Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DC5750 HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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s e r vi c e re fe re n c e g u i d e HP C ompaq dc5 7 5 0 Bu sines s P C 1st E diti on x This doc u ment pr o vides inf or mation on the r emo val and r eplacement of all parts as well as inf or mati.
Ser v ice R ef ere nce Guide HP Co mpaq dc5 7 50 Busine s s P C 1st E ditio n Doc ument P art Number: 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Nov ember 2006.
© Copyright 2006 He wlett-P ackard De velopment Company , L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, MS-DOS, W indo ws, W indows NT , and W indo ws XP are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and othe r countries.
Se rcic e Re fe ren c e G u id e, dc 57 50 43 7 9 63- 00 1 i ii Cont ent s 1 Installing the Operating System 1.1 Installing or Upgrading Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1.2 Transferring Files and Settings .
iv 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Service R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Conte nt s 3.4.1 Remote ROM Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–7 3.4.2 HPQFlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 v Conte nts 5.5.2 Tools and Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7 5.5.3 Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Service R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Conte nt s 7.7.2 Optical Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–9 7.7.3 External 3.5-inch Drive . . . . . .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 1–1 1 Installin g th e O perating S y stem Ä CAUT ION: Do not add optional har dw ar e or thir d-party devi ces t o yo ur computer until the oper ating s ys tem is successfully installed. Doing s o may cause err or s and may pre v ent the operating sy stem f rom installing pr oper ly.
1–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Inst alli ng t he Op eratin g S ystem 1 .2 T ransfer ring Files and Set tings Use the Microsoft W indows XP Files and Settings T ransfer Wi zard to mov e f iles and settings from an old computer to a new one.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–1 2 Setu p Utiliti es and Dia gnos tic s F ea ture s Setup Utilities (F10) and diagnostic features pr o vide information needed about the computer system when contacting Cust omer Support.
2–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s 2.2 C omp uter Setu p Utiliti es Use Computer Setup Utilities (F10) to: ■ Change factory default settings .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–3 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es 2.2. 1 Using C ompu ter Setup (F1 0) Utiliti es Computer Setup can be accessed on ly by turning on the computer or restarting the system. T o access the Computer Setup Utilities me nu, complete the following steps: 1.
2–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s 2.2 . 2 Computer Se tup Menu Heading Option Description Fi l e Sy st e m I n f o rm a t i o n.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–5 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es Sto rage D ev ice Config uration L ists all inst alled BIOS-contr olled st or age dev i ces . When a de vi ce is selec ted , detailed inf or mation and optio ns ar e displa y ed .
2–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s Sto rage (continued) De v i ce Conf i gur ation (continued) Multis ector T ransfers (A T A d isk s o nly ) Spec if ie s ho w man y secto rs ar e tr ansf er r ed per multi-sector P IO oper ation .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–7 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es Sto rage (continued) Stor age Options (continued) SA TA Em u l at i on Allo w s y ou to c hoos e how the S A T A contr oller and de v ice s ar e accessed b y the operating s y st em.
2–8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s Sto rage (continued) Boot Order Allo ws y ou to: • Spec ify the or der in whi c h attached .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–9 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es Secur ity (continued) Embedded Secur ity (This m enu only a ppears after the Embedded Secur ity Devi ce is made av ailable under Dev i ce Secur ity) Allow s you to: • Enable/disable the Embedded Sec ur ity de vi ce .
2–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s Secur ity (continued) Setup Security Level Pr o v ides a method t o allo w end-us ers limited acces s to change spec if ied se tup options w ithout ha v ing to kno w the Setup P ass w or d .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–1 1 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es Po w e r (continued) The rmal F an idle mode - This bar gr aph controls the minimum per mitted fan spee d . ✎ This setting only changes the minimum fan speed.
2–1 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s Advan ce d* (continued) *F or adv anced users on ly Po w e r - O n O p t i o n s (continued) Allow s you to set: (continued) • I/O APIC Mode (ena ble/disable).
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–1 3 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es Advan ce d* (continued) *F or adv anced users on ly Bus Opti ons* On some models , allo ws y ou t o enable or disable: • PCI SERR# Gener ati on.
2–1 4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s 2.2.3 Reco vering th e Configuration Set ting s This method of reco very requires that you f irst perform the Sav e to Remo v able Media command with the Computer Setup (F10) U tility before Restore is needed.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–1 5 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es 2.3. 1 Accessing HP Insi ght Dia gnostic s Y ou must boot to the Documentation and Diagno stics CD, as described in the step s belo w , to access HP Insight Diagnostics.
2–1 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s System —Sho ws information about the computer mode l, processor , chassis, and BIOS, plus internal speaker and PCI b us information. 2.3.3 T es t T a b The T est tab allo ws you to choose v arious parts of the system to test.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 2–1 7 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F eatur es 2.3.4 Stat us T a b The Status tab displays the status o f the se lected tests. The type of test executed ( Quick , Complete , or Custom ) is also displayed.
2–1 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Setup Utilitie s and Diagn osti cs F eature s 2.3.7 Saving and Prin ting Information in HP Insi ght Dia gnosti cs Y ou can save the information disp layed in the HP Insight Diagnos tics Status and Log tabs to a diskette or a USB 2.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 3 De sk to p Manage me nt HP Client Management Solutions provides st andards-based solutions for manag ing and controlling desktops, w orkstations, an d notebook PCs in a netw orked en vironment.
3–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment 3. 1 . 1 HP O pen Vi e w Ag e nt The Radia Managemen t Agent (RMA) used b y both HP OpenV ie w Client Con fi guration Manager and HP OpenV iew PC Configuration Mana gement Solutions (Radia) is pre-loaded on the computer .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–3 Desktop Manage ment 3.2 R emote S y s tem Install ation Remote System Installation allo ws you to start and set up you r system using the softw are and configuration i nformation located on a networ k server b y initiat ing the Preboot Ex ecution En vironment (PXE).
3–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment When HP Client Management Interface is us ed in conjunction with system management software, it can: ■ Request in-dep.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–5 Desktop Manage ment ■ HP Kno wledgebase—link to expert information ■ Automated SoftPa q collection and deli v ery proc ess for f ast.
3–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment ■ Altiris Migration Suite ■ Altiris Local Recove ry Pro For more information about the HP Client Foundation Suite, visit http://www .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–7 Desktop Manage ment 3. 3.9 Pr oactiv e C han ge Notification The Proactiv e Change Notif icatio n program uses the Subscriber's Cho i.
3–8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment ✎ The computer must b e po wered on, or turned o n through Remote W ake up, to take adv antage of Remote R OM Flash. For more information on Remote R OM Flash, refer to the HP Client Manager or System Software Manager at h ttp://h1 8000.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–9 Desktop Manage ment 3.4.2 HPQFlash The HPQFlash utility is used to locally update or restore the system BIOS on indi vidual PCs through a W indo ws oper ating syst em. For more informati on on HPQFlash, visit http://www .
3–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment 3.4.4 Replicatin g the S etup The follo wing procedures giv e an administrator the ability to easily copy one setup conf iguration to other computers of the same model.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 1 Desktop Manage ment Copy ing to Multip le C omputers Ä CAUT ION: A setup config uration is mo del -spe cific. F ile sy stem c orruptio n may resu lt i f source and t arget computers ar e not the same model .
3–1 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment Creating a Bootabl e De vice Suppor ted USB Flash Media D e v ice Supported de vices hav e a preinstalled image to simplify the process of making them bootable. All HP or Compaq and most other USB flash me dia de vices hav e this preinstalled image.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 3 Desktop Manage ment 10. At the A: prompt, enter FORMA T /S X: where X represents the driv e lett er noted before. Ä CAUT ION: Be sure that y o u hav e ente r ed the corr ect dr i v e letter f or the U SB flash media de v i ce .
3–1 4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment 6. Go to Advanced > PCI Devices to disable both the P A T A and S A T A controllers. When disabling the SA T A controller , note the IRQ to which the controller is assi gned.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 5 Desktop Manage ment After configuring the po wer b utton to function as a standby b utton, press the po wer b utton to put the system in a very low po wer state (standby). Press the b utton ag ain to quickly bri ng the system out of standby to full po wer status.
3–1 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Servi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Desktop Manage ment remov able media boot capability , you can protect valuable data assets.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 7 Desktop Manage ment Dev i ce Sec ur ity Enables/disa bles ser i al ports, par allel port , fr ont USB ports, s y stem audi o , netwo rk contr oll ers (some models), and SCS I contr oller s (some models).
3–1 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Desktop Manage ment 3.5 . 1 P assw ord Securit y The po wer -on passw ord pre v ents unauthorized use of the computer by requiring entry of a password to access applications or data each time the computer is turned on or restarted.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–1 9 Desktop Manage ment 3. 5 . 3 Establishing a P o w er- On P assw or d Us ing Computer Set up Establishing a po wer -on password through Computer S etup pre vents access to the computer when po wer is turned on, unless the password is entered.
3–20 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Desktop Manage ment Chan ging a P ow er - On or Setup P assw ord If the system is equipped with an em bedded security de vice, refer to the HP ProtectT ools Security Manager Guide at www .h p .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–2 1 Desktop Manage ment Na tional K ey board Delimiter Ch aracters Each ke yboard is designed to meet country-spec if ic requirements. The syntax and ke ys that you use for changing or deleting yo ur password depen d on the ke yboard that came wi th your computer .
3–2 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Desktop Manage ment Using DriveLock When one or more hard dri v es that support the A T A Security command set are detected, the Dri veLock opti on appears under the S ecurity menu in Computer Setup.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–2 3 Desktop Manage ment 3.5.5 Sm a r t C ov er Se ns or Cov er Remo v al Sensor , av ailable on some models , is a combination of hardware and software technology that can alert you when the computer cov er or side panel has bee n remov ed.
3 – 24 4 37963 - 0 0 1 S e r v i c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Desktop Manage ment Lock ing th e Smar t Cov er Lock T o acti v ate and lock the Smart Cov e r Lock, complete the follo wing steps: 1. T urn on or restart the computer . If you are in W indows, click S tart > Shut Do wn > Restart .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 3–2 5 Desktop Manage ment 3.5 .7 Fing erprint Identifica tion T echnol og y Eliminating the need to enter us er passw ords, HP Finge rprint Id.
3 – 26 4 37963 - 0 0 1 S e r v i c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Desktop Manage ment.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 4–1 4 Seri al and P arallel A T A Driv e G ui delines an d Fe a t u re s ✎ Serial A T A = SA T A Parallel A T A = P A T A HP only supports the use of SA T A dri v es on these models of com puter .
4–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Ser i al and P arallel A T A Dr i v e Guide lines and F eatures 4.2 SA T A Hard Driv e Ca bles 4.2. 1 S A T A Da ta C abl e Always use an HP approv ed SA T A 3.0 Gb/s cable as it is fully backw ard s compatible with the SA T A 1.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 4–3 Seri al and P a r allel A T A Dri ve Guid elines and Featur e s 4.3 P A T A De vice Information No P A T A driv es are supported on these models.
4–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Ser i al and P arallel A T A Dr i v e Guide lines and F eatures.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 5–1 5 Id entifying t he C has sis , R outine Care, and Di sasse m bl y P r ep a r at io n This chapter prov ides general service informatio n for the computer . Adherence to the p rocedures and precautions described in this chap ter is essential for proper service.
5–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Identif y ing the Chassis, Routine Care , and Disassembly Pr eparation 5 . 1 .2 M ic roto wer (MT).
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 5–3 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C ar e , and Disassembly Pr epar ation 5 .2 Electrosta tic Disch arge Inf or ma tion A sudden discharg e of static electricity from your f inger or other conductor can destroy static-sensiti ve de vices or microcircuitry .
5–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Identif y ing the Chassis, Routine Care , and Disassembly Pr eparation 5 .2. 3 P e r sonal G rounding Met hods and E quipment Use the foll.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 5–5 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C ar e , and Disassembly Pr epar ation ■ Static aw areness labels ■ Wrist straps and footwear strap .
5–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Identif y ing the Chassis, Routine Care , and Disassembly Pr eparation 2. Ne ver immerse an y parts in water or cleaning solutions; apply an y liquids to a clean cloth and then use the clot h on the component.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 5–7 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C ar e , and Disassembly Pr epar ation 5 .4.4 Cl eaning the Monitor ■ W ipe the monitor screen with a clean cloth moistened with water or with a to welette designed for cleaning monitors.
5–8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Identif y ing the Chassis, Routine Care , and Disassembly Pr eparation 5. 5.3 S c r ews The screws used in the computer are not interchangeable. They may hav e standard or metric threads and may be of dif ferent lengths.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 5–9 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C ar e , and Disassembly Pr epar ation 5. 5.6 L i t h i u m C o i n C e l l B a t t e r y The battery that comes with th e computer pro vides power to the real-time clock and has a minimum lifetime of about three years.
5–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Identif y ing the Chassis, Routine Care , and Disassembly Pr eparation.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 6 Remo v al and Repl acem ent Procedures— Micro t o w er (M T) Chassi s Adherence to the procedures and precautions desc ribed in this chapter is essential for proper service.
6–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.2 Exte rn al Se c uri t y D e vice s 6.2. 1 Ins tal lin g a Ca b le Loc k The cable lock may be used to secure the comput er access pa nel to the chassis and, at the same time, secure the computer to a f ixed object.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–3 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6.2.2 Installing a P adloc k A padlock may be used b y itself to secu re the access panel to the computer chassis. A padlo ck may also be used with a security cable to secure the compute r to a f ix ed object.
6–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.3 A cces s P an el 1.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–5 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6.4 Fron t B ez el 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 6.3 ). 3.
6–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis T o reinstall the front bezel: 1.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–7 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6.5 Fron t Drive B e ze ls Follo w these steps before removing or installing a front dri v e bezel. 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.
6–8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6 .6 Cable Management Always follo w good cable management prac tices when working i n side the co mputer . ■ K eep cables a way from major h eat sources like the heatsink.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–9 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6.6. 1 Ca b le C on ne c tion s System board connectors are color-coded to ma k e it easier to f ind the proper connection.
6–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.7 Me m or y Ä CAUT ION: The memory module sock ets ha ve gold met al contac ts .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 1 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6.8 Expansion C ards 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6–1 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 4. Before installing an ex pansion card, remo ve the expansion slot co ver or the existing expan sion card.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 3 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis c. If removing a PCI Express x 16 card, pull the retention arm on the back of th e expansion socket a way from the card and carefully rock the card back and forth until the connectors pull free from the socket.
6–1 4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 7. If replacing or adding a new expansion card, hold the card just .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 5 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic r otow er (MT) Chassis 6.9 Drives The computer supports up to fi ve dri v es that may be installed in v arious conf igurations. This Section describe s the procedure for replacing or upgrading the storage dri ves.
6–1 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.9 .2 Remo v ing an External Driv e 1. Remov e any remo v able media, such as a compact disc or diskette, from the dri ve.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 7 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis Disconnec ting Disk ette Driv e Cabl es Rel ea sin g t h e Dr iv es 6. A latch driv e brack et with release tabs secures th e driv es in the dri ve bay .
6–1 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.9 .3 Installin g an External Dri v e Ä CAUT ION: T o pr e ven t .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–1 9 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 2. Slide the dri ve into the driv e bay , making sure to align the guide sctrew s with the guide slots, until the dri ve snaps into place.
6–20 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis Connec ting Disk ette Drive Cables 4. Install the front bezel ( Section 6.4 ). 5. Install the access panel ( Section 6.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–2 1 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 4. Remov e the front bezel ( Section 6.
6–2 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 7. Release the dri ve b y pulling the gr een release tab away from the dri v e 1 and sliding the driv e out of the bay 2 .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–2 3 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 10. Slide the dri ve into the dri ve bay , making sure to align the guide sce w s with the guide slots, ubtil the dri ve snaps into place.
6 – 24 4 37963 - 0 0 1 S e r v i c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis ✎ If your system only has o ne SA T A hard dri v e, you must connect th e hard dri v e cable to the dark blue connector labeled SA T A0 to a vo id any hard dri ve performance problems.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–2 5 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 0 C has sis Fan 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6 – 26 4 37963 - 0 0 1 S e r v i c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–2 7 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 2 Fro nt I/ O P an el H ous in g A s se mb ly 1.
6–2 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 3 H ea t si nk 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–2 9 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 4 Proc es so r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 6.3 ).
6–30 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis Ä CAUT ION: Hea tsink retaining scr e w s should be tightened in diagonally opposite pairs (as in an X) to ev enl y seat the heatsink on the pr ocesso r .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–3 1 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 5 S pe aker 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6–3 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6 . 1 6 P o w er Suppl y Å WA R N I N G : V oltage is al wa y s pre sent on the s y stem bo ar d when the computer is plugged into an acti ve A C outlet.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–3 3 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 7 S ystem B oard 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6–34 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 8 B a t te r y The battery that comes with yo ur co mputer pro vides po wer to the real-ti me clock and has a lifetime of about three years.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–3 5 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 8. 1 T ype 1 Bat ter y Hol der 1. Lift the battery out of its holder . 2. Slide the replacement battery in to position, positi ve side up.
6–3 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 8.2 T ype 2 Bat ter y Hold er 1. T o release the battery from its holder , squeeze the metal clamp that e xtends abo ve one edge of the battery .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 6–3 7 Remo val and Replacement Procedures— Mic roto w er (MT) Chassis 6. 1 8.3 T ype 3 Bat tery Hol der 1. Pull back on the clip 1 that holds the battery in pl ace, then remov e the battery 2 .
6– 38 43 7 9 63- 0 0 1 S er vi ce Re fere n ce G ui de, d c57 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Mi cr oto w er (MT) Chassis.
S e r vi c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 4379 63 - 0 0 1 7 – 1 7 Remo v al and Repl acem ent Procedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF ) C h assis Adherence to the procedures and precautions desc ribed in this chapter is essential for proper service.
7–2 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. 2 E x t e r n a l S e c u r i t y D e v i c e s 7 .2. 1 Cable Lo ck The cable lock may be used to secure the access pa nel to the chassis and, at the same time, secure the computer to a fix ed object.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–3 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. 3 A c c e s s P a n e l 1.
7–4 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. 4 F r o n t B e z e l 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–5 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. 5 F r o n t D r i v e B e z e l s 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
7–6 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7 .6 Cable Manageme nt The Small Form Factor chassis is a very compac t comp uter and proper ro uting of the internal cables is critical to the operation of the comput er .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–7 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7 .6. 1 C abl e C onnec tions System board connectors are color-coded to ma k e it easier to f ind the proper connection.
7–8 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. 7 D r i v e s A T orx T -15 screwdri ver is needed to rem ov e and install the guide scre ws on a dri ve.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–9 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. 7. 2 O p t i c a l D r i v e Ä CAUT ION: All re mo vable medi a should be tak en out o f the dri v es befo r e re mov i ng the dri v e fr om the computer .
7–1 0 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 6. Remov e the two M3 met ric guide scre ws in the lo wer holes on each side of th edri v e. HP has provided four e xtra M3 metric guide scre ws on the front of the chassis, under the front bezel.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–1 1 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 8. Connect the power 1 cable and data 2 cables to the rear of the optical driv e. 9. Complete the installation of the dri ve b y re v ersing the remainder of the remov al process.
7–1 2 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. 7. 3 E x t e r n a l 3 . 5 - i n c h D r i v e 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
Serv ice R ef er ence Gui de , dc5 7 50 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 7–1 3 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. T ilt the left side of the dri ve do wn slightly 1 so that the top lip of the guide scre ws are not caught behind the metal frame, the pull the dri v e out of the dri v e bay 2 .
7–1 4 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. 7. 4 H a r d D r i v e A T orx T -15 screwdri ver is needed to remov e and install the guide scre ws on a hard dri v e.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–1 5 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. Press do wn on the le v er to the left of the hard dri v e 1 , slide the driv e back until it stops, and lift it straight up 2 .
7–1 6 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis ✎ If the system has only one SA T A hard dri ve, the data cable must be connected to the dark blue connector labeled SA T A0 on the system board to av oid any hard dri ve performance problems.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–1 7 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7. 8 M e m o r y Ä CAUT ION: The memory module sock ets ha ve gold met al contac ts .
7–1 8 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis ✎ A memory module can be installed in only one w a y . Match the notch on th e module with the tab on the memory socket.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–1 9 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7 .9 Expansion C ard 7 .9 . 1 Expansion Card Retainer 1. T urn off the comp uter properly through the opera ting system , then turn of f an y e xternal devices.
7–20 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef ere nce Guide, dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 6. If you are removi ng an e xisting PCI ca rd, hold the card at each end , andcarefully ro ck it back and forth until the connectors pull free from the sock et.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–2 1 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7 . 1 0 P o w er Su pply Å WA R N I N G : V oltage is al wa y s pre sent on the s y stem bo ar d when the computer is plugged into an acti ve A C outlet.
7–2 2 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7.1 1 F a n S h r o u d 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–2 3 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.12 F r o n t I / O D e v i c e 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
7 – 24 4379 63 - 0 0 1 S e r vi c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7 . 1 3 C has sis F an 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–2 5 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.14 P o w e r S w i t c h A s s e m b l y 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
7 – 26 4379 63 - 0 0 1 S e r vi c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7. Squeeze the switch holder retaining clip s together at the front of the chassis 1 and push the switch assembly out of the chassis 2 .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–2 7 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.15 S p e a k e r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel( Section 7.
7–2 8 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7.16 H e a t s i n k 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–2 9 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.17 P r o c e s s o r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel( Section 7.
7–30 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis Ä CAUT ION: Hea tsink retaining scr e w s should be tightened in diagonally opposite pairs (as in an X) to ev enl y seat the heatsink on the pr ocesso r .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–3 1 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.18 S y s t e m B o a r d 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel ( Sectio n 7.
7–3 2 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R ef erence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7.19 B a t t e r y The battery that comes with this computer pr o vides power to the real-time clock and has a lifetime of about three years.
Serv ice R ef er ence Gui de , dc5 7 50 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 7–3 3 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7 . 1 9 . 1 T ype 1 Bat ter y Hol der 1. Lift the battery out of its holder . 2. Slide the replacement battery in to position, positi ve side up.
7–34 4 3 7 9 63-00 1 Service R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis 7.19 . 2 T y p e 2 B a t t e r y H o l d e r 1. T o release the battery from its holder , squeeze the metal clamp that e xtends abo ve one edge of the battery .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 7–35 R emov al and R eplacement Pr ocedur es — Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chas sis 7.19 . 3 T y p e 3 B a t t e r y H o l d e r 1. Pull back on the clip 1 that holds the bat tery in place, then remove the battery 2 .
7 –36 43 79 63- 0 0 1 S e r vic e Re fe re n c e G u id e, d c57 50 Remo v al and Replacement P r ocedures— Small F orm F actor (SFF) Chassis.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 A–1 A Connec tor P in Assignments This appendix contains the pin assign ments fo r many computer and workstation connectors. Some of these connectors may not be used on the pr oduct being serv iced.
A–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Connec tor P in Assignments Ethernet RJ- 45 Connector and Icon P in Signal 1 2 3 4 (+) T ransmit Data (-) T ransmit Data (+) R ecei v e Da.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 A–3 Connec tor P in As signments Serial Inter face, P ow er ed and Non -P ow ered Connector and Icon P in Signal 1 2 3 Carrie r D etect ( 1 2 .
A–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Connec tor P in Assignments Line - Ou t Audio Connector and I con ( 1/8” miniphone) P in Signal 1 (T ip) Audi o_Out_Le ft 2 (R ing) Audi.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 A–5 Connec tor P in As signments ATA / ATA P I ( I D E ) S t a n d a r d D r i v e C a b l e Con nect or Pi n Si g n al Pi n S i gn a l Pi n S.
A–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Connec tor P in Assignments 2 4 -Pin MicroFit P ow er (USDT , SFF , and S T models) Con nect or P in Signal P in Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 +5 V aux GND +5 V +5 V P S_ON GND 7 8 9 10 11 12 PWRG D +3 .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 A–7 Connec tor P in As signments SA T A Data an d P o w er Driv e Connector P in Signal P in Signal Pin Signal P in Signal S1 S5 Gr ound B- S2 S6 A+ B+ S3 S7 A- Gr ound S4 Gr ound P1 P5 P9 P1 3 V 3 .
A–8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Connec tor P in Assignments PCI Ex p res s x1 , x4, x8, and x1 6 PCI Expr ess Connector Pi n A P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal 1 2 3 4 5 PRSNT 1 # +1 2V +1 2V GND JT A G2 6 7 8 9 10 JT A G3 JT A G4 JT A G5 +3 .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 A–9 Connec tor P in As signments Pi n B P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal 1 2 3 4 5 +1 2V +1 2V RSVD GND SMCLK 6 7 8 9 10 SMD A T GND +3 .
A–1 0 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Connec tor P in Assignments DV I C o n n e c t o r Connector and I con Pi n S i g n al Pin S ig n a l 1 2 3 4 T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 - T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 + T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 / 4 S h i e l d T.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 96 3-00 1 B–1 B P o w er Cord Set Requirements The po wer supplies on some computers ha ve e xte rnal po wer switches. The voltage select switch feature on the comp uter permits it to operate from any line voltage between 100-120 or 220-240 volts A C.
B–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 P ow er Cor d Set Requir ements Countr y-S pecif ic Requirements Additional requirements specific to a country ar e sho wn in parentheses and explained belo w .
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–1 C P OS T Er r or Me ssages P O S T Er r or Me ssage s An error message results if the Po wer -On Self-T est (POST) encounte rs a problem. This test runs when the system is turned on, checking assemblies within the co mputer and reporting any errors found.
C–2 43 7 9 63-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es 1 6 2 - S y st em Options Not Set Config urat ion i nc orrect. RT C (re al - t i me cl oc k) battery may need to be r eplaced . Ru n Compu ter Setu p and c heck confi gur ati on in Advanced > Onbo ard De vices .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–3 POST Erro r M essa g es 219 - E C C M e m o r y Module Detected . E CC Modules not supported on this platfor m Recentl y added memory module(s) support EC C memory err or cor r ecti on . 1 .
C–4 43 7 9 63-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es 5 1 1 - C PU, C PUA , o r CPUB F an not d et ected CPU f an is not co nnected or may ha v e malfunc tio ned. 1. R e s e a t t h e C P U f a n . 2 . Rese at fan ca ble .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–5 POST Erro r M essa g es 9 1 8-Fr ont USB Not Co nnect ed F r ont U SB harness has been detached or unse ated from s ystem boar d . Reconnec t or r eplace fr ont U SB harne ss . 92 1 - D e vi c e i n P C I Expr ess slot f ailed to initializ e.
C–6 43 7 9 63-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es 17 2 0 - S M A R T H a r d Dri ve Detect s Imminent Fa i l u re Har d dri ve is abo ut to fai l. (So me ha rd drives hav e a f irm w ar e pat ch that w ill fi x an er r oneous err or message.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–7 POST Erro r M essa g es Netw or k Serv er Mode Ac tiv e and No Ke yb o a r d A t t a c h e d K e yboar d f ailur e w hile Netw ork S erver Mode enabled. 1 . Reconnect k e y boar d w ith computer turned off .
C–8 43 7 9 63-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es P OS T Diagnos tic F ront P anel LEDs and Audib le Codes This section co vers t he front panel LED codes as well as the audible codes that may occ ur before or during POST that do not necessarily ha ve an error code or text message associated with them.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–9 POST Erro r M essa g es Red P o wer L E D flashe s thr ee times , once ev ery seco nd, f ollowed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ati on but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
C–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es Red P o wer L E D flashe s si x time s, once ev ery seco nd, f ollowed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ati on but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 C–1 1 POST Erro r M essa g es Red P o wer L E D flashe s nine times , once ev ery seco nd, f ollowed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ati on but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
C–1 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 50 POST Er ror M es sag es S ystem does not po w er on and LEDs ar e not flashing . None S y ste m unable to po w er on . Pr ess and hold the po w er button fo r less than 4 seconds. If the har d dr i v e LED turns gr een, the po w er bu tton is wo rking corr ec tly .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 96 3-00 1 D–1 D T roubl eshooting Wit hou t Dia gnosti c s Preliminar y C hec klis t This section describes some simple, preliminary tests and guidelines for troubleshooting the computer without using the diagnostics.
D–2 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solv ing Minor Problems Solving Minor Pr oblems Problem Caus e P ossible Solution Comput er appears lock ed up and w ill not turn off when the po wer button is pr e ssed .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–3 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics P oor performa nce is ex pe rie n c ed. Pr ocesso r is hot.
D–4 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Comput er po w er ed off auto maticall y and the P ow er LED flashes R ed two times , o nce e v ery second , f ollo w ed b y a two second pau se , and the computer beeps two times.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–5 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing P o we r Supp l y Pr oblems Solvi ng Po w er Sup ply Probl ems Problem Cau se Solution P ow e r suppl y shuts do w n intermittently .
D–6 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Po w e r L E D f l a s h e s R e d , f o u r times, once e ve ry second, follo wed b y a two second paus e , and the computer beeps four times .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–7 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing Disk et te Pr oblems Solving Disk et te Problems Problem C ause Solution Disk ette dri ve light s ta y s on . Disk ette is damaged. In Mi cr o soft W indo w s XP , right-cli ck Start , c lic k Explore , and s elect a dri ve .
D–8 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Cannot f or mat disk ette . (continued) Legacy d iskette writes are dis abled in Comp uter Setup. Enter Co mputer Setu p and enable Legacy Disk ette W rite in Storage > Storage Options .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–9 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics So lvin g H a rd Dr iv e Pro bl em s Solving Hard Dri v e Pr oblems Problem C ause Solution Hard dr i v e er r or occ urs . Hard disk has bad sectors or has failed.
D–1 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Nons y st em disk/NTLDR missin g messag e (continued) S ystem is trying to sta rt fr om the har d dr i v e , but the har d dr i ve ma y ha v e been damaged.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–1 1 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Sol ving Med ia Ca r d R e ader P r oble ms Compute r will not boot from h ard d riv e. (continued) The de v ice is attac hed to a S A T A port that has been disabled in Comp uter Setup.
D–1 2 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Unable to access data on the media car d after insertin g it into a slot. The medi a car d is not inserted pr operl y , is inserted in the w r ong slot, or is n ot suppor ted.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–1 3 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing Displ a y Pr oblems Solving Di spl a y Problems Problem C ause Solution Blank scr een (no vi deo) . Monitor is not turned on and monitor light is not on.
D–1 4 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Blank sc r ee n (no v i deo). (continued) Monit or s etting s in t he comp ute r ar e not compatible w ith the monitor .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–1 5 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Blank scr een and the po w er LED fl ashes R ed sev en tim es, once every second , f ollo w ed b y a two second pa use , and the compu ter beep s se v en times.
D–1 6 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Ref er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Image is no t cente r ed . P ositi on ma y need adj us tment .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–1 7 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing Audio Problems Certain typed s y mbols do not appear corr ect. The f o nt y ou ar e using does not support that partic ular s y mbo l . Use the Char acte r Map t o locate the and selec t the appr opr iat e s ymbo l .
D–1 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Sound does not come out of the s peaker o r headphones. (continued) Audi o de vi ce ma y be connected to the wr ong jac k on the rear o f the cmpute r or the j ac k has been retask ed to perfor m a diffe r ent fun ctio n.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–1 9 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solv ing Printer Problems Sound does not come out of the s peaker o r headphones. (continued) Compu ter is in standb y mode . Pr ess the po w er button to r e sume from standb y mode .
D–20 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solv ing K e y board and Mouse Pr obl ems Prin ter ma y ha ve f ailed . R un pr int er self-test . Pr inter w ill not turn on . The cables ma y not be connected pr ope rl y .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–2 1 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Compu ter is in standb y mode . Pr ess the po w er button to r e sume from standb y mode . Ä When at tempting to resume from standb y mode , do not hold do w n the po we r button fo r mor e than four seconds .
D–2 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Compu ter is in standb y mode . Pr ess the po w er button to r e sume from standb y mode . Ä When at tempting to resume from standb y mode , do not hold do w n the po we r button fo r mor e than four seconds .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–2 3 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics So lvin g H ardware In st all a tion Prob le ms Y ou may need to reconfigure the computer when you add or remov e hardware, such as an additional diskette dri v e.
D – 24 4 37963 - 0 0 1 S e r v i c e R e f e r e n c e G u i d e , d c 575 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Com puter w ill not st art. W rong memory modules w er e u sed in the upgr ade or memory modules w er e ins talled in the wr ong location.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–2 5 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving Net w ork Pr oblems These guidelines do not discuss the process of deb ugging the netwo rk cabling. Solving Netw ork Problems Problem Ca use Solution W ake -on -LAN feature is not functi oning .
D–2 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Diagnosti cs r eports a fai lu re . The cable is not s ecur el y connected . Ensure that the cable is secur ely attached t o the netw ork connec tor and that the other end of the cable is securel y attached to the correct dev i ce .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–2 7 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Network contr oller st ops w orking w ithou t appar ent cause . (continued) The ne twor k contr oller is defe cti v e . Replace the s ystem boar d. Ne w networ k car d w ill not boot.
D–2 8 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solving Memor y Problems Ä CAUT ION: P owe r m a y s t i l l b e s u p p l ie d t o t h e D I M M s wh e n t h e c o m pu t e r i s t u r ne d o f f.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–2 9 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving Pr ocessor Problems . Solving Pr ocessor Problems Problem C ause Solution P oor performa nce is ex pe rie n c ed. Pr oces sor is hot . 1 . Make sur e the airf lo w to the computer is not bloc k ed .
D–30 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solv ing CD-RO M and D VD Problems Solving CD-R OM and D VD Pr oblems Problem C ause Solution S y stem w ill not bo ot fr om CD-RO M or D VD dri ve . The de v ice is attac hed to a S A T A port that has been disabled in the Computer Setup utilit y .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–3 1 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Mo v ie w ill not pla y in t he D VD dr i ve . Mo v ie ma y b e re g ion a l ized fo r a diff er e nt co untry . See the doc umen tati on that came w ith the DVD dr i v e .
D–3 2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solv ing Dri v e K e y Problems Solving Dri v e K e y Problems Problem C ause Solution Dri ve K ey is no t seen a s a dri ve lette r in W indo w s XP .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–3 3 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Solving F ront P anel Com ponent Pr oblems Solving F ront P anel Com ponent Problems Problem C ause Solution A USB de v ice , headphone, or mic r ophone is not rec o g nized by t he computer .
D–34 43 7 9 63-00 1 Service R efer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solv ing Internet Access Problems Solving Internet Access Problems Problem C ause Solution Unable t o con nect t o the Inter net . Internet Servi ce Pr o vi der (ISP) account is not set up properly .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 D–3 5 T roubleshooting W ithout Diagno stics Internet takes too long to do wn load W eb sites. Modem is not set up pr oper l y . V erify that the corr ect modem s peed and CO M port are selected .
D–3 6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 T r oubleshooting Without Diagnostics Solving Soft w are Pr oblems Most software problems occur as a result of the follo wing: ■ The application was not installed or conf igured correctly .
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 96 3-00 1 E–1 E S y stem B oard and Riser B oard R ef erence Designator s These reference designators are us ed on most b ut not all HP system and riser boards.
E–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 S y ste m Boar d and R iser Boar d R ef er e nce Designat ors J6 8 J6 9 J7 0 J7 1 J7 2 St ack ed mo use (T op)/ke yboar d (Bottom) co nnect.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 E–3 S y stem Boar d and Rise r Board R efer ence Desi gnators P2 3 P2 4 P2 5 P2 6 P2 7 Header fo r fr on t panel audio Header for f r ont pane.
E–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice R efe rence Guide , dc5 7 50 S y ste m Boar d and R iser Boar d R ef er e nce Designat ors U6 U7 U1 0 U1 1 U1 2 Clock chip 64 bi t Bridge LO M 1 L OM1 EEPR OM LO M 1 P .
Serv ice R ef er ence Gui de, dc5 7 50 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 F–1 F Memory The dc5750 series computers with AMD-based processors come with double data rate 2 synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR2- SDRAM) dual inline memory modul es (DIMMs). Ä CAUT ION: DDR and DDR2 memory module s are not interchangeable.
F–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser vi ce Ref er ence Guide, dc5 7 5 0 Memory The system board shown may differ from the one in your product. The system will automatically operate in single channel mode, dual ch annel mode, or fle x mode, depending o n ho w the DIMMs are installed.
Serv ice R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 63 -00 1 Index–1 Ind e x 4-pin power pin assignments A–6 24-pin MicroFit power pi n assignments A–6 24-pin power pin ass ignments A–5 6-pin powe.
Index–2 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Index D date and time display problems D–2 DDR2 memory F–1 deleting password 3–20 delimiter characters, table 3–21 device driv.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 Index–3 Index hardware, Proactive Chan ge Notification (PCN) 3–7 headphone pin assignments A–3 heatsink MT removal and replacement 6–28.
Index–4 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Index optical drive MT removal and replacement 6–16 SFF removal and replacement 7–9 to 7–11 overheating, prevention 5–5 P padl.
Servi ce R ef er ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 4 3 7 9 6 3-00 1 Index–5 Index MT padlock 6–3 MT PCI expansion card 6–12 MT PCI Express expansio n card 6–13 MT power supply 6– 32 MT processor 6–29.
Index–6 43 7 9 6 3-00 1 Ser v ice Re fer ence Guide , dc5 7 5 0 Index Small Form Factor See SFF Smart Cover Lock locking 3–24 unlocking 3–24 Smart Cover Sensor protection levels 3–23 setting 3.
An important point after buying a device HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device HP (Hewlett-Packard) DC5750 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center