Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product D77A Eaton
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MN05002001E For more information visit: www.Eat Int ellig ent T echnolog ies (IT. ) D77A I/O Module Pr oducts Instal lati on and User Manua l November 2006 Supersed es October 20 05 P.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN05002001E For more information visit: www.Eat i Impor tant Notice — Please Read The p roduct d iscus sed in t his li ter ature i s subj ect to terms and cond iti ons out lined in Eaton Elect rical Inc.
ii For more information visit: MN05002001E Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts T able of Cont ents LIST OF F IGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN05002001E For more information visit: www.Eat iii Lis t of Fi gures Figure 1: I/O Module Component Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv For more information visit: MN05002001E Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts Table 18: Relay Output Module Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN05002001E For more information visit: www.Eat v Saf ety Se rvici ng and operating th is I/O syst em, like all indust rial control c omponents and syst ems, inv olves sign ificant hazards .
vi For more information visit: MN05002001E Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts General Saf ety Notice A vis Av i s o Make sur e you read and under stand the installation procedures in this manual before you attempt to operate or set up the equipment.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 1 Intr oduction Descr iption Cutler -Hammer ® Intellig ent T ec hnologi es ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modules from Eaton Corpo ration ® are par t of the IT.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 2 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Discr ete Combinatio n Modules The inpu t and output features found in the input and outp ut modul es are also found in the combinati on modules.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 3 Catalog Nu mber ing Sys tem Catalog nu mber s have three or fi ve groups of char a cters, depe ndi ng on the kind of module the catalog numb e r represents.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 4 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Specificat ions Ph ysical Descr iption Figu re 1 illustrat es the front and b ac k of a typica l IT.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 5 Dimensional D ata Figu re 2 i llus trates t he di mens iona l data of the IT .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 6 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Env ironmental Sp ecifications T able 3: En vironme ntal Ratings Device Defa ult I/O Data The following tables display the device default da ta mapping for D77A I/O modules as the data would appear on a network.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 7 T able 1 1: 2 Channe l Anal og Output Module (Con sumed) *Sign Bit 1 = T.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 8 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Input Speci fications A C Input Module Specifications T able 1 3: AC Input Mo dule Spe cifications * A 50V tran sition range exists between 30V and 80V .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 9 DC Input Module Specifications T able 1 4: DC Inpu t Module S pecificat ions * A 12V transition range exists b etween 6V an d 18V .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 10 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Analog Input Module Speci fications T able 1 5: D77A-NI4 Analog Inp ut.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 11 Figure 5: D77A-NI4 Analog In put Module Di agrams a) D77 A -NI 4 V olta.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 12 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Figur e 6: Ana log Input Curv es a) 0-5V R ange Setting b) 1 -5V Rang .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 13 Output Specification s A C Output Module Specifications T able 1 6: AC .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 14 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E DC Output Mod u le Spec ifications T able 17: DC Ou tput Module Specif.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 15 Rela y Output Module Speci fications T able 18: Re lay Output Mo dule S.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 16 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Analog Output Module Spec ifications T able 19: D77A-NQ2 Analo g Outpu.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 17 Figure 1 1: An alog Ou tput Curves for 14 Bit Resolution a) 0-5V R ange.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 18 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Special I/ O Speci fications Combinat ion Module Specifica tions T able 2 0: D77A-DI8DQ8 Combi nation Mod ule Specif ications * A 12V transition range exists b etween 6V an d 18V .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 19 T able 2 1: D77A-DI8RQ8 Com bination Module Spe cificatio ns * A 12V transition range exists b etween 6V an d 18V .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 20 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E T able 2 2: D77A-AI8AQ8 Combinat ion Module Specificat ions * A 50V tran sition range exists between 30V and 80V .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 21 T able 2 3: D77A-AI8RQ8 Com bination Module Spe cificatio ns * A 60V tran sition range exist s between 80V and 140V .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 22 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Theory of Oper ation The IT. D77A I/O syst em consists of a collect ion of inpu t and output module s connecte d togethe r by QCP or t to a netwo rk adapter .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 23 I/O F unction Discr ete Input Modu les Figu re 1 7 illustr ates t he ba sic s ignal proces sing operatio n. When a sign al is pres ent at the i nput poi nt, the module resp onds with t he foll owing sequ ence : 1.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 24 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Discr ete Combinatio n Modules Combinatio n modules have the properties of both input and outpu t points in a single module.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 25 Analog Input Modules Figu re 20 i llustrates the basic si gnal processing o peration. Analog si gnal s from four separate channels are received by a m ultiplexer (MUX).
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 26 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Analog Output Modules Figu re 21 illustrates the basic signal processing operation.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 27 Inst allat ion Set ting Gr oup ID A unique Group ID must be assi gned to eac h module. The mod ules are ship ped with a factory -set defa ult set ting of zero .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 28 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Installation Without Backplan e Module P reparation The DIN rail loc king tab is located under the removable terminal on the front of the device.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 29 Installing the Module The module is now ready for installation on the DIN rail. 1 . The module mus t al way s be ins erted per pendi cular onto the DIN r ail.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 30 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Installation With Backplane Module P reparation The DIN rail loc king tab is underneath the removable terminal (on the front of the device).
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 31 Installing the Module The module is now ready for installation on the DIN rail. 1 . Line the c enter of t he modul e up wit h the bac kplane connector on t he DIN rai l.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 32 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E QCP ort Conn ections Int er connects/ Connections Connect ing the I/O modules tog ether and to ot her IT. f amily pr oducts involve s usi ng one o r more of the i nterconne ct conne ctors.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 33 Pr e-manufactu red QCP ort Inte rconnect Cabl es T o conn ect the D77A I/O mod ules together with out using a QCPort bac kplane, use the QC P o r t connect ors that are locat ed at the bo tt o m of the D77A I/O module.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 34 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Configur ation There are parame ters as sociated with t he D77A I/O p roducts that can be set using a software tool such as CH Studio fo r enhanced function ality .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 35 Fiel d Wiring T able 25: S ymbol Defini tions Notice A vis Av i s o Install all field wi ring on the modules in compl iance wi th all applica ble regu larity codes.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 36 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Earth Ground Chassis Ground Fus e Cont rol Relay Limit S witc h Res is.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 37 A C Inputs AC power is typically used to energize loads related to mac h inery function such as solenoid valves and motor starters.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 38 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E DC Inputs DC Input mo dules are designed to operat e with eithe r sinki ng or sourcing devic es. They a re typic ally used w ith prox imity s ensor s and other solid-state d evices.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 39 Analog Inputs Analog signals are typ ically used to transm it or indicate linea r data like te mperature, pressure or flow, as illustrated in Figure 37 .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 40 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E A C Outputs AC power is typically used to energize loads related to mac hinery function su c h as solenoid valves and motor starters.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 41 DC Outputs DC power is t ypical ly used for i nstrument ation or li ght co ntrol circ uits. Example s might be so lenoid valves , indic ator l a mps or sinkin g or s ourcing signals t o other equip ment.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 42 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Rela y Outputs Re lay outp uts can be us ed to cont rol a vari ety of diff erent loads. They can be us ed in AC or D C ci rcuits or they can be used to pro vide a dry contact to other equipmen t.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 43 Analog Outputs Analog signals are typically used to transmit or indicate linear data like pressure or linear actuation, as illustrated in Figure 41 .
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 44 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Combinat ion I/O Combina tion I/O mod ules inc orporate the fea tures of inpu t point s an d output point s in to a si ngle module .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 45 T rouble shooting and Maint enance Statu s LED The status LED is located on the upper left o f the D77A I/O module as pictured in Figure 1 , Module Componen t Location.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 46 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E T ro ubleshooting T able 28: T ro ubles hoot ing Renew al Par ts T abl.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 47 T able 3 1: Status LE D Comm uni cati on H ints T able 32: Comm unic ation Hi nts Status LED De scr iption Explanation Mostly Off Offline Everything is OK with in the I/O Module and the I/O Module is no t being scanned.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 48 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Appendix A D ata P arameters T able 33: 0x 0001 (1) Pr oduction Da ta .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 49 T able 4 0: 0x0 06C (1 08) Analo g Outpu t Status (Av ailab le in I/O A.
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 50 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E Configur ation P ar amete r s None of the Con figuration P arameters suppo rt I/ O data.
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 51 T able 48: 0x8006 (3 277 4) Sla ve A ddr ess T able 49: 0x8007 (3 2775).
Intelligen t Technologie s ( IT. ) D77A I/O Modu le Prod ucts 52 For more information visit: MN0500 2001E T able 57: 0x800F (3 2783) L anguag e Selec tio n T able 5 8: 0x801 0 .
Intellig ent Techno logies ( IT. ) D77A I/O Module Produ cts MN0500 2001E For more information visit: 53 Analog D ata Regist ers T able 6 6: Regis ter 1; Serial Number T a b le 6 7: Re g is te r 2 ; H ard wa re Re v is io n T able 6 8: Regis ter 3; Analog Filter Setting IT.
© 2005 Eaton Corpo ration All Righ ts Reserved Publ ication No. MN050020 0 1E Revisio n 4/ Nove mber 2006 Eaton E lectrical Inc. 1000 Cherri ngton Parkw ay Moon T ownship, P A 15108-4312 USA tel: 1 -800 -525- 2000 www.
An important point after buying a device Eaton D77A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Eaton D77A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Eaton D77A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Eaton D77A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Eaton D77A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Eaton D77A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Eaton D77A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Eaton D77A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Eaton D77A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center