Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SAN Switch HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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McD A T A ® 4Gb S AN S w it c h f or HP p-C las s Blade S y ste m us er guid e P ar t number : AA-RW20C-TE Thir d edition: No vember 2006.
Legal and no tice inform ation © Cop yr ight 2006 Hew lett-P ack ard De velopmen t Compan y , L.P . © Cop yr ight 2006 McD A T A Corpor ation . © Cop yr ight 2006. T his softwar e include s technolog y under a license f rom QL ogic C orpor ation . All r ights r eserved .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 3 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Sorting the event brow ser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Filtering the event browse r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 5 Port status and opera tional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 McDATA Web Server C onfigured Zonese ts data window .
6 10 Events browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 11 Filter events dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 7 Abo ut this gui de This man ual descr ibes the McD A T A ® W eb Server™ and McD A T A Element Manager ™ management tools for the McD A T A 4Gb SAN S witch. McD A T A Element Manager is ref err ed to as Element Manager thr oughout this doc ument .
8 Doc umen t con v enti ons and s y mbols WA R N I N G ! Indicates that failure to follow directi ons could re sult in bodily harm or death . CAUT ION: Indicates that f ailur e to follo w dir ecti ons could re sult in damage to equipment or data . IMP O RT A NT : Pr o v ides c larify ing inf ormati on or spec if ic instr ucti ons.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 9 2. Redis tributi ons in binary for m must r epr oduce the abo ve cop y ri ght notice , this list of conditi ons, and the disc laimer that fo llow s thes e conditions in the doc umentati on and/or other mat eri als pr ov i ded with the distr ibution .
10 Helpful w eb sites F or other pr oduct infor mation , see the f ollo w ing HP we b sites: • http://www • http://www .hp .com/go/stor age • http://www pport/ • http://ww w .docs • http://h710 2 8.www7 erpr ise/cache/8 0316 -0 -0 -0 -121.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 11 1 Using McD A T A W e b Ser ver/El ement Man ag er This s ection de scr ibes ho w to us e the McD A T A W eb Server and Eleme nt Manager applicati ons and their menus .
12 W or kstation r e quir ements The r equir ements f or fa bri c management wo rkstati ons running the McD A T A W e b Serv er web applet ar e listed in Ta b l e 2 . St arting McD A T A W eb Serv er T o start McDA T A W e b Serv er after the sw itc h is oper ational , ente r the sw itc h IP addre ss in an internet br ow ser .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 13 St ar ting Element Ma nager in HAFM T o use Element Manager , the H AFM clie nt applicati on mus t be running on y our w or kstatio n, or y ou m ust be accessing HAFM on the HAFM Appli ance.
14 Setti ng pre fer enc es Y ou can c ustomi z e the follow ing pr efe rence s ettings for McD A T A W eb Server and Elemen t Manager: • Change the location o f the wor king dir ectory in whic h to sa ve f iles . • Change the location o f the bro w ser us ed to vi e w the online help .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 15 Using online help Online help is av ailable f or the McD A T A W eb Serv er and Element Manager applicati ons and their func tions . Online help is also cont ext-sensiti v e , that is, the online he lp opens to the top ic that de scr ibes the dialog y ou hav e open.
16 User inter face The McD A T A W eb Server and Element Manager a pplicatio ns share a common in terface as sh ow n in Fi g u re 3 . T he interface consists of a men u bar , fabr ic tr ee , gra phic w indo w , data w indow s (some w ith buttons) , and data w indow t abs.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 17 Menu bar The McD A T A W eb Ser v er and Element Manager menu bar opti ons are lis ted in Ta b l e 3 .
18 P opup menus P opup menus ar e displa yed w hen y ou ri ght-clic k the s witc h faceplat e image in the graphi c w indow . P o pup menu opti ons gi ve y ou q uic k access t o the fo llow ing common.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 19 McD A T A W eb Se r v er F abr i c tr ee McD A T A W eb Server e nables y ou to manage McD A T A 4Gb SAN S witc hes and obs erve other s wit ches in th e fa bric.
20 Data w indo ws and t abs The dat a windo w pr esents a t able of data and statis tic s assoc iat ed with the se lected tab f or the s w itch displa yed in the gr aphic w indo w .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 21 2 Managing F abr ic s This s ection des cr ibes the f ollo wing t asks that manage fabr ics u sing McDA T A W eb Server: • Sec uri.
22 Con n e ct io n se curi t y IMP O RT A NT : T he S SL and S SH serv ices can be managed o nly w ith Element Manager , whic h r equir es the Element Manager PFE k ey , and the CLI. See ” Installing Pr oduc t F eature Ena blement k ey s ” on page 8 2 for mor e infor mation about ins talling a PFE ke y .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 23 De v i ce sec ur ity IMP O RT A NT : De vi ce sec ur ity is avai lable only w i th the McD A T A S ANtegr ity™ Enhanced PFE ke y and can be managed only w ith the CLI and Element Manager .
24 E dit Sec urity dialog Use the E dit Secur ity dialog to edit the sec urity conf igur ation on the s w itch . Y ou can also open and edit a sec ur ity conf igur ation sav ed to a file . E diting sec ur ity files co nsists of r enaming and r emo ving s ecur ity sets , gr oups , and members.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 25 Cr eate Sec urity Set dialog Use the C reat e Sec ur ity Set dialog s ho wn in Fig u r e 6 t o cre a t e a n ew s ec ur i t y s et. T h er e i s a m a xi m u m of 4 security set s. Fig ur e 6 Create Sec urity Set dial og T o add a sec ur ity set fr om the faceplate displa y: 1.
26 An empty (no member s) sec urity gr oup in the acti ve sec urity set w ill pr e ve nt all connecti ons fo r that sec urity gr oup type . F or e xample , an empty ISL sec ur ity grou p will cau se the sw itc h to r efu se all logins fr om other s witc hes .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 27 The c onv enti ons f or P ort sec ur ity grou p members ar e lis ted belo w : • Y ou can enter member W orld Wi de Name (WWN) , whic h must be 16 hex c harac ters, or 2 3 char acter s with v alid WWN for mat xx:xx: xx:xx:xx :xx:xx:xx .
28 Ed i t i n g t h e s e cu r i t y c o nf igur atio n on a s w itch T o edit a sec ur ity conf igur ation on the s w itch f r om the faceplate displa y: 1. Choose one of the f ollo wing to open the E dit Secur ity dialog: •C l i c k Security on the tool bar .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 29 Sec ur ity Conf i g dialog Use the Sec ur ity Confi g dialog , show n in Fi g u re 9 , to sav e the acti ve s ecur ity configur atio.
30 Deacti v ating a sec ur ity set Only o ne sec urity set can be acti v e at one time. T o deacti vate an ac tiv e sec urity set f r om the faceplate displa y: 1. Select Se c urit y > De ac tiva te Se cu rit y S et . 2. Select a se cur ity set fr om the dr op-dow n list in the Deacti vate Sec ur ity Set dialog.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 31 Displa y ing the e v ent br o w ser The E ven t Br ow ser dis play s a list of e vents gene rated b y the sw itches in the fabr i c and the McDA T A W eb Server w eb applet .
32 Se ve rity is indicated in the sev er ity column using icons as descr ibed in Tab l e 4 . NO TE: E ven ts (Alar ms, Cr itical , W arning, and Inf ormati v e) generat ed by the w eb applet ar e not sav ed on the s wit ch .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 33 F i lter ing the ev ent br o wser F ilter ing the Ev ent Br ow ser enabl es yo u to display onl y those e ven ts that are o f inter est based on the e vent se ver ity , timestam p, s our ce, ty pe , and descr iption .
34 W orking w ith de v ice inf ormati on and ni c knames Dev ice s ar e hosts and sto rage ta rgets connect ed to the sw itch . A nickname is a u ser -def inable , meaningful name that can be used in place o f the W or ld Wi de Name . This sub-s ection de scr ibes ho w to v ie w and manage dev i ce infor mation and ni cknames .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 35 Displa y ing detailed de v ice inf or mati on In addition to the inf or mation that is av ailable in the De vi ces data w indo w , yo u can cli ck the (i) in the Details column to displa y mor e info rmatio n as sho wn in Fig u re 1 3 .
36 Cr eating a nic kname T o creat e a dev ice port nic kname: 1. Select Fabric >Nicknames to open the Nic knames dialog . 2. Choos e one of the f ollo wing methods to en ter a nic kname . A nickname mu st start w ith a letter and can hav e up to 64 c har acters .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 37 Zo n i n g a f a b ri c If HAFM is used to manage the fabr ic , it is recommended to us e HAFM to manage the fabr ic z oning.
38 Zo n e s e t s A z one s et is a named group o f z ones . A z one can be a member of mor e than one z one se t. E ach sw itc h in the fabr ic main tains its o wn z oning database containing the ac tiv e z one se t. T his z oning dat abase r esides in no n -vol atile or permanent memory and is ther ef ore r et ained after a re set .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 39 Z oning limits and pr opertie s Z oning limits v ary depending on the f irm war e installed on the s witc h . T o v ie w z oning limits and pr operties on a s witc h: 1. Select Zoning > Edit Zoning to open the E dit Z oning dialog.
40 Managing the z oning database Managing the z oning databas e consists of the f ollo win g: • E diting the z oning databas e , page 40 • Conf igur ing the z oning dat abase , page 4 2 • Sa vin.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 41 • C l i c k a zo n e, zo n e s e t , o r p o r t i c o n . • R ight-cli ck t o select a z one set or z one , and open the cor re sponding popup menu . • Hold do wn the Shift k e y whil e cli cki ng sev er al co nsec uti ve i cons .
42 Conf i guring the z oning database Use the Z oning Conf ig dial og to change the Inter op Auto Save and Def ault Zone config urati on parame ters . The Default Zone par ameter a pplies onl y when Int er op Mode is set to McD A T A F abr ic Mode . Open the faceplate dis play .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 43 Re stor ing the def ault z oning database Re stor ing the def ault z oning clears the sw itc h of all z oning def initions .
44 Displa y ing the confi gur ed and acti v e z one sets Y ou can displa y the contents of the conf igur ed z one set and acti v e z one set w ith the Co nfi gured Z oneset data w indow and the Acti ve Z oneset data w indo w .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 45 Cr eating a z one set To c r e a t e a zo n e s e t : 1. Select Zoning > Edit Zoning to open the E dit Zoni ng dialog . 2. Select Edit > Create Zone Set to op en the C r eate Zone Set dialog.
46 Managing z ones Managing z ones inv ol ve s the fo llow i ng: • Cr eating a z one in a z one se t , page 46 • Adding z one members , page 4 7 • Re naming a z one or a z one se t , page 4 7 .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 47 Adding z one members Y ou can z one a por t/dev i ce by s w itch domain ID an d port number , or the dev i ce port WWN. Adding a port/dev ice to a z one affects e v ery z one set in whi ch that z one is a member .
48 R emo v ing a z one fr om a z one set To r e m ov e a zo n e f ro m a zo n e s e t : 1. Select the z one to be r emov ed in the E dit Z oning dialog . The selected z one will be r emov ed fr om that zo n e s e t o n l y . 2. Select Edit > Remove .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 49 3 Managing s w itc he s This s ection de scr ibes the f ollo w ing tasks that manage s w itche s using the McD A T A W eb Server or Ele ment Manager applicati on.
50 NO TE: If the same us er account ex ists on a s w itch and its RADIUS server , that user can login w ith either pass w or d, but the autho rity and account e xpir ation w ill alw ay s come fr om the sw itch databa se . Cr eating us er accounts A s wit ch can ha ve a max imum of 15 us er accounts.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 51 R emo v ing a us er account T o remo ve a u ser account on a s w itch: 1. Select S witch > User Accounts in the faceplat e displa y to open th e User A ccount Administr ation dialog.
52 Changing a user account pas s w or d An y user can c hange their pas sw or d fo r their account , but only the A dmin account name can change the pass w or d for an other user ’s account . If the adminis trator does not kno w the us er’s or iginal pas sw or d , the administr ator mus t re mov e the account and add the account .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 53 Modifying a u ser account T o modif y a user account on a s w itc h: 1. Select Sw itch > User Accounts in the f aceplate displa y to open the U ser Account A dministr ation di alog.
54 Con figu rin g R A D IUS se r vers IMP O RT A NT : RADIUS serve r support is available onl y w ith the McDA T A S ANtegr ity Enhanced PFE ke y and can be managed only w ith the CLI and Elemen t Manager . Element Manager also r equir es a PFE k e y .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 55 Adding a RADIUS s erve r A RADIUS server pr o vi des a method to centr ali z e use r and dev ice a uthenticati on ov er a networ k. Fig ur e 22 RADIUS Server Inf ormati on dialog—Add S erver tab page T o add a RA DIUS s erver : 1.
56 Re movi n g a R A D I US s er ve r Re mov ing a RAD IU S server , disables the r emote authenti cation o f dev ice s or user s ov er the netw ork . Fig ur e 23 RADIUS Serve r Info rmation dialog—Remo v e Serv er tab page To r e m o v e a R A D I U S s e r v e r : 1.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 57 E diting RADIUS s erver inf or mation E diting infor mation o f a R ADIUS serv er inv ol ve s changing the confi gurati on of a RADIUS serv er . Fig ur e 24 RADIUS Serve r Infor mation di alog—E dit Server ta b page T o edit informati on of a RADI U S server : 1.
58 Modifying RADIUS serv er authenti cation or der E diting infor mation o f a R ADIUS serv er inv ol ves changing the confi gurati on of a RADIUS server . Fig ur e 25 RADIUS Server Inf ormati on dialog—Modify Au thenticati on Or der tab page T o modif y the au thenticatio n orde r infor mation o f a RADIUS server : 1.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 59 Displa y ing s w itc h inf or matio n The f aceplate displa y and data windo ws pro v ide the f ollo wing s w itc h informati on: .
60 S wit ch s tatus and ope r ational inf ormatio n The Switch da ta win d ow , s hown in Fi g u r e 26 , display s the cur ren t status and oper ational inf ormatio n for the selected s w itch . T o op en the S w itch data w indow , clic k the Sw it c h tab belo w the data w indo w .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 61 Sta tus Oper ational S tate S witc h oper ational s tate: Online , Offline , Diagnosti c , Dow n Adminis trati ve St ate Cur r ent s.
62 User Log in User Name Account name Log i n Leve l Aut ho rit y l evel Super Us er Super u ser pr iv ileges ena bled/disabled User Authenticati on Enabled En f or cement of accoun t names and author ity (alw ay s T rue) Fi r mw a re Firmware V ers ion Active firmware ve rsio n Inacti ve F irm war e V ersi on Not applic able .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 63 SNMP En abled SNMP enabled or disabled . Zo n e s / S e cu r i t y Inter op Mode Inter opera bility mode. Use S tandar d to connect to FC-S W- 2 complian t sw itc hes and McD A T A sw itc hes in Open F abr ic Mode .
64 P or t perfor mance statis tics The P ort St atistic s data windo w displa y s port per f ormance data f or the selec ted ports. Cli ck the Po r t S t a t s data w indow ta b in the faceplate displa y to open the P ort Statisti cs data w indow .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 65 Co nf igur ing port thr eshold alar ms IMP O RT A NT : P ort thre shold alarms can be managed onl y with Elemen t Manager , whic h r equir es the Element Manager PFE k ey , and the CLI.
66 NO TE: T he s witc h w ill do wn a port if a rising tr igge r alarm is not c lear ed after three consec uti v e sample win d ows. Fig ur e 29 P ort thre shold alarm e xample 8. Enter a sam ple windo w in seco nds. T he sample w indo w def ines the peri od of time in w hic h to count even t s.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 67 R ese tting a s w itc h Re setting a sw itch r eboots the sw itc h using conf igur ation par ameter s in memory . Depending on the res et type , a s w itch r es et may or ma y not inc lude a P ow er -on Self T est (P OS T) , or it may or ma y not disr upt tr affi c.
68 Con figu rin g a sw i tch Y ou can conf igur e a s w itch e xplic itly or y ou can use the C onfi gurati on W i z ard . T he Conf igur ation W i z ar d is a ser ies of di alogs that guide y ou thr ough the cha ssis, netw ork , and SNMP conf igur ati on step s on new or replac ement switc hes.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 69 Domain ID and domain ID lock The domain ID is a uniq ue F ibre C hannel identif ier f or the s w itch . The F ibre Channe l addres s consists of the domain ID , port ID, and the A rbitr ated L oop Ph ysi cal Addr ess ( ALP A).
70 Ta b l e 1 0 lists the corr esponding domain ID v alues f o r each inter o p mode: S tandard mode and McD A T A F abr ic mode . Sys l o g The S y slog (Remote L ogging) featur e enables sav ing of the log infor mation to a r emote ho st that supports the s ysl og pro tocol.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 71 S w itch a dmi nistrative states The s w itc h administr ati v e state de termi nes the oper atio nal state of the s wi tch . T he sw itch administ rati ve state e x ists in two f orm s: the confi gured adminis trati v e state and the c urr ent administr ati ve s tate .
72 F abr i c Dev ice Management I nterf ace F abr ic Dev ice Management Interface (FDMI) pr o vi des a means to gather and displa y dev i ce infor mation fr om the f abri c, and allo w s FDMI capable dev i ces to r egister certain inf ormatio n with the f abri c, if FDMI is enabled .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 73 Timeout v alues The s w itc h timeout v alues deter mine the timeout value s for all ports on the s w itc h. Ta b l e 1 2 desc r ibes the s wit ch timeout par ameters. The timeout val ues must be the s ame for all s w itche s in the fabr ic .
74 Use ca ution w hen disabling the Embedded GUI, GUI Mgmt , T elnet, S SL , and S SH, as it is pos sible to disable all acces s to the s w itch e x cept thr ough a ser ial connecti on . IMP O RT A NT : T he S SL and S SH serv ices can be managed o nly w ith Element Manager , whic h r equir es the Element Manager PFE k ey , and the CLI.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 75 Networ k pr operties Use the Networ k Properties di alog show n in Fi g u re 33 to change IP conf igur atio n paramet ers . T o open the Networ k Pr operties dialog, c hoose one of the f ollo wing: • Select Swi t c h > N e t wor k Pro p er t i es .
76 SN M P p rop e r t i es Use the S NMP Properties dialog sho w n in Fi g u re 34 to change S NMP confi gurati on paramet ers. After ma ki ng ch an ge s, cl ick t he OK button to put the ne w value s into effec t. T o open the SNMP Pr operties dialog , choo se one of the fo llow ing: • Select Swi t c h > S NM P Pro p er t i es .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 77 S NMP confi gur atio n The S NMP confi gur ation def ines ho w authenti cation tr aps ar e managed . Ta b l e 1 4 desc ribes the S NMP confi gur ation par ameter s. T he illegal char acter s for the us er-de fined f iel ds are the pound si gn (#) , semi-colon (;), and comma (,) .
78 Archivin g a sw i tch Y ou can c reat e an .XML arc hiv e f ile containing the conf igur ation par ameter s. Basi cally an y data r ecei ved by McD A T A W eb Se r v er is ar chi ved . This ar c hiv e file can be u sed to r estor e the conf igur atio n on the same s witc h or on a r eplacement s w itch .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 79 R est or ing a s w itc h Re stor ing a sw itc h loads the ar chi ved s w itc h confi gurati on paramet ers to the s w itch . The s w itch confi gur ation mu st be ar c hiv ed bef or e it can be r est ored .
80 4. T o res tor e all conf igur ation s ettings, c lic k the Fu ll Restore tab , then clic k Restore . T o r estore sele cted confi gur ation s ettings, c lic k the Selectiv e Restor e tab and selec.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 81 Do w nloading a suppo r t f ile The Dow nload Support File option ass embles all log f iles and s wit ch memory data into a cor e dump f ile ( dump_support.tgz) . This file can be s ent to tec hnical suppo rt p er sonnel fo r tr oubleshooting s w itch pr oblems .
82 Installing Pr oduct F eature Enablement k e y s A PFE k ey is a pass w or d that yo u can purc hase f rom y our sw itch dist ribut or or author i z ed r esell er that enables partic ular fe ature s in yo ur sw itc h . The fol low ing PFE k e ys ar e a vailabl e: • S ANtegr ity Enhanced PFE ke y enables de v ice sec ur ity on the s w itch .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 83 Installing f irm war e Installing f irm w ar e inv olv es loading , unpacking , and acti vating the fir mw ar e image on the s wit ch . McD A T A W eb Ser v er does this in one operati on.
84 Displa y ing har d w ar e st atus T o display a summary of the har dw ar e status inf ormati on in a popup te xt box , r est the c ursor o v er the cha ssis LED c lust er in the facepl ate displa y . • P ow er LED—Indicat es the volt age status o f the sw itc h.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 85 4 Managing ports The dat a windo w s pro v ide port info rmation and port st atistics f or se lected ports.
86 The P ort Inf ormati on data w indow en tri es are lis ted belo w in Ta b l e 1 7 . T able 17 P ort informati on data w indo w entri es Entry Desc ription Summary P ort Addre ss P ort Fibr e Channel addr ess . Adminis trati v e P ort T ype The adminis trati v e port t ype (G , GL, F , FL) .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 87 Advan ce d MF S Mode Multiple F r ame Sequence bundling s tatus. I/O Str eam Guar d Not appli cable Dev ice S can Dev ice s can status . Enabled means the sw itc h quer ies the connected de vi ce during login f or FC- 4 desc r iptor info rmatio n.
88 Po r t s t a t i s t i c s d a t a w i n d o w The P ort St atistics dat a windo w , sho w n in Fi g u re 4 0 , display s st atistics about port perfor mance . Select one or mor e ports in the f aceplate displa y that you w ant to v ie w statis tics .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 89 BB_Cr editReco v eryFr ameF ailur e Number of times mor e frames w er e los t during a c redit r e co very per iod than the r eco very pr ocess co uld r esol ve . This caus es a L ink Re set to r eco ver the c r edits.
90 LIP(f7 ,f7) A loop initiali z ati on primiti v e fr ame used to acq uir e an AL_P A. LIP(f8,AL_P S) This LIP denotes a loop failur e detected by the L_port identif ied b y AL_P S . LIP(f8,f7) A loop initiali z ati on primiti ve fr ame used to indi cate that a Loop F ailure has been dete cted at its rece iv er and does not ha ve a v alid AL_P A.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 91 V ie w ing and conf igur ing ports P ort color and te xt pro v ide inf ormati on about the port and its oper ational s tate . T o display port number and status inf or mation f or a port , position the c u rs or ov er a port on the faceplate dis play .
92 Po r t s t a t e s The port administr ati ve st ate deter mines the operati onal stat e of a port. T he port administrati v e state has two f orms: the conf igur ed administr ati ve s tate and the c urr ent administr ati ve s tate . Ta b l e 1 9 descr ibes the port administr ativ e and oper ational st ates.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 93 Po r t t y p e s The e xternal por ts can be configured to self-discov er the proper type to match the devi ce or sw itch to w hich it is connect ed. Ta b l e 2 0 lists the possible port types and the ir meanings.
94 P or t speeds External ports ar e capable of tr ansmitting and rece iv ing at 1-Gbps , 2 -Gbps , or 4 -Gbps. Inter nal ports are capa ble of tr ansmitting and r ece i v ing at 1-Gbps o r 2 -Gbps . T he ports can be conf igur ed for e ither tr ansmission speed or to sens e the transmissi on speed of the dev ice to whi ch i t is connected .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 95 Po r t b i n d i n g IMP O RT A NT : P ort binding is a vail able only in Ele ment Manager w hich r equire s the Element Manager PFE key . Se e ” Installing Pr oduct F eatur e Enablement k e y s ” on page 8 2 for mor e info rmation a bout installing a PFE k ey .
96 • SerDes leve l (internal) —The S erDes le vel t est v erif ie s port cir c uitry . The Ser Des lev el tes t sends a tes t fr ame fr om the A SIC through the SerDes c hip and back to the AS IC for the selected ports. The port passe s the test if the fr ame that w as sent b y the A SIC matche s the test f rame that w as r ecei ved .
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 97 Gl ossa r y Active firmwar e The f irm w ar e image on the sw itc h that is in use Active zone set The z one set that defi nes the c.
98 Fabric v iew file A file containing a s et of fa bri cs that wer e opened and sa ved dur ing a pre v ious McDA T A W eb Ser ver session Fan F ail LED An LED that indicate s that a cooling fan in th.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 99 Principal switch T he sw itc h in the fabr ic that manage s domain ID assignmen ts Product Featur e Enablement k ey A pass w or d th.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 101 Inde x A active zone set 38 , 44 Active Zoneset data window 44 administrative state configured 71 , 92 current 71 , 92 port 92 swit.
102 Fabric Device Management Interface 72 factory defaults 80 FC-4 desc riptor 94 FDMI - See Fabric Device Mana gement Interface File Transfer Protocol 74 firmwa re install with McDATA Web Server 83 n.
McDATA® 4Gb SA N Switch for HP p-Cla ss BladeSystem u ser guide 103 Q QuickTools 15 R RADIUS - See Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service read community 77 refresh 59 related d ocumentati on 7 Re.
104 W web server se rvice 74 web sites HP documentation 7 HP storage 10 HP Subscriber’s choice 9 wizard, configuration 68 working directory 14 workstation requirements 12 write community 77 Z zone a.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) SAN Switch along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center