Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E8020D Fujitsu
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1 Fujitsu LifeBook E Series BIOS Guide LifeBook E Series Models: E8020/E8020D Document Date: 04/29/05 Document Part Num ber: FPC58-1336-0 1 FUJITSU COMPUTER SYSTEMS.
2 LifeBook E Series BIOS E Series BIOS BIOS SETUP UTILITY The BIOS Setup U tility is a program that sets up the operating en vironment for y our notebook. Y our BIOS is set at the factory for nor mal operating conditions, therefor e there is no need to set or change the BIOS environment to op erate your notebo ok.
3 3. If an error message is displa yed on the screen, and you want to enter the setup utility , press the [F2] key . 4. W hen the setup utility star ts with a fault present, the system display s the following message: Warning! Error message [Continue] 5.
4 LifeBook E Series BIOS MAIN MENU – SETTING STAN DARD SYSTEM PARAMETERS The Main M enu allows y o u to set or view the current system parameters. (See N avigat ing through the Setup Utility on pa ge 2 for more informat ion.
5 Serial A T A Port 0: Selects Serial A T A Port 0 submenu The product number of the ATA / I D E d r i v e . Display the type of device on this A T A/IDE interface, if there is one. Pressing the Enter key selects the Serial A T A Port 0 submenu allow- ing additional device configuration option s for this interface.
6 LifeBook E Series BIOS Serial A T A Port 0 Submenu of the Main Menu The Serial A T A P or t 0 submenu identifies what A T A dev ices are installed. Figure 2.
7 Primary Master Submenu of the Main Menu The Primary Master submenu allows you t o configur e secondary A T A devices. Figure 3. Primary Master Submenu T able 3: Fields, Options and Defaults for the .
8 LifeBook E Series BIOS Exiting from Main Menu W hen you ha ve finished setting the parameters on this menu, you can either exi t from the setup ut ilit y , or move to another menu. I f you wish to exit fr om the setup utility , press the [Esc] key or use the cursor k e ys to go to the Exit menu.
9 ADVANCED MENU – SETTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLS The Ad vanced M enu allows y ou to: ■ Set the I/O addresses for the ser ial and parallel por ts. ■ Set the keyboar d and mouse features. ■ Select between the display panel and an e x ternal CR T display .
10 LifeBook E Series BIOS CPU Features When selected, open s the CPU Features submenu to allow you to ch ange the CPU speed for battery life optimiza- tion. USB Features When selected, opens the USB Features submenu to al low you to enable or disable legacy USB devices and SCSI SubClass support.
11 Serial/Parallel Port Configu ration Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Serial/P ar allel P or t Configuration submenu lets y ou set the I/O addresses and interr upt levels for the serial, infrared and parallel port s of your notebook.
12 LifeBook E Series BIOS T able 5: Fields, Options and Defaul ts for the Serial/Parallel Port Conf iguration Submenu of Advanced Menu Menu Field Options Default Description Serial Port: ■ Disabled .
13 Keyboard/Mo use Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The K eyboard/Mouse F eatures submenu is for setting the paramet ers of the int egr ated and exte rnal mouse and ke y bo a rd .
14 LifeBook E Series BIOS Vid eo Features Submenu of th e Advanced Menu The Vid eo Features sub menu is for setting the display parameters. Figure 7. Video Features Submenu T able 7: Fields, Options a.
15 Internal Device Configurat ions Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Internal Device Configuration submenu allo ws the user to enable or disable IDE, Modem, LAN and W ireless LAN Contr ollers.
16 LifeBook E Series BIOS CPU Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The CPU Featur es submenu provides options for configuring the Int el SpeedStep power management features of the CPU .
17 USB Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The USB F eatures submen u provides options fo r en abling or disabling the USB Floppy Disk Drive. Figure 10.
18 LifeBook E Series BIOS Miscellaneous Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Miscellaneous Configurations submen u provides option s for enabling or disabling the power button and the W ake U p On LAN feature, and setting the volume and v ideo memor y size.
19 Event Logging Sub menu of the Advanced Menu The Ev ent Logging submenu configur es event logging features for DMI events. Figure 12. Event Logging Submenu T able 12: Fields, Options and Defaults fo.
20 LifeBook E Series BIOS SECURITY MENU – SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURES The Security menu allows y ou to set up the data security features of y our notebook to fit your operating needs and to view the current data secur ity configuration. (S ee N avigating through the Setup Utility on page 2 f or more information.
21 Exiting from the Security Menu W hen you ha ve finished setting the parameters on the Security Me nu, you can ei ther exit from setup utility or mov e to another menu. If y ou w ish to exit from setup utility , press th e [Esc] k ey to go to the Exit Menu.
22 LifeBook E Series BIOS Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Security Menu The Hard Disk Secur ity submenu is for co nfiguring hard disk security features.
23 Owner Informatio n Submenu of the Security Menu The Owner Information sub menu is for setting o w ner inform ation. N ote that the o wner information cannot be set without having entered a Super visor P ass word.
24 LifeBook E Series BIOS Security Chip Setting Submenu of the Security Menu The Security Chip Se tting submenu is used to enable or disabled the embedded security chip.
25 BOOT MENU – SELECTING THE OPERATING SYSTEM SOURCE The Boot Me nu is used to select the order in which the BIOS searches sources for the operating system. Follow the instructions for Na v igating Through the Setup Utility to mak e any changes. (See N av igating throug h the Setup Utilit y on pa ge 2 for more infor mation.
26 LifeBook E Series BIOS Boot Device Priority Submenu of the Boot Menu The Boot Dev ice Priorit y submenu is for set ting the order of checking of sources for the operatin g system.
27 INFO MENU - DISPLAYS BASIC SYSTEM INFORMATION The Info M enu is a display only screen that pro v ides the configuration informatio n f or your not ebook. The following table shows the names of the menu fields for the Info men u and the information displayed in those fields.
28 LifeBook E Series BIOS EXIT MENU – LEAVIN G THE SETUP UTILITY The Exit M enu is used to leav e the setup utility . Follow the instructions for Na v igating Through the Setup Utility to mak e any changes. (See N av igating throug h the Setup Utilit y on pa ge 2 for more infor mation.
An important point after buying a device Fujitsu E8020D (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Fujitsu E8020D yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Fujitsu E8020D - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Fujitsu E8020D you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Fujitsu E8020D will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Fujitsu E8020D, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Fujitsu E8020D.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Fujitsu E8020D. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Fujitsu E8020D along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center