Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product F232122R3 Alliance Laundry Systems
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Supplement W ater Sa ving System Installation, Maintenance, Operation and Programming Instructions Supplement Refer to P age 3 for Model Identif i cation Q027IE3A UW UF Q027I NOTA: El manual en español aparece despué s del manual en inglés. Part No .
© Copyr ight 2000, Allian ce Laundry Sy stems LLC All rig hts reser ved. No part of t he content s of this boo k may be r eproduced o r transmitt ed in an y form or by a ny means with out the expr essed writ ten conse nt of t he publis her . F232122 1 T able of Contents Introduct ion .
2 F232122 Notes.
3 F232122 Intr oduction Model Identificatio n Inform ation i n this manual is a pplic able to t hese model s: UW 60 PV UW 100 PV UF 35 PV UF 50 PV UF 85 PV.
F232122 4 Notes.
5 F232122 Installation This ma nual is de signed as a suppl ement to th e instal lation, mainten ance, op eration a nd programmi ng of PV model Po cke t Hardmount and Cab inet Freesta nding w asher -e xtra ctors equ ipped wi th the W ater Sa ving System ( WSS) .
Installation F232122 6 Dimensional Clear ance UWPV P ocket Har dmount with W ater Saving System Machine Dimensions* Dimensions 60 100 in. mm in. mm A 4-7/16 1052.
Installation 7 F232122 UFPV Cabinet Freestanding with W ater Saving System Machine Dimensions* Dimensions 35 50 85 in. mm in. mm in. mm A 35 889 39 990 .
Installation F232122 8 Machine Foundation F or machine f oundation infor mation for both UWPV and UFPV mode ls, refe r to sect ion in respe cti ve instal lation/mainte nance manuals. For UFPV model s with the W ater Saving Syste m, refe r to T able 1 for tota l floor load d ata.
Installation 9 F232122 Mecha nical Instal lation Mounting Bolt Installation f or Cab inet Freestanding Models ( UFPV) with W ater Sa ving System Refer t o the Installa tion/Maintena nce manual (P/N F23205 9) for mounting bol t insta llation infor mati on for UFPV mode ls.
Installation F232122 10 Figu re 2 Q023I Q024I Q023I 41-5/16" (1049 m m) 34-1/ 8" (867 mm) 3/4" (19 mm) 4-13/16" (106 mm) 9/16" (14 mm ) 9" (229 mm) 10-3/ 4" (273 mm).
Installation 11 F232122 Refer t o the W ater Savi ng System (WSS) Genera l Spec ification s in th is sec tion t o dete rmine i f ther e is adequ ate clea rance thr ough the door for the machine. If the re i s not and the WSS n eeds to be removed , refe r to the sectio n “ Removi ng the T op Section ” .
Installation F232122 12 7. Carefully lo w er top section o ver f rame side s. Insert the eight top s ectio n bolts an d four fra me support bar bolts . Fully tighten th e corresponding nuts wit h the correspondi ng bolts . 8. Lev el the frame top section and si des.
Installation 13 F232122 Instructions f or Installati on of P ock et Har dmount Models (UWPV) with W ater Sa ving System Read the fo llowing i nstru ction s th oroug hly b efore proceedi ng. The i nstall er must hav e a comprehensi ve underst anding of t he instructi ons before attempting insta llatio n of th e WSS .
Installation F232122 14 2. Installi ng the pump a ssembly (refe r to F igur e 5 ): NO TE: The pump assembly is pack aged inside washer -extract or basket. a. Remove the pump ass embly from packagin g and plac e at the rear of the was her-e xtractor resti ng flat on floor .
Installation 15 F232122 Figu re 5 Q039I 1 Large Hose Clamp 11 Ball V alve 2 Ta n k E l b o w 12 Pump F an End 3 2" T ank Ov erflow 13 To p P u m p 4 V acuu m V ent 14 Bottom Pum p 5 Small Hose Cl.
Installation F232122 16 Figu re 6 Q043I 1 W asher-Extractor Con trol Modu le 2 W ater Saving Control H ousing 3 Quic k Connec t Rece ptacle f or T ank “A” Pump Mot or 4 Quic k Connec t Rece ptacle.
Installation 17 F232122 Figu re 7 Q041I 1 Remote Mo unted Control Mod ule f or Wa ter Saving Syste m 2 Rear of Co ntrol Module on Host Mach ine 3 C1 (Signal) Q uic k Connect Recep tacle and Plug 4 Cab.
Installation F232122 18 T ank Overflo ws Some tank o verflo ws ha ve e xternal 2" PVC connecti ons. These conn ections may be plumbed to an open tro ugh or flo or drain. IMP OR T ANT : Conn ect ions m ade to the over flow must pr ov ide adequate support f or weight of pipe and fitting s.
Installation 19 F232122 Instructions f or Installati on of Cabinet Freestanding Models (UFPV) with W ater Sa ving System Read the fo llowing i nstru ction s th oroug hly b efore proceedi ng. The i nstall er must hav e a comprehensi ve underst anding of t he instructi ons before attempting instal lation o f the WSS.
Installation F232122 20 e. Remov e the four bo lts from ea ch tank loc ated behind ca p plug at e ach corne r . Refer t o F igur e 9 . f. L ift ta nks o f f th e wash er-extract or .
Installation 21 F232122 4. Reassembling the pump ass e mbly: a. Replace pump assembl y at the rear of the was her -extracto r, r esting flat on the floor . b . Secure t he tw o pump motor electr ical quick disconne cts to the wat er sa ving control housing.
F232122 22 Notes.
23 F232122 Maintenance Daily Beginning of Da y Inspect water sa ving tanks and all associat ed plumbing connecti ons for leaks. End of D a y Run drain tank cycle. W eekly Clean t anks by r emoving cap on top of tanks and flush out with a hose. Sanitize as needed.
F232122 24 Notes.
25 F232122 Remo v a l fr om S er vice Decommissioning Chec k wate r tan ks to m ake su re all w ater has be en empt ied fr om both t anks..
F232122 26 Notes.
27 F232122 Operation LED Display The f ollowing ta ble lis ts the various d ispla ys for the W ater Sa ving Syst em (WSS) and what they mean. These dis plays are the s ame for bot h models and a re displa yed in the left two di splay di gits. The operat or should be come fami liar with thes e computer d isplays.
F232122 28 Notes.
29 F232122 Pr ogramming NO TE: The follo wing programming inf ormation is f or both Cabinet Fr eestanding and P ocket Hardmount models with the W ate r Sa ving System (WS S).
Suplemento Sistema de ahorro de agua Suplemento d e instrucciones de instalaci ó n, mantenimiento, operaci ó n y programaci ó n Ref i é rase a la identif icaci ó n de modelo s en la pagina 35 Q027IE3A UW UF Q027I Pieza No. F232122R3 Octu bre 20 00 Guarde estas i nstrucci ones para referencia futura .
© Copyr ight 2000, A llian ce Laundry Sy stems LLC Reservad os todos los derecho s. Ninguna sec ci ó n del pre sente manual puede ser r eproducida o trans mitida en forma alguna o a trav é s de ning ú n medio, sin el expres o consen timiento por escri to del editor .
34 F232122 (SP) Notas.
35 F232122 (SP) Intr oducción Identificaci ó n de modelos La infor maci ó n co nten ida en est e man ual es aplic abl e a los s igui ente s mode los: UW 60 PV UW 100 PV UF 35 PV UF 50 PV UF 85 PV.
F232122 (SP) 36 Notas.
37 F232122 (SP) Instalaci ó n Este man ual est á dise ñ a do como un suple mento para la instal aci ó n, mantenim iento, ope raci ó n y programa ci ó n de las l a v adoras extr actoras modelos PV d e gabinet e auto estable y cil í ndric a de montaje permanente, equipada s con el sistema de ahor ro de agua (W SS) .
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 38 Espacios libres UWPV cil í ndrica de montaje permanente con sistema de ahorr o de agua Dimensiones de la m á quina* Dimensiones 60 100 plg m m plg m m A 41-7/16 105 2,.
Instalaci ó n 39 F232122 (SP) UFPV de gabinete autoajusta ble con sistema de ahorr o de agua Dimensiones de la m á quina* Dimensiones 35 50 85 mm plg mm plg mm plg A 889 35 990,6 39 118 1,1 46- 1/2 .
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 40 Cimien tos pa ra la m á qui na Para o bte ner l a i nform aci ó n relacionada c on los cimi entos , tant o pa ra el m ode lo UWP V com o pa ra el modelo UFPV , cons ulte la secci ó n c orrespondi ente de los m anua les de instal aci ó n/mante nimiento respect iv os.
Instalaci ó n 41 F232122 (SP) Instalaci ó n mec á nica Insta laci ó n de pernos de montaje para modelos de lav adora extractora de gabinete autoestable (UFPV) con sistema de ahorro de agua Consult.
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 42 plg Figura 2 Q023I Q024I Q023I 1049 mm (41-5/16 plg) 867 mm (34-1/8 plg) 19 mm (3/4 plg) 106 mm (4-1 3/16 plg) 14 mm (9 /16 plg) 229 mm (9 plg) 273 mm (10-3/4 plg) 271 m.
Instalaci ó n 43 F232122 (SP) Consulte en esta secci ó n las espec if icaciones gener ales del sis tema de ahorro de a gua (WSS) par a determinar si hay un a separac i ó n ade cuada alr ededor de l a puerta de la m á qui na.
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 44 7. Baje con cui dado la secci ó n s uperior s obre los lados de la estructura . Inser te los oc ho pernos de la secc i ó n superi or, y los cuatro pernos de l a barra de soporte de la estructur a. Coloque l a s tuerca s correspondient es y apri é t elas bien .
Instalaci ó n 45 F232122 (SP) Instrucc iones para instala ci ó n de modelos de l av adora extractora cil í ndri ca de montaje permanente (UWPV) con sistema de ahorr o de ag ua Lea dete nidamente las ins t rucc iones si guientes antes de proce der .
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 46 2. Instala ci ó n del c onjunto de bombas (consu lte la F igura 5 ): NO T A: El conjunto de bombas viene en un paquete dent ro del ce sto de la lavador a extr acto ra.
Instalaci ó n 47 F232122 (SP) Figura 5 Q039I 1 Abra zade ra de ma nguer a larg a 13 Bomba su per ior 2 Codo de ta nque 14 Bomba inf erior 3 Agujero de desag ü e de tan que de 2 plg 15 Rotaci ó n de.
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 48 Figura 6 Q043I 1 M ó dulo d e control de la la va dora ex trac tora 2 Alojamie nto del c ontrol de ahorr o de agua 3 Recept á culo de cone xi ó n r á pid a par a el .
Instalaci ó n 49 F232122 (SP) Figura 7 Q041I 1 M ó dulo d e cont rol de aho rro de a gua monta do a d istancia 2 P ar te posterior del m ó dulo de control en la m á quina princi pal 3 Recept á cu.
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 50 Agujeros de rebose de los t anques Algunos ag ujeros de rebose tienen c onexiones ext ernas de PVC d e 2 plg. Estas cone xiones pueden desaguar se en una batea o desag ü e en el pi so.
Instalaci ó n 51 F232122 (SP) Instrucc iones para instala ci ó n de modelos de l av adora extractora de gabinete autoestab le (UFPV) con sistema de ahorr o d e a gua Lea dete nidamente las ins t rucc iones si guientes antes de proce der .
Instalaci ó n F232122 (SP) 52 e. Saque los cuatr o pernos de cada tanq ue, locali zados detr á s del tap ó n de som brerete en cada esq uina. Consulte la Fi g u ra 9 . f. L e vante los tanqu es de la lav ado ra extrac tora. 2. Desmontaje de l conjunto de bombas : a.
Instalaci ó n 53 F232122 (SP) 4. Montaje del c onjunto de bombas: a. Reinstale el conjunto de bombas en la parte posteri or de la lav adora extract ora, en posici ó n horizont al sobre el piso. b . Asegu re las dos pieza s de co nexi ó n el é ctrica de los mot ores de bomba al al ojamiento del control del sist ema de ahor ro de agua.
F232122 (SP) 54 Notas.
55 F232122 (SP) Mantenimiento Diariamente Al comienzo de l d í a Inspecc ione que no haya fu gas en los t anques del sistema de ahorro de agua ni e n ninguna de las cone xiones asociada s con los mi smos. Al final del d í a Acti ve el ci clo de des ag ü e de los tanques.
F232122 (SP) 56 Notas.
57 F232122 (SP) Puesta fuera de ser vicio Puesta f uera de servicio Aseg ú rese de que se ha v aciado toda el agua de los tanques ..
F232122 (SP) 58 Notas.
59 F232122 (SP) Operaci ó n P antall a de LED En la si guiente tabla se pr esentan las difer entes pantall as corre s pondi entes al sistema de aho rro de agua (WSS) y lo que é stas signi fic a n. Estas pa ntallas son igu ales para ambos modelos , y aparece n en los dos d í gitos izquierd os de la pantall a.
F232122 (SP) 60 Notas.
61 F232122 (SP) Pr ogramaci ó n NO T A: La sigu iente inf ormaci ó n de programaci ó n se aplic a a los mo delos de gab inete auto estable y a los mod elos cil í ndricos de montaje permanente de la vadoras ex tractoras con siste ma de ahorro de agua (WSS).
F232122 (SP) 62 Notas.
An important point after buying a device Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Alliance Laundry Systems F232122R3 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center