Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CAM4365 Infortrend
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CAM4365 3 Megapix el Dome Outdoor N etwork Camera User Manu al Release 1.2.
www.surveo 2 All Rights Reserved © Surveon Technol ogy 2011 Copyright Statement No part of thi s publication may be reproduced, transmitt ed, transcribed, stored in a r etrieval system , or t r.
3 CAM4365 User Manual T able of Contents Copyright Statemen t .............. ........... ....... ........... ........... .......... ......... 2 Chapter 1. O verview ............ ........... ......... .......... .......... ........... .......... 5 1.1.
www.surveo 4 Basic Settin gs .... ........... ........... ........... ...... ........... ........... ..... 28 Image Appeara nce .......... ........... ........... ...... ........... .......... ..... 29 Video Stream s ......... .......... .......
5 CAM4365 User Manual Chapter 1. Overv iew 1.1. Network Camer a Intr oduction CAM4365 is a professional I P network camera that uses Internet Protocol (I P) to transmit video streams and con trol sign als ove r n etworks.
www.surveo 6 1.3. Network Camer a Specifi cations CAM4365 Image sensor 1/2.8” 3 mega pixel Sony low -light CMOS Lens 3 - 10 mm motori zed len s, F1.
7 CAM4365 User Manual Alarm out 1, terminal blo ck AUX Power Output 12VDC 400m A Video buffer 5 second pre-alarm 30 second post -alarm Event action Send snapsh ot or vid eo clip by FTP or email, recor.
www.surveo 8 1.4. Network C amer a Har dware Installation Before the net work came ra is configured : 1. Install t he camera i n a suitabl e spot. T he camera shou ld have an unobstru cted view of the area to be surveyed. 2. Connect the camera to a power source.
9 CAM4365 User Manual Chapter 2. Connecting to the Network Camer a This section demonstrates how to connect to the network camera through two method s: • Web Browser – A simple web-ba sed interface. Internet Explorer is the recommended web browser for use with Surveon network cameras, and our examples will be from this browser.
www.surveo 10 2.1. Connecti ng with a W eb Browser Connecting to the Net work Camer a with a we b browser 1. Launch the web browser (Microsoft ® I nternet Explorer 6.0 or higher is recommended). 2. Enter the I P address of the network camera in the a ddress bar of your browser and press enter.
11 CAM4365 User Manual Installing Active X Components i n Internet Explo rer You may be prompted to install ActiveX® c omponen ts when acc essing the network camera’s Live View page; click Yes when prompted. You will be able to access the c amera after installat ion is completed.
www.surveo 12 3. Continu e installing the Act ive X compon ents. 4. After installing ActiveX, go to Tools> Internet Options> Trusted Websites> Site s and add the IP Address of the camera. Logging Ou t of the System Logging off of the camera can be performed by clos ing the browser wi ndow.
13 CAM4365 User Manual 2.2. Connecti ng with an R TSP Player Surveon cameras support connections through R TSP Media Playe rs such as Real Player and QuickTime Playe r . We will use Real Play er as an example in this section. 1. Launch Real Play er or Qu ickTime Play er ; 2.
www.surveo 14 Chapter 3. W eb Interface 3.1. Interface Layout This sectio n demonst rates the lay out of the net work c amera’s main inte rface. The 4 main a reas on the interface are: 1. M enu Bar - The links on this bar allow users to toggle between live-view and settings screens, as well as logout and pull up the help menu.
15 CAM4365 User Manual Control Descript ions Contro l Description Adjust Window Size: When clicked, the display window size c an be adjusted manually to fit the screen. The screen size changes back to the actual ima ge size (resolution ). Full-Screen: Goes to full-screen when clicked; press “ESC” to retu rn to window ed view.
www.surveo 16 Control Description Streams: Allows users to c hoose which camera stream to view. The indicator above the stream will turn light green when th e stream is select ed. Video Format: Sets the compression format for the current stream.
17 CAM4365 User Manual 3.2. Settings Camera settings m ay be changed by clicking on the Setti ngs lin k located in t he title bar. This will bring up a menu list of configuration menus for all major camera setti ngs. Gener al General sett ing menus are fo und under Sett ings > General .
www.surveo 18 of the camera. There are fou r possible beha viors: o LED on when camer a is on - LED default on, flashing during camera access. o LED on during camera a ccess - LED default off, f.
19 CAM4365 User Manual User Account The User Account section, found under General> User Account, controls the user account information and privileges. There are two pre-config ured accounts : • admin - This is the default administration acc ount, and cannot be deleted.
www.surveo 20 Adding Accounts In General> User Account under the User Account heading, click on “Add” . Up to 10 accoun ts can be add ed to the sys tem.
21 CAM4365 User Manual Editing Accounts In Gen eral> User Accou nt under the User Account h eading, select an existin g account by clicking on the acc ount entry. The entry will be highlighte d in yellow. Clickin g Edit will allow you to change the followin g fields: • User Group - Th e system all ows for 2 types of users.
www.surveo 22 Date & Time Date and time settings can be accessed at General> Dat e & Time. Current Date & Ti me disp lays the current sy stem dat e and time.
23 CAM4365 User Manual Day Night Saving Users can set t he Day Ligh t Saving Tim e by ticking on Enable Daylight Saving . Click OK to save or Cancel t o abort the chan ges before y ou leave the pa ge.
www.surveo 24 Network The network settings, including network configuration, port c onfigurat ion, and universal plug and play (UPnP) settings are used to configure camera connectivity . These setti ngs are found und er the Settin gs > Network cont ext.
25 CAM4365 User Manual Secondary DNS fields. The network camera can be connected to the network upon completi on. PPPoE Settings This feat ure is disa bled by default. Conne cting to the network using PPPoE (Point-to -Point Protocol over Ethernet) requires a user name and password from your ISP ( Internet Service Provid er).
www.surveo 26 commonly known values. We recommend that they not be c hanged unless there is a specifi c reason t o do so. HTTP Port Settings The HTTP port number is used access th e camera via th e HTTP protocol. The LiveView Port number is used to transmi t live-view info rmation.
27 CAM4365 User Manual UPnP Universal plug and pl ay (UPnP) is a protocol that simplifies the implemen tation of networks by allowin g new hardware to connect seamlessl y to a network. The sett ings for this feature can be found und er Network>U PnP .
www.surveo 28 Vide o & Au dio Setting s Video and audio are the heat of a network camera's fu nctionalit y. T he settings for video and audio can be found under Settings> Video & Audio .
29 CAM4365 User Manual Image Appearance These settings, found unde r Vi deo & Audio> Image Appearance , deal with the video output of the camera. There are two tabs, Image Attributes and Sensor Configuratio n, as well as Advan ced Settings . Image Attributes These parameters deal with the image lightin g and color.
www.surveo 30 Sensor Configuration The Sensor Configur ation can be accessed by clickin g on the t ab to t he right of the Image Attributes tab. The following pa rameters can be changed: • Backlight Com pensation - Backlight compensation adjusts video gain to automatically correct the exposure of objects that are strongly backlit.
31 CAM4365 User Manual Advanced Settings The Advanced Settings allow you to make c hanges to the following paramete rs: • Frequency - Reduces flickering caused by the difference in frequency of the system and the environment light ing. T he use r can choose to compensat e for 50Hz or 6 0Hz lighting.
www.surveo 32 • Fr ame Rate F irst – Th e camera will raise the gain rate to preserve the shutter speed specified in the Sh utter Speed dropdow n while preserving the gain leve l set by the Gain Cont rol slider. • Max Shutter Speed – users can choose the Max Shutter Speed from 1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/1000 and 1/1000 0.
33 CAM4365 User Manual From: - The t ime, in hours and min utes, when t he camera will be in da y mod e. To: - The time, in hours and minutes, when the camera will swit ch to night mo de. Click OK to save or Cancel t o abort the chan ges before y ou leave the pa ge.
www.surveo 34 Video Streams The configuration for video streams, including resolution, frame rate and image qualit y parameters can be fo und under V ideo & Au dio> Video Streams . The page is sp lit into setti ngs for 2 streams. Com mon settings are: • Video format - The comp ression format for the vide o stream.
35 CAM4365 User Manual • Video Frames per Second - Sets the number of frames per second. 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 , 30 FPS are po ssible value s. • Key Frame Interval - Sets the period between minimally compressed recovery frames that don't require other video frames to de code.
www.surveo 36 Audio Settings The audio settings, under Video & A udio> Audi o Sett ings , con tain paramet ers dealing with audio coming from the c ameras built in mic, or an external microphone. • Mute - Selects whether or not to mute the incoming audio from the camera.
37 CAM4365 User Manual Recording The Recording menu, Settin gs> Recording , deals with recording settings and managin g recorded video files. Recording Basic Settings Recording basic settings, Recording> Recording Basic Setti ngs are parame ters which deal wi th the recordi ng location an d scheduling.
www.surveo 38 Recorded File Management This section, located at Recording> Recorded File Management allows users to manag e videos recorde d on the microSD cards. Locating Video Files To locate video files from a specific time fram e, enter a begin and end time in the From: and To : fields belo w, and click Searc h .
39 CAM4365 User Manual Managing Video Files Once you have located the video files of interest y ou may select them by checking the box in the leftmost column of the entry. You can also select all displaye d entries by checking the box in the he ader row.
www.surveo 40 Event Notificati on Event Notificat ion settings, found under Setti ngs> Event Notificatio n , deal with the event detection, scheduled recording, and notifi cation abilities of the camera.
41 CAM4365 User Manual • Test - Cli ck t his button to send a test email. E-mai ls will onl y b e se nt if all paramet ers are entere d correctly. FTP Settings FTP settings are used to configure recording to a remote location via the file transfer proto col.
www.surveo 42 Motion Detection The motion detection functionality of the camera can be found under Event Notific ation> Motion Det ection . Motion Detection Window Manageme nt To detect motion, first a detecti on window must be cr eated.
43 CAM4365 User Manual Activating and Scheduling Motion Detection Motion detection is acti vated by checking the En able Motion Detect ion box . Activate M otion Detection By : denotes when motion detection will be triggered as an event. • Auto – As long as Enable Motion Detecti on is checked, an event is triggered.
www.surveo 44 DI & DO Digital Input (DI) and Digital Output (DO) stand are used for event triggerin g. The camera has 1 DO and 2 DI ports. Settings for these port s can be found under Event Notification > DI & DO . Conditions for DI and DO triggering, as well as not ifications fo r can be set under Event S ettings .
45 CAM4365 User Manual • Off - DI inputs are closed at al l t imes. The came ra wi ll not respo nd to any signa ls on this DI. Digital Output The camera c an also be configured to send signals through the digital ou tput.
www.surveo 46 Event Settings Event setting s deal with alarm handling and notificatio n, as well as feat ure scheduling. These settings can be found under the Ev ent Notification> Event Settings men u.
47 CAM4365 User Manual Adding/Editing an Event Rule The Add and Edit screens contain the fol lowing triggering action s: Note: If editing a r ule that h as not been triggered, the r ule will not be triggered after until after editing is complete. I f the rule is triggered, any changes w ill not be app lied until th e current trigger is resolved .
www.surveo 48 boxes, and fill in a start t ime and end time for m otion det ection in the From: and To: boxe s. • Never – The event is never trigge red. Enable Triggeri ng By After the frequency is selected, triggering conditions can be set.
49 CAM4365 User Manual • Streams – Sele cts the stream from which the snapshot or recording w ill be obtain ed. • Email – E-mai ls notificat ions to the email address specified in the Event Server setting s. If this opt ion is chosen, fill in the followi ng: o Subject - The subje ct line of the notifi cation e-mail.
www.surveo 50 General The follow ing general field s should be fille d in: • Name - Specifies t he nam e of the Event. • Set Time Interval (Whe n Activated) - The trigger time of the event (00:00 to 23:59). Enable Triggeri ng By The next step is to specify the frequency of trigger r esponse.
51 CAM4365 User Manual • Email – E-mai ls notificat ions to the email address specified in the Event Server setting s. If this opt ion is chosen, fill in the followi ng: o Subject - The subje ct line of the notifi cation e-mail. o Additional Information - Conten ts of the not ification e-ma il.
www.surveo 52 System The system settings , which deal with hardware and f irmware paramet ers, logs, and configurat ion lists, c an be found und er Settings> System. MicroSD Card Management Surveon cameras can all acc ess MicroSD class 4/6 c ards for offline video storage and upgrade purposes.
53 CAM4365 User Manual Click OK to save or Cancel t o abort the chan ges before y ou leave the pa ge. System Status The camera sta tus can be fo und under System> System Statu s.
www.surveo 54 Clicking E mail will sen d the log out as an e mail the n otificatio n e-mail a ddress specified in Event Server ; Clicking Download will begin the browser down load process to dow nload the lo g to the local PC.
55 CAM4365 User Manual Firmware Upgrade In certain cases, improvements to the camera firmware will be made to improve the image quality or enhance the usability of the camera. These upgrades will be made availab le via Surveon support or our website www.
www.surveo 56 Reset to Factory Default Camera resets can be pe rformed under System > Reset To Factory Defau lt. There are 2 types of reset. You can either reset all setting s and configurations, or you can choose to keep the Network configuration, and reset all other setting s and configurat ions.
An important point after buying a device Infortrend CAM4365 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Infortrend CAM4365 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Infortrend CAM4365 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Infortrend CAM4365 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Infortrend CAM4365 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Infortrend CAM4365, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Infortrend CAM4365.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Infortrend CAM4365. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Infortrend CAM4365 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center