Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product T4 (Lite Edition) Gigabyte
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T4 (Lite Edition) T4 ( Li t e Edition) | 1.
Copy r igh t All m obile pr oducts by GIGA - BYTE COMMUNICATI ONS INC. menti oned in this docu m ent, inc luding t he de v ice, acc ess ories, sof tware, t ext, music, and pict ures, are owned by, or authori zed by origi na l manufac turers to GIGA - BYTE C OMM UNICATIONS INC.
Gener al I nformation Thi s s ecti on contai ns impor tant inf o rmati on on sa fe and eff icient operati on. Please read t h is inf ormati on be f ore using t he de v ice. Ignoranc e of the fol l ow ing notic es may lead t o vi olations of the l aw. Bef ore using the devic e, please mak e sure you ha v e fully c harged the batter y .
Ta ble o f C ont ent s Copyri ght 1 General Inf ormati on 3 1. Get ting Started 5 1.1 Y our Phone 5 1.2 I nstalli ng or uninstalli ng the SIM Card, Batt ery, and Memory Card 5 1.3 Char ging the Bat tery 6 1.4 T urning the P hone On or Off 7 1.5 Loc k/Unl ock 7 1.
1 . Getting Star ed 1.1 Your P hone Thi s s ecti on intr oduces you to the hardware of the devic e. No items No I tems 1 Earph one Jack 9 Return 2 Receiver 10 MIC 3 Fro nt Camera 11 5MP Camera 4 Vol ume 12 Flas h LE D 5 Power 13 Micro - USB Po rt 6 T ou ch Screen 14 Battery Co ver 7 Menu 15 Speaker 8 Home 1.
To remove t he SIM card (1) Fi rst, remove the bat tery. (2) Use your fi nger to sli de the SIM c ard out o f car d slot. Battery Your phone com es with a rec hargeabl e batter y. Battery lif e vari es depending on t he network, used appli cati ons, and the type of connecti ons attached t o your phone.
(2) Pl ug the AC adapter to a socket to start the c harge. (3) For phone’s safet y, p l ease only use the ori ginal charger t hat comes w it h your devic e. Any possibl e damage caused by using non - or igi nal charger or any ot her equipment will not be under GI GABYTE Comm un ic ation Inc.
1. 6 Cont acts “Contac ts” i s your phonebook that you can store f riends’ nam es, phone number s, e - m ail addresses and other inf ormation . ”Contact s ” can connect to your Googl e , c orpor ate account s, and int egrate y our contact i n form ation.
Sta tus Ic ons The icons of t he s tatus bar i ndicate diff erent types of inform ation. T ap the stat us bar and scroll down to vi ew notificati ons or v iew sys tem inform ation. Typ e s Icons Descrip tions Phon e call Call i s in pr ogress . Your call is on hold.
Typ e s Icons Descrip tions Notif ic at ion USB debuggi ng is connect ed. Mi ss ed cal l. General notifi cation. FM r ad io is on. Pl aying a song. Downloadi ng an appli cation.
2 . P hone Func ti ons & Messages 2.1 Voi ce Calls To make a call fro m the Ph on e screen (1) Go t o the Phone screen. (2) Use the keypad t o input phone num ber s . (3) Tap then choose SIM1 or SIM 2 to make the phone c a ll. NOT E : T ap t o de let e a numbe r.
Fro m C on tact screen (1) Tap Appli cation s tab > . (2) Tap a contact to di splay the cont act inf ormati on . (3) Tap the icon to send the m ess age. (4) Compose your message. (5) Tap t o send your m es sage. You m ay select SIM 1 or SIM2 (If SIM2 inserted).
3 . Wi - F i & Bl uet oot h 3 .1 Wi - Fi Your devi ce can connect to t he detected network t hrou gh Wi - Fi . (1) Tap Appli cati on s tab > > Wi - Fi . (2) Sw itch to turn “Wi - Fi ” on or o ff. To c on nec t t o a W i - F i netw or k (1) Tap “W I - FI” , ch ec k W i - Fi f uncti on and turn it on .
4 . Multim edia Applications 4.1 Camera Your phone i s equipped with a 5MP ca mer a to t ake photos and vi deos. Camera Fu nction Icon Func ti on Icon Func ti on Norm al m ode Tap t o take a phot o Panoram a m ode Tap t o record a v ideo Smil e shot m ode Confi gure camer a setti ngs.
5 . Pre - In stalled Pr ograms I n troduction Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Best Choic e R ecomm ended the best soft ware and f unctionalit y.
Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Lo ckScreen To lock phone in a touch. Phot os Googl e ser v ice to edit and back up pi ctures. Play magazi ne Googl e ser v ice to get m ore of t he news and m agazines. Play Music Listeni ng to your m usic col lection anywhere.
6 . Ma nag ing Y o ur P hone 6 .1 P rote c ti ng Y our Ph one You can prot ect your phone f rom unauthori zed users in a few differ ent ways. Set up P IN Pr otecti on (1) Tap Appli cati ons tab > > Security > S c reen l ock > PIN . (2) Enter your PIN, and then, tap “Conti nue”.
6 .2 Backu p or Reset Your P ho ne W ith C lean B oo t, you can reset your phone to it s factory def aults. When y ou reset your phone, the dat a stored i n your phone may be erased. (1) Tap Appli cati on s tab > > Backup & res et. (2) Tap F actory data reset > Reset phone > Erase e v erything t o reset the phone.
7 . Specifi cation s System I nformation P l at f or m Androi d 4.2 Proces sor 1 GHz Dual Core Mem ory ROM 4GB/ RAM 512MB Disp lay Size 4” Resoluti ons 800 x 480 pix e l s Size Dim ensions 124.5 x 6 4 x 10. 3 mm (L x W x H) Weight 1 15 gram s w it h battery Power Battery Li - i on pack 1 3 00 mA h Power Adapter A C input 100 - 240V, 50/ 60Hz, 0.
A nd r oid 4.2 Intr oduc ti on Android 4 .2 | 0.
Ta ble o f C ont ent s Chapter 1 Phone Functions & Input 2 1 .1 P hone C a lls 2 1.2 Vid eo Calls 4 1.3 U sin g On - Sc reen K eyboar d 5 Chapter 2 Em ai l & M es sag es 6 2 .1 C rea ting an d send ing a tex t me ssag e 6 2.2 E- mai l A ccou n ts 9 Chapter 3 Using the Inter net 11 3 .
1. Ph one Func tion s & I nput Pho ne Fu nct ions T ap Applicati on Drawer > APPS tab > Phone . 1.1 Voice Calls To make a call fro m the Phon e screen 1. Go to the P hone s creen. 2. Use the k eypad to i nput phone num ber. 3. T ap NOT E : T ap to del ete a numbe r.
To p ut a ca ll on hol d If you are ha vi ng a call con v ersati on, you c an tap to put t he ca ll on ho ld. To s wi tch be twee n cal ls If you are ha vi ng a ca ll conver s ati on, and ther e is another inc o mi ng call, slide t o to put t he fi rst call on hold and answer t he s econd cal l .
1.2 V i deo Calls To make a vide o c al l fr om P ho ne screen 1. Go to the P hone s creen. 2. Use the k eypad to i nput phone num ber. 3. T hen tap t o m ake the v ideo c all. To make a vide o call from Pe op le 1. T ap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > .
1.3 Using On - Scr een Key board On - s creen key board appear s in port ra i t mode when an appli cati on requ i res te x t input, such as m ess aging and wri ti ng e - m a ils. T he keyboard i nput m e thod is activ at ed by the def au l t s etti ngs .
2 . Em ail & M es sag es 2 .1 Creatin g and s endin g a messa ge Create and send messages 1. T e x t mess ages coul d be inc luded text and e m o ti ona l icons. 2. M ultim edia m ess age s/ MMS cont a i n lett ers, an im age, an audio, or a v ideo f ile.
3. T ype your m ess age and t ap t o send your m ess age. To fo r ward a text messag e 1. T ap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > . 2. T ap a m ess age to v i ew the whole thr ead. 3. T ap and hold a message to sh o w Message option li st. 4. T ap “ For w ard” .
Android 4 .2 | 8.
2.2 Email A ccou nts All your receiv ed e m a il m ess ages are del iver ed to your phone . Set up an Int ernet E mail accoun t 1. T ap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > . 2. E nter your e- mail addr es s and Passwo rd . T ap “ Nex t ” . 3.
want to att ach. T o repl y or forw ard an E mail 1. O pen an e - m ail. 2. Ref er t he f o llowing instruc tions : Rep ly: Tap to r ep ly the email. Rep ly all: Tap > to repl y all reci p i ents and s ender. Forwar d: Tap > to f orward the e - mail t o o ther peopl e.
3 . Us in g th e I nter ne t 3 .1 Co nnec ti ng to the Interne t Your phone connec ts to the I n ter net via: Wi - Fi GPRS/ ED GE/ 3 G/ 3.5 G/ H SPA+ N OT E : If yo u c onnec t t o the Intern et, y ou may be charg ed.
4. T ap ”Add VPN network ” t o edi t VPN net w ork. 5. Af ter filli ng i n a ll nec es sary i nf or m a ti on, t a p “ Sav e ” to fini sh the setti ngs. To start a data connectio n If you s et up multi ple dat a connecti ons , sel ect t he conn ect ion you w ant t o use.
3 .2 Blue too t h mod es Bl uetooth on your phone operat es in thr ee d iff erent modes: On: Bluet ooth is turned on. Your phone d etect s other Bluet ooth devi ces, but your phone i s not v i sible to others. Disco verable: Bluetoot h i s tur ned on , but your phone is not v isible t o o ther B l uetooth devi ces.
4 . M ultime dia Appli cations 4 .1 View in g Ph otos an d V ide os To v iew p hot os in the a lbum 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. T ap one of pic ture f o l ders to v iew the images i n thumbnail s. 3. T ap an image to vi ew . 4.
4.2 Mus ic To play mu sic 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. T ap Songs, and all songs on the phone w ill be displayed. 3. T ap to selec t a song, and t hen it will p l ay automati cally.
Tap “ Li brary ” t o see all pl ay li sts. To e dit mus ic You coul d set up effect s , tap Menu > Sound eff e ct s . 1. Dr ag or tap Equali zer to turn it on. 2. T ap arrow to show diff erent eff ect li s t 3. T ap to selec t an e ffec t you w ant.
5 . Prog rams 5.1 Browser Open t he Brows er to v iew w eb pages. 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. An address bar appear s at the upper side o f screen, and you can t ype the URL there . 3. You can open sev eral web pages at the sam e tim e.
5.3 Calendar 1. Calendar helps you schedul e and s ound al arm s for app ointm ents, m ee ti ngs, and e v ents. 2. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 3. If you do not log in your Google Account, t a p Menu > S ett ings > ADD ACCOUNT t o cr e at e an account , or tap “ Exi sti n g ” to sign i n the G oogle acc o unt.
5 .5 Gmail Gmail i s Googl e's w eb - base d email servi ce. G m ai l can be confi gured when you set up your phone f or t he fi rst time . Depending on your sett ings of the synchroni zati on, Gmail on your phone m ay be synchroni zed wit h your Gmail acc ount on the w eb autom ati ca l ly.
5 .6 Ma ps Googl e's mappi ng ser vi ce he l p you search f or the pla ces y ou want . To ope n Ma p s 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . Icons Func ti on Displ ay your cur rent loc ation S elec t differ ent layers, such as Traff ic, Satelli te, Transit Li nes , et c.
5.9 Pl ay Store Play Store allows you to fi nd and dow nload appl i cations and f un games to your phone. 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. If you do not log in your Google Account, t a p “ N EW ” to creat e an account , or t a p “ Exi st i ng ” to sign i n the Google acc ount.
5 .13 Nav igation Tap Appli cati on Drawer > APPS tab > . Navi gati on is an I nternet - connected GPS na v igation system w it h v o i ce gui dance. H el p s you get to the desti nation. NOT E : 1. If yo u c onnec t t o t he Inte rne t an d t ur n o n t he GP S, y ou ma y be c ha rge d.
5. 16 FM R adi o Tap Appli cati on Drawer > APPS tab > . Pl ease plug in your earphone bef ore li stening. Icons Functi on Open t he channel list Close FM Rad io More f uncti ons A dd to f a v or ites Previ ous radi o fr equency / N ex t r adio f requency Previ ous channel/ Ne xt channel 5.
5.18 Con n ectin g y ou r ph on e to a c om pu ter Tap and drag down Stat us Bar and tap “ Connect ed as USB Stor age ” on your de vic e. Please choose one of m odes to connect wit h your computer 5 .
6 . Ma nag ing Y ou r Phon e 6 .1 Man aging Basic S ettin gs Date and T ime You can set up t he date and the tim e on your phone. To set up th e date and t ime 1.
2. Chec k “Auto- rotate screen” to adj us t the screen aut omati cally . To d i spl ay the screen n ever sleep while ch arging 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS t ab > > About phone. 2. T ap fiv e tim es on “ Buil d number ”. 3. “ Dev elop opti ons ” wil l be show up.
6.2 Man aging y our SIM car ds Setti ng SIM card ’ bac kgr o und c olor Y ou c an change the SIM1 and S IM2 background col ors . It helps you identif y SIM1 and SIM2 quic kly . 1. T ap Applicati on Drawer > A PPS tab > > SIM m anagem ent. 2.
6. 4 Pro te ct ing Yo ur Pho ne You can prot ect your phone f rom unauthori zed users by requiri ng the PIN or entering a password. Enabl e t he P IN o f th e SIM card W hen the PIN is enabled, you are required t o enter the PIN bef ore m a ki ng a call.
6.5 Resettin g Yo ur Pho ne W ith C lean B oo t, you can reset your phone to it s factory def aults. When y ou reset your phone, the dat a stored in your phone may be erased. 1. T ap Appli cation Drawer > APPS tab > > Back up & reset . 2.
An important point after buying a device Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Gigabyte T4 (Lite Edition) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center