Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6 918803 A Jenn-Air
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Custom Pane l Instruc tions Items you w ill need: - Custom Panel Door Fr ont (m ax weight: 16 lbs) o Panel M UST be ¾ inch thick. - Tape Measure - Electric Drill - Torx (T-20) Head Screwdriver - 1/8.
Step 1: Construct the Custom Panel. 1.1 Ensure the custom panel is the sam e size as the pa nel sho wn in the figure below. 1.2 Drill holes in the back of the pane l using the tem plate provided. Follow the instructions on the front of the tem plate. If the tem plate is m issing follow the instructions on f ollowing pa ge.
1.2B Custom panel construction without a tem plate. 1.2.1 Find the center of panel at the to p and bottom and draw and l ine through both points, di viding the pa nel in two. 1.2.2 Drill two 1/8” holes per above figure no more than 3 /8” d eep. 1.
Step 2: Installing Panel Fasten ers. 2.1 Rem ove existing front p anel from dishwasher. 2.1.1 Open door com pletely and r emove the second s crew from the top on both the right and left s ides of the do or. Save the sc rews. 2.1.2 Slide the existing f ront panel up ward approxim ately 1 ½ ” .
2.3 Rem ove the two panel fas teners f rom the face of the control panel on the in ner door. 2.4 Scre w each of the four p anel fasteners into the four 5/ 32” pilot holes prev iously drilled into the back of the wood panel.
Step 3: Mount ing the Handle (Han dle Provided wit h Dishwasher). See Step 3B for Cu stom Handle Inst allation. NOTE: Use these instruct ions ONLY if you are using the sam e handle pro vided with t he dishwasher. You will need t o purchase t wo ¼ - 20 bolts that are 2 ½ inches long.
Step 4: Mo unting the Custom Pane l to the Dishw asher. 4.1 Align the four pan el fastener s with the four holes of the k eyhole slots on the inn er door panel. 4.2 Once all four f asteners are seated, slide the custom panel dow n until the top of the custom panel is flush with the to p of the control p anel.
Step 5: A d just Sp ring Tension on Door. 5.1 If the spring tension on the door is too great then lower the spring on the bracket. 5.2 If the spring tension on the door is not eno ugh then: 5.2.1 Remove spring f rom bracket. 5.2.2 Remove the brack et by rem oving the two screws.
Instructions pour p a nneaux p ersonnalisés Articles nécessaire s : - Panneau de f açade personnal isé pour porte (po ids max. : 16 lb) o Le panneau DOIT avoir u ne épaisseur de 3 /4 po.
Étape 1 : Prépa ration du pan neau personnali sé. 1.1 Découpez le pan neau personnalisé selon les m êmes dimens ions que celles du panneau présen té ci-dessous. 1.2 Percez des trous à l’ ARRIÈR E du panneau en utilisant le gab arit fourni.
1.2B Préparatio n du panneau per sonnalisé sans l e gabarit. 1.2.1 Faites deux repèr es au centr e du panneau, en h aut et en bas de ce lui-ci, et tracez une ligne verticale pour les jo indre et diviser le panneau en de ux. 1.2.2 Percez deux trous de 1/8 po selo n la figure à une profondeur m aximale de 3/8 po.
Étape 2 : Install ation des fixations d e panneau. 2.1 Retire z du lave- vaissel le, le panneau de f açade exista nt. 2.1.1 Ouvrez la porte à f ond et enleve z les deuxièm es vis à partir du haut, à droite et à gauche de la porte. Co nservez ces vis.
2.3 Enleve z les deux fixat ions de panneau, du devant du t ableau de comm ande, sur la contre-porte. 2.4 Visse z chacune des qua tre fixations d ans les quatre a vant- trous de 5/32 p o percés préalablem ent à l’ar rière du panneau en bois .
Étape 3 : Mo ntage de la poignée (p oignée fournie av ec le lave-v aisselle). Consultez l’étape 3B pour l’installation de la poignée personn alisée. REMARQUE : Utilisez ces instructions SEULEMENT si vous utilisez la poignée fournie avec le lave-vaisselle.
Étape 4 : M ontage du panneau per sonnalisé sur le lave-vaisselle. 4.1 Alig nez les quatre fixations de panneau avec l es quatre trous d es fentes ovalisée s du panneau de la co ntre-porte.
Étape 5 : Réglag e de la tension du ressort de la por te. 5.1 Si la tens ion du ressort d e la porte est tro p forte, accro chez le ressort à un niveau plus bas. 5.2 Si la tens ion du ressort d e la porte est ins uffisante : 5.2.1 Décrochez le res sort de son supp ort.
Instrucciones del Pan el Personalizado Artículos Necesario s: - Panel delantero p ersonalizado para la puerta (pes o máx: 16 lbs.) o El panel DEBE ser de ¾ pulg.
Paso 1: Constru cción del Panel P ersonalizado. 1.1 Asegúrese de que el panel per sonalizado sea de l mism o tamaño que el que s e muestr a en la figura siguiente. 1.2 Taladre agujeros en la parte trase ra del panel usando la p lantilla provista. S iga las instrucciones indica das en el frente de la planti lla.
1.2B Construcc ión del panel p ersonalizado si n una plantilla. 1.2.1 Marque el centro del panel en la p arte superior e inferior y trace un a línea conectando am bos puntos, di vidiendo así el pane l en dos. 1.2.2 Taladre dos agujeros de 1/8”, de acuerdo con la fig ura anterior, de n o más de 3/8” de profund idad.
Paso 2: Instalación d e los Suj etadores del Pane l. 2.1 Retire el panel delantero antiguo del lavavajillas. 2.1.1 Abra completam ente la puerta y retire el segundo t ornillo desde el tope en ambos lados (derec ho e izquierdo), d e la puerta. Con serve los tornillos.
2.3 Retire los dos sujetador es del panel s ituados en el f rente del panel de co ntrol en la puerta interior. 2.4 Atorn ille cada uno de los cuatro sujeta dores del pa nel en los cuatro ag ujeros pilotos de 5/32” pr eviamente tala drados en la par te trasera del p anel de m adera.
Paso 3: Montaje de la M anija (M anija suministrada con el lavavajillas). Ver Paso 3B par a la instalación de l a manija pe rsonalizada. NOT A : Use estas instrucciones S OLAMENTE si est á usando la m anija sum inistrada con el lavavajil las. Necesitar á comprar dos pernos de ¼ - 20 bolts de 2 ½ pulgadas de larg o.
Paso 4: M ontaje del Panel Person alizado en el La vavajillas. 4.1 Alinee los cuatro suj etadores del pa nel con los cuatro agujeros d e las ranuras piriform es del panel interior de la puerta.
Paso 5: Ajuste de la Tensión d el Resorte de la Puerta. 5.1 Si la tens ión del resorte d e la puerta es mu y f uerte, baje el resorte en el sop orte. 5.2 Si la tens ión del resorte d e la puerta no es suficiente: 5.2.1 Retire el resorte d el soporte.
An important point after buying a device Jenn-Air 6 918803 A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Jenn-Air 6 918803 A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Jenn-Air 6 918803 A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Jenn-Air 6 918803 A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Jenn-Air 6 918803 A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Jenn-Air 6 918803 A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Jenn-Air 6 918803 A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Jenn-Air 6 918803 A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Jenn-Air 6 918803 A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center