Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LBI-39224 Ericsson
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LBI-39224 ericssonz Operations Guide EDACS ® CEC/IMC MANAGER Version 5.0 for Windows NT ®.
LBI-39224 iv 8. I n no ev ent, w hethe r on w arr anty, co ntract or neg lig ence, shal l COMPA NY be liable fo r spec ial, incidental , indire ct or co nseque ntial damag es incl uding, but no t limi.
LBI-39224 v This m anual is publ ishe d by Ericsson Inc. witho ut any w arr anty . I mpro vem ents and changes to this manual nece ssitated by typo graphical err ors , inaccuracies o f curr ent infor mation, or improv em ents to pro grams and/or e quipment, m ay be made by Ericsson Inc.
LBI-39224 vi This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 vii Contents INTRODUCTION........................................................................ xiii 1. CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED ..................................... 1-1 1.1 ABOUT CEC/IMC MANAGER V5.0.......................... 1-1 1.2 ABOUT THIS MANUAL .
LBI-39224 viii 3.11 CONSOLE CONFIGURATION ................................. 3-104 3.11.1 CIM Channel Configuration ................................. 3-105 3.11.2 Console User Profile Configuration...................... 3-112 3.11.3 C3 Maestro Console Hardware Configuration .
LBI-39224 ix 4.2 NODE DATA ................................................................. 4-1 4.2.1 Node Matrix............................................................ 4-2 4.2.2 Board Identification .............................................
LBI-39224 x List of Figures Figure 1 CEC/IMC Manager Main Window and Menu Bar ....... 3-2 Figure 2 CEC/IMC Manager Login ............................................ 3-2 Figure 3 CEC/IMC Manager Configuration Menu ..................... 3-4 Figure 4 CEC/IMC Manager Configuration User Menu .
LBI-39224 xi Figure 28 C3 Maestro Hardware Configuration Dialog Box ........ 3-121 Figure 29 Console Privilege List Dialog Box ............................... 3-125 Figure 30 C3 Modular/Desktop Console Configuration Dialog Box ........................
LBI-39224 xii Figure 58 NETCLOCK/2 Configuration ....................................... 6-2 Figure 59 NETCLOCK/2 T-CMD Interconnections ..................... 6-4 Figure 60 NETCLOCK/2 Remote Output Connections ................ 6-5 List of Tables Table 1 Configured/Active Sites Prefix Definitions.
LBI-39224 xiii INTRODUCTION Welcome Ericsson welcomes y ou to the world of mobile comm unications. W e believe there is no equal to Ericsson p roducts and have made a comm itm ent to our cu stomers to en sure that product satisfaction and reliable service is our number one priority.
LBI-39224 xiv Conventions Those users already f amiliar w ith Windows ® will f eel quite at home with the graph ical aspects of CEC/IMC Manager for Window s NT. For those users wh o are not very fam iliar with Windows, or are a bit rusty, a brief review follows.
LBI-39224 xv – appears, scroll bars are provided if there are more choices than can fit in the box. – Check boxes presen t non- exclus ive options, y ou can select as man y options as needed, w hen a check box is selected it contains an X , nam es of un avail able option s appear dimm ed.
LBI-39224 xvi This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 1-1 1. CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED 1.1 ABOUT CEC/IMC MANAGER V5.0 Starting w ith release (v ersion) 5.0 the CEC/ IMC Manager is a 32 bit Windows NT application. To provide remote managem ent capability the architecture of the CEC/IMC Man ager is Client/Server.
LBI-39224 1-2 and view ing interface m odule statu s data. The various screens and terms the user m ay encounter ar e walked through a nd expl ained in full detail. The following sub-sections highlight the major functions o f the CEC/IMC Manager. 1.2.
LBI-39224 1-3 and EDAC S Data Gateway (EDG) interf ace. In release 5.0 CEC/IMC Manager TDM bus time slots are allocated f rom each site, console, or DVIM in terface audio configu ration dialog box. System Options – Auxiliary I/O – Program auxiliary I/O events.
LBI-39224 1-4 Console Configuration – Console Hardware Configuration – Perform special con sole hardware configurations for C3 Maestro™ consoles. – Console User Profiles – Con figu re console user- specific paramet ers. Up to ten (10) diff erent con sole user prof ile set-ups (shifts) are available for each console.
LBI-39224 1-5 1.3 DATA LOGGING FEATURE One of th e most im portant f eatures of the CEC/IMC Manager (MOM PC) is its ability to log data. All data that is placed o n the GSC Bus in the CEC/IMC is logged at the MOM Contro ller Board.
LBI-39224 1-6 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 2-1 2. CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 UNPACKING After opening this package, verify you have received the following: – CEC /IMC Manag er Version 5.0 f or Window s NT softwa re— located on 3-1/2 inch diskettes; this so ftw are will be already installed on the computer's hard drive for a new system – this manual (LBI-39224) 2.
LBI-39224 2-2 2.3 DISKETTE HANDLING While working w ith your diskettes you should consider the follo wing handling procedures: – Always store diskettes in their envelope – Insert diskettes into th.
LBI-39224 2-3 It is im portant to use the DISKCOPY comm and when m aking a backup and n ot the COPY or XCOPY comman ds. The diskette contains a volum e label that is required for the inst allation process and C OPY and XCOPY do not copy volume labels.
LBI-39224 2-4 1. VERIFY that the MIGRATE.B AT utility has been executed to save the original (DOS) CEC/IMC Manager configuration. 2. Insert the "Install" CEC /IMC Manag er V5.
LBI-39224 2-5 7. The TDM Bus /Slots m ust be read from the CE C/IMC in the Console Audio Configuration screens. a) Select Menu Option Configure Sy stem / CEC/IMC Configuration / CIM. b) Select ALL cons oles that are displayed in the Configured/Active Consoles list box.
LBI-39224 2-6 c) Choose the Modify button. d) For each PIM choose the CEC/IMC to Disk button. e) Verify the Slots m atch in the Upper and Lower list boxes for ALL channels. 11. The TDM Bus /Slots m ust be read from the C EC/IMC in the NIM Audio Configuration screens.
LBI-39224 2-7 14. An y T1/E1 node databas es m ust be defin ed or conve rted from analog to T 1 or E1. See the T 1 /E1 Installatio n Instructions for more details on setting the T1/E1 databases. 2.7 SYSTEM HOOK-UP Connect all peripheral equipm ent to y our com puter prior to conf iguring the softw are item s described in Chapter 3 of this manual.
LBI-39224 2-8 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 3-1 3. CHAPTER 3 OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION The primary intent of this chapter is to describ e CEC/IMC Manager progr am operatio n, and va lid CEC/IMC M anager a nd CEC/I MC Digita l Audio Sw itch configuration settings. In som e cases detailed system- level inform ation is presented where necessary .
LBI-39224 3-2 Figure 1 CEC/IMC Manager Main Window and Menu Bar Selecting any of the choices f rom th e CEC/IMC Man ager m enu bar ( Configure System , Monitor System , Help ) w ill display the Login dialog box. You w ill be prompted to enter a user name and password before execution of the program w ill continue.
LBI-39224 3-3 OK Choose the OK button to save any new settings, activate those settings, and exit the current dialog box. E x it Progra m Choose the Exit Program button to exit the CEC/IMC Manager program and return to the Windows NT Program Manager. 3.
LBI-39224 3-4 Certain menu selections m ay be "grayed-out," indicating that those menu selections (functions) are not available to that access level. See User Access Lev el (later in this section) for those functions available to the various access levels.
LBI-39224 3-5 Figure 4 CEC/IMC Manager Configuration User Menu 3.2.1 Set Up Accounts This option is used to add a n ew user account. Adding a new user account involves adding th e new user nam e, selecting a passw ord, and establishing the access level.
LBI-39224 3-6 Figure 5 Add/Modify/Delete Users Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-7 User Password Select (no pas sw ord requ ired) or uns elect (passw ord required) the No Password check box as required f or the new user. If selected, no furth er action is required. If u nselected, enter th e password in the New Passw ord tex t box, th en re-en ter the pas sw ord in the Verif y New Password text box.
LBI-39224 3-8 Ca n ce l Choose the Cancel button to im m ediately ex it the current dialog box without saving or activating any new settings. Login As New User Selected users m ay be able to login to the CEC/IMC Manager program as a new (different ) user, this "new " user mu st be a currently existing user in the system .
LBI-39224 3-9 another platf orm w hen th e user log s in; in such instances a us er may need to have accou nts at each platf orm u nder different user nam es with a font selection for that particular platf orm.
LBI-39224 3-10 3.4 INITIAL CEC/IMC MANAGER AND MOM CONTROLLER BOARD CONFIGURATION The CEC/IMC Manager Configuration dialog box , show n in Figure 7, is the co nfiguration p oint fo r sever al CEC/IM C Manager and CEC/IMC MOM C ontroller Board-related param eters.
LBI-39224 3-11 COM 1, COM 2, COM 3 or COM 4, as required us ing t he respectiv e option button in the dialog box. The selected serial port interrupt request lin e (IRQ) and base I/O port address set ting s are establi shed f rom th e Microsoft Window s NT Control P anel progra m settings.
LBI-39224 3-12 GSCMOM.EXE o ff -lin e program s as desc ribed in Ch apter 5, OFF- LINE DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS. If data logging is desired , select the Enable Datalog check bo x. With this feature enabled the CEC/IMC Manager will log GSC traff ic such as channel assignments and drops.
LBI-39224 3-13 Figure 8 System Options Menu Figure 9 Configure System Clock Synchronization Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction.
LBI-39224 3-14 Output CEC/IMC Manager Time to CEC/IMC Select (enable) this check box to cause th e CEC/IMC Manager time to update the CEC /IMC tim e. T he default is "selected" —"Output CEC/IMC Ma nager T ime to CEC/IM C." Unse lect ( disab le) to for ce the CEC/IMC to run on its own internal clock.
LBI-39224 3-15 Manager user is able to select unit, group, and site data fro m the System Manager ; or unit, group , and site d ata, alo ng with conve ntional and conso le unit ID database s from the CEC/IM C Manage r hard disk, a nd broadcast (transfer) th is data to all interface m odules.
LBI-39224 3-16 Figure 10 System Mgr/Network Mgr Entity Database Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the System Mgr/ Network Mgr Entity Database dialog box and ret urn to t he CEC/ IMC Manager main window.
LBI-39224 3-17 down list box: w hether it was full or partial, status, and number of records in the database file that were updated. Entity The Entity box allows the user to select the entity database to be updated. Transf ers from the Sys tem Man ager m ay be Unit, Group, or Site.
LBI-39224 3-18 3.6.2 Transfer From CEC/IMC Manager If a "Transfer From CEC /IMC Man ager" is desired, all upload data w ill originate from the CEC/IMC Manager's hard disk. This is data stored from a previous System Manager upload. In ad ditio n, co nventional and console u nit ID databases can be uploaded from the CEC/IMC Manager.
LBI-39224 3-19 Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Sy stem Mgr/Network Mgr Entity Database dialog box, if no other database transfers are desired, an d return to the CEC/IMC Manager main window.
LBI-39224 3-20 TDM bus all ocations are perf orm ed from the TD M Bus Configuration dialog box, show n in Fi gure 11. F rom th e CEC/ IMC Manag er men u bar select Configure System / CEC/IMC Conf iguration / TDM B us to display the TDM Bus Configuration dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-21 will greatly increase the num ber of slots availab le, and decreasing the number of buses will greatly decrease the number of slots available. He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-22 In most cases, the term "site" in this program does no t refer to an EDACS trunked site or any other type of r adio system. It refers instead to a site-t ype interf ace module w ithin the CEC/IMC or StarGate Controller Digital Audio Switch.
LBI-39224 3-23 Figure 12 CEC/IMC Configuration Menu 3.8.1 MIM Channel Configuration Interfacing between the CEC/IMC and an EDACS tr unked site is accomplished w ith a M A STR™ II/III I nterf ace M odule ( MI M ). The MIM consis ts of a C ontrolle r Board and up to eight A udio or T1 /E1 Interface Boards.
LBI-39224 3-24 Figure 13 Site Channel Configuration List Dialog Box (MIM Shown) Each Site Channel Configur ation List dialog box dis play s th e configurable "sites" and configured/active "sites." An active "site" represents an active C ontroller Board control data link.
LBI-39224 3-25 All selected MIMs in this list w ill also be included in the " Save As… " dialog box that is accessed from the Site Channel Configur ation dialog box or T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dialog box. The particular state is indicated by a prefix as defined in the following table.
LBI-39224 3-26 Interface Board will activate the T1/E1 Digital Site Configuration dialog box . These options are discus sed in detail in subsequen t sections. De l e te Choose the Delete button to remove ("delete") a selected configured o r unconfigured site from the Configured/Active Sites list b ox to the Configurable Sites list box.
LBI-39224 3-27 Figure 14 Audio Interface Type Dialog Box (Audio Board selected) T1/E1 Interface option If T1/E1 Interface C ard was selected (Fig ure 15), a new set of option buttons will appear. T1 is a digital transm ission facility operating at 1.544 Mbps (m illion bits per second ) in a full-duplex, time-division-m ultiplexing mode.
LBI-39224 3-28 T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dialog box w ill appear. Continue with chan nel con figu ration as described in "T1/E1 Interface Card Equipped Configuration.
LBI-39224 3-29 Figure 16 Site Audio Channel Configuration Dialog Box (MIM Shown) He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-30 by comparing the CEC/IMC Manage r and CE C/IMC list bo xes in the Site Channel Configuration dialog box. Ens ure th at the CEC/IMC config uration is correct, then choose the CEC/IMC to Disk b utton to restore the CEC/IMC Manager conf iguration database (f or the selected interface module).
LBI-39224 3-31 Channel Signaling This drop- dow n l ist box specifies the ty pe of ch anne l sign alin g sent out by th e selected channel f or control of ex ternal equipm ent such as an EDACS trunked site or co -locate d mux equipment.
LBI-39224 3-32 For exam ple, if the curren tly selected site- type interf ace module is a 20-chan nel MIM wi th f ive (5) A udio Boards addressed 1 thru 5, Bus/Slots Equipped for channels 1 thru 20 must be "YES.
LBI-39224 3-33 the selected chann el by enterin g "YES" in the AL C text box or disable it by entering "NO." Save and Send MIM Audio Board Configurations When chan nel config urati.
LBI-39224 3-34 Figure 17 "Save As…" Dialog Box For example, if "Site 8" is the currently selected site-ty pe interface module and "Site 12 " requires similar configuration settings, this b utton may be used to save the "Site 8" configuration as "Site 1 2" (save to "12 ").
LBI-39224 3-35 MOM Controller Board receives this new data it will send an acknowledgment message ba ck to the CE C/IMC Manage r, which will then display the confirmation box: "Do you want to activate TDM B us Slots? OK - will cause all CTRL boards to reset.
LBI-39224 3-36 T1/E1 selection is perform ed at the CEC/IMC Manager on a CEC/IMC w ide basis. Changing the Line Type will cause the complete T1/E1 database to be reset (lost). The Line Type show n as the "default" wh en the Audio Interface T y pe dialog box appears is how the sy stem is configu red and Lin e Type should not be changed.
LBI-39224 3-37 1. Master - Redu ndant C lock C ircuits generat ed by t he Clock Board in a FREE RUN m ode. This allows any CEC/IMC to become the m aster source of Netw ork timing.
LBI-39224 3-38 1. One n ode in the sy stem mu st be the MASTER source of netw ork tim ing . The CEC/IMC w ill su pport a primary and redundant (or alternate) MA STER sources of tim ing as indicated above. 2. A MASTER n ode can be def ined as a site, a Jessica, a T1/E1 link, or a CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-39 Figure 18 T1/E1 Digital Site Configuration Dialog Box (T1 Line Type Selected) He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction.
LBI-39224 3-40 one f ull dupl ex 4- w ire 600-oh m audio chan nel provided by the Audio Board. The T1/E1 Interface Card extracts a sign al from one bus slot and s ends it out on a T1/E1 chann el. According ly, signals receiv ed on this sam e T1/E1 channel are applied to a different CEC/IMC TDM bus slot.
LBI-39224 3-41 E1), Robbed Bit f or T1, and CA S-C C for E1. S elect the s igna ling type from the drop-down list box. Line Length This is the distance betw een the CEC/IMC and the device at th e other end of the T1 line, w hich coul d be a microw ave tran sceiver, a m ux in co-located site equipm ent, CS U, etc.
LBI-39224 3-42 should be the sam e as the conf iguration stored on the CEC/IMC Manage r har d disk. If the CEC/I MC Ma nager ha rd disk data was cleared or reset to undesired values, Read MSC follow ed by Save will restore the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk configuration.
LBI-39224 3-43 T1/E1 Channel Assignment T1/E1 logical channels are assigned startin g w ith chann el 1, these are the chann els used to transm it voice, data, and im age sign als from one system node to ano the r. E1 channe l 16 is use d fo r signa ling if signaling is enabled.
LBI-39224 3-44 ← DS0 → subchannel 1 subchannel 2 subchannel 3 subchannel 4 subchannel 5 12345 678 Table 3 Synchronous Subrate P.
LBI-39224 3-45 "Send to Site Successful" message w ill be received to confirm that the data was receiv ed by th e interface m odule Con troller Board.
LBI-39224 3-46 will appear to warn of the unsaved changes and the user w ill be given the opportu nity to sav e and ex it ( Save ) or exit without saving the changes ( Cancel ). Site Channel Configuration List dialog box Se nd Choose the Send button to send the T1 /E1 site channel configuration data to the respectiv e interface m odule.
LBI-39224 3-47 Each NI M is assigned a unique site assignment number (1 thr u 32) within the CEC/IMC. This num ber corresp onds to and matches the site assignment number set via the 5-bit DIP switch setting on the interf ace modu le’ s Cont roller Board.
LBI-39224 3-48 LBI-38938, CEC/IM C Digit al Audio Swit ch Install ation, Set-up, and Troubleshooting . NIM "Site" Selection Prior to actual channel con figu ration, the interf ace module to be configure d must be selecte d.
LBI-39224 3-49 Configured/Active Sites: The Configured/Active Sites list box displays NIMs which have been add ed but not yet channel-co nfigured , NIM s which have had pr evious channel co nfiguratio ns perfo rmed, and NIMs which ha ve b een previously chan nel-conf igured an d have an activ e Controller Board control data link .
LBI-39224 3-50 selecting T1/E1 Interface w ill activate the T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dialog box . These options are discussed in detail in subsequent sections. Audio Board Equipped NIM Configuration This section d escribes configurations for channels within Audio B oard- equipped NIMs.
LBI-39224 3-51 View Current CEC/IMC Manager Channel Configuration The upp er list box in the Site Channel Configuration dialog box, labeled "CEC/IMC Manager," displays the current channel configura tions stor ed o n the CEC/IM C Manager hard disk for the currently selected NIM.
LBI-39224 3-52 If Autom atic Level Control (ALC ) is disabled for the selected chann el, su btract 1.5 dBm from the requ ired Input Sign al Level setting. For example, if the required input signal level is -10 dBm, ente r -11.5 dBm. AL C is di sabled by set ting the ALC text box to "NO.
LBI-39224 3-53 Save and Send NIM Audio Board Configurations When chann el configu ration of the selected NIM is complete, the Site Channel Configuration dialog box chan ges m ust be sent to the CEC/IMC before the changes w ill take eff ect. This repro grams the NIM Controller Bo ards.
LBI-39224 3-54 selecting it via the selection list box, changing the configuration as required, and then choosing Save . Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit this dialog box and return to the Site Channel Configuration Lis t dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-55 T1/E1 Equipped NIM Configuration This section describes configuration for channels of T 1/E1 Interface Card-equ ipped NIMs . C hann el con fig urations are perform ed from th e T1/E1 Di.
LBI-39224 3-56 depending upon board con fig uration , can provide m odem -l ess data links ov er spare T1/E1 channels to either intern al or external devices.
LBI-39224 3-57 3. Slave to ext ernal 1.544 MHz - R edundan t Clock Circuits gene rated by t he Cl ock Board sy nch ronized t o 1 (or 2 wi th redundancy ) external clock source. A ny CEC/IMC can be synchronized to the timing output from a T1/E1 multiplexer, microw ave radio, fiber netw ork, etc.
LBI-39224 3-58 He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Analog or Digital Voice In addition to T1 or E1 selection, T1/E1 Interface C.
LBI-39224 3-59 – Digital voice/data using subrate ports m ode (currently not supported) – Digital voice/data using T 1/E1 m ode (currently not supported) Line Type This is a read-only field w hich indicates w hich type of line (T1 or E1) that the system is configured for.
LBI-39224 3-60 slightly , and the ch anges becom e m ore pronounced th e further the signal travels down the line. The outgoing o riginal signal is modified based up on line length so that the signal arriving at the destinatio n closely resem bles an ideal sign al.
LBI-39224 3-61 S e t De fa ul ts Choose the S et Defaults bu tton to s elect th e pre-program m ed defau lt values from the CEC/IMC M anager ha rd d isk. T hese value s will replace any currently displayed valu es; how ever, these " new " values must be saved and sent before they will become the new configuration.
LBI-39224 3-62 Asynchronous (a sync) por ts, up to 5, ar e assigned first and then synchronous (sync) ports are assigned. Save And Send NIM T1/E1 Configurations Any T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dial og box or T1/E1 Interf ace Card Auto- configur ation dialog box changes m ust be sent before the changes will come into effect at the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-63 action is taken by the system ) and wh en the MOM Controller Bo ard receives this new data it will sen d an acknow ledgment m essage back to the CEC/IMC Manager, w hich w ill then display the confirmation box: "Do you w ant to activate TDM Bus Slots? OK - will cause all CTRL boards to reset.
LBI-39224 3-64 Site Channel Configuration List dialog box Se nd Choose the Send button to send the T1 /E1 site channel configuration data to the respectiv e interface m odule. This procedure m ust be performed before the in terface m odule will operate w ith the new configur ation.
LBI-39224 3-65 PIM "Site" Selection Prior to actual channel con figu ration, the interf ace module to be configure d must be selecte d. Fro m the CEC/IMC Ma nager menu ba r select Configur e Sy stem / CEC/IMC Conf iguration / PIM to display the Site Channel Configuration List dialog box for that module.
LBI-39224 3-66 available PIMs may be selected at one tim e for modif ication in the Site Channel Configuration dialo g box. All selected PIMs in this list will also be included in the " Save As… " dialog box that is accessed fro m the Site Channel Configur ation dialog box or th e T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dialog box .
LBI-39224 3-67 Configured/Active Sites list box will be removed and returned to the Configurable Sites list box. Audio Board-Equipped PIM Configuration This section d escribes configurations for channels within Audio B oard- equipped site- ty pe interface m odules.
LBI-39224 3-68 View Current CEC/IMC Channel Configuration The lower list box in the Site Channel Configur ation dialog box , labeled "CEC/IMC," displays the current channel configurations stored at the CEC/IMC f or the currently selected site-type interface m odule.
LBI-39224 3-69 If Autom atic Level Control (ALC ) is disabled for the selected chann el, su btract 1.5 dBm from the requ ired Input Sign al Level setting. For example, if the required input signal level is -10 dBm, ente r -11.5 dBm. AL C is di sabled by set ting the ALC text box to "NO.
LBI-39224 3-70 In earlier CEC/ IMC firm w are/sof tware releas es, slot allocations could only be made contiguo usly starting with channel on e (1). In som e system s this produced slot allocation ineff iciencies—som e slots had to be allocated bu t were n ever used.
LBI-39224 3-71 Site Channel Configuration dialog box Sa v e Choose t he Save button to perform an imm ediate save of the currently selected PIM channel co nfiguration. Other PI Ms disp layed in the list box located at the top of the dialog box are not saved.
LBI-39224 3-72 Site Channel Configuration List dialog box Se nd Choose the Send button to send the site channel co nfiguration data to the respective interf ace m odule. This procedure must be performed before the interface m odule w ill operate with th e new configu ration.
LBI-39224 3-73 Like the C EC/IMC A udio Board, each T1/E1 Interface Card with in a CEC/ IMC interface m odule m ust h ave a uniqu e board address se ttin g. This addres s is 1 - 8 (addresse s 2 - 8 are currently not available). T1/E1 selection is perform ed at the CEC/IMC Manager on a CEC/IMC w ide basis.
LBI-39224 3-74 T1/E1 Digital Site Configuration Networked Systems Considerations Any sy stem nodes that are connected u sing T1/E1 Interfaces m ust remain frequ ency locked at all tim es. The T1/E1 Interface design allows for total netw ork synchronization by offering the following CEC/IMC Config uration options.
LBI-39224 3-75 4. Slave to ext ernal 2.048 MHz (E1 m ode only ) - Redun dant Clock Circ uits genera ted b y the Clock Bo ard synchro nized to 1 (or 2 w ith redundan cy) ex ternal clock source. Any CEC/IMC can be synchronized to the timing output from a T1/E1 multiplexer, microw ave radio, fiber network, etc.
LBI-39224 3-76 He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Analog or Digital Voice In addition to T1 or E1 selection, T1/E1 Interface C.
LBI-39224 3-77 – Digital voice/data using subrate ports m ode (currently not supported) – Digital voice/data using T 1/E1 m ode (currently not supported) Line Type This is a read-only field w hich indicates w hich type of line (T1 or E1) that the system is configured for.
LBI-39224 3-78 slightly , and the ch anges becom e m ore pronounced th e further the signal travels down the line. The outgoing o riginal signal is modified based up on line length so that the signal arriving at the destinatio n closely resem bles an ideal sign al.
LBI-39224 3-79 S e t De fa ul ts Choose the S et Defaults bu tton to s elect th e pre-program m ed defau lt values from the CEC/IMC M anager ha rd d isk. T hese value s will replace any currently displayed valu es; how ever, these " new " values must be saved and sent before they will become the new configuration.
LBI-39224 3-80 (asy nc) ports, u p to 5, are assig ned f irst and t hen s yn chronou s (syn c) ports are assigned. Save And Send PIM T1/E1 Configurations Any T1/E1 Digital Site Conf iguration dial og box or T1/E1 Interf ace Card Auto- configur ation dialog box changes m ust be sent before the changes will come into effect at the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-81 action is taken by the system ) and wh en the MOM Controller Bo ard receives this new data it will sen d an acknow ledgment m essage back to the CEC/IMC Manager, w hich w ill then display the confirmation box: "Do you w ant to activate TDM Bus Slots? OK - will cause all CTRL boards to reset.
LBI-39224 3-82 Site Channel Configuration List dialog box Se nd Choose the Send button to send the T1 /E1 site channel configuration data to the respectiv e interface m odule. This procedure m ust be performed before the in terface m odule will operate w ith the new configur ation.
LBI-39224 3-83 two VMIM/CIA sets thus providing up to a total of sixty-four convention al chann el interfaces per CEC /IMC. A VMIM is formed by a Controller Board and up to eight Audio Boards. VMIM-related ch annel config urations are perf orm ed from the Site Channel Configuration di alog bo x.
LBI-39224 3-84 VMIM, this represents an operating lin k betw een a CIA rack and the VMIM Controller Board. He l p Choose the Help com man d button to access the Help f unction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Configurable Sites: The Configurable Sites list box displays all inactive unconfigured VMIM interf ace m odules.
LBI-39224 3-85 Ad d Choose the Ad d button to move a selected VMIM from the Configurable Sites list box and " add " it to the Configured/Active Sites list box w here it can be selected f or configu ration.
LBI-39224 3-86 VMIM Audio Board Channel Configuration All ch annel parameters are con figu red from th e Site Channel Configuration dialog box. Only th ose VMIMs w hi ch were selected in the Site Channel Configuration List dialog box are available for chan nel conf iguration.
LBI-39224 3-87 C E C /IMC t o D is k Choose the CEC/IMC to Disk button to write the current CEC/IMC configuration data to the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk. This actio n will overw rite the current CEC/IMC Manager configuration for the selected interface m odule.
LBI-39224 3-88 Output Signal Level (dBm) This sett ing es tablis hes th e sign al lev el in dBm (600-oh m impedance; 0 dBm = 1 milliw att) sent o ut by the selected channel's line output. The setting specifies th e voice peak (test tone) level sen t out by the channel.
LBI-39224 3-89 ALC DO NOT enable ALC f or any ch annel if th e respective Audio Board part number is 19D903302P1 (any revision). Autom atic Level Control (ALC) provides compensation for signal level variances in a ch annel line inpu t signal.
LBI-39224 3-90 choosin g Sav e A s… a sm all di alog box (s ee Figu re 17 on page 3- 34) will appear wh ich allow s selection of a new VMIM num ber. Select the desired VMIM f rom one of t he choices in th e drop-dow n li st box, th e choices listed are the selected VMIMs in the C onfigured/A ctive Sites list box.
LBI-39224 3-91 "** " (uncon figu red and un saved) VMIMs appearing in the Configured/Active Sites list box will be removed and returned to the Configurable Sites list box.
LBI-39224 3-92 Configurable Sites: The Configurable Sites list box disp lays all unconfigured site-ty pe interface m odules. If a CTIM appears in this box, no chann el configuration exists at the CEC/IMC Manager and no active Controller Board control data link exists at the CEC/IMC for the co rresponding site assign men t nu mber.
LBI-39224 3-93 files f rom the CEC/IMC Manager's hard disk drive. T herefore, if the deleted CT IM is subsequently added b ack to the Co nfigured/Active Sites list box via the Ad d button, the p .
LBI-39224 3-94 He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) View Current CEC/IMC Manager Channel Configuration The upp er list box in th.
LBI-39224 3-95 restore the CEC/IMC Manager con figuration database for the selected interface module. Channel Selection Select a channel (1 th ru 32) for conf iguration from the CEC/IMC Manager chan nel list box, on ly one ch annel m ay be selected at a time.
LBI-39224 3-96 Channel Signaling This drop- dow n l ist box specifies the ty pe of ch anne l sign alin g sent out by th e selected channel f or control of ex ternal equipm ent such as an EDACS trunked site or co -locate d mux equipment.
LBI-39224 3-97 In earlier CEC/ IMC firm w are/sof tware releas es, slot allocations could only be made contiguo usly starting with channel on e (1). In som e system s this produced slot allocation ineff iciencies – som e slots had to be allocated but w ere never used.
LBI-39224 3-98 the selected chann el by enterin g "YES" in the AL C text box or disable it by entering "NO." Save and Send CTIM Configurations When chann el configu ration of the selected CTIM is complete, the Site Channel Configuration dialog box chan ges m ust be sent to the CEC/IMC before the changes w ill take eff ect.
LBI-39224 3-99 Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Site Channel Conf iguration dialog box and retu rn to the Site Channel Configuration Lis t dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-100 3.9 CONFIRMED CALL If confirm ed call is enabled for the group/unit at the System Manager, a unit that perform s a confirmed call w ill not be allowed to transmit on a wide area (multisite) call until all sites that should pick up the call have responded with a working channel assignm ent or until a time-out perio d expires.
LBI-39224 3-101 Figure 23 System Options Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the System O ptions dialog box an d return to the CEC/IM C Manage r main window.
LBI-39224 3-102 will continue to fail (10 second delay on every call) until the failed site is restored (normal Confirm Call operation). DVIM Confirmed Call DVIM Confirmation/Console Tr acking allow s the DVIM to filter radio origin ated digi tal grou p calls if those g roups are prog ramm ed at consoles or logg ing recorders.
LBI-39224 3-103 R ead D i s k Choose the Read Disk button to view the current configuration sto red at the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk. R e a d C E C /IMC Choose the Read CEC/IMC button to view the current Confirm Call configuration at the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-104 Caller ID This feature allows Caller ID on inbound interconnect calls. This is done by assigni ng a "LID" to each telephone line. The NIM will now track phone calls by searchin g the chan nels for the activ e phone line to pick up radi o keys/unkeys.
LBI-39224 3-105 Figure 24 Console Configuration Menu 3.11.1 CIM Channel Configuration The CEC/IMC is conn ected to the EDAC S C3 Maestro, C3 Maestro for Window s NT , and C3 Modular/Des ktop dispat ch consol es by the C onsol e I nt erface M odule ( CIM ).
LBI-39224 3-106 Figure 25 Console Channel Configuration List Dialog Box Each Console Channel Conf iguration List dialog box di splay s the config urable cons oles and con figured/activ e consoles. An active console represents an operating link betw een a dispatch console and the CIM Controller Board.
LBI-39224 3-107 consoles from this list will also be listed in the " Sav e A s… " dialog box that is accessed f rom the Console Channel Configuration dialog box. The particular state indicated by th e prefix is def ined in Table 1, Configured/Active Sites Prefix Definitions on page 3-25.
LBI-39224 3-108 CIM Audio Board Channel Configuration All ch annel parameters are con figu red from th e Console Channel Configur ation dialog box, Fig ure 26. Only th ose consoles w hich w ere selected in the Console Channel Configur ation List dialog box are available f or channel config uration.
LBI-39224 3-109 at the CEC/IMC for the cu rrently selected con sole interf ace module. Information w ithin this box updates only after Send is perform ed from the preceding Console Channel Configuration List dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-110 LBI-38938 contain s a l ine lev el adjust men t overv iew section wh ich contains gener al infor mation and gene ral re commendations fo r bo th input and output level settings. Bus/Slot Equipped Only one TDM bus time slot is norm ally required for each con sole since th ere is only on e transm it channel per cons ole.
LBI-39224 3-111 configu ration prior to sending it to the CEC/ IMC because a send w ill send the la st configura tion that was saved to disk; saving fir st ensur es that the actual CEC/IMC channel configuration will be the same as the channel co nfiguratio n stored on the CE C/IMC Ma nager har d di sk.
LBI-39224 3-112 Console Channel Configuration List dialog box Se nd Choose the Send button to send the c o nsole channe l co nfigura tio n d ata to the respective interf ace m odule. This procedure mu st be performed before the interface m odule w ill operate with th e new configu ration.
LBI-39224 3-113 Figure 27 Console User Profile Configuration Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-114 16382 range an d m ust n ot confl ict w ith other un it ID num bers in th e Sy stem Manag er's LID database . Num ber 16383 is the def ault f or uninitialized consoles and indicates to the MOM Controller Board that the console is n ot configu red.
LBI-39224 3-115 (Console) Setup Number This dro p-down list box displays wh ich console user setup is currently being displayed on-screen. Select from this list box to view or config ure specif ic con sole us er setup data for each con sole. Ten (10) different set-ups are supported at each console.
LBI-39224 3-116 for definitions of the three (3) possible levels of Individ ual Call functionality each C3 Maestro console may have. Visual Indicators Trunked/Failsoft Display Select this chec k box to e nable the tr unked oper ational status indicato rs and Failsoft tones at the conso le.
LBI-39224 3-117 console orig inated calls. This field is u sed only for C3 Modular/Desktop consoles. Caller Label Delay Time delay, in seconds, that the CALLER is displayed after the call has dropped. Thi s delay allow s th e dispatch er to see w ho m ade the cal l for a short tim e after the call w as dropped.
LBI-39224 3-118 Default Module Volume This is the default volum e setting on the unselect speaker (selected above) for incoming calls. Use the drop-do wn list box to select a value from 0 thru 32. For C3 Maestro for Windows NT the volume settings are 0 - 10, however, the actual volume range is the same.
LBI-39224 3-119 Emergency Clear Silences Alarm Select this check box to enable the EMER GENCY tone to be silenced wh en the EMER GENCY is cleared by anyon e. Unselect to disable, the tone will remain until cleared by dispatcher. Minimum Alarm Volume This is the minimu m level at w hich an em ergency tone will be heard .
LBI-39224 3-120 perform ed from the Console User Pr ofile Conf iguration dialog box . It is important to save the new configuration to the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk prior to sen ding it to the CEC/IMC because a send will sen d the last configuration that was saved to disk.
LBI-39224 3-121 procedure must be performed before the co nsole will operate with the new configuration. Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Console User Pr ofile Conf iguration dialog box and ret urn to th e CEC/IMC M anager main window.
LBI-39224 3-122 and its softw are version w ill be displayed in the upp er right corner of the dialog box. Total Number of Speakers Select the num ber of speakers that the selected console is equipped with from th e drop-dow n l ist box. Mos t consol es hav e tw o speakers, t he select speaker and the unselect speaker.
LBI-39224 3-123 replaced with the curren t config uration. If th e CEC/IMC Manager is running remotely or as a part of the E DACS Network Ma nager, this configuration is saved on the CEC/IMC Manager server, typically local to the CEC/IMC; it is not saved at the remote location.
LBI-39224 3-124 is used to define the units, group s, and conventional channels that the console is allowed to program. Currently dedicated SAID entries are shown in the Group list. These entries should not be privile ged for an y con sole. It is recomm ended that th ese entries are given a n ame in the form SAIDXXXX.
LBI-39224 3-125 Figure 29 Console Privilege List Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-126 Sele ct A ll Choose the Select A ll button to enable all units to be programmed. All the asterisks on the right should be disp layed. This allows the dispatcher to program any unit. This function is handy w hen only a few units will not be allowed to be pro gram med.
LBI-39224 3-127 without saving ( No ), or cancel the Close comm and and remain in the dialog box ( Cancel ). 3.11.5 C3 Modular/Desktop Console Configuration A special conf iguration procedu re mu st be perform ed to set-up each C 3 Modular/Desktop cons ole's Translator.
LBI-39224 3-128 box, the selected m odule and its parameters will be displayed in the text boxes above this list box. Change any or all of the parameters as required. Module Type The Module Type m ay be eith er TRUNKED or CONVENTIONAL. TRUNKED means that a trunked unit o r gro up may be p rogrammed into that m odule.
LBI-39224 3-129 Module Present The Module Present indicates wh ether the m odule actually exists. Each C3 Modu lar/Desk top con sole can su pport up to 64 m odules, but t he Module Present sho uld only have a YES for those modules actually present.
LBI-39224 3-130 configuration inform ation in NOVRAM and w ill not require another download unless the configuration changes. Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the C3 Modular/ Desk top Console Configur ation dialo g box. Any configuratio ns not saved and sent to will be lost unless Sen d and Save are perform ed first.
LBI-39224 3-131 Figure 31 Patch and Simulselect View Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Type The type is either PATCH or SIMUL (Simulselect). SAID The SAID is the special group ID assig ned to a "soft" or console patch or simulselect.
LBI-39224 3-132 Caller The Unit ID of the console currently utilizing this patch/simulselect. Site Mask The sites currently involved in this patch/simulselect. This is a 32 bit value in h ex form at, w here each bit corresponds to on e of the 32 possible sites, i.
LBI-39224 3-133 allow th e CEC/IMC an d associated consoles to process clear voice as well as A egis™ digital and A egis encrypted calls. DVIM channels are either pooled (dy namically assigned) or dedicat ed to a particular group. Each DVIM chann el sh ould be program m ed for eit her pooled or dedicated op eration.
LBI-39224 3-134 Figure 32 DVIM Channel Configuration List Dialog Box Each DVIM Channel Configuration Lis t dialog box dis play s th e config urable DVIMs and conf igured/active DVIMs. A n active DVIM represents an operating link betw een a DVIU and th e DVIM Controller Board.
LBI-39224 3-135 Configured/Active Sites Prefix Definitions, on page 3-25 for an explanation of the different prefixes if necessary. Ad d Choose the Add button to move a selected DVIM from the Configurable DVIM list box and " add " it to the Configured/Active DVIM list box w here it can be con figu red.
LBI-39224 3-136 be changed at the CEC/IMC. Input and output signal levels are set to 0 dBm, AL C is alw ays disabled, an d channel sig naling is alw ay s off. The remaining channel par ameters ar e configur ed fr om the DVIM Channel Configuration dialog box, Fig ure 33.
LBI-39224 3-137 this box upda tes only after Send is perform ed from the DVIM Channel Configuration List dialog box. Channel Selection Select a channel (1 th ru 32) for conf iguration from the CEC/IMC Manager chan nel list box, on ly one ch annel m ay be selected at a time.
LBI-39224 3-138 Dynamic Channels In this mode of operation, the DVIM p rocesses Aegis calls that are not assigned to dedicated chann els. The DVIM assigns the call to the f irst available non-dedicated channel. The only lim itation with this m ode of operation is all dynamic channels must have the same DVIU key.
LBI-39224 3-139 DVIM Channel Configuration Lis t dialog box is requi red to save an d send DVIM configurations. DVIM Channel Configuration dialog box Sa v e Choose t he Save button to perform an imm ediate save of the currently selected DVIM channel configuration.
LBI-39224 3-140 Controller Bo ard; the Audio configuration is sent directly out from there to the respective in terface m odule Controller Board. A "Send to Site Successful" m essage will be received to confirm that the data was received by the in terface m odule Controller Board.
LBI-39224 3-141 3.13 DISTRIBUTED MULTISITE / STARGATE CONFIGURATION A com m on or central netw ork sw itch k now n as a "StarGate Controller" has three or m ore sw itches linked to it via NIMs. Users select network operation on a w ide area fl eet/group basis at the Sy stem Manager.
LBI-39224 3-142 Figure 34 StarGate / Remote CEC / NIM Configuration Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-143 This option should only be disabled (un selected) in special circum stances in w hich rou ting all calls w ould cause excessiv e NIM traffic. In general, StarGate/NIM networks w hich require large amounts of console dispatch operations will require enabling of this option.
LBI-39224 3-144 Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit this dialog box and return to the CEC/IMC M anager main window. If a ny changes have be en made and not saved, you will be pro mpted ( W rite Changes to Dis k? ) to save and exit ( Ye s ), exit w ithout saving ( No ), or cancel the Close command and remain in the dialog box ( Cancel ).
LBI-39224 3-145 3.14 CONVENTIONAL CHANNEL CONFIGURATION The VMIM interface m odule and C IA secondary interface rack couple conventio nal tone or DC contro lled b ase stations a nd conventio nal voting system s to the CEC/IMC switch.
LBI-39224 3-146 channel at on e CEC/IMC), or eig ht (8) CEC/IMC s in a StarGate netw ork m ay each contain u p to a maxi mum of thirty-t wo (32) convention al chan nels.
LBI-39224 3-147 match the sw itch assignment num ber set by the DIP switches on the MOM Controller Board. See CEC/IMC Digital Audio Switc h Install ation, Set-Up And Tr oubleshooti ng (LBI-38938) f or MOM Controller Board DIP switch configuration details.
LBI-39224 3-148 CEC/IMC SWITCH ASSIGNMENT NUMBERS CONVENTIONAL CHANNEL ALLOCATIONS 36 , 44, 52, 60 97 – 128 37 , 45, 53, 61 129 – 160 38 , 46, 54, 62 161 – 192 39 , 47, 55, 63 193 – 224 40 , 4.
LBI-39224 3-149 Figure 35 Conventional Channel Configuration Dialog Box A CEC/ IMC Manager can only program/ configu re its (local) conventio nal channels.
LBI-39224 3-150 It is recomm ended that a con ventional chan nel LID stored in the CEC/IMC M anager be given the same alias as the co rre spond ing conventio nal channe l LID at the System Manage r, i.e . if a System Manager exists , changi ng a conventional ch annel ali as at the CEC/IMC M anager is possible but not recomm ended .
LBI-39224 3-152 Local/Remote Conventional Channel Dispatch After a con sole has receiv ed the Sy stem Man ger conven tional chann el database information and its privilege list, local and remote conventional channel communications operate almost identically.
LBI-39224 3-153 – reduced audio delay for a console PTT – con soles m ay pre- empt C ausew ay patch es and Causew ay simulselects – p atch/simulselect update tim e is minim ized when a trunked r.
LBI-39224 3-154 – A console-originated co nventional channel call is routed only to the convention al chann el. This is because the consoles know nothing about the Causew ay patch stored in the CCI and VMIM . T he Logical ID (LID ) assigned to the co nventional channel handles this call.
LBI-39224 3-155 3.14.3 Conventional Channel Configuration After all conve ntional cha nnels have b een configur ed, saved, and sen t, a CEC/ IMC Manag er-based Sy stem Manger database transfer of the conventional channel information is recomm ended. See SYSTEM MANA GER DATABASE UPLOADS on page 3-14 for details.
LBI-39224 3-156 Conventional Channel Configuration dialog box. Unl ess otherw ise stated, all information applies to both lo cal and remote conventional channels. Fr om the CEC/IM C Manager menu bar sele ct Configure System / CEC/IMC Conf iguration / VMIM / Conv.
LBI-39224 3-157 Conventional Channel Configuration dialog box dis play s the f irst local c onventio nal channel high-le vel configur ation. T he displa yed configura tion is a CEC/I MC Mana ger-stor ed co nfiguratio n, not a CEC/IMC-stored configuration.
LBI-39224 3-158 At the System Manage r, all co nventiona l channel LID s must be programmed with a "Unit Type" equal to "Other." Channel Alias This text box disp lays the alias (nam e) for the entered LID as defined at the Sy stem Man ager (if present).
LBI-39224 3-159 num bers representative of bold-face numbers in the tables are displa yed for a given max. co nventiona l channels p er CEC/I MC.) Switch Number range = 33 – 48 . Channel Range Range of co nventiona l channels that curr ent Switch Number is allocated.
LBI-39224 3-160 Line Type Select 2-wi re (simplex) or 4-w ire (duplex) line interfacing by selecting the respective option button within this group. Selection must m atch the line connection requirements to/from the conventional base station for the currently selected channel.
LBI-39224 3-161 The VOX thresh old and 2175 Hz hold tone level settin gs are now also stored at the CEC/IMC Man ager's hard disk. T his is a change fr om previo us versio ns, which stored the VOX threshold and 2175 Hz h old tone lev el settings on ly at th e CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-162 Remote Control Select this option if the currently selected conventional channel is co nnected through a Conventio nal Co ncentrat or Card and the card is wired in remote controller en.
LBI-39224 3-163 Tone (E&M PTT) Standard tone signaling on all but PTT (station transmit) commands, E&M M -lead signaling o n PT T co mm ands. Standard ton e signaling can be m odified per State Table (low- level) configuration on a per command basis.
LBI-39224 3-164 The maximum num ber o f conventio nal c hannels c onfigurab le for Causeway operation may be lim ited b y EDACS license privileges. See FEATURE DATA in Chapter 4 for more information. None Select this option b utton if no Causeway operation is desired for the currently selected conventional channel.
LBI-39224 3-165 reprogram s the CC I and VMIM Cont roller Boards. If after making changes, a sav e is perform ed but a send is not, the actual CEC/IMC conventional channel op eration will differ from the disp layed settings upon r e-enter ing the Conventional Channel Conf iguration dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-166 Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Conventional Channel Configuration dialog box and ret urn to the CEC/IMC Ma nager main w indo w. Any configuration c hanges no t saved will be lost; there is no prompt to s ave any chan ges bef ore exiting.
LBI-39224 3-167 COMMAND DEFINITION SET RX FREQ 7 Set receive frequency to frequency 7. SET RX FREQ 8 Set receive frequency to frequency 8. REPEAT ENABLE Enable Repeater. REPEAT DISABLE Disable Repeater. CG ENABLE Enable Channel Guard. CG DISABLE Disable Channel Guard.
LBI-39224 3-168 Figure 36 Tone Controlled Station State Table Mapping Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-169 2175 Hz Hold Tone Level The 2175 Hz hold tone level s hould be set in accordance with the level required at the conventional b ase station and line loss be tween the CEC/IMC an d the base station. Each con ventional chan nel can be individually set to the required level.
LBI-39224 3-170 Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Tone Controlled Station State T able Mapping dialog box an d return to the Conventional Channel Configuration dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-171 Figure 37 DC Controlled Station State Mapping Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) The DC Controlled Station State Table Mapping (low level config uration) dialog box m aps to a state table located on th e CI Bo ard for the selected chann el.
LBI-39224 3-172 State Table The State Table list box contains all of th e possible programm able comm ands f or a base station. Select the required comm ands to program from this list box, the selected com mand w ill be disp layed in the Selected Command text box.
LBI-39224 3-173 CG ENABLE -6 -6 0 0 – +6 + 11 CG DISABLE -11 -11 -2.5 -2.5 – +6 +11 The column s beneath the DC C ontrol Current h eading represent th e next state the station mu st go to implem ent a new com m and; for exam ple, if the station is presen tly at the - 11 mA state and receiv es a DC control current of -2.
LBI-39224 3-174 ( No ), or cancel the Close co mma nd ( Cancel ) and remain in the DC Controlled Station State Table Mapping dialog box. 3.15 LOGGING RECORDER CONFIGURATION The L ogging R ecorder I nterface M odule ( LRIM ) interface is used to record audio for selected un its, groups and con ventional ch annels.
LBI-39224 3-175 displayed in this list box. Above this list bo x is a read-only field which identifies the database source. R e a d C E C /IMC Choose the Read CEC/IMC button to read t he program m ing database from the selected LRIM.
LBI-39224 3-176 The Selected Modu le text box display s the m odule nu mber selected in the Logging Recorder Conf iguration dialog box, thi s is read- only information. Select the database (unit, gro up, or conventio nal) for the entity you w ish t o program by selecti ng th e appropriate opt ion bu tton at the top of the dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-177 – choosin g the Program LRIM button (chan ged data m u st be saved to disk prior to programming). A "No" indicates th e modu le is NOT program m ed, a m odule is "de- program m ed" (deleted) by ch oosing the Delete M od butto n in the Logging Recorder Configuration dialog box.
LBI-39224 3-178 Se nd Mod Choose the S end Mod button to send the selected module config urations (m ore than on e modu le may be selected) to the CEC/IMC MOM. This action will program the selected module. This functio n can be ve ry im porta nt during so ftw are upgrad es.
LBI-39224 3-179 3.17 CENTRALIZED ACTIVITY LOGGER (CAL) CONFIGURATION The Centralized Activity Logger (CAL ) computer uses the call activity information provided by the Centralized Activity Module (CA M) to generate usage and billing information.
LBI-39224 3-180 Configure System / System Options / Auxiliary I/O to display the Auxiliary I/O Event Configuration dialog box. Figure 40 Auxiliary I/O Event Configuration Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key).
LBI-39224 3-181 erro r/warning triggered outputs are assigned to conso les by use of a console mask. Type (Device) and Assign (Device) Each event is assig ned to a specific in terface m odule (device) with in the CEC/IMC. The Device Ty pe and Assig nm ent fields u niquely identify the Controller Board to which the I/O equipment w ill be w ired.
LBI-39224 3-182 for details on the w iring of the I/O ports/b its. Select the event type (Input or Output) from the Event Type drop-down list box. Input Event If Inpu t is selected several other fi elds are affected and require configuration as described in the following paragraphs.
LBI-39224 3-183 Output Event If Ou tput is selected several other f ields are affected an d require configuration as described in the following paragraphs. – The A ctivate an d Deactivate b uttons will be d isplayed below the Event Type f ield, replacing th e Console Tone Alarm drop-down list box.
LBI-39224 3-184 Maestro uses Alt+F1 - Alt+F8 (press and hold the Alt k ey an d then press the F1 - F8 key). The C3 Modular console uses th e ALARM 1 - 4 and AUX 1 - 4 k eys for th e sam e pu rpose. Each event can be specified to either deactiv ate upon release of the key (mom entary ) or toggle on each subsequent key press (hold).
LBI-39224 3-185 Warning Trigger A w arning trigger w ill set the output even t active on receipt of a warn ing w ith th e specified grou p/sub-grou p at the MOM.
LBI-39224 3-186 prevent overburdenin g th e CEC/IMC Man ager's w arnin g sy stem w ith auxiliary I/O state change warnings. An output event state change will be logged with the following warning:.
LBI-39224 3-187 data is not successfully broad cast to all required de vices a " MO M Comm unic ation Error " or " Device not active " notify box will be displayed. The assig ned Controller Board (device ty pe and assign men t in the I/O definition) must be installed and active for the event definition to operate.
LBI-39224 3-188 Activate T DM Bus Slots functio n. From the CEC/I MC Mana ger menu bar sele ct Configure System / CEC/IMC Configuration / Activate T DM Bus Slots to display the T DM Bus Slots dialog box . This dialog box allows the CEC/IMC Manager user to comm and the MOM to automatically reset all other Controller Boards in the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-189 Figure 42 Unit/Group Location and Unit Logout Dialog Box He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.) Cl o s e Choose the Close button to exit the Unit/Group Location and Unit Logout dialog box and ret urn to t he CEC/IMC Manager main window.
LBI-39224 3-190 The following terms are used to describe unit logout functions. – Activity : A PTT or Radio Login. – PTT : Push-To-Talk, keying a radio. – Radio Logi n : Site message generated w hen units auto login. This can occur w hen a un it powers u p or changes g roups/sites and the unit is programmed for auto login capability.
LBI-39224 3-191 Sy stem Options dialog box ( Configur e Sy stem / Sy stem Options / Multisite Settings ). This does n ot reset unit timers or change unit timer reset values, so if "Multisite Unit Logout" is selected (enabled) the unit timers will again decrem ent from the previously set values.
LBI-39224 3-192 – Unit Timers set to No T imeout never log off. This is used for units that show very little activity. – Unit Timers decrem ent each min ute but reset wh en a unit shows activity.
LBI-39224 3-193 listed in 15-minute increments from 15 minutes to 2 4 ho urs, including No Timeout. Manual Entry For timer based unit logout m anual entries also can be made.
LBI-39224 3-194 3.20.2 Command Unit Logout The comm and logout function allo ws the operator to logoff a specified unit instantly, w ithout waiting f or the inactivity logout. T he unit can be selected from the list box or manually entered (see below).
LBI-39224 3-195 search param eters f or location requests, and th e display of "Last Know n Location" will be limited by this filter. Manual Entry The Group and Unit inform ation displayed i.
LBI-39224 3-196 narrow er search param eters. C hoose the Send Location Request button to execute the specified search. The Unit Locations will be displayed in the list box with their Last Known Location—Group Alias, GID, Site Alias, and (Site) ID.
LBI-39224 3-197 Choose the A pply Grp/Site Filter button to initiate the specified search param eters. Choose the Send Location Request button to execute the specified search . The Group Locations (u nits located) w ill be displayed in the list box. 3.
LBI-39224 3-198 R ead D i s k Choose the Read Disk button to view the current configuration sto red at the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk. R e a d C E C /IMC Choose the Read CEC/IMC button to view the current Multisite configuration at the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-199 devices to disab le secondary drop s. If the Multisite Channel Monitoring function is disab led, secondary drops will not be put o n the GSC bus an d the Network Man ager will receiv e simulated secondary drops from the CAL.
LBI-39224 3-200 the Backplane. The MOM Controller Board controls clock selection by sending cloc k select co mm and signals to all othe r Contro ller B oar ds within the CEC/IMC. Each Controller Board then controls the clock select circuitry on its respective Audio Boards.
LBI-39224 3-201 Clock Boards can be in stalled. Gen erally , tw o Clock Boards are installed per CEC/IMC to allow uninterrupted operatio n wh en one Clock Board m u st be rem ov ed for serv icin g. If t w o Clock Boards are installed and the redu ndant clock featu re is enabled, the togg le switch es are normally set at the factory as follows.
LBI-39224 3-202 basis fro m the CEC/IMC M anager. The Local CEC/IM C ID is displayed at th e top center of the dialog box. Unselect the check box to disable this feature. He l p Choose the Help button to access the Help fun ction. (Help is also available by pressing the F1 key.
LBI-39224 3-203 2. If on ly one Clock Board is in stalle d, turn bot h clocks ("A" and "B" ) ON using the pa nel-mounted toggle sw itches. If multiple Clock Boards are installed, turn OFF all bu t one "A" clock and turn OFF all but one "B" clock.
LBI-39224 3-204 matrix includes one special site—the "p riority system ." The pr iority system is given an extra bit error rate threshold tolerance which favors the priority system during roaming operations. The thresho ld tolerance is program med int o the radio.
LBI-39224 3-205 Repeat the sequence for all necessary sites. A more detailed description of the fields and configuration process follows. The CEC/IMC ID ("sw itch assignment number") m ust be set at the MOM Controller B oard befo re ProSound will operate correctly.
LBI-39224 3-206 R ead D i s k Choose the Read Disk button to read the currently selected site' s Pro Sound co nfiguration from the CEC/I MC Manage r's hard disk dr ive. This configuration may not be the same as the configuration at the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 3-207 configuration is saved at the CEC/IMC Manager server, typically local to the CEC/IMC; it is not saved at a remote client. Sa v e Choose the Save bu tton to save the n ew ProSound adjacency database information to the CEC/IMC Manger's hard disk drive.
LBI-39224 3-208 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 4-1 4. CHAPTER 4 MONITOR SYSTEM 4.1 SYSTEM MONITORING The CEC/IMC Man ager for Win dows NT sy stem monitorin g capabilities allow the CEC/IMC Manager user to monitor system perform ance starting from an overall global v iew all the way down to a board level.
LBI-39224 4-2 4.2.1 Node Matrix The Node Mat rix s creen cont ains a 16 x 16 ma trix of all possi ble hexadecimal GSC node addresses in the system. Figure 45 CEC/IMC Diagnostics (Node Matrix) Screen Press the F1 key to access the Help function.
LBI-39224 4-3 Show Site Number Select this check box to disp lay the site assignment number of the site- type in terface m odules as show n abov e. If this check box is uns elected the interface m odule ty pe (MIM, NIM, etc.,) will be d isplay ed in place of the site assignment number.
LBI-39224 4-4 4.2.2 Board Identification Selecting (single-click) any of the nodes will display the Board Identific ation dialog box s how n below . The in form ation in the upper hal f of t his dial .
LBI-39224 4-5 Node ID This field displays the current hexadecimal GSC address. Type This field displays the interface module type: MIM, MOM, etc. Assignment This field displays the setting of the interf ace modu le's Cont roller Board dip switches (site assignment number).
LBI-39224 4-6 4.3 FEATURE DATA This function disp lays the L icensed Features and Licensed Capabilities for your p articula r CEC/IM C. Selec t Featur e Data fro m the Monitor System menu to display the IMC Feature Data screen.
LBI-39224 4-7 4.3.1 Licensed Features Failsoft Patch This license allow s the custom er to perform console dispatch patch oper ations when the sy stem is in Trunked Failsoft op eratio n. A CEC/IMC that is connected to an EDACS basic Failsoft site will be in Tr unked Failso ft mode.
LBI-39224 4-8 Table 11 Licensed MSC Type License Value MSC Type Description 0 IMC Default value if license is not present, multiple site interface 1 CEC Dispatch Console interface to single trunked si.
LBI-39224 4-9 Max Net Chan This license specifies the nu mber of CEC/IMC TDM Bus slots that are required for NIM devices. Each NIM chann el (StarGate or Rem ote CEC NIM) requires an allocated TDM Bus slot.
LBI-39224 4-10 Figure 47 Active Devices Dialog Box 4.4.2 Diagnostic Options Select the report optio n to view from the Selection field of the Diagnostics dialog box . The option s are Errors (opt ion of l ogged or current, available w hen Errors is selected), Warnings , Call Translation, GSC Data, and GSC Tr anslation.
LBI-39224 4-11 Di s p l a y Choose the Display button to display the selected report in the Diagnostics d ialog box. T his information can be sent to a file o r to a printer by choosing the Save To File or Print buttons respectively.
LBI-39224 4-12 location of th e error's source. In th e case of a global sy stem error, the text "GLOBAL SYSTEM" will be displayed across these 3 colum ns, since th is type of error af fects all interface modu les (devices/nodes).
LBI-39224 4-13 View Warnings Figure 49 Diagnostics Dialog Box, Warnings Option Selected Each entry in the report consists of two lines of information detailing the time and source of the w arning, the related message code number, a short descrip tion, a d ata value, and the so urce filename and line number where the warning was issued.
LBI-39224 4-14 The short description following the message code reflects this form at. For exam ple: W02-033 "Out of Range- Au dio Channel." – All possibl e w arnin gs are l isted by m essag e code num ber in this dialog bo x's Help function.
LBI-39224 4-15 Figure 50 Diagnostics Dialog Box, Call Translation Option Selected Information displayed by this on-line option is identical to the inf ormati on display ed by the of f- line C AL LS.EXE prog ram described in Chapter 5 of this manual. See Chapter 5 o r the on-line Help function for message group and sub-group definitions.
LBI-39224 4-16 GSC Data This option is also accessible from th e Diagnostics Options m enu. It allows the user to view the CEC/IMC Manager datalog information in a raw hexadecimal format.
LBI-39224 4-17 GSC Translation This option, also accessible from the Diag nostics Options m enu, is similar to the GSC Data option except there is an attempt to translate the messages into a m ore readable format. This is similar to the Call Translatio n option, excep t no messages are filtered out.
LBI-39224 4-18 To create a GSC Translation report select the GSC Translation option button and enter date and time ranges in the appro priate text bo x, then choose the Display button to disp lay the datalog file. Since the datalog file m ay be quite large, it could take several minutes to finish a translation.
LBI-39224 4-19 Figure 54 HDLC (Channel B) Statistics Dialog Box Press the F1 key to access the Help function. C lear D at a Choose the Clear Data button to reset the da ta display and allow a refresh of the display. All counts are from the last reset.
LBI-39224 4-20 the Sy stem Errors f ield and is also coun ted as a single error in each individual interface module error count. Status Indicates w heth er the cu rrent chan nel is enabled or disabled (HDLC A and B only ). If disabled, no com m unications are possible on the channel.
LBI-39224 4-21 VFR = 0 (invalid frame received) CRC = 0 (CRC check failed) RAB = 1 (received frame was aborted from transmitting station) U_FRMR Tx/Rx A count of U-f rame FRMR (fram e reject) responses transmitted and received. S_REJ Tx/Rx A count of S-frame REJ commands/responses transmitted and received.
LBI-39224 4-22 Figure 55 GSC Node Statistics Dialog Box Press the F1 key to access the Help function. C lear D at a Choose the Clear Data button to reset the da ta display and allow a refresh of the display.
LBI-39224 4-23 individual interface m odule w ill be greater that the value displayed in the Sy stem Errors field. This will occur w henever a global system error currently exists, each g lobal sy ste.
LBI-39224 4-24 4.5.3 NIM Statistics The NIM ST AT ISTICS dialog box di splay s variou s NIM data. The data is updated continuously (about once per second) wh ile the screen is displayed. Figure 56 NIM Statistics Dialog Box Press the F1 key to access the Help function.
LBI-39224 4-25 Errors Displays th e num ber of errors curren tly existin g that affect the selected interface module. This count w ill inclu de errors that affect only the current interface modu le plus the num ber of g lobal system errors.
LBI-39224 4-26 Link State Indicates the curren t control link state (UP or DOWN) between th e selected NIM and any netw orks NIMs. If th e link state is DOW N this field does n ot indicate at w hich end of the link the problem exists.
LBI-39224 4-27 Device Type This field displays the interface m odule ty pe: MIM, NIM, etc. (currently on ly MIMs, NIMs, and PIMs can be equipped w ith T1/E1 Interface Cards). Device Assign This field display s the setting of the interf ace module Controller Board dip switches (site assignment number).
LBI-39224 4-28 Statistics Card Number This field indicates which (active) cards w ithin the interface modu le the subsequen t data fields ref erence. Each interf ace modu le will ev entually be able to support u p to eight (curren tly only one) T1/E1 Interface Cards, w ith only fou r cards active at any given time (See Cards Active below).
LBI-39224 4-29 reset. A Fram ing Error occurs on th e T1/E1 Interface Card in response to several different types of data framing errors. Rem Alarms This field indicates the n um ber of Rem ote Alarms accum ulated at the CEC/IMC sin ce the last Clear Stats comm and or the last TEC reset.
LBI-39224 4-30 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 5-1 5. CHAPTER 5 OFF-LINE DIAGNOSTICS 5.1 OFF-LINE DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS The CEC/IMC Manag er (MOM PC) has tw o off-lin e MS-DOS ® utilities to extract data from the data log buffer stored on the hard disk. CALLS.EXE Used to extract all calls made within the CEC/IMC GSCMON.
LBI-39224 5-2 Calls - extract channel assignment/drop data from data log buffer Syntax: calls [<options>] Options: /bhh:mm:ss start time of data extraction /ehh:mm:ss stop time of data extractio.
LBI-39224 5-3 AVGTT System All Call VG, Tx trunked AVGMTU System All Call VG Update, msg trunked AVGTTU System All Call VG Update, Tx trunked CTI Indiv Inter (CTIS) CTIVG Indiv Inter (CTIS) VG CTG Gro.
LBI-39224 5-4 A sam ple output of the CALLS functio n using the following command line will look like: calls /d09-12-91 /b14:00:00 /e15:00:00 /s MSG MSG SUB CALL TIME BUS SLOT CHN HOST GROUP GROUP VAR CALLEE CALLER 14:12:01.44 0 3 1 1 CHN ASS GCV 80 CNV 1 IND 45 14:12:01.
LBI-39224 5-5 /dmm-dd-yy date of data log file /s soft copy output requested /n suppress node active messages /h display help file then exit The output from the GSCMON function displays the tim e of the messag e and the m essage cont ents. The interface m odule (node) ids seen at the hardw are GSC monitor are not outpu t.
LBI-39224 5-6 gscmon /d12-30-92 /b09:10:00 /e09:11:00 /n TIME DATA 09:10:01.44 66 01 02 17 01 01 0E 31 03 02 00 3A 06 01 00 09:10:03.36 66 05 00 15 01 01 02 31 03 02 00 1E 06 01 00 09:10:04.80 66 05 00 17 01 01 02 31 03 02 00 1E 06 01 00 09:10:07.20 10 02 FB 00 04 00 00 09 09:10:08.
LBI-39224 6-1 6. CHAPTER 6 NETCLOCK/2™ INTERFACE OPTION 6.1 OVERVIEW A Coordinated Universal T im e (UTC) standard o ption is available that allows the CEC/IMC to be synchronized to WW VB, operating on a frequency of 60 kHz, in Fort Collins, Colorado.
LBI-39224 6-2 Figure 58 NETCLOCK/2 Configuration Using the R S-232 seri al connecti on, the CEC /IMC Manag er reads the 26-character A SCII tim e/date data from the receiver an d updates the MOM Controller Board. The MOM then provides sy nch ronized time and date messages to the CIMs and consoles.
LBI-39224 6-3 4. Co nnect the NET CLOCK/2 to an unuse d CEC/IM C Manage r COM port. See the cable wiring diagrams that follow. The NETCLOCK/ 2 has tw o RS -232 seri al ports. One i s an out put th at transm its the 26- character ASC II time/date data on ce each second in Format 0 or Form at 1.
LBI-39224 6-6 – Time Zone Switches – Baud Rate Switches – Antenna Installation 6.3 INSTALLATION VERIFICATION Before connecting the NETCLOCK/2 to the CEC/IMC Manager, the operator should verify the status of the three LED indicators on the front panel.
LBI-39224 A-1 7. APPENDIXES 7.1 APPENDIX A - LOGGED ERROR DEFINITIONS LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E00-xxx: UNKNOWN ERROR An error has been generat e d with in the CEC/I MC, but the CEC/I MC Manager canno t deter mine w hat it is.
LBI-39224 A-2 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E01-020: HW FAIL - CLOCK BANK L ow er by te is the clock w h ich faile d: 00h = A cl ock, 01h = B clock.
LBI-39224 A-3 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E02-022: BUS FAIL - GSC BUS L ow e r by te contains the bus num ber that faile d, eithe r 0 or 1 (in hex ). The upper byte of the data w ord is reserved. No po ll r espo nse is being rece ive d, via the G SC bus, fr om a Contr oll er Board se t up to be an end no de.
LBI-39224 A-4 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E03-028: LINK FAIL - CONSOLE 0000h = CI M contro l data link failur e. 0001h = Attache d cons ole is "Logged Out" o r "D isable d." For a C3 De sk t op / Modular conso le, 0001h indicates the Translator-to-console contro l data link has failed.
LBI-39224 A-5 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E05-021: INCOMPATIBLE - AUDIO BUS E05-023: INCOMPATIBLE - CEC/IMC MANAGER E06-116: INVALID VALUE - ASSIGNMENT No inf ormatio n contained in the data word. A Controller B oard was in sta lled that conf licte d with an e xisting Cont roller Board .
LBI-39224 A-6 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E08-18: DEVICE CONFLICT - CONTROL BOARD No inf ormatio n in the data word. A Co ntrol le r Boar d device type /assig nment se tting is confl icting w ith another boar d's setting .
LBI-39224 A-7 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E11-143: ENCRYPTION FAIL - LICENSE DATA BAD None This in valid feat ure dat a system err or is issued if no lice nse data is availabl e.
LBI-39224 A-8 LOGGED ERROR MESSAGE LOGGED ERROR DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION E11-146: ENCRYPTION FAIL - LICENSE EXPIRED Abbreviated name of license that has expired: "FS Patch" - Failsoft P.
LBI-39224 B-1 7.2 APPENDIX B - LOGGED WARNING DEFINITIONS LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W00-xxx: UNKNOWN WARNING (none) A warning h as been generat ed within the CEC/I MC, but the CEC/I MC Manage r cannot dete rmine w hat it is.
LBI-39224 B-2 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W02-050: OUT OF RANGE - AUDIO SUM COUNT Value of sum count whe n the atte mpt w as made to add anothe r channel. Curre nt summ ed audio list has the maximum n umber of channel s all ow ed and an atte mpt was made to add an additional channel.
LBI-39224 B-3 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W03-066: UNSUPPORTED ID - PATCH/ SIMULSELECT Messa ge ID value th at ge nerate d the warning. Unsuppo rted m ess age I D fr om a CIM, MIM, NIM, LRIM or MOM. W03-067: UNSUPPORTED ID - SYSTEM MANAGER REC Messa ge ID value th at ge nerate d the warning.
LBI-39224 B-4 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W06-033: MISMATCH - AUDIO CHANNEL Logical ID (L I D) of the unit that experi enc ed th e missed channel drop. The CEC/I MC has rece ive d a channel assignme nt for a unit that is marke d active on another channel.
LBI-39224 B-5 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W07-120: OVERFLOW - MOM ERROR ARRAY (none) A new error message has been rece ive d, but the MOM er ror status array is full. The sta tus of the n ew error will not be stored.
LBI-39224 B-6 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION "Queued" Call w as queued a t secondary site(s). "Sys Busy" Call received System Busy a t secondary site. "Denied" Call was denied at secondary site.
LBI-39224 B-7 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION "CIC Denied" war ning and the calle r and calle e o f the failed confirmed call. The e ncry pted Jessica/CT I S cal l was denie d at the landline interface. "CT I M Duple x" war ning and the calle r and calle e o f the failed confirmed call.
LBI-39224 B-8 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W10-114: TIMEOUT - SAFETY TIMER Channel number that was cleared. The NIM (Sta rGate s ystems ) ha s rece ive d no activity on an active channel fo r appro ximate ly ten ( 10) min ut es.
LBI-39224 B-9 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W15-144: UNAVAILABLE - FAILSOFT PATCH Data fie ld co ntains Logical ID (in hex) of th e con sole t ha t attempte d to perf orm a patch.
LBI-39224 B-10 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION Notes for W18-xxx warnings: Controller Boards with firmware versions prior to 2.12 do not log these warnings. For Controller Boards with firmware versions 2.12 or greater but less than 3.
LBI-39224 B-11 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W20-136: CONV CHAN - CONFLICT Channel number in conflict. A co nve ntional channe l de finition has been received from a remote CEC/I MC that fall s w ithin the local CEC/I MC conv entional channel range .
LBI-39224 B-12 LOGGED WARNING MESSAGE LOGGED WARNING DATA CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION W24-147: LICENSED FEATURE - EXPIRES Abbreviated name of license that has expired: "FS Patch" - Failsoft Pat.
LBI-39224 C-1 7.3 APPENDIX C - SNMP AGENT and PROXY for CEC/IMC (Optional) The CE C/IMC Ma nager SNM P AGEN T is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) that is installed as an extension to the Microsoft SNMP Extendib le Agent. T he DLL must be installed thro ugh REGE DT into the registration databa se as an extension to the Extendib le Agent.
LBI-39224 C-2 – Move dow n the directory tree (left- hand side of th e screen) to the SOFTW ARE entry . Click on the SOFTW ARE entry so that it is highlighted. Select Edit from the m enu bar and Add Key f rom the drop- down m enu. For Key Nam e enter Ericsson , and leave the Class field blank.
LBI-39224 D-1 7.4 APPENDIX D - FONT SELECTABLE DIALOG BOXES Console Channel Configuration dialog box – Text in scroll boxes DVIM Channel Configuration dialog box – Text in scroll boxes C3 Modular/.
LBI-39224 D-2 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 E-1 7.5 APPENDIX E - POPUP MESSAGE BOX DEFINITIONS The CEC/IMC Manager server (GUI_SERVER .exe) is not available. This may be only a m omentary condition and choo sing Retry may be gin the client program (W_GUI.
LBI-39224 E-2 One or more required files could not b e located when attem pting to execute the clien t program . In the ex ample sh own above the DLL file "MFC40.
LBI-39224 E-3 In system s w ith a Sy stem Manager running V5 .0 so ftware, the Unit I D (LID) and Con sole Alias f ields may be edited. The Unit ID values entered in these fields m ust be valid L IDs (existing at the Sy stem Manager), identified as consoles at the Sy stem Manager, an d be dow nloaded to th e CEC/IMC Manager.
LBI-39224 E-4 The Delete button has been chosen in on e of the Con sole Configu ration dialog box es, th is pop- up box is prom pting confi rma tion of th e decision to delete the currently selected Console configuration database. T1/E1 selection is performed at the CEC/IMC Manager on a CEC/IMC wide basis.
LBI-39224 E-5 A Send of an uncon figu red and inactive (* * prefix) interface modu le was attem pted from the Site Channel Configuration List d ialog bo x.
LBI-39224 E-6 When the CEC/I MC MOM Co ntroller Boa rd ⇔ CE C/I MC Ma nager comm unication link is established, the CEC/IMC Manager compares the disk stored Slot assignments w ith the MOM Controller Board NOVRAM Slot assignm ents. If that com parison fails, this erro r will be display ed.
LBI-39224 E-7 The information saved was successfully saved to the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk. The T1/E1 databas e w as success ful ly down loaded (sent ) from the CEC/IMC Manager to the CEC/IMC MOM Controller Board. Configuratio n data was successfully sent from the CEC/IM C Manage r and to the C EC/IMC MOM Controller Board.
LBI-39224 E-8 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 G-1 Glossary of Terms Aegis Aegis is Ericsson's digital v oice audio sy ste m that employ s adva nced Digital Signal Processing (DSP) circuitry . Aeg is has two prim ary mode s – "A egis dig ital" a nd "A egis priv ate.
LBI-39224 G-2 Call Director patch The Call Director patch feature allows th e disp atcher at a co nsol e to "patc h" a te lephone line to a specif ic unit, ta lk group, conv entional channel, or radio patc h in the CEC/IMC netw ork.
LBI-39224 G-3 CEC C onsole E lectro nics C o ntroller – The CEC is an advanced radi o comm unications controller incorpora ting tim e division m ultiplex digital a udio switc hing tec hnology . The C EC connec ts dispatch consoles to EDACS and CNI systems.
LBI-39224 G-4 control data Control data includes any data used for system control. Controller Board The Controlle r Board processe s control data , holds database s, and controls the Audio Boards within its respective interface module.
LBI-39224 G-5 EDACS E nhance d D igital A ccess C omm unication S y stem – The term "EDA CS ra dio sy stem " re fer s to RF equipm ent that may be interfaced to t he EDACS CEC/IMC Digi tal Audio Switch.
LBI-39224 G-6 GETC Ericsson G eneral E lect ric T runking C a rd – The GETC is a mi croproce ssor- controlled shelf tha t can be conf igured to pe rfor m ma ny dif fe rent sig nal proc essing tasks f or EDACS radio communications eq uipment.
LBI-39224 G-7 Jessica PBX Gateway Jessica P rivate B ra nch e X change Gatew ay – Th is advan ced telephone inte rconnec t sy stem is use d with CE C/IMC equipm ent to provid e EDACS radio system users access to local public switched telephone ne twor ks (PSTN ).
LBI-39224 G-8 NIM N etwork I n terface M odule – Tw o or m ore IMC ne twork s ca n be linked together for distributed multisite c omm unications using a NIM at each IMC Digi tal Audio Switch. NIM s can also link a remote CEC to an IMC for remote console applications.
LBI-39224 G-9 ProSound When roam ing on a w ide ar ea (multisite) netw ork, ProS ound enabl es a ra dio to s elect a new s ite based upon the bit-error-rate of the "adjacent " sites' control chann els. The roaming op eration is referred to as " wide a rea s can" or "w ide are a sy stem sc an.
LBI-39224 G-10 site This ter m norm ally ref ers to r adio equipm ent at a single specif ic location. (Also see site assignment number .) site assignment number In m ost cas es, the term "s ite" in this progra m doe s not refer to a n EDAC S trunk ed site or any other ty pe of radio sy stem.
LBI-39224 G-11 VMIM Con V entional M ASTR II/III I nterface M odule – The VMIM couple s the CIA sec ondary interf ace rack to the primary CEC/IMC interface module s. The VMIM - CIA set allow s conventiona l base stations and con v entional satellite receiver voting systems to be c on nected t o the CEC/IMC.
LBI-39224 G-12 This page intentionally blank.
LBI-39224 I-1 Index A access level change 3-8 create 3-5 default 3-3 System Administrator 3-3 adjacency ProSound 3-204, 3-207 ALC 3-30, 3-32, 3-136 assignment number CEC/IMC 3-146, 3-149, 3- 158, 3-20.
LBI-39224 I-2 Conventional Interface (CI) 3-145, 3-155, 3-168, 3- 171 board identification 4-3, 4-5 bus GSC 3-198 TDM 3-19, 3-31, 3-39 , 5-2 activate slots 3-187 assign slots 3-19, 3-31, 3- 110, 3-137.
LBI-39224 I-3 save and send high-level configuration 3-164 StarGate Network 3-145 StarGate Network channel allocation 3-146 StarGate Network channel programming 3-148 StarGate Network remote channel l.
LBI-39224 I-4 module configuration 3-175 save and send module configuration 3-177 M MIM audio board configuration 3- 28 audio interface type selection 3-26 MIM selection 3-23 save and send audio board.
LBI-39224 I-5 TDM bus 3-19, 3-40 , 3-187 activate 3-187 allocating console interface module 3-110 DVIM 3-137 general 3-19 site-type interface module 3-31 TDM time 3-19, 3-40 , 3-187 activate 3-187 all.
LBI-39224 I-6 log in under new 3-8 V VMIM audio board configuration 3- 86 save and send audio board configuration 3-89 VMIM selection 3-83 W W_GUI.exe 1-1, 2-3 WINMOM 1-1, C-2 X XLTR 3-127 Ericsson Inc. Private Radio Systems Mountain View Road Lynchburg, Virginia 24502 1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711) Printed in U.
An important point after buying a device Ericsson LBI-39224 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Ericsson LBI-39224 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Ericsson LBI-39224 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Ericsson LBI-39224 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Ericsson LBI-39224 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Ericsson LBI-39224, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Ericsson LBI-39224.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Ericsson LBI-39224. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Ericsson LBI-39224 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center