Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3-9000-744 Emerson
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Operation Manual Part Number: 3-9000 -744, Rev. F September 2013 Dan i e l TM Split Clamp Extrac tor T ool fo r SeniorSonic TM 4-Path G a s Ultrasonic Flow Me te rs.
Da n i el c us t o m er s er v i ce E-m a i l • Customer S er vice: tech.ser vice@emersonprocess.c om • Customer Suppor t: daniel.cst.suppor • Asi a-P ac if ic : danielap .s uppor • Europ e: Da nie lEMA.CST@EmersonProc ess.
Sign al word s and symbols u sed in this m anual Pay s pecial a tte ntion to the f ollowing signal words, saf et y aler t symbols and stateme nts : Saf ety aler t symbol This is a safety aler t symb ol. It is used to aler t you to po tential physical injur y hazards.
Impor t ant sa f et y instruc tions Daniel Me asure ment and Control, Inc. (Danie l) de signs, manuf ac tures and tests products to function within spec ific c onditions.
Product Operation Personnel: • T o prevent pe r sonal injur y , personnel must f ollow all instr uctio ns of this manual prior to and during operation of the pro duc t. • Follow all warnings, cautions, and no t ices m arked on, and supplied with, this product.
W arran t y and Limit ations 1. LIMITED W ARRANT Y: S ubject to the limit ations contained in Sec tion 2 herein, Danie l Mea sureme nt & Control, Inc.
Operation Manual Table of Contents 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Table of Contents i Co ntents Preface Danie l custome r ser vice Signal w ords and symbol s us ed in this manu al Impor tant safe t y instructions Notic e W arrant y and Limit ations Section 1: Introduction 1.
ii Table of Contents Table of Contents Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 Rev F.
Operation Manual List of Tables 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 List of Tables iii List o f T able s T able 1-1 Daniel extractor tool specifications .. ........... ........... ............ ........... .............. ........... ........... . 5 T able 3-1 Extractor tool list for T-sl ot extractable trans d ucers .
iv List of Tables List of Tables Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 Rev F.
Operation Manual List of Figures 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 List of Figures v List o f Figures Figure 1-1 J-mount transducer identifica tion ............. .............. ........... ........... ............ .............. ...... 1 Figure 1-2 J-mount transducer identifica tion .
vi List of Figures List of Figures Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 Rev F.
Operation Manual Section 1: Introduction 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Overview 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sec tion 1: Introduc tion 1.1 Ove r view The Daniel Ultrasonic Split Cl amp Ex tractor T ool is designed for use on Daniel Se niorSonic TM 4 Path Ga s Ultra sonic Me ters only .
2 Overview Section 1: Introduction Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F Figure 1-2 J-moun t transducer identification A. A. M ount identification (serial num ber , length, purchase order number and style) B.
Operation Manual Section 1: Introduction 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Overview 3 Daniel Ultra sonic meters with M -mount (150 ANSI to 600 ANS I) or P-mount (900 ANS I to 1500 AN SI) T - slot transducer holde rs are not designed f or the Split Clamp Extrac tor T ool and this manual does not appl y to these mount st y les.
4 Extractor tool specifications Section 1: Introduction Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 1.2 Ex tractor tool spec ifications The Danie l Extrac tor T ool is available in two ANSI pressur e rating s, 600 and 1500. The pres sure rating is stamped on the Lubrica tor ch ambe r asse mbly flange (item M, drawing D-08248).
Operation Manual Section 1: Introduction 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool specifications 5 Figure 1-5 Split clamp extractor t ool asse mbly dime nsions (inc hes) T able 1-1 Daniel extrac.
6 Extractor tool pre-use and post-use inspection Section 1: Introduction Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 1.3 Ex tractor tool pre-use and post -use inspec tion Pri or to a nd af ter usin g the ex t rac to r too l, th e fo llowing inspection procedure mu st be follo wed: R ef er to drawing D -08248 Detail D ( see Appendix C ).
Operation Manual Section 1: Introduction 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool pre-use and post-use inspection 7 6. Use US M Ex trac tor T ool pre-use and post -use Inspection checklist ( see A ppendix B ) to log the inspection and to report any issues found .
8 Extractor tool pre-use and post-use inspection Section 1: Introduction Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
Operation Manual Section 2: Operation preparation an d part replacemen t notes 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Operation preparation 9 21 Sec tion 2: Opera tion prep aration and par t r ep la cem ent n ote s 2.
10 Operation preparation Section 2: Operation preparation and pa rt replacement notes Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F Import ant safety information SURF AC E TEMPERA TURE HAZ ARD Meter body and piping may be extremely hot or cold. W ear per sonal protective equipment when coming in contact with the meter .
Operation Manual Section 2: Operation preparation an d part replacemen t notes 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Operation preparation 11 4. Oral communication mu st be established prio r to de pressurizing the line, if required. 5. Enough lighting to see the gauge is re quire d prio r to ex t rac tor too l usage.
12 Part replacement notes Section 2: Operation preparation and pa rt replacement notes Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 2.2 Part replacement note s 1. The foll owing instructions are f or remov al and install ation o f one transduc er asse mbly (J).
Operation Manu al Section 3: Tool re quirements 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Tool list for the extractor tool with T-slot extractable transducers 13 S e c t i o n 3 : T o o l r e q u i r em ent s 3.1 T ool list for the extractor tool with T -slot ex tractable transducers 1 Molyk ote III is a trade mark of Dow C orning Co rporatio n, U.
14 Tool list for the extractor tool with T-slot extractable transducers Section 3: Tool require ments Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
Operation Manu al Section 4: Re moving a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is und er line pressure 15 41 Sec t ion 4: R e moving a transduc e r a sse mbly 4.1 St eps to remo ve a transduc er assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure 1.
16 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure Section 4: Removing a t ransd ucer assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 3. Ref er to Dra wing CE-21062 DET AIL “C” ( Appendix C ). a.
Operation Manu al Section 4: Re moving a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is und er line pressure 17 4. Ref er to Drawing CE -21063 DET AIL “D” ( Appendix C ).
18 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure Section 4: Removing a t ransd ucer assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F d.
Operation Manu al Section 4: Re moving a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is und er line pressure 19 6. Ref er to Dra wing CE-21064 DET AIL “E” ( Appendix C ).
20 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure Section 4: Removing a t ransd ucer assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F f. Adjust the pressure on the e xtrac tor tool piston assembly (P) to exc eed the forc e of line pre ssure ex er ted on the extrac tor rod (N).
Operation Manu al Section 4: Re moving a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is und er line pressure 21 i. V erif y all pressure h as been v ented from the extractor tool pist on asse mbly (P) by reading the piston pressure gauge (U).
22 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure Section 4: Removing a t ransd ucer assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F m. T o check the sealing inte grit y of the ex trac tor tool valv e as sembly (H), clos e the lubricator chambe r vent valve (R).
Operation Manu al Section 4: Re moving a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is und er line pressure 23 b.
24 Steps to remove a transducer assembly from a meter while the meter is under line pressure Section 4: Removing a t ransd ucer assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F g.
Operation Manu al Section 5: I n stalling a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure 25 51 Sec tion 5: Inst alling a transduce r a sse mbly 5.1 Installing a transducer assembly while the met er is under line pressure 1.
26 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure Section 5: Installing a transduc er assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F d. Al ign the e x tr ac tor ro d (N ) into t he center ho le of t he p iston of th e ex t rac tor tool piston a sse mbly (P).
Operation Manu al Section 5: I n stalling a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure 27 3.
28 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure Section 5: Installing a transduc er assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F e. Adjust the pressure on the e x trac tor tool piston asse mbly (P) to slightly exceed the force of line pressure ac ting on th e ex tra cto r rod (N).
Operation Manu al Section 5: I n stalling a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure 29 h. V ent the pres sure of the extrac tor tool piston a ssembly (P) b y fully unscrewing (coun terc l ock wise) the adjustmen t screw of the pressure regula tor (V) until loose .
30 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure Section 5: Installing a transduc er assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 4. Ref e r to Drawing D-08248 ( Appendix C ). a. Remov e the m ete r housing quick connect ste m and the reducer if it wa s required.
Operation Manu al Section 5: I n stalling a tr ansducer assembl y 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure 31 8.
32 Installing a transducer assembly while the meter is under line pressure Section 5: Installing a transduc er assembly Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
Operation Manu al Section 6: Main tenance 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool maintenance 33 61 Sec tion 6: Main te nanc e 6.1 Ex tractor tool maint enance The Split Clamp Extractor T ool m.
34 Extractor tool maintenance Section 6: Maintenance Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
Operation Manual Section 7: Parts list 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool parts list 35 Sec tion 7: Par ts list 7.1 Ex tractor tool par ts list T able 7-1 Ex tractor tool parts list Parts .
36 Extractor tool parts list Section 7: Parts list Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
Operation Manual Appendix A: Piston and line pressure 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool piston pressure 37 A Appe ndix A: Piston and line pre ssure A .
38 Extractor tool piston pressure Appendix A: Piston and line pressure Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F 1525 6 1 2025 8 1 2525 1 01 1550 6 2 2050 8 2 2550 1 02 1575 6 3 2075 8 3 2575 .
Operation Manual Appendix B: Extractor tool pre-use and post-use in spection checklist 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Inspection checklist 39 B1TOP (14) Appe ndix B: Ex trac t or tool pre-u se and post -u se inspec tion ch ecklist B.
40 Inspection checklist Appendix B: Extractor tool pre-use and post-use inspecti on checklist Ope ration Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F Note s:.
Operation Manual Appendix C: Engineering drawings 3-9000-744 Rev F September 2013 Extractor tool drawings 41 AC1ALK TO HER.TOP ( 14) Appe ndix C: Engineering dra w ing s C .
42 Extractor tool drawings Appendix C: Engineering drawings Operation Manual September 2013 3-9000-744 R ev F.
3-9000-744 Revision F 2013 This product is a core component of the Plant Web digital plant archit ecture. Emerson Process Management Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc. 11100 Brittmoore Park Drive Houston, TX 77041 USA T +1 713-467-6000 F +1 713-827-4805 USA Toll Free 1 888-356-9001 Daniel Measurement Services, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Emerson 3-9000-744 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Emerson 3-9000-744 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Emerson 3-9000-744 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Emerson 3-9000-744 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Emerson 3-9000-744 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Emerson 3-9000-744, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Emerson 3-9000-744.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Emerson 3-9000-744. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Emerson 3-9000-744 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center