Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FA148CPSSIA First Alert
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Programming Guide ON OFF A RM E D READ Y A B C D 6 4 7 9 # 3 5 8 0 2 1 FA260 R AR M E D READY FA560 6 4 7 9 # 3 5 8 0 2 1 R AWAY STA Y PAGE K5305-5PRV5 11/08 Rev.
– 2 – TA BLE OF CONTENTS PROGRAMM ING MO DE COM MANDS ...................................................................................................... ............... 3 DA TA FIELD PROGRA MM ING FORM .........................................
– 3 – PROGRA MMING MODE COMMA NDS TO ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE (using an alpha keypad connected to the control) : A. POW ER UP, then press [ ✱ ] and [#] at the same time, w ithin 50 seconds of pow ering up (this method must be used if ✱ 98 was used to ex it program mode).
– 4 – DA TA FIELD PROGRA MMING FORM Entries apply to the FA168CPS/FA168CPSSIA and FA148CP/ FA148CPSIA c ontrols, except entries s hown in dashed boxes, which apply only to the FA168CPS / FA168CPSSIA (partition ent ries) and are not appli cable to the FA 148CP/FA148CP SIA c ontrols .
– 5 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 31 Single A larm Sounding P er Zone 0 = unlimited sounding 1 = one alarm sounding per zone SIA-Compliant Controls: If “0” selected, “alarm sounding per zone” will be the same as the “number of reports in armed period” set in field *93 (1 if one report, 2 if 2 reports, unlimited for zones in zone list 7).
– 6 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 39 Power Up In Prev ious State 0 = no, alway s power up disarmed; 1 = yes, pow er up in previous state SIA-Compliant Controls: Feature alway s enabled; field does not exist. W hen the system powers up armed, an alarm w ill occur 1 minute after arming if a zone is faulted.
– 7 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 50 Burglary Dialer Delay Delay Time: 0 = no delay 1 = 15 seconds 2 = 30 seconds 3 = 45 seconds SIA-Compliant Controls: Delay Time: 1 = 15 seconds 2 = 30 seconds 3 = 45 second.
– 8 – TO PROGRAM SYSTEM STATUS, & RESTORE REPORT CODES ( ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 59 thru ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 68, *70 thru ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 76, and ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 89): For 3+1 or 4+1 Standard Format: Enter a code in the first box: 1–9, #+10 for 0, #+11 for B, #+12 for C, #+13 for D, #+14 for E, #+15 for F.
– 9 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 66 Ar m Aw a y/ S t a y R p t C o d e See above for entries. [0,0,0,0,0 ,0] Away Stay Away Stay Away Stay Part. 1 Part. 2 Common This option allow s for independent programming of Away and Stay reports for each partition, including the common lobby.
– 10 – OUT PUT AND SYST EM SETUP ( ✱ 77 – ✱ 93) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 77 Daylight S avings Time Start/End Month 0 = Disabled 1-9 = January-September (1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, etc) #+10 = October #+11 = November #+12 = December | [3][11 ] Enter the start and end month for daylight savings time, if applicable to the region.
– 11 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 88 Program Mode Lockout Options 0 = standard *98 installer code lockout (reentry only by [ ∗ ] + [#] within 50 secs after power up) 1 = lockout [ ∗ ] + [#] reentry after.
– 12 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 93 Reports In A rmed Peri od Per Zone (Sw inger Suppression) Restrict Report Pairs: 0 = Unlimited Reports 1 = 1 report pair per zone per armed period 2 = 2 report pairs per .
– 13 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 160 Pager 1 Phone No. Enter up to 20 digits. 0–9 #+11 = ' ✱ ' #+12 = '#' #+13 = 2-second pause | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | If entering fewer than 20 digits, ex it by pressing [ ∗ ] + next field number.
– 14 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 171 Pager 4 Report Options See field *162 for reporting options. [0,0,0] P1 P2 comm Select for each partition (use zone list 12 for options 12 or 13). ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 172 Pager Dela y Option For A larms 0 = none 1 = 1 minute 2 = 2 minutes 3 = 3 minutes [3] This field determines the delay of alarm reports to the pager.
– 15 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 182 Configurable Zone Type 9 0 (0-9, #+10=10, #+11=11, #+12=12, #+13=13, #+14=14, #+15=15). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enter the appropriate value for each entry, 1-10, based on the charts provided in the Configurable Zone T ype W orksheet section.
– 16 – KEYPA D OPT IONS *190-*199 To enable key pads: 1. Set desired address at keypad (refer to keypad’s instructions for setting the address). 2. Use data fields *190-*196 to enable keypad addresses, assign a partition, enable sound options in field.
– 17 – CONFIGURA BLE ZONE TYPES WORKSHEETS Configurable zone types 90 and 91 can be program med via downloader s oftware or fr om a k eypad using data fields*182-*185. Conf igurable zone ty pes 92 and 93 (FA168CPS only) can only be program m ed using the downloader software.
– 18 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 56 ZONE PROGRA MMING MENU MODE (press *56 while in Program mode) The Zone Programming W orksheet is on page 36. Zones and Par titions Each protection zone needs to be programmed w ith various attributes using *56 Zone Programming mode or ✱ 58 Ex pert Programming Mode.
– 19 – 10 Report Code 1st 01 2nd 00 10 Report Code (RC) First Digit: 1-9, 10 for 0, 11 for B, 12 for C, 13 for D, 14 f or E, 15 for F 00 to disable Second Digit: same as above [ ∗ ] to continue Enter the report code for this zone, w hich consists of 2 hexadecimal digits, each in turn consisting of 2 numerical digits.
– 20 – 10 INPUT S/N L A022-4064 ? Loop Number Change [ ∗ ] to continue NOTE: If the [C] key is used to copy the previously enrolled serial number, the cursor will mov e to the Loop column (L) with the previous serial number displayed, and display a highlighted question mark for the loop number.
– 21 – Zn ZT P RC IN: L 10 00 1 10 RF 1 Zone Progra mming ZT = see Zone Type chart shown in *56 M enu Mode “Zone T ype” prompt P = partition 1, 2, 3 (common); RC = 1 (send CID report); 0 (no report) IN = input type; L = loop number [ ∗ ] to continue A summary screen w ith the selected zone’s current programming appears.
– 22 – XM IT TO CONFIRM PRESS ✱ TO SKIP Confirm [ ∗ ] to continue • If “Yes” w as entered at the SET TO CONFIRM? prompt previously (see first prompt follow ing entry into the ∗ 58 Expert Programming M ode), the display on the left will appear.
– 23 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 57 FUNCTION KEY PROGRA MMING MENU MODE (press ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 57 while in Data Programming mode) . The system prov ides the ability to program each of the four keypad function keys to perform one of 12 system operations.
– 24 – OUTPUT DEVICE PROGRA MMING GENERAL INFORMA TION (*79/*80 Menu Mode) Output Devices: T he FA168CPS system supports up to 16 relays and/or Powerline Carrier dev ices (X-10 devices) plus 2 built-in trigger outputs in any combination. These 18 “outputs” are assigned to sy stem-wide output numbers (01-18).
– 25 – XX OUTPUT TYPE DELETE 0 Output Type 0 = delete 1 = relay on 4204/4229 module 2 = Powerline Carrier dev ice (X-10) [ ∗ ] to continue Select whether this is a relay or a Powerline Carrier (X -10) device. If Powerline Carrier is selected, go to “A” prompt.
– 26 – 80 Menu Mode Output Funct. # (00 = Quit) 01 Output Function No. (FA168CPS: 01-48 (FA148CP: 01-24) [ ∗ ] to continue; 00 to quit Enter the output function number to be defined (or 00 to ex.
– 27 – “ C ” 01 Enter Zn No. 12 Zone Number Press [ ✱ ] to continue. (prompt appears if zone number was selected) Enter the desired zone number associated w ith this output number. At the ENTER EVENT prompt, enter the z one event that will activ ate this output.
– 28 – 01 Delete Zone? 0 = No 1 = Yes 0 Deleting a Zone 0 = don’t delete zones 1 = go to next prompt to delete zones [ ∗ ] to continue To save the z one list, enter 0 and the system returns to the Zone List No. prompt. To delete a zone or z ones in a zone list, enter 1 to continue.
– 29 – EXAM PLE: (a) ✱ ZN 01 B ACK (b) ✱ ZN 01 BACK (c) ✱ ZN 01 BACK D OOR (d) ✱ ZN 01 BACK DOOR Descriptor Example EXAM PLE: “BACK DOOR” a. From the list, BACK = 013, so, after entering the zone number to be edited (step 1), enter #013.
– 30 – A LPHA VOCA BULARY LIST (For Entering Zone Descriptors) 000 (Word Spac e) – A – • 001 A IR • 002 ALARM ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 004 A LLEY 005 A MBUSH • 006 A REA • 007 A PA RTMENT • 0.
– 31 – SETTING SCHEDULES (Install er Code + [#] + [6] [4]) The system prov ides schedules, which can be used to automatically control 11 types of system ev ents at pre-defined times. Some events are reserved for the installer only . FA168CPS: Provides up to 32 schedules: 16 schedules for use by the end-user, 16 for use by the installer.
– 32 – REPEAT OPTION 0-4 X Repeat Option 0 = do not repeat 1 = repeat weekly 2 = repeat biweekly (every other week) 3 = repeat every third w eek 4 = repeat every fourth w eek Press [ ∗ ] to continue. Enter the desired repeat option for this schedule.
– 33 – ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 29 COMMUNICA TION DEVICE MENU MODE (Pass-Through Programming) This mode is for programming an IP, GSM , or IP/GSM Communicator M odule using an alpha keypad. Alternatively, these options can be programmed via the AlarmNet Direct w ebsite.
– 34 – ZONE TYPE DEFINITIONS Zone types define the way in which the system responds to f aults in each zone. Ty pe 00 Zone Not Used Program a zone with t his zone type if the zone is not used. Ty pe 01 Entry /Exit Burgla ry # 1 • Assign t o zones that are us ed for prim ary entry and exit.
– 35 – UL NOTICES 1. Entry Delay No. 1 and No. 2 (fields ∗ 35, ∗ 36) cannot be greater than 30 seconds for UL Residential Burglar Alarm installations, and entry delay plus dial delay should not exceed 1 minute. For U L Commercial Burglar Alarm installations, total entry delay may not exceed 45 seconds.
– 36 – WORKSHEET FOR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 56 ZONE PROGRA MMING (FA148CP supports up to 32 zones: 1-6, 9-34, 49-56) [default show n in brackets] Zone Zn Type Part.
– 37 – WORKSHEET FOR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 57 FUNCTION KEY PROGRA MMING Option Function A B C D Comments 01 Paging 02 Time Di splay 03 Arm AW AY 04 Arm STAY 05 Arm NIGHT-STAY 06 Step Arm ing 07 Device Activ ation Device : 08 Comm .
– 38 – WORKSHEET FOR ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 80 OUTPUT FUNCTION PROGRA MMING Fill in the required data on the worksheet below and follow the programming procedure in the installation manual as you enter the data during the displays and prompts that appear in sequence.
– 39 – WORKSHEET FOR SCHEDULES (install er code + [#] + [ 6] [4]; master code c an only acc ess s chedules 01-16 f or FA168CPS, 01-04 f or FA148CP, and ev ents 00-07 for bot h controls ; FA148CP s upports up to 8 s chedules, FA168CPS s upports up to 32 s chedules ) No.
5800 SERIES TRA NSMITTER INPUT LOOP IDEN TIFICA TION All of the transmitters illustrated have one or more unique factory assigned input (loop) ID numbers. Each of the inputs requires its own programming z one (e.g., a 5804's four inputs require four programming zones).
An important point after buying a device First Alert FA148CPSSIA (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought First Alert FA148CPSSIA yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data First Alert FA148CPSSIA - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, First Alert FA148CPSSIA you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get First Alert FA148CPSSIA will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of First Alert FA148CPSSIA, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime First Alert FA148CPSSIA.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with First Alert FA148CPSSIA. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device First Alert FA148CPSSIA along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center