sitions du p an ier sup é rieur 3.
28 GUIDE DE MISE EN MARCHE Ava n t d ’ utiliser le lav e-vaiss elle, enlev er tous les mat é riau x d ’ emballage. Lire ce guide d ’ utilisatio n et d ’ entretien au complet. V ous y tr ou ver ez de s r ens eigne ments d e s é curit é import ants ainsi q ue des conse ils d ’ utilisati on util es.
29 CHARGEMENT DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Suggesti ons de chargement ■ Enlever de l a vaissel le les restes alimen taires, os, cure-den ts et autres articles durs. Pou r conserver l ’ eau, l ’é ner gie et gagner du temps, il n ’ est pas n é ces sair e de rincer la vaiss elle avant de la placer dan s le lave-v aissell e.
30 ■ Placer les articl es de plast ique sol idement d ans le panier sup é rieur seu lement. Ne l aver des arti cles de pla stique au lave-vai ssell e que s ’ il s sont ident ifi é s comme “ lava ble au lave-vai ssell e. ” ■ Placer les articl es de plast ique pou r que la force du jet d ’ eau ne l es d é plac e pas duran t le lavage.
31 Panier sup é rieur amovible Le p an ier sup é rieur amovible permet de laver des articles plus grands t els que cass eroles, r ô tissoir es, et t ô les à bisc uits , d ans l e panier in f é rieur . IMPORT ANT : Enleve r la va issel le ava nt d ’ enlever le panie r sup é rieur du lave-vai ssell e.
32 Panier à ustensiles CULINAR Y CADDY ® Utili ser l e pani er à ustens iles po ur cont enir de s uste nsiles sp é ciaux d e cuisson (cuil l è res en bois, sp atules et articles semblabl es) ou le su rplus des couv erts. Le p an ier à usten siles s e susp end su r le p anier i nf é rieur dans le coin droit.
33 ■ La pe tite in sertio n pour le pan ier vous p ermet d e la ver des as siett es pl us pet ites , des soucoupes et des b ols. Lors que vous enlevez ce tte i nsertion, vous av ez plus de poss ibil it é s pour lave r de s art icles plus gros en d é pla ç an t l ’ in sertion moye nne vers l ’ avant ou vers l ’ arri è re.
34 Pour installer l ’ insertion moyenne 1. Placer les pieds d ’ ext r é mit é de l ’ insertion moy enne s ous la 2e broche en par tant de l a droite t el qu ’ illus tr é ci-dessous.
35 UTILISATION DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Distributeur de d é tergent Le dis tribu teur de d é tergent comporte 2 sect ions. La section plus petit e du pr é lavage v ide le d é terg ent d ans l e lave- vai sselle l ors de la fermetur e de la porte.
36 REMARQUE : Les quant it é s i ndi qu é es correspondent à l ’ emploi d ’ un d é t er gen t en pou dr e stan dar d. La qu anti t é peut vari er si on util ise un d é tergent en pou dre concentr é o u un d é terge nt li quid e.
37 Conseils de perform ance pour le lave-vaisselle L ’ eau chaude di ssout et activ e le d é te rgent à vais selle . L ’ eau chaude diss out é galemen t la graiss e sur la vaisse lle et contribue au s é chage d es verres sans taches .
38 † Une pe tite quan tit é d ’ eau circule dans l a pompe pour é liminer les sa let é s entr e le lavag e prin cipa l et le rin ç age final. REMARQUES : ■ Le d é tecteur i ncorpor é au la ve-vaiss elle cont r ô le le de gr é de salet é .
39 4. V é rifier les distrib uteurs de d é t er gent. Ils doiv ent ê tre bien r emplis pou r le nou veau pr ogr amm e. 5. Fermer la porte. 6. Appuyer s ur Start (mise en marche). Addition de vaiss elle durant un prog ramme V ous pouvez aj outer un article à tout moment d è s qu ’ un t é moin Add a Dish ( Ajouter u n plat) s ’ allum e.
40 Pour é teindre la commande de verrouillage Appuyer pend ant 4 second es sur ENE RGY SAVER ™ Dry (s é chage é coner gique) . Le t é moin s ’é teint. Delay Hours/lavage diff é r é Choisi r cette opti on pour f air e f onctio nner vo tr e lave -vai sselle plus tard ou en dehor s des he ures de poi nte.
41 Syst è me de lavage Le sy st è me de lavage à cinq nive aux donne d ’ excellents r é sul tats de lavage . Un sys t è me de qua tre niveaux d e filtrati on et un syst è me de r é tention d es d é bris fi ltr ent l ’ eau de l avage et emp ê chent les part icules alimen taires de se red é poser sur la vaissel le propre.
42 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Nett oyag e Nettoyage de l ’ ext é rieur Dans la plu part de s cas , il su ffit d ’ utiliser un ling e doux, hu mide ou une é ponge et un d é tergent doux pour ne ttoyer les surfaces ext é rieures du l ave-vai sselle et pr é serv er son aspect de prod uit neu f.
43 Le di sposi tif an ti-r efou lement se tr ouve habitu elleme nt su r le dessus d e l ’é vier ou d u comptoi r pr è s du lave-vai sselle. Pour commande r un di spositi f anti-r efoule ment, a pp.
44 ■ Condensati on sur le compto ir de la cuisine (m od è les encastr é s) Le la ve-va issel le e st-il align é avec le de ssus du c omp toir ? L ’ humid it é sortant de l ’é vent de la conso le du la ve-v aiss elle peut se former s ur le comptoi r .
45 ■ T aches orange sur les articles de plastique ou les surfaces internes du lave-vaisselle Plac e-t-o n dans le lav e-vaiss elle de la v aisse lle su r laq uelle i l y a u ne quan tit é consid é.
46 GARANTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an , à compter de la da te d ’ achat, lors que le lav e-vai sselle es t utili s é et entretenu conform é me.
47 Notes.
8531136 © 200 2. All r ights re served. Tous dr oits r é se rv é s. ® Registe red Trad emark /TM T radem ark of Kitchen Aid, U. S.A., K itchenAi d Cana da lic ensee in Canad a ® Marque d é pos é e/TM M arque de comme rce de Kitche nAid, U .S.A.
An important point after buying a device KitchenAid KUDS01DL (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought KitchenAid KUDS01DL yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data KitchenAid KUDS01DL - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, KitchenAid KUDS01DL you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get KitchenAid KUDS01DL will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of KitchenAid KUDS01DL, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime KitchenAid KUDS01DL.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with KitchenAid KUDS01DL. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device KitchenAid KUDS01DL along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center