Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product QV1030 Gigaset
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Gigaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 QV830 - QV1030.
Gigaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13.
1 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / overvi ew .fm / 12/19/13 T emplat e Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Ove rvi ew Ov erv ie w Gigaset QV830 1 Volume Button 6 Powe r B u t.
2 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / overvi ew .fm / 12/19/13 T emplat e Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Overvi ew Gigaset QV1030 1 Power Button 6 Flashlight 2 Fron t Ca me.
3 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / overvi ew .fm / 12/19/13 T emplat e Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Ove rvi ew Keys Display screens The figures display ed here are examples . ¤ Back to the previous screen. ¤ Dialogue box, menu or notification window.
4 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / overvi ew .fm / 12/19/13 T emplat e Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Overvi ew Status screen ( page 18 ) gigaset@ Repl y Archive Susan Br own xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx .
5 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / overvi ew .fm / 12/19/13 T emplat e Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Ove rvi ew Wid ge t s Application screens ( page 19 Apps Blogger Br.
6 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- T able / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Con ten ts Co nt e nt s Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Safety precautions Saf ety p r ecau tio ns Read the safety precautions and the user guide bef ore use. Explain their content and the potential ha zards associat ed with using the device to your c hildre n.
8 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R 101 -1-7619 / start ing_print-version-o nly .fm / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Getting started Getting star ted Check the contents of the package u A tablet , u A power adapter , u A USB c able, u A brief introduction and sup plementary sheet.
9 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R 101 -1-7619 / start ing_print-version-o nly .fm / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Getting started Gigaset QV 1030 ¤ Inser t the plug into the power adapter and push downwards un til it clicks 1 .
10 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R 101 -1-7619 / start ing_print-version-o nly .fm / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Basic settings with the ins tallation wizard Basic settings with the installation wizard The installation wizard star ts as s oon as the tablet is switched on.
11 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R 101 -1-7619 / start ing_print-version-o nly .fm / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Basic settings with the insta llation wizard Wh.
12 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N1166-R 101 -1-7619 / start ing_print-version-o nly .fm / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Information on the user guide Informat ion on the user guide Online help Y ou can find fur ther information on your tablet onli ne using t he device .
13 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Operating the tablet Switching the tablet on/off Operating the t ouchscreen The tablet is operate d using the display .
14 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Swi pe ¤ Swipe up/down or right/left over the display to scroll thro ugh lists or from screen t o screen.
15 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Corr ect incorrect entries ¤ Delete cha racters to the left of th e cursor: Ta p briefly on . ¤ Delete the en tire con tent of the nume ric or text field: Press an d hold .
16 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Star t screen s The start screens are the star ting point for all functi ons of your tablet. There are fiv e start screens.
17 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Personalise start screen Assemble important apps on the start screen, which you can immediatel y access/call with a "touch" in idle state.
18 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Status bar a nd Stat us sc reens Status b ar Icons display the tab let's operating state and its current settings in the status bar .
19 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Settings Impor tant settings and functions are displayed on the right-hand status scr een. ¤ T ap on a fu nction if you wish to change the cor- responding setting, e.
20 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet Example Swi tch th e d is play on /o ff If you do not touch the display , it will automatically change to idle status shortly af terwards, i.
21 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Operating the tablet For the setting " Pattern": Connect four dots in the set order . Fo r the setting "F ace Unlock": Hold the tablet in front of your face (face recognition).
22 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings Gener al settings The tablet is preset , but you can change the se ttings to suit your individua l requirements.
23 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings Set value with the number wheel Set date, time et c. with number wheels. T here is a number wheel for each value to be set.
24 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings Syste m ton es ¤ Select which events should be indicated: Default notification: A tone is played when you rec eive a message.
25 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings T ext input and keyboard Customise your tablet 's text inp u t behaviour to your requirements . ¤ Application screen Settings Language & input .
26 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings Set the time zone ¤ Automa tic time zone F unction ac tivated: Time zone is automatically defined. F unction deac tivated: Define time zone with Select time zo ne .
27 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 General settings Performance versus power sa ving (QV1030 only) Y ou can adjust the settings to your requirements. ¤ Application screen Settings Power saving Set the desired performance with the slider bar .
28 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Security settings Security settings Prot ect your tablet against unintended or unauthorised ac tivities. Certain functions, su ch as loading certificates, require that your tablet is protected with a PIN/password.
29 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Security settings PIN / P assw ord The display is unlocked after a PIN or password is en tered. PIN : at least 4, ma ximum of 16 digits.
30 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Security settings Managing certificates ¤ Application screen Settings Security T rusted credentials . The installed certificates are displayed.
31 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Network settings Network settings WLAN Connect your tablet via WLAN to your home network and the internet. Y ou can then u use internet ser vices, e.
32 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Network settings Display WLAN inf ormation Status , Signal str ength , Link s peed , Security , IP address : ¤ T ap on the desired WLAN.
33 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Network settings Virtu al Priv ate Ne twork ( V PN) Using a virtual private network ( VPN), you can access r esources in secured local networks, even when you are outside of these networks.
34 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Information on the tablet Informat ion on the tablet Y ou can display the following information on your tablet: Storage alloca tion ¤ Application screen Settings Stor age .
35 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Contacts (address book) C ontacts (address book) Y ou can manage information on your communication partner for telephone calls, e-mails and social networks with the Pe o pl e app.
36 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Con tac t s ( add re ss boo k) Managing contacts locally I f y o.
37 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Contacts (address book) Searchin g contac ts ¤ Enter the first letters of the name using the keypad. The search is started straight awa y .
38 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Con tac t s ( add re ss boo k) Entering a name ¤ T ap the name field and enter a name. The final word will be handled as surname, and the remainder as first name.
39 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Contacts (address book) Editing contact ¤ Application screen Pe o p le Selec t account (if you have more than one account).
40 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Con tac t s ( add re ss boo k) Removing contact from group ¤ Show groups. Select group . Context menu Edit . ¤ T ap next to the entr y.
41 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Contacts (address book) Joining and separating c ontacts If you add a new account, duplicate c ontacts are automatically joined together in one entry.
42 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 E-mail E-mail Y ou can manage your e -mail accounts with the Email app. Y ou can receiv e or send e -mails, just as you can on your computer .
43 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 E-mail Account settin gs Y ou can set how often new messages are retriev ed from the e-mail ser ver and how you are informed of new messages .
44 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 E-mail Loading add itional messages Whe n t he ap p is sta r te d, on ly a p or t ion o f th e r ece iv ed me ssa ge s o f y our e - ma il acc ou nt are di s- play ed.
45 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 E-mail Sending e -mails ¤ T ap on in Inbox. Select account with which you want to send the e-mai l. ¤ Entering recipient a ddress: Ta p o n To .
46 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 E-mail Editing multiple e -mails at the same time Certain act ions can be carried out for several e -mails at the same time.
47 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Brow ser Brow ser The options for surfing the internet are the same on your tablet as on y our computer . Howev er , the operation has been adapted to screen size and touchscreen.
48 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Browser Setting w ebsite as homepage ¤ Open desired website. C ontext menu Settings General Set homepa ge Select desired setting.
49 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Brow ser Bookmarks Bookmark ing a website ¤ Open desired website . Add to Bookmarks . Opening bookmarks ¤ T ap on .
50 Gigaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Music, images and videos Music, images and videos Y ou can play , view and edit music data as well as images an d videos with the Music , Gallery or Movie Studio apps.
51 Gigaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Search Sear ch Y ou can search your tablet or the int ernet for an y information with Google sear ch. ¤ Open Star t screen .
52 Gigaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101-1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Downloading further apps Google Play™ Google Play is the official website for acquiring Android™ Ap ps. Downloading apps to y our tablet ¤ Application screen Pla y Store Open Apps area.
53 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / Sync-P A / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Accoun ts and synchronisation Ac counts and synchronisation T o synchronise information sav ed on your tablet with applications on other devices, you must register your tablet to an account.
54 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / Sync-P A / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Accounts and synchronisation Creating a new accoun t An assistant guides you step by st ep through the configuration proc ess.
55 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / Sync-P A / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Accoun ts and synchronisation Changing accoun t settings ¤ Application screen Settings ACCOUNT S : Email or Goog le The accounts that have already been set up are listed.
56 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008- N1166-R 101-1-7619 / Sync-P A / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Accounts and synchronisation T ransferring c ontacts from Gigaset .
57 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer ser vice & Help C ustomer ser vice & Help Do you h ave any q ue st ion s? As a Gi gas et cus to m er, y ou can take advantage of our excellent se r- vice.
58 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer service & Help Guarant ee Certificate (IE) Without pr ej.
59 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer ser vice & Help Guarant ee Certificate - United Kingdom .
60 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer service & Help Manufacturer warranty (Middle East) On th.
61 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer ser vice & Help Serv ice C entres (Midde East) UAE Customer Servi ce Hotline U AE TEL: 00971-4-4458255 / 00971-4-44 58254 Ser vice Collection Point ww w.
62 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Customer service & Help Environment Our environmental mission stat ement W e, Gigaset Communications GmbH, bear social re sponsibility and are acti vely committed to a better world.
63 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Appendix Appendix Care Wipe the device with a damp cloth or an antistatic cloth. Do not use solvents or microfibre cloths.
64 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open source software General specifications WLAN Bluetooth Open sourc.
65 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- Tablets-L / 12/1 9/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Index Index A Accessibil ity features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Accou nt . . . . . . . . . . . .
66 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- Tablets-L / 12/1 9/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Index Con tac t li st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 display options . . . . . . . .
67 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- Tablets-L / 12/1 9/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Index Google search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Google+™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
68 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- Tablets-L / 12/1 9/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Index R Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Reset tablet . . . . . . . . .
69 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A31008-N116 6-R101 -1-7619 / QV- Tablets-L / 12/1 9/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Index W We b si te desktop v ersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 display options . . . . . . .
70 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sourc e Software – Lic ence t exts Open Source Sof tware – Licence t exts GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V ersion 2, June 1991 Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
71 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sour ce Softwar e – Licenc e texts 2.
72 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sourc e Software – Lic ence t exts 7.
73 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sour ce Softwar e – Licenc e texts T o do so, attach the following notic es to the program.
74 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sourc e Software – Lic ence t exts T o protect your rights, we need to make rest rictions that fo rbid distributors to deny you these rights o r to ask you to surrend er these rights.
75 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sour ce Softwar e – Licenc e texts Activities other than copying, distributi on and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope.
76 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sourc e Software – Lic ence t exts However , linking a "w.
77 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sour ce Softwar e – Licenc e texts 9. Y ou are not required to accept this License, since you hav e not signed it.
78 Gigaset QV830/1030 / L UG - en UK / A3100 8-N1166-R101 -1-7619 / / 12/19/13 T emplate Borneo, Version 1, 21.06.2012 Open Sourc e Software – Lic ence t exts END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Gi gaset QV830/1030 / LUG - en UK / A31008 - N1166 - R101 - 1 - 7619 / C over_ b ac k . f m / 12/19/13 Issued by Gigaset Communications GmbH Frankenstr . 2a, D- 46395 Bocholt © Gigaset Communications GmbH 2013 Subject to availability. All rights reserved.
An important point after buying a device Gigaset QV1030 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Gigaset QV1030 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Gigaset QV1030 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Gigaset QV1030 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Gigaset QV1030 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Gigaset QV1030, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Gigaset QV1030.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Gigaset QV1030. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Gigaset QV1030 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center