Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product COMPAQ 8000 HP
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Hardware Reference Guide HP Compaq 80 00 Elite Ultra-Sl im Desktop Busin ess PC.
© Copyright 200 9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject t o change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered tradem arks of Microsoft Co rporation in the United States and/or other countries.
About This B ook This guide provide s basic inform ation for upgrading this comput er model . WARNING! Text set off in this manner indi cates tha t failure to follo w direction s could result i n bod ily harm or lo ss of life.
iv About This Book ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product Features Standard Co nfiguration Feat ures .......... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... .......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ... ...... . 1 Front Pane l Compon ents .. ......... ....... ...... ....
Appendix C S ecurity Lock Provisions Installing a Security L ock ................ ........... ............ ............ ............. ................... ........... ...................... 3 2 HP/Kensingto n MicroSaver Security Cable Lock ............
1 Product Features Standard Confi guration Fe atures The HP Compaq Ultra-Sl im De sktop computer comes with featu res that may vary de pendin g on the model. For a comple te list ing of the hard ware and so ftware ins talle d in the c omputer , run the d iagnos tic util ity (in cluded on som e co mputer m odels only) .
Front Panel Compo nents Drive co nfigurati on may va ry by model . Figure 1-2 Front Pa nel Co mponents Table 1-1 Fr ont Panel Compo nents 1 Optical Drive 5 Microphone/He adphone Connector 2 System Pow.
Rear Pa nel Components Figure 1-3 Rear P anel C ompone nts Table 1-2 Rear Pa nel Compon ents 1 Line-Out Connect or for powered audio devices (green) 6 Power Cord Connector 2 PS/2 Keyboard Connector (p.
Keyboard Figure 1-4 Keyboard Compo nents Table 1-3 Key board Compone nts 1 Function K eys Perform special functions de pending on the software application being used. 2 Editi ng Keys Include the following: Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and Page Down.
Windows Logo Key Displays or hides the Start menu Windows Logo Key + d Displays the Des ktop Windows Logo Key + m Minimizes all open applications Shift + Windows Logo Key + m Undoes Minim ize All Wind.
Windows Logo K ey + + (on numpad ) Zooms in Windows Logo K ey + - (on numpad) Zooms out Serial Numb er Lo cation Each com puter has a uni que seria l number and a pro duct ID that are located on the top of the computer when it is i n the t ower con figura tion.
2 Hardware Upgrades Servicea bility Fe atures The com puter incl udes fea tures that mak e it easy t o upgrade and s ervice. No tools are need ed for most of the inst allation pr ocedu res de scribed in this ch apter.
Connecti ng the Power Cord When conn ecting th e power sup ply, it i s importan t to follo w the step s below to ensure th e powe r cord does no t pull fr ee from the c omputer. 1. Connect the round end of the po wer co rd to the power sup ply conn ector on the rear of the comp uter (1).
Remov ing the Comp uter Ac cess Pa nel To ac cess i nterna l compon ents, y ou mu st rem ove th e ac cess p anel: 1. Remove/di senga ge any security device s that pro hibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll re movable media , such a s compac t discs o r USB flash d rives, fr om the compute r.
Replacin g the Compu ter Acce ss Panel 1. Align the tabs o n the p anel w ith the s lots on the chassis then slide th e pane l towards the f ront o f the chassi s until it stops (1 ).
Removing a nd Repl acing th e Front Be zel 1. Remove/di senga ge any security device s that pro hibit op ening the comp uter. 2. Remove a ll re movable media , such a s compac t discs o r USB flash d rives, fr om the compute r. 3. Turn of f the c omputer properl y throug h the o perating syst em, the n turn off any exte rnal devices .
To rep lac e th e fro nt be zel : 1. Insert the three hook s on the bottom s ide of t he bezel i nto the re ctangu lar holes on the chass is (1) then rotate the top side of the bezel onto the ch assi s (2) and sn ap it into place. Figu re 2- 5 Replacin g the F ront Be zel 2.
Removing a Be zel Blank On som e model s, ther e is a bezel bl ank co veri ng the extern al driv e bay tha t needs to be remov ed before instal ling a drive.
Changing from Desktop t o Towe r Config uration 1. Remove /disengag e any secu rity de vice s that pro hibit ope ning the comp uter. 2. Remove al l re movab le media, such as com pact dis cs or USB flas h drive s, from the c omputer. 3. Turn off the c omputer proper ly thro ugh th e oper ating sy stem, then tu rn off a ny e xternal devic es.
Inst alling Addi tional Memo ry The com puter com es with double data rat e 3 sync hronous dynamic random acces s memor y (DDR3 - SDRAM) small outli ne dual i nline memo ry modu les (SODIMM s). SODIMMs The me mory soc kets on th e system board can be populate d with up to two indu stry-stan dard SODIM Ms.
Populating SODIMM Sockets There ar e two SODIMM sockets on the system board, with on e socke t per chann el. The sock ets are labeled XMM1 and XMM 3. The XMM1 soc ket operate s in memory ch annel A.
Installin g SOD IMMs CAUTION: You m ust di sconnec t the power cord an d wait a pproxim ately 30 s econds fo r the po wer to drain before addin g or rem ovin g memory modu les. Re gardless of the p ower- on stat e, voltage is alw ays suppli ed to the me mory mo dules as long as the com puter is plugg ed int o an a ctive AC outle t.
8. If you are adding a seco nd SODIMM, rem ove the SODIM M from the top XM M1 sock et to access the bot tom XMM3 socke t. Press ou tward on th e two l atches on each side of the SO DIMM (1) the n pull the S ODIMM out o f the soc ket (2). Figu re 2- 9 Removi ng a SODI MM 9.
12. If the compute r was o n a st and, repl ace the s tand. 13. Reconnect th e power c ord and turn on the co mputer . 14. Lock any s ecurity d evices that we re di sengag ed whe n the com puter cove r or a ccess panel was remo ved. The com puter automat ically re cogniz es the additio nal memo ry when you tur n on the compute r.
Preparing the New Optical Drive Before the ne w optical drive can b e used , the rel ease lat ch mu st be attach ed. 1. Peel the backi ng off the adhesiv e on the releas e latch . 2. Without al lowing the re lease latc h to touc h the optica l drive, c arefully align the holes on the rel ease latch with the pi ns on the side of the op tical driv e.
3. Slide th e optic al driv e throug h the front b ezel all the w ay in to the bay so t hat it lock s in pla ce (1), then conne ct the cable to the r ear of th e drive (2). Figure 2-13 Insta lling the Optical D rive 4. Replace the ac cess pane l. 5. If the com puter was on a stand, r eplace th e stan d.
Replacing the Hard Drive NOT E: The Ultra -Slim Deskt op suppo rts onl y 2.5-i nch Seria l ATA (SAT A) intern al hard drive s; paralle l ATA (P ATA) inte rnal ha rd drives are not su pporte d. Before you r emove the old h ard d rive, be sure to back up th e data from the old hard dr ive so that you can trans fer the data to the new hard driv e.
9. Lift th e har d drive carrie r str aight up an d out o f the chas sis. Figure 2-15 Remov ing the Ha rd Drive Carrier 10. Remove the f our gu ide s crews f rom t he sides of the hard drive carr ier. Figure 2-16 Remov ing the Guide Screws 11. Lift the ha rd driv e up to the top of the ca rrier (1) and slid e the d rive ou t of the car rier (2 ).
12. Position the hard drive so that the top of the hard drive is up again st the top of the carr ier (1 ) so that the ci rcuit board on the bottom of the har d driv e does no t com e in con tact wit th e tabs on th e bottom of the carr ier, then slide the new har d drive into the car rier (2).
14. To place t he hard drive c arrier back i n the c hassis, align t he guide sc rews wi th the slots on t he drive ba y, drop t he car rier strai ght down into the d rive bay (1), and press the handle o n the car rier all the w ay dow n (2) s o that the driv e is pr operly seated a nd loc ked in place.
Inst alli ng and R emovin g a Por t Cover An opti onal rea r port c over i s ava ilable for the compu ter. To in stall t he por t cover: 1. Thread th e cables throug h the bott om hole o n the port cov er (1 ) and conne ct the ca bles to the rear ports on the compute r.
A Specifications Table A-1 Speci fications Desktop Dimensions ( in the deskt op position) Height Width Depth (depth will increase if t he computer is equipped with a port security bracket) 2.60 in 9.90 in 10.00 in 6.6 cm 25.1 cm 25.4 cm Approxi mate Weight 6.
Rated Input Current (maximum) 1 2.4A @ 100VAC 1.2A @ 200VAC 1 This system utilizes an act ive power f actor correc ted external p ower supply. This allows the system t o pass the CE mark requirements for use in t he countries of th e European Union.
B Battery Replacement The ba ttery tha t com es with t he com puter provide s pow er to the real- time clock. When replac ing t he battery , use a ba ttery equi valent to the batte ry origi nally ins talled in the comput er. The com puter co mes with a 3-volt lithium coin cel l battery.
NOTE: On some computer mo dels, i t may be neces sary to r emove an internal com ponent to gai n access to the battery. 8. Depending on the ty pe of battery hold er on the system board, comple te the follo wing inst ructio ns to replace the batter y. Type 1 a.
b. Insert the new battery and po sition th e clip b ack into place. Figure B-3 Removing a Coin Ce ll Battery (Type 3) NOTE: After t he batte ry has been replaced , use the follow ing s teps to c ompl ete this procedu re. 9. Replace the ac cess pane l.
C Security Lock Provisions NOT E: For information on data security featu res, refer to the Deskto p Manage ment Guide a nd the HP Pr otectToo ls Sec urity Man ager Guide (som e mod els) at http://ww . The s ecurity locks displ ayed below and on the follo wing p ages c an be used to secu re th e co mputer.
Figure C-2 Instal ling a C able w ith a Port C over Ins talle d Padlock Figure C-3 Insta lling a Padlo ck ENWW I nstal lin g a Securi ty Loc k 33.
HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the sec urity cab le by looping it ar ound a stat ionary ob ject. Figu re C -4 S ecuring the Ca ble to a Fixe d Objec t 2.
3. Screw the loc k to the chassis using the scr ew provid ed. Figure C-6 Attaching the Loc k to the Chassis 4. Insert the plug end of the secu rity cable into the lock (1) an d push the button in ( 2) to en gage th e lock. Use the ke y provided to disengag e the lock .
4. Disconne ct the pow er c ord from th e power outlet a nd di sconnec t any e xterna l devic es. CAUTION: Regardl ess o f the power- on stat e, volta ge is always pr esent on the system boar d as long as t he sy stem is plugg ed into an acti ve AC outlet .
9. Install the s ecurity scre w thr ough t he middl e fron t bezel relea se ta b and into t he ch assis t o secu re the front bezel in plac e. Figure C-9 Ins tallin g the Fr ont Be zel Securit y Sc rew 10. Replace the acce ss panel. 11. If the compute r was o n a st and, repl ace the s tand.
D Electrostatic Discharge A disc harg e of s tatic ele ctricit y fro m a fi nger or other cond uctor ma y dam age s ystem b oards or ot her static- sensiti ve device s.
E Computer Operating Guidelines, Routine Ca re and Shipping Preparation Computer Operat ing Guideli nes and Routi ne Care Follo w these g uideli nes to pr operly set u p and ca re for the comput er and monito r: ● Keep the comp uter aw ay from excess ive mois ture, dir ect sunl ight, a nd extre mes of heat a nd cold.
Optical Drive Pr ecautio ns Be sur e to obs erve the follo wing g uideli nes w hile operat ing o r clean ing t he opt ical drive. Operation ● Do not mov e the drive d uring op eratio n.
Index A access panel locking and unlocki ng 32 remo ving 9 repl acing 10 applica tion k ey 4 audio conne ctors 2 B battery rep lacement 29 beze l, removi ng 11 C cable lo ck 32 compone nts front panel.
power sup ply operating vol tage ran ge 27 product ID lo cation 6 R rear p anel compo nents 3 release latch attaching op tical dri ve 20 removin g access p anel 9 battery 29 bezel blan ks 13 front bez.
An important point after buying a device HP COMPAQ 8000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP COMPAQ 8000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP COMPAQ 8000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP COMPAQ 8000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP COMPAQ 8000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP COMPAQ 8000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP COMPAQ 8000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP COMPAQ 8000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP COMPAQ 8000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center