Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LE1911I HP
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HP LE1901wi, L1910i, and LE1911i LCD Monitors User Guide.
© 2007, 2008, 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or register ed trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This Guide This guide provides information on setting up the monito r, installing dri vers, using the on-screen displa y menu, troubleshooting and technical specifi cations. WARNING! Text set off in this manner in dicates that failure to follow di rections could result in bodily harm or loss of life.
iv About Thi s Guide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Features HP LCD Monitors with I ntegrated Work Center ......... ............... ................ ............... ............... ............. . 1 2 Safety and Maintena nce Guidelines Important Safety Information ..........
Using the HP Display Assistant Utility .................. .............. ............. .............. ............. ....... 27 Identify ing Monit or Condit ions ......... .......... ........... ............ .......... ......... .......... ............
Disposal of Waste Eq uipment by Users in Private Household in the European Union .... .......... .............. ........... .............. ........... ........... ............. ........... ............. ......... ........ 45 HP Recy cling Pr ogram ...
viii ENWW.
1 Product Features HP LCD Monitors with Integrated Work Center The flat panel monitors have an active matrix, thin-f ilm transistor (TFT), liquid crystal display (LCD).
● AssetControl (availa ble with select models) ● Compliant with the followin g regulated specifications: ◦ European Union CE Directives ◦ Swedish MPR II 1990 ◦ Swedish TCO Requirements 2 Cha.
2 Safety and Maintenance Guidelines Important Safety Information A power cord is included with the monitor. If anot her cord is used, use only a power source and connection appr opriate for this moni tor. For information on th e correct power cord set to use with th e monitor, refer to Power Cord Set Requireme nts on page 43 in Appendix C.
not exceed the rating of the cord. Look on the power label to determine the ampere rating (AMPS or A) for each device. ● Install the monitor near an o utlet that you can eas ily re ach. Disconnect the monitor by grasping the plug firmly and pulling it from the outlet.
3 Setting Up the Monitor To set up the monitor, en sure that the power is turned off to the mon itor, computer system, and other attached devices, then foll ow the instructions below. Installing the Monitor on the Stand CAUTION: Do not touch th e surface of the LCD panel .
2. Place the stand on a desktop or table and pu sh the neck on the stand down to its lowest posi tion. Slide the monitor all the wa y onto the stand so th at the Quick Rele ase mounting device emits a n audible click and is locke d in place. Figure 3-2 Install ing the Moni tor on th e Stand 3.
Installing an HP Ultra-slim Desktop (USDT) on the Stand You can install an HP USDT or Thin Client compute r on the rear side of the stand. This section provides instructions on installing the USDT. 1. On the rear of the stand, remove the two screws (1) from the top of the comp uter mounting bracket and lift the bracket off the stand (2).
2. Use the four screw s provided to install the comput er mounting bracket on the USDT compute r. NOTE: There are two sets of screw holes o n the comp ute r mounting bracket.
cables), up through the bottom hole o f the USDT computer's port cover (1) and then connect the cables to the re ar of the computer (2). 5. Plug the computer and monitor power cabl es into an electrica l wall outlet (3). Figure 3-7 Conn ecting the Cables 6.
7. Slide the po wer supply tray out from the base of the stand (1 ) and place the USDT power su pply into the tray (2). Route any loose cables through the cable s guides on th e sides of the tray (3). Figure 3-9 Installing the Power Supply 8. Be sure the final configura tion has the USDT prop erly orien ted, as shown in the illustra tion below.
Installing an HP Thin Client on the Stand You can install an HP USDT or Thin Client compute r on the rear side of the stand. This section provides instructions on insta lling the Thin Client. 1. On the rear of the stand, remove the two screws (1) from the top of the comp uter mounting bracket and lift the bracket off the stand (2).
3. Use the four screws provided to install the computer mounting bracket on the Thin Client compute r. NOTE: There are two sets of screw holes o n the comp ute r mounting bracket. Use the fo ur holes that are cent ered on the br acket to install the T hin Client.
5. Connect the Thin Client power cable a nd periphera l device cables, such as keybo ard and mouse cables, to the rear of the computer (1), then pl u g the computer and moni tor power cable s into an electrical wall outlet (2). Figure 3-15 Connecting the Cables 6.
7. Be sure the final config uration has the Thin Clie nt properly orie nted, as shown in the illustration below. Figure 3-17 Proper Assemb ly of Integ rated Work Ce nter WARNING! To reduce the risk o f electric shock or da mage to the equip ment: • Do not disable the power cord grounding plug.
Adjusting the Monitor NOTE: Your monitor mode l may look different than the mode l in the following illustr ations. 1. Tilt the monitor's panel forward or backwar d to set it to a comfortable eye level. Figure 3-18 Tilting th e Monitor 2. Swivel the monitor base to the left or righ t for the b est viewing angle.
3. Adjust the monitor's height so that it is parallel to your eye height for a comfortable viewing position. CAUTION : To prevent damage to the monitor, be sure not to lowe r it onto objects in the tray at the base of the stand.
Removing the Computer from the Stand CAUTION: Before beginning to disasse mble the computer, be su re the computer is turn ed off and all cables are disconnected. 1. Turn off power to the co mputer and unplug th e power cable from the electri cal wall outlet.
Removing the Monitor from the Stand You can remove the monitor panel from th e stand to mount the panel on a wall, a swing arm, or o ther mounting fixture . CAUTION: Before beginning to disassem ble the moni tor, be sure the monitor is turne d off and the power and signa l cables are both disconnecte d.
If mounting the monitor u sing another manu facturer’ s solution, use the screws previously removed from the monitor sta nd to mount the d isplay to a swing arm or other mou nting fixture. Consul t the documentation incl uded with the mounting fixtu re for additio nal instructions.
4 Operating the Monitor Software and Utilities The CD that come s with the moni tor contai ns files you can in stall on the computer: ● an .INF (Information) file ● an .ICM (Image Color Match ing) file ● auto-adjust ment pattern utility ● additional software for the monitor model NOTE: If the monitor does not include a CD, the .
Installing the .INF and .ICM Files After you determi ne that you nee d to update, you can install the .INF and .ICM files from the CD or download the m. Installing from the CD To install the .INF and .ICM files on the computer from the CD: 1. Insert the CD i n the computer CD-ROM d rive.
Front Panel Controls Table 4- 1 Monitor Fr ont Panel Co ntrols Control Functi on Menu Opens, selects or exits the OSD menu. Minus ● If the OSD menu is on, press to navigate backward through the OSD menu and de crease adjustment levels. ● If the OSD menu is inactive, press to activate the auto adjustment feature to optimize the scre en image.
OSD Menu Selections The following table lists the On-Screen Display (OSD) me nu selections and their fun ctional descriptions. After changing an OSD menu item, and if the menu screen ha s these options, you may choose to: ● Cancel —to return to the previous menu level.
Icon Main Menu Submenu Description Custom Color Selects and adjusts your own co lor scales: ● R—sets your own red color levels ● G—sets your own green color levels ● B—sets your own blue color levels sRGB Sets your screen colors to adapt to the color standards used in the image technology industry.
Icon Main Menu Submenu Description Power On Recall Restores power to the monitor following an unexpected removal of power. Select: ● On ● Off The factory default is On. Mode Display Displays the resolution, refresh rate and frequency information on the screen each time the OSD Main Menu is accesse d.
Icon Main Menu Submenu Description Serial Number Reports the serial number of the monitor. The serial n umber is needed if contacting HP technical support. Version Reports the firmware ve rsion of the monitor. Total Hours Reports the total hours of monitor oper ation.
Using the HP Displ ay Assistant Utility HP Display Assistant, included on the software and documentation CD, is a so ftware utility that guides you through th e tuning proce ss with easy to unde rstand instructions and background patterns designed for each monitor control.
● Power Button Lockout —Indicates the po wer button is locked. If the pow er button is locked, th e warning message Power Button Lo ckout displays. ◦ If the power bu tton is locked, pre ss and hold the power button for 1 0 seconds to unlock the power button function .
10. After setting the current time, the highlig ht automatically skips to Set Sleep Time . Repeat steps 6 through 9 to set Sleep Time . 11. If you do not wa nt to set Sleep Time , press the Menu button twice, then select Save and Return to exit the menu.
Select This Option To Do This Cancel Restores the previous sett ings and minimizes HP Displa y LiteSaver to the System Tray. HP Display LiteSaver will continue to run. Help Opens the online help file. Exit Exits and closes the HP Display LiteSave r. It will no longer control the monitor power until it is next run.
Installing the sRGB ICM File for Microsoft Windows Vista 1. Click Appearance and Personalization icon in the Control Panel. 2. Click Personalization . 3. Click Display Settings . 4. Click the Advanced Settings button. 5. Click the Color Management tab, th en click the Color Man agement bu tton.
A Troubleshooting Solving Common Problems The following tab le lists possible problems, the poss ible cause of each problem, and the recommended solutions. Problem Possible Cause Solution Screen is blank. Power cord is disconnected. Connect the po wer cord.
Problem Possib le Ca use Solu tion HP Display LiteSaver doesn't turn off the monitor screen. The Activity Extension time has not elapsed. The default Activity Extensi on value is set to 10 minutes.
Online Technical Support For the online access to technical support inf ormatio n, self-solve tools, online assistance, communit y forums of IT experts, broa d mu lti-ve ndor knowledge , monitoring and diagnostic tools, go to http://www.
B Technical Specifications NOTE: All performance specifications a re provided by the component manu facturers. Perf ormance specifications repr esent the highest specification of all HP's component manufacturers' typical level specifications for pe rformance and actual performance may vary either higher or lower.
Altitude: Operating Storage 0 to 3657.6 m 0 to 12192 m 0 to 12,000 feet 0 to 40,000 feet Power Consumptio n (maximum) <29 watts Input Terminal One VGA connec tor with cable included L1910i Model Table B-2 L 1910i Specifi cations Display Type 19 inches TFT LCD 48.
Power Consumption (maximum) <47 wa tts Input Terminal One VGA connector with cable included LE1911i Model Table B -3 LE1911i Specifications Display Type 48.3 cm TFT LCD 19 inches Viewable Image Size 48.3 cm diagonal 19–inch diagonal Tilt -5 to 25° Maximum Weight (Unpacked) 4.
Recognizing Preset Display Resolutions The display re solutions listed below are the most commonly used mo des and are set as factory de faults. This monitor automatica lly recognized th ese preset modes a nd they will appear properly sized and centered on the screen.
10 1024 × 768 56.5 70.0 11 1024 × 768 60.0 75.0 12 1152 × 870 68.7 75.0 13 1152 × 900 71.7 76.0 14 1280 × 1024 64.0 60.0 15 1280 × 1024 80.0 75.0 LE1911i Model Table B -6 Factory Preset Modes Preset Pixel Format Horz Freq (kHz) Vert Freq (Hz) 1 640 × 480 31.
Refer to the computer manual for instruction s on se tting energ y saver features (sometimes ca lled power management features). NOTE: The above power saver feature only works when connected to co mputers that have energy saver features.
C Agency Regulatory Notices Federal Communications Commission Notice This equipment has be en tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desi gned to pro vide reasonable p rotection against ha rmful interference in a residential installation .
Hewlett Packard Company P. O. Box 692000 , Mail Stop 5301 13 Houston, Texas 77 269-2000 Or, call 1-800 -HP-INVENT (1-800 474-68 36) For questions regarding this FCC declaration, contact: Hewlett Packard Company P.
Hewlett-Packard GmbH, HQ-TRE, Herrenberger Strasse 140, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany German Ergonomics Notice HP products which be ar the “GS” approva l mark, when fo rming part of a system compr ising HP bran d computers, keyb oards and monitors t hat bear the “G S” approval mark, meet the applicable ergonomic requirements.
Product Environmental Notices ENERGY STAR® Qualification HP Displays marked with the ENERGY STAR® certif ication mark m eet the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENER GY STAR program. The EPA ENERGY STAR® certification mark does not imply endorsement by the EPA.
Disposal of Waste Equi pment by Users in Pri vate Household in the European Union This symbol on the product or on its packaging in dicate s that this product must n ot be disposed of wi th your household wa ste.
11363-2006 11363-2006 Turkey EEE Regulation In Conformity with the EEE Regulation EEE Yönetmeli ğ ine Uygundur 46 Appendix C Agency Regulatory Notices ENWW.
D LCD Monitor Quality and Pixel Policy The TFT monitor u ses high-precision techno logy, manufactured accordin g to HP standards, to guarantee trouble-free performanc e. Nevertheless, the display may have cosmetic imperfections that appear as small b right or dark sp ots.
An important point after buying a device HP LE1911I (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP LE1911I yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP LE1911I - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP LE1911I you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP LE1911I will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP LE1911I, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP LE1911I.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP LE1911I. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP LE1911I along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center