Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LifeBook C2010 Fujitsu
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Fujitsu LifeBook C Series BIOS Guide LifeBook C Series Model: C2010 C2111 Document Da te: 05/31/02 Document Part Number: FPC 58-06 77-01 FUJITSU P C COR PORA TION EarthlingBIO S.
2 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS C Series BIOS BIOS SETUP UTILITY The BIOS Setup U tility is a program that sets up the operating en vironme nt for your not ebook. Y our BIOS is set at the factor y for normal operating conditions, ther e for e th er e is no need to s et or ch ange the B IOS en vir onm ent t o op erat e y our note book.
3 3. If an err or messa ge is d ispl ay ed o n the sc re en, an d you want t o ent er th e setup utility , pres s the [ F2] k ey . 4. When the setup u tility star ts w ith a fault present, t he syst em disp lay s the follo wing messa ge: Warning! Error message [Continue] 5.
4 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS MAIN MENU – SETTING STANDARD SYSTEM PARAMETERS The M a in M enu al lo ws y ou to se t or vi ew th e cu rre nt system parameters. Follow the instru ctions for Navi- gating Through The Setup Utility to mak e an y change s.
5 System Date: –— –— Sets and displays the current date. Date is in a month/day/year numeric forma t with 2 digits each for month and day and 4 digits for year . (MM /DD/YYY Y) for ex ample: 10/1 6/2001. Y ou m ay cha nge each segm ent of the date separat ely .
6 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Primary Master Submenu of the Main Menu The Pr imar y Master subm enu ident if ies w hat A T A dev ices are in stal le d. *N ote that actual har d drive label show n may vary . Dep ending on t he dr ive type, informat ion such as cyl in- ders, heads and s ectors may also be displayed.
7 Heads: n A number between 1 and 16 –— This appears only w hen Hard D isk is selected. When Hard Disk is selected, you can change the value. This f ield is incremented by pressing the [Spacebar]) or by pressing [Shift] [+]. This field is decremented by pressing the [-] key .
8 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Ultra DMA Mode: n Disabled n Mode 0 n Mode 1 n Mode 2 n Mode 3 n Mode 4 n Mode 5 [Mode 5] Selec ts the method for moving data to/from the driv e. Autotype the drive to select the optimum transfer mode. This option cannot be changed when Auto is selected.
9 Secondary Master Submenu of the Main Menu The S econd ar y Master su bmenu is for the inter nal CD- R OM dri ve. The dri ve type is displa yed on this men u as well as t he Main menu. Y our notebo ok auto-s enses the characte ristics of the internal CD-R OM Dr iv e installed.
10 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Exiting from Ma in Menu W hen y ou hav e finished setting the parameters on this menu, you can ei ther exit from the setu p util it y , o r move to another menu. If you w ish to exit from the setup utilit y , press the [ Esc] key or us e the cursor ke ys to go to the Exit men u.
11 ADVANCED MENU – SE TTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLS The Advanced Menu allows you to: n Set the I/O add resse s for the po rts. n Set the comm unication mode for the parallel and infra red ports . n Set th e fea tures of the keyboard/ mous e. n Sele ct be tween th e disp lay pan el an d a n externa l CR T disp lay .
12 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS T able 4: Fields , Op tions and Defaults for the Ad vance d Menu Men u Fiel d Description Serial/ Parallel Port Configurations When selected, opens the Serial/Parallel Port Configurations subme nu which allows the user to modify settings for the infrared and parallel ports.
13 Serial/Parallel Port Configur ation Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Serial/P arallel P or t Con figuration sub men u pro v ides the ability to set the I/O addr esses an d inter - rupt levels for the serial (infrar ed) and parallel ports of you r notebook.
14 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS T able 5: Fields , Op tions an d Defau lts for the Port Confi guration Subm enu o f the Adva nced Me nu Menu Field Options Default Description Infrared Port: n Disabled n Enabled n Auto [Enabled] When Disabled, the infrared port is disabled; when Enabled, the infrared port is enabled.
15 Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu of th e Advanced M enu The K eyboar d/M ouse F eatu res sub men u is f or sele cting the po wer -o n stat e for the N umlock k ey .
16 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS V ideo Fea tures Submenu of the Advanced Me nu The V ideo F ea tur es Su bmen u is for c hoosi ng the d ispla y .
17 Internal Device Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Internal Dev ice Configurations submenu allows the user to enable or disable IDE por ts and Wir eless LAN.
18 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS CPU Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The CPU F eatur es Submenu configur es the syst em proc essor . Note that this s ubmenu onl y appear s in certain configu- ratio ns, base d upon th e sys tem C PU . Figure 9.
19 USB Features Submenu of the A dvanced Menu The U SB Features Subme nu configu res th e sys tem for use wit h a USB fl oppy d rive. Figure 10. USB Feat ures Submenu T abl e 10: Fi el ds, Op tion s a.
20 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Miscellaneous Configurat ions Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Misc ellaneous C onfigurations Su bmenu configur es the pow er butt on.
21 Event Logging Submenu of the A dvanced Me nu The E ve nt Loggin g S ubme n u c onfi gur es eve nt logging fe atur es for D MI ev en ts. Figure 12. Even t Loggi ng Sub menu T ab le 12: Fie lds, Op t.
22 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS SECURITY MENU – SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURES The S ecu r it y menu al l ows you to se t up the data s ecu ri t y featur es o f y our n ot ebook to fit you r operati ng needs and to view the cur rent data securit y configuration.
23 T able 13 : Fields, O ptions and Defau lts for the Security Menu Men u Fiel d Opt ion s Default Description Supervisor Password is: –— Clear A display-only field. Set is displayed when the system supervisor password is set and Clear when it is not.
24 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Securi ty Menu The Har d Disk Security Submenu is for c onfiguring hard disk se curit y features.
25 Owner Information Submenu of the Securit y Menu The Owner Information Sub menu is for setting owner information. N ote: This submenu can be modifi ed only if a Superv i sor’ s Pa sswor d has been s et pre v iously .
26 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS BOOT MENU – SE LECTIN G THE OPERAT ING S YSTEM SOURCE The Boot M enu is used to select the ord er in which the BIO S searche s sources for the opera ting syste m. Follow the inst ructions fo r N avigat ing Throug h the Setup Ut ility to make an y changes.
27 The Boot Device Priority Submenu of the Boot Menu The Boot Dev ice Priority Submenu is for settin g the order of checking of sourc es for the operati ng system.
28 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS INFO MEN U - DISPLAYS BASI C SYS TEM I NFORMATI ON The Info me nu is a disp lay onl y screen that pr ovides the con figuration in formation for you r note book. The f ollo wing ta ble sho w s the na mes of the men u fi elds for the Info me nu and the information d isplay ed in those fields.
29 EXIT MEN U – LEAVIN G THE SETU P UTILITY The E xi t M e nu i s used to l ea v e th e setu p ut ility . F ollo w the inst ructions fo r N avigat ing Throug h the Setup Ut ility to make an y changes. (See N avigating Through The Setup Utilit y on page 2 for more i nformat ion.
30 Life Book C Series No teboo k BIOS Discard Changes –— Selecting Discar d Ch anges w ill load the previous values in BIO S memory for all m enu fi el ds. The me ssa ge Load previous configuration now? [Yes] [No] will be displayed. When confirmed the setup utility will return to the Exi t menu.
An important point after buying a device Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Fujitsu LifeBook C2010, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Fujitsu LifeBook C2010.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Fujitsu LifeBook C2010. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Fujitsu LifeBook C2010 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center