Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FB359UA HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Intellec tual pr operty notices © 20 1 1 Hew lett-P ac kar d De ve lopment Comp any , L.P . The inf or mation con tained her ein is subjec t to c hange w ithout noti ce . Adobe , A dobe Ac r obat , and the Adobe A cr obat logo ar e trade marks of A dobe S y stems Incor por ated.
Contents 3 Co nt en t s Chapter 1 Welcome 7 Your HP TouchPad 8 What’s in the box? 9 Where can I learn more? Chapter 2 Basics 11 Get to know your device 13 Charge the battery 14 Set up your device 16.
4C o n t e n t s Chapter 7 Photos, videos, and music 73 Photos & Videos 77 HP Movie Store 78 YouTube 78 Music Chapter 8 Web 85 Web 89 Maps Chapter 9 Contacts, Calendar, and other personal informat.
Contents 5 178 Synchronization 179 Email 181 Messaging 181 Wi-Fi 182 Web 183 Calendar and Contacts 186 Photos & Vide os, and Music 187 Print Manager 187 HP webOS App Catalog 190 Using your HP Touc.
6C o n t e n t s.
Chapter 1 : Welcome 7 1 We l c o m e 7Y o u r H P T o u c h P a d 8W h a t ’ s i n t h e b o x ? 9 Wher e can I learn more ? Yo u r H P T o u c h P a d NOTE When r ef err ing to the compan y that mak es your HP T ouchP ad, this doc ument u ses bo th the ter ms HP and P alm.
8 Chapter 1 : Welcome F or ex ample , suppo se y ou hav e a Google account f or pers onal email , contacts , and calendar e vents , and an Ex change account f or your corpor ate email, contac ts, and e vents.
Chapter 1 : Welcome 9 Print mater ial • Getting Started guide • Nav igation Gui de • L imite d W ar r anty • Gener al User Gui de: Important Safe ty and Legal Info rmati on Wher e can I learn mor e? • On-dev ice Help: R ead short how-tos and w atch animatio ns on y our ne w dev ice.
10 Chapter 1 : Welcome.
Chapter 2 : Basics 11 2 Basi cs 1 1 Get to kno w y our dev ice 1 3 Char ge the bat tery 1 4 Set up y our dev ice 1 6 T urn y our dev ice on/o ff 1 7 Use gestur es: T ap , sw ipe, drag , flick , pinch .
12 Chapter 2 : Basics NOTE The v olume you se t for eac h indiv idual au dio com ponent is sa ved auto maticall y , whether the audi o compone nt is a w ired hea dset , a wir eless headset that u ses Bluet ooth ® w ireles s technology , the built- in stereo speak ers, and so o n.
Chapter 2 : Basics 13 Icons in the title bar T op vie w 1 3.5mm headset jack 2 Po w e r : P ress t o wa ke up or t ur n o f f t h e scre en. P ress a n d h ol d to t u rn wirel e ss se r vic es o n and off or tur n yo ur dev ice completel y on and off .
14 Chapter 2 : Basics 1 A t tach the small end o f the USB cable to the cha r ger/ micr oU SB connector . The silv er cir cle on the cable f aces the fr ont of the dev ice. 2 C onnec t the other e nd of the USB cable to th e AC c ha rg e r . 3P l u g t h e AC c ha rg e r into a working outlet .
Chapter 2 : Basics 15 IMPORTANT Y ou must enter a valid email addre ss to access all the featur es av ailable on y our dev ice. Note that ent er ing an email addr ess her e does not set up y our dev ice to send and r ecei v e mess ages f r om that email acco unt; y ou mu st do that separately (see Email ).
16 Chapter 2 : Basics Although y ou creat e an HP webO S Account b y enter ing a vali d email addr ess , setting up an HP w ebOS A ccount is differ ent fr om setting up email on y our de v ice. T o set up email, see Set up email . T o change y our HP w ebOS A ccount infor mation after y ou set it up , see Update your HP we bOS A ccount settings .
Chapter 2 : Basics 17 When y our dev ice is in air plane mode , the airplane mode icon appears at the top of e very scr een, and Air plane Mode appears in the upper -left corner of the sc reen in the Car d vie w . * Thes e indicate that w ireless s ervi ces ar e off (air plane mode).
18 Chapter 2 : Basics Ta p T ap w ith the tip of the finger , not the finger nail. T ap fast and f irmly , and then immediat ely lift yo ur f ingertip off the s cr een. Don ’t bear do wn o n what you’r e tapping. Don’t wait for a response; t he response c omes after y ou lift y our f inger .
Chapter 2 : Basics 19 Thr ow the item off the side of the scr een. If pr ompted, tap Delete to confir m the deletion . If y ou can ’t delete a lis t item b y thr ow ing it , open the item and look in the applicati on menu fo r a De l e te m e nu i te m.
20 Chapter 2 : Basics Scr ol l g estures Scroll slo w: D ra g t h e s c re e n i n t h e d e s i re d d ire c t io n . Scroll fast: F lic k the scr een in the desired dir ection .
Chapter 2 : Basics 21 Respond to a sy stem soft war e noti fication When y ou get a notificati on that a s y stem update is a vaila ble , do one of the follo wing: • Ta p Install Now tw ice. When ins tallation is co mplete and the de vi ce res e t s, ta p Done .
22 Chapter 2 : Basics.
Chapter 3 : Just Type 23 3 Just T y p e 23 J u s t Ty p e o v e r v i e w 2 3 Look up a contact 2 4 Find inf ormation in an appli catio n on y our dev ice 25 S e a rc h t h e w e b 2 5 Create a ne w i.
24 Chapter 3 : Just Type 4 W hen the contac t name appear s, do one of the follo wing . If only the contact name is displa yed , tap the name to display w ay s to get in touch . • T ap the name to open the pers on ’s contact infor mation . • T ap an email addre ss to send a me ssage .
Chapter 3 : Just Type 25 Searc h th e web Y ou have sev eral op tions for us ing Just T ype to search th e web. 1O p e n C a r d v i e w ( s e e Manage applicati ons in C ar d vi ew ) and tap Just type .
26 Chapter 3 : Just Type 4U n d e r Quic k Actions , ta p Ne w [it em ty pe] . The rel evant ap p lic a t ion opens, displa ying y our text as part of a new item . H er e ar e some ex amples: • T o cr eate a new email mess age: T ap New Ema il . A new message opens w ith the te xt you enter ed as the message te xt.
Chapter 3 : Just Type 27 R e peat a r ecent sear ch T o sea r ch on a term you r ecently entered, y ou don’t need to enter th e term again. 1O p e n C a r d v i e w ( s e e Manage applicati ons in C ar d vi ew ) and tap Just type . 2 Y our recent s earc hes are dis play ed.
28 Chapter 3 : Just Type Find More: T his option lets y ou searc h App Catalog f or third-party applicati ons and services that y ou can use to perfor m a n y of the follo wi ng Jus t T ype func tions: web s ear c h, app s ear c h, o r cr eation of a ne w item (Qui ck A cti on) .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 29 4 W or k w ith appli cati ons 29 O p e n a p p l ic a t i o n s 30 R esi ze panels/dis play or hi de lev els in an app 31 U s e t h e m e n u s 3 3 Enter and sav .
30 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications 3 T o find the app y ou want , flic k up or do wn t o see all the icons on a page . T o see other page s, s wipe r ight or left on the sc r e en , or tap a page name at the top of the sc r een . * Launc her page names.
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 31 T o display a panel full screen: Do o ne of the fo llo wing: • Swi p e l e f t o n t h e s c re e n . • If the drag handles i con is displa yed, dr ag the icon to the left . T o resiz e a full-screen panel so y ou can see more lev els in an app: Do one of the f ollow ing: • S w ipe ri g ht on the scr een.
32 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications • T ap the applicati on name in the upper -left cor ner of the sc r een. 2 T ap a menu item to open it . If a menu item displa ys a ri ght-pointing arr ow , tap the item to display the submen u for that ite m.
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 33 • T o turn s y stem so unds on or off: T ap Mute S oun d or Unmute Sound . 3 T o clo se the menu w ithout selecting an item , r epeat one of the options in step 1 . Enter and s a v e infor mation Use the onscr een ke yboard 1 Next/Pre v/T ab: T ap to mov e among f ields .
34 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications Ente r pass wo r ds Y ou can see each c har acter o f a pass wor d onl y as yo u enter it , so be car eful . Be sure C aps Loc k is off unless y ou need it . F or informati on on how to enter char a cters, see Enter u pper case letter s and Enter s ymbols and alter nate c har acter s .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 35 Enter inf ormatio n in a f ield Y ou can enter info rmatio n in a fie ld by ty ping or b y p asting pr ev iou sly copi ed inf ormati on (see Cu t , copy , and paste inf ormation ). T he T e xt As si s t featur e wor ks w ith all te xt fi elds (see W ork w ith the T ext As sist f eatur e ).
36 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications 2 Do any o f the follo wing: • T o turn Aut o -Capitali z ation , Shortcut s , or Auto -Corr ection on or off: Ta p Off or On for that entry .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 37 4 Ta p Cut or Cop y . If the text appeared w ith a yello w highlight immediate ly after y ou tapped and held it , onl y the Copy opti on is av ailable. 5 Open the app w her e yo u wa nt to pas te the t e xt . 6 T ap and hold the insertion po int wher e you w ant to paste the te xt .
38 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications I f you ha ve m o re t h a n o n e c a rd o p e n f o r a n a p p, t h rowi n g o n e o f t h e cards o ff the top of the sc reen ma y clo se the entir e app , or it may c lose only that sc reen .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 39 Wo r k w i t h s t a c k e d c a r d s If yo u ar e w ork ing in an applicati on and perfor m an action that opens a ne w sc r een or launc hes a s econd applicati on—for e xam ple , composing a ne w email fr om your Inbo x—your de vi ce tr eats the app sc r eens as a gr oup .
40 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications 2 Dr ag the icon t o a ne w location on an y page . T o drag the icon t o a differ ent page, dr ag it to the edge of the c urr ent page, and w ait for the next page to appear .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 41 Manage online accounts Y ou can set up online accounts in the Accounts applicati on, or in indiv idual applicati ons on y our de vi ce . F or most account t ypes , the online account mus t alr eady be s et up on the w eb or server bef ore y ou can add it to y our dev ice.
42 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications 3 Do on e of the following: • T o add one of the listed accounts: T ap the a ccount name. • T o sear ch f or other accounts: T ap Fi nd M o re . This dis play s a list of av ailable online accounts. T ap th e account you w ant to do wnload and install it .
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 43 Cr eate a Sk ype acco unt in A ccounts If yo u do not hav e a Skype account , you can c reate one ri ght on yo ur dev ice in the Phone & V ideos applicati on.
44 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications The r e ar e se ver al kinds of notif icati ons: Banner al ert : This is a notif icati on that appears in a small str ip at the top of the sc r een . Some banner alerts appe ar as confir mation of an acti on— for e xample , that the bat tery is char ging.
Chapter 4 : Work with applications 45 a star . If yo u enter a contac t name to call a contact , matching fa vor ites appear at the top of the sear ch re sults list and ar e noted by a star . Contacts: See al l your f av orites b y tapping Favo ri te s on the contacts list sc r een.
46 Chapter 4 : Work with ap plications.
Chapter 5 : Cop y files and sy nc your persona l data 47 5 C op y f iles and s y nc y our per sonal data 4 7 Copy f iles betw een your de vice and y our computer 4 8 Ov ervie w: Get y our personal dat.
48 Chapter 5 : Copy files a nd sync your pers onal data 5 End the connec tion s afel y . If you do no t ej ect saf el y , your de v ice r esets , and may e xper ience data lo ss, whe n y ou disconnec t the USB cable: • On a Windo ws computer , r ight cl ic k the dri ve r epres enting y our dev ice and cli ck Eject .
Chapter 5 : Cop y files and sy nc your persona l data 49 It’s also lik ely that y ou stor e some personal data in accounts that y ou cr eated on the web . These ar e called online accounts. Sometimes y ou’ll hear that data stor ed in online accounts is stor ed “in the cloud .
50 Chapter 5 : Copy files a nd sync your pers onal data T r ans f er data fr om an e x isting HP w ebOS Accoun t Wh en s et t i n g u p yo u r d evic e, you c an ch o os e t o s i gn i n to a n exis t in g H P we bOS Account that y ou may alr eady be using w ith a webO S smartphone (see What is an HP webO S Acco unt? ) .
Chapter 5 : Cop y files and sy nc your persona l data 51 If yo u ar e alr ead y using Google , Facebook , Y ahoo!, Link edIn, and/or Ex change to manage y our calendar and contacts, then all y ou need to do to s y nc data to y our de v ice is set up one or mor e of thes e accounts on y our dev ice.
52 Chapter 5 : Copy files a nd sync your pers onal data S ync y our desktop or gani z er to Google , and Goog le to y our de v ice Y ou may be able t o dow nload and install a third-party applicati on (so ld separ atel y) tha t can s ync y our desktop app to Google .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 53 6 Email , te xt , multimedi a , and inst ant me ssaging 53 E m a i l 64 Mess aging: All me ssages in one appli catio n 6 7 Messagi ng: In.
54 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 1 Number to the r ight of A ll Inbox es indicates the total n umber of unr ead email mess ages in all yo ur email accounts . 2 Number to the r ight of an indi vidual fo lder name indi cates the number o f unread messages in t hat fold er .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 55 NOTE If y our cor por ate Ex change s y stem utili zes polic ies suc h as r emote w ipe and pas sw ord enf orcemen t (includ ing minimum .
56 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 7T a p Sign In . 8 Depending on the account , you ma y be pr esented w ith options fo r whi ch a pps should do wnload dat a fr om tha t account . F or each app , tap On or Off , and then tap Cre ate accou nt .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 57 Change account login set tings When y ou change y our pas sw ord f or an online email account, r emember to mak e the change in the account se ttings on yo ur de vi c e. 1 Open Email . 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Pr efer ences & Accounts .
58 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 5( O p t i o n a l ) T a p To to open the C c and Bcc f ie lds. T ap any o f these fi elds and enter an addr ess . 6 (Opti onal) Repeat steps 4 and 5 to en ter additional addr esses . 7T a p t h e Subjec t fi eld , ent er the subj ect , and tap Enter .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 59 • T o copy a link to a w eb site: T ap and hold the w eb addre ss , and tap Copy URL . • T o copy t ext in the bod y of an email so y ou can paste it into a memo or other doc ument: T ap and hold the message te xt.
60 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging • T o play an MP3 f ile attachment: T ap the attachme nt name to dow nloa d the attachment . When the attachment has f inished do wnl oading, t ap the attachment name to pla y . T ap the progr ess indicat or to paus e, and tap it again to r esume play ing.
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 61 • Open Email , and open the f older containing the mes sage . T ap Search ; t ype a name , email addre ss , or subj ect line of a mes sage y ou'r e looking fo r ; and tap . R epl y to a mess age 1 Open a me ssa ge .
62 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging F lag or unflag a message When y ou flag a message , a is placed beside the mes sage in the message s list . Y ou might flag a message to highli ght it at the top o f Account L ist v ie w as so mething that y ou need to r eturn t o .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 63 4 (Optional) Open the applicati on menu and ta p About T his Folde r to v ie w informati on such as la st s ync and number of me ssage s . 5 T ap to hide the f olders unde r F av orite s or an account name .
64 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging Send em ai l m essag es from w ithin another applicatio n Use the shar e feature in an y application that supports this to send an item as an attac hment to an email message . This f eatur e is a vailable in the Adobe R eader and Memos appli cations , among others .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 65 2 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o see y our con ver sations list: T ap . • T o see y our buddies list: T ap .
66 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging Use emoti cons in a message T o include an emoti con in a message , tap to display the s ymbol k e yboar d, and then tap an emoticon ke y .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 67 • T o forw ar d the message in an email : T ap Forwar d Via Email , and enter the r ecip ient’s name or email addr ess in the To field, or tap to sear c h for a contac t . 4 (Optional) T ap the message t e xt , and edit the text .
68 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging The HP S yner gy featur e (see Yo u r H P To u c h Pa d ) pro vides another adv antage: During the same pr ocess y ou go thr ough to se t up a messaging account , you also s et up the same account f or all other applicati ons that can display data f r om tha t account .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 69 Sign in to an IM account 1 Open Mes sag in g . 2 T ap to the left of the te xt Offline and tap Avai la b l e .
70 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging • T o add a buddy in an y other IM account: T ap the Buddy Name fi eld and enter the budd y details r equired b y the account, f or e xample , an email addres s or IM addr ess .
Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and in stant messaging 71 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Pr efer ences & Accounts . 3 T ap the account name. 4 T ap a fie ld to enter ne w info rmation and t ap Sign In . Delete an IM acco unt 1 Open Mes sag in g .
72 Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 2T a p New C on v ers ati on . T ap the To fie ld and do one of the follo wing to addr ess the message: • Enter a c ontac t’s f irst or las t name or initi als , sc r een name , phone number , or email addre ss .
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 73 7 Ph otos, v id e os, an d mus ic 73 P h o t o s & V i d e o s 77 H P Movi e S to re 78 Yo u Tu b e 78 M u s i c Pho tos & Vide os Use Ph oto s & V ideo s f or the f irst time 1 Open Photos & Videos .
74 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music NOTE Y ou can dow nload and look at GIF s in Email , and the y ar e sav ed to USB stor age, but y ou c an't look at GIFs in Photos & Videos or use one as wallpaper . Y ou can also look at pi ctur es on the web dir ectly in the w eb bro wser (see We b ).
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 75 Y ou can use an y pi ctur e that is stor ed on your de vi ce as wallpape r (see Change y our wallpape r ). The p ictur e do es not hav e to be in the W allpapers album . Y ou can assign an y pictur es or video s on y our dev ice to one of these albums or to an album y ou cr eate .
76 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music Prin t pi ctur es BEFORE YOU BEGIN Y our de v ice supports pr inti ng on all netw ork -capable HP pr inter s that support PCL page de sc ri ption language in the local LAN.
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 77 Set up an online pi cture s or v ideos account on y our de v ice T o vi ew pictur es in an account you ha ve w ith a web s ervice suc h as F a cebook or Snapfish , y ou must s et up the account on yo ur dev ice.
78 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music 3T a p Free beside the HP Mo vie Sto r e app . HP Mo vi e Stor e is added to the Dow nloads page on the Launc her .
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 79 Sho w/hide the L ibrary or P lay list lists The Musi c app organi z es the audio conte nt y ou add to your de vice under two main headings: L ibrary and Pla yli sts . The L ibrary heading or gani z es y our audi o content in to f our pr edefined c ategor ies: So ngs , Artists , Albums , and Genr es .
80 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music 3E n t e r a n a m e f o r t h e p l a y l i s t . 4T a p Create . Add mu sic to a play list 1 Open Musi c . 2 T ap and hold a song or album, w ait for the v isual c ue , and then dr ag the song or album to the pla y list .
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 81 Delete a pla ylis t Y ou can delete play lists you c r eated on y our d ev ice. P lay lists you s ync hr oni zed fr om HP P lay cannot be deleted on y our dev ice.
82 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music If y ou ch ose t o open HP P lay immediatel y , see Set up HP Play to s ync w ith y our de vi ce . On a Mac: 1 Open yo ur computer ’s br o w ser and go to hppla y .com . 2C l i c k Download the MAC installer .
Chapter 7 : Photos , videos, and mu sic 83 1 3 Disconnect the USB cable fr om the computer w hen the USB Drive sc r een no longer appears on y our smar tphone . Manuall y sy nc musi c fr om HP P la y to y our de v ice 1 Open HP Pla y on y our computer .
84 Chapter 7 : Photos, v ideos, and music.
Chapter 8 : Web 85 8 We b 85 Web 8 9 Maps We b Go to a w ebsite The w eb b r ows er on y our dev ice is capable of display ing most w e b content . The br ows er supports HTML5 and Adobe F lash. 1 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • In Car d vi ew , tap Ju st type , t ype the site addr ess (for e xample , hp .
86 Chapter 8 : Web Open another br ow ser If yo u ar e looking at one w eb page and need to chec k something on a differ ent one, simpl y open another bro wser . 1T a p . 2 Enter the addr ess or sear ch te rm f or the second instance o f the br o w ser .
Chapter 8 : Web 87 Use F lash content F lash cont ent play s as soon as y ou open a web site . Do any o f the foll o wi ng: • T o use pla ybac k contr ols with F lash content and inter act w ith other acti ve areas: T ap the Flash cont ent . • T o z oom in on Flash content: P inch out to enlarge items onsc reen.
88 Chapter 8 : Web NOTE W eb bookmarks ar e part of the data bac ked up to y our HP web OS Acco unt. Open a bookmar k ed page Do on e of t he following: • In Car d vie w , tap Just type , type a f ew c harac ters of the bookmark title , and then tap Bookmarks & History .
Chapter 8 : Web 89 3T a p t h e f i l e n a m e . 4 If an app on your de vice su pports the file type , the file name is displ a ye d in the Do wnlo ads pane l . T ap Ope n . All f iles are do wnloaded to the de vice’s U SB stor age. If an app on y our dev ice supports the file type , you can also f ind the file in that app .
90 Chapter 8 : Web 2 If prompt ed, t ap Allow Once to tur n on Location S er vi ces f or this session. 3 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o sear ch for a ne w addres s: T ap the Search or Address fiel d, enter an addr ess, and ta p Enter . • T o find an addr ess you s av ed: T ap , tap Saved , and tap a location .
Chapter 8 : Web 91 • T o get dir ectio ns to a sav ed location fr om your c u rr ent location: T ap , tap , and tap Sav ed . T ap a location and tap Directions T o Here . • T o get dir ectio ns fr om a sav ed location to y our cur r ent locatio n: T ap , tap , and tap Sav ed .
92 Chapter 8 : Web Show T raffic: Sho ws maj or r oads and commute paths color ed to indicate the ir c urr ent traff ic s tatus . The color scale r uns fr om green (meaning fr ee -flo w ing tr aff ic), thr ough y ellow , red , and f inall y gr a y (meaning slo w tr aff ic).
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal infor mation 93 9 C ontac ts , C alendar , and othe r per so nal inf or mati on 93 C o n t a c t s 101 C a l e n d a r 10 7 M e m o s 10 8 F a c e b o o k T a b l e t Con ta ct s Ho w do I add names and other in fo into C on tacts? Y ou hav e a fe w options for getting info into Co ntacts.
94 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation Use a third-party sync solution (if a vailable): If you w ant to us e a desktop app to st or e yo ur contacts , y ou may be able to .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal infor mation 95 3 If yo u ar e setting up a Skype account , tap Sign In . 4 Enter the account inf ormati on , and then tap Sign in .
96 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation 1 Open Contacts . 2 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • If yo u hav e not set up an account in another app that take s adv antage of the S y ner g y featur e: T ap Skype .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal infor mation 97 Fi n d a c o n t a c t T o find a contac t w ithin the Contacts a pp , use the se steps . 1 Open Contacts . 2 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • Scr oll thr ough the list of cont acts in the contacts lis t (left-hand panel).
98 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation 3 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o br o ws e to a photo: T ap the album containing the pictur e and tap the pi cture thumbnail . • T o sear ch for a pho to: T ap Sear c h , enter a photo name , tap the photo name , and then tap the photo thumbnail .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal infor mation 99 3 In the contact details panel , tap 1 profi le or [number of] linked prof iles , and tap Link more pr ofiles . 4 Sear ch f or the contac t (see F ind a contact ) and tap it to link the two contacts .
100 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation NOTE If you see Delete Other Prof iles r ather than Delete All Prof iles, y ou hav e link ed contac ts that co me fr om account s whos e i nfo you c an 't ch an ge o n you r dev ice (lik e Faceboo k and L ink edIn) .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal information 101 s ync hroni z e . Deleting the account fr om Contacts also delet es the assoc iated contact entr ies fr om your de vi ce only . The entr ies ar e not deleted fr om the online account.
102 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation Enter an ev ent directly in Calendar: See Cr eate an e ven t for instructions. Y ou can assign the e v ent to one of y our online c alendars—if y ou do , it s ync hroni z es with the online cale ndar .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal information 103 Mic ros oft Exc hange and L otus Notes to learn a bout setting up an account manual ly . 4 Depending on the account, y ou may be pr esente d with opti ons for whi ch a pps should do wnload dat a fr om tha t account .
104 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation 3T a p Done . Inv ite others to an ev ent Y ou can inv ite others to an ev ent you cr eate in an Exc hange calendar . 1 T o create a new ev ent, tap New e vent . T o inv ite others to an ev ent after cr eating the ev ent , tap the e ve nt name in Da y vi e w , and tap Edit .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal information 105 Sys t em S o u n d : The s ys tem sound pla ys. Mut e: No s ound play s and the dev ice does not v ibrate . Add a note to an e vent 1 T o create a new ev ent, tap New e vent . T o add a note after cr eating an ev ent, ta p the ev ent name in D ay v iew , and tap Edit .
106 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation Delete an e ven t If yo u delete an e v ent that is assi gned to an online account , the ev ent is deleted in the online account also . IMPORTANT When yo u delete an Ex ch ange ev en t on your dev ice, notifi cation is not sent to attendees.
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal information 107 Default Ev e nt Duration : T he default e v ent dur ation is set t o one hour . T ap to change this to 30 minutes or 2 hours . Default Ev ent Reminder: T ap the time interval fo r a notifi cation to appear for timed and all-da y events .
108 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation 3 T ap the memo when it appear s . NOTE The r esults of a Just T ype searc h that you access in Car d view do not include memos . E dit a memo 1 Open Mem os . 2 T ap the memo y ou want t o edit .
Chapter 9 : Contacts, Cale ndar, and other personal information 109 1 Open Facebook T ablet . This opens the F acebook T ablet app page in HP w ebOS App C atalog . 2 If this is your f irst time using App Cat alog, tap y our country , and tap Continue .
110 Chapter 9 : Contacts, Calendar , and other personal inf ormation.
Chapter 10 : Documents and eBoo ks 111 10 Doc uments and eBooks 1 1 1 Qu ickoffice 1 1 4 Adobe Reader 1 1 6 Amaz on K indle Q u ickoffice With Qui ck offi ce, y ou can vie w Micr osoft W ord , Excel ® , and P ow erP oint ® fi les on y our de v ice. NOTE The Quick office app is periodicall y updated.
112 Chapter 10 : Documents and eBooks email attachments ). Y ou can vi e w f iles in DOC, DOCX, TXT , XLS , XLSX, PP T , and PPTX f or mats. BEFORE YOU BEGIN Be for e you pu t a file on y our dev ice, make sur e you hav e enough st or age space on y our de vi ce to f it the file .
Chapter 10 : Documents and eBoo ks 113 3 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • If this is yo ur fir st time using a pr inte r on t his n etwork: If a li st of printer s is display ed, tap one . • If y ou hav e alread y used a pr inter on this netw ork: T he last print er y ou used is r emember ed and is select ed.
114 Chapter 10 : Documents and eBooks 3 T ap the account name. 4 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o change the account display name: Under Account Name , tap the cur rent name to hi ghlight it , and enter the ne w name .
Chapter 10 : Documents and eBoo ks 115 up Adobe R eader to access f i les fr om an online account . If you j ust want to w ork w ith file s on yo ur dev ice or with an account that’s alr eady s et up , tap Go . 3 An y online accounts you se t up on y our dev ice appear in the left panel .
116 Chapter 10 : Documents and eBooks 3 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • If this is yo ur fir st time using a pr inte r on t his n etwork: If a li st of printer s is display ed, tap one . • If y ou hav e alread y used a pr inter on this netw ork: T he last print er y ou used is r emember ed and is select ed.
Chapter 10 : Documents and eBoo ks 117 4 T o dow nload and install the app , tap Free . 5 T o open the app after you inst all it, t ap Lau nc h . Afte r installati on, the Ama z on K indle Launc her ico n opens the app its elf , not App Catalog .
118 Chapter 10 : Documents and eBooks.
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 119 11 Phone & V i deo C alls 1 1 9 H o w can I mak e and re cei v e calls with m y HP T ouchP ad? 1 1 9 Use Sky pe vo ice and v ideo calling 1 2 4 Use y our.
120 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls 1 Open Phone & Video C alls . 2 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • If a Skype button is displa yed w hen you open the app: T ap Sky pe . • If an Add an Acco unt button is displa ye d: T ap Add an Account and tap Skype .
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 121 7 If the other person ans wer s the call as vo ice only , yo u can only hear audio f r om that pers on. If the other pers on ans w ers the call as a v ideo c.
122 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls Silence the ringer on an incoming Skype call When y ou silenc e the ri nger on an in coming call, y ou can answ er the call or let it ring thr ough to voi cemail . Do on e of t he following: • Pr es s the pow e r button.
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 123 • Open the dial pad to ent er numbers f or navi gating phone tr ees, r esponding to pr ompts, and so on: T ap . • Add a call: T ap . When the dial pad appears , tap Contacts . T ap the contact y ou want to call.
124 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls End a Skype call Do on e of t he following: • Ta p . • Minimi z e the call sc r een to a card , and thr o w the car d off the top of the scr een. • If a headset is attached , pres s the button on the headset .
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 125 smartphone, the a p p pr ompts y ou to connect y our dev ice to a smartphone. See Connec t y our de vi ce to a w ebOS smartphone in the Phone & V ideo Calls a pplicati on .
126 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls 3 T ap one of the contact’s pho ne numbers to di al it . If only the contact name appears, tap the name to displa y the phone numbers fo r that contact , and tap a number . 4 If prompt ed, t ap Bluetooth to mak e the call using a connect ed smartphone.
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 127 4 T y pe a name or initials until the contact y ou want appears . If your compan y uses Mic roso ft Ex change Se rver w ith a Global Addr ess Lis t (G AL) , enter ing the contact s ear c h inf ormati on r eturns matchi ng r esult s fr om the G AL as w ell.
128 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls Ignor e a call thr ough a connected smartphone T o send a call immediate ly to v oicemail , do one of the f ollo wing: • Ta p . • Pr es s the pow e r button twi ce . T o re ply to a caller w ho is in your C ontacts lis t after y ou ignor e a call, t ap the ignor ed call notifi cation .
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 129 2 T ap the applicati on to open and w ork in it . 3 T ap the call notifi cation at the top of the sc reen to r eturn to the call scr een. End a call thr ough a connec ted smartphone Do on e of t he following: • Ta p .
130 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls • T o delete a call history entry: Thr o w the entry off the side of the scr een. T ap Delete to confirm. • T o clear the call histo ry: Open the a pplicati on menu , tap Clea r Call History , and tap Clear Call History to confirm .
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 131 3 Enter the number , and tap to selec t the phone number type (see Cr eate a contac t for i n fo rm at io n ) .
132 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls WAR NI N G If dri v ing while using a phone is pe rmitted in y our area , we r ecommend u sing a headset o r hands-fr ee car kit (sold s epar atel y). How e ver , be aw are that u se of a headset that co ve rs both ea rs impair s y our ab ility to hear other s ounds.
Chapter 11 : P hone & V ideo Calls 133 7 T o sw itch the call audi o to a diffe r ent de v ice , do one of the fo llo w ing: • T o sw itch fr om the headset to the speake rs on y our HP T ouc hP ad: Disconnec t the headset . • T o sw itch fr om the headset to a connected smartphone: T ap , and then tap Phone .
134 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Pr efer ences & Accounts . 3U n d e r T ap t he device y o u’d like to use , tap the smartphone you w ant to us e f or calls (and te xt message s, if supported). 4T a p Done .
Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Man ager 135 12 HP w ebO S App C atalog and So f t w ar e Manager 1 3 5 Bro wse a pplicati ons in HP w ebOS A pp Catalog 1 3 6 Dow nload a fr ee applicat.
136 Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Manager • To s e a rc h by n a m e : Ta p Sear c h at the bottom of the sc reen . T ype a sear ch term , and then tap or tap Enter on the onscr een k e y boar d . A list o f apps w hose name or cat egory matc hes y our sear ch term a ppears.
Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Man ager 137 Y ou can mov e to other scr eens and w ork in other appli cations while y our ne w app dow nloads in the back gr ound. F or e x ample , f ind another app in App Catalog and st art its dow nload while the f irs t do wnload is f inishing .
138 Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Manager Buy an appli cation dir ectly f rom a pr omo code link A pr omo code allo ws yo u to pur cha se one or mor e App Catalog a pps f or fr ee.
Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Man ager 139 • Open the applicati on menu , tap Pref erences & Accounts , and t ap Add Credit Car d . 3 Enter y our HP w ebOS Account pass wor d and tap Submit . 4T a p OK to ve rify y our email addres s, or tap Change Email Address to ente r a differ ent one.
140 Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Manager 1 Open Software Manager . 2T a p Apps to manage dow nloa ded apps that appear in the Launc her , or tap Other to manage back ground apps and s ervi ces that do not appear in the La uncher . 3 T ap a n app or ser vice name.
Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Man ager 141 4 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o displa y details abo ut an app and the a vail able update: T ap the app name . • T o update one app: T ap the update ve rsio n number to the r ight o f the app name .
142 Chapter 12 : HP webOS App Catalog and Software Manager.
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 143 13 Pr ef er ences 14 3 B a c k u p 14 8 D a t e & T i m e 14 8 D e v i c e I n f o 151 E x h i b i t i o n 15 3 R e g i o n a l S e t t i n g s 1 54 S cree n & Lo ck 1 5 5 Sounds & R ingtones Bac k up Back up is one o f the maj or ad van tages of y our HP webO S Account .
144 Chapter 13 : Preferences NOTE If you w ant to erase data on your de vi ce while you ar e still in possessi on of the de v ice—f or ex ample , befor e you gi v e it to someon e else—don ’t do a r emote e r ase . Instead, do a partial or full er ase of the dev ice itself (s ee Eras e data and r eset y our dev ice ).
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 145 Date & T ime No thing is bac k ed up. De v ice In f o Nothing is bac ked up . Email User names for y our email accounts. Pa s s w o r d s f o r y o u r e m a i l accounts. Emails, the ir contents , and attachments, the ir sort or der , and accoun t prefer en ces.
146 Chapter 13 : Preferences Manuall y bac k up inf or mation to y our HP webO S Accoun t Back up occur s automati cally e very day , but we r ecommend that you manuall y back up y our infor mation bef ore y ou res et y our dev ice or change y our HP webO S Account se ttings.
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 147 Er ase HP w ebOS Accoun t info rmati on fr om the serv er 1 Open Back up . 2 Do either of the fo llow ing: • T o stop bac k up of y our info and delete all bac ked-up inf or mation fr om the serve r : T ap On to s witc h back up fr om On to Off .
148 Chapter 13 : Preferences Date & T ime Y ou can set y our de vi ce to adjust the date and time aut omaticall y to the local date and time w her e ve r y ou ar e , or y ou can tur n this featur e off and enter this inf ormatio n manually . 1 Open Date & Time .
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 149 Er ase data and r eset y our dev ice If r estarting y our de vice does not sol ve the pr oblem of applicati on freez es , y ou ma y need to r ese t the de v ice. A r eset delet es some or all info rmati on f ro m y o u r d ev i c e ( d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t y p e o f re s e t y o u s e l e c t ) .
150 Chapter 13 : Preferences 1 Open Dev ice Info . 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Diagno stics . 3 On the scr een that appears , tap Inter a ctive .
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 151 View c e r ti fi c a t e d e t a i l s Y ou can vi e w user -installed certifi cates onl y . 1 Open Dev ice Info . 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Certi fica te Manager . 3T a p t h e c e r t i f i c a t e n a m e .
152 Chapter 13 : Preferences Use Exhi bit ion Her e ar e some k ey f eatur es of u sing Exhib ition. • When E xhibition sta rts, t he l ast- used ap p is d ispl ay ed. T o switc h to another app , tap the upper -left corner o f the scr een, and tap the app yo u wa n t.
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 153 2 Do either of the fo llow ing: • T o change w hich a pps ar e available in Ex hibition: C heck o r unchec k the box to the ri ght of ea ch app name . Y ou cannot r emo v e the T ime app . • T o find mor e Exhibiti on apps: T ap Fi nd M o re .
154 Chapter 13 : Preferences 2U n d e r Fo r ma ts , tap the cur rentl y displa y ed country name. 3 Scr oll dow n to find a country , and then tap it . 4T a p Appl y Changes and R eboot . Y our dev ice r estarts after y ou select a ne w country for mat .
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 155 Set opti ons for unloc king the sc r een The sc r een locks f ive seconds after it turns off automati cally , or immediatel y if y ou turn the scr een off manuall y . Use Secur e Unlock if y ou want to r equire a PIN or a pass wor d to unlock the scr een .
156 Chapter 13 : Preferences NOTE If you tu rn off system soun ds us in g the system menu, the sou nds are mu te d even if t h ey a re t u rn ed o n i n So un d s & Rin g t on es (s ee Use the sy stem menu ).
Chapter 13 : Pre ferences 157 Y ou can add a fi le in an y of the follo wing f ile types as a ringt one fo r y our dev ice: MP3, AA C, AA C+, AMR, QCELP , or W A V.
158 Chapter 13 : Preferences 4 T ap to the ri ght of a song title to pr e vi ew it . T ap the song title to add it to y our list of r ingtones. 5 When the list of r ingtones is displa y ed , tap the song y ou added to use it a s y our r ingtone . 6 T o set the ri ngtone v olume , dr ag the Ringtone V olum e slider .
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 59 14 W ir eles s connec ti ons 15 9 W i - F i 16 2 P r i n t M a n a g e r 16 3 V P N 1 6 5 Loca t ion Ser vices 1 66 Bluetooth® w irele ss tec hnolog y 1 68 T ou.
160 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections • F r om any sc r een: Open the sys t e m m en u in the upper -ri ght corne r of the scr een, tap Wi-Fi , and tap T urn on Wi-Fi or T urn of f Wi-Fi . * T ap the icons in this corne r , or dr ag your f inger dow n acr oss the icons.
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 61 6 A ser ies o f differ ent scr eens appears depending on the networ k type . Enter or select the fo llo w ing if yo u ar e pr ompted to do so: • User name and/or P assw ord • Cer t ifica te 7T a p Sign In .
162 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections turning of f this setting. When y ou turn the scr een on again, the W i-F i connectio n is r eacti vated. 1 Open Wi-Fi . 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu and tap Sleep Se ttings . 3 The cur r ent settin g is displayed in the When Phone Sleeps fie l d.
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 63 Cancel pr inting 1 Open Print Manager . 2 D o one of t he foll ow ing: • T o cancel a single print j ob: T ap the prin t job under Pr int Queue .
164 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 2T a p Add Profile . 3 If VPNC is not selected alr eady in the Connec tion T ype fi eld, tap the Connection T ype fi eld , and tap VPNC . 4T a p t h e VPN Server fi eld and enter the se rver name . 5T a p Ne xt . 6 Enter the inf ormati on you got fr om your s ys tem administr ator .
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 65 • F r om any scr een, open the sys t e m m e nu and tap VPN , and then tap VPN Preferences . 2 T ap beside the pr of ile y ou want t o edit , and tap to open Pr ofile Details . 3 T ap a setting to edit it . 4T a p Done .
166 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 2O p e n t h e appli cation menu , tap L o cate Me Using , and tap Google Services . Google Serv ices u ses W i-Fi acce ss po ints to appr ox imate yo ur location .
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 67 6 If a passk ey is not r equired , pairing is complete when the De vice s list appears . If r equir ed , tap Allo w on the other dev ice to complete the pair ing. If a pas ske y is r equir ed, do one of the fo llo w ing .
168 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections Ren a m e a d evic e 1 Open Bluetooth . 2 T ap and hold the dev ice name. 3 Enter a ne w name . 4 T ap outside the dev ice name field t o sa ve y our changes .
Chapter 14 : Wireless connections 1 69 Disconnect a T ouch to Shar e connection 1 Open Bluetooth . 2 T ap the w ebOS smartpho ne name to disconnec t fr om it. Delete a T ouc h to Shar e connecti on 1 Open Bluetooth . 2 Thr ow the w ebOS smartphone name off the side of the s cr een and tap Delete .
170 Chapter 14 : Wireless connections.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 71 15 T r oublesh ooting 1 7 1 5T s : W ay s to get your HP T ouchP ad wor king again 1 7 3 HP webO S Account 17 6 B a t t e r y 1 77 Sc r een and perfor mance 17 8 S .
172 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting 3 Thr ow an y other op en applicati ons off the top of the scr een to clos e them . Wh y this might h elp One or mor e of y our open applications could be r eserving so m uch memory that there ’s not enough memory left to do real w ork.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 73 Wh y this might h elp F ull y char ging the bat tery ensur es y our de vi ce is not conserv ing po we r due to a lo w battery . NOTE If y ou us e an HP T ouc hsto ne , be sur e to complete T4 using the USB ca ble and the A C char ger , not the T ouchst one .
174 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting If yo u answ ered No to tho se ques tions , do this: • S wipe left on the sc reen until y ou see the HP w ebOS Account s cr een again.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 75 Cr eating your HP w ebOS A ccount: Unable to com plete? T r y this T o start setup o ver fr om the beginning, tap Start Ov er in the low er- left corner of an y scr een.
176 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting Batter y WAR NI N G Nev er remo ve the back cover o f your HP T ouchP a d. The battery is built in to y our dev ice and is not r emov able . The battery drains qui c kly If the battery seems to drain q uic kly f rom normal u se , see Maximi zing battery life for tips on impr ov ing batter y life .
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 77 Cont act HP to get y our dev ice r epaired . W ithin the warr anty p er iod , your battery should not need replac ing. Wi th good tr eatment, y our battery is lik el y to last f or a couple of y ears. See Max imizing battery life f or helpf ul tips.
178 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting 3 Close an y applicati on y ou ar e not using by thr ow ing its card off the top of the scr een. If the pr oblem persists afte r y ou clo se apps y ou ar e not using, r estart y our dev ice (see R est art your de vice ).
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 79 I ha v e an Ex c hange account at w or k , but m y data is not being do wnloaded to m y dev ice Chec k with y our sy stem admi nistr ator to obtai n or v er ify the name of the mail server tha t offers you wir eless a ccess to the corporate m ail sy stem.
180 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting • If yo u changed y our pass w or d in an online email account , y ou mus t change the pa ss w or d on y our de v ice (see Change account login settin gs ). • Mak e sur e y our email pr ov ider or ISP allo ws y ou to acces s email on a dev ice v ia POP or IMAP .
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 81 • Sometime s an attachment t o an email ma y pre v ent the email f r om being sent . The r eason ma y be relat ed to the account , an account setting , or the file .
182 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting • If the de vi ce does not automaticall y c onnect t o a know n net wor k, selec t y our Wi-F i network f r om the list . If the dev ice does not dete ct y our Wi-F i netw or k, contin ue to the next step . • T ry connecting to the Wi-F i networ k with another computer or de vi c e .
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 83 • Clear the cac he in W eb Pre fe r ences . Open We b and open the applicati on menu . T ap Preferences , and then tap Clear Cache . T his ensur es that pages ar e vie wed dir ectly fr om the Internet and not f r om a sa ved cop y of the page on the dev ice.
184 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting Y ou can also k eep inbo x vi ew s separ ate in Email: T urn off the smart f older for A ll I n b oxes ( s e e Set email pref er ences ), then make the inbo xes of y o.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 85 I ha ve du plicate cont acts • If the duplicat e contacts ar e fr om the same s our ce—if , for e x ample , both contacts ar e Google contacts or bo th contacts ar e Exchange co ntacts— link the duplicate cont acts (see L ink a contact ).
186 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting • Note the f ollow ing and deter mine if the missing inf ormation is actuall y av ailable for s ync ing: • Google accounts s y nc ev ents one month back and two months for ward. • Y ahoo! accounts sy nc ev ents one month back and thr ee months for ward.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 87 or delete an online account ), and then add it fr om the Cont acts app (see Cust om ize Con ta ct s ) or the Accounts app (see Use the Accounts applicati on to set up an online account ). • T o upload a v ideo t o Y ou T ube , y ou mu st alr ea dy ha ve an account set up on the Y ou T ube site.
188 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting Beta apps. Beta apps ar e pr er elease ver sions o f applicati ons that ar e in the final s tages o f dev elopment . Beta app s ar e usuall y deliv ered to the dev ice v ia links and ar e dow nloaded and installed u sing App Cat alog on the dev ice.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 89 • If yo u r ece i ve an ale rt that say s “Co uldn ’t Add Cr edit Card , ” this means that the cr edit card inf ormati on could not be added to y our account . The A ddr ess V alidation Serv ice is te mpor ar ily una vail able .
190 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting • Re start y our de v ice, and then try the dow nload again (see Re st ar t you r dev ice ). I w ant to inst all an app on m y dev ice fr om a source other than HP w.
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 91 • If yo u ar e using a ringt one y ou installed , open Sounds & Ringt ones and tap Ring ton e . T ap the def ault ringtone f or y our de vi ce. If selecting the defa ult r ingtone so lv es the proble m, the r ingtone y ou installed is not w orking pr operl y .
192 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting Secure F ull Erase: Er ases appli cation dat a and settings, a pps y ou installed , an d USB dr iv e storage f iles. Select this opti on if y ou ar e planning to gi v e the dev ice aw ay , and you w ant yo ur data and file s to be unr eco v er able e ve n using a thir d-part y tool .
Chapter 15 : Tro ubleshootin g 1 93 Hand s-f r ee de v i ce s I can ’t make or r ecei ve calls using a Blue tooth ® hands-fr ee de v ice If yo u ar e making and r ecei ving ca l ls thr ough a connected HP w ebOS smartphone, y ou can’t us e y our dev ice to tr a nsfer the audi o fr om y our dev ice to a Bluet ooth headset .
194 Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting Makin g r oom on your de vi ce If yo u stor e a large number of f iles, or install man y applicati ons, the inter nal memor y on y our de vice ma y fill up .
A : Terms 195 A Te r m s airplane mode A mode in whi ch all the w irele ss se rvi ces on y our de vi ce are turned o ff . Wir eless servi ces include the Wi-F i featur e, VPN, and Bluetooth ® wi re l e ss tec hnology . See T urn w ireles s serv ices o ff (airplane mode) .
196 A : Terms favorite A contact that y ou identify as someone y ou want t o be able to quic kly r each . Creating a f av orite f r om a contact lets y ou vi e w and touc h base w ith that contac t in j ust a fe w taps.
A : Terms 197 sometimes t alk ed about as be ing “in the clo ud. ”) Y ou can ac cess the inf o in those accounts in the C ontac ts and Calendar a pplicatio ns on y our dev ice.
198 A : Terms.
B : Online accounts available for webOS devices 199 B Online accounts a v ailable f or w ebO S de v ice s T able 1 . Online accounts av ailable fo r HP w eb O S dev ices* Account Applicati ons that di.
200 B : Online accounts available for webOS devic es The f r equenc y w ith w hic h data is s ynced or tr ansferr ed between th e de v ice and online accounts depends on the account y ou are us ing. F or informati on about account s ync intervals, go to kb .
C : Specifications 201 C Sp e c i f ic a t io n s T able 1 . Spec ificati ons Category D esc ripti on Processor techn ologies • Qualcomm Snapdragon dual -CP U APQ8060 Batter y • Rec hargeable lithium-po ly mer (nonre mo va ble) • 6 300 mA/hr po we r capac it y typi cal Oper ating sy stem • HP w ebOS 3 .
202 C : Specifications Memory • 1 6GB or 3 2GB* • USB mass st or age support • 1GB RAM Connec tor • mi cr oUSB connec tor w ith USB 2 .0 Hi -S peed Spea kers • Internal s ter eo speak ers w .
C : Specifications 203 * T o find out ho w muc h memory your de vice ha s: Open Dev ice Info and look at t he Mem ory f ield under Dev ice . Incl uded confi g urati on and pr efe r ence appli cations .
204 C : Specifications.
D : Important safety and legal inform ation 205 D Important s af et y and legal inf or matio n END US ER LICENSE A GREEMENT CAREFULL Y READ THE FOLL OWING TERM S AND CONDIT IONS ( “ AGREEMENT ”) B.
206 D : Important safety and legal information THIRD P ARTY SOFTW ARE AND SERVICES: Some of the softwar e or services w hic h may be pack aged with, pr ov ided w ith, o r made accessible thr ough your.
208 D : Important safety and legal information Declaration of Conf ormity for Pr oducts Marked w ith the FCC Logo (United States Only) This de v ice compli es w ith P art 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Oper ation is subjec t to the f ollo wing two conditions: 1 This dev ice may not cause har mful interfer ence.
D : Important safety and legal inform ation 209 Lu xembour g, Malta , Netherlands, Norwa y , P oland, P or tugal, R omania , Slo vak R epublic, Slov enia, S pain, S weden , S witz erland , and United Kingdo m. The of fic ial E U CE declar ation of co nfor mity for this de vi ce may be found at http://www .
210 D : Important safety and legal information Hospit als or health car e fac ilities may be u sin g equipment that could be se nsiti ve to e xternal RF en erg y .
D : Important safety and legal inform ation 211 Equipment War ning WA R N I N G ! T o r educe the risk of pers onal injury , electr ical shock , fire or damage to the equipment: Pl ug the A C adapter into an A C outlet that is easil y accessible at all times .
212 D : Important safety and legal information.
E : Use Adobe search 213 E U se A dobe sear c h Sear c h one inst ance at a time Ad o be s e a rch p rovid e s a c o nve ni en t to o l fo r fi n d i n g in fo rm a t io n in t h i s User G uid e .
214 E : Use Adobe search 2C l i c k O pen Full Reader Search or Open Full Ac robat Search . A separ ate sear ch w indo w opens 3M a k e s u r e In the current document is selected.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) FB359UA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center