Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Portable Air Conditioner Amcor
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It is impor tant that you read these instr uctions before using y our new purchase and we strongl y recom- mend that you k eep them in a safe place for future ref erence .
Thank you for purchasing an AMCOR Por table Air Condit ioner . AMCOR is a le a ding br and in indoor air treatment . W e would like y ou to enjoy the many benefi ts this unit of fers, so plea se r ead this m anual carefully and t ak e full advant ag e of t h e many advanced features that your AMCOR Air Condit ioner offers you.
Sp e cifi cati ons 3 Model NanoMax ™ Seri es Cooling Capacity 7 ,0 0 0 - 1 2 , 00 0 BTU /h P ow er Supply 115V / 60Hz P ow er Consumption 680 - 830 watts Curr ent 6.
Inst alling Exhaust Hose to W indo w Slide Ba r Af ter asse mbling Innovative AutoDr ain NanoM ist T echnolog y ™ per instruc tions on page 5, make sure hos e is fi r mly att a ched to oval connecter t hat fi ts into window slide bar . Snap hose connecter int o windo w slide b a r opening.
Op er a ti on 1. O N / O F F Press the ON / OFF -b utton to swit ch the unit on or off. 2 . Set ting the Timer Press the TIM ER but ton, which will st ar t the timer counter function. Each press of t he timer butt on will a dvance the t imer s et ting by 1 hour , for set ting 1 - 1 2 hours.
9 This por tab le A C feat ures the Innovative AutoDra in Nano Mist T echnolog y ™ V e ry lit tle excess water should ac cumulate . During the proc ess of cooling, some of the water accumulated is actually used to cool the unit internally , m aking it run more ef fi ciently .
11 This P or tab le A C feat ures the Innovative AutoDra in Nano Mist T echnolog y ™ . V e ry lit tle exc ess w a ter should accumulate. If any water accumulates, refer to “ Empt ying the W ater Cont ainer” on page 9 . • Drain t he c ondensed w a ter ( if an y) comple tely .
13 One Y ea r Limited W a rra n t y ( 5 y ea rs for Compres sor Only ) Amcor , I nc. ( “ Amcor” ) warrant s the original retail purcha s er ( “ Purchaser” ) pur cha sing in the United St a tes t hat the Amcor product with which this w arrant y is enclos ed is free from defect s in materials and workmanship.
13 913125 9 90 14 0120 0 7 Est imado Cliente : F av or de gu ardar es ta gara ntia par a uso propio. NO lo mande de regreso. No se olvíde registr ar su producto en líne a y ver nuestr a selección ancha de produc tos inno va dores w w w . amcorgroupus a.
11 La unida d de aire acondicionado por tátil br inda la funció Innovative AutoDra in Nano Mist T echnolog y ™ El exceso de agua acumulada debe ser mínimo. Si se a cumula agu a, consulte la sección “Va ciado del recipiente de agua” en la págin a 9 .
9 La unida d de aire acondicionado por tátil brinda la función Innovative AutoDra in Nano Mist T ech nolo g y ™ El exceso de agua acumulada debe ser mínimo. Durante el proceso de enfriamie nto, par te del agua acumulada se utiliza p a r a enfriar la sección interna de la unidad par a mejorar su efi ciencia .
Funcionamient o 1. E N C E N D I D O / A PAG A D O Presione el botón ON / OFF ( encendido / apagado) par a encender o apagar l a uni dad. 2 . Ajuste del reloj Presione el botón del reloj p a r a activar la función de l c ont a dor del reloj.
Inst alación de l a manguera de esca pe en la barr a corrediza pa ra la ventana Después de e nsamblar la función Innovative AutoDr ain NanoMis t T echnolog y ™ según las instr uc ciones en la p ágina 5, asegúrese de que esté fi r memente sujeto al conector ovalado que calz a en la barr a corrediza para l a v ent ana.
Esp e cifi ca cio nes 3 Modelo Serie NanoMax ™ Capacidad de enfriamiento 7 0 0 0 - 1 20 0 0 BTU / h Fuente de alimentación 115V / 60Hz Consumo de energía 680 - 830 vatios Corriente 6.
Gracia s por su compra de una unidad de aire ac ondicionado por t á til A MCOR . AMCOR es un a marca dest acada en el tr atamient o del aire interior . Dese amos que disfrute los numerosos benefi cios brind a dos por est a unidad, así que sír vase leer dete ni dame nte este AMCOR .
Es impor tante que lea estas instr ucciones antes de utilizar su nuev o producto y recomendamos encarecidamente que las conser v e en un lugar seguro par a referencia futura.
An important point after buying a device Amcor Portable Air Conditioner (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Amcor Portable Air Conditioner yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Amcor Portable Air Conditioner - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Amcor Portable Air Conditioner you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Amcor Portable Air Conditioner will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Amcor Portable Air Conditioner, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Amcor Portable Air Conditioner.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Amcor Portable Air Conditioner. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Amcor Portable Air Conditioner along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center