Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NS-BRDVD3-CA Insignia
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Blu-R ay D isc P layer NS-BRDVD 3-C A Use r G ui d e.
ii signiap roducts.c om Co n t e n t s Important safet y instructio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iii Contents signiap m Setting the BD-Live In ternet acce ss level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Viewing available BD- Live storag e space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Erasing BD -Live storage .
iv Contents signiap roducts.c om.
1 www.insig niaproduct Im por tan t sa f e ty inst ructions 1 Read these instr uctions . 2 Keep these instr uctions . 3 Heed all warnin gs. 4 F ollo w a ll in stru ctions . 5 Do not us e this app aratus ne ar water . 6 Clean only with a dry cloth.
2 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Bl u - R ay D i s c P l ayer Introd uc tion Congratulations on your purchase of a high- quality Insignia pro duct. Y o ur NS-BRDVD3-CA represe nts the stat e of the art in Blu-ray Disc play er design and is desig ned f or r eliable and tr ouble-free per form ance.
3 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Remote c on trol # Item Descr ip tion ST A NDBY/ON Pres s to tur n on your play er or put y our play er in standb y mode . When y our play er is in s tandby m ode, power is sti ll enter ing your pl ayer.
4 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Sett ing up y our play e r Instal ling remot e c ontr ol ba tte ries T o i nstall re mote contr ol bat teries: 1 Remove th e batter y comp ar tment cover . 2 Inser t two AAA ba tteries int o the bat tery comp artment.
5 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a TV using a component vi deo cable (bett er) Using an digital audio receiver T o c onnec t a com ponent-capable TV to a digital audio rec .
6 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct C onnecting a TV using an A/V cable (good) T o connect a TV using an A V cable: • Con nect an A/V cable to t he VIDEO OUT and AUD I O OU T L / R jacks on the back of your player and to t he VIDEO IN and AU D I O I N L / R jack on th e T V .
7 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Playing Blu -ray Disc s Playing Blu-ray Disc s are a lot like playing DVDs, exc ept Blu-ray Discs hav e a higher lev el of interact ivity. Most of the standard featur es of DVD playback work the same with Blu-ray Disc playback.
8 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct 3 Pr ess or to se lect Pla y A ll (play s all file s) or Play Selection (plays files added t o the playlist ), then press ENTER .
9 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Displa ying Blu -r ay Dis c in forma tion T o display B lu-ray Di sc info rmati on: • Pr ess DIS PL A Y .
10 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct T o add a JPG file to t he play list: 1 Inser t a disc or plug in a USB flash drive, then press . 2 Pr ess or to select Optical Disc or USB , then press ENTER . 3 Pr ess or to select a file or fol der , then press ENTE R .
11 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct 2 Pr ess or to selec t Language . T he Language menu op ens. 3 Pr ess , press or to select Menu , then press ENTE R . 4 Pr ess or to select the language you want, then press ENTER . 5 Pr ess to go to the pr evious menu.
12 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Selecting the vide o output r esolut ion T o select the video output r esolution : 1 Pr ess ENTER . The Settings me nu opens. 2 Pr ess or to select Display . The Dis pl ay menu opens . 3 Pr ess , to select Res oluti on , then press EN TER .
13 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct 4 Pr ess or to select On or Of f . Off selects a 60 frames /second out put f ormat. 5 Pr ess to go to the pr evious menu. Selecting the PCM do wnsampling ra te T o select the PCM downsampling rat e: 1 Pr ess ENTER .
14 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Setting th e paren tal c ont rol pa ssw ord T o set the paren tal cont rol passw ord: 1 Pr ess ENTER . The Settings me nu opens. 2 Pr ess or to selec t Par ent a l . The Pare nt al menu op ens.
15 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct 5 Pr ess or to select the rating level you want to b lock , the n press ENTER . T hat rating and all higher ratings wi ll be blocked. Y o u can select: • 1[Kid Safe] —Suitable f or all chil dren. • 2[G] —General audi ences .
16 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Setting th e screen sa ver activatio n time Y our playe r has a sc ree n saver feature that turns the screen black whe n your play er is i nactive . Y ou can s et t h e a m o u n t o f t i m e y o u w a n t y o u r p l a ye r t o w a i t bef ore activat ing the scr een sav er .
17 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Configuring th e Internet connec ti on T o configur e the In ternet c o nnection: 1 Pr ess ENTER . The Settings me nu opens. 2 Pr ess or to selec t Network , then press ENTE R . 3 Pr ess , press or to select Wi r e d , then pr ess ENTE R .
18 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Handlin g discs • T o keep a disc clean, do not tou ch the pla y side (non-lab el side) of the di sc. • Do no t attac h paper o r tape to the disc. Clean ing disc s • Bef ore p lay back, wipe the disc outwar ds from the cent er (not in a cir cle) w ith a c lean clot h.
19 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Opera tio n T V screen an d video Problem Sol uti on Remote control does not work • Make sure that you are pointing the remote c ontrol at the remote control sen sor on the fr ont of yo ur play er .
20 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct HDMI c onnections BD-Liv e and USB co nnection s Other playback pr oblems There is no apparent change in th e picture qualit y when t he picture settings a r e changed i n the Setu p menu • Depending o n the video type, changes m ay not be apparent.
21 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct Specifica tions Spec ifica tio ns are subj ect to cha nge wit hout n otic e. S yst em and outputs Gener al V ide o file r equi remen t (USB/D ISC) Vi .
22 NS-BRDVD3-CA Blu-R ay Disc Player www.insig niaproduct FCC wa r ni ng Chang es or m odifi cations not exp ressly ap proved by t he par t y responsi ble for co mpliance with the FC C Rules co uld void the user ’ s authority to oper ate this equi pment.
23 Blu-Ray Disc Player www.insig niaproduct One - y ear limited warranty Insignia Products (“In signia ”) warrants to you, the original purchaser of this new product (“P roduct ”), that .
ww w .insigniaprodu (877) 467-428 9 Distr ibut ed by Best Buy Pu rc has ing , LL C 7601 P enn Av enue South, Richfield, MN USA 55 423-3645 © 2009 Best Bu y Enterp rise Services, I nc. All righ ts r eserved. INSIG NIA is a tr adema rk of Best Buy E nterpr ise Ser vices , Inc .
An important point after buying a device Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Insignia NS-BRDVD3-CA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center