Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GXW40XX Grandstream Networks
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GX W 40XX User Manual w ww.grandstrea Firmware Vers ion 1.0. 4.2 support@grands Grands tream Netw orks, Inc. Analog I P Gatewa y GX W40XX 4, 8 or 24 FXS Ports.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 2 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 T ABLE OF C ONTE NTS GXW 40X X User Manual WELCO ME ..........................................................................................
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 3 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 T ABLE OF F IGU RES GXW40XX U ser M anual Figu re 1: Diag ram of GX W4004 - 8 and GXW40 24 Back Panel ........................................
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 4 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 W ELCOME Thank y ou f or purchasing t he Grandstr eam G XW 40XX Analog FX S IP Gatewa y. The G XW 4 0X X off er s an eas y to manage, eas y to configur e IP comm unications s olution f or an y business with virtu al and/or branch locat ions.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 5 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 C ONNECT YOUR GXW40XX G AT E W AY Connect in g the GXW 40XX gate way is eas y. Before you begin, pl ease ver ify the conten ts of the GXW 40X X package.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 6 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 L AN P ort T AB L E 1: D EF INITION S OF TH E GXW C ONNECTORS LAN Connect th e LAN port w ith an Ethernet cable to y our PC. WAN Connect to the internal LAN netw ork or router .
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 7 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Power LED Indicates P ower. Rem ains ON w hen Pow er is connected a nd turned ON . Ready LED Remains ON after boot - up. Console Turns ON when Console por t is be ing used.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 8 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 GXW40 XX F EATURES The GXW 40 00 series is a next generation IP vo ice gatewa y that is interoper able an d compatib le with leading I P - PBXs, Softs witches and SIP p latforms .
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 9 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 G.726 pr ovides propr ietary VAD, CN G, and signal power esti mation , Voic e Play Out un i.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 10 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 H ARDW AR E S PECIFICATION The hard ware specif ication s of the GXW FXS s eries are deta iled in T able 4.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 11 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 B ASIC O PERATIONS U NDERST A NDING GXW V OI CE P ROM PTS GXW 40X X has a bui lt - in voice pr ompt m enu for sim ple devic e c onfigurati on.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 12 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Enter M AC address to r estore factor y defau lt setting (See Restore Fact ory Default Settin g section) “Invalid E ntry” Automati cally return s to Main Menu Five Succ ess Tips when using the Voice Prompt 1.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 13 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Destinati on ports c an be sp ecified b y using “ * ” ( encoding f or “:”) followed b y the port num ber. Examples: a) If the tar get IP ad dress is 1 92.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 14 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 2. Caller A then dials Caller C’ s num ber followed b y # (or w ait for 4 seco nds). 3. If Caller C ans wers the ca ll, Caller A and Ca ller C are in con versation.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 15 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 FXS Port #1: SIP Us erID a nd Authent icate ID ent ered, Hunt ing grou p set to " Act.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 16 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 On the GXW 4024 inter - port c alling is achieved b y diali ng *** and 7 plus two extra digits corres ponding to the port num ber.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 17 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 C ALL F EATURES GXW 40X X supports the tra ditional t elephon y features available in a PBX as well as add itional advanced telephon y features.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 18 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 C ONFIGUR ATION G UIDE C ONFIGU RING GXW40XX V I A V OICE P ROMP T DHCP M ODE Select voic e menu o ption 0 1 to enable GXW 40XX to us e DHCP.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 19 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 NOTE : • WAN side HTTP access is disabled by default for security reason s . You can enable HTTP access on the configuration page by setting “ WAN side H TTP acce ss ” to be YES .
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 20 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Prefer red VOC ODER ( Cod ec) The G XW 40XX supports a broad range of voice cod ecs.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 21 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 DHCP hostna m e This option specifi es the na me of the client. This f ield is opti ona l but ma y be required by some Int ernet Ser vice Provider s.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 22 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Reply to ICMP on WAN po rt If set to “Y es”, the GXW 4 0 X X will respond to the PING . D ef ault is No . “Yes” setti ng may ma ke the gat eway v ulnerable to a Denial of Se rvic e attack.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 23 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 PPPoE Link Up Shows w hether the PPPoE connection is running if connect ed to DSL mod em. NAT Shows ty pe of NAT the GX W 40XX is con nected to v ia its W AN por t.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 24 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Via TFTP Ser ver Thi s i s the IP addre ss of the configured T FTP serv er. If selected and it is non - zero or not blank, t he GX W 40XX retrieves the new configurat ion file or new code image from the s pecified T FTP server at boot time.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 25 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Firmwa re Key For firmw are encryption. It should be 32 - digit in Hex adecimal R epresentatio n. End user should keep it blank. SSL Certificate The GX W 40XX series su pports SIP ov er TLS.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 26 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Lifeline Mode Life line fea ture ens ures user can place/re ceive a PST N call in an emergency si tuati on.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 27 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Secondary R AD I U S Au t h Port Secondary Radius serv er authenti cation port . Default v alue is 18 12 Secondary RAD I U S Ac c t Port Secondary Radius serv er acco unting port.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 28 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Hunting Group This feat ure enable s the gat eway to regist er all existing FXS ports with th e same phone number. Each incomin g call will be routed t o first av ailable port in r ound robin mode.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 29 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 T AB L E 11: P ROFI LE SE TTING S Profile Active When set t o Yes the SIP Profile is activated. Primary SIP Server Primary SIP Server ’s IP addre ss or Domain name provi ded by VoIP service pr ovider.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 30 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Local SIP por t Defines th e local SIP port the G XW 4 0 XX will listen and transmit. The default value for Profile 1 is 50 60 and 6060 for Profile 2.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 31 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Use NAT IP NAT IP address used in S IP/ SDP messag e.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 32 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Early Dial Default i s No . U se only if prox y supports 4 84 respon se. Thi s parameter contro ls whether the phone w ill send an early INVI TE each ti me a key is pressed w hen a user dials a num ber.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 33 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Subscribe for MWI Default is No . When set to “Y es” a SUBSCRI BE for Message W ait ing Indicatio n will be sent periodi cal ly.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 34 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 iLBC Pay load type Default v alue is 97 . Define s payload ty pe for iLBC . The v alid range i s betw een 96 and 127. AAL 2 - G726 - 16 Pay load t y pe Default value is 100 .
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 35 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 Hook Flash tim ing Time per iod when th e cradle is pressed (Hook Fla sh) to simulate FLA SH. To pr event unwanted ac tivation of t he Flash/Ho ld and automat ic phone r ing - bac k, a djust this time value.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 36 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 S OFTWARE U PGRA DE Software upgrade can be do ne via either T FTP or HT TP /HT TPS . T he corre sponding c onfigur ation settings are in the ADVANCED SETT INGS conf iguration pag e.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 37 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 3. TFT P ser ver's s ec urit y settings s hou ld be ch ang ed f rom "Rec ei ve On l y" to "T r ans m it Onl y" for the firm ware upgrade.
Grandstr eam Networ ks, Inc. GXW40XX User Ma n u al Page 38 of 38 Firmware 1.0 . 4.2 Last Updat ed: 06 /20 11 R ESTORE F ACT OR Y D EFAULT S ETTING WARNING! Restor ing t he Fac tor y Default Sett ing will DEL ET E all configur at ion i n f orm ation of the phon e.
An important point after buying a device Grandstream Networks GXW40XX (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Grandstream Networks GXW40XX yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Grandstream Networks GXW40XX - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Grandstream Networks GXW40XX you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Grandstream Networks GXW40XX will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Grandstream Networks GXW40XX, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Grandstream Networks GXW40XX.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Grandstream Networks GXW40XX. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Grandstream Networks GXW40XX along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center