Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GFK-0787B GE
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GE F anuc Automation Programmable Control Pr oducts Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User’s Manual GFK -0787B March 1995.
GFL–002 W arnings, Cautions, and Notes as Used in this P ublication W ar ning W arning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, cur- rents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
iii GFK–0787B Pr eface This manual is a reference to planning, configuring and programming a Series 90 -70 PLC system that utilizes Genius Modular Redundancy (GMR). The infor mation in this manual is intended to supplement the basic system installation, programming, and configuration instr uctions located in the manuals listed on the next page.
Pr eface iv Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK–0787B The GMR configuration software now allows selection of memor y addresses for exter nal write access. Serial and network communication ports are restricted; the Genius bus is not.
Contents v GFK-0787B Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 Chapter 1 Intr oduction 1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Components of a GMR System 1-2 .
Contents vi GFK-0787B Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 Diagnostics in a GMR System 5-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Blocks to Report Genius F aults 5-3 .
Contents vii GFK-0787B Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 Chapter 8 Installation Infor mation 8-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genius Bus Connections 8-2 .
1 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 restart lowapp ARestart oddapp: ARestarts for autonumbers that do not restart in each chapter .
1 1-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Components of a GMR System GMR Software GMR software version 2.06 (catalog number IC641SWP714B) provided on diskette consists of: Easy -to -use GMR configuration software.
1 1-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 1 Introduction Series 90-70 PLCs A GMR system nor mally consists of one to three identical CPUs r unning identical application software. Each CPU is connected to the same input and output subsystems. Each CPU receives all inputs and perfor ms voting for discrete inputs and mid-value selection for analog inputs.
1 1-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Busses and Bus Controllers In a GMR system, there can be one to three bus controllers per bus, per PLC. Larger systems may require more than one I/O subsystem.
1 1-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 1 Introduction Operation Overview Genius Modular Redundancy has been developed for use in systems that have static or nearly static I/O under normal operating conditions. The system may have: Nor mally - on inputs with normally -energized outputs, as in emergency shutdown systems.
1 1-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Input Subsystem In a GMR system, the basic elements of an input subsystem are single or triple sensors connected to triple Genius blocks.
1 1-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 1 Introduction PLC Subsystem: Providing Output Data Running the same application program, each PLC (referred to here by Genius Bus Controller (GBC) serial bus addresses: 31, 30, and 29) processes the voted input data and produces appropriate outputs.
1 1-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Genius I/O Blocks Inputs and outputs in a GMR system are provided by Genius I/O blocks. Some types of Genius blocks are now enhanced for GMR operation.
1 1-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 1 Introduction Number of I/O Points in a GMR System The I/O capacity of the system depends on whether the CPU is a model 788 or model 789. F or most applications, these limits will not be reached. If you need help estimating I/O sizes for a large application, contact GE F anuc at 1-800-828-5747.
1 1-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuration and Programming The GMR Software The GMR software consists of: The GMR configuration software file, CONFIG.
1 1-1 1 GFK-0787B Chapter 1 Introduction The Basic Steps of Configuration and Programming 1. Use the GMR configuration software to complete the GMR configuration. Ther e is only one GMR configuration needed for the system. GMR configuration sets up the parameters that will be used by the system, including r efer ence addresses .
2 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 2-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 2 Input Subsystem This chapter provides infor mation about the inputs to a GMR system.
2 2-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Overview The input subsystem is the part of a GMR system that gathers input data.
2 2-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 2 Input Subsystem GMR Input Groups The configuration can include as many as 128 16-circuit voted discrete and 256 four -input analog input groups.
2 2-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Non- V oted I/O in the Input Subsystem The input subsystem can also include t.
2 2-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 2 Input Subsystem Discr ete Inputs T ypes of Blocks in the Input Subsystem The following discrete block versions can be configured for GMR version 2.
2 2-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Input Autotest for GMR Inputs Duri n g GMR con figur ati on, input aut ote sting can be indiv i dual l y tur ne d on or off for each i nput in an input group.
2 2-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 2 Input Subsystem Line Monitoring for Discrete Inputs Nor mally -closed inputs on GMR-configured blocks can be monitored for short circuit faults. Nor mally - open inputs on blocks which are not configured in GMR mode can be monitored for open circuit faults.
2 2-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Manual Input Controls Safety systems often use controls for manual trip and manual inhibit. The GMR autotest and fault processing operations are unaffected by such controls.
2 2-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 2 Input Subsystem Analog Inputs Lik e discrete blocks, analog blocks can be used in the input subsystem as members of GMR input groups of 1 to 3 blocks, or as non-voted blocks. Also like discrete blocks, individual circuits of analog blocks in multiple-block GMR input groups can be used as non-voted analog inputs.
2 2-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Analog Discrepancy Repor ting When the GMR software compares analog input data, it checks each channel against discrepancy limits provided as a part of the configuration for that input group.
3 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 3-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 3 Output Subsystem This chapter describes GMR output subsystem. Over view T ypes of Blocks in the Output Subsystem GMR Out.
3 3-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Overview The output subsystem is the part of a GMR system that provides output data.
3 3-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 3 Output Subsystem GMR Output Handling Unlik e GMR input voting, which is done by the GMR software in the PLCs, output voting is per for med at the output block groups . T o per for m output voting, the blocks must be one of the listed types, and they must be configured (with a Hand-held Monitor) to be in GMR mode.
3 3-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B The following three tables compare voting results for a block group receiving outputs from all three PLCs with results when one of the three PLCs is offline.
3 3-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 3 Output Subsystem Results of Block Group V oting with One PLC Online If two PLCs are offline, the “ voted” outputs are the same as the outputs from the PLC which is still online (x = don’t care).
3 3-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B 4-Block Output Groups All four blocks in a group must be either 16-circuit or 32-circuit blocks.
3 3-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 3 Output Subsystem Operation of a 4-Block Output Group Each GMR output state is sent to four blocks set up in an H-pattern as shown on the opposite page. This type of grouping creates a fault-tolerant system where any single point of failure does not cause the system to lose control of a critical load.
3 3-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Manual Output Controls and Diagnostics Safety systems are often provided with controls for manual trip and manual over ride. A manual trip causes the output to assume the alarm condition.
3 3-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 3 Output Subsystem Redundancy Modes for Output Blocks There are three separate configuration processes for a GMR system: GMR configuration, which supplies parameters used by the GMR system software. PLC configuration, which is perfor med as usual for a Series 90-70 PLC system using the Logicmaster 90 software.
3 3-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Hot Standby Mode Individual blocks can be included in the output subsystem as GMR blocks, Hot Standby blocks, or non- GMR blocks.
4 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 4-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem This chapter describes operation of the PLC subsystem in a GMR system.
4 4-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B System Startup The following actions occur during orderly startup of the GMR system: 1. Each PLC disables its outputs to Genius blocks.
4 4-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem output states of the blocks, the block does not use those outputs in its output voting. The block(s) continue to ignore outputs from the PLC until they match those of the block’s voted outputs or until commanded to do so by setting the FORCLOG command bit (%M12263).
4 4-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Data Initialization During startup, a PLC either sets a flag to notify the application program to initialize %R and %M memor y , or synchronizes the data with corresponding data in the other PLC(s).
4 4-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem CP U Sweep in a GMR System The special functions required for Genius Modular Redundancy include autotest, input voting, and alar ming. These GMR functions are provided by a set of Program Blocks that are placed into the Program F older using the LM90 librarian feature.
4 4-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Estimating CP U Sweep T ime The GMR system software r uns on Series 90-70 CPU788 or CPU789 PLCs.
4 4-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem Input Processing During the Input Scan portion of the CPU sweep, the PLC receives inputs from the discrete and analog input blocks.
4 4-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Discrete Input V oting Immediately after the input scan, before the application program ex ecution begins, the GMR software perfor ms input voting.
4 4-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem V oting with Three Discrete Inputs F or a triplex input group with three inputs present, the GMR software perfor ms 2 out of 3 voting.
4 4-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B V oting with T wo Discrete Inputs T wo inputs may be present in either a Duplex input group, or in a T riple x input group where one of the three inputs has failed.
4 4-1 1 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem V oting for One Discrete Input One input may be present in a non-voted input group, in a Simplex input group, in a Duple x input group where one input has failed, or in a T riple x input group where two inputs have failed.
4 4-12 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Analog Inputs The method of analog input processing is similar to the method used for discrete inputs. During the Input Scan, data from analog input blocks is placed in the Analog Input T able as shown below .
4 4-13 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem Analog Input V oting Immediately after the input scan, before the application program ex ecution begins, the GMR software perfor ms input voting. It automatically reads and votes on the three sets of data in areas A, B, and C of the analog Input T able.
4 4-14 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B V oting for Three Analog Inputs F or a triple x input group with three inputs present, the GMR software compares three corresponding analog input values.
4 4-15 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem V oting for T wo Analog Inputs T wo inputs may be present in either a Duplex input group, or in a T riple x input group where one of the three inputs has failed. Three vote options in duplex mode are deter mined by the duplex state: highest, lowest, or average.
4 4-16 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B V oting for One Analog Input One input may be present in a non-voted input group, in a Simplex input group, in a Duple x input group where one input has failed, or in a T riple x input group where two inputs have failed.
4 4-17 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem Output Processing F or outputs, the PLC does not per form “ redundancy ” voting. Instead, voting is done by the specified types of discrete output block groups. Analog blocks do not provide redundancy voting or autotest features.
4 4-18 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B I/O Shutdown When the GMR system diagnoses a discrete I/O fault, it logs the appropriate faults in its fault tables and set the appropriate fault contacts.
4 4-19 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem Output F aults that Cause I/O Shutdown F or discrete output groups there are also two types of faults which may prevent the output autotest from continuing to ex ecute for that output group and thus cause an I/O shut down for the outputs in the group.
4 4-20 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B D). PLCC ex ecutes the autotest and detects the fault, then starts its 8-hour shutdown timer . The message “Shut down in 8 hours” is logged in the fault table.
4 4-21 GFK-0787B Chapter 4 PLC Subsystem I/O Shut Down Prevention If an I/O fault causes an I/O shutdown to initiate, there is up to 16 hours of time to repair the fault and put the block(s) back into operation before the shutdown occurs.
4 4-22 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Communications Between PLCs Data is transferred between the PLCs in the system using Genius global data. T wo busses are used to transfer duplicate data.
5 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 5-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics This chapter describes: Diagnostics in a GMR System GMR A utotesting GMR Discrepancy Reporting Input Line F .
5 5-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Diagnostics in a GMR System In a GMR system, extensive diagnostic capabilities are provided by standard Genius I/O diagnostics and by the special autotesting and discrepancy reporting features of the GMR software.
5 5-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Setting Up Blocks to Report Genius F aults By de fault, most Ge n ius blocks , includ i ng the type s of bloc ks nor mall y use d in GMR sys te ms, se nd on ly one copy of a Faul t Re port. F or a GMR syste m, blocks can be se t up to s end a dd i ti ona l F au l t Rep or ts .
5 5-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B GMR A utotesting The GMR software automatically per for ms autotesting on discrete inputs and outputs that have been configured to be autotested.
5 5-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Discrete Input Autotest Discrete Input A utotest ex ercises the system inputs to assure their ability to detect and respond to actual inputs. It can be used on both 16-point and 32-point blocks. Input autotest will: accommodate nor mally -closed and nor mally - open devices with the device in either state.
5 5-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Single Input Sensor to T riplex Block Group Field Switch Zener Diode Power feed outputs require isolation diode when single input device is wired to more than one block.
5 5-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Discrete Output Autotest Discrete output autotest checks the ability of outputs to respond to the commanded output state. Load Bus A Bus B Bus C A B CD The discrete output autotest will: work on outputs that are either on or off , with or without load monitoring.
5 5-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Operation of the Discrete Output Autotest The PLC that is presently the autotest master infor ms the other PLCs (if any) which autotest group it is about to test.
5 5-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics 4. The autotest master pulse tests Block A. Any faults on block A are noted. Load AB C D Block C outputs still overridden ON Failed Switch outputs still overridden OFF . Block A Pulse-tested. 5. The master resets all four blocks in the output group.
5 5-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Pulse T est Operation The Output A utotest uses the standard Genius block Pulse T est feature. During this test, the system is on-line and available.
5 5-1 1 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics GMR Discrepancy Reporting The GMR software per for ms discrepancy reporting for: V oted discrete inputs Discrete outputs Analog inputs There is no discrepancy reporting for analog outputs.
5 5-12 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Discrete Output Discrepancy R epor ting Output discrepancy monitoring is the.
5 5-13 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Analog Input Discrepancy Repor ting If there is a discrepancy in the data from a set of inputs, so that a channel deviates by more than a configurable percentage.
5 5-14 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Input Line F ault Detection in a GMR Application The 16-circuit Genius blocks are capable of continually monitoring field circuits for input short circuit or open circuit faults.
5 5-15 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics The PLC and I/O F ault T ables in a GMR System F aults and alar ms from I/O devices, Bus Controller faults, and bus faults are automati- cally logged into the Series 90–70 PLC ’s I/O F ault T able. F aults can be displayed with the programmer in either On–Line or Monitor mode.
5 5-16 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B I/O Fault T able Messages for GMR I/O F ault T able for mat is detailed in the Series 90-70 PLC R efer ence Manual ( GFK -0265).
5 5-17 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Displaying Additional Fault Information About I/O F aults (with CTRL/F) P ressing the programmer CTRL/F k eys provides more infor mation about a fault.
5 5-18 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B PLC Fault T able Messages for GMR The following tables lists PLC F ault T able messages for GMR .. If you need additional help, call GE F anuc T echnical Ser vice at 1–800–828–5747.
5 5-19 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Code Meaning Message 10146 Config mismatch A/B/C All three PLCs mismatch 10147 Config changed A PLC A config changed 10148 Config changed B PLC B config changed .
5 5-20 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Code Meaning Message 10814 GMR cfg er r no of PLCs GMR Configuration Module .
5 5-21 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Code Meaning Message 10903 User_IF–Invalid T able Module was called with e xtended mode table number when the module was in nor- mal mode 10903 Bad T able c (h.
5 5-22 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Code Meaning Message 11453 GMR12–tmplt too small GMR14 has detected an inter nal er ror condition 11455 GMR15–IS x at y GMR15 state machine went to step x (illegal).
5 5-23 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Manual Output Controls and Diagnostics Safety systems are often provided with controls for manual trip and manual over ride. A manual trip causes the output to assume the alarm condition. F or example, a nor mally -energized output would be de-energized.
5 5-24 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Monitoring Manual Output Controls The operation of manual trip and output over ride devices can be monitored and reported by connecting them as inputs to Genius blocks.
5 5-25 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics F ault, No F ault, and Alar m Contacts F ault and No F ault contacts can optionally be used to detect fault or lack of fault conditions on a discrete (%I or %Q) or analog (%AI or %A Q) reference. They can also be programmed with the Series 90-70’s built-in fault-locating references.
5 5-26 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Discrete Output Fault Contacts for GMR F or discrete outputs, the fault contact is associated with the logical outputs (outputs from the application program).
5 5-27 GFK-0787B Chapter 5 Diagnostics Short circuit fault Overtemperature fault Overload fault Discrepancy The blocks each report the discrepancy status for the data from each PLC, together with the PLC online/offline status. All PLCs periodically monitor all blocks’ discrepancy status.
5 5-28 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual –Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Analog F ault and Alarm Contacts for GMR The fault, high alarm and low alarm contacts of non-voted analog inputs and outputs are not affected by GMR analog I/O processing.
6 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 6-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration This chapter describes configuration for a GMR system: Configuration Overview The Basic Steps of Configura.
6 6-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuration Over view In a GMR system, there are three basic configuration steps: Completing the GMR configuration using the GMR configuration software.
6 6-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration (2) In the Program F older functions menu, select F1 ... Select/Cr eate a Program F older . On the Select/Create screen, select the folder for the second PLC (for example CONFIGB) as the current folder .
6 6-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Using the GMR Configuration Sof twar e The GMR Configuration Software is used to enter data needed by the GMR program software.
6 6-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Getting Star ted T o complete the configuration, you will need to provide the following information: the CPU type (788 or 789) the register memory table size. the Analog Input table size. the CPU W atchdog timer value.
6 6-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Mouse and K eyboard Guide for the Configuration Software Either a mouse or keyboard can be used with the GMR Configuration Software.
6 6-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration There are two basic ways to select a menu item from the keyboard: A. pressing the letter key that cor responds to the highlighted letter on the display (for example, the letter “c” in CPU, below . B. moving the cursor to that item (using the cursor keys) and pressing Return (enter).
6 6-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B GMR Configuration Summary GMR configuration is described in detail on the following pages. The basic steps are: 1. Select File to cr eate a New System configuration 2.
6 6-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration 9. [Insert] the first GBC (bus controller) gr oup A. Select each bus controller in the group (GBC_A, GBC_B, GB C_C). (1) Specify a rack and slot location (2) Select [OK] or [C]ancel to quit the Rack/Slot window B.
6 6-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Creating/Selecting a File T o create a new configuration, or begin editing an existing file, select File. (If you are using a mouse, click on “F ile” in the upper left corner of the screen.
6 6-1 1 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Saving a Configuration File Select Save (F2) to save the configuration file presently in RAM memory (the one displayed on your computer screen). This function saves the file with the selected name, over writing the previous version.
6 6-12 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Changing to Another Directory Use the Change Director y function if you want to access another directory . (Additional directories must be created in DOS.
6 6-13 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Star ting a New Configuration When you select New System from the File menu using the mouse, or using the Enter (Retur n) key , the System screen appears: F ro.
6 6-14 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B GMR Configuration Selections When you select System, the following menu appe.
6 6-15 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration CPU Configuration Complete the entries on the CPU Configuration menu. The defaults are indicated with dots in the parentheses, as shown below . If a default selection is correct for your system, you don’t need to edit that item.
6 6-16 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B T est Interval F irst, configure the inter val for autotesting, and a register where this inter val should be stored. On this screen, enter: Specify an autotest inter val of 1 to 65535 minutes.
6 6-17 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Input Discrepancy Filter On this screen, enter the input discrepancy filter time in seconds. This is the amount of time, in seconds, that a particular input may be discrepant before the CPU places a message in the I/O F ault T able, and sets the appropriate fault contact for that voted input.
6 6-18 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B I/O Limits Select System again. F rom the configuration menu, select Config Limits (click the mouse on that line or cursor down and press Enter).
6 6-19 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration The voted analog references start at %AI0001. The size of the voted analog input area is determined by the number of voted analog inputs including spares .
6 6-20 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Initialize Data Next, select S ystem to configure the Initialization Data. Initialization data, as explained in the PLC Subsystem chapter of this book, is ex changed between PLCs during startup.
6 6-21 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration If , when the PLC is starting up, the other two PLCs are already online, %M data from the second online PLC (the one with the lower serial bus address) is also received by the initializing PLC. In the %R T emp Ref field, enter a starting reference in %R memor y to receive %M data from the second online PLC.
6 6-22 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B F ault Actions Next, select S ystem to configure Initialization F ault Actio.
6 6-23 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Write Access Next, select S ystem to configure W rite Access: On this screen, you can configure starting addresses and lengths for any memory areas to which data can be written to through a CMM, PCM, or Ethernet Communications Module.
6 6-24 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Adding Bus Controllers and I/O Modules When you select Insert from the Syste.
6 6-25 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Genius Bus Controller Group Configuration Note: It is possible that an application may include bus controllers in the PLC racks that are not part of the GMR system. Do not include non-GMR bus controllers in the GMR configuration.
6 6-26 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Exiting the Window Nor mally , the GB C (Genius Bus Controller) group window remains on the screen, so you can insert the I/O groups for that bus controller group.
6 6-27 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Configuring the Input Subsystem for a Bus Controller Group W ith the rack and slot locations for a bus controller group configured, the next step is to configure the input subsystem for that bus controller group.
6 6-28 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuring a T riplex, Duplex, or Simplex Discrete Input Group T o configure a discrete group, click on that line, or move the cursor there and press the Retur n key , or press the highlighted letter k ey .
6 6-29 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Highlight this item then press the space bar key to display a screen for setting up Input A utotest and T est T ype for individual circuits (screen for 16-circuit blocks shown here).
6 6-30 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B 1.) Loss of a block within the group. (I.E. any failure which causes the block to no longer communicate on the Genius Bus such as loss of power .
6 6-31 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Similarly , select which V oting Adaptation method will be used for each circuit. V ote A dapt Mode : Specify the manner in which the PLCs should perform voting adaptation.
6 6-32 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Default State: Choose a default state: OFF (0), ON (1), or hold last state.
6 6-33 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Analog I/O Group Configuration Select Analog to configure any analog group. Select a triplex, duple x, or simplex analog input group, then select the block type (6 inputs or 4 inputs/2 outputs).
6 6-34 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Specify how each circuit in a triple x or duple x group should utilize vote adaptation F or a simple x group, this option does not apply .
6 6-35 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Default State : F or a triplex group , if all three blocks in the group are lost or if only two blocks are lost and V oting Adaptation is selected as 3–2–0, the GMR system software will use a selected minimum or maximum value (see below) in voting, or hold the last value updated.
6 6-36 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Threshold Discrepancy : Specify by what percent an individual input for the channel may deviate from the voted input value.
6 6-37 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Configuring the Output Subsystem for a Bus Controller Group Next, configure the output subsystem for that bus controller group.
6 6-38 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B A utotest: By default, each circuit is set up for autotesting, as shown by the X next to the circuit number .
6 6-39 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration F inally , for each 4-block group, specify the bus and location (serial bus address) of the fourth block (the “D” block) in the group.
6 6-40 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuring the Non- V oted Discrete I/O for a Bus Controller Group If the bus controller group includes any non-voted discrete I/O , select nonV oted D I/O .
6 6-41 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Select this item to display additional configuration choices. Input A utotest: This feature applies to 16- and 32-circuit DC Sink/Source I/O Blocks IC660BBD020, 021, 024, and 025 only . The block can be either in GMR mode or not in GMR mode.
6 6-42 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuring the Non- V oted Analog I/O for a Bus Controller Group If the bus controller group includes any non-voted analog I/O , select nonV oted A I/O .
6 6-43 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Creating the G_M_R10 Output File The output of the GMR configuration process is a program block named G_M_R10, which can be imported to the application program folder in Logicmaster 90. The W rite Output function of the GMR configuration software automatically creates a file named G_M_R10.
6 6-44 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B In this example, you decide that you don’t want to k eep CONFIG4, so you go to the file functions and select Close. That ends the configuration session without creating a .
6 6-45 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Completing the Logicmaster 90 Configuration Logicmaster 90 configuration steps for a PLC In a GMR system are the same as for a non- GMR system.
6 6-46 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Creating and Copying the PLC Configuration The recommended method of completing the PLC configuration is described below . A. Create a F older for PLC A, PLC B, and PLC C.
6 6-47 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration L ogicmaster Configuration Summar y 1. Change the CPU to the cor rect type (in this example, it is a CPU 789) and add appropriate memory . 2. Move the cursor to the rack and slot location for the first Bus Controller .
6 6-48 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B 12. On the bus configuration screen, the Bus Controller appears at its configured Bus A ddress, 31 in this e xample. 13. F rom here, you can configure the devices on the bus, including the other bus controllers in the group.
6 6-49 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Configuring GMR Bus Controllers and I/O Blocks Each bus controller that ser ves the same input and/or output groups is configured similarly; so it is usually easiest to copy the first completed bus/bus controller in a group to configure the other bus controller(s) in the same group.
6 6-50 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Configuring Genius I/O Blocks Genius I/O block configuration for a GMR system is similar to configuration for a non- GMR system.
6 6-51 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Configuring 16- Circuit and 32- Circuit Discrete DC Blocks The table below lists configuration parameters for 16-circuit and 32-circuit discrete blocks. Configuration options with special requirements in GMR systems are described after the table.
6 6-52 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Any discrete block that is part of a redundant input group (triple x, duple x, or simplex) must be configured as a “combination” (I/O) type block.
6 6-53 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration If the block will use Input A utotest, circuit 16 must be configured as an output, as explained above. F or circuit 16, Hold Last State must be configur ed to NO . If the block will use Input A utotest, circuit 16 must be configur ed with Output Default set to ON.
6 6-54 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B F or output blocks set up for GMR redundancy , the duplex default state is used when a block determines that only two PLCs are online.
6 6-55 GFK-0787B Chapter 6 Configuration Results of Block V oting with Only T wo PLCs Online In the two tables below , PLC C is shown as offline, but it could be either of the other two instead. Using 0 as the Duple x Default state means that when only two PLCs are online, the voted output state will be 0 if either PLC sets it to 0.
7 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 7-1 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation This chapter describes the following aspects of the application program inter face to the GMR .
7 7-2 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Programming Overview The following figure represents the basic GMR programming steps.
7 7-3 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Program Instr uction Set for GMR The CPUs used for GMR support the all of the following Series 90-70 ladder logic instr uctions: Contacts Any Contac.
7 7-4 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Reserved Refer ences In a GMR system, the following references are reser ved or assigned special functions: R eferences Reserved F or: %I0001 to %I1024 (788 CPU) %I00001 to %I12288 (789 CPU ) Input T able.
7 7-5 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Input and Output Addressing for GMR I/O addressing for GMR is unlik e a that of conventional Series 90-70 application. In a conventional application, input and output addresses are assigned sequentially , starting at the beginning of the Input T able and Output T able.
7 7-6 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Discrete I/O T ables: Example In this ver y simple example, there are: a model 788 CPU (with 352 physical I/O). One output group of four discrete 16-circuit blocks.
7 7-7 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Analog I/O Addressing The size of the Analog Input T able is defined during configuration. The maximum size is 8192 analog channels (words). Like the discrete Input and Output T ables, the Analog Input T able is divided into sections.
7 7-8 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Example: An application has sixteen analog input groups (each of which is a 6–input group), including spares. The total number of analog inputs from these blocks would be: 16 x 6 = 96 words required.
7 7-9 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Register (%R) Memor y Assignment for GMR The GMR software uses several areas of %R memor y for specific functions, as diagrammed below . Only the area labelled “ Application Registers” should be used by the application program.
7 7-10 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B System Status (%S) R efer ences System status references are pre-defined locations and nicknames. They can be included in the application program to check for fault-related conditions.
7 7-11 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation GMR Status and Control (%M) Refer ences The GMR system software uses several %M references as status or control bits. Status bits are used by the GMR software to provide information about GMR operations.
7 7-12 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B PLC OK Flags The meanings associated with the three PLCOK flags are listed .
7 7-13 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation %M Control R eferences The application program can use the following %M references to provide infor mation to the GMR software.
7 7-14 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B %M12262 (R epor t) When this control bit is tur ned on, it causes the GMR s.
7 7-15 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Programming for Startup The PLC Subsystem chapter of this book describes the sequence of actions that occur when the PLCs in a GMR system are started up. The GMR software in the PLCs only allows one PLC to come online at a time.
7 7-16 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B If both of the other PLCs are already online, the initializing PLC reads the %R (only) initialization data from the other PLC with the higher serial bus address.
7 7-17 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation P rior to sending the outputs, the application program may check the status flags. If any are found to be 1, the application program may decide to process the initialized data before continuing.
7 7-18 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B an I/O Fault Reset be perfor med when any of the GMR CPUs are initialized, which will cause any cur rent I/O fault infor mation to be re–reported.
7 7-19 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation | | << RUNG 12 >> | |IORESIP IORES |——| # |—————————————————————————————�.
7 7-20 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B I/O P oint F aults The GMR system can optionally use the standard Series 90-70 I/O P oint F ault references.
7 7-21 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Programming for F ault and Alar m Contacts Th e G M R sy st e m so f t w a r e c a n o p t io n a lly ut iliz e t h e Fa ult a n d Ala r m co n t a ct s ca p a b ilit y o f t h e Series 90-70 PL C to make fault and al ar m in for mation avail able to th e appli cation program logi c.
7 7-22 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Discrete Input F ault Contacts for GMR In the discrete Input T able there a.
7 7-23 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Analog F ault Contacts for GMR As for discrete inputs, voted analog inputs have fault contacts associated with both the raw data inputs and the corresponding voted inputs. Non-voted analog inputs also have associated fault contacts.
7 7-24 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Reading GMR Diagnostics The application program can obtain the following di.
7 7-25 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Data T able Numbers T able Contains R an g e f o r S t a r t V al u e Range for End V alue 11 Digital Input Discrepancy faults Greater than or equal to the first digital input address for A, B, or C.
7 7-26 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Error Codes for GMR Diagnostics The following error codes may be generated .
7 7-27 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Programming for Global Data In a Series 90-70 PLC/Genius system, Global Data is data that is automatically broadcast by a PLC bus controller , each bus scan. The GMR software uses this Global Data capability as the vehicle for ex changing system information between the PLCs.
7 7-28 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Adding the GMR System Sof twar e to a New Application Program F older The GMR system software provided on the diskette must be added to the folder containing the application program.
7 7-29 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Adding the GMR Configuration to the Application Program F older The GMR configuration software outputs a program block file named G_M_R10.EXE, which must be added to the folder containing the application program.
7 7-30 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B 5. A dd G_M_R10 to the library by pressing the Enter key . 6. When pr ompted for the number of pair ed input and output parameters, enter 2.
7 7-31 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Storing a Program to the PLC All redundant PLCs in the GMR system must use the same application program, but different configurations: PLC A PLC B .
7 7-32 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Things to Consider when Storing to the PLC from the Programmer Use the Store function to copy program logic, configuration data, and /or reference tables from the programmer to the PLC.
7 7-33 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Using the Store Function T o use the Store function, press Stor e (F4) from the Program Utility F unctions menu. The Store Program screen appears. The screen shows the currently-selected program folder , which cannot be changed.
7 7-34 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Storing a Program to the PLC: the System is NOT Configured for Online Chang.
7 7-35 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Using the Program Download Utility If the redundant PLCs are linked by an SNP network, you can use the Download utility provided on the GMR software diskette when making future application program updates.
7 7-36 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B Customizing the Download Utility for Other PLC IDs F or PLCs with other PLC IDs, you need to edit the file KEY0.DEF before adding it to the Program F older in Logicmaster .
7 7-37 GFK -0787B Chapter 7 Programming Infor mation Storing a Program to the PLC: the System IS Configured for Online Changes F or a system configured to allow online changes, the following sequence illustrates how an online ladder logic program change could be done in a triplex CPU System.
7 7-38 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK -0787B CPU being stored to in Stop mode and store a complete program from the programmer to the PLC. This cleans up any fragmentation that exists and enables future online changes.
8 section level 1 1 figure bi level 1 table_big level 1 8-1 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Infor mation Genius Bus Connections T er mination Boards Input W iring Single Sensor to Three Blocks (T rip.
8 8-2 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Genius Bus Connections When planning and installing a Genius bus, it is extremely important to follow the guidelines given in the Genius I/O System and Communications User ’s Manual .
8 8-3 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Input W iring Calculating V oltage Drops on T ristate Inputs It is important to consider the field wiring r uns required for devices configured as tristate inputs.
8 8-4 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Single Sensor to Three Blocks (T riple Bus) DC+ I1 I15/32 O16 DC+ I1 I15/32 .
8 8-5 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Input W iring (continued) Three Sensors to Three Blocks (T riple Bus) DC+ I1 I15/32 O16 I1 I15/32 O16 I1 I15/32 O16 Input 1 Input 15 or 32 Input 1 Input 15 or 32 Input 1 Input 15 or 32 DC+ DC+ PLC A PLC B PLC C 6.
8 8-6 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Input W iring (continued) Block Wiring for 16- Circuit Source Block in an In.
8 8-7 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Input W iring (continued) Block Wiring for 16- Circuit Sink Block in an Input Group S1 S2 SHLD IN SHLD OUT DC+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16.
8 8-8 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Input W iring (continued) Block Wiring for 32- Circuit Source Block in an In.
8 8-9 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Input W iring (continued) Block Wiring for 32- Circuit Sink Block in an Input Group S1 S2 SHLD IN SHLD OUT +5V DC+ DC+ DC+ DC+ 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2.
8 8-10 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Output W iring for a 16-Circuit, 4-Block Group 16- Circuit, 4-Block Output .
8 8-1 1 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Output W iring for a 16-Circuit, 4-Block Group (continued) Block Wiring for a 16- Circuit 4-Block Output Group More detailed installation infor mation is provided in the block datasheets. The labels Block A , Block B , Block C , and Block D refer to the previous system diagram.
8 8-12 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Output W iring for a 16-Circuit, 4-Block Group (continued) Output Load Considerations for 16-Circuit 4-Block “H” P attern Redundant Output Groups Minimum load: 100 milliamps Maximum load: 2.
8 8-13 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information commanded state. If it does not, the point is pulsed Off again for about 7.5mS. A maximum of two pulses of approximately 5mS and 7.5mS duration can occur . The 7.5mS pulse occurs only if the volts feedback for the first pulse is incorrect.
8 8-14 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Output W iring for a 32-Circuit, 4-Block Group 32- Circuit, 4-Block Output .
8 8-15 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Output W iring for a 32-Circuit, 4-Block Group (continued) Block Wiring for a 32- Circuit 4-Block Output Group More detailed installation infor mation is provided in the block datasheets. The labels Block A , Block B , Block C , and Block D refer to the previous system diagram.
8 8-16 Genius Modular Redundancy Flexible T riple Modular Redundant (TMR) System User ’ s Manual – Mar ch 1995 GFK-0787B Warning In certain cases, r emoving the DC power sour ce fr om an output bl.
8 8-17 GFK-0787B Chapter 8 Installation Information Output W iring for a 32-Circuit, 4-Block Group (continued) Output Load Considerations for 32-Circuit 4-Block “H” P attern R edun - dant Output Groups Minimum load: 1.
A section level 1 1 figure_ap level 1 table_ap level 1 GFT -166 Revision 1.3 April 4, 1995 A-1 GFK -0787B Appendix A TÜV Certification TÜV is an acronym for “T echnischer Über wachungs–V erein”, which has a rough translation to English of “T echnical Supervisory Group”.
A GFT -166 Revision 1.3 April 4, 1995 A-2 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK-0787B TÜV Restrictions F or all safety relevant applications the safe state must be the de-energized (0) state.
A GFT -166 Revision 1.3 April 4, 1995 GFK -0787B A-3 Appendix A TÜV Certification The installation procedures in the Series 90-70 Programmable Controller Installation Manual (GFK -0262D) and this GMR.
A GFT -166 Revision 1.3 April 4, 1995 A-4 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK-0787B Configuration worksheets are available for all I/O block types in the Genius I/O Discrete and Analog Blocks User ’s Manual (GEK -90486-2).
B section level 1 1 figure_ap level 1 table_ap level 1 B- 1 GFK -0787B Appendix B Maintenance Over ride The information in this appendix is reprinted by per mission of TUV . Abstract Suggestions are made about the use of maintenance override of safety relevant sensors and actuators.
B B -2 Genius Modular R edundancy Flexible T riple Modular R edundant (TMR) System User’s Manual – March 1995 GFK-0787B The following table shows common requirements.
B GFK -0787B B-3 Appendix B Maintenance Override Recommendations The following recommendations are given to improve the primary safety as described by the list: A program in the DCS that checks regula.
Index Index-1 GFK-0787B A Alar m and F ault contacts, 5-25 , 5-28 , 7-21 Analog blocks, 1-8 Analog I/O , addressing, 7-7 Analog inputs, 4-12 configuring memory for , 6-18 configuring references for , .
Index Index-2 GFK-0787B Duple x state, 6-34 F F ailed Switch detection, 3-9 , 5-2 F ailed Switch fault, 5-26 F ault actions, configuring, 6-22 , 6-23 F ault and Alarm contacts, 5-25 , 5-28 , 7-21 F au.
Index Index-3 GFK-0787B Inputs and outputs, number available, 1-9 Installation information, 8-1 Inter nal Channel fault, 5-28 L LED, Block OK, 3-9 Limit discrepancy , 5-12 , 6-36 Line fault, 5-2 , 5-2.
Index Index-4 GFK-0787B References for inputs, 6-28 References, reserved, 7-4 Register memory assignments for GMR, 7-9 configuring amount, 6-18 reser ved, 7-4 R TD blocks, 1-8 S %S status references, .
An important point after buying a device GE GFK-0787B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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If you already are a holder of GE GFK-0787B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime GE GFK-0787B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with GE GFK-0787B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device GE GFK-0787B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center