Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5H102-48 Enterasys
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5H102-48 and 5H103-48 F ast Ethernet Installation Guide FAST ENET 5H103-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT RESET COM CPU GROUP 37X 48X G R O U P 4 25X 36X G R O U P 3 13X 24X G R O U P 2 1X 12X G R O U P 1 FAST EN.
i NOTICE Enterasys Ne twork s and i ts licensors r eserv e the right t o make changes in sp ecif ication s and ot her in formatio n conta ined in this d ocument with out prior n otice. Th e reader sho uld in all cases consult Enterasys Networks to dete rmine whe ther any such change s have been made.
ii FCC N OTICE This de vice complies with P a rt 15 of th e FCC rul es. Operation is sub ject to th e follo wing two c ondit ion s: (1) t his d e vice may not cause h armful inte rference, an d (2) th is device mus t accept any interference received, includ ing int erference th at ma y ca u s e un de s i r e d op e r at ion.
iii ENTERASYS NETWORKS, INC. PROGRAM LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE OPENING OR UTILIZING THE ENCLOSED PR ODUCT , CAREFULL Y READ THIS LICENSE A GREEMENT . This docu ment is an agreem ent (“ Agreement”) between Y ou, the end user , and En terasys Networks, In c.
iv 5. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS . The enc losed Pro duct ( i) was de velo ped sole ly at priva te expens e; (ii) contains “restr icted compute r software” submitted with restricted rights in acc ordance with section 52.
v DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Appli c ation of Cou nc il D ir e ct i ve(s ): 89/ 336/E EC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’s Name: Enterasys Netwo rk s, Inc. Manufactu rer’ s Add re ss: 35 Industrial Wa y PO Bo x 5005 Roche ster, NH 0386 7 European Re presentat ive Nam e: Mr.
vii Contents Figures .. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ....... ............. .. ix Tables.... ............. ............. ............. ............. .......
viii 3 INSTALLATION 3.1 Unpackin g the M odule .................... ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. 3 -2 3.2 Installing t he Modu le int o the 5C1 05 Chass is ................. ............. ............. ...... 3-3 3.
ix Figures F i g u re P a g e 1-1 The 5 H1 0 2-48 a nd 5 H10 3 -48 M od u le s .... . ..... . ...... . ..... . ...... . ..... . ..... . ...... . ..... . ...... . ..... . ..... . 1-2 3-1 Installin g a M o dul e into the 5C1 0 5 C h assi s ... . ...... .
x Ta b l e s Ta b l e Pa g e 3-1 Conten ts of Modu le Carton . ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... 3 -2 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs ..... ............. ............. ............. ............. ....
xi About This Guid e W elco me to the 5H102-48 and 5H103-4 8 Fast Ethern et Inst allation Guide . This guid e desc ribes the Fa st Ethern et modules and p ro vides inf ormation conce rning net work requiremen t s, instal lati on, and tro ublesh ooting.
Related Docum ents xii Chapter 2 , Net work Re quire ments , outli nes th e ne twor k req uire m en ts that must be me t b efo re ins talling the module. Chapter 3 , In stallation , provides instr uctions on ho w to install the module , and conn ect se gments to the modu l es.
Document Conv e ntions xiii DOCUMENT CON VEN TIONS The gui de uses t he follo wing con v entions: NOTE: Calls the re ader’ s atten tion to any item o f inform ation that may be of s pecia l im por tan ce. TIP: Conv eys hel pful hints concer ning proc edures o r ac tions.
Getting H elp xiv GETTING HELP F or addit ional support r elate d to the pr oduct or this do cument, c ontact Ent erasys Net work s using one of the foll owing m et ho ds : Befor e contacti ng Enteras.
Introduc tion 1-1 1 Intr oduction This chapter i ntroduces th e 5H102-48 an d 5H103-48 Fa st Ethernet modules. The 5H10 2-48 module ( Figure 1-1 ) featur es 48 10B ASE-T /100B ASE-TX swit ched port s conne cted thro ugh 48 RJ4 5 front pa nel con nectors.
1-2 Intro duction Figure 1-1 The 5H102-48 a nd 5H103-48 M odules F AST ENET 5H103-48 GROUP GROUP SELECT RESET COM CPU GROUP 37X 48X G R O U P 4 25X 36X G R O U P 3 13X 24X G R O U P 2 1X 12X G R O U P.
Conne ctivity Introdu ction 1-3 1.1 CONNECTIVITY The modul e connects t o Ethernet networks or workst ations t hrough the fr ont panel c onnectors . The port s suppor t Unshie lded T wisted Pa ir (UTP) cables with an impe dance bet ween 85 and 111 ohms at leng ths up to 1 00 meters.
P or t/VLAN Redirect Function 1-4 Intro duction 1.5 P OR T/VLA N REDIRECT FUNC TION The po rt redir ect func tion, a lso refe rred to a s “Port Mirrorin g,” is a troub leshooti ng tool used to map tr af f ic fro m a singl e source port to a single destination po rt within th e module.
Swi tching Opti ons Introdu ction 1-5 1.9 SWITCHING OPTIONS The modul e pro vides 802.1Q swit ching bet ween al l of the f r ont panel i nterf aces. I n the 802.1 Q mode (t he def ault mod e of opera tion), th e module functions as an 802.1D swit ch unti l you conf igure VLANs.
Network Requir ement s 2-1 2 Netw ork Requirements Befor e insta llin g the module , re vie w the req uirem ents an d specif icat ions ref er red to i n this cha pter conce rni ng the fo ll o wing: • Port T runking ( Sec tion 2. 1 ) • 10B ASE-T T wisted P air Net work ( Section 2.
100BA SE-TX Ne twork 2-2 Networ k Requi rements 2.3 100B ASE -TX NETW ORK The f ixed f ront p anel port s of the modu le provi de a co nnection t hat suppor ts Cat egory 5 UTP cablin g. The de vice a t the othe r end of t he twis ted pair se gment must mee t IEEE 802 .
Insta llation 3- 1 3 Installa tion This chapter pr ovides t he instr uctio ns to inst all the 5H102-48 o r 5H103- 48 module . A Phillip s scr e wd river is re qu ired to in sta ll op tio ns i nto the m odu le. Follow the o rde r of the s ect ion s lis ted belo w to corre ctly ins tall the module.
Unpacking the Module 3-2 Insta llati on 1. Open t he box and re move the packing mat erial pr otecting th e module. 2. Veri fy the cont ents of the carto n as list ed in Table 3-1 . 3. Remove t he tape se al on t he non-cond uctiv e bag to re move the modul e.
Installi ng the Module into th e 5C105 Chass is Ins tallation 3-3 3.2 INSTALLING THE MODULE INTO THE 5C105 CHASSIS T o inst all a module, r efer to Fi gur e 3-1 and proc eed as follo ws: 1. Remove t he bl ank pa nel co vering the slot in which the modu le wil l be insta lled.
Installi ng the Module into th e 5C105 Chass is 3-4 Insta llati on Figure 3-1 Installing a Module into the 5C105 Cha ssis SERIES E5 45 PS1 PS2 1 23 Backplane Connector Metal Back-Panel Circuit Card Ca.
Connecti ng to th e Network Ins tallation 3-5 6. Locat e the slo t guides t hat l ine up with the numbe r of the s lot in whi ch the mo dule will be inst alled.
Connectin g to the Network 3-6 Insta llati on Figure 3-2 Connecting a T wisted P ai r Segment to the 5H102-48 3. Verify t hat a li nk exists by c hecking t hat th e port RX ( Receive) LED is ON (flashi ng amber , blinki ng gree n, or soli d green ).
Connecti ng to th e Network Ins tallation 3-7 Figure 3-3 Cr ossover Cable RJ45 Pinouts Figure 3-4 Straight-T hrough Cab le RJ45 Pinouts e. Ensur e that the twi sted pair connection meets the dB loss and cable spec ificati ons outli ned in the Cabling Gui de.
Connectin g to the Network 3-8 Insta llati on 3.3.2 Connecting UTP Cabl es to the 5H103-48 When f acing t he front p anel of the 5H103- 48, the RJ21 conne ctors fr om top to bot tom rep r esent Ethe rnet/F ast Ethernet se gments 1 thr ough 12, s egment s 13 th rough 24, 25 through 36, and 37 through 48, respecti vely .
Connecti ng to th e Network Ins tallation 3-9 Figure 3-6 Connection Using the RJ21 Angle Adapter Figure 3-7 Example of Cable Placement When U sing the RJ21 Angle Adapters 2229-01 RJ21 Adapter/Extender.
Comple ting th e Insta llation 3-10 Insta llati on 3. Tighten the two screws on the RJ21 c onnector, as a pplicabl e, to secur e it to the modul e. If using the RJ21 angl e adapter , plug in the RJ 21 rig ht-angle d connecto r until the t wo retai ning clips, shown in Figure 3-7 , snap into pl ace.
T roubleshooti ng 4-1 4 T r oubleshooting This chapter pr ovides i nformati on conce rning the follo wing: • Using LANVIEW ( Se ction 4.1 ) • T rouble shooti ng Checklis t ( Secti on 4.
Using LANVI EW 4-2 T roublesh oot ing Figure 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs (both modules) Ta b l e 4 - 1 desc ribes the LED indi cations a nd provid es rec ommended acti ons as appropria te. NOT E: The ter ms flashing , blinking , and soli d used in Ta b l e 4 - 1 indi cate th e f ollowing: Flashing indica tes an LED is fl ashi ng randomly .
Using LA NVIEW T roublesh ooting 4-3 T able 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs LED Color Stat e Recomme nded Action CPU Of f Po w er of f. Ensur e chassi s has ad equate po wer . Red Solid . Hardware f ail ure has oc curred. If the LED rem ains r ed for se ve ral minutes, contact Ente rasys Networ ks for techni cal su pport.
Using LANVI EW 4-4 T roublesh oot ing TX (Transmit) Of f Port enab led, and no acti vity . Should flash gr een e very two seconds i ndicating BPDUs bein g sen t i f ST A is en abled and t here is a va l i d l i n k . 1. Ensure that the S TA is enabled an d that there is a vali d link.
T roublesh ooting Checklist T roublesh ooting 4-5 4.2 T ROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST If t he modul e is no t wor king pr operly , refe r to Ta b l e 4 - 2 f or a ch ecklist of pro blems, pos sible caus es, and rec ommended ac tions to r esolv e the proble m.
T roubleshooti ng Checklist 4-6 T roublesh oot ing Cannot c ontact the modul e throug h in-ba nd management . IP addr ess not as signed . Refe r to the MA TR IX E5 Serie s Modules Local Manage ment User’ s Guide for t he IP addr ess assi gnment proce dure.
Using th e RESET Butto n T roublesh ooting 4-7 4.3 USING THE RES ET BUTTON The RESET b utton sho wn in Fi gur e 4-2 reset s and r e-ini tializ es the module. Figure 4-2 RESET Button (both modu les) T o reset the mod ule proce ssor , pr ess and re lease the RESET b utton.
Spec ific atio ns A-1 A Spe cifi ca tions This appendix pr ov ides opera t ing specif ications for t he 5H102-48 a nd 5H103- 48 modules . Ente rasy s Net works rese rves th e ri g ht to cha n ge th e sp e cificat ion s at a ny ti me wit hou t noti ce.
Input/Outp ut P or ts A-2 Specif icati ons A.4 INPUT/OUTPUT P O R TS 5H102-48: 5H103-48: A.5 COM P ORT PINOUT ASSIGNMENTS The COM port is a serial communicati ons port that supp orts Loc al Management . Ta b l e A - 1 show s the COM por t pin ass ignments.
Regula tor y Co mplia nce Spec ificat ions A-3 A.6 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE The 5H10 2-48 and 5H103-48 mo dules meet the fol lo wing safety and elect romagnetic compat ibility (E MC) re quireme nts: Safe ty: UL 1950, CSA C22.2 No. 950, 73/23/EEC, EN 60950, IEC 950, EN 60825 Elec tromagnet ic Compat ibility (EMC): FCC Part 15, CSA C108.
Mode Switch B ank S ettings an d Opti ons B-1 B Mode Switch Bank Settings an d Options This appendix co vers the foll owing i tems: • Requi red tools ( Section B.1 ) • Locat ions, func tions , and sett ings for t he mode s witches ( Sectio n B.2 ) B.
Settin g the M ode Swi tches B-2 Mode Switch B ank S ettings an d Opti ons B.2 SETTING THE MODE SW IT C HES Figur e 2 -1 sh o ws t h e l ocation of the mo d e swi tches an d the switc h setti n gs f or nor mal o peratio n . T h ese swi tc h e s are set a t the f actory and r arel y nee d t o b e cha n ged.
Settin g the M ode Swi tches Mode Switc h Bank S etting s and Options B- 3 • Switch 6 – No function. • S witc h 7 – Clear NVRAM. Chan ging t he positi on of t his switc h resets N VRAM on the ne xt po wer - up of the de vice. All use r-ente red para m ete rs, such as the IP ad dress, de vice na m es, e tc.
Index-1 Inde x Numerics 100BASE- TX requi rements 2-2 10B ASE-T connection 3- 5 , 3-8 requi rements 2-1 802.1 p Por t Pr iorit y introduct ion to 1-4 A Auto-Negot iation 1-3 C Cable connections 5H10 2.
Index-2 P Physical pr operties A-1 Pinou ts crossover 3-7 straig ht-t hro ugh 3-7 Port redirect funct i on introduct ion to 1-4 Port Trun ki ng introduct ion to 1-3 R Receive LEDs viewin g of 4-1 Redi.
An important point after buying a device Enterasys 5H102-48 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Enterasys 5H102-48 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Enterasys 5H102-48 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Enterasys 5H102-48 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Enterasys 5H102-48 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Enterasys 5H102-48, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Enterasys 5H102-48.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Enterasys 5H102-48. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Enterasys 5H102-48 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center