Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FQD 907 Franke Consumer Products
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Istruzioni per l’uso e l’insta llazione Cappa Instructions for use and installati on Cooker Hood Mode d’emploi et ins tallation Hotte de Cuisine Bedienungsa nleitung u nd Einr ichtung Dunstabzug.
IT 2 2 Libretto di Istruzioni INDICE CONSIGLI E SUGGERIMENTI ..............................................................................................................................................7 CARATTER ISTICHE .............................
EN 3 3 Instructions Manua l INDEX RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .................................................................................................................... 16 CHARACTERISTICS .................................................
FR 4 4 Manuel d’Instruct ions SOMMAIRE CONSEILS E T SUGGESTIONS ........................................................................................................ ..................................25 CARACTERIST IQUES .........................
DE 5 5 Bedienungsa nleitung INHALTSVERZ EICHNIS EMPFEHLUNGEN UND H INWEISE ...................................................................................................... ..............................3 4 CHARAKTERISTIKE N......................
TR 6 6 Kullanim Kilavuku IÇERIKLER TAVSIYELER VE Ö NERILER ..............................................................................................................................................43 ÖZELLIKLER .................................
IT 7 7 CONSIGLI E SUGGERIMENTI INSTA LLAZIONE • Il produttore declina qualsiasi responsabilità per danni dovuti ad in- stallazione non corretta o non conf orme alle r egole dell’a rte. • Verificare c he la tensione di rete co rrisponda a q uella ripor tata nella targ hetta po sta all’inte rno de lla Cappa.
IT 8 8 CARATTERISTICHE Ingombro Componenti Rif. Q.tà Componen ti di Prod otto 1 1 Corpo Ca ppa compl eto di: Co mandi, Luc e, Grupp o Ventilato re, Filtri 2.1 1 Camino Superi ore 2.2 1 Camino Inferio re 8 1 Gri gl ia dir ezionat a Usc ita Ari a 9 1 Fla ngia 15 1 Angol are 16 1 Coperc hio fi ltrant e Rif.
IT 9 9 INSTALLAZIONE Foratura P arete e Fissaggio Staffe 11 a 11 11 12a 22 180 180 250 200 200 960 362 X 1÷2 7.2.1 Tracciare sull a Parete: • una line a Vertic ale f ino al sof fitto o al lim ite super iore, al c entro della zona prevista per il monta ggio de lla Cappa; • una l inea Orizzon tale a 96 0 mm min .
IT 1 0 10 Montaggio Cor po Cappa • Aprire i pannelli aspira nti. • Sganciar e il panne llo dal cor po ca ppa fa cendo scor re- re l’appos ita lev a del per no di f issag gio. (A) • Togliere i Filtri A ntigrasso agendo s ulle apposite maniglie .
IT 1 1 11 Montaggio Camino Il camino pu ò essere installa to solo con la c appa colle- gata in v ersione a spirante. • Fissare l’angolare 15 al corpo ca ppa con le viti 12d (2,9 x 9, 5) in d otazione. Cami no su peri ore • A llargare legge rmente le due falde la terali, agga n- ciarle dietro le Staffe 7.
IT 1 2 12 USO Quadro comandi Tast o Funzione Displ ay A A ccende e spegne il moto re di aspir azio ne all’ ultima ve lo cità util izzata. Visualiz za l a vel ocità im posta ta B Decrem en ta la veloci tà di eserc izi o. C Incremen ta la veloci tà d i es erci zio.
IT 1 3 13 MANUTENZIONE TELECO MANDO (OPZIO NALE) Questo app arecchio può essere co mandato per mezzo di un tele- com ando, alim entato con pile alca line zinco- carbo ne da 1, 5 V del tipo sta ndard L R03-A AA. • Non riporre i l telecom ando i n pros simità di f onti di ca lore.
IT 1 4 14 Pannelli Aspiranti • Aprire i pannelli aspira nti. • Sganciare i pannelli laterali dal corp o cappa face ndo scorr ere l’apposi ta lev a del pern o di f issagg io. • Sga nciare il pa nnello Cen trale ti randolo e nergic amente, c on entrambe le mani.
IT 1 5 15 Illuminazione SOSTITUZIO NE LAMPADE Lampade al og ene da 2 0 W. • Togliere le due viti che fissano il Supp orto illum inazione e sf i- larlo dalla Ca ppa.
EN 1 6 16 RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS INSTA LLATION • The manufacture r will not be held liable for any damages resulting from incorrect o r imprope r install ation. • Check that the mai ns voltage corre sponds to that i ndicated on the rating plate fi xed to the i nside of the h ood.
EN 1 7 17 CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions Components Ref. Q.ty Pro duct C omponen ts 1 1 Hood Bod y, complete with: Con trols, Light, B lower, Filters 2.1 1 Upper S ecti o n 2.2 1 Lower S ecti on 8 1 Directio nal Air Outle t grille 9 1 Flan ge 15 1 Angle i ron 16 1 Filt er cover Ref.
EN 1 8 18 11 a 11 11 12a 22 180 180 250 200 200 960 362 X 1÷2 7.2.1 INSTALLATION Wall drilling and bracket fixing On the wa ll, draw • a Vertical line up to the ce iling or up per limit, a t the centre of the a rea in w hich the Hood i s to be fitte d; • a Horizo n tal line at a mini mum of 960 mm above the Co oker Top.
EN 1 9 19 Mounting the hood b ody • Open the ducti ng panels . • Disc onnect t he pa nel from the h ood ca nopy by slid- ing t h e fixin g p in lever . (A) • Re mov e the metal gr ease filters by turning the han- dles prov ided. • Adjust the tw o screws Vr , on brackets 11a , to a mini- mu m.
EN 2 0 20 Flue assembly The c himney can only be i nstalled w ith exha usting hood • F asten th e angl e iro n 15 to the hoo d canop y usi ng t he screws 12d (2,9 x 9,5) provide d. Upper ex haus t flue • Slightly wide n the two side s of the uppe r flue and hook t hem be hind the brack ets 7.
EN 2 1 21 USE Control board Key Fun ction Disp lay A Switch es th e extra ctor motor on and off a t th e latest sel ected speed Indi cat es th e s elect ed s p eed.
EN 2 2 22 MAINTENANCE REMOTE CONT ROL (OPT IONAL) The a ppliance ca n be contr olled using a r emote control p owere d by a 1.5 V c arbon-zi nc alk aline batte ries of the standa rd LR03- AAA type. • Do not pl ace the remote co ntrol near to heat sou rces.
EN 2 3 23 Comfort panels • Open the comf ort panels . • To unfaste n the side pa nels f rom the hood ca sing it is nec essa - ry to slide the fixing pivot leve r. • When unfa stening the central co mfort pane l pull it forc efully usin g both h ands.
EN 2 4 24 Lighting LIGHT REPL ACEMENT 20 W halog en l ig ht. • Remove the 2 scr ews fixing the Lig hting support , and pull it out of from the Hood. • Extract the lam p from the Support. • Replace with ano ther of the same t ype, making sure t hat th e two pins a re pr operly inserted in the la mp holder s ocke t holes.
FR 2 5 25 CONSEILS ET SUGGEST I O NS INSTA LLATION • Le fabricant d écline toute res ponsa bilité en cas de dommage dû à une install ation non correc te ou no n conform e aux règles de l’art. • Vérifi er que l a tensi on du sec teu r c or respond à l a val eur qui figu re s ur la plaquette appos ée à l’intéri eur de la hotte.
FR 2 6 26 CARACTERISTIQUES Encombrement Composants Réf. Q.té Composan ts de P roduit 1 1 Corps Ho tte équ ipé de:Co mandes, Lum ière , Groupe Ventilateu r, Filtres 2.1 1 Chem inée Supé rieure 2.2 1 Cheminée I nféri eure 8 1 Grille orientée So rtie de l’Air 9 1 Flasq ue 15 1 Co rnière 16 1 Couv ercl e f iltr ant Réf.
FR 2 7 27 11 a 11 11 12a 22 180 180 250 200 200 960 362 X 1÷2 7.2.1 INSTALLATION Perçage Paroi et Fixation Brides Tracer sur la Paroi : • une ligne Ve rticale jus qu’au pla fond o u à la lim ite supéri eure, au centre de la zone pr évue pour le m ontage de la Hotte ; • une ligne Hor izontal e à 960 m m.
FR 2 8 28 Montage Corps Hotte • Ouvrir les panne aux aspira nts. • Décrocher le pan neau du co rps de la hotte, en faisant coulisse r le lev ier du go ujon de fixa tion spécia lem ent prév u. (A) • Enlever les filtres Anti-graisse, en intervenant sur les poign ées spécial emen t pr évu es.
FR 2 9 29 Montage Cheminée La C heminée peut être installée uniquem ent e n version aspirante • Fixer la cornière 15 au co rps d e hotte avec le vis 12d (2,9 x 9, 5) four nies. Ch emin ée sup éri eure • Elargir lég èrement le s deux bords latéria ux, et les accrocher derrières les b rides 7.
FR 3 0 30 UTILISATIO N Tableau des commandes Touch e Fonct ion Affich eur A Allume et étei nt le moteu r d’ aspi ration à la derniè re v itesse utilisé e Affiche la vi tesse cho isie B Dimi nue .
FR 3 1 31 ENTRETI EN TELECO MMANDE (F OURNIE SUR DEMANDE) Il est pos sible de c omma nder ce t appareil au m oyen d’une té lé- comma nde, alim entée avec des pile s alca lines zi nc-char bon 1,5 V du type standar d LR 03-AAA . • Ne pas rang er la té lécomm ande à prox imité de source s de cha- leur.
FR 3 2 32 Panneaux Aspirants • Ouvrir les panne aux aspira nts. • Décroche r les panne aux laté raux du corps de la hotte en f aisa nt coulisse r le lev ier spéc ialem ent prév u du tour billon de fix ation. • Décrocher le panneau Ce ntral en le tirant éner giquem ent, des deux m ains.
FR 3 3 33 Eclairage REMPLACEMENT LAMPES Lam pe halogèn e de 20 W . • Ret irer les 2 Vi s qui fixent l e Support éclairage et ô ter ce der- nier de la H otte.
DE 3 4 34 EMPFEHLUNGEN UND HINWEISE MONTAGE • Der Herstell er haftet nicht für Sc häden, die auf ein e fehlerhaft e und unsachgemäße Montage zurückzuführen sind. • Prüfen, ob die Netzspannung mit dem Wert auf dem im H aubeninne- ren angebrac hten Schild üb ereinstim mt.
DE 3 5 35 CHARAKTERISTIKEN Platzbedarf Komponenten Pos. St. Produkt kom ponente n 1 1 Ha ubenk örper mit Schal tern, Beleuc htung, Gebl äse- gruppe , Filt er 2.1 1 ober er Kami nteil (opt ion) 2.2 1 unt erer K amintei l (opt ion) 8 1 Luft leitgi t ter Luft aus trit t (opt i on) 9 1 Flans ch (opt ion) 15 1 Winkel ( optio n) 16 1 Filte rdeckel Pos.
DE 3 6 36 11 a 11 11 12a 22 180 180 250 200 200 960 362 X 1÷2 7.2.1 MONTAGE Bohren der B efestigungslöcher und Fixier en der Befestigungsbügel An de r Wand: • eine vertikale Linie bis zur Deck e .
DE 3 7 37 Montage des Haubenkör pers • Die Filterpanee le öff nen. • Die Fettfilter m it den entspreche nden Griffe n demon- tieren .(A) • Die Platte vom Haubenkörper aushak en, indem der Hebel de s Bef estigung sstifte s verschoben w ird.
DE 3 8 38 Kaminmontage Der K amin K ann nur be i der Haube in der Abluf taus- führung angebr acht w erden. • Das Winkelstü ck 15 am Lüfte reil mit 5 der Liefe rung beige fügten Sc hraube n 12d (2,9x9,5) be festig en. Oberer Ka minteil • Die beide n seitlichen Sche nkel leicht auseinande r- biege n, hinter den B ügeln 7.
DE 3 9 39 BEDIENUNG Bedienblende Taste Funk tion Dis play A Sc haltet den Mo tor de r A bsauganl age bei de r zul etzt ve rwendete n Ge schw indigke it ein un d aus. Zeigt d ie ei n ges tellt e Ges c hwi n digk eit an B Ve r m inde rt die Betrie bsgeschw indigk eit.
DE 4 0 40 WARTUNG FERNBEDIE NUNG (OPT ION) Dieses Gerät kan n mit einer F ernbed ienung gesteuert werden, we lche mit alka lischen Zink- Kohle-B atterien 1,5 V des Stan dard- typs LR03-A AA versorg t wir d. • Die Fernbedie nung nic ht in die Nähe von Hitze quelle n legen.
DE 4 1 41 Filterpaneele • Die Filterpanee le öff nen. • Den entspre chende n Hebe l des B efe stigungs zapfens drehen und die Seitenpa neele vom Haubenkörper abhake n. • Das Mittelpaneel durch e nergisches Ziehen m it beiden Händen aushaken .
DE 4 2 42 Beleuchtung AUSWECHSELN DE R LAMPEN Halo genlampe 20 W • Die beiden Schra uben, die Lam penhalter ung fix ieren, löse n und die H alterung aus der Dunsta bzugshaube z iehen.
TR 4 3 43 TAVSIYEL ER VE ÖNERI LER MONTA J • Yaln ιş veya eksik montaj dan do ğ an herhangi bir zarar ι n sorum - lulu ğ u üreticiye ait de ğ ildir. • Besleme voltaj ι n ι n, davlumbaz içerisi ne yerle ş tirilen b ilgi etike- tinde belirtil enl e ayn ι ol up olmad ιğι n ι kontrol edin.
TR 4 4 44 ÖZELLIK LER Boyutlar Komponentler Ref. Miktar Ürün kompo nentl eri 1 1 Kumand aları, ı ş ık, vantilatör g rupları, filtreleri ile b irlikte bir dav l umbaz gövdes i 2.1 1 Üs t baca 2.2 1 Alt bac a 8 1 İ stik amet ayarl ı hav a çık ı ş ız garası 9 1 Fl an ş 15 1 Dirsek 16 1 Filtre kapak Rif.
TR 4 5 45 MONTAJ Duvarın delinmesi ve kan caların vidalanması 11 a 11 11 12a 22 180 180 250 200 200 960 362 X 1÷2 7.2.1 Duvara ş un ları çizin : • Tava na veya üst sınıra kadar , Da vlum b.
TR 4 6 46 Davlumbaz gövdesinin montajı • Emme paneller ini açın. • Tespit aya ğ ının ilgili k olunu s ü rere k paneli da vlum - baz gövd esind en ayırın (A) • İ lgili tespit unsurlarını açarak Ya ğ Filtrelerini çık ar- tın. • Yol b a ş ında 11a tespit unsurlarındak i iki adet Vr vi- dasını a ya rlayın.
TR 4 7 47 Baca Montajı Baca, sadec e, davlu mbaz e mme versi y onunda ba ğ lı i- ken m onte edilebilir. • 15 dirs e ğ ini verilen 12d (2,9 x 9,5) v idaları ile dav- lumbaz gövdesine te spit edin. Üst baca • Yan etek lerini haf ifçe geni ş leterek 7.
TR 4 8 48 KULLANIM Kumanda Tablosu Tu ş Fonk siyon Gösterge A A spiratör mo torunu, k ull anılan e n son hız da açıp ka pa tır . Ay arla na n hı zı görü ntüler. B O an devrede ola n hı zı dü ş ürür . C O an devr ede o lan hız ı arttır ır.
TR 4 9 49 BAKIM TELE KUMANDA (OPS İ YO NEL) Bu cihaza bir telekumanda ile de komut ve rilebilir; bu kumanda 1,5 Voltl uk çink o-kar bonlu LR0 3 -AAA tipi standa rt alkalin pil- lerle çalı ş ır. • Telekumanday ı ısı kayna kları ya kınında bıra km aynız.
TR 5 0 50 Emme panelleri • Emme paneller ini açın. • Tespit aya ğ ının ilgili k olunu çek erek yan panelleri davlumbaz gövdesi n den çıkartı n. • İ ki el ile kuvv etli bir ş ekilde çeker ek orta pane li yer inden çı- kartın. • Dı ş taraft an nemli bir bez v e nötr sıvı deterjan ile temiz leyin.
TR 5 1 51 Aydınlatma AMPUL DE ĞİŞ T İ RME 20 W haloj e n a mpul ler • Lam ba Destek parçasını sa bitleyen iki viday ı söküp, parçayı Davlu mbazd an çıkarın ız.
436002965_v er1 Il si mbol o sul prodott o o sul la c onfez i one i ndic a che i l pr odott o no n deve es s ere c onsi der ato c om e un norm al e ri fiuto d omes ti co, ma dev e ess ere port ato n el p unt o di r acc olta appr opr iat o per il ric icl aggio di ap parec chi atur e el ettri ch e ed el ettr oni ch e.
An important point after buying a device Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Franke Consumer Products FQD 907, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Franke Consumer Products FQD 907.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Franke Consumer Products FQD 907. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Franke Consumer Products FQD 907 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center