Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product R250d PRO Ericsson
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User’ s Guide Mobile Phone R250d PRO R250dUG.cover 4/20/00 9:41 AM Page 2.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Ditto Lornetta.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Recall ing Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Alterin g or Erasin g Numbers . .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 1 Y our terminal is a radio transmitte r and receiver . When the terminal is turned on, it receive s and transmits radio fre quency ( RF) ener gy .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 2 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Phone Operatio n NORMAL POSI TION: Hold th e phone as y o u would any oth er tele phone w ith the an tenna pointe d up and ov er your shoulder .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 3 independent r e search b y and recommendations of Wire - less T ech nolo gy Res earch. P ersons with pacem akers: • Should A L W A YS keep the phone more tha n six inches from their pace maker when the phone is turne d ON .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 4 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se or chemic al transfer or storage facilities; vehicles usin g liquefie d petroleu m gas (suc h as propane or butane ); .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 5 tain small parts that could be detached and c reate a chokin g haza rd. • Do not allow ob jects to fall o n, or l iquids to spil l on the prod ucts. • Hold the phone as you would any other telephone, while in Ph one Mode.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 6 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Salt water If salt wa ter is splas hed on th e phone, yo u should rin se it under a water f aucet to avoid sa lt crystals from s topping up the pr otecti ve membr anes. Antenna Care • Do not cont inue to tw ist the a ntenna aft er it has been inser ted.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 7 Recyc ling Y our Battery Y ou r pho ne man ufact urer is a memb er of t he Rech arge- able Battery Recycling Corporation (RBR C), a non- prof it service or ganizatio n designed t o assist i n the re cy- cling of rechargeable batteries.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 8 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se Not e ! The tim e requi red to dis charge a batt ery vari es based o n the typ e of batter y and the numbe r and dura tion of your calls.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 9 existing scient ific evidence is conflicting and m any of the studie s that have b een done to date have suffer ed from fla ws in thei r research method s.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 10 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se ation for this long resulted in heating. Since this assay is known to be sensitive to heating, heat alone could ha ve caused the abnorm alities to occur . The data a lready in the liter ature on the response of the micron ucleus assay t o RF are conf licting.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 11 among the r est of the po pulation . One wa y to an swer that qu estion is to c ompare th e usage of mobile ph ones amon g people w ith brai n cancer wi th the use of mobile phones among appropriately matched people witho u t brain ca ncer .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. 12 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient U se of time on t heir ha nd-held m obile phon es could con- sider holding lengthy conversati ons on conventional phon es and r eserving t he hand- held mod els fo r shorter conve rsati ons or fo r situa tions w hen oth er typ es of phones are no t avail ab le.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use 13 Harde ll, L, Na sman, A, P ahlson, A, H allquist, A and M ild, KH. U se of cellular te lephones and the risk for brain tumors: a case-control study . Int. J. Oncol.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Comple te the foll owing step s after you have removed your te rminal and its co mponen ts from the box: Atta ch you r b elt cl ip o r sw ivel to you r b atter y (optiona l).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Getting Started Remov ing Y o ur Ba tte ry Re moving th e battery is the r evers e of attac hing it to the termina l. Make sure that the terminal is turned off bef ore removing t he b atter y . P ress t he two l atches on the to p of the b attery .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. The terminal automatically starts charging the batter y when you atta ch the charg er . The following in dicate cha rging: • The ba ttery meter in th e display wil l continuo usly fill and emp ty .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Getting Started Not e ! T o dis conne ct the charge r , first tw ist the p lug co nnect ed to the t ermina l upwards and then pul l it out. Desk St and The desk st and for your Er icsson rugged termi nal serves both as a cha r ger and a ho l der fo r the terminal.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. U s ing the ot her co rd suppl ied, plug the char ger into a standar d electrical wall o utlet. When to Charge Y our Battery The NiMH batt er y that com es with you r termina l can be char ged whenev er you wish wit hout losing pe rfor- mance.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Y our Terminal 19 Y our digital wireless terminal is s i milar in appearance t o the ill ustratio n below .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. press and hold the PT T butto n to spe ak.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Y our Terminal 21 Sta tu s I nd ic at or shows th e operat ing status of your terminal or call type. For example, is shown during a call and or is sho wn during stan dby .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Ñ • Pr ess to recall nu mbers stor ed in m emory , when your terminal is in Standby M ode. • Pr ess tw ice to recall the last number called, when your terminal is in Standby M ode.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Learning About Y our Terminal 23 Descriptio ns of T erminal Feat ures This table list s the dist inguishi ng featur es of the Ericsson terminal de scribed in t his manual. Alert Butto n • Pr ess to view the defaul t Alert Number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. ! T urning Y our T erminal On and Off T o turn your phone on, press and hold or until your terminal b eeps. The dis play and keypad b acklight- ing will come on for a bout 15 seconds.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 25 your te rminal ac cesses the system , InUse is shown on t he bott om line of the d ispl ay . Call replaces Dialing , as show n in th is illustration. Not e ! Remember to keep the terminal at least 3 inches (7.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. ! A stop causes th e term inal to stop transm itting n umber s until you pre ss . Y ou can enter a stop in a series of digits by pressing and holding # unti l S is shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 27 Call Receive is still shown in the display , and you can stil l answer th e call by pressing any key excep t . Unan swered Calls Y o ur term inal's d ispla y shows the n umber of calls you have received b ut did not answer .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. ! knob. Rota te the k nob c lockwise t o increa se volume and counter clockwise to decreas e volume. Emergency Call s Y ou r terminal c an be programmed with an emerg ency number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 29 the displ ay . Also, if t he number is one that you have stored in memor y with a name, the name is shown with the ph one numb er when your terminal ring s. If the Caller ID i nformation is not available, the m essage NO ID or a blank line is shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. " ! tion. Y o ur term inal wil l automatic ally a nswer T alk group calls when Rad io Mode is selecte d.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Basic Operations 31 Summary of B asic Operat ions Spkr The terminal has an a ct ive ca ll in Speakerphone Sub m od e. Priv The terminal has an act ive call in P rivate Sub - mode. Bcst The terminal has an act ive Broadcast Group Cal l.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. " ! Spe ak during active Radio Mode call Pr ess and hold . Increase/ decrease volume in Ra dio Mo de Rotat e top vo lume k nob. Chan ge from Phone Mode to Radio Mo de Swi tch mode contr ol knob from green to red.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using Menus "" This chapter explains how to use your terminal's menus. Y o u shou ld read th is chapter thorou ghly to underst and how to navig ate throu gh the menu syst em and ho w to cha nge m enu sett ings.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. " #$ Pre s s to store the ch oice you se lected or press if you wan t to exit the menus wi thout stori ng any changes you have made. If you store your chan ges, the words SELECTION STORED! are shown br iefly in the disp lay .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Using Menus " Pr es s Ô or Ñ until th e menu po inter ( ) is besid e Sounds . Pr es s . The SOUNDS M enu settings ar e shown in the display . Pr es s Ô or Ñ until the m enu po inter is be side Ring Volume.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. " #$ 4 Gen. Setup 1 Keyp adLo ck 2 Bac k Light 3 Contr ast 4 G reeti ng 5 Language + 6 Men uRese t + 7 Noise C anc (H andsfr.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Storing and Rec alling Numbers 37 Y ou can store phone number s and associated name s in your termina l's memor y to us e for Recall dialing , Speed Dial, and S uper Dial. Each nu mber you store can be up to 32 digi t s in leng th, and any names you stor e can be up to 24 ch aracters i n le ngth.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. " %& Enter th e phone number you wa nt to store. Not e ! T o enter l etters from th e keypad, you must press a key from one to fi ve times, depend ing on whi ch letter you want to enter .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Storing and Rec alling Numbers 39 described steps fo r entering a na me and numb er , then press and hold . T he termin al promp ts you to en ter your se curity c ode. If you enter the correct c ode, th e number is s tored and Stored Securely in Mem- ory is shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. %& If you wa nt to sear ch by the lo cation n umber , p ress Ô until th e curso r is on the RECALL: line and enter th e number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Storing and Rec alling Numbers 41 Pr es s to erase the nu mber from m emor y . Memory is erased ! is shown briefl y in the dis- play .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $' Y ou r terminal can receive two types of mes sage service (text me ssages an d voice mail) if th ese ser vices are avail- able fro m your service pr ovider .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 43 Emerge ncy Mes sages If your terminal is turned On when it receives an emer- gency message, y our terminal sounds two brief tones, and a message s imilar to the one in this il lustration is shown in the disp lay for a few se conds.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $' Receiv ing Messa g es Whil e on a Call When you r eceive a messag e while on a cal l, your termi- nal sounds a b rief tone and a message similar to the one in this illustratio n is shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 45 Savi ng and Deleting T ext Me ssages After you have r etrieved and read a text message, you can: • S ave the m essage to memory : Pre s s a n d h o l d . • Delete the message: Pre s s a n d h o l d .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $' Receiving V oice Mail During a Call If your terminal receives a voice mail notice during a call, a brief tone sounds and Vo ice Mail Received is briefly shown in the display .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Message Services 47 Quic k Access to T ext and V oice Mail Messages The Quick M essage feature lets y o u quickly read text messages or r etrieve voice mail messages. T o access the Quick Message fe ature, press and hold eit her Ô or Ñ .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! Pre s s Ô to acc ess the men us. Pre s s Ô or Ñ to sc roll thr ough menu s, function s in menus, and settings in a function. Pre s s to sele ct a menu, function , or sett ing which is beside the me nu pointe r ( ).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 49 Unrea dT ext If you have text mes sage ser vice from your p ro vid er , this menu feature lets you read your unread text messag e s. Old T ext If you have text mes sage ser vice from your p ro vid er , this menu feature lets you read your old text messages.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! Phone No. The Phon e No. fu nction shows you the p hone num ber progr ammed into your terminal. Y ou are pr ompted for the se curity co de to ga in acces s to this fun ction .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 51 Bac k Light Y ou can set the displa y and keypad backli ghting to stay on c ontinuousl y or aut omaticall y turn off when the ter- m i n a l i s i n St a n d b y M o d e o r w h e n t h e re ha s b e e n n o k e y pressed for 20 secon ds.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! tion. It is also required for Speaker phone Mode. The two op tions fo r Echo Canc are Aut o and Off. T raining (Handsfree O nly) T raining ass ists you in determining the DSP parameters when you are connected to a smart handsfree dev i ce.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 53 F or example, if you save 1 23 as the auto prefix and the function is turned on, to call 123 -7654 just di al 7654. The prefix 12 3 is automatically added. The auto prefix is not added for nu mbers longer t han five digits or to numbers that sta r t wit h *.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! Speaker V olume Spe ak er V o l al lows you to sel ect the speake r volume of handsfr ee acce ssories. Ring Pulse Ring Pulse a llows you to cho ose th e type of tone for the ring pulse in Phone M ode.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 55 display . P ress Ô to display th e home c ount. Press Ñ to ret urn to th e total c ount display . T o res et from Standb y Mod e, pre s s Ô 74 Ô Ô , and then pres s to rese t .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! Receiv ing Y ou can allow or rest rict incoming phone call s. If selected, the terminal does not ring during incoming calls . Sec. Code Y ou can change your four-di git security code.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Menu Descriptions 57 Pr es s Ñ or Ô until the m enu po inter is be side Access No. Pr es s . Enter the cal ling ca rd acces s num ber . Pr es s to sto re th e number .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. $(! Key V ol um e Key V olu me allows y ou to adj ust th e volume of the key to n es . K e y V o lu m e i s a d ju st a bl e in f iv e di ff e ren t l eve l s t o take full adv ant age of the s peaker high level in Radio Mod e.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Problems You Can Solve 59 Displa yed Messa ges and Explanations Pr oblems and P ossible Solutions Prob lems Y ou Can Solve The signal is too weak to m ake a call. T ry again when the signal stre ngth is one bar or stro nger .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. )*' If Y ou Need Assistance If you nee d additional information or if you would like to purcha se Ericsson Original Accessorie s: • In N or th Americ a, call 1-800 -ERICSS ON (374-2 776).
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Index 61 $ Access Tone , 53 Accessing Your Native Language , 51 Alert , 54 button , 23 cal ls , 28 low battery , 29 Alert numb ers , 39 Aler t Setup , 58 Default Al t.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. + , international , 28 maki ng , 24 maki ng in ph one mo de , 24 maki ng in ra dio mo de , 24 unan swered , 27 Calls are being dr opped , 60 Ca.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Index 63 + Home Only , 49 , Incorrect sec urity code , 59 Increasing volume , 27 Indicator light funtions , 21 International call s , 28 .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. + , Messages Menu , 48 Delete All , 49 Old Text , 49 Unrea dTe xt , 49 VoiceMsg s1 , 49 VoiceMsg s2 , 49 Microphone muti ng , 27 MinuteMind , 3.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Index 65 Mem. , 48 ScrPad , 48 Reading text messages , 43 Recalling alert number , 40 group number , 40 number from secure me mory , 40 numbers , 37 , 39 numbe.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. + , 7 TDMA Pro group calling , 29 Temporari ly muting the ring tone , 26 Terminal description , 23 diagram , 19 feature s , 23 front vie w , 19.
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. The R250d Menu .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Ditto Lornett P age i Thur sday, July 13, 2000 5:06 PM .
Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc. Ditto Lornett P age i Thur sday, July 13, 2000 5:06 PM .
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An important point after buying a device Ericsson R250d PRO (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Ericsson R250d PRO yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Ericsson R250d PRO - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Ericsson R250d PRO you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Ericsson R250d PRO will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Ericsson R250d PRO, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Ericsson R250d PRO.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Ericsson R250d PRO. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Ericsson R250d PRO along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center