Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 825 Epson
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EasyMP ® Operation Guide Multimedia Projector PowerLite ® 826W PowerLite 825 PowerLite 85.
2 Intro duction Making effective use of your projector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sending Images Via a Network (EMP NS Connection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Monitor, con figure, an d control the projector f rom a rem ote locatio n .
3 Setting the EMP NS Connection Operation Using Set options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 General settings Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Problems concerning network functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Cannot connect us ing EMP NS Connection .
5 Introduction This chapter provides inf ormation on function s that allow you t o use your projector more effec tively..
Making effective use of your projector 6 Making effective use of your projecto r This proje ctor is equipp ed with many usef ul functi ons to i mprove usability. As well as a computer cable, you can con nect using various other interfa ces such as a USB cable , a USB storage devi ce, or a LAN conn ection.
Making effective use of your projector 7 Connect a USB cable to your compu ter and project images from the computer screen (USB Display) By usin g the suppli ed USB cabl e to connect to a Windows computer, you can proje ct images from the c omputer. Se e your User’s Guid e for more informatio n.
Installing the Software 8 Installing the Software To use the Network f unctions, install the softw are from the suppl ied CD-ROM (either "EPSON Projector Software for Meeting & Monitoring" or "EPSON Projector S o ftware for Monitoring") onto your comp uter .
Installing the Software 9 C Double-click t he "Install er for Mac OS X" icon in th e EPSON wind ow. Installat ion starts. D Click "Exit" to comp lete th e install ation.
10 Connecting with EMP NS Connection This sec tion e xplains h ow to connect the c omputer and the pr ojector v ia a network in Ad vanced Conn ection Mod e, and the procedu re for projecti ng image s of your compute r screen with the projec tor.
EMP NS Connection Summary 11 EMP NS Connection Summ ary There are tw o methods of conn ecting a compute r and th e projec tor via a network by using EMP NS Conne ction.
EMP NS Connection Summary 12 • Multi- screen dis play s p.23 You can us e differe nt projecto rs to project a single im age as a lan dsca pe screen all owing you to project long image s such as reports . • Presen tation Mod e s p.22 This func tion can project PowerPoi nt Slide S how running on a computer.
Prep aring t o Conn ect 13 Preparing to Connect Use th e following procedure to prepare t he computer an d the project or for conn ection. Preparing the Computer For Wi ndows If you ar e connec ting t.
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 14 Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting Operating the Project or Before connect ing, pu t the pr ojector i nto con nection st andby st atus.
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 15 D When Projecto r keyword is set to "On" from the projector, the keyword ent ry screen is displayed. Enter the keywo rd display ed on the LAN standby screen, then cli ck "OK".
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 16 Using the Co nnection Screen Selec t EMP NS Conn ecti on to di splay th e foll owing s creen . The operation of ea ch button or item is described in the followi ng table. When the syst em s tarts in Adv anced Co nnectio n Mode .
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 17 C Stat us The following six icons i ndicate the status of the d etected projectors. Standby Select for connecting. Busy Select for connecting. When you click Connect , the computer currently connected is disconnect ed and your computer is connected.
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 18 Using the toolbar The toolbar is display ed on the computer s creen afte r EMP NS Conne ction star ts and a conne ction is m ade wi th the projector. Y ou can use this toolbar to operate and make s ettings for the p rojector.
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 19 Stop Stops projection while connected to the projector. A black screen is projected while stopped. Audio does not stop. To stop the audio, or to display a User's Logo wh ile projection is stopped, use the A/V Mute function.
Connecting to a Projector on a Network and Projecting 20 Screen Previe w Displays the multi-screen preview screen. Click to dis play a previe w with the set tings yo u have made. Click the displays to enlarge each Screen Preview to full-scree n. Set options Transmission performance during the transfer of computer images can be a djusted.
21 EMP NS Connection Useful Functions This chapter e xplai ns those func tions th at may be useful in a mee ting or presen tation, such as the function wh ich allow s you to send images to multiple projec tors from a sin gle c omputer (M ulti-Scree n Displ ay).
Projecting Only a PowerPoi nt Slide Show (Presentation Mode) 22 Projectin g Only a P owerPoi nt Slide Show ( Present ation Mode) In Pr esentat ion Mode, the ima ges are only dis played when p erforming a PowerPoint Slide Show on a comput er. When you st op Slide Show, the proje ctor display s a black scr een.
Using Multi-Screen Display 23 Using Mult i-Screen Disp lay Multi-screen dis play mode allows you to proj ect different images f rom multiple projectors that are connecte d to a sing le comp ut er. With Windows, multiple virtual di splays can be set in th e computer, and each imag e c an be projecte d by t he projec tor.
Using Multi-Screen Display 24 Example of Ad justing th e Virtual Di splay By arranging the virtual display a llocation, you can project on ly the image that you want to show or project different imag es from lef t to right in a pr esen tati on.
Using Multi-Screen Display 25 Procedure before usi ng the Multi-screen Display Function Setti ng the Virtual Display Enable the virtual display driver (Wind ows only) Enable th e virtual dis play driver. Thos e users listed below d o not h ave to perform this operation.
Using Multi-Screen Display 26 Adjust the Virtual Display After star ting EMP NS Conn ection, th e setup of the vi rtual displays varie s between Windows and Macintosh. The procedures are explai ned separate ly below. q Check the following po ints before starting EMP NS Connect ion when connecting via Wireless LAN.
Using Multi-Screen Display 27 C Click "Displa y properties ". The Di splay Prop erties screen wi ll be displa yed. D Click the "Settings " tab. E Drag the di splayed moni tor icon and place it where de sired. Here, the ac tual monitor (1) is placed on the le ft, while the virtua l monit or (3) is place d on the righ t.
Using Multi-Screen Display 28 • For Screen Resolution setting s, see the following . s p.56 When the monitor icon is arrang ed, a virtual display is connected as the i mage like bel ow. F Click the "OK" button. The Di splay Prope rties s creen closes.
Using Multi-Screen Display 29 C Click " Displ ay pref erences ". The di splay se tting sc reen is di splay ed. D Click "Arrangement" .
Using Multi-Screen Display 30 F Drag the dis played monitor i con and place it where desired. G Clos e the displa y setti ng scree n. Allocating the i mage to be pro jected This se ction exp lains th e virtual di splay for arran gement ex ample 1. s p.
Using Multi-Screen Display 31 B Click "Connect". The image al located to each projecto r is projected. In a Windows environ ment, you cannot vi ew the ima ge bein g sent to a virtual display on the compu ter. To adju st the image on th e vir- tual di splay, you must do so wh ile vie wing the proj ected i mage.
32 Connecting to a Projector on a Different Subnet This ch apter explains how t o conn ect a co mputer to a project or on a different sub- net via a Wi red LAN or a wireless LAN access point on an existing ne twork syst em.
Connecting to a Projector on a Different Subnet 33 Connecting to a Projector on a Different Subnet By def ault, this applic ation only se arches for projecto rs on the same subnet as the comp uter. T herefore, even if you pe rform a se arch for projector s on th e network , ones on a diffe rent subne t will not be fo und.
Specifying Either an IP Addr ess or Pr oject or Na me and Pe rforming a Search (Advanc ed Conn ection Mo de Only ) 34 Specifying Either an IP Address or Projector Name and Performing a Search (Advanced Connection Mode Only ) In the fo llowing exp lanations, unless ot herwise noted, Wind ows scree n shots are used.
Performing a Search with a Profile 35 Perform ing a Search w ith a Pr ofile You can save a search for a frequent ly used projector as a Profil e. A Profile i s a file c ontainin g all of th e informat ion pertain ing to a giv en projector , such as the P rojector Na me, its IP Addre ss, and SSID.
Performing a Search with a Profile 36 B Enter a Profile name and th en click "Add". Projector inform ation is registered in the Profile. If you have previously saved a Profile, you are prompted to confirm whet her that P rofile ca n be over written.
Performing a Search with a Profile 37 Procedure A Click "Profile" on the EMP NS C onnection projector s election screen. If no Profile is registe red, you cannot select Profi le . B From the menu that is dis played, s elect the projector you want t o connect to.
Performing a Search with a Profile 38 C Edit the con tents regist ered in the Profile. D Cli ck "OK". Saves y our ed its and clos es the Edit pr ofile screen. A : Indicates a folder. B : Indicates a Profile. Profile Item Func tion Profile You can display the registered Pr ofile.
39 Setting the EMP NS Connection Operation You can make s etting opti ons such as th e process ing meth od when EMP NS Conne ction st arts..
Using Set options 40 Using Set opt ions You can make s etting opti ons such as th e process ing meth od when EMP NS Conne ction st arts. Call th e Set options from the EM P NS Connecti on main scre en. Procedure A Click "Set option s" on the EMP NS Connection main scre en.
Using Set options 41 Adjust performance Tab Search method on startup Select from the following projector s earch methods executed when EMP NS Connection is started. Automatic s earch on st artup Specify search method a fter startup Search with the las t network configuration Edit pr ofile The Edit p rofile d ialog b ox is d isplay ed.
Using Set options 42 q When you click on the toolbar, only the Adju st performance tab is displayed. Transf er layered window Windows only (excluding Windows Vista) Set whether or not to transfer a layered window. The layered window is in use when cont ents such as messages d isplayed on the comput er are not projected by the projector.
43 Using a Computer to Set Up, Monitor and Control Projectors This chapter explain s how to use a compute r that is connect ed to the network to c hange p roject or sett ings and t o cont rol th e proj ector.
Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (Web Control) 44 Changing Settings Using a Web B rowser (Web Control) You can set up and control the projec tor from a computer by using the Web browse r of a computer that is con nected to th e projector via a network.
Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (Web Control) 45 Items th at can only be set in the Web brow ser The follow ing items can be set only in a Web browser.
Using the Mail Notificati on Function to Report Problems 46 Using th e Mai l Notifi cati on Functio n to Repo rt Proble ms By sett ing the Ma il Notifica tion func tion from the proj ector's configur ation me nu, notif icati on messages will be sent to the p reset Email Ad dresses w hen a probl em or warning occurs with a projec tor.
Management Using SNMP 47 Management Using SNMP By setting S NMP from the proje ctor's config uration menu, notifica tion messages ar e sent to p reset e-m ail addres ses when a proble m or warnin g occurs with a projector. Th is is useful wh en controlling projectors colle ctively a t a point dis tant from them.
48 Presentations Using Slideshow This chap ter expla ins how t o proje ct image files s tored on US B devices directly from the projec tor as a Slidesh ow.
Files that can be Projecte d Using Slideshow 49 Files tha t can be Pr ojected Using Slid eshow You can use Sli deshow to directly proj ec t files st ored in digit al cameras and USB storage dev ices that are con nected to the proj ector. q USB storage d evices th at incorpora te security functi ons sometimes cannot be used.
Slideshow Basic Operations 50 Slideshow Basic Oper ations Slideshow lets you p lay back and proje ct image files stored on digital cameras and USB storage devices.
Slideshow Basic Operations 51 q If all files and fol ders canno t be disp layed at the same time in the c urrent window, press the [ u ] button on the re mote control or mo ve the cursor to the Next page button and press the [ Enter] button.
Projecting Image Files 52 Projecting Image Files Image files from a dig ital camera and image files st ored on a USB storage device can be pr ojected usi ng Slidesh ow by eit her of th e following t wo methods. • Projec ting sele cted ima ge files This is a function for projectin g singl e files.
Projecting Image Files 53 D The followin g operat ion returns you to the fil e list. • Whi le proje cting stil l ima ges: P ress t he [ Esc] butt on. Projecting all Image Files in a Fo lder in Sequence (Slideshow) You can proje ct the image files i n a fol der in s equence, one at a time.
Setting Image Display Conditions 54 Setting Image Display Conditions You can set th e displ ay conditi on fo r the P lay Slid eshow fu nction. Procedure A Press the [ ], [ ], [ ], or [ ] butto ns or t.
55 Appendix.
Connection Limitations 56 Connection Limitations When proj ecting comp uter image s while run ning EMP NS Connect ion, the follow ing restrictions apply. Supported Resol utions The foll owing com puter screen resolut ions ca n be projec ted. You cannot connec t to a computer with a resoluti on greate r than UXGA.
Connection Limitations 57 • There a re times wh en the i mage on the computer scre en and the image project ed by the projec tor may not ma tch exactly. When Using Windows Vista Note th e foll owing po ints wh en usin g EMP NS Connec tion with a computer runn ing Windows Vista.
Troubleshooting 58 Trou ble shoot ing If any of the foll owing pr oblems occ ur, ref er to t he pages given for each proble m. Problems con cerning network fun ctions "Cannot connect using EMP NS Connection" s p.
Troubleshooting 59 Problems co ncerning networ k function s Cannot conne ct using EMP NS Con nection Check the mes sage on th e scr een and t hen ap ply the f ollow ing countermeasures. When a connec tion is made using EMP NS Connec tion, the proje cted image rema ins as is , and a con nection c annot be made from another computer.
Troubleshooting 60 The projector is not found when EMP NS Connection is star ted. Chec k Remedy Is the Wirele ss LAN unit conne cted? For Wireless LAN Check that the o ption al Wireless LAN unit is secu rely co nnected.
Troubleshooting 61 Cannot conne ct in Advanc ed Connection Mod e or Wired LAN connection The Slide show cannot be dis played on the desi red dis play when the mult i-screen dis play function is being ex ecuted. Is the network cabl e connected correctly? For Wired LAN Check that the netw ork cable is c onnect ed correctly .
Troubleshooting 62 Applic ations ar e no longer displa yed from the computer screen when the mu lti-scree n display func tion is exec uted. The mous e curso r is not displa yed on the computer screen. When connecting with EMP NS Connection the image is not disp layed or the image is sl ow to appear .
Troubleshooting 63 When a conn ection is made using EMP NS Conne ction, a PowerPoint Slide sho w canno t be starte d. When a conn ection ha s been made us ing EMP NS Connection, the screen will not b e refreshed when using an Office applicat ion.
Troubleshooting 64 The select ed projector is bu sy. Do you want to continue the connection process? You tr ied to c onnect to a proje c to r that is connec ted to an other compu ter. When the Yes button is clicked, it connects to the projector. The connection between the projector and the othe r computer is cut off.
Troubleshooting 65 Netw ork se tting s are not re stored aft er cutting the connection to the computer with EMP NS Connection. Cannot proje ct with Quick Wireless Connection (W hen using the optional Quick W i re less Co nnecti on USB K ey) Cannot start this applica tion while EPSO N USB Di splay is running.
Troubleshooting 66 Problem with Quick Wireless Co nnection USB Ke y (When using the optional Quick W i re less Co nnecti on USB K ey) Problems co ncerning monitoring and contro l Mail is not sent even if a pr oblem occurs in the projector.
Troubleshooting 67 Is the network cabl e connected correctly? For Wired LAN Check that the netw ork cable is c onnect ed correctly . Reconnect it if it i s not co nnected or not connected properly.
System Requirements 68 System Requirement s The s oftware su pplie d with t he project or or the option al acces sories runs on computers that meet the following requirements.
General Notes 69 General Not es Cop yrigh t Noti ce All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repr oduced, stored in a retrieval s ystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic, mechan ical, photocopying, recordin g, or othe rwise, without the prior written p ermission of Seiko Epson Corporation.
An important point after buying a device Epson 825 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson 825 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson 825 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson 825 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson 825 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson 825, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson 825.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson 825. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson 825 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center