Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) Ford
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owner .for ford.c a November 2015 First Printing Owner’s Manual Polic e Int ercept or Litho in U.S.A. GG1J 19A321 F A 2016 POLI C E INT ERC EP TOR SED AN Owner’s Manual 2016 POLICE INTERCEPT.
The inf ormation c ontained in this publica tion wa s corre ct at the time of g oing to print. In the int erest of continuous dev elopment, w e reserv e the right to chang e specifica tions, design or equipment a t any time without notice or obliga tion.
Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 7 S ymbols Gl ossary ............................................. 7 Da ta R ec ording .................................................. 9 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 ........
Interior Lamp s ................................................. 59 Windo w s and Mirrors Po wer Window s ............................................... 61 Ext erior Mirror s ................................................ 62 Interior Mirr or .....
Cruise C ontrol Principl e of Oper ation .................................. 121 Using Cruise C ontrol ..................................... 121 Driving Aids Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem ............... 123 Cross T ra ffic Alert ....................
Changing a Bulb ........................................... 189 Bulb Specific ation Chart ........................... 190 Changing the Engine Air Filt er ................. 192 V ehicle Car e General Inf orma tion .................................... 193 Cle aning Pr oducts .
Appendices End User License A greement ................. 330 5 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /2015, First Printing T abl e of Cont ents.
6 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /2015, First Printing.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou f or choosing Ford . W e rec ommend tha t you t ake some time t o get t o know your v ehicle b y re ading this manual. T he more tha t you kno w about your v ehicl e, the gr ea ter the s af ety and ple a sure y ou will ge t from driving it.
Brak e sy st em Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af ety door lock or unl ock Child se a t lo wer anchor Child se a t te ther anchor E71340 Cruise c ontrol Do not open when hot Engine air filt .
E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer steering fl uid Po wer windows fr ont/ rear Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airbag E167012 Shield the e ye s E138639 Stabilit y contr ol Wi.
This data can help pro vide a bett er understanding of the circ umstanc es in which crashes and injuries oc cur . Note: Event da ta recor der data is recorde d by your v ehicle onl y if a non-trivial cra sh situation oc curs; no dat a is recorde d by the e vent data re corder under normal driving conditions and no personal data or informa tion ( e.
C ALIFORNIA PR OPO SITION 65 W ARNINGS Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, cert ain vehicl e c omponents, certain fl uids contained in vehicl es and certain pr oducts of c omponent wear contain or emit chemic als kno wn to the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause canc er and birth def ects or other r eproduc tive harm.
dev elopment w e valida te these parts deliver the int ended l ev el of prot ection a s a whole s yst em. A gr ea t wa y to know f or sure y ou are g etting this l evel of prot ection is to use g enuine Ford r epl acement collision parts.
For more information r egar ding the My Flee t Manag ement featur e configur ation process, re ferenc e the procedur e in the "Polic e Upfit & Modifier ’ s Guide" found at: W eb Address www .
PRO TECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Y ou must pla y your part in pr ote cting the environment. Corr ect v ehicl e usag e and the authorized dispos al of wa st e, cl eaning and lubric ation ma terials are signific ant steps t oward this aim.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing sec tions for dir ections on how t o properl y use saf ety r estr aints for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure y our chil d is secur ed properl y in a device tha t is appropria te f or their height, age and weight.
Rec ommendations f or Safe ty R estr aints for Chil dren Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertible sea t, or t oddl er sea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or l ess (gener all y ag e four or y ounger).
Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c all ed an infant c arrier , conv ertible sea t, or toddl er seat) f or inf ants, t oddler s or childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or l ess (gener all y ag e four or y ounger). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a chil d in a child se a t.
E142529 2. Aft er positioning the chil d sa fe ty se at in the proper se ating position, pull down on the shoul der bel t and then gra sp the shoul der bel t and lap bel t tog ether behind the bel t t ongue.
7 . T ry to pull the belt out of the r etr act or to mak e sure the r etr act or is in the automa tic locking mode (you shoul d not be able t o pull more belt out). If the retr actor is not l ocke d, unbuckle the belt and r epea t Steps 5 and 6 . E142533 8.
W ARNINGS Depending on where y ou secur e a child r estr aint, and depending on the child r estr aint design, y ou ma y block acc ess t o cert ain sea tbelt buckle assemblie s or LA T CH l ow er anchors, rendering those f ea tures potentiall y unusabl e.
The l ower anchors a t the c enter of the second r o w sea ts ar e space d 24 inches ( 61 centimet ers) apart. The st andardiz ed spacing f or LA T CH l ow er anchors is 11 inches (28 c entimet ers) c enter t o cent er . A child se a t with rigid LA T CH a ttachment s cannot be install ed at the cent er seating position.
E201569 2. Loc a te the c orre ct anchor f or the sele ct ed sea ting position. E201570 3. Open the t ether anchor c ov er . E201571 4. Clip the te ther strap t o the anchor a s shown. 5. Tighten the chil d sa fe ty se at t ether strap a cc ording t o the manuf actur er ’ s instructions.
E142595 • Can the chil d sit all the wa y back agains t their vehicl e se at ba ck with knees bent c omfort abl y at the edg e of the sea t cushion ? • Can the chil d sit without sl ouching? • D.
E142596 E142597 If the booster se a t slides on the vehicl e sea t upon which it is being used , pl acing a rubberized mesh s old a s shelf or carpet liner under the booster se a t may impr ov e this condition. Do not intr oduc e any item thicker than this under the boost er seat.
W ARNINGS manufa cturer . A saf ety se a t that is improperl y install ed or utilized, is inappropria te f or your child's height, ag e, or weight or does not pr operl y fit the chil d may incr ea se the risk of serious injury or dea th. Nev er le t a pass enger hol d a chil d on his or her lap whil e your vehicl e is moving.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with your sea tback upright and the l ap bel t snug and l ow a cross the hips. T o reduce the risk of injury , mak e sure chil dren sit wher e they c an be properl y re straine d. Nev er le t a pass enger hol d a chil d on his or her lap whil e the vehicle is moving.
The se atbel t pretensioner s at the fr ont sea ting positions are de signed to tight en the sea tbel ts when activ a ted . In frontal and near-fr ontal impact s, the sea tbelt pret ensioners may be activ at ed alone or , if the cra sh is of sufficient sev erity , t oge ther with the front airba gs.
Pr egnant women shoul d alwa ys w ear their sa fe ty bel t. T he lap bel t portion of a combina tion l ap and shoulder bel t should be positioned l ow a cross the hips bel ow the belly and w orn as tight as c omfort will allo w . The shoul der belt should be positioned t o cross the middl e of the shoulder and the c ent er of the chest.
How t o Use the Automa tic Locking Mode E142591 1. Buckle the c ombination lap and shoulder bel t. 2. Gra sp the shoul der portion and pull downw ard until the entir e bel t is pull ed out. Allo w the belt to r etr act. A s the belt retr acts, you will he ar a clicking sound.
Conditions of oper ation Then... If... The sa fety bel t warning light ill umina te s 1- 2 minutes and the w arning chime sounds 4-8 seconds. The driv er's sa fe ty bel t is not buckl ed bef ore the ignition swit ch is turned to the on position..
Then... If... The Bel t-Minder f ea ture will not a ctiva te. Y ou and the front sea t pa ssenger buck le your sa fety bel ts bef ore you swit ch the ignition on or le ss than 1 – 2 minut es el apse aft er y ou swit ch the ignition on.
4. Whil e the sa fe ty bel t warning light is on, buckl e and then unbuckl e the sa fe ty bel t. A fter S tep 4 , the saf ety bel t warning light fl ashe s for c onfirma tion. • This will s witch the f ea ture off for tha t sea ting position if it is curr entl y on.
The P ersonal Saf ety S ystem pr o vides an impro ved o verall l ev el of front al cra sh prot ection t o front se a t occup ants and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela t ed injuries.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owl y or gentl y, and the risk of injury from a deplo ying airbag is the gr ea test cl ose to the trim c ov ering the airbag modul e.
DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or any objects ov er an airbag modul e. Placing y our arm ov er a depl oying airba g can resul t in serious arm fractur es or other injuries.
E142846 Childr en must al wa ys be pr operl y restr ained. A ccident st atistic s sugge st tha t childr en are s af er when properly r estr ained in the re ar sea ting positions than in the front se ating position. F ailur e to f oll ow these instructions ma y incre a se the risk of injury in a cra sh.
• When the front pa ssenger sensing sys tem disabl es (will not infla te) the front pa sseng er frontal airba g, the passeng er airbag status indic a tor will illumina t e the OFF lamp and st ay lit t o remind y ou that the fr ont pa ssenger frontal airba g is disabl ed .
fe et comf ortably e xt ended on the fl oor . Sitting improperl y can increa se the chance of injury in a cra sh ev ent. For e xampl e, if an occupant sl ouches, lies down, turns sidewa ys, sits forw ard , l eans forwar d or sidewa ys, or puts one or both fe et up, the chance of injury during a cr a sh is gre atl y incre ase d.
W ARNINGS Do not use acc essory seat c ov ers. The use of a cc essory se at c ov ers may pr ev ent the deplo yment of the side airbags and incr ea se the risk of injury in an accident. Do not le an your he ad on the door . The side airba g coul d injure you a s it deplo ys fr om the side of the sea tback.
W ARNINGS Do not at tempt t o servic e, r epair , or modify the curtain airba gs, its fuse s, the A, B, or C pill ar trim, or the headliner on a v ehicl e cont aining curtain airbags a s you coul d be seriousl y injured or kille d. C ontact your authoriz ed deal er as soon a s possible.
CRA SH SENSORS AND AIRBA G INDICA TOR W ARNING Modifying or adding equipment t o the front end of the v ehicle (incl uding frame , bumper , front end body structure and t ow hooks) ma y aff ect the performanc e of the airbag s yst em, incre asing the risk of injury .
Airbag s and Polic e Equipment W ARNINGS Do not plac e objects or mount equipment in front of the airba g module c o ver or in fr ont of the sea t are as tha t ma y come in c ontac t with a deplo ying airbag. F ailur e to f ollow this instruction c ould r esul t in personal injury .
Figure 2 E201576 29 .9 inches (7 60 millimet ers). 1. Figure 3 E201577 Front pa sseng er airbag - 27 .5 inches (700 millimet ers). 1. Front driv er airbag – 1 7 inches ( 430 millimet ers). 2. Note: No objects shoul d be pl ace d betw een the driver side st eering wheel airba g and the passeng er side dash airbag.
Figure 6 1 3 2 E201580 Are a on top of the instrument panel ( Note: Equipment must not interf ere with driv er visibility). 1. Airbag door must be k ept cl ear for depl oyment of the airbag. 2. Are a in front of the c enter consol e from the bottom t o the top of the instrument panel.
T unnel. 9 . Depth: 1.5 inches (38 millimet ers). 10. Figure 8 E201583 Are a on top of the instrument panel. Note: Equipment must not interf ere with driv er visibility . 1. Are a on tunnel betw een sea ts. 2. 9 inches (229 millimet ers). 3. AIRBA G DISPOS AL Conta ct y our authorized de al er as s oon as possible .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION ON RADIO FRE QUENCIES This de vice c omplies with P art 15 of the FC C Rul es and with Industry Canada license-e x empt RS S standard(s).
1 E203601 2 1. T wist a thin coin in the sl ot of the transmit ter ne ar the ke y ring to r emov e the bat tery c o ver . Note: Do not remov e the rubber co ver and circuit boar d from the front housing of the remot e contr ol. Note: Do not wipe off any gre as e on the bat tery t erminals or on the back surf ace of the circuit boar d.
LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door l ock contr ol or the remot e contr ol to l ock and unlock your v ehicl e. Po wer Door Lock s (If Equipped) The po wer door l ock control is on the driv er and front pa sseng er door panels. E184784 A B Unlock.
Pr ess and hol d both the lock and unl ock butt ons on the remot e contr ol for thr ee seconds t o change betw een driver door or all doors unl ock mode. T he dire ction indica tor s will fla sh twice to indic a te a change t o the unl ocking mode. Driv er door mode only unl ocks the driver door when you pr ess the unl ock butt on once .
Opening the Lugga ge Compartment With the R emote C ontrol E21 1694 Pr ess the butt on twic e within three se conds. From the Instrument P anel or Overhead Consol e E159323 Pr ess the butt on on the instrument panel or pull the swit ch down on the o verhe ad consol e.
The handl e is loca te d inside the lugg ag e compartment either on the l ugg ag e compartment door (lid) or ne ar the tail lamps. It is compose d of a mat erial tha t will glo w f or hours in darkness f ollowing brief expo sure t o ambient light.
ANTI-THEFT ALARM (If Equipped) Alarm S yst em The perimet er alarm is a deterr ent ag ainst unauthorized a cc ess t o your v ehicl e through the door s, l ugga ge c ompartment and the hood.
ADJU S TING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicl e is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you ar e sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 83). E191039 1. Unlock the st eering column.
CRUISE C ONTR OL E173610 See C ruise Control (p ag e 121). INFORMA TION DISPLA Y CONTR OL E173617 See Inf ormation Displa ys (p ag e 70). 54 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /2015,.
ADJU S TING THE PED ALS W ARNING Nev er use the contr ols whil e your fe et are on the a cc el era t or and brak e pedals and the v ehicle is mo ving. Y ou can find the contr ol on the l eft side of the ste ering col umn. Pr ess and hol d the appropria te side of the c ontrol to mov e the pedals.
WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshiel d bef ore you s witch the windshiel d wipers on. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch the windshiel d wipers off be for e entering a c ar wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they be gin to l ea ve streak s or smears.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Condensa tion in Lamp Assemblies Ext erior lamp s hav e vent s to acc ommoda te normal chang es in air pressur e. Condensa tion can be a natur al by-pr oduct of this design. When moist air ent ers the lamp a ssembl y throu gh the vent s, there is a possibility tha t condensa tion can occur when the temper a ture is c ol d.
Headlamp Flasher E163268 Slightly pull the l ever t ow ard y ou and rel ea se it to fla sh the hea dlamps. Spot Lamp Control (If Equipped) E203952 Use the swit ch on the chrome handl e to turn the spot lamp on and off . R ota te and t wist the handl e to adjust the position of the spot lamp .
The da ytime running lamp s turn on when: 1. The ignition is s witched t o the on position. 2. The lighting c ontrol is in the off position, parking l amps position or the autol amps position, and the sensor det ects da ylight. DIRECTION INDIC A TORS E163272 • T o operat e the l eft dire ction indica tor , push the le ver do wn until it st ops.
Dome T ask L amp (If Equipped) E203953 Night vision red light on. A Off position. B Whit e light on. C Y our vehicl e is equipped with a r ed or white dome ta sk lamp l ocat ed in the hea dliner . This l amp may be l ocat ed bet ween the driver and pa sseng er sea t, or a t the re ar of your v ehicl e.
POWER WINDO W S W ARNINGS Do not le av e children una tt ended in your v ehicl e and do not le t them pla y with the pow er window s. T hey ma y seriousl y injure themsel ves.
EXTERIOR MIRR ORS Po wer Ex terior Mirr ors W ARNING Do not adjust the mirror s when your vehicl e is mo ving. E144073 Le ft-hand mirror . A Adjustment c ontrol. B Right-hand mirror . C T o adjust your mirror s, swit ch y our vehicl e on (with the ignition in ac cess ory mode or the engine running) and then: 1.
A B C E138665 The ima ge of the appr oaching v ehicle is small and near the inboar d edge of the main mirror when it is a t a distanc e. T he imag e become s lar ger and be gins to mo ve outboard acr oss the main mirror a s the vehicl e appro aches ( A).
SUN VISOR S Slide-on-rod (If Equipped) E138666 R ota te the sun visor t oward the side window and e xt end it re arwar d for e xtr a shade. 64 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /201.
G AU GES E213954 T achomet er . A Informa tion display . See Gener al Information (pa ge 70). B Speedome ter . C Fuel gau ge. D Information Displa y V ehicle S ettings and P ersonalization See Gener al Information (pa ge 70). Speedomet er Y our vehicl e is shipped with a certifie d digital speedome ter and anal og gauge .
S witch the ignition on. The fuel g aug e will indica te appr o xima tel y how much fuel is le ft in the fuel tank. T he arro w adjac ent to the fuel pump symbol indica tes on which side of your v ehicl e the fuel filler door is loc a ted . The nee dle shoul d move t ow ard F when you r efuel your v ehicle.
W ARNING Driving your v ehicl e with the warning lamp on is dang erous. A significant decre as e in braking perf ormanc e may oc cur . It will tak e you l onger to st op your v ehicl e. Ha ve y our v ehicle che cked b y your authoriz ed deal er immediatel y .
Low Tire P ressure W arning It illumina t es when your tir e pressur e is l ow . If the l amp remains on with the engine running or when driving, check y our tire pressur e a s soon as possibl e. It also ill uminat es momentaril y when you swit ch the ignition on to c onfirm the l amp is functional.
Stabilit y Contr ol Off It illumina t es when you s witch the sys tem off . It g oes out when you s witch the s yst em back on or when you s witch the ignition off .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y tak e y our focus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa f e opera tion of y our vehicl e.
Trip 1 & 2 Y ou can ac cess the menu using the informa tion display c ontrol. Note: Some options ma y appear slightl y differ ent or not a t all if the items are optional. Trip 1 & 2 Digital Spee domet er T rip Odometer T rip Timer Av er ag e Fuel • Digital Spee domet er - Show s a digital displ ay of y our vehicl e speed.
Information Information Cool ant T emp. — T he engine cool ant indica tor changes c ol ors indica ting: blue for c ool, gra y f or normal and red f or hot. If the engine coolant t emper atur e ex ceeds the normal rang e, s top the v ehicl e as soon a s safel y possible, s wit ch off the engine and le t the engine cool.
INFORMA TION MESS A GES Note: Depending on the vehicle op tions equipped with your v ehicl e, no t all of the messag es will displ ay or be a vailabl e. Certain me ssag es ma y displa y abbreviat ed or shortened depending upon which cl ust er type you ha ve .
A WD Action Message Displa ye d when the sys tem ha s been aut oma ticall y disabled to pr ote ct itsel f. This is c aused b y opera ting the vehicle with the compac t spare tir e install ed or if the syst em is ov erhea ting.
Blind Spot Information and C ross Tr affic Alert S yst em Action Message Displa ye d when a fa ult with the blind spot inf ormation syst em has oc curr ed. Cont act y our authorize d deal er a s soon as possible . Blindspot S yst em F aul t Displa ye d when the blind spot informa tion system/ cross tra ffic al ert sy stem sens ors are bl ocked.
Fuel Action Message An earl y reminder of a l ow fuel condition. Fuel Le vel L ow The fuel fill inl et may not be properl y cl osed . Check Fuel Fill Inl et Maintenanc e Action Message St op your v ehicl e a s soon as s af ely possible . S witch off the engine.
Po wer S teering Action Message The po wer st eering syst em has de tec te d a condition tha t requir es servic e. C ontac t an authorize d deal er . St eering mal function Servic e now The po wer st eering syst em is not working. S top your vehicl e at a s af e pl ace .
Tire Pr essure Monitoring S yst em Action Message One or more tir es on your v ehicl e hav e l ow tir e pre ssure. See Tire Pressur e Monitoring S ystem (pa ge 220). Tir e Pr essure L ow The tir e pressur e monit oring syst em is malfunctioning. If the warning sta ys on or continues t o come on, c ontact an authorized de al er .
MANUAL CLIMA TE CONTR OL E212004 Fan speed c ontrol: A djust the v olume of air cir cula ted in the vehicl e. A Defrost: S el ect t o distribut e air through the windshiel d air vents. Air distribution to the instrument panel and f ootwell vents turns off .
T emperature c ontrol: Controls the t emperatur e of the air circul a te d in your vehicl e. F MAX A/ C: A djust for ma ximum cooling. R ecircul ated air fl ows throu gh the instrument panel vent s, air conditioning a utoma ticall y turns on and the fan automa tically adjust s to the highes t speed .
Rec ommended Se ttings f or Cooling • Adjust the f an speed to the sec ond speed set ting. • Adjust the t emperatur e contr ol to the midwa y point of the col d settings. • Adjust the air dis tribution contr ol to the instrument panel air vent s position.
C ABIN AIR FIL TER Y our vehicl e is equipped with a c abin air filt er, which give s you and y our pa ssenger s the foll owing benefits: • It impro ves y our driving comfort b y reducing particl e concentr ation. • It impro ves the int erior compartment cle anliness.
SITTING IN THE C ORRECT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback r eclined t oo f ar can tak e weight off the sea t cushion and aff ect the decision of the passeng er sensing sy stem, resul ting in serious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a cra sh.
W ARNINGS The adjus tabl e head r estr aint is a sa fe ty devic e. W henev er possibl e it should be inst all ed and properl y adjust ed when the sea t is occupied. An improperl y adjust ed he ad re straint ma y pro vide reduc ed pr ote ction to an oc cupant during certain r ear imp acts.
E144727 1. Adjust the s ea tback t o an upright driving or riding position. 2. Pivot the he ad re straint f orward to war d your he ad to the de sired position. Aft er the hea d restr aint reaches the forw ard-most til t position, pivoting it forw ard a gain will then r el ea se it to the re arward , un-tilte d position.
Lumbar Adjus tment (If Equipped) E201585 POWER SEA TS (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not adjust the driver s ea t or sea tback when y our vehicl e is moving. A djusting your sea tback while y our v ehicle is in motion ma y ca use loss of c ontrol of your vehicl e.
12 V olt DC Pow er Point W ARNINGS Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories int o the cigar lighter socke t. Inc orrec t use of the cigar lighter c an cause dama ge not c o ver ed by the vehicl e warr anty , and c an resul t in fire or serious injury .
CENTER CONS OLE (If Equipped) St ow it ems in the cup holder car efull y a s items ma y bec ome loo se during hard braking, acc el era tion or crashes, including hot drinks which ma y spill. Av ailabl e console f eatur es include: E212130 Cup hol der .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling a t high engine speeds can pr oduc e very high temper a tures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, cr ea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive y our v ehicle on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver .
Note: Y ou can crank the engine for a t otal of 60 sec onds without the engine starting bef ore the starting s ystem tempor arily disabl es. T he 60 sec onds does not ha ve t o be all at onc e. For e xample, if y ou crank the engine three times f or 20 sec onds each time, without the engine st arting, you rea ched the 60-sec ond time limit.
1. Pr ess the ac cel erat or pedal do wn one-third t o one-half of it s tra vel, and then crank the engine . 2. When the engine starts, rel ease the ke y , then graduall y rele as e the acc el era tor pedal as the engine spe ed incre ase s. If the engine still does not start, r epea t S tep 1.
The he at er acts as a st arting aid by warming the engine c oolant. This all ows the climat e c ontrol sy st em to r espond quickl y . The equipment incl udes a hea ter element (inst all ed in the engine bl ock) and a wire harness. Y ou can connec t the sys tem t o a grounde d 120-vol t A C ele ctrical sour c e.
S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an ov erfill ed tank ma y cause l eakage and l ead to fuel spr a y and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If y ou hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er inl et, do not r efuel until the sound stops.
FUEL QUALITY - G AS OLINE Choosing the Right Fuel E161513 W e recommend r egul ar unleaded g a soline with a pump (R+M)/2 octane r a ting of 87 . Some fuel sta tions offer fuels post ed a s reg ular unl eaded ga soline with an oct ane ra ting bel ow 8 7 , particularl y in high al titude are as.
Do not use any fuel other than those rec ommended bec ause they c oul d l ead t o engine damag e that ma y not be co vered by the v ehicl e W arranty . Note: Use of any fuel other than those rec ommended can impair the emission control s ystem and caus e a loss o f vehicl e performanc e.
W ARNINGS Do not try to pry open or push open the capl ess fuel sy st em with for eign objects. This c oul d damag e the fuel sys tem and its se al and ca use injury to y ou or others. Do not dispose of fuel in the household r efuse or the public sew age s yst em.
E20691 1 A B C D T ype 1: L eft hand side - press the fuel tank fill er door to open it. A T ype 1: Right hand side - press the fuel tank fill er door to open it. B T ype 2: L eft hand side - pull the fuel tank fill er door to open it. C T ype 2: Right hand side - pull the fuel tank fill er door to open it.
E206912 A B 4. Opera t e the fuel pump nozzl e within the are a shown. E1 19081 5. Slightly raise the fuel pump no zzl e and then slo wl y remo v e it. 6. Full y close the fuel tank fill er door . Note: Do not att empt t o start the engine if you ha ve fill ed the fuel tank with inc orre ct fuel.
4. Subtr act y our initial odomet er re ading from the curr ent odomet er re ading. T o calcul a te L/100 km (liters per 100 kilome ter s) fuel consumption, multipl y the liter s used by 100 , then divide by kilome ter s tra vel ed. T o cal cula te MPG (mile s per gall on) fuel c onsumption, divide mil es tra vel ed by gall ons used.
An improperl y oper ating or dama ge d exhaust s yst em ma y allo w exha ust to enter the v ehicl e. Ha ve a dama ge d or improperl y oper ating e xhaust s yst em inspect ed and rep aired immedia tely . Do not make an y unauthorized chang es to your v ehicl e or engine.
Y our vehicl e may not pa ss the I/M test if the service engine soon indic a tor is on or not working pr operl y (bulb is burned out), or if the OBD-II sys tem ha s det ermined that some of the emission c ontrol s yst ems hav e not been properl y checked .
AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION W ARNINGS Al wa ys set the p arking brak e full y and make sur e the ge arshift is la t ched in park (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and r emov e the k ey whenev er you l ea v e your v ehicl e. Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc el era tor pedal simul taneousl y .
W ARNINGS If you full y relea se the parking brake and the brak e warning l amp remains illumina t ed, the brak es may not be working pr operl y . See y our authorized deal er .
Automa tic Tr ansmission Adaptiv e Learning This f ea ture is designed to incr ea se durabilit y and pro vide consist ent shift f eel ov er the life of the v ehicle. A ne w vehicl e or transmission ma y hav e firm shifts, soft shifts or both. T his opera tion is considered normal and will not aff ect function or durabilit y of the transmission.
USING ALL-WHEEL DRIVE All-wheel drive us es all four whe els t o pow er the vehicl e. This incr ea ses tr action, enabling you t o drive o v er terr ain and roa d conditions tha t a con ventional t wo-wheel drive v ehicl e cannot. T he A WD syst em is activ e all the time and requir es no input from the oper at or .
All-Wheel Driv e Messag es Action / Description A WD Messag es Displa ye d when the sys tem ha s been automa tically disabl ed to prot ect its elf . This is c aused b y opera ting the vehicle with the compac t spare tir e install ed or if the sys tem is o verhe a ting.
Opera ting A WD V ehicles With Mismatched Tir es W ARNING Only us e repl ac ement tires and wheels tha t are the s ame size, loa d index, spe ed ra ting and type (such as P-me tric ver sus L T-metric or all-sea son ver sus all-terr ain) a s those originall y pro vided by For d .
If Y our V ehicle Goes Off the Edge o f the Pa vement • If your v ehicl e goes off the e dge of the pav ement, sl o w down, but a void sever e brak e applica tion, ease the v ehicl e back ont o the pav ement onl y aft er reducing y our speed . Do not turn the ste ering wheel too sharpl y while returning t o the road surfa ce.
Sand Most of the time tra ction c ontrol impr ov es tire tr action b y managing wheel slip through Br ake, Engine, and A WD calibr ations. How ev er , during lo w speed driving, disabling tr action c ontrol in de ep sand can help k eep the wheel s moving t o maintain vehicl e momentum.
“ T read Lightl y ” is an educ ational pr ogr am designed t o incre ase public a war eness of land-use r egul ations and responsibilities in our nations wil derness area s.
Should y ou start t o slide while driving on snowy or icy r oads, turn the s teering whe el in the direc tion of the slide until you r egain contr ol. Av oid sudden applica tions of power and quick changes of dir ection on sno w and ice. Appl y the acc elera t or slo wl y and ste adil y when starting fr om a full st op.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brak e noise is normal. If a metal-t o-met al, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings ma y be worn-out.
P ARKING BRAKE W ARNING Al wa ys set the p arking brak e full y and make sur e the transmission is lock ed in park (P). Fail ure t o set the parking brak e and engage park c oul d resul t in vehicl e roll-a way , property dama ge or bodily injury . T o set the parking brak e, pr ess the parking brak e pedal do wn to it s fulle st ex tent.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action c ontrol s yst em helps avoid drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicl e begins to slide , the sy st em applies the brak es to individual wheels and, when ne eded , re duces engine po wer at the s ame time.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modifica tions invol ving braking s yst em, a ft ermarke t roof rack s, suspension, steering s yst em, tire c onstruction and wheel and tir e size may chang e the handling chara ct eristics of your v ehicl e and may adv ersel y affe ct the performanc e of the el ectr onic stability contr ol sy stem.
Tra ction Contr ol The s yst em enhance s your v ehicl e ’ s ability to maint ain trac tion of the wheels b y det ecting and c ontrolling wheel spin. S ee Using Tra ction Contr ol (pag e 114). E72903 A A A B B B B V ehicle without stabilit y contr ol skidding off its intende d rout e.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS T o help avoid personal injury , plea se re ad and underst and the limita tions of the sys tem a s cont ained in this section. S ensing is onl y an aid f or some (gener all y lar g e and fixe d) objects when moving on a fl a t surfa ce a t parking speeds.
E130178 Co ver age are a of up to 6 ft (1. 8 m) from the re ar bumper . There ma y be decr ea sed co ver age are a at the out er c orners of the bumper . The s yst em det ects c ertain objects whil e the transmission is in r ev erse (R) : • Y our vehicl e is moving t ow ard a sta tionary object a t a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or le ss.
E142435 The c amera is l ocat ed on the lu gga ge compartment door . Using the Rear V iew C amera S y stem The r ear vie w camer a sy stem displ a ys what is behind y our vehicl e when you plac e the transmission in r ev erse (R).
Al wa ys use c aution whil e rev ersing. Objects in the r ed zone ar e cl osest t o your vehicl e and object s in the green z one are farther a wa y. Objects ar e g etting cl oser t o your v ehicl e as the y mov e from the gr een zone t o the yell ow or red z ones.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets y ou maintain a se t speed without k eeping y our foot on the acc el era tor pedal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your v ehicl e speed is gr ea ter than 20 mph (30 km/h).
S witching Cruise C ontrol Off Pr ess and rel ease OFF when the sy st em is in stand b y mode or swit ch the ignition off. Note: Y ou erase the se t speed when y ou swit ch the sy stem o ff.
BLIND SPOT INFORMA TION S YS TEM W ARNING T o help avoid injuries, NEVER us e the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem a s a repl ac ement for using the int erior and ext erior mirrors or looking o ver your shoulder be for e changing l anes. T he Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem is not a repl ac ement for c are ful driving.
Sy stem Sensor Bl ocka ge W ARNING T o help avoid injuries, NEVER us e the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem a s a repl ac ement for using the int erior and ext erior mirrors or looking o ver your shoulder be for e changing l anes. T he Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem is not a repl ac ement for c are ful driving.
S witching the S yst em Off and On Y ou can tempor arily swit ch the Blind Spot Informa tion Syst em off in the inf ormation displa y . See Gener al Information (pa ge 70). When the Blind S pot Informa tion S yst em swit ches off , y ou will not rec eive alert s and the informa tion display sho ws a sys tem off mess ag e.
E142440 In this first e xampl e, the l eft sensor is only partiall y obstruct ed; zone c o ver ag e to the right is nearl y maximiz ed. E142441 126 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10.
Zone c over ag e also decr ea ses when parking at shall ow angles. Here , the l eft sensor is mostl y obstruct ed; z one co ver age on that side is se ver el y limite d.
The f oll owing ar e other situa tions that ma y limit the Cross T raffic Al ert performance: • Sta tionary or slow mo ving vehicl es. • Pe destrians or object s in the roa dwa y . • Oncoming v ehicl es in the same l ame. • Sev ere wea ther c onditions.
Y our vehicl e has an el ectric pow er steering sys tem. T here is no fluid re servoir . No maintenanc e is re quired . If your v ehicl e los es el ectric al pow er whil e you ar e driving, el ectric po wer s teering assist ance is l ost. The st eering sy stem still opera t es and you c an st eer your v ehicle manuall y .
REAR LO ADSP ACE HA TCHES Car go V ault (If Equipped) E203068 Use the ke y to l ock and unlock the door . T urn the handle to open the door . Elec tronic Utility T ra y (If Equipped) Note: Make sure the k e y is not in the car go vaul t bef ore moving the tra y rearward .
the f oll owing t erms for det ermining your v ehicle ’ s weight ra tings, with or without a tr ail er , from the v ehicl e ’ s Tire L abel or Sa f ety C ompliance Certific a tion Label: Base C urb W eight - is the weight of the vehicl e including a full tank of fuel and all standar d equipment.
W ARNING The appr opria t e l oading capa city of y our vehicl e can be limite d either by v olume capa city (ho w much spac e is av ail abl e) or b y payl oad capacit y (how much w eight the vehicle shoul d carry ). Onc e you ha ve re ached the ma ximum pa yl oad of your v ehicle, do not a dd more car g o, ev en if ther e is spac e av ail abl e.
Car go W eight - include s all weight a dded t o the Ba se Curb W eight, incl uding car g o and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tongue l oad or king pin weight is al so part of car go weight. G A W (Gross Axl e W eight) - is the tot al w eight pla ce d on ea ch axl e (fr ont and re ar) incl uding vehicl e curb weight and all payl oad.
Exampl e only: E198828 W ARNING Ex c eeding the Sa fet y Complianc e Certifica tion Label v ehicl e weight r ating limits coul d resul t in substandar d vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damag e, serious damag e t o the vehicl e, l oss of contr ol and pers onal injury .
GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the Gross V ehicle W eight plus the weight of the full y loade d trail er . GCWR ( Gross C ombined W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow abl e w eight of the vehicl e and the l oaded tr ailer , incl uding all car g o and pa sseng ers, tha t the vehicl e can handl e without risking damag e.
1. L oca te the sta t ement "T he combine d weight of oc cupants and car g o shoul d nev er e x ce ed XXX kg or XXX lb ." on your vehicl e ’ s pl acard . 2. Det ermine the combine d weight of the driv er and pa ssenger s tha t will be riding in your v ehicle.
be: 635 kil ogr ams - (2 x 99 kil ograms) - (12 x 4 5 kil ogr ams) = 635 - 198 - 540 = -103 kil ogr ams. Y ou will need to r educ e the l oad weight b y at l ea st 240 pounds (104 kil ograms).
TOWING A TR AILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific a tion l abel. T owing tr ailers be y ond the maximum r ec ommended gross tr ailer w eight ex ceeds the lim.
RV & T rail er T owing Guide Online http:/ / www .fl eet.f ord. c om/t owing-guides/ W ebsite REC OMMENDED TO WING WEIGHTS Note: Do not to w a tr ail er during pa trol or pursuit situ ations. Note: Do not ex ceed the tr ail er weight f or y our vehicl e config ura tion listed in the chart bel o w .
ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S Follo w these g uidelines f or saf e towing: • Do not to w a trail er until you drive y our vehicl e a t l ea st 1,000 mi (1, 600 km).
Before T owing a Tr ail er Pr actic e turning, st opping and backing up to g et the f eel of y our vehicl e-trailer combina tion bef ore st arting on a trip.
TRANSPOR TING THE VEHICLE E143886 If you nee d to ha ve y our v ehicle t owed , conta ct a pr ofessional t owing service or , if you ar e a member of a roadside assist ance pr ogram, your r oadside assist ance servic e pro vider. W e recommend the use of a whe el lift and dollies or fla tbed equipment to t ow y our vehicl e.
Recr eational T owing Note: Put your clima te c ontrol syst em in recirc ula ted air mode to pre vent exhaust fumes from ent ering your v ehicle . Se e Climate C ontrol (pag e 79). V ehicles Equipped with a 2. 0L Engine Follo w these g uidelines if you ha v e a need for r ecr ea tional to wing, such a s t owing your v ehicl e behind a motorhome .
BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in ne w tires f or appro xima tel y 300 miles ( 480 kilome ter s). During this time, your v ehicl e may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teris tics. Av oid driving t oo fa st during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kil ometer s).
• T ransmissions give their best fuel econom y when opera ted in the top cruise ge ar and with ste ady pr essure on the ga s pedal. • Four-wheel-drive oper ation (if equipped) is l ess fuel efficient than two-whe el-drive oper a tion. • Clos e the window s for high-spe ed driving.
W ARNINGS Check a ttachment of fl oor mats on a reg ular ba sis. Alwa ys properl y reinstall and s ecure fl oor mats tha t hav e been remo ved for cl eaning or repl ac ement. Al wa ys mak e sure tha t objects cannot f all int o the driver f oot well while the v ehicl e is moving.
RO ADSIDE AS SIS T ANCE V ehicles Sol d in the United S tat es: Getting R oadside Assistanc e T o fully assis t you shoul d y ou hav e a vehicl e c oncern, For d Mot or Compan y offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogr am is separa te from the New V ehicle Limited W arranty .
This pr ogram is sep ara t e from the New V ehicle Limit ed W arrant y , but the cov er ag e is concurr ent with the pow ertrain co ver ag e period of your v ehicl e.
Note: When you try t o rest art your v ehicle aft er a fuel shuto ff, the vehicl e mak es sure that v arious sy st ems are sa fe t o re start. Once y our vehicl e det ermines tha t the sy stems ar e sa fe, then the vehicl e will all o w you t o rest art.
4 2 1 3 E142664 1. Connec t the positive (+) jumper c abl e to the positiv e (+) t erminal of the discharg ed ba tt ery . 2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e t o the positive (+) t erminal of the booster v ehicl e ba tt ery . 3. C onnect the ne ga tive (-) c abl e to the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery .
2. R emov e the jumper cabl e on the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery . 3. R emove the jumper c able fr om the positive (+) t erminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery . 4. R emov e the jumper cabl e from the positive (+) t erminal of the disabl ed vehicl e ba tt ery .
GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arranty r epairs t o your v ehicle must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er . Whil e any authorize d deal er handling y our vehicl e line will pro vide warr anty servic e, w e rec ommend you r eturn t o your s elling authorized de al er who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisf action.
2. If your inquiry or c oncern r emains unresol ved, conta ct the Sal es Manager , Servic e Manag er or Cust omer R ela tions Manag er . 3. If y ou re quire a ssistanc e or clarific a tion on Ford Mot or Compan y policies, ple a se cont act the For d Cust omer R ela tionship Center .
Y ou are requir ed t o submit your w arr anty dispute t o BBB AUT O LINE bef ore a sserting in court any right s or remedie s conf erre d by Calif ornia Civil Code Sec tion 1793.22(b ). Y ou are also r equire d to use BBB A UT O LINE bef ore e xer cising rights or seeking remedies cr ea ted by the Feder al Magnuson-Moss W arranty Ac t, 15 U .
UTILIZING THE MEDIA TION/ ARBITRA TION PROGR AM (C ANAD A ONL Y) For vehicl es deliv ered t o authorized Canadian de aler s. In those c as es where you c ontinue to f eel that the eff orts by For d of.
For cust omers in Guam, the Commonw ealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ( CNMI), Americ a Samoa, and the U.S. Vir gin Isl ands, pl ea se f eel fre e to c all our T oll-Free Number: (800) 841-FORD (36 73). If your v ehicl e must be service d while y ou are tr av eling or living in Puert o Rico, conta ct the near est authoriz ed de aler .
Obtaining a French Owner ’ s Manual French Owner ’ s Manual c an be obtained from y our authorized de al er or by conta cting Helm, Inc orpor at ed using the conta ct inf ormation lis ted pr eviousl y in this section. REPORTING S AFETY DEFECTS (U.
Transport C anada Contac t Information www .tc.gc. ca/ eng/ motorvehicl esa f ety / saf evehicl es-def ectin ves tiga tions- index-7 6.htm (English) W ebsite www .tc.gc. ca/ fr a/ securiteaut omobile/V ehiculesS ecurit aires-Enque tes- index-7 6.htm (Fr ench) W ebsite 1 – 800 – 333 – 0510 Phone Ford of Canada C ontact Informa tion www .
FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Dis tribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the ba ttery bef ore servicing high-current fuse s. T o reduce risk of el ectric al shock, alw a ys repl ace the co ver t o the pow er distribution bo x bef ore rec onnecting the ba ttery or re filling fluid reserv oirs.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Not used. - 7 Not used. - 8 Not used. - 9 Not used. - 10 Hea te d re ar window r ela y . R ela y 11 Hea te d mirror r ela y . Run/ start rel ay . R elay 12 Start er motor rel ay . R ela y 13 Le ft-hand cooling f an number 2 relay .
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Engine cooling f an 2 high speed fuse . 40A ** 30 Engine cooling f an 1 and 2 l ow spe ed secondary fus e. 25A ** 31 Not used. - 32 Engine cooling f an 1 and 2 l ow spe ed rel a y 2. R ela y 33 Blo w er motor r ela y .
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Not used. - 53 Not used. - 54 Wiper r ela y . Rel a y 55 Not used. - 56 Not used. - 57 Alt ernator A-line. 10A * 58 Brak e on/ off switch. 10A * 59 Not used. - 60 Not used. - 61 A/C cl utch rel ay .
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Not used. - 72 Cent er consol e run/s tart f eed 1. 20A * 73 Cent er consol e run/s tart f eed 2. 20A * 7 4 Diode. Diode. 75 Not used. - 7 6 Not used. - 77 Not used. - 78 Not used. - 79 Polic e rear fla sher.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number P asseng er compartment fuse panel run/ start. 30A ** 94 Cent er consol e start fee d. 2A * 95 Not used.
E163102 Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Le ft front and right r ear smart windo w motor s. 30A 1 Driver se at s witch. 15A 2 14-wa y B+ f eed 3. Not used (spare). 30A 3 Demand lamps ba ttery sa ver r ela y . 10A 4 Glo v e box l amp.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number S YNC modul e. 10A 9 Multi-func tion displa ys. Ele ctronic finish panel. Radio fr equency tr ansc eiver modul e. Run ac cess ory rel ay . 10A 10 Not used (spare). 10A 11 Backlighting LED . 15A 12 Interior lighting.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Radio . 20A 2 9 Global po sitioning sys tem modul e. Front park l amps. 15A 30 Brak e signal f or police e quipment. 5A 31 Mast er window and mirror swit ch. 15A 32 Lock s witch ill umina tion.
Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or rela y number Not used (spare). 15A 4 7 Windo w swit ches. 30A Circuit br eak er 48 Dela ye d acc essory . R ela y 49 CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Al wa ys r eplac e a fuse with one that has the spe cified ampera ge r ating.
Fuse Type Call out Micro 2 A Micro 3 B Maxi C Mini D M Ca se E J Ca se F J Ca se Lo w Profil e G 169 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /2015, First Printing Fuses.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your v ehicl e service d reg ularl y to help maintain its r oadw orthiness and res ale val ue. T here is a l arge netw ork of authorized de al ers tha t are ther e to help you with their pr ofe ssional servicing expertise .
1. Inside the vehicl e, pull the hood rel ea se handle l ocat ed under the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. 2. Slightly lift the hood . 2 E203009 3 3. R elea se the hood l at ch by pushing the secondary r el ea se l ev er to y our le ft-hand side.
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 2. 0L ECOBOO S T ™ A I H E B C D F G E188729 Engine cool ant re servoir . See Engine C oolant Check (pa ge 176). A Brak e fl uid reserv oir (right-hand driv e). See Br ak e Fluid Check (pa ge 184). B Engine oil dipstick. See Engine Oil Dips tick (pag e 175).
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 3.5L E C OBOOS T ™ E173375 Engine cool ant re servoir . Se e Engine Coolant Check (pa ge 176). A. Engine oil filler c ap. See Engine Oil Check (pa ge 175). B. Engine oil dipstick. S ee Engine Oil Dipstick (pa ge 175). C. Brak e fl uid reserv oir .
UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW - 3.5L D URA TEC/3. 7L A I E F G H B C D E224921 Windshiel d wa sher fluid reserv oir . See W asher Fluid Check (pag e 184). A. Brak e fl uid reserv oir . See Br ak e Fluid Check (pa ge 184). B. Bat tery . Se e Changing the 12V Batt ery (pag e 185).
Engine Shield E173374 Some v ehicle s may be equippe d with an aero-shiel d under the engine. This shiel d needs t o be remo ve d for servic e, including oil and filt er changes. The shiel d has four quick-rel ea se fast eners to secur e it in plac e.
Note: Do not add oil further than the MAX mark. Oil l ev els abo ve the MAX mark ma y cause engine dama ge . E142732 Only us e oils certifie d for g a soline engines by the Americ an P etrol eum Institute (API).
W ARNINGS Do not put engine cool ant in the windshield w a sher fluid c ontainer . If spra ye d on the windshield , engine cool ant coul d make it difficul t to se e through the windshiel d. T o reduce the risk of pers onal injury , make sur e the engine is cool be for e unscre wing the cool ant pre ssure relief c ap.
Do not use the foll owing as a c oolant substitute: • Alc ohol. • Methanol. • Brine. • Any engine cool ant mixed with al cohol or methanol antifre eze or c ool ant. Alc ohol and other liquids can cause engine damag e from o verhe ating or fr eezing.
the service engine soon indic a tor will illumina t e. If the engine re aches a pre set ov er-temper ature c ondition, the engine automa tically swit ches to alt ernating cylinder opera tion. Each disabl ed cylinder acts a s an air pump and cools the engine.
At this time , you ma y notice your engine cool ant temper ature g aug e needl e mov e to war d the H and the POWER RED UCED TO LO WER TEMP messag e ma y appear in the informa tion display . Y ou may notice a r eduction in v ehicl e speed ca used by r educ ed engine po wer .
Note: Automa tic transmission fluid expands when w armed. T o obtain an acc ura t e fluid check, drive your v ehicl e until you w arm it up, appr o ximat el y 20 mi (30 km).
E173334 6 5 4 4. R emov e tw o bolt s that a ttach the air filt er assembly t o the front of the vehicl e. 5. Remov e the harness r etaining clip b y pulling up. 6. Do not disc onnect the sens or . E173400 7 . Pull the air fil t er assembl y up to disconnec t it from the se a ted grommet s loc a ted under the air fil ter assembl y .
Check the transmission fl uid at the normal opera ting t empera tures betw een 180°F (82°C) and 200°F (93°C) on a l ev el surfa ce . Drive y our v ehicle until y ou warm it up to the normal oper a ting temper a ture aft er appro ximatel y 20 mi (30 km).
5. Install and tighten the tw o bolt s that at tach the air fil t er assembl y to the front of the v ehicle . 6. Inst all the bolt c over . 7 . R einstall the harness r etaining clip int o the front of the air fil t er assembl y .
Add fl uid t o fill the reserv oir if the l ev el is lo w . Onl y use a wa sher fluid tha t meets Ford specific ations. See C apacities and Specifications (pa ge 229). Sta te or loc al re gul ations on v ol atil e org anic compounds ma y re strict the use of methanol, a c ommon windshiel d wa sher antifreez e additiv e.
If you see an y corr osion on the ba tt ery or terminal s, remo ve the c abl es from the terminal s and cle an with a wire brush. Y ou can neutr alize the acid with a s olution of baking soda and wa t er .
Aft er ba tt ery repl ac ement, or in some ca ses a fter char ging the battery with an ext ernal charger , the bat tery mana gement sys tem r equire s eight hours of v ehicle sl eep time to r el earn the ba tt ery sta t e of charg e. During this time your v ehicl e must remain fully l ocked with the ignition swit ched off .
Headlamp Aiming T arget E142592 8 fe et (2. 4 meters) A Cent er height of lamp t o ground B 25 fe et (7 .6 meter s) C Horizontal r ef erenc e line D V ertical Aim Adjus tment 1. P ark the vehicl e directl y in front of a wall or scr een on a l ev el surfa ce , appro xima tel y 25 feet (7 .
CHANGING A BULB W ARNINGS Bulbs can bec ome hot. L et the bulb cool do wn bef ore r emoving it. Fail ure to do so c oul d resul t in personal injury . S witch the l amps and the ignition off . Fail ure t o follo w this warning c oul d resul t in serious personal injury .
E178599 3. R emove the bulb . BULB SPECIFIC A TION CHART Headl amp bulbs must be mark ed with an authorized D .O . T . marking for North America t o make sur e they ha ve the pr oper lamp perf ormanc e, light brightness, light pat tern and s af e visibility .
Pow er (W att) Specification Lamp LED LED R ev ersing l amps. 5 W5W License pl a te l amp . Note: LED lamps are no t service able . Se e an authorize d deal er if they f ail. Interior Lamps Pow er (W att) Specification Lamp 4 194 Glo v e compartment l amp .
CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING Do not start the engine with the air cle aner remo v ed. This c an cause damag e not co ver ed b y the vehicl e W arranty and c an resul t in serious injury . When changing the air fil ter el ement, use only the air fil ter element list ed.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln authoriz ed de aler ha s many quality pr oducts a vail abl e to cl ean your v ehicl e and prot ect its finishe s.
• Immedia tel y remove fuel spill ages, bir d droppings, insect deposit s and road t ar . These ma y cause damage t o your vehicl e ’ s paintwork or trim ov er time. W e recommend Mot orcra ft Bug and T ar R emov er . • R emov e any e xt erior acc essories, for exampl e antennas, bef ore ent ering a car w ash.
• Do not allo w wa x to c ome in c ontact with any non-body (l ow-gl oss black) col ore d trim. T he wax will disc olor or stain the parts o ver time . • R oof ra cks. • Bumpers. • Grained door handl es. • Side molding s. • Mirror housings.
CLEANING THE INTERIOR W ARNINGS Do not use cle aning sol vent s, bl each or dye on the v ehicl e ’ s sa fe ty bel ts, as the se actions ma y we aken the belt w ebbing. On vehicl es equippe d with sea t-mounte d airbags, do not use chemical sol vents or strong det erg ents.
1. Wipe up spill ed liquid using a cl ean, soft cloth a s quickly a s possible . 2. Use Motor cra ft Premium L ea ther and Vinyl Cl eaner or a commerciall y av ailabl e lea ther cl eaning pr oduct f or automotiv e int eriors. T est any cl eaner or stain remo ver on an inconspicuous are a.
Note: Industrial-strength or he avy-dut y cle aners in c ombination with brush a gita tion to remo ve brak e dust and dirt, c oul d wear aw ay the cl ear coa t finish ov er a period time. Note: Do not use hydr ofluoric a cid-bas ed or high caustic-ba sed wheel cle aners, st eel wool, fuel s or strong househol d deterg ents.
• With y our foot on the br ake, shift through all the g ear s whil e the engine is running. • W e recommend tha t you change the engine oil bef ore y ou use your v ehicl e again. Fuel sy stem • Fill the fuel tank with high-quality fuel until the first aut oma tic shutoff of the fuel pump nozzl e.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION A decal with tir e pressur e da ta is l oca ted in the driver ’ s door opening. Check and set the tir e pressur e a t the ambient temper a ture in which y ou are intending t o drive y our vehicle and when the tires ar e col d. Note: Check your tire pre ssures r egul arl y to optimize fuel e conomy .
General Informa tion W ARNING Fail ure t o follo w these guideline s coul d re sult in an incr ea sed risk of loss of v ehicle contr ol, injury or dea th. Note: Do not use the kit if a tire has be come sev erel y damag ed b y driving the vehicl e with a tire tha t has insufficient air pr essure .
• When infl ating a tir e or other objects, use the bla ck air hose onl y . Do not use the transpar ent hose which is designed for se al ant applica tion onl y . • Opera ting the kit c ould c ause an ele ctrical disturb ance in r adio , CD , and DVD pl a yer oper a tion.
E144924 7 . Push and turn dial ( A) count ercl ockwise to the seal ant position. T urn on the kit by pre ssing the on/ off button (B). E144621 8. Inflat e the tire t o the pre ssure specified by the tir e label l ocat ed on the driver's door or the door jamb are a.
2. Unhook the black ho se from the side of the compr essor and f a sten firml y on the val v e stem b y turning cl ockwise. 3. P ush and turn the dial cl ockwise t o the air position.
E144624 2. Loc a te the y ell ow c ap at the end of the cle ar tube. E144625 3. Using the y ell ow c ap tool, press the t ab loc a ted on the kit c ompressor housing while pulling up on the se al ant canist er . Installation of the sealant c anister t o the kit E144626 1.
Be sure t o check the seal ant compound's use by da t e reg ularl y . T he use by da t e is on the lo w er right hand corner of the l abel loc a ted on the s eal ant canist er (bottl e). The se alant c anist er should be r epl ace d aft er f our ye ars of non-use.
Tr action AA A B C W ARNING The tr action gra de a ssigned to this tir e is ba sed on str aight-ahead br aking traction te sts, and doe s not include ac cel era tion, c ornering, hy dropl aning or peak trac tion chara ct eristics. The tr action gra des, fr om highest to l ow est ar e AA, A, B, and C.
* Standar d l oad: A cl a ss of P-metric or Metric tir es designe d to c arry a maximum l oad at se t pressur e. For exampl e: For P-metric tir es 35 psi (2.
Information on P Type Tir es H I J K L M A B C D E F G E142543 P215/ 65R15 95H is an e xampl e of a tire siz e, l oad inde x and speed ra ting. The definitions of the se items ar e list ed bel ow . (Not e tha t the tire siz e, l oad inde x and speed ra ting for y our vehicl e may be diff erent fr om this ex ampl e.
Note: Y ou may no t find this informa tion on all tires beca use it is not re quired b y feder al l aw . Speed ra ting Lett er ra ting 81 mph (130 km/h) M 87 mph (140 km/h) N 99 mph (159 km/h) Q 106 m.
* Trea dwear T he tr eadw ear gra de is a compar ativ e ra ting based on the we ar r a te of the tir e when te st ed under c ontroll ed conditions on a specified g o vernment t est cour se. For ex ampl e, a tir e graded 150 woul d wear one and one-hal f times a s well on the g overnment cour se a s a tire gr aded 100.
A. L T: Indica tes a tir e, de signa te d by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, that is int ended for servic e on light trucks. B. Load Rang e and Load Inflation Limits: Indic a te s the tire's l oad-carrying cap abilities and its infl a tion limits.
C. 80: Indic a te s the a spect r atio which give s the tire's r atio of height to width. Numbers of 70 or l ow er indicat e a short sidewall. D . D: Indic a te s a diag onal type tir e. R: Indica tes a r adial type tir e. E. 16: Indic at es the wheel or rim diamet er in inches.
Al wa ys infla te your tir es t o the Ford r ec ommended infl a tion pressur e even if it is l ess than the maximum infl a tion pre ssure inf ormation f ound on the tire.
When the tir e tre ad w ear s do wn to the s ame height a s these w ear bars, the tire is w orn out and must be repl aced . Damag e P eriodicall y inspect the tire tr ea ds and sidew alls f or damag e (such as bul ges in the tre ad or sidewalls, cra cks in the tr ead groo v e and separ a tion in the tre ad or sidew all).
This be gins with the l ett ers DO T and indica tes tha t the tire me ets all f eder al standar ds. T he ne xt tw o numbers or l etter s are the plant c ode designating wher e it wa s manufactur ed, the ne xt t wo are the tir e size c ode and the la st four number s r epres ent the we ek and ye ar the tire w as buil t.
W ARNINGS 1. Mak e sure tha t you ha ve the corr ec t tire and wheel siz e. 2. Lubric a t e the tire be ad and wheel bea d sea t area a gain. 3. S tand a t a minimum of 12 ft (3.66 m) a way fr om the wheel and tire a ssembly . 4. Use both ey e and ear prot ection.
Highwa y Hazards No ma tt er how c ar efull y you drive , there is al way s the possibility tha t you ma y eventuall y have a fl at tire on the highw ay . Drive sl owl y to the cl osest sa fe ar ea out of tr a ffic. This ma y further damage the fl a t tire , but y our sa f et y is more important.
R ota ting your tires a t the rec ommended interval (a s indica ted in the Sche dul ed Maintenanc e chapter) will help your tir es w ear mor e evenl y , pro viding bet ter tir e performance and l onger tir e lif e. Some times irre gul ar tire w ear can be corr ec te d by r ota ting the tires.
USING SUMMER TIRE S Summer tire s pro vide superior performanc e on we t and dry roa ds. Summer tire s do not hav e the Mud and Sno w (M+S or M/S) tir e tra ction ra ting on the tire side w all.
Each tir e, incl uding the spare (if pro vided), shoul d be check ed monthly when c old and infla t ed to the infl a tion pressur e re commended b y the vehicl e manuf actur er on the vehicl e plac ard or tir e infl ation pr essur e label.
Y ou should al wa ys ha ve your tire s serviced by an authoriz ed deal er . Check the tire pr essure periodic all y (a t le a st monthl y) using an ac cur at e tire gau ge.
Cust omer action re quired Possibl e cause Low tire pr essure warning light Make sur e tire s are a t the proper pr es- sure. See Infl ating your tir es in this chapter .
How T emperature A ffects Y our Tire Pressure The tir e pressur e monit oring syst em monitor s tire pr essure in e ach pneuma tic tire. Whil e driving in a normal manner , a typical pa ssenger tire infl ation pr essur e may incr ea se about 2 t o 4 psi (14 t o 28 kP a) from a c ol d start situa tion.
1. T-type mini-spare: T his spare tire begins with the l ett er T f or tire siz e and may ha ve T emporary Use Onl y molded in the sidewall. 2. Full-size dissimilar spare with l abel on wheel: This spar e tire ha s a label on the wheel tha t sta te s: THIS WHEEL AND TIRE AS SEMBL Y FOR TEMPORAR Y USE ONL Y .
W ARNINGS Nev er get underne a th a vehicl e that is supported onl y by a jack. If the vehicl e slips off the jack, you or someone else c oul d be seriousl y injured . Do not at tempt t o change a tir e on the side of the vehicl e cl ose t o moving tr a ffic.
E201 156 10. Raise the wheel by turning the ja ck handle cl ockwise. 11. R emov e the lu g nuts with the lu g wrench. 12. R eplace the fl at tire with the spar e tire, marking sure the v al ve st em is fa cing outwar d. R einstall the l ug nuts until the wheel is snug ag ainst the hub.
TECHNIC AL SPECIFICA TIONS Wheel Lug Nut T orque Specifications W ARNING When a wheel is install ed, al wa ys r emo ve any c orrosion, dirt or for eign ma terials present on the mounting surf aces of the wheel or the surf ac e of the wheel hub , brak e drum or br ake disc tha t contact s the wheel.
ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2.0L EC OBOOS T ™ 2.0L Ec oBoost engine Engine 122 Cubic inches 9 .3:1 Compr ession r atio Coil on pl ug Ignition sys tem 0. 027-0 .031 in. ( 0.70-0 .80 mm) Spark pl ug gap 1-3-4-2 Firing order Drivebel t R outing 2.0L engine E161383 A B A.
Drivebel t R outing 3.5L Engine E191904 ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3.5L ECOBOO S T ™ 3.5L EcoBoost Engine 214 Cubic inches 1-4-2-5-3-6 Firing order Coil on pl ug Ignition sys tem 0. 030 – 0. 033 in ( 0. 75 – 0.85 mm) Spark pl ug gap 10. 0:1 Compre ssion ra tio Drivebel t R outing 3.
ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3. 7L 3. 7L V6 Engine 227 Cubic inches 1-4-2-5-3-6 Firing order Coil on pl ug Ignition sys tem 0. 049 - 0 . 053 in (1.25 - 1.35 mm) Spark pl ug gap 10.5:1 Compr ession r atio Drivebel t R outing 3. 7L Engine E191904 MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 2.
Motorcr aft part number Component WW-2043 (pa ssenger side) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl ac ement parts av ail able a t your Ford deal er or at for dparts. com f or scheduled maint enance . The se parts mee t or ex c eed Ford Mot or Compan y ’ s spe cifica tions and are engineer ed f or y our vehicl e.
MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 3.5L DUR A TEC Part Number Component F A-1884 Air filt er element FL-500-S Oil fil ter BXT-65-7 50 Bat tery SP-534 Spark pl ugs FP-68 Cabin air fil ter WW-2601 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2043 (pa ssenger side) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl ac ement parts av ail able a t your Ford deal er or at for dparts.
MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 3.5L EC OBOOS T ™ Part Number Component F A-1884 Air filt er element FL-500-S Oil fil ter BXT-65-7 50 Bat tery SP-534 Spark pl ugs FP-68 Cabin air fil ter WW-2601 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2043 (pa ssenger side) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl ac ement parts av ail able a t your Ford deal er or at for dparts.
MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 3. 7L Part Number Component F A-1884 Air filt er element FL-500-S Oil fil ter BXT-65-7 50 Bat tery SP-520 S park plu gs FP-68 Cabin air fil ter WW-2601 (driv er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2043 (pa ssenger side) W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl ac ement parts av ail able a t your Ford deal er or at for dparts.
VEHICLE IDENTIFIC A TION NUMBER The v ehicl e identifica tion number is loc a ted on the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. E142476 Ple a se note tha t in the graphic, XXXX is repr esenta tiv e of your v ehicl e identifica tion number .
VEHICLE CERTIFIC A TION LABEL E167469 The Na tional Highw ay T ra ffic Safe ty Administr ation R egul ations r equir e that a Sa fe ty Complianc e Certification L abel be affix ed to a vehicl e and prescribe where the Sa fe ty Complianc e Certification L abel may be l oca ted.
C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 2.0L EC OBOO S T ™ Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning re friger ant sy stem c ontains r efrig erant under high pr essure . Only qu alified personnel shoul d service the air conditioning re friger ant sy st em.
Specification Name X O-5W30-QFS W SS-M2C946-A Optional motor oil ( Canada): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-30 S ynthetic Mot or Oil CX O-5W30-LFS12 W SS-M97B44-D2 Engine cool ant (U.
Specification Name Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant CYN-16-R W SH-M17B19-A A/C r efrig erant (Me xic o): Motor cra ft R-134a Refrig erant MYN-19 W SH-M1C231-B A/C refrig erant compre ssor oil: Motor c.
E142732 An oil that displ a ys this symbol c onforms to curr ent engine, emission syst em and fuel econom y performanc e standar ds of the Interna tional Lubric ants Specific a tion Advisory C ouncil (ILSA C).
Capacity Item 1.63 lb ( 0 . 7 4 kg) A/C r efrig erant 5.24 fl o z (155 ml) A/C r efrig erant c ompressor oil * Appro ximat e dry fill capacity . Ac tual amount may v ary during fluid chang es. Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A R ecommende d motor oil (U .
Specification Name PM-20 W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmission fl uid (U.S. and Mexic o): MERC ON L V Motor cra ft® MERCON L V Automatic T ransmission Fluid XT-10-QL V C W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr .
Specification Name -- Lock c ylinders (U .S.): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders ( Canada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock c ylinders (Mexic o): Pene tra ting and Lock Lu.
Note: Automa tic transmissions that r equire MERC ON L V transmission fl uid shoul d onl y use MERC ON L V transmission fl uid. The use of any other fl uid may cause tr ansmission damag e.
Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C946-A R ecommende d motor oil (U .S.): Motor cra ft SAE 5W-30 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Mot or Oil X O-5W30-QSP W SS-M2C946-A R ecommende d Motor .
Specification Name W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmission fl uid (U.S. and Mexic o): MERC ON L V Motor cra ft MERCON L V Automatic T ransmission Fluid XT-10-QL V C W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmissi.
Specification Name Motor cra ft Multi-Purpose Gr ea se Spr ay XL-5 -- Lock c ylinders (U .S.): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders ( Canada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock.
Note: W e re commends using DO T 4 Lo w Visc osity (L V) High Performanc e Brak e Fl uid or equival ent meeting WS S-M6C65-A2. Use of any fl uid other than the re commended fluid ma y caus e degra ded brak e performanc e and not mee t the Ford performanc e standar ds.
Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A R ecommende d motor oil (U .S.): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-20 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Mot or Oil X O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A R ecommende d Moto.
Specification Name W SS-M2C938-A Aut omatic tr ansmission fl uid (Cana da): MERC ON L V Motor cra ft® MERCON L V Automatic T ransmission Fluid CX T-10-L V12 W SL-M2C192-A Po wer T ransf er Unit (PTU) fluid (A ll Wheel Driv e) (U.
Specification Name -- Lock c ylinders (U .S.): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders ( Canada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock c ylinders (Mexic o): Pene tra ting and Lock Lu.
Note: Automa tic transmissions that r equire MERC ON L V transmission fl uid shoul d onl y use MERC ON L V transmission fl uid. The use of any other fl uid may cause tr ansmission damag e.
GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tor s AM and FM frequencies ar e est ablished by the Federal C ommunications Commission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T elecommunic a tions Commission ( CR T C). Those fr equencies ar e: • AM: 530, 540-1 700 , 1710 kHz • FM: 87 .
• MP3 and WMA fol der mode represents a fol der structure consisting of one le vel of f olders. T he CD pl ay er numbers all MP3 and WMA track s on the disc (noted b y the MP3 or WMA file ext ension) and all folder s cont aining MP3 and WMA file s, from F001 (f older) T001 (track) t o F253 T255.
E210707 A B O N M L K J E I H C F G D RADIO: P ress this mul tiple times to s ele ct a r adio band. Pr ess and hol d to sele ct the aut ost ore function. Pr ess t o return t o the main scr een of the activ e radio b and. A CD: Pr ess to lis ten t o a CD .
Seek, F ast Forwar d and Re ver se: In radio mode , sel ect a fr equency band and press this but ton. The s yst em stop s at the fir st sta tion it finds in tha t direc tion. In SIRIUS mode, press t o select the ne xt or pr evious sa t ellite r adio sta tion.
Audio Set tings Aut omatic all y adjusts the v olume t o c ompensat e for speed and wind noise. Y ou can set the s yst em betw een 0 and + 7 . Speed C ompensa t ed V olume Sel ect t o adjust settings f or T reble , Midr ange , Ba ss, F ade or Balanc e.
AUDIO INP UT JA CK W ARNINGS Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ec ommend that you use e xtr eme caution when using an y devic e that ma y tak e y our focus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa f e opera tion of y our vehicl e.
USB PORT (If Equipped) E176344 The USB port all ows y ou to pl ug in media pla ying devic es, memory stick s and char ge devic es (if supporte d). Se e your S YNC informa tion. MEDIA HUB The media hub ma y be l oca ted on the instrument panel or cent er c onsole .
GENERAL INF ORMA TION E198355 S YNC is an in-vehicl e communica tions sys tem tha t work s with your Bluet ooth-enabled cell ul ar phone and portabl e media pl ay er . This all o ws y ou to: • Make and r ec eive c alls. • Ac c ess and pla y music from your portabl e music pla y er .
Monday-Sa turday , 8:30am-9:00pm ES T . Sunda y , 10:30am-7:30pm ES T . In the United S tate s, call 1-800-39 2-36 73. In Canada, c all 1-800-565-36 7 3.
S yst em da ta cannot be a cc essed without special equipment and ac ce ss to the vehicl e's S YNC module. For d Motor Compan y and Ford of Cana da will not acc ess the s yst em da ta f or any pu.
If you want the s y stem t o carry out the foll owing V oice c ommand Adjust the l evel of voic e interac tion and fe edback. V oice Se ttings | V oice Pr ef erenc es Hear a list of v oice c ommands av ail able in the c urrent mode.
Confirma tion prompt s are short questions the sys tem a sks when it is not sur e of y our reques t or when there ar e multipl e possible response s to y our re quest.
USING S YNC ™ WITH Y OUR PHONE Hands-free c alling is one of the main fe atur es of S YNC. Whil e the sys tem supports a varie ty of f ea tures, many ar e dependent on your c ell phone's functionality . A t a minimum, most c ell phones with Blue tooth wir el ess te chnol ogy support the foll owing functions: • Answ ering an incoming c all.
Depending on your c ell phone's capabilit y and your mark et, the s yst em may prompt you with questions, such as s etting the current c ell phone a s the primary cell phone (the cell phone S YNC automa ticall y tries to c onnect with first upon vehicl e start-up ) and downl oading y our phonebook.
Y ou can also sa y any of the foll o wing: V oice Command Call ___ Call ___ a t Home Call ___ a t W ork Call ___ in Office Call ___ on Mobil e Call ___ on Other Dial None of these commands ar e a vail abl e until your c ell phone informa tion is compl et el y downl oaded using Bluet ooth.
Making a Call Press the v oice but ton and when prompt ed say: Action and Description V oice Command This c ommand is not av ail able until y our c ell phone informa- tion is compl et el y downl oaded using Bluet ooth. Call ___ Use to ent er a phone number digit b y digit.
Action and Description Messag e 1. Pr ess the phone butt on. 2. Ac c ess the desire d cont act thr ough S YNC or use voice c ommands to pl ac e the sec ond call. Onc e activ ely in the second c all, pr ess MENU . 3. S croll t o Join Calls, and press the OK but ton.
Press the phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on to r edial the l as t number call ed . PHONE REDIAL Pr ess the OK butt on ag ain to c onfirm. Ac c ess any pr eviousl y dial ed, rec eived or missed call s aft er you connec t your Bl uet ooth-enabl ed cell phone t o SYNC.
Action and Description Messag e R epea t entering l etter s to narr ow y our sear ch. When y ou are sa tisfied with your entry pr ess the right arro w k ey on the bezel. S YNC will jump to the phonebook conta ct name tha t mat ches your entry . Pr ess OK .
Action and Description Messag e Ac c ess Blue tooth De vices menu lis tings and adv anced menu listing s. S Y S SETTINGS Pr ess the OK butt on to e xit the phone menu. EXIT MENU 1 This is a c ell phone-dependent f ea ture. 2 This is a c ell phone-dependent and speed-dependent f ea ture.
Repl y or forward the messag e, press OK and scr oll to choose be tween: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on to a cc ess and then scr oll through the list of pre-define d messag es t o send . REPL Y T O MSG Pr ess the OK butt on to f orward the messa ge t o any one in your Phonebook or Call His tory .
Action and Description Messag e Allo ws you to do wnload your unr ea d messag es t o S YNC. T o downl oad the me ssag es, pr ess the OK butt on to s ele ct. T he displa y indica tes the syst em is downloa ding your mess age s. When downl oading is compl et e, S YNC returns you t o the inbox.
Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on then sel ect one of the f oll owing and pr ess the OK butt on again t o confirm. MSG NTFY ON MSG NTFY OFF Modify the cont ents of y our phone book (such as a dd, del ete, do wn- loa d).
Press the Phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. S Y S SETTINGS Pr ess the OK butt on. BT DEVICES Sel ect one of the foll o wing: See Using S YNC ™ With Y our Phone (page 266).
Advanc ed The A dvanc ed menu allow s you t o access and set prompt s, l anguag es, de f ault s, perform a ma ster rese t, install an applica tion and view s yst em informa tion. T o acc ess the advanced menu, press the phone butt on to ent er the Phone Menu, the scroll to: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess OK .
Action and Description Messag e Pr ess OK to s ele ct. Y ou only need t o press the OK butt on once. S YNC will be unre- sponsive f or 2-4 minut es whil e it is rebooting. W ait 2-4 minutes bef ore at tempting t o ex ecute a S YNC command CONFIRM REBOO T? Install applica tions you hav e downl oaded.
Note: Befor e setting this f eature on, mak e sure tha t you re ad the 911 Assis t Priv acy Notice l ater in this sec tion f or important informa tion.
• A connec te d Bluet ooth-enabled phone must hav e adequa te netw ork co ver age, bat tery po w er and signal strength. • The v ehicl e must hav e ba tt ery pow er and be loc a ted in the U .S., Canada or in a territ ory in which 911 is the emerg ency number .
Note: Y our V ehicle He al th Report f eature require s activ a tion bef ore use. Visit www .S YNCMyRide. com t o regist er. Ther e is no fee or subs cription a ssociat ed with V ehicle Heal th Report, but you mus t regist er to use this f ea ture.
Action and Description Messag e Sel ect On t o have S YNC automatic all y prompt y ou to run a heal th report a t certain mile ag e interv als. * Scr oll to sel ect betwe en 5000, 7500 or 10000-mile int ervals. Sel ect y our desir ed option and pre ss the OK butt on.
Note: The driver is ul timat ely responsibl e for the sa fe opera tion of the vehicl e, and theref ore , must e val ua te whe ther it is sa fe to f oll ow the su gges ted dir ec tions.
Action and Description V oice command T o return to the S ervice s main menu. Services R eceiv e sy st em help. help Y ou can say an y of the voic e c ommands that appe ar within open and cl ose bra cke ts tha t are separ a te d by |. For e xampl e, where (options | choic es) appe ars y ou say either; options or choices.
Rec eiving Turn-b y-Turn Direc tions When connec ted t o S YNC Servic es, press the v oice but ton and when prompt ed say: Action and Description V oice command T o receiv e direc tions to a l ocation.
Disconnecting fr om S YNC Servic es T o disconnect from S YNC services, sa y: Action and Description V oice command From the S YNC Services main menu, or pr ess and hol d the phone butt on on the steering whe el.
T o Acc ess Using the Phone Menu Press the phone butt on to ac cess the S YNC phone menu on-screen. Y ou can then scroll to: Menu item Pr ess OK to a cc ess a list of av ailabl e applications. Mobile Apps Scr oll through the list of av ailabl e applications and press OK t o sel ect a particul ar app.
T o Acc ess Using V oice Commands Press the v oice but ton and when prompt ed say: Action and description V oice command Say the name of the applic a tion aft er the t one.
T o Connect Using the S ystem Menu Plu g the device int o the USB port. See USB Port (pa ge 260). Pr ess the AU X butt on, then the Menu butt on to ent er the Media Menu. Y ou can then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on.
Press the v oice but ton and when prompt ed say: Action and Description V oice command The s yst em re ads the met ada ta ta gs of the pl aying tr ack, and if the metada ta tags ar e popula ted, the s yst em will tell you wha t tr ack is pla ying.
V oice command 1,2 The s yst em sear ches f or a specific artist/tr ack/ album from the music inde xe d through the U SB port. Se arch T rack ___ | Se arch Song ___ 1,2 This all ows you t o mak e your pr evious c ommand more specific.
Y ou can then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pla y your music b y artist, album, genre , pla ylists, tr acks, simil ar music or to simpl y, pla y all. Y ou can also choose to E xpl ore USB t o view the support ed digital music file s on your pl aying de vice .
Action and Description Messag e Inter act with S YNC-capabl e mobile applic a tions on your smartphone. APPLICA TIONS Ac c ess av ailabl e Bluetooth De vice menu lis tings a s well a s Adv ance d menu listings. S Y S SETTINGS Pr ess OK to e xit the media menu.
Action and Description Messag e Sort all inde xe d media by artis t. Once s ele ct ed, the sys tem lists and then pl ay s all artists and tr acks alphabe ticall y. If there ar e fe wer than 255 inde x ed artists, the s yst em lists them alphabeticall y in flat fil e mode.
Action and Description Messag e Expl ore all support ed digital me dia on your media de vice connec te d to the USB port. Y ou can onl y view media c ont ent which is compa tibl e with S YNC; other fil es sa ve d are not visible . EXPL ORE USB 1. Pr ess the OK butt on.
Action and Description Messag e 1. Pr ess the OK butt on. When find S YNC appears in the displa y , press the OK but ton a gain. 2. Follo w the dire ctions in y our phone's manual to put y our phone into disc ov ery mode. A six-digit PIN appears in the displa y .
Y ou can then scroll t o: Action and Description Messag e Pr ess the OK butt on. S Y S SETTINGS Pr ess the OK butt on. ADV ANCED Y ou can then sel ect one of the foll owing: Hav e S YNC guide y ou by a sking questions, helpful hints or ask y ou f or a specific action.
S YNC ™ TROUBLESHOOTING Y our SYNC s yst em is ea sy to use. How ev er , should que stions arise, se e the tabl es belo w . Use the websit e a t any time t o check your phone's compa tibility , re gister y our acc ount and set pr ef erenc es a s well a s acc ess a cust omer representa tive via an online chat ( during cert ain hours).
Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Depending upon your phone, you ma y hav e t o grant S YNC permission to ac cess your phonebook conta cts. Make sure t o confirm when prompt ed b y your phone during the phonebook downl oad . Go to the w ebsite t o review your phone's c ompa tibility .
USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue T ry turning off the device, rese tting the devic e, remo ving the devic e's bat tery , then trying ag ain. This ma y be a possibl e devic e malfunction. I am having tr ouble connec ting my devic e.
V ehicle Heal th Report and Servic es (Tr affic, Direc tions and Information) issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue This is a fr ee f ea ture , but you must first r egist er online to use it. Y ou did not activa t e your acc ount on the w ebsite .
V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue R eview the phone v oic e commands and the media voic e commands a t the beginning of their re spectiv e sections. Y ou may be using the wrong voic e commands. Y ou may be speaking t oo soon or at the wr ong time.
V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e you ar e sa ying the conta cts e xac tly a s they are liste d. For e xampl e, if you sav e a c ontact a s Joe Wils on, sa y "Call Joe Wils on". The s yst em may not be re ading the name the same wa y you ar e sa ying it.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue S YNC in order t o find AppLink-capabl e apps on your de vice. iPhone users must also c onnect t o S YNC's USB port with an Apple U SB cabl e. Ensure y ou hav e down- loa ded and install ed the la t est v ersion of the app from y our phone's app stor e.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue On an iPhone with iOS7+, t o for ce cl ose an app, doubl e tab the home butt on then swipe up on the app t o clo se it. T ab the home button again, then sel ect the app again t o restart it.
AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Unplug the U SB cabl e from the phone, w ait a moment, and plug the U SB cabl e back in t o the phone. A fter a fe w sec onds, the app shoul d appear in S YNC's Mobile Apps Menu. If not, "For ce Clos e" the applica tion and rest art it.
PRO TECT Y OURSELF FROM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. EXTENDED SER VICE PLAN (U.S . Onl y) More than 32 million For d owner s hav e disco ver ed the po werful pr ote ction of Ford Ext ended S ervice Pl an.
A void the Rising C ost of P roperl y Maintaining Y our V ehicle! Ford Ex tende d Servic e Plan al so offer s a Pr emium Maintenanc e Pl an that c ov ers all schedul ed maint enance, and sel ect ed we ar items. The c ov er ag e is prepaid , so you ne ver ha ve t o w orry about aff ording your v ehicl e ’ s maintenanc e.
GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle? Care fully f ollowing the maint enanc e schedul e helps prot ect a gainst major r epair expenses r esul ting from ne gl ect or inadequa te maint enance and may help t o incre ase the v alue of y our v ehicle when you sell or tr ade it.
When the oil change me ssag e appear s in the informa tion display , it is time for an oil change. Make sur e y ou perform the oil change within tw o weeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ter s) of the messa ge appearing. Mak e sure you res et the Intellig ent Oil-Lif e Monitor a ft er each oil change.
Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (including sp are) f or we ar and proper pr essur e. Windshiel d wa sher fluid le vel. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cle an if nec essary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions.
Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning sy st em opera tion Ac ce ssory drive bel t(s) Horn opera tion Bat tery perf ormanc e Radia t or , cool er , hea ter and air c onditioning hoses Engine air filt.
When to e xpect the OIL CHANGE REQ UIRED messag e V ehicle use and ex ample Int erval Normal 7500-10000 mile s (12000-16000 km) Normal commuting with highw a y driving No, or moder ate, l oad or t owi.
At e very oil chang e interval as indic ated b y the information displa y * Inspect the tir es, tir e we ar and mea sure the tr ead depth. Inspect the wheel s and rel at ed components f or abnormal noise, w ear , l ooseness or dra g. * Do not ex c eed one y ear or 10000 mil es (16000 kil omet ers) be twe en service int erval s.
SPECIAL OPER A TING C ONDITIONS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE If you oper a te y our vehicl e primarily in any of the foll owing conditions, y ou need t o perform e xtr a maint enance a s indica ted. If you oper a te y our vehicl e occasionall y under any of these c onditions, it is not nece ssary to perf orm the extra maintenanc e.
Ext ensive idling or l ow-speed driving for l ong distances, as in hea vy commercial use Change aut oma tic transmission fl uid . Ev ery 30000 mile s ( 48000 km) Change P TU and re ar axl e fluid ( A WD only). See a xle and PTU maint enance it ems under Ex ceptions .
Police v ehicl es equipped with an engine idle hour me ter R epla ce c abin air filt er. Inspect fr equentl y , service as r equir ed Inspect the br ake s yst em Ev ery 5000 mile s (8000 km) Lubrica t e contr ol arm and ste ering ball joints (if equipped with gre ase fit tings).
Exampl e: When the odomet er has acc umula ted 3000 mile s ( 4800 kilome ter s) and the idl e meter sho ws 61 hours, a 5000 mil e (8000 kilometer) oil change int erval ha s been reached: 3000 road mil es (4800 r oad kil omet ers) + ( 61 idle hour s x 33 mil es [53 km]/idl e hour) = 5013 mile s (806 7 kilome ter s).
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE RE C ORD E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspecti.
END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT VEHICLE SOFTW ARE END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT (EULA) • Y ou ( “ Y ou ” or “ Y our ” as applic abl e) hav e acquir ed a v ehicl e having se ver al devic es, incl u.
• Single EULA: T he end user documenta tion f or the DEVICES and rel at ed syst ems and services ma y contain mul tiple EULAs, such a s multipl e transla tions and/ or multipl e media ver sions (e .g., in the user documenta tion and in the softw are).
• Links t o Third Part y Sites: T he SOFTW ARE may pro vide y ou with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es. T he third party sit es are not under the contr ol of FORD MO T OR COMP ANY , its a ffiliat es and/ or its designa te d ag ent.
TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not grant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , its affilia t es, and thir d party softw are and servic e pro viders.
substitute f or your personal judgment. Any rout e suggestions made b y this sys tem shoul d nev er repl ace any l ocal tra ffic re gul ations or y our personal judgment or knowl edg e of sa fe driving prac tice s.
may a war d the same damag es t o Y ou individuall y as a c ourt coul d. The arbitr ator may a war d decl ara tory or injunctive r elief only t o Y ou individually , and only t o the ext ent required t o sa tisfy Y our individual claim. Arbitration f ees and incentiv es.
(a) observe all tr affic la ws and otherwise drive sa fely; (b) use y our own per sonal judgment whil e driving. If you f eel that a rout e sugg est ed by the T eleNa v Soft war e instructs y ou to pe.
ii. viol at es any l aw , statut e, or dinanc e or reg ula tion, including but not limited t o laws and reg ula tions rela ted t o spamming, privacy , consumer and child pr ot ection, obscenit y or def amation, or iii.
conf erre d by implic ation, sta tute , inducement, e stoppel or otherwise , and T eleNav and its supplier s and licensor s hereb y reserv e all of their respective right s other than the licenses e xplicitl y gr anted in this Agre ement.
HERE holds a non-e x clusiv e lic ense from the United S tate s Po stal Servic e® to publish and sell ZIP+4® informa tion. ©United S tate s Po stal Servic e® 2014. Pric es are not e stablished , c ontroll ed or appro ved b y the United Sta tes P ostal Servic e®.
If the Contr acting Offic er , fe deral go vernment a genc y , or any feder al official refuse s to use the l egend pro vided herein, the Contr acting Offic er , fe deral go vernment a genc y , or any feder al official must notify HERE prior to se eking additional or al terna tiv e rights in the Da ta.
Grac enote uses a unique identifier to tr ack queries f or sta tistical purpose s. T he purpose of a randoml y assigned numeric identifier is to all ow Grac enote t o count queries without knowing an ything about who you ar e. For mor e informa tion, see the web pa ge a t www .
346 Police Int ercept or (CPH), enUS A, Edition date: 10 /2015, First Printing.
A A/C See: Clima te C ontrol ........................................... 79 About This Manual ........................................... 7 ABS See: Br ake s ............................................................. 112 ABS driving hints See: Hints on Driving W ith Anti-L ock Brak es .
Capacities and S pecifica tions - 3.5L Dura t ec .......................................................... 241 Specific ations ...................................................... 2 42 Capacities and S pecifica tions - 3.5L Ecoboost ™ ...........
Engine Block He a ter ....................................... 91 Using the Engine Block He at er ........................ 92 Engine Cool ant Check ................................. 1 76 Adding Engine C oolant ...................................... 1 77 Checking the Engine Cool ant .
General Maint enance Inf ormation ........ 310 Multi-P oint Inspection ...................................... 312 Owner Checks and S ervices ............................ 311 Prot ecting Y our Inve stment ............................ 310 Why Maintain Y our Vehicl e? .
K K eys and R emote C ontrol s ........................ 46 L Lighting Contr ol ............................................... 57 Headl amp Fla sher ............................................... 58 High Beams ........................................
Po wer Window s ............................................... 61 Ac ce ssory Dela y ..................................................... 61 Bounce-Back .......................................................... 61 One-T ouch Down ..................
Speed C ontrol See: Cruis e Contr ol .............................................. 121 Stabilit y Contr ol ............................................. 115 Principl e of Opera tion ........................................ 115 Start er Swit ch See: Ignition S witch .
U Under Hood Overvie w - 2.0L EcoBoost ™ ................................................... 1 72 Under Hood Overvie w - 3.5L Dura t ec/ 3. 7L ................................................................... 17 4 Engine Shield ...................
W W arning Lamps and Indica tor s ................ 66 Airbag re adiness ................................................... 66 Anti-Lock Br aking S yst em ................................ 66 Brak e S yst em ............................................
An important point after buying a device Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Ford Police Interceptor Sedan (2016) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center