Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S01-00 Epson
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Co l or D ig i tal Cam era Co lor Dig ital Cam era Printed in Japan 99.06-.1 4010706 S01-00 Dig ital Cam era Utility P ro gr ams Phot o! 3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e Phot o!3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e 4010706 BK cover -F Rev .
R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e FR ONT.FM 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 Use r’s Gu ide Photo!3 Photo File Uploader3 Digital Camera Utility P rograms All rights reser ved.
ii L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
iii EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 si ze PHO T O.TOC 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a Contents Introduction Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Abo u t This Guide .
iv L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Cha pter 3 Us ing the Upl oader Utilities Using EPSON Photo File Uploader3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1 Uploading images from your PC.
In tr od uc t io n 1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize IN TRO.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Introduc tio n Features The EPSON digital camera sof tware suite, includi ng EPSON Photo ! 3 and EP S ON Photo Fil e Uploader 3, i s the perfect companion fo r your EPSON digital camera.
2 In tr od uc ti on L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize I nt ro.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Not es co ntain importa nt information and useful t ips on op e rating your digi tal camera a nd soft ware.
In tr od uc t io n 3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize IN TRO.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Req uiremen ts for USB con nection PC s.
4 In tr od uc ti on L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize I nt ro.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 Ch apte r 1 Installing the Software The CD-ROM that c omes with yo ur Photo PC 800 conta ins E PSON P hoto! 3, E PSON P hoto F ile Uploader3 and other optio nal soft ware.
1-2 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using t he U SB cable To connect the c am er a to your computer wi th U SB cable, use the USB ca ble included with the Pho toPC 800.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 ❏ Y ou ca n u se a U SB h ub to co nnect s evera l pe riph erals to your com pute r .
1-4 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 3. Open the connector co v er on t he side of the camera. Insert the o ther end o f the seri al cable to the interfac e c onnector.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 3. O pen the connector cover o n the side of the camera. Insert the ot h e r end o f the cable to the interface connector.
1-6 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Installing Software for Windows U.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 6. Aft er instal lat ion is c omplete , cli ck Finish . To install EPSON Pho to !3 , go to the next sectio n.
1-8 Insta lling the Softwa re L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 3. A dial og box wi th a list of sof tware appear s. Any soft war e with a check mark next to it will be inst al led on your computer.
Ins t alling t he Sof t w are 1-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 1.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 1 1. Turn on the computer, and insert the incl uded CD for Macintosh in the CD-ROM drive.
1-10 Insta llin g the Software L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P1.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Ch apte r 2 Usi ng EPSON Ph oto!3 Now tha t EPSON Phot o!3 is i nstalled i n your computer, you a re r e ady transfer the i mages you shot with your camera to your computer.
2-2 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Ope ni ng EPS ON P hot o!3 di rect ly Fo r Windows user s Click Start , p oi nt to Pro gram s , point to EPSON Ph oto!3 V er.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 EPSON P hoto!3 me nus There are f o ur menus in the EPSON Photo!3 dialog box; Camera, Folder, Co ntr ols, and Setup.
2-4 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 If you still cannot open the Camera menu, see “Using the Setup Menu” o n page 2-17 to establ ish a proper connection.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Using the Camera Menu When you open EPSON Phot o !3, t he Camera menu appears and s tarts d ownloading thu mbnail images o f the photos stored in the memory card in the c am e r a.
2-6 Usi ng EPS ON Ph oto !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using the Save T o Folder button Files sav ed with the Save T o Fol der butto n are named automat i cal ly.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Note : If you want to im prove the ima ge quality of your phot o s, se l ec t the PhotoEnhanc e ch e c k bo x be fo r e clicking Export P hotos .
2-8 Usi n g EPS ON Pho to !3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 2.
Using EPSO N Photo !3 2-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 6. Drag the photo from the Cam era m enu to your document. After a f ew seconds you will see the drop cursor.
2-10 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 1. Click t he thum bnails of the i mages you want to erase, or click the Se lect A ll butto n to eras e all the pho tos in th e memory c ard.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-11 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 ❏ File format (the photo ba sed o n Design rule for camer a file system) o r ( when you rotate the photo b a sed o n Design rule for camera file sys tem, this icon appears.
2-12 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Using the Folder Menu Click the Folder tab to open the Fo l der menu. Thumbnails of the im ages in the selected f o l d e r a ppear in the image sel ection window.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-13 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-14 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-15 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 2 Se l e c ting th e im ag e qua lit y se ttin g Click anywhere inside the Control menu’s Mo de bo x to select an i mage quality s etti ng.
2-16 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 1. Make sure to op en the lens cover and turn the camera’s dial switch to or . 2.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-17 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-18 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Ch angi ng th e se ria l c ommuni cati on spee d You can cha nge the speed at which EPSON Photo !3 communicates with the c a mera.
Us ing EPS ON Pho to! 3 2-19 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 2.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
2-20 Us in g E PSO N P hot o! 3 L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P2.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
3-2 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 To use EPSON Pho to File Uploader3, you ne ed to instal l the program in your co mp u ter along with the EPSON Photo!3 software.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 The selected files appear in the Sel ected Fi l es L i st box in the order they wi ll be uploaded.
3-4 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 EPSON Photo!3 sta rts with thumbnails of uploading im ages are appe ar ed. Then you are going to upl o ad images to the memory card i n your camera.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-5 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K.
3-6 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 5. If you wa nt to save copies of the converted fi les on y our comp uter, selec t the S ave file to che ck box before up lo ading the photos.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-7 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 3. Click the Scre en C ap t ure tab. T he Screen Capture menu ap pears. 4.
3-8 Using the U plo ader U tilit ies L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 If you wa nt to upload your sc r een captures to the camera right away, click the Upload To Camera tab.
Using the Uplo ader U tilit ies 3-9 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 3.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 3 Using EPSON Program Uploader The EPSON Program Uploader utility allows you to uplo ad opt ional p rograms f rom yo ur PC or Mac intosh to your camera.
3-10 U sing t he Up loa de r U til iti es L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P3.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 When the uploading pro c es s i s finished, the upload ed programs appear in the Appl icatio ns in Camera l ist.
Tr oubl eshoo ti ng 4-1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 4.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 4 Ch apte r 4 Trou bleshooti ng Your camera 's softwa re is easy to use, and any problems you may have can be solved quickly and easily.
4-2 T rou blesh ooting L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P4.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Check that the p o r t to which your cam.
Tr oubl eshoo ti ng 4-3 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s iz e CHAP 4.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ 4 Reinstall EPSON Photo!3 For Win d ow s Use rs First you need to r emo ve the EPSON Photo!3 currently installed.
4-4 T rou blesh ooting L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize CHA P4.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Now you are r eady to remove the EPSON Photo!3 program. Fol low the step in “When co nnected with a serial c a ble” on page 4- 3 to remove the pro gra m.
Gl oss ary 1 EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 size GLOS SARY.F M 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ Glos s ar y appl icat ion A software prog ram th a t helps yo u carry out a parti c ular task, su c h as word processin g or financi a l plannin g.
2 Glossa ry L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C3 A5 si ze GLOS SARY.FM 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 port An inter f ace ch annel through which data is tr ansmitted bet w een devices. reso luti on In di ca ti on o f h ow fin e ly an im ag e is re s olv ed in to p ix el s.
Index i EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize PHO TO.IX 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a Index A Accessin g EPSO N Photo!3, 2 -1 to 2 -2 EPSON Pho to .
ii Index L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Contr olling the cam e r a f rom the computer , 2-14 .
Index iii EPSON Pho to!3 Rev. C3 A5 s ize PHO TO.IX 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 R Pro of Sign-off : E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. P ip a M Ma cro mode setting s, 2 -14 Making screen copies, 3-6 to.
iv Index L Proo f Sign-off: E. Om ori ___ __ __ M. Fu jimor i ____ ___ K. Pi pa ____ ___ EPSON Photo !3 Rev. C A5 s ize Fr o nt.f m 9/8/ 99 Pass 0 Upl oad T o C amera men u, 3-2 to 3-6 USB cable, 1-2 .
R Pro of Sign-off : Oht era ____ ___ Fuj imori __ _____ Pip a ____ ___ R4C3 700 Rev. B A5 s iz e MARKE T.FM 9/ 8/99 Pas s 0 1998 Fe bru ary EPSON OVER SEAS M ARKET ING LO CATIO NS EPSO N A MERIC A, I NC. 20770 Madrona Ave. P.O. Box 28 42 Torrance, C A 90509-2842 Phone: (8 00) 922-8911 Fax: (310) 782- 5220 EPSO N UK LTD .
Co l or D ig i tal Cam era Co lor Dig ital Cam era Printed in Japan 99.06-.1 4010706 S01-00 Dig ital Cam era Utility P ro gr ams Phot o! 3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e Phot o!3 Phot o Fi l e Upl oader3 U s e r's G u i d e 4010706 BK cover -F Rev .
An important point after buying a device Epson S01-00 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson S01-00 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson S01-00 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson S01-00 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson S01-00 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson S01-00, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson S01-00.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson S01-00. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson S01-00 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center