Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RH600T Hitachi
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Heat Gun Heißluft Gebläse Décapeur thermique Termoso ffi atore Hetelucht pistool Decapador de aire caliente Soprador de ar quente Rea d th rou gh c are ful ly a nd un de rs ta nd th es e ins tr uc ti ons b efo re us e. Di ese A nl ei tun g vor B en ut zun g de s Werk ze ug s sor gf ält ig d urc hl ese n un d ver ste hen .
2 123 456 789 10 1 3 2 4 1 4 5 8 9 3 6 7 8 6 2 5 5 000Book_RH600T_WE.indb 2 000Book_RH600T_WE.indb 2 2013/10/04 13:41:54 2013/10/04 13:41:54.
3 English Deutsch Français Italiano 1 Switc h Scha lter Inter rupteu r Inter rut tore 2 Quick cooling button Schnellkühlungsknopf Bouton de refroidissement rapide Pulsante di ra ff reddamento rapid.
4 Symbols WARNING The following show symbols used for the machine. Be sure that you understand their meaning before use. Symbole WARNUNG Die folgenden Symbole werden für diese Maschine verwendet. Achten Sie darauf, diese vor der Verwendung zu verstehen.
5 English (O ri g i na l instructions) GENERAL POWER TOOL SAFE T Y W ARNINGS W ARNING Read all safety warnings and all instructions. Failur e to follow the w arnings and instructions may r esult in electric shock, fi re a nd /or se rio us i nj ur y. Sav e all warnings and instructions for future reference.
6 English PRECAUTIO N Kee p children and in fi rm persons away . When not in use, tools should be stored out of reach of children and in fi rm persons.
7 English ST ANDARD ACCE SS O RI E S 1 Noz zl e (roun d) ............................................................. 1 2 Nozzle ( fl at) ..................................................................1 3 Noz zl e (cur ved s ur f ace) ...........
8 English 3. Heat wrapping (Fig. 7) U se n ozz le ( fl at) to he at- wra p sh ri nk fi lm an d tu be s. Th e mat er ial w il l cha ng e co lo r or cr ac k if h ot ai r is bl own o nto it f rom a c lo se di st an ce, s o ma int ai n an ap pr opr ia te di sta nc e wh ile m on ito ri ng p rog re ss.
9 Deutsch (Übe rse tz ung der Original- Gebrauchsanweisung ) ALLGEMEINE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE FÜR ELEKTROGER Ä TE WA R N U N G Lesen Sie sämtliche Sicherheitshi nweise und Anweisungen durch. Wenn d ie Wa rnu ng en un d Anwe is un gen n ic ht b efo lgt wer den , kan n es zu S tro ms ch lag , Bra nd u nd /ode r ernsthaften V erletzungen k ommen.
10 Deutsch c) Stecken Sie den Steck er der Stromversorgu ng oder Batteriestromv ersorgung vo m Gerät ab, ehe Sie Einstellarbeiten vorne hme n, Zube hörteile tauschen oder das Elektrowerkzeug verst au en.
11 Deutsch 5. Sc ha lte n Si e da s Werk ze ug n ic ht wi ed er hol t ei n un d aus . Ben ut ze n Sie d as We rk ze ug au ch n ic ht mi t gefaltet em oder v erdrehtem Stromkabel. Wir d da s ni cht b eac hte t, k ann e s zu Fe hl fun k ti on en führen.
12 Deutsch 2. Ben utzung des Hakens (Abb. 3) VOR SI CH T ○ Wen n das We rk ze ug b ei de r Ar be it n ach o be n ger ic hte t wi rd, m üs sen S ie d ara uf ac hte n, e s auf e in en st ab il en Bl oc k zu ste ll en, d er n ic ht ki ppt .
13 Deutsch 3. Austau sch en des Stromkabels Wen n das S tr om kab el a usg et aus ch t wer den m us s, da nn mu ss d as vo n de r von H it ach i aut or isi er t en Serv ice-W erkstatt durchgeführt werden, um Sicherheitsrisiken zu v ermeiden.
14 Fr ançais (T raductio n des instructions d'origine ) A VERTISSEMENT S DE SÉCURITÉ GÉNÉRA UX POUR L’ O U T I L A VERTISSEMENT Lire tous les avertissements de sécurité et toutes les instructions.
15 Fr ançais e) Obser ver la main tenance de l’ outil. Vér i fi er qu’il n’y a pas de mau vais alignement ou de blocage des parties mobiles, des piè ces cassées ou toute autre condition po uvant a ff ecter le fonctionneme nt de l’ outil.
16 Fr ançais SPECIF ICA TIONS Alimentation T y pe Peu t s'ut il ise r avec u n cou ra nt mo no pha sé 5 0 Hz et 6 0 Hz. T e ns ion 1 10 V 120 V à 1 2 7 V 22 0 V à 240 V Co ura nt n omi na l 1.
17 Fr ançais Aj ust ez la te mp ér atu re en f onc ti on d e l’obj et à ch au ff er . Fai tes a tt ent io n aux m até ri au x env iro nn an ts, q ui s ero nt chau ff és en même t emps.
18 Italiano (T raduzio ne delle istruzioni originali) AV V E R T I M E N T I GENERALI DI SICUREZZA SUGLI UTENSILI ELETTRICI AV V E R T E N Z A Leggere tutti gli av ver ti men ti di sicurezza e tutte le istruzioni.
19 Italiano f) Man tenere gli strumenti di ta glio a ffi lati e puliti. Gli strumenti di taglio in condi zioni di manutenzione ade gu ata , co n bo rdi a ffi la ti, sono meno soggetti al bloccaggio e sono più facilmente controllabili . g) Utiliz zare l’ elettroutensile, gli accessori, le barrette, ecc.
20 Italiano CAR A T TE RI ST ICH E Alimentazione Ti po Può e ss er e usa to co n co rr ent e mon ofa se a 5 0 Hz e 6 0 Hz. T e ns ion e 1 10 V 120 V – 127 V 2 20 V – 24 0 V Co rre nte e le tt ri .
21 Italiano Pre st are a nc he a tt enz ion e al m ate ri ale c ir co st ant e che ver rà ri sc ald ato. Iniziare applicando il getto d' aria calda da lontano, co ntr oll an do ch e non s i ver i fi ch in o cam bi am ent i ne ll 'ogg et to ri sc ald ato, qu in di av vi ci na rlo fi n o al la d ist an za a deg ua ta .
22 Nederlands (V ertalin g van de oorspronkelijke aanw ijzingen ) ALGEMENE VEILIGHEID SW A ARSCHUWINGEN VOO R ELEK TRISCH GEREEDSCHAP WA A R S C H U W I N G Lees alle waars chuwing en en instructies aandachtig door .
23 Nederlands Dergelijke prev entieve veiligheidsmaatregelen verm in der en he t ri sic o da t het e lek tr is ch g ere eds ch ap per ongeluk opstart. d) Berg elektrisch gereedschap buiten het bereik .
24 Nederlands 2. D e he tel uc htu itg an g, he t uit ein de va n he t mon ds tuk en h et mat er iaa l da t verh it wo rd t, zi jn zee r he et ti jd ens en m etee n na h et g ebr ui k van h et ge re eds ch ap, du s gebruik handschoenen en raak dez e onderdelen nie t rechtstreeks aan.
25 Nederlands D r u k o p d e s n e l a f k o e l k n o p e n d r u k d a n o p d e s c h a k e l a a r om wa rm e luc ht va n on geve er 50 °C te b la zen b ij el k van de luchtstroom volumes v an de schak elaar .
26 Nederlands 2. Onder houd van de motor De wi kke li ng va n de mo tor i s het " ha r t " van h et elektrische gereedschap. Zorg dat geen v erontreinigingen, olie of water in de inlaat terechtkomen .
27 Español (T raducc ión de las instrucciones originales) ADVERTENCIAS DE SEGURID AD GENERAL DE LA HERRAMIENT A ELÉCTRICA ADVERTENCIA Lea todas las instrucciones y adv ertencias de seguridad.
28 Español e) Mantenimiento de las her ramientas eléctricas. Compruebe si las piezas móviles están mal alineadas o unidas, si hay alguna pieza rota u otra condición que pudiera af ectar al funcionamiento de las herramientas eléctr icas. Si la herramienta eléctrica está dañada, llévela a reparar antes de utilizarla .
29 Español ESPECIFIC ACIONES Alimentación Ti po Pue de u ti liz ar se c on c orr ie nte d e fa se ún ic a de 5 0Hz y 6 0H z. T e ns ión 1 10 V 120 V a 1 2 7 V 22 0 V a 240 V Co rr ien te el éc tr.
30 Español 4. Ajustes de temperatura ADVERTENCIA ○ No u ti lic e la h er ra mie nt a ce rca d e su st an cia s vo lát il es (diso lve nte, ga so lin a, e tc.) ○ N o se ac er que a l as m an os o a la c ar a la b oq uil la d e em is ión d e ai re c ali en te cu an do la e sté u ti liz an do.
31 Español GARANTÍA La s he rr am ien ta s mot or iza da s de Hi ta ch i inc lu ye un a g a r a n t ía c o n f o r m e a l r e g l a m e n t o e s p e cí fi co legal/nacional. Es ta g ara nt ía no c ubr e lo s def ec tos o d año s de bi dos a l us o inc or re cto, e l ab uso o e l de sg as te no rma l.
32 P or tuguês (T radução das instruções originais ) AV I S O S GERAIS DE SEGURANÇA PA R A A FERRAMENT A ELÉ CTRICA AV I S O Leia todas as instruções e avis os de segurança Se nã o se gui r to das a s ins tr uçõ es e o s avis os, p od e provo ca r um c hoq ue e léc tr ico, i nc ên dio e /ou fer ime nto s grave s.
33 P or tuguês f) Man tenha as ferrame ntas de corte a fi adas e limpas. A s fer ram ent as de c or t e com u ma m an ute nç ão adequada e e xtremidades a fi ad as s ão me no s pro pe ns as a do br ar e ma is fá ce is d e con tro la r . g) Utilize a ferramenta eléctrica, acessórios e pontas de ferramentas , etc.
34 P or tuguês ESPECIFICA ÇÕES Fon te de alimentação Ti po Pode s er ut il iza do co m co rr ente m on ofá si ca de 5 0H z e 60 Hz. T e ns ão 1 10 V 120 V a 1 27 V 2 20 V a 240 V Co rre nte e l.
35 P or tuguês De fi na a te mp era tur a ten do e m co nt a o ar ti go a a que ce r. Al ém di ss o, pr est e aten ç ão ao m ater ia l em r edo r qu e se rá aqu ec id o ao m esm o te mp o.
36 Item No. Part Na me Q’ TY 1 SWITC H BUT TON 1 2P U S H I N G S W I T C H 1 3H I T A C H I L A B E L 1 4 NOISE SUPPRES SOR 1 5 CO RD CL IP 1 6C O R D A R M O R 1 7 T APPING SCREW (W/FLANGE) 4 8T E R M I N A L 1 9S W I T C H 1 10 M OTOR PC B ASS 'Y 1 11 M O T O R S U P P O R T 1 12 M ACHI NE SC RE W M2.
37 English Nederlands GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE 1 Model No. 2 Serial No. 3 Date of Purchase 4 Customer Name and Address 5 Dealer Name and Address (Please stamp dealer name and address) GARANTIEBEWIJS 1 Modelnummer 2 Serienummer 3 Datum van aankoop 4 Naam en adres van de gebruiker 5 Naam en adres van de handelaar (Stempel a.
38 1 2 3 4 5 000Book_RH600T_WE.indb 38 000Book_RH600T_WE.indb 38 2013/10/04 13:41:57 2013/10/04 13:41:57.
39 Hitachi Power Tools Europe GmbH Siemensring 34, 47877 willich 1, F. R. Germany Tel: +49 2154 49930 Fax: +49 2154 499350 URL: Hitachi Power Tools Netherlands B. V. Brabanthaven 11, 3433 PJ Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Tel: +31 30 6084040 Fax: +31 30 6067266 URL: http://www.
31 1 Co de No. C 992 07572 Printed in China English Nederlands Ob je ct of d ec la ra ti on: Hi ta ch i Hea t Gu n RH 60 0T EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We de cl are u nd er o ur s ol e res po ns ib i.
An important point after buying a device Hitachi RH600T (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hitachi RH600T yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hitachi RH600T - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hitachi RH600T you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hitachi RH600T will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hitachi RH600T, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hitachi RH600T.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hitachi RH600T. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hitachi RH600T along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center