Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 71P7285 IBM
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I B M 1 6X M ax RAM-R e a d D V D-R O M Dri v e Us e r ’ s G u i d e IBM.
Note: Before using this information and the pr oduct it supports, read the information under “Appendix E. Product warranty and notices” on page E-1. First Edition (April 2001) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.
Safety: read first Before installing this pr oduct, read the Safety Information. Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações de Segurança. Pred instal ací tohoto pr oduktu si prectet e prír uc ku bezpecnostních instr ukcí. Læs sikkerhedsforskrifterne, før du installer er dette produkt.
Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobr e Segurança. P red inštaláciou tohto zariadenia si pečítaje Bezpečnostné predpisy. Antes de instalar este producto lea la información de seguridad. Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här pr odukten.
Contents Safety: read first .................... i i i About this book .................... v i i Registering your option .................. v i i Installation and user ’ s guide ................ 1 - 1 Product description ................... 1 - 1 Installation requir ements .
W arranty information on the W orld W ide W eb .......... D - 1 Online technical support ................. D - 1 T elephone technical support ................ D - 1 Appendix E. Product warranty and notices .......... E - 1 IBM Statement of Limited W arranty .
About this book This manual contains instructions for installing and using the IBM ® 16X Max RAM-Read DVD-ROM. The manual is divided into the following parts: Part 1: Installation and user ’ s guid.
viii IBM 16X Max RAM-Read DVD-ROM Drive: User ’s Guide.
Installation and user ’ s guide This section contains the product description, har dware and softwar e installation instructions, and operating information for the IBM ® 16X Max RAM-READ DVD-ROM Drive. Product description This option package is intended for multimedia applications.
v W indows 98, W indows 95 OSR2, W indows 2000, W indows NT 4.0, or W indows Me operating system v An available drive bay v An available IDE connection v 40 MB available hard disk space v Audio adapter supporting 44.
Drive controls and connectors The following diagrams show the location and functions of the drive controls and connectors. Front view of the drive « 1 ¬ Disc drawer This drawer is where you load and unload a disc. « 2 ¬ Busy indicator This light comes on when the drive reads fr om, or plays a disc.
Rear view of the drive Pin 1 « 1 ¬ Audio-out connector This connector transmits the analog audio signals to an audio adapter . « 2 ¬ Configuration pins These pins are used to set the drive configuration. « 3 ¬ IDE port This connects the DVD-ROM drive to the IDE cable.
Step 3. Setting the configuration jumpers Y ou can configure your drive as master « 1 ¬ , slave « 2 ¬ , or cable-select « 3 ¬ ,a s shown. Use the following guidelines to determine the correct configuration for your DVD-ROM drive. v Configure the DVD-ROM drive as a master if it will be the only device that is connected to an IDE cable.
Step 4. Mounting the drive in the bay Attention: Be sure to use the mounting scr ews in the option package when you are driving scr ews directly into the drive. Using scr ews that are too long might damage the drive. Y ou can mount the DVD-ROM drive horizontally or vertically in the computer .
The following is an illustration of the internal audio cable that comes with your option package. 1. The internal audio cable has a split-connector end and a single-connector end. Connect one of the split-connector ends « 1 ¬ to the audio-out connector on the DVD-ROM drive.
3. Reinstall the computer cover . 4. Reconnect all external devices. 5. Plug all power cords into the wall outlets. What to do next If you will be using the drive as a data-only DVD-ROM drive, or as a CD-ROM drive, you have completed the installation and do not need to install support software.
Viewing a DVD movie After you install the DVD-ROM drive, configure DMA, and install DVD-viewing software, you can view a DVD movie. DVD Express will start automatically when you insert a DVD. If you want to start DVD Express manually , follow these instructions: 1.
Using the DVD-RAM Read function This section contains information on using the DVD-ROM drive with DVD-RAM discs. Using single-and double-sided DVD-RAM media DVD-RAM media is available in single-sided and double-sided versions. V ersions with 2.6 GB and 4.
Returning the disc to the T ype II cartridge T o return the disc to the T ype II cartridge, align the label side of the disc « 1 ¬ with the DVD-RAM cartridge label side. Insert the disc and close the cartridge lid « 2 ¬ . A clicking sound will ensure the lid door is closed.
v Do not bend the disc. Caring for the DVD-ROM drive T o protect your DVD-ROM drive during operation, observe the following precautions: v Do not move the drive when it is in use.
Guid e d’installatio n e t d’utilisation Cett e sectio n comport e l a descriptio n d u p r oduit , le s instruction s d’installation matériell e e t logiciell e e t le s information s d’utilisatio n pou r l’unit é de DVD-RO M IB M 16 X Ma x ave c lectu r e d e DVD-RAM.
v Mémoi r e RA M minimal e: 3 2 Mo v Systèm e d’exploitatio n W indow s 98 , W indow s 9 5 OSR2 , W indow s 2000, W indow s N T 4. 0 o u W indow s Me v Un e bai e d’unit é disponible v Un e con.
Bouton s d e contrôl e e t connecteur s d e l’unité L e schém a suivan t présent e l’emplacemen t e t le s fonction s de s bouton s de contrôl e e t de s connecteur s d e l’unité. V u e avant « 1 ¬ Platea u d u disque Perme t l’insertio n o u l e r etrai t d u disque.
V u e arrière « 1 ¬ Connecteu r d e sorti e audio C e connecteu r transme t le s signau x audi o analogique sà un e cart e audio. « 2 ¬ Broche s d e configuration Ce s b r oche s serven tà configu r e r l’unité. « 3 ¬ Por t IDE C e por t perme t d e connecte r l’unit é d e DVD-RO Mà u n câbl e IDE.
S i vou s deve z pose r l’unité , posez-l a pa r dessu s l a pochett e antistatique , sur un e surfac e plan e e t souple , pa r exempl e u n magazine.
Etap e 4 . Montag e d e l’unit é dan s l a baie A vertissemen t : V eille zà utilise r le s vi s d e fixatio n d e l’optio n lorsqu e vous le s visse z di r ectemen t su r l’unité . L’utilisatio n d e vi s t r o p longue s peut endommage r l’unité.
V oic i un e illustratio n d u câbl e audi o intern e fourn i ave c l’option. 1 . L e câbl e audi o intern e dispos e d’un e extrémit éà doubl e connecteu r et d’un e extrémit éà simpl e connecteu r . Connecte z u n de s connecteur s de l’extrémit é doubl e « 1 ¬ à l a sorti e audi o d e l’unit é d e DVD-ROM .
2 . Vérifie z qu e le s câble s n e son t pa s gêné s pa r l e carte r d e l’o r dinateu r et qu’il s n e bloquen t pa s le s pale s d u ventilateu r d u blo c d’alimentatio n n i la ci r culatio n d e l’ai r . 3 . Remette z e n plac e l e carte r d e l’o r dinateu r .
5 . Clique z su r Exécuter . 6 . T ape z X:DVDPL A YRSETU P .EXE , o ùX es t l a lett r e d e l’unit é d e DVD. 7 . Clique z su r OK . 8 . Suive z le s instruction s qu i s’a f fichen tà l’écran.
Pou r a f fiche r l’éta t d u cod e régional , p r océde z comm e sui t : 1 . Dan s l a fenêt r e DV D Exp r ess , clique z su r DV D Options . 2 .
Remis e e n plac e d u disqu e dan s un e cartouch e d e typ e II Pou r réinsé r e r l e disqu e dan s un e cartouch e d e typ e II , faite s cor r espond r e le côt é étiquet é d u disqu e « 1 ¬ ave c l e côt é étiquet é d e l a cartouche .
v N’écrive z pa s su r l e CD. v N e place z pa s l e disqu eà l a lumiè r e di r ect e d u soleil. v N’utilise z pa s d e nettoyant s d u comme r c e su r l e disque.
Guí a de l usuari oy d e instalación Est a secció n contien e l a descripció n de l p r oducto , instruccione s d e instalación de l ha r dwa r ey de l softwa r ee informació n d e operació n par a l a Unida d de DVD-RO M RAM-REA D Ma x 16 X d e IBM ® .
Requisito s d e l a instalación Ante s d e instala r l a unidad , asegú r es e d e qu e e l sistem a r eún a lo s siguientes r equisitos: v Mic r op r ocesado r mínimo : Intel ® Pentium ® d e 13.
Controle sy conectore s d e l a unidad Lo s diagrama s siguiente s muestra n l a ubicació ny la s funcione s d e los cont r ole sy conecto r e s d e l a unidad. V ist a fronta l d e l a unidad « 1 ¬ Bandej a de l disco Est a bandej a e s e l luga r dond e s e ca r g ay desca r g a e l disco.
V ist a posterio r d e l a unidad « 1 ¬ Conecto r d e salid a d e audio Est e conecto r transmit e la s señale s análoga s d e audi oa u n adaptado r d e audio. « 2 ¬ Patilla s d e configuración Esta s patilla s s e utiliza n par a establece r l a configuració n d e l a unidad.
S i necesit a solta r l a unidad , coloqu e l a bols a antiestátic a sob r e una superfici e plan ay aislante , com o po r ejempl o un a r evista ,y coloqu e la unida d e n l a bols a antiestática.
Pas o 4 . Montaj e d e l a unida d e n l a bahía Atención : Asegú r es e d e utiliza r lo s tornillo s d e montaj e incluido s e n el paquet e d e opció na l a hor a d e fija r tornillo s di r ectament e e n l a unidad . Si utiliz a tornillo s demasiad o la r gos , pued e daña r l a unidad.
L a siguient e ilustració n muestr a e l cabl e d e audi o intern o qu e vien e co n el paquet e d e opción. 1 . E l cabl e d e audi o intern o dispon e d e u n ext r em o co n do s conecto r e s (un conecto r dividido )y d e ot r o ext r em o co n u n sol o conecto r .
2 . Asegú r es e d e qu e lo s cable s n o impida n l a cor r ect a colocació n d e la cubiert a de l sistem ay d e qu e n o bloquee n la s ala s de l ventilado r d e la fuent e d e alimentació no la s vía s d e fluj o d e ai r e. 3 . V uelv aa instala r l a cubiert a de l sistema.
3 . S i l a ventan a d e Instalació n s e ab r e automáticamente , vay a a l Pas o 8 . En cas o contrario , continú e co n e l Pas o 4. 4 . Efectú e un a pulsació n sob r e Inicio . 5 . Efectú e un a pulsació n sob r e Ejecutar . 6 . Escrib a X:DVDPL A YRSETU P .
despué s d e establece r e l códig o d e r egió n inicial . Despué s d e cambia r cuat r o vece s e l códig o d e r egió n despué s de l valo r inicial , ést e qued a fij oy y a n o se podr á cambia r más . Par a cambiarlo , deb e habe r u n DV D cifrad o d e l a nueva r egió n e n l a unida d d e DVD-ROM.
Cóm o guarda r e l disc o e n e l cartuch o T yp e II Par a gua r da r e l disc o e n e l cartuch o T yp e II , aline e l a car a de l disc o qu e tiene l a etiquet a « 1 ¬ co n l a car a de l cartuch o DVD-RA M qu e tambié n tien e la etiqueta . Insert e e l disc oy cier r e l a tap a de l cartuch o « 2 ¬ .
v N o escrib a sob r e l a superficie. v N o dej e e l disc o baj o l a lu z sola r di r ecta. v N o utilic e p r oducto s d e limpiez a par a limpia r e l disco.
Guid a pe r l’utent ee all’installazione Quest a sezion e contien e l e istruzion i sull’installazion e de l softwa r e e sull’ha r dwa r e , l a descrizion e de l p r odott oe l e informazion i su l funzionamento de l p r odott o IBM ® Unit à DVD-RA M co n lettur a RA M a 16X.
v Memori a RA M minima : 3 2 MB v Sistem a operativ o W indow s 98 , W indow s 9 5 OSR2 , W indow s 2000 , W indows N T 4. 0o W indow s Me v U n van o dell’unit à disponibile v Un a connession e ID E disponibile v Spazi o de l disc o fiss o disponibil e 4 0 MB v Adattato r e audi o ch e support a un a velocit à d i campionament o 44.
Connettor ie controll i dell’unità I seguent i diagramm i illustran o l’ubicazion ee l e funzion i de i connettor ie dei cont r oll i dell’unità. V ist a anterior e dell’unità « 1 ¬ Cassett o de l disco Quest o cassett oè i l punt o i n cu i vien e caricat oe scaricat o u n disco.
V ist a inferior e dell’unità Pin 1 « 1 ¬ Connettor e pe r emission e audio Quest o connetto r e trasmett ei segnal i audi o analogic i a d u n adattato r e audio. « 2 ¬ Piedin i d i configurazione Quest i piedin i son o utilizzat i pe r imposta r e l a configurazion e dell’unità.
2 . Rimuove r e l’unit à dall’imballo. S eè necessari o poggia r e l’unità , posiziona r e l’imball o antistatic o s u una superfici e piana , com e un a rivist ae posiziona r e l’unit à sull’imballo antistatico.
Pass o 4 . Fissaggi o dell’unit à ne l vano A vvertenza : Utilizza r e l e vit i d i fissaggio , comp r es e ne l pacchett o d i opzione quand o s i desider a installa r e l e vit i di r ettament e nell’unità . L’utilizz o dell e viti t r opp o lungh e pot r ebb e danneggia r e l’unità.
D i seguit o vien e riportat a un’illustrazion e de l cav o audi o intern o fornit o co n il pacchett o d i opzioni. 1 . I l cav o intern o audi o dispon e d i un’est r emit à de l connetto r e dual e ed un’est r emit à de l connetto r e singolo .
2 . Accertars i ch ei cav i no n intralcin o i l cope r chi o dell’elaborato r ee ch e non blocchin o l a ventol a dell’alimentato r eo i l canal e de l fluss o d’aria. 3 . Reinstalla r e i l cope r chi o dell’elaborato r e. 4 . Ricollega r e tutt e l e unit à esterne.
4 . Fa r e cli c s u Start/ A vvio 5 . Fa r e cli c s u Esegui . 6 . Immette r e X:DVDPL A YRSETU P .EXE , dov eX indic a l a lettera identificativ a dell’unit à DVD-ROM. 7 . Fa r e cli c s u OK. 8 . Segui r e l e istruzion i visualizzat e pe r completa r e l’installazione.
richied e s e s i desider a modifica r e l e impostazion i de l codic e r egionale . E’ possibil e modifica r e i l codic e dell a r egion e dall’impostazion e inizial e sin o a quatt r o volt e dop o l’impostazion e de l codic e dell a r egion e iniziale .
dell a cartucci a « 3 ¬ pe r espelle r e i l disco . Un a volt a apert o i l cope r chi o della cartuccia , i l disc o pu ò esse r e rimosso . No n toccar e i l lat o d i registrazion e del disc o maneggiand o i l support o senz a copertura .
v Pe r rimuove r e l a polve r eo l e imp r onte , passa r e u n pann o morbid oe pulito dall’intern o vers o l’estern o de l disco. v No n scrive r e sull a superficie. v No n colloca r e i l disc o all a luc e di r ett a de l sole. v Pe r puli r e i l disco , no n utilizza r e p r odott i pe r l a pulizia.
Gui a d e Instalaçã oe d o Usuário Est a seçã o conté m a descriçã o d o p r oduto , a s instruçõe s d e instalaçã o do ha r dwa r ee d o softwa r ee informaçõe s operacionai s d a Unidad e d e DVD-ROM d e Leitur a RA M 16 X Ma x d a IBM ® .
v Mic r op r ocessado r mínimo : Intel ® Pentium ® 13 3 MH z o u Inte l Pentiu m I I 233 MH z s e voc ê estive r utilizand oo softwa r e d e decodificaçã o MPEG-2 v Mínim o d e RAM : 3 2 MB v Sistem a operaciona l W indow s 98 , W indow s 9 5 OSR2 , W indow s 2000, W indow s N T 4.
Controle se Conectore s d a Unidade O s seguinte s diagrama s mostra m a localizaçã oe a s funçõe s do s cont r ole s e conecto r e s d a unidade. V ist a fronta l d a unidade « 1 ¬ Gavet a d o disco Ess a gavet aéo loca l ond e voc ê car r eg ae descar r eg a u m disco.
V ist a posterio r d a unidade « 1 ¬ Conecto r d e saíd a d e áudio Ess e conecto r transmit e o s sinai s d e áudi o analógico s par a um a plac a d e áudio. « 2 ¬ Pino s d e configuração Esse s pino s sã o utilizado s par a defini ra configuraçã o d a unidade.
S e voc ê p r ecisa r r etira ra unidad e d a bolsa , coloqu ea bols a antiestática sob r e um a superfíci e plana , r evestida , com o um a r evista ,e coloqu e a unidad e sob r ea bols a antiestática.
Etap a 4 . Montand oa Unidad e n o Compartimento Atenção: Certifique-s e d e utiliza r o s parafuso s d e montage m d o pacot e de opciona l quand o estive r colocand o o s parafuso s di r etament e n a unidade . O uso d e parafuso s muit o grande s poder á danifica ra unidade.
A segui r h á um a ilustraçã o d o cab o d e áudi o intern o fornecid o co m o pacote d e opcionais. 1 . O cab o d e áudi o intern o possu i um a ext r emidad e d e conecto r dividid o e um a ext r emidad e d e conecto r simples .
Etap a 6 . Concluind oa Instalaçã o d o Hardware 1 . Certifique-s e d e qu ea unidad e d e DVD-RO M estej a montad a com seguranç ae qu e o s conecto r e s esteja m firmement e conectados.
2 . Insir ao C D d o softwa r e d e decodificaçã o MPEG- 2 n a unidad e de DVD-ROM. 3 . S ea janel a Instalaçã o fo r abert a automaticamente , v á par aa Etap a 8 . Caso contrário , continu e co m a Etap a 4. 4 . Cliqu e e m Inicia r . 5 . Cliqu e e m Executa r .
Ser á solicitad o qu e voc ê selecion ea r egiã o inicial . S e voc ê inseri r u m DV D com u m códig o d e r egiã o dife r ent e d o códig o d e r egiã o inicial ,o DV D Exp r ess pe r guntar á s e desej a altera ra definiçã o d o códig o d e r egião .
empurra ra trav a d a tamp a d o cartuch o « 2 ¬ e pux ea tamp a d o cartuch o « 3 ¬ par a for a par a ejeta ro disco . Co m a tamp a d o cartuch o aberta ,o disc o será ejetado . Nã o toqu e n o lad o d e gravaçã o d o disc o quand o manusea ra mídia exposta .
v Segu r eo disc o pela s bo r da s o u pel o orifíci o central . Nã o toqu e n a superfície d o disco. v Par a r emove r poeir a o u digitais , limp eo disc o d o cent r o par aa bo r d a com u m pan o maci oe se m fiapos. v Nã o esc r ev a n a superfície.
w Γ U ] t IBM ® 16 X Ma x RAM-REA D DV D ≈ ú í B w Θ P n Θ w ⁿ A H @ Ω T C ú í ∩ M n Θ A ≤ h C Θ.
v Σ 44. 1 4 8 kH z v t d v i ∩ Θ Γ z v π ½ Σ AG P 2 X ° T ] ≤ MPEG- 2 X u @ bw DV D ≈ º e A ².
≈ ε P Y U π ≈ ε Y m M α C ≈ 1 ½ L o ½ L ± J X C 2 ú L ⁿ O .
≈ I 1 T Θ X Y o Y i N ± TT Θ t d C 2 t m } o } ] w ≈ t m C 3 ID E s ≡ o s .
Ste p 3 . ] w t m⌡ z i N ≈ [ c D n 1 2 u ∩ 3 A p C U C h P w DV D ≈ T t m C v p G DV.
B J 4 . N ≈ J ≈ i : N C b ≈ W A ∩ M n Θ ñ ⁿ C ! ° i α .
U C ∩ M n Θ H í T u C 1 . í T u ≈ Y M µ Y C N Σ ñ@ ≈ Y 1 DVD ≈ W .
DM A ] w d q ú @ t C ÷ DM A í A C-1 y ² C. Customizin g th e device-drive r configuratio n settings zC 1 . ÷ @U } l A M ß÷ @U ] w A A ÷ @U ε x C 2 . s ÷ Γ U t C d u t v U X C v p G X O 4.
X 1 ⁿ Ω B [ j 2 w B ñ F B nD B Θ 3 n B x W B Ω 4 B ⁿw B D w B Φ ⌡ 5 e ¼ p A D w Σ l B L 6 ñ H % @ M Ω zN Q ú Θ J l .
l º º y A ú Θ Ω w w d Ω 1 C Yn X A l º V U d X Ω 2 A M ß Xd X 3 h X C ϕ d X } A .
v ≈ b ñ A % [H C o ≥ i α P Ω l a ≈ C v K ≈ S ≤ U C ¼p G – ¬ π – ¬ – L h# – ≈ ± .
1-72 IBM 16X Max RAM-Read DV D ≈ : Γ U.
$s9H < k *hS f < 6 < : & ,$I 33GO " IBM ® b " ? 1 6 . RA M j < I DVD-RO M Ii$V N = J b @ " O < I&'" H =UH&'" N $s9H < k } ! " *h.
v ^$/mWm;C5 < : Intel ® Pentium ® 133MHz J e " ^?O MPEG- 2 G3 < I & =UH&'" r H Q 9k l g O Intel Pentium II 233MHz J e v RAM: 32 MB J e G"k3H v Windows 98 " Windows 95 OSR2 " Windows 2000 " Windows NT 4.
Ii$V N ) f ! = H 3M/? < ! N ^ O " Ii$V N ) f ! = H 3M/? < N L V *hS ! = r ( 7?bNG 9 # Ii$V N 5 L ^ 1 G#9/ & Imo < 3N Imo < , G#9/ r P 7 ~ l9k l j G9 # 2 H Q f = ( i$H .
Ii$V N X L ^ 1 * < G#* P O 3M/? < 3N 3M/? < O " "Jm0 & * < G#* . f r * < G#* & "@W? < K > w 7^9 # 2 = .
Ii$V r V / , W ,"k l g KO " (o JIN ? iJ L K S E I _ ^ r V - " =N e K Ii$V r V -^9 # 9FC W 3 . = . 8csQ < r _ j 9k Ii$V O " e ^ K ( 9h&K ^9? < 1 " 9l < V 2 " ^?O 1 < Vk & ;l/ H 3 H7F = .
9FC W 4 . Ii$V r Y$ K h j U 1k E W : M8r Ii$V K > h j U 1k l g KO " , :3N *W7gs & QC 1 < 8 K ~ CF$k h j U 1M8r H Q 7F/@5$ # 9 9.kM8r H Q 9k H " Ii$V r ; } 9k l g ,"j^9 # DVD-.
! N ^ O " *W7gs & QC1 < 8 K U 0 N b t * < G#* & 1 < Vk G9 # 1 . b t * < G#* & 1 < Vk KO " 2 DK , t 7? 3M/? < , U $F$k < H " 3M/? < , 1 D U $F$k < .
2. 1 < Vk , 3sTe < ? <& +P < N Y b KJCF$?j " E ; ! = N U! s ^?O S $ ) rU5$G$J$+ N ' 7^9 # 3. 3sTe < ? <& +P < r h j U 1^9 # 4.
5. V U!$k > r X j 7F B T W r /jC/ 7^9 # 6. X:¥DVDPLAYR¥SETUP.EX E H ~ O 7^9 # 33G " X O f < 6 < N DVD-RO M Ii$V N Ii$V > G9 # 7. V OK W r /jC/ 7^9 # 8. h L e N X ( K > CF " $s9H < k r 0 ; 7^9 # DV D ` < S < N = ( DVD-RO M Ii$V N h j U 1 " DM A N = .
O h 3 < I N u 7 r = ( 9kKO " ! N j g G T $^9 # 1. DVD Expres s N &#sI& b G "V DV D *W7gs W r /jC/ 7^9 # 2. V DVD O h W r /jC/ 7^9 # DVD-RAM I _ h j ! = N H Q 3N a KO " DVD-RA.
G#9/ r ?$W I I + < HjC8 K a 9 G#9/ r ?$W I I + < HjC8 K a 9KO " G#9/ N iYk ,"k } N L 1 r " DVD-RA M + < HjC8 N iYk ,"k L K g o;^9 # G#9/ r ^ ~ 7F + < HjC8 NU ? .
v - ? L K q - ~ _r7J$G/@5$ # v > M | w N v ?k l j K G#9/ r V +J$G/@5$ # v T N N /j < J < r H Q 7F G#9/ r /j < Ks0 7J$G/@5$ # v G#9/ r J 2J$G/@5$ # DVD-RO M Ii$V N* j ~ l 0 n f N DVD-RO M I.
Appendix A. Product specifications This appendix includes the following information: v Physical specifications v Power requir ements v Environmental r equirements v Drive write/read speeds v Drive per.
The following table lists the environmental specifications for the 16X Max RAM-Read DVD-ROM drive. Y ou can mount the drive vertically or horizontally .
Appendix B. Problem solving Computer problems can be caused by har dware, softwar e, or user error . Using the information in this section, you might be able to solve problems yourself or gather helpful information that you can pass on to a service technician.
3. T urn off the computer , unplug the cables for your computer and all attached devices, and remove the computer cover . 4. Check that all power and IDE cables are secur ely attached. Disconnect the IDE cable and check for bent or misaligned pins. If you do not find any problems, r econnect the interface cable.
6. Select CD-ROM from the list that is displayed in the Device Manager window . V erify that a CD-ROM device is present in the list and that no conflicts exist. The device status indicates whether the device is working properly . 7. Click OK . 8. Close all windows and restart the computer .
The disc in the DVD-ROM drive is not High Sierra, ISO 9660, or UDF format. The DVD-ROM drive does not support the media. – CDR-101 The “ not ready r eading the drive ” situation occurs if you try to access the DVD-ROM drive before the drive is r eady .
a. Remove the Rapid Access II Keyboard driver via Add/Remove programs in the Contr ol Panel. b. If you have a Rapid Access II Keyboard and wish to r estore its function, you will need to go to the IBM Support W eb site to download the latest drivers (V ersion 1007 or higher).
Appendix C. Customizing the device-driver configuration settings Changing the Windows 95, Windows 98, W indows Me, and Windows NT device drivers W indows 95, W indows 98, and W indow Me have two device-driver configuration parameters: Auto Insert Notify and DMA.
8. Select the T ransfer Mode pull-down and select DMA if available . 9. Click OK . 10. Click Close to close the System Properties window . A message is displayed, informing you that the system settings have changed. 11 . Click OK to restart the computer .
Appendix D. Help and service information This section contains information on how to obtain warranty information on the W orld W ide W eb and online and telephone technical support. W arranty information on the World Wide W eb The IBM Machine W arranties W eb site at http://www .
v Computer manufacturer , model, serial number (if IBM), and manual v Exact wording of the err or message (if any) v Description of the problem v Hardwar e and software configuration information for your system If possible, be at your computer . Y our technical support repr esentative might want to walk you through the pr oblem during the call.
Appendix E. Product warranty and notices This section contains the warranty period for your product and the IBM Statement of Limited W arranty . Machine - 16X Max RAM-Read DVD-ROM Drive W arranty period* - One Y ear * Contact your place of purchase for warranty service information.
environment, impr oper maintenance by you, or failure caused by a pr oduct for which IBM is not responsible. The warranty is voided by r emoval or alteration of Machine or parts identification labels.
downloading designated Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code updates from an IBM Internet W eb site or from other electronic media, and following the instructions that IBM provides. When warranty service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item IBM or your reseller r eplaces becomes its property and the r eplacement becomes yours.
or tort claim), except for any liability that cannot be waived or limited by applicable laws, IBM is liable for no more than 1. damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real pr operty and tangible personal property; and 2.
W arranty Service: The following is added to this Section: T o obtain warranty service from IBM in Canada or the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SER V (426-7378). CANADA Governing Law: The following replaces “laws of the country in which you acquir ed the Machine” in the first sentence: laws in the Province of Ontario.
arbitration award shall be final and binding for the parties without appeal and the arbitral award shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law . All proceedings shall be conducted, including all documents pr esented in such proceedings, in the English language.
NEW ZEALAND The IBM W arranty for Machines: The following paragraph is added to this Section: The warranties specified in this Section are in addition to any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which cannot be excluded or limited.
If you purchase an IBM Machine in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany , Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy , Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway , Portugal, Spain,.
will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts; and 5) in Greece, Israel, Italy , Portugal, and Spain any legal claim arising out of this Statement will be brought befor e, and finally settled by , the competent court of Athens, T el A viv , Milan, Lisbon, and Madrid, respectively .
FRANCE Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the second sentence of the first paragraph of this Section: In such instances, regar dless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages fr om IBM, IBM is liable for no more than: (items 1 and 2 unchanged) .
Limitation of Liability: The following is added to this Section: IBM’s entire liability to you for actual damages arising in all situations involving nonperformance by IBM in respect of the subject matter of this Statement of W arranty will be limited to the charge paid by you for the individual Machine that is the subject of your claim from IBM.
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNA TIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORA TION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICA T.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide r easonable protection against harmful interfer ence in a residential installation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. A vis de conformite a la reglementation d’Industrie Canada Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. Deutsche EMV -Direktive (electromagnetische V erträglichkeit) Dieses Gerät ist berechtigt in Über einstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG vom 9.
résidentiel ordinair e afin de fournir une protection raisonnable contr e l’ interfér ence d’appareils de communication autorisés. Unione Europea - Directiva EMC (Conformidad électromagnética.
Japanese statement of compliance for products less than or equal to 20 A per phase E-16 IBM 16X Max RAM-Read DVD-ROM Drive: User ’s Guide.
IBMR Par t Number : 71P7285 Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper containing 10% recovered post-consumer fiber . *71P7285*.
An important point after buying a device IBM 71P7285 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought IBM 71P7285 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data IBM 71P7285 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, IBM 71P7285 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get IBM 71P7285 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of IBM 71P7285, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime IBM 71P7285.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with IBM 71P7285. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device IBM 71P7285 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center