Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product OL-8950-01 EMC
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Applica tion C onnectivity Moni tor 2.0 CONFIGURATION GUIDE P/N 300-002-868 REV A01 EMC Corporation Corpor ate Head quarte rs: Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103 1-508-435-1000 www .
Last Update: 7/ 29/05 Copyright 1996-2005 by EMC Corporation (“EMC”). All rights reserved. EMC be lieves the infor mation in th is public ation is accura te as of its pub lication date .
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de iii Contents Preface vii Purpose vii Intended Audience vii Prere quisite s vii Document Organization viii Documentation Convent.
Contents iv EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Firewall Depl oyment Considerations 6 Installing t he Softwa re 6 License Reminder 7 Integrating Applica tion Con.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de v Working With Groups and Settings 35 Opening the Polling and Threshol ds Console 35 Layout of the Pollin g and Threshol ds Con.
Contents vi EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de vii Preface Purpose This document provides an overview of impor tant features in EMC Smarts Application Connectivi ty Monitor, and i nstructions for configuring Application Connectivi ty Monitor .
Preface viii EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Document Organizat ion This guide consists of the following chapters. Documentation Convent ions Several conventions may be u sed in this document as shown in T able 2.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de ix Applicati on Connectivi ty Monito r Installa tion Dir ectory Director y path names are shown with forw ard slashes (/). Users of the Windows operating systems should substitute back slashes () for for ward slashes.
Preface x EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Optionally , you can specify the root of BASE DIR to be something other than /opt/InChar ge6 (on UNIX) or C:InCharge6 (on Windows), but you cannot chang e th e <product> location under the root directo r y .
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de xi T echnical S upport • EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Installation Guide • EMC Smarts Application Connectivi.
Preface xii EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 1 1 Introduction This chapter provides a brief over view of impor tant features in E MC Smarts Application Connectivi ty Monitor.
Intro duct ion 2 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Application Connectivi ty Monitor operates in c onjunction with A vailability Manager and Ser vice Assurance Manager . A vailability Manager provides the network topology for Applicat ion Connectiv ity Monito r.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 3 Applicatio n Signature Conf iguration Inte rface Discover th e Soft ware Infra structure Perform an initial discover y of network topology with A vailability Manager and import the topology and connectivity analysis into Application Connectivi ty Monitor.
Intro duct ion 4 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Application Signatures Conceptually , applications have characte ristic s or attributes that uniquely differentiate one applicatio n from another; together , these characteristics constitute a signature for a given application.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 5 2 Deploying Application Connectivity Monitor This chapter describes how to deploy Application Connectivity Monitor, and inclu.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 6 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Privileges Require ment If you are i ntegrating Application Connectivity Monitor, y ou must either: • Be a superuser (User ID 0) on UNIX platforms.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 7 License Re minder • EMC Smarts S er vice Assurance Management Suite Installation Guide • EMC Smarts IP Manage ment Suite Installation Gui de If Serv ice Assurance Management Suite 6.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 8 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Whenever you modify a configuration f ile, you must stop and restart the component for the changes to take effect. For a Global Manager, you can reload the conf iguration file while it is still running.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 9 Integrat ing Applicatio n Connectivit y Monitor • Adapter Platform to the ACM Domain Manager, no changes are necessar y in the Adapter Platform’ s configuratio n file.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 10 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide For more information about the Adapter Platform, see the EMC Smar ts Ser vice Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User’ s Guide .
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 11 Integrat ing Applicatio n Connectivit y Monitor 5 In the Add Source dialog, select "Adapter Platform" and enter the name of the Adapter Platform se r ver that is being used (for example, IC-OI) in the element name field.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 12 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide DomainType { ConfFile = "dxa-perf.conf"; MinimumCertainty = 0.24; SmoothingInterval = 65; ## HookScript = "ics/dxa-sample-hook.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 13 Integrat ing Applicatio n Connectivit y Monitor Starting and S topping the Component s Manually Note: T o use the sm_ser vice utility to start a ser vice or install a ser vice, you must have root or administrativ e privileges on the local host.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 14 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide ▼▲ Indicates the command must be typed as one line.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 15 Integrat ing Applicatio n Connectivit y Monitor Orig ina l ve rsi ons of fil es shou ld no t be altered. If a file requires modification, it must be stored as a local copy of the file in BASEDIR /smarts/loca l or one of its subdirectories.
Deploy ing Appl ication Co nnecti vity Moni tor 16 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 17 3 Creating and Configuring Application Signatures The Application Signature Con figuration Interface that is included with Application Connectivit y Monitor enables administrators and i ntegrators to create and configure applicati on signatures.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 18 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide The tab enables administrators and integrators to access the Applicatio n Signature Configuration Interface through which they can enable and configure application signatures.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 19 Using th e Applicati on S ignat ure Conf igurat ion Inte rfac e The table at the top of the tab (see Figure 2) shows the list of application signatures that are available in the ACM Domain Manager .
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 20 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide The application signature is created in the ACM D omain Manager and is enabled.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 21 Using th e Applicati on S ignat ure Conf igurat ion Inte rfac e Port N umber The por t number on whi ch the application shou ld be actively listenin g. The same port number can be used for multiple signatures.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 22 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Specify ing Port Numbe r, Requ est, an d Respo nse Parame ters The Port Number , Request, and Response parameters can provide various types of information depending upon th e entered values.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 23 Using th e Applicati on S ignat ure Conf igurat ion Inte rfac e Modifying Application Signatures The Application Signature tab is also used for modifying an existing application signature.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 24 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide 4 The Application Signature Configuration Interface displays a warning message to make sure that you want to delete the selected application signa tur e.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 25 Specif ying Sy stem Na me Patter ns T o specify the parameters for a Mo nitoring Action, perform the following steps. 1 Access the App lication Signature tab. 2 Enter a new application signature or select an existing signature from the list at the top of the tab.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 26 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Figure 4: Customiz e Sy stem Match Patterns Note: If you do not specify patterns, the defa ult for System Name Pattern is “*”.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 27 The Stan dard Di scovery Pr obe Use Only Selected Syste ms T o use this option: 1 Specify the System names patter n(s) and click the App ly button. (The example in the figur e shows the System names pattern default “*”.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 28 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide The Standard Probe creates basic topology for : • The Software Ser vice object (represents the discovered application). • The TCP endpoint through which the Software Ser vice can be acc essed.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 29 Remov ing T o pology Eleme nts • por t: the port number of the ser ver . For autodetect signatures, this can be left blank. The information is taken from the detection information.
Creating and Configuring Applic ation Signatur es 30 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Scenarios for Removing Element s The following provide some scenarios fo r the removal of topology elements. • A software ser vice that was previously discovered is no longer of concern or interest.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 31 4 Groups and Settings A setting is a collection of parameters common to a particular type of analysis (for example, O racle Database). A component called a gr oup contains zero or more settings and is related to managed elements in your network based on matching criteria.
Groups and Settings 32 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Threshold Groups Application Connectivit y Monitor provides the following threshold groups: • Softwa.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 33 Defaul t Threshol d Groups a nd Setting s Note: The StatisticsWindow is fi xed and ca nnot be c hanged through the console.
Groups and Settings 34 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Default Polling Groups and Settings This section describes the default polli ng groups included with Application Connectivity Monitor and the settings that can be applied to each polli ng group.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 35 W orking W ith Groups and Settings Working With Gr oups and Settings The configuration of a Do main Manager applies parameters to defined sets of managed elements. • A group is composed of settings and members.
Groups and Settings 36 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide T o open the Polling and Thresholds Console, follow these steps: 1 Attach to the D omain Manager with the Global Console. The T opology Br owse r Con sole ope ns.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 37 W orking W ith Groups and Settings Figure 5: Polling and Thre sholds Con sole—Examp le Polling and Thresh olds Console Toolbar B uttons The toolbar of the Polli ng and Threshol ds Console provides qui ck access to the commands described in T able 9.
Groups and Settings 38 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide How Mana ged Elemen ts Are Assigned to Groups When a Domain Manager perfor ms discover y , it automati.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 39 W orking W ith Groups and Settings Met hod f or Ad din g or Remo ving Sett ing s A group’ s settings deter mine what parameters are applied to the managed elements that are members of the group.
Groups and Settings 40 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide • V alue is any combination of text, integers, and wildcar ds that is matched against the value of the attribute in the managed element. The V alue field for a matc hing criterion is not case-sensitive.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 41 W orking W ith Groups and Settings Changing the Pa rameters of a Settin g 1 Select the setting in the left panel of the Polling and Thresho lds Console. The parameters of a setting are listed in the right panel of the console.
Groups and Settings 42 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Copying an Existi ng Group 1 Right-click the Polling or Threshold group that you want to copy . 2 Select Copy fr om the pop-up menu to display the Copy Group dialog.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 43 A W ildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software This appendix describes the wildcards used by EMC Smarts software. The wildcards can be used for pattern matching i n noted instances.
W ildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software 44 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Note: Spaces are interpreted as characters and are subject to matching even if they are adjacent to operators l ike "&".
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 45 Special characters for compound wildcard patterns are summarized below . Ta b l e 1 1 : Comp ound W ildcard Pat terns C HARA CTER D ESCRIPTION & “And Also” for a compound wildcard patter n.
W ildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software 46 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 47 Index A Ad apte r P lat fo rm Add to topology 10 DomainT y pe En tries 9 Addi ng or removi ng a se tting 39 Addi ng or remov.
Index 48 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide Global Man ager 11 V alidating Y our Integration 14 IP Manag emen t Suit e 6 J Java Ru ntime Env ironment 6 L Licens.
EMC Sm arts Ap plicat ion Co nnectivi ty Moni tor Con figurat ion Gui de 49 W Wi ld ca r d 43 Chart of operators 44 Wi nd ow Interaction with Sensi tivity and Thresholds 33.
Index 50 EMC Sm arts Ap plic ati on Conne ctivi ty Mo nit or Conf igur atio n Guide.
An important point after buying a device EMC OL-8950-01 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought EMC OL-8950-01 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data EMC OL-8950-01 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, EMC OL-8950-01 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get EMC OL-8950-01 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of EMC OL-8950-01, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime EMC OL-8950-01.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with EMC OL-8950-01. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device EMC OL-8950-01 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center