Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product A 6436 IBS Hamilton Electronics
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Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/A NSI A 6436 I BS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES B CD 37” 64 1 ” 4 18” 18 U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested lo ose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with T AS, ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, BOCA, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty.
PA C KAGE O NE - T AS A 6436 I B S TA S A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 37” 64 1 ” 4 18” 18 U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested lo ose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section.
PA C KAGE O NE - MAS A 6 436 I BS M AS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 36 64 1 ” 1 ” 4 4 18” 18 U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested lo ose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 2 ” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL F R ONT TO B A C K: 22.5” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 62 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.1, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD,ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB.
PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/ ANSI/T AS A 6 032 TS IBS A FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES B C D 60 33” 18 Du rable a cry lic f inish One pie ce design Acc essory s helves .
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 2 ” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL F R ONT TO B A C K: 22.5” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 62 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.1, UPC, NAHB, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty .
F or MAS c ompli ance installed accessories must include: R emovab le s eat at h ead e nd, t wo pe en ed h ori zont al grab bars on the back w all, pr essu re balancing mixing valve, hand held shower with 30” slide bar , vacuum b rea ker a nd 60” h ose.
703A rev . 09/25/07 A 4136 I OD: 41.25” x 36.25” x 82.75” ID: 36” X 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, ASTM F463, ASTM E84, UPC, HUD, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB.
F or ADA com pliance, u nit m ust be con figured with L -shaped fold up seat, ho riz ontal L-grab bar , vertical grab bar n ear t he e ntry , pressu re balancing mixing valve, hand held shower w ith sl ide bar , vacuum breaker and 60” hose. Unit must be installed so t hresh- old is no more than 1/2” above the fi nished flo or .
703B rev . 09/25/07 A 4136 I T AS OD: 41.25” x 36.25” x 82.75” ID: 36” X 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R A 4136 IBS T AS PHOTOGRAPH A T LEFT ILL.
F or T AS/ANSI com pliance, unit re quires return receiver f lan ge to me et op en flo or space a nd unob str ucted tra nsfer . i nstalled acces- so ries must include L-grab bar and vertical S-grab bar , L-shaped fold up seat, p ress ure b alanci ng m ixi ng valve, h and-h eld s hower w ith sl ide bar , vacuum b reaker and 60” h ose.
703C rev . 09/25/07 A 4136 I MAS OD: 41.25” x 36.25” x 82.75” ID: 36” X 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R A 4136 IBS MAS PHOTOGRAPH A T LEFT ILLUS.
F or MAS compliance, installed accessories must include peened L-grab bar , pad ded f old up seat, p ress ure b alanci ng m ixi ng valve, han d-held shower with 30” slide bar , vacuum breaker and 60” hose. Unit must be installed so t hresho ld is no mo re t han 1/2” a bove t he finished floor .
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 1 .25” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL F R ONT TO B A C K: 22.5” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 58 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.1, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UFAS.
No modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/ ANSI/T AS G 6092 TS IBS A FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES B CD 32 60 15 16 H igh glo ss gel c.
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 1 .25” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL F R ONT TO B A C K: 22.5” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 58 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.1, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty .
N o modifications acce pted (Packaged units only) PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 6 092 TS IBS MAS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 32 60 15 16 H igh glo ss gel coat f inish O n.
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 9. 5” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL FR ONT TO B ACK: 18 ” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 42 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.1, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UFAS.
PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/ ANSI/T AS G 3 260 TS IBS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES B CD 32 60 15 16 H igh glo ss gel coat f inish O ne pie ce design P henolic fold up seat S tainle ss s teel grab bars U PC/SKU NUMBERS Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 9. 5” WELL L TO R: 4 8 ” WELL FR ONT TO B ACK: 18 ” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 42 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .375” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.1, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 32 60 TS I B S M AS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 32 60 15 16 H igh glo ss gel coat f inish O ne pie ce design T ri-fold Remo vable seat S tainle ss s teel grab bars U PC/SKU NUMBERS Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD,ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UF AS. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
F or ADA com pliance with seat: Installed accessories must inclu de: ho riz ontal L-grab bar , L -sh aped fold up seat, p ress ure b alanc- ing mixing va lve, hand shower w ith sl ide bar (on back wall within reach of seated user), vacuum breaker and 60” hose.
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section.
PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 6239 I B S M AS F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested lo ose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UFAS. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
F or ADA com pliance with seat: Installed accessories must inclu de: ho riz ontal L-grab bar , L -sh aped fold up seat, p ress ure b alanc- ing mixing va lve, hand shower w ith sl ide bar (on back wall within reach of seated user), vacuum breaker and 60” hose.
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section.
PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 6233 IBS M AS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core 33” 62 17” 16” U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested lo ose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
708 rev . 09/25/07 G 3838 I OD: 38” x 39” x 78.25” ID: 36” x 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UF AS.
F or ADA com pliance, u nit m ust be con figured with L -shaped fold up seat, ho riz ontal L-grab bar , vertical grab bar near the e ntry , pressu re balancing mixing valve, hand held shower w ith sl ide bar , vacuum breaker and 60” hose. Unit must be installed so t hresh- old is no more than 1/2” above the fi nished flo or .
709A rev . 09/25/07 G 3698 I OD: 39” x 39.5” x 77” ID: 36” X 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UF AS.
F or ADA com pliance, u nit m ust be con figured with L -shaped fold up seat, ho riz ontal L -grab bar , vertical grab bar n ear t he e ntry , pressu re balanc ing mixing va lve, hand held shower with slide bar , vacuum breaker a nd 60” ho se. Unit must be i nstalled so t hresh- old is no more than 1/2” above the fi nished flo or .
709B rev . 09/25/07 G 3698 I MAS OD: 39” x 39.5” x 77” ID: 36” X 36” CENTER POINT WEIGHT : 16 0 L O AD FACTOR: 1.06 HANDED BY: VA LVE WALL L/R Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty .
F or MAS compliance, installed accessories must include peened L-grab bar , pad ded f old up seat, p ress ure b alanci ng m ixi ng valve, han d-held shower with 30” slide bar , vacuum breaker and 60” hose. Unit must be installed so t hresho ld is no mo re t han 1/2” a bove t he fi nished flo or .
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 0.25” WELL L TO R: 5 0 ” WELL FR ONT TO BAC K: 20” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 35 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .25” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.1, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB.
No modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/A NSI/T AS G 6017 TS FB IBS 2P A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES B CD 32 60 16” 16 H igh gl.
WELL INFORMA TION WELL DEPTH: 1 0.25” WELL L TO R: 5 0 ” WELL FR ONT TO BAC K: 20” G AL L ONS T O OVERFL O W: 35 S LOPE OF DRAIN: .25” per f t. Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, MAS, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB.
No modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 6 017 TS FB I BS 2P MAS A F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 32 60 16” 16 H igh glo ss gel coat f .
W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section. Due to the nature of the materials, dimensions may vary + / - 1/2” .
PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/AN SI G 6037 I B S 3P FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES 10” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep R ecess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section.
PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 6 037 I BS 3P MAS F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 10” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep R ecess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UF AS. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
N o modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/A NSI G 3637 I B S 3P FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES 10” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep R ecess .
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty . For further details please refer to the complete warranty section.
MASSACHUSETTS ARCHITECTURAL AC CESS BOARD MAS ( when fully equipped) Unit c onfigu red wi th standard f eature s, p ress ure balanced cont rol valve and hand held shower package.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ICC/ ANSI A1 17.1, UPC, HUD,ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ADA, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UFAS. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
No modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - A DA/ ANSI G 3 636 IBS 3P F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES ADA CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess .
Special Notes: This unit complies with MAS, ANSI Z124.2, NAHB, UPC, ASTM F462, ASTM E84. W arranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
No modifications accepted (Packaged unit s only) PA C KAGE O NE - MAS G 3636 I BS 3P MAS F RAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, UPC, HUD, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, ABA, SBCCI, NAHB, UF AS. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE O NE - AC CESSI BLE M ODEL G 3 760 IBS FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
PA C KAGE ONE - AC CESSI BLE M ODEL G 6 096 SH 1S A FRAMING D IMENSIONS ST ANDA RD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 35” 60 H igh gloss g elco at f inish O ne piece d esign Mold ed c orner shelf Mold ed seat St a inle ss s teel grab bars U PC/SKU N UMBERS Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, UPC, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty.
PA C KAGE O NE - AC CESSI BLE M ODEL G 4 897 I B FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, UPC, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE O NE - AC CESSI BLE M ODEL G 4 836 I B FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, UPC, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE ONE - AC CESSI BLE MODEL G 48 37 SH 1S A F RAMING D IMENSIONS ST A NDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 37” 48 18” 19” H igh gloss g elco at f inish O ne piece d esign M olded s oap d.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, UPC, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE ONE - AC CESSI BLE MODEL H 4836 I B S FRAMING DIMENSI ONS ST ANDARD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES 1 0” Dia met er x 1/2” Deep Re cess Ar ound Drain Core U PC/SKU NUMBERS : e t a D : d e n g i S Conta ct Phone N umber: Confirm any requested loose accessories desired by circling the items on page one.
Special Notes: This unit complies with ANSI Z124.2, ASTM F462, ASTM E84, UPC, SBCCI, NAHB. Warranty: Gelcoat models have a 3 year limited warranty . Acrylic models have a 5 year limited warranty . Pumps, parts, and accessories 1 year limited warranty .
PA C KAGE ONE - AC CESSI BLE MODEL G 3636 SH A FRAMING D IMENSIONS ST ANDA RD FEA TURES ST A NDARD CODES B CD 37 36” 20” 17 H igh g loss g elco at f inish O ne piece d esign M olded s oap d ishes .
An important point after buying a device Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Hamilton Electronics A 6436 IBS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center