Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S-Type Jaguar
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F o reword Jaguar S -TYPE Navigation Handbook Published November 1999 by P arts and Service Communications Jagu ar Cars Limited Publication P art No. JJM 18 05 16/00 JA GU AR CARS LIMI TED, as man ufacturers, are dedicated to the design and production of vehic les which meet the expect ations of th e world's most disce rning purchase rs.
Contents JJM 10 05 16/00 Last amend: Septembe r 1999 – UK 1. Introd uction and co ntrols Introduction . ............... .......... ................ .......... ............ 1 - 1 Using the s ystem ......... .......... ................ .......... ....
Index JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS About this handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 Address input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 – house number input . . . .
Index JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Language selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 6 Loading the m ap CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 5 M Map CD version . . . . . . . . .
Index JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Screen guidan ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1 Screen typ es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 4 – full scre en . . .
Index JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS.
Introduction and controls 1 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Intro duct ion This Jaguar navigation s ystem assist s the driver by pro viding a route to a se lected destination.
1 - 2 Intr oduction and contr ols JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Using the system Safety info rmation When the system is switched on , the Road Safety Caution screen is di splayed, giving th e following informat ion. Most functio ns are inhibited whilst the vehicle is in motion.
Introduction and controls 1 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Using the sys tem (c ontin ued) Reception of GPS signals GPS signal s are highly directional and reception may occ asionally be interrupt ed. Some example s of situ ations likely to cause problem s are shown below .
1 - 4 Intr oduction and contr ols JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Using the system (c ontinue d) Jaguar dealership locations Details of Jagua r dealerships are h eld on the map CD as a P oints of In terest (POI) class. Certain dealers may be locate d in areas that are not ful ly mapp ed on the CD.
Introduction and controls 1 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amen d: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Loading the map CD Note: The ignition mus t be switched on (pos ition ‘l’). 1. Loca te the na vigation unit, on th e left-hand side of the luggag e comp artmen t. Turn the two quar ter-t urn fasten ers ( A ) anti-clockwise and tilt t he navigati on unit forward.
1 - 6 Intr oduction and contr ols JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Scree n displays Map screens A typical map disp lay is shown, wi th a ke y to the main items of information. A. Destination in formation – While under gu idance, the estimat ed time or distance to the end of the route is displayed, se e Set up menu on pa ge 3-6.
Introduction and controls 1 - 7 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Scree n displays (continu ed) Screen sym bols The screen symbols use d by the system are explained be low . Also see Pe r s o n a l marker symbol s on page 1-8. Naviga tion symbol – Indicates t he current vehicle p osition a nd hea ding.
1 - 8 Intr oduction and contr ols JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Scree n displays (continu ed) Personal mark er symbols These symb ols can be us ed as required to tag poin ts held i n memor y . P oint s can then be displayed sort ed by c lass (category) according to the symbol s used.
Introduction and controls 1 - 9 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Using the c ontrols Note: A single tone denotes the confirm ation of a co ntrol action.
1 - 10 Introduction and controls JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: Nov ember 1999 – NAS Using the con trols (contin ued ) Map bu tton The M ap butt on has t he follo wing functions. • Returns to t he initia l map display from any other screen. • After scrollin g, return s to the map display of c urrent vehicle p osition.
Introduction and controls 1 - 11 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Using the con trols (c ontin ued ) Character entry Use the Cursor control (Up/Down, Left/R ight ) to highligh t the fir st character in the na me and pre ss Enter. Repeat for each character in t urn.
Q u i c k r e f e r e n c e 2 - 1 J J M 18 05 16/0 0 L a s t am e n d: No v e m b er 1999 – N A S Ma i n f e at u r e s o f th e s y s t em Set p o i n ts W h e n us i ng t h e s ys t e m , t h e r e a r e fo u r ty p e s of p o in t t h a t c an b e us e d in s e t t i n g up a r o ut e .
2 - 2 Qu ick re fe ren c e JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Rout e sett ing ex ample This is a sim ple example showing how to use the ba sic featu res of the sy stem to set a route. It descr ibes each s creen in turn a nd explains h ow to use the controls.
Q ui ck ref ere n ce 2 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Rout e setti ng example (continued ) 4. Main menu The main navi gation me nu is display ed. Press function b utton F1 to se lect the Enter Destin ation me nu. 5. Enter dest ination menu The Enter Destination m enu is displayed.
2 - 4 Qu ick re fe ren c e JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Rout e settin g exam ple (co ntinued ) 7. Confir m destination The map disp lay shows ‘Press ENTER to confirm destina tion or F3 to se lect as a W ay P oint’. Pr ess Enter to conf irm.
Q ui ck ref ere n ce 2 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Navigati on menu str ucture.
Basic functions 3 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Gett ing star ted Initialisatio n Caution: Do not leave t he ignition on for long periods with t he engine not running.
3 - 2 Basic functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Getti ng started (c ontinued) Map display (not under guidance) The initial map s creen s howing th e current ve hicle posit ion is display ed. Panel controls F1 (Menu) – Displa ys the main navigation menu, see Main menu on page 3-5.
Basic functions 3 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Gett ing starte d (conti nued) Setting of points After scrollin g the map, t he following functions are availabl e: F1 (Dest.) – Selects t he map loca tion under the cross-wire marker as a destination, see Route calculatio n on page 6-1.
3 - 4 Basic functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Getti ng started (c ontinued) Quick po ints of interest (Q- POI) The screen shows a list of th ree commonly use d POI classes. Se lect the class requir ed and press Ente r. The screen shows a list of the th ree nearest points in t he selecte d class, see Q-POI selection.
Basic functions 3 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS General navigation menus Main men u Select th e menu item re quir ed: Enter Destination – See Ente r destination menu on page 4-1. Ro ute O ptio ns – See Route options menu on page 3-10.
3 - 6 Basic functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Genera l navigation menu s (continu ed) Set up menu Select th e menu item re quir ed: Language – Allows the cu rrent langua ge to be changed, se e Language selection. Guidance – See Guidance menu on page 3-8.
Basic functions 3 - 7 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Genera l navigation menus (continu ed) Calibration settings Sometim es the v ehicle p ositi on shown on the map disp lay may n ot be correct . This can occur, for example, if the vehicle has be en moved on a t railer or by ferry .
3 - 8 Basic functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Genera l navigation menu s (continu ed) Guidance menu Select th e menu item re quir ed: Guidance Options – Allows the current options to b e changed, see Guidance options selection.
Basic functions 3 - 9 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Genera l navigation menus (continu ed) Information menu The Infor mati on me nu ca n be di splay ed at any tim e by pressing th e Informati on (i) bu tton.
3 - 10 Ba sic functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Route option s (F1 → → → → F2) Route options menu Select th e menu item re quir ed: Route Preferences – See Route preferences selection . Det our Rout e – Se e Det our route settings .
Basic fun ctions 3 - 11 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Route opt ions (conti nued) Cancelling guidance The screen shows ‘Pr ess ENTER to cancel guid ance’. Wh en Enter is pr essed, th e ro ute is erased and th e screen briefly shows ‘Guidance cancelle d’.
Destination entry 4 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Enter destin ation m enu ( F1 → → → → F1) Enter destination m enu Select th e menu item re quir ed: Previo us Dest. – Entry of a destination using informat ion already h eld by the system, see Previous destinat ion menu on page 4-2.
4 - 2 Destination entry JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Previous d estin ation me nu (F1 → → → → F1 → → → → F1) Previous destination m enu Select th e menu item re quir ed: Home – If a home positi on has been entered, a route to t hat locat ion will be calcu lated, see Route calculation on page 6-1.
Destination entry 4 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Previous des tination me nu (con tinued) List item display The detai ls of the selected item are displayed. If F1 (Map) or Enter is pressed, a route can be c alcul ated to th e sele cted poi nt, either as a destination or as a way point, see Route calculation on page 6-1.
4 - 4 Destination entry JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Addr ess in put (F 1 → → → → F1 → → → → F2) 1. Street input The Street Input screen is display ed.
Destination entry 4 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Poi nt of inte rest (POI) input (F1 → → → → F1 → → → → F3) 1.
4 - 6 Destination entry JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Freewa y juncti on input 1. Freeway name input The Freeway Input screen is displayed. Enter the na me of a f reeway , see Character entr y on page 1-11. The screen shows the list of possible freeways from the cha racters entered, see Freew ay selection.
Destination entry 4 - 7 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Inters ection inpu t 1. Inter secti on na me inp ut Note: This function is availabl e in certain areas only. The Street Input screen is display ed. An in tersec tio n is th e ju nction bet ween two streets.
A dva nced functions 5 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Set point me nus Set points menu The Set P oints men u is s electe d fr om the Main menu, se e General navigation menus on page 3-5. The menu sh ows the four typ es of se t point, as li sted b elow .
5 - 2 Advanc ed functio ns JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Memory point function s 1. Store The screen shows the list of items t hat can be stored as mem ory points . Selec t the item req uired. Enter t he deta ils of the po int required, see Destination entry , sect ion 4.
A dva nced functions 5 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Memo ry poi nt fu ncti ons (c onti nued) 3. Edit The screen shows the list of currently stored memory po ints. Select a point and press Enter. The de tails o f the select ed poi nt a re displayed, see Memor y point de tails.
5 - 4 Advanc ed functio ns JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Memo ry poi nt fu ncti ons (c ontin ued ) 4. Delete The screen shows the list of currentl y stored memory p oints. Sin gle points or all points can be de leted. T o dele te one poi nt, sel ect the po int req uired and press En ter.
A dva nced functions 5 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Way point functions 1. Store The screen s hows the list of i tems that can be s tored as wa y poi nts. Sel ect th e item req uired. Enter the d etai ls of th e poi nt required, see Destination en try , sec tion 4.
5 - 6 Advanc ed functio ns JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Way point fu nctions (c ontinued) 3. Edit The screen shows the list of currentl y stored way poin ts. Selec t a point a nd press F1 (I nfo.), F3 (Sor t), or Ente r: F1 (Info.
A dva nced functions 5 - 7 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Way point functions (c ontinued) 4. Delete The screen shows the list of currently stored way poin ts. Single points or all points c an be delet ed. T o delete one point, select t he point req uired and press Enter.
5 - 8 Advanc ed functio ns JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Avoid area func tions 1. Store The screen shows the list of items t hat can be stored as avoid areas. Select th e item req uired. Enter the de tails o f the point required as the centre of the area to be av oided, see Destination entry , section 4.
A dva nced functions 5 - 9 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Avoid area func tions (c ontinued) 3. Edit The screen shows the list of currently stored areas. Se lect an area and press Enter. The name of the se lected area to be edited is displayed.
5 - 10 Ad v anced functions JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Home posit ion func tions 1. Store The screen shows the list of items t hat can be stored as a hom e positi on. Select the item req uired. Enter the details of the home position req uired, see Destination entry , section 4.
A dva nced functions 5 - 11 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Home posit ion func tions (c ontinue d) 4. Delete The scr een sho ws the map location of the home p osition and ‘Press ENTER to dele te this po int’. Wh en Enter is pres sed, the screen b riefly s hows ‘P oint de leted’.
Route ca lculation and gu idance 6 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Route calc ulation Calculating the rou te The ma p showing the sele cted de stin atio n is di splay ed.
6 - 2 Route calc ulation and guidance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Rout e guidan ce Following guidanc e ! WARNING: Only operate, adjust or v iew the system when it is safe to do so. Drive away , following the v oice gui dance given by the system.
Route ca lculation and gu idance 6 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Rout e guidance (continu ed) Addition al functions (under guidance) The additional fun ctions, whil e under guidance , for the fun ction b uttons ( F1 to F4) are as follows: F1 (Audi ble mode ) – T urns voice guidance and chime On or Off .
6 - 4 Route calc ulation and guidance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Scree n types Map, split screen The screen shows the m ap display with the cu rrent vehi cle position and route highligh ted. As the vehicle ap proaches the ne xt turn , the screen au tomati call y shows the next junction diag ram overlaid on the map disp lay .
Route ca lculation and gu idance 6 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Additional g uidance fe atures Arrival guidance When th e vehicle a rrives at the de stin ation, the s cre en sh o ws ‘Y ou hav e arrived at y our destinat ion’.
6 - 6 Route calc ulation and guidance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Setting des tinations across map cove rage area s ! WARNING: When changing map CDs, f ind a safe place to pull over. Eac h map CD has an area of overlap w ith the adjoining areas, to prov ide a smooth transition between cove rage areas during a journ ey .
Emergency and assist ance 7 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Intro duct ion Emergency roadsi de assistance is pro vided by the Jaguar Assist system. The system use s the ve hicle’s Jagu ar in-ca r telephone in stallation to commun icate with the Jagua r security respon se center.
Emergency and assist ance 7 - 1 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Intro duct ion Emergency roadsi de assistance is pro vided by the Jaguar Assist system. The system use s the ve hicle’s Jagu ar in-ca r telephone in stallation to commun icate with the Jagua r security respon se center.
7 - 2 Emergency and assistance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Getti ng started Certain impor tant fe atures of the system are described be low .
Emergency and assist ance 7 - 3 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Before u sing the sys tem Registration and acquaintance Before use, the regis tration procedure must be com pleted.
7 - 4 Emergency and assistance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Operation of the sys tem Note: The ignition must be turned on (posit ion ‘l’ or ‘ll’ ). The system is ope rated fr om the control s on the naviga tion front panel, see s ection 1.
Emergency and assist ance 7 - 5 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Furth er i nform ation On-s cre en m essa ges During an as sistance cal l, various s tatus messages are displ ayed on the navigation screen, which e nable th e progress of th e call to be followed.
7 - 6 Emergency and assistance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Furthe r info rmatio n (co ntinued ) Cellular phone interface The cell ular phone m ust be conn ected to the veh icle, and re gistered with a cellu lar network for the sy stem to work.
Emergency and assist ance 7 - 7 JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: No vember 1999 – NAS Message list During operation , a sequence of messag es will app ear on the n avigation sc reen.
7 - 8 Emergency and assistance JJM 18 05 16/00 Last amend: November 1999 – NAS Message list (c ontinue d) Mes sage Me ani ng CELLULAR SYSTEM B USY Trying to c onnect cal l to th e cellular phone sys.
An important point after buying a device Jaguar S-Type (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Jaguar S-Type yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Jaguar S-Type - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Jaguar S-Type you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Jaguar S-Type will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Jaguar S-Type, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Jaguar S-Type.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Jaguar S-Type. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Jaguar S-Type along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center