Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MSK 33 DreamGEAR
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Operating manual Software vers ion 8.2.
Preface Preface Dear custom er, This following manual will help you obtain the best optimal us e from the extens ive functions of the MSK 33. T herefor e, observe all instr uctions. T he Kathrein-W erk e KG has m ade every effort to ens ure that the data and descr iptions in this m anual are accur ate and com plete.
Contents PREF ACE ........................................................................................................................ .................................. 3 IMPO RTANT NOTES ..........................................................
Contents RF output ...................................................................................................................... ................................ 23 Headphone c onnect ion ......................................................
Contents V-SEC m enu ..................................................................................................................... ............................ 36 Entering the hex num bers ......................................................
Contents TV DIGIT AL menu ................................................................................................................ ........................ 47 DVB-C ..............................................................................
Contents SETT ING M ENU................................................................................................................... ........................... 58 Modem m enu .....................................................................
Contents Position and trigger ing of the DiSE qC signa l ................................................................................... .......... 68 SPECTRUM M ENU .................................................................................
Contents Displa y of t he check point ..................................................................................................... ...................... 88 Display of the entr y field for the res pective m easurem ent task ..................
Contents Channel an d frequenc y tabl e stand ar d D/K (f requenc y in MHz) .............................................................. 103 Channel an d frequenc y tabl e standar d I (freque nc y in MHz) ............................................
Important Notes Important Notes Validity of this man ual This manual is valid for the MSK 33, or der no.: 208 299, 208 302, 208 303, 208 305, 208 209, 208 311, 208 312, 208 313, 208 314, 208 316, 208 318, 208 319, 208 321, 208 322, 208 325, 208 326, 217 10001, 217 10002, 217 10003, 217 10004.
Safety Instructions Safety Instructi ons - Observe the VDE s afety regulations! - Observe the adm iss ible m axim um level when f eeding signals. - A max imum of 0.5 watts of total power m ay be applied to the RF input. - Only fuses which have the sam e cut out c haracteris tic m ay be used.
Functions Functions Functions W ith Sat/TV/FM signal m eter MSK 33, detailed quality assessm ent of DVB- C, DVB-T and DVB- S signals m ay be carried out along with level measur em ents of analogue and digital TV and Sat rec eption signals.
Functions Functions overview Function SA T TV Return path (LP) FM Digital A n a- logue Digital A n a- logue Digital A nalogue Mains and battery op- eration X X X X X X X External battery supply X* X* .
Displays, Operating Elements and Co nnections Display s, Operating El ements and Connections Front panel All operating elem ents, the display screen and the RF input are loc ated on the front panel of the MSK 33.
Displays, Operating Elements and Co nnections Rear panel The interf aces, output and input s ock ets and the m ains connec tion are located on the rear panel of the MSK 33. 1 Main s connection 2 Main s fuse 3 Main s switch 4 Loudspeaker 5 DC socket (Op tion / XLR-socket) for the oper ation of an external DC voltage of 10.
Displays, Operating Elements and Co nnections Observing angle of the on screen display The viewpoint of the T FT display is chosen so that a pic ture asses sm ent is seen from an angle of up to 15° from the top and up to 30° fr om below . T he observing angle from the side is ± 45°.
Operating Con cept Operating Concept The screen Softkeys The MSK 33 is operated via a menu guided on s creen representation with m ain m enus and subm enus. By means of the six sof tkeys, the com mands displayed on the right-hand side of the TFT sc reen can be called up.
Operating Con cept General i nformation for oper ation The following explanations are importa nt for understanding the logical menu structure o f the M SK 33. Please take time carefu lly reading the follo wing paragra phs. Menu selection The MSK 33 is operated via the but tons and various displayed screen menus.
Operation Operation Place of installation of the MSK 33 W hen installing the unit, ensure, that there is adequate heat dis sipation. To avoid heat build-up, the openings for t he ventilators and the ventilation slots on the top of the unit m ust always be free.
A ccumulato r and Battery Operation A ccum ulator and Battery Operation A ccumul ator operati on The ac cum ulator of the MSK 33 is not charged in delivery status and m ust be charged bef ore initial operation. T o do so, connect the unit with the m ains, and switch on the power supply w ith the m ains switch on the fr ont panel of the unit.
Connections Connections RF output % # 9 The re ceiving signal is f ed into the RF i nput sock et (BNC sock et). It deliver s also the rem ote power feeding voltage. The rem ote power f eeding voltage is adjus table and disconnectable f rom 10 to 20V.
Measurement Possibilities Measurement P ossibili ties Level measurement The MSK 33 is designed for the level meas urem ents on rec eiving systems in the meas uring range of 30 dBµV to 130 dBµV. The level m easur ement is automati- cally carried out after c onnecting the unit and setting a f requency and is display ed on the display screen.
Sat Operation Sat Operation Sat menu <>sat frq LNB CONTROL digit DVBS SAT MEASURE BACK analog Call up the ma in menu Entry of the transponder frequency from 00,000 MHz to16,000 MHz The f ield lights up yellow , as soon as a softk ey is pressed.
Sat Operation Setting of the LNB voltage supply : Activate the supply voltage for vertic al polarisation 14.0 V in the LNB-CO NTROL menu. In the upper display field, the supply voltage (14.0 V) and the current draw of the LNB (181 m A) are dis play ed.
Sat Operation SCA N W ith the function SCA N , satellites can be s earched f or, whose transponder f re- quencies are not k nown. Here, the fr equency range of 920 to 2150 is continuously scanned f or the receiving s ignals. If the re c eiving signals are available, the r ecep- tion level is displayed on the screen as a bar diagram .
Sat Operation LNB control menu In the LNB control m enu, the LNB supply voltage, 22 kHz control signal, DiSEqC and VSEC com m ands can be set. T he voltage or signals are available on the RF sock et. If the LNB s upply voltage is activated, the red LED above the RF sock ets lights up.
Sat Operation Checking the LNB supply voltag e of a satellite receiver Connect the satellite rec eiver (IF input) with the MSK 33 (RF input sock et). Switch the supply voltage of the MSK 33 OFF and the voltage of the receiver O N. You can now read the output voltage on the scr een.
Sat Operation DiSEqC menu W ith the MSK 33, DiSEqC comm ands can be s ent (TX ) and received ( RX). T he code words –f ram ing, address, com m and, data- are dis play ed on the scr een in the upper RX disp lay field for received DiSEqC com m ands and in the lower T X dis play field for transm itted DiSEqC com m ands.
Sat Operation Submenu for entering DiSEqC commands This subm enu is called up by pressing the button „tx input“ in the DiSEqC menu. Entry The hex number , where the cursor is posi- tioned, is displayed and flashes.
Sat Operation G Example Entering a nd transmitting a DiSE qC command Assum e you w ant to enter-in and send the DiSEqC com m and E0 14 22: Here, open the DiSEqC m enu. Press the button, „ tx input“. The c ursor f lashes in the lower left -hand corner in the T X f ield.
Sat Operation UFOmicro Di SEqC menu General information In the UFOm icro m ode, one or var ious head stations EX U 544 in a Kathrein in- house system c an be tested. The tes t can be carr ied with or wi thout a KATHREIN satellite receiver from the 400 ser ies or higher.
Sat Operation Receiver field In the receiver f ield, the setting status of the receiver 01...12 sim ulated by the MSK 33 is displayed. Rec adr r-zf t0 t1 t2 st >02<244 1200 20 12 4 2 FRAME ADD COM DATA TX E2 00 F2 1390-- Refer to the ex ample to the lef t: The rec eiver 2 is regis tered in the head station with the address 244.
Sat Operation The re ceiver no. is edited by calling up ◄ of the receiver no. –of the field with the aid of the button, ▲ or ▼ . Installation of a UFOµ unit EXU 544 in conjunction with the MSK 33 In this arrangem ent, the MSK 33 is c onnected to the output of the head s tation and sim ulates up to 12 Kathrein rec eivers.
Sat Operation V-SEC menu By repeatedly pressing the second s oftk ey, y ou acc ess the V-SEC m enu. V-SEC sim ply off ers the poss ibility to send a data item . It gives no reply. Entering the hex numbers VSEC > t x tx in put -------- -VSEC-------- VSEC----- ------------ TX:<- BB Call up a subm enu by entering in the hex number s.
Sat Operation Initial A NA LOG-menu W ith this softk ey , the Sat menu is called up. Calling up the sound subcarrier menu Level-dependent acoustic signal In the function, level beep,“ an acoustic al signal is produc ed, whose pitch is proportional to the received signal level.
Sat Operation Second A NLAOG menu The Sat m enu is c alled up. Selecting the colour standards PA L, SECA M and NTSC Selecting the video hub 16 MHz for ASTRA r eception, 25 MHz for EutelSat reception. Video polarity Switch-over of the video polarity betw een positive and negative.
Sat Operation Sat subcarrier menu Calls up the fir st ANA- LOG m enu Selecting the subcarrier recep- tion ty pe (ref er to the subcar rier table) MON On: Audio subcar- rier reception ( narrow bandwidt.
Sat Operation A udio carrier tables for the satellite reception The rec eption param eters – audio f requency, audio carrier bandwidth, de- emphas is – are link ed to each other by the software, so no oper ation error can r e- sult fr om c alling up an incorrec t param eter.
Digital Measuremen ts Digital M easurements SA T DI GITA L menu ---SAT MEAS URE ALL ---- min/max: 38 .0/65.0 dBµV level beep mea- sure MPEG PICTURE 70 ><1832.
Digital Measuremen ts Level measurement DIGITA L (Min./Max. levels) Calls up the level m easurem ent DIGIT AL as well as MIN./MAX. In this function, minim al and m axim al levels ar e meas ured. T his func tion serves f or m onitoring the meas urem ent points to level f luctuations.
TV Opera tion TV Operation TV menu TV CONTROL analog > TV MEASURE 70 C10 210.25MHz A6 5 .0dBµV < > rf f rq BACK Calls up the m ain m enu Frequency entry of 44.
TV Opera tion TV control menu 22 kHz control signal The f ield lights up yellow , as soon as the s oftk ey is pressed. T he switchable 22 kHz signal over superim poses the supply voltage.
TV Opera tion A nal ogue menu Calls up the T V menu A Selecting the standard W ith this softk ey , the following standards can be selected: B/G, D/K, I, L, M, M – jap. (Japan) and N. Refer to the audio carrier table. In this m enu, the channel setting c an be changed using the cur sor buttons, ◄► .
TV Opera tion - Minim al and m axim al levels (m in./m ax.) – Level meas urem ent ANALOGUE The res pective following displays appear on the scr een, when the button, „meas - ure“ is pr essed. Measu ring audio carrier spacing Audio carrier 1: - 13.
TV Opera tion TV DIGITAL menu DVB-C ----TV MEAS URE ALL ---- min/max: 38 .0/65.0 dBµV level beep mea- sure MPEG PICTURE 70 S32 394.00MHz D65.
TV Opera tion DVB-T (optional) ----TV MEAS URE ALL ---- min/max: 38 .0/65.0 dBµV level beep mea- sure MPEG PICTURE 70 C21 474.00MHz D65.0dBµV chBW 8 MHz > BACK Calls up pr evious m enu.
Return Path IF Menu Retur n Path IF Menu Return path IF menu In this m enu, the video carrier s -each according to optional as signm ent- can be meas ured on IF levels ( 38.9 MHz analogue and 36.15 MHz digital) or on the entire return path ar ea (Optional return path card) f rom 4 MHz to 80 MHz .
Return Path IF Menu AN AL O G m e n u In this m enu, all settings f or the m easurem ent of the analogue IF signal with the frequenc y of 38.9 MHz can be m ade. Calls up the RP(IF) menu Selecting the standard W ith this softk ey , the following standards can be selected: B/G, D/K, I, L, M, M - jap (J apan) and N.
Return Path IF Menu Carry ing out measurements By press ing this button, the MSK 33 is set to analogue rec eption and m easures the following values: - Audio carr ier spacing f rom TT 1 (sc 1) and TT 2 (s c2) - Nicam audio car rier spac ing (if available) - Nicam bit error rate (B ER) - Minim al and m axim al level (m in.
IF RP DIGITA L Menu IF RP DIGITA L Menu DVB-C --- RP MEAS URE ALL ---- min/max: 38 .0/65.0 dBµV level beep mea- sure MPEG PICTURE 70 RP 48.25MH z D65.
Radio Opera tion Radio Operation RA DI O menu Returns to T V menu. Entering a frequency from 44.75 MHz to 867.20 M Hz The f ield lights up yellow as soon as the softk ey is pressed. Now, the frequenc y can be entered in with the nu- meric al buttons, „0.
Radio Opera tion Measuring the min/max lev e l In the display, the following values are represented: Minimal level: 61.5 dBµV Maximal level: 64.5 dBµV) ----FM MEASURE ALL --- m in/max: 61.5/64.5dBµV Measuring the current lev el In the display, appears: Frequency : 98.
A V Menu A V M enu LVDS Fb off Calls up m ain m enu Selects the c olour stan- dards PAL, SECAM and NTSC With the third softkey from the top, the following four operating ty pes can be set on th e Scart socket. Decoder operation In this operating type, a decoder for dec oding coded signals, e.
A V Menu Breaking v oltage This function s erves for supplyi ng a break ing voltage on the Scart s ock et, in order to control exter nal units. By pressing this button, the break ing voltage can be switched ON or O FF.
MPEG Decoder Me nu (Optional) MPEG Decoder Menu (Optional) After c alling up this MPEG m enu, you receive the PAT list f or selec ting the desired video or audio pr ogram me from the digital meas urem ent for SAT , T V, IF or return path. Moreover , the PID number s of the s elected program m e are displayed.
Setting Menu Setting Menu Calls up m ain m enu Modem menu In this m enu, all settings for the r emote c ontrol of the MSK 33 can be car- ried out via the interfac e RS232 (refer to respec- tive section). Screen menu In this m enu, brightness, contrast, c olour and back ground light of this TFT sc reen are set.
Screen Menu Screen Menu Returns to SETT ING menu Setting the brightness By press ing this button, the brightness of the screen c an be set with the cursor buttons, ◄► . The s et value is auto- ma tically saved. Setting the contrast Pressing this button al- lows the contrast s etting can with the cursor but- tons, ◄► .
System Menu Sy stem Menu Calls up the SYS- TEM menu BACK time date click off fact. setup S0 operatin g syste m S1 FPGA firmwa re -SOFTWA RE-VERSIO NS- BE --- -- ---- S0 = V8.
Copy Me nu Copy M enu The c opy menu is called up with the copy button. Exit the m enu by press ing the but- ton once m ore. Saving and calling up unit settings Saving the unit settings One hundred m em ory positions (00-99) are available f or saving the s ettings of the unit.
Copy Me nu Printing the m easurem ent res ults By press ing the softk ey, the current meas urem ent result along with the date and time ar e printed out. Printing out a m easurem ent result in T V m ode with: - Date and time - Channel number, frequenc y - Analogue measurement ( A), level.
Mode Menu Mode M enu Calls up the autom atic run of the meas urem ent TRAC K MVG10 Running function with sweep generator MVG 10 (ref er to the appropriate secti on). Calls up the spectr um analy ser (option, r efer to appropriate sec tion). Calls up the cons tellation menu ( option, refer to the appropriate m enu).
Text Me nu Text Menu The videotex t page number can be en- tered in with the numeric al buttons. T he page number is displayed in the upper left- hand corner. Videotext Returns to the m ain menu. Holding the videotext page By press ing this button, the current video- text page fr eezes.
Scope Menu Scope Menu The las t set m enu is called up. BACK video audio DiSEqC video W ith this button, y ou can switch on the video scope. audio Switches on the audio scope m enu. DiSEqC Switches on the DiS- EqC scope. Video scope menu The las t set m enu is called up.
Scope Menu The f ollowing values are displayed on the screen: Line 6 Time 38 µs – based on the line and is measured in the c entre of the screen. Signal/noise spacing S/N = 37.5 dB w ( weighted) W ith this softk ey , the input loss c an be changed to +4 dB and +8 dB.
A udio Scope A udio Scope The las t set m enu is called up. Increasing time / unit W ith this function, the audio signal can be com - pressed on the dis play . Eight time- stages are available. The unit s witches to the next highest tim e stage once the button is pressed.
DiSEqC Scope DiSEqC Scope Calls up the last s et menu. Increasing time / unit W ith this function, the DiSEqC signal can be com press ed on the dis- play . Eight control tim e- stages are available. T he unit switched accordingly to the next highest stage, when the button is pressed onc e mor e.
Spectral Menu 69 Spectral M enu The f unction spec trum can be called up in the operating modes , SAT, T V, RADIO and RET URN- PATH. T he operation of this func tion is principally identical in all various oper ating modes ; Diff erences are explained in the f ollowing text.
Spectral Menu Selecting the spectrum represent ation By press ing this button, the represented f requency range can be defined per s cale unit. The f ollowing settings are poss ible: Setting SA T operation TV operation Return path op- eration RADIO opera- tion Span/DIV BW Span/DIV BW Span/DIV BW large 100 MHz 8 MHz 20 MHz 1 MHz ------- ----- med.
Spectral Menu C/N measurement of digital signals in Sat operation The s pectrum m enu is opened in the setting, digital rec eption. The yellow mark er is m oved between two carriers or in f requency gaps. The C/N m easurem ent is c ar- ried out in m edium or sm all span.
Const Menu Const Menu The f unction cons tellation diagram can be called up in the operation types, SAT (DVB-S), T V (DVB-C and DVB- T), T V-IF or return path (DVB- C). Operating the constellation f unctions is pr incipally the same in the various oper ating ty pes.
Const Menu rate, which the MSK 33 can m easure, is 1.0 e-8. If the r ate is lower than these values, the display of the BER jum ps to zero „0“ (no longer bit error). T he highest BER, which can be displayed, is 1 e-2. Generally, it can be assum ed, that picture disturbance c an occur by a BER of ca.
Const Menu Selecting the sy mbol rate (sy mbol-clock) 27.500 SR 1 ► 3/4 CR ► Invers (no) Mode QPS K 27.5 MS, 20 MS, 24.5 MS or 22 MS – or entry between 0.
Const Menu Examples for QPSK constellation diagrams QPSK signal without faults QPSK signal with phase noise (LNC) QPSK signal with interm odulation noise QPSK s ignal with superposed broadband noise. Poss ible cause: Defe ctive am plifier or high cable loss .
Const Menu Constella tion diagram for QAM (DVB-C) For digital trans mis sion via cables, the modulation type QAM (Quadratur e Am pli- tude Modulation) is used. T he MSK 33 can represent the c onstellation of the m odula- tion ty pes, QAM64 and QAM128.
Const Menu Frontend locked If the rec eiving part of the MSK 33 is locked on the c arrier f requency of the re- ceived signal, the display, „Frontend lock ed“ appears on the screen. If a repres en- tation of the cons tellation diagram is not poss ible, the display „not lock ed“ is dis- play ed.
Const Menu Examples for QA M constellation diagram The f ollowing examples show possible err ors and their repr esentation in the constellation diagr am . 64 QAM signal without faults 64 QAM signal with interm odulation of narrow band noise 64 QAM signal with low broadband noise.
Const Menu 64 QAM Signal with phase noise of a 64 QAM signal with amplitude hum converter of an amplif ier 64 QAM signal with I/Q phase error of 64 QAM signal with signal I/Q am plitude err or a converter of the converter Unsynchronised dem odulator- no input signal.
DVB-T DVB-T Constellation diagram DVB-T (optional) For the terr estrial digital transm iss ion of television s ignals (DVB-T ), the m odulation ty pe OFDM (O rthogonal Frequenc y Division Multiplex) is used. In 2k m ode, 1705 car ries and in 8k mode 6817 c arriers either QPSK-, QAM16- or QAM64 are m odulated.
DVB-T Hierarchy Meaning: Two carr iers stream s are sim ultaneously transmitted and the trans port stream with the higher priority is QPSK m odulated. There ar e four hierar chy steps (0, 1, 2 and 4). Hierarchy = 0 menus , that the signal is not hierarc hy m odulated.
DVB-T Code rate Display the measured code r ate ½, 2/3, ¾, 5/6 or 7/8. Guard Displays the ratio between guard interval and sy m bol time 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32. Invers The dis play of the condition of the frequenc y spectr um or the constellation diagram .
DVB-T zoom on ► Press this button to enlarge the constellation diagram . T he upper lef t-hand section of the constellation diagr am is now represented and allows a c loser look of signal symbols. By pressing the button again, the original size of the constellation diagram is represented.
Broadband Cable A n alysis Measuring System MSK 33 / MVG Broadband Cable A naly sis Measuri ng Sy stem MS K 33 / MV G The broadband c able analy sis s y stem consis ts of the antenna meas uring instr ument MSK 33 ( including return path option) and the signal generator MVG 10.
Broadband Cable A n alysis Measuring System MSK 33 / MVG First selec t the reception f requency in the reception m enu T V or RP. W ith this, the MVG 10 begins to „s weep.“ TR ACK. MV G10 mvg10 only ► From the MODE m enu, man r eaches trac k. MVG 10 the spectrum display in MVG 10 track ing mode with the sec ond softk ey.
Broadband Cable A n alysis Measuring System MSK 33 / MVG A few func tions such as „Clear display,“ „Printout the spectr um“ (prt 123) and switch-over functions can be rem otely controlled via the MVG 10. Refer to the operating m anual MVG 10! Comfortable upstream 4.
Broadband Cable A n alysis Measuring System MSK 33 / MVG Retransm ission of the spectrum rec eived by the MSK 33 (1) with a MVG 10 (2 ). It is possible to tr ansm it the received spec trum on the head station or a FBAS s ig- nal of an exter nal unit (cam era, head station c omputer etc.
A uto Measu re 88 A uto M easure In the setting, AUTO MEASURE, the meas uring instr ument s ettings which are saved in the ‚Copy menu can be car ried out and printed out. BACK edit list set point stop on/off start measure input ListNo measurement point >48< !after star t is po int +1 list rcl.
Interfaces Interfaces Modem / RS 232 interface The s erial interfac e RS 232 is executed as 25-pin SUB-D soc ket. it is required for controlling the MSK 33 via m ode, or PC.
Interfaces Modem/RS232 menu The RS232 interf ace of the MSK 33 can be configur ed in the mos t im portant points in this m enu. Return to the ‚SETT ING m enu.
Interfaces After pr essing this button, the MSK 33 is r eset to the fac tory setting. Code (Password) Here, the curr ently valid password can be r ead, which mus t be known by the used for the r emote r equest or contr ol of the MSK 33. T he password can only be changed in active m odem operation.
Interfaces Requesting help In the TT Y mode, the list of the available com m ands can be r equested with the question m ark . In this list, the f irst three letter s are capitalis ed, which should indi- cate that it concer ns a k ey abbreviation.
Interfaces Note: Alt + S + cipher is in gener al base on func tions of the r espective term inal program m e. The pic ture of the lef t shows an exam ple of a pulldown m enu. On the left of the picture, there is a fram e f or entering param eter- aff licted com m ands, which repr e- sents a sum m ary of current unit setting.
Interfaces List of the command abbreviati ons General c ommands TTY Switch over from the ANSI terminal (menu-or ientated operation according to the SAA standard) into the TT Y terminal mode (line-oriented operation).
Interfaces Loading and saving prede fined settings STU Saving of the curr ent unit setting under a user -defined progr amm e position num ber from 00-99. Entry: Action: STU <RET > You are asked f or the program m e position, under which the unit set- ting should be saved.
Maintenance, Storag e and Custo mer Serv ice Maintenance, Storage and Customer Service Mai ntenance The m aintenance of the unit is conf ined to cleaning the interior and exter ior of the unit. Unit calibration The c alibration interval depends on the use and dem and, and should be m ade every 1 and 2 y ears.
Maintenance, Storag e and Custo mer Serv ice Printer paper -exchanging the ri bbon Before opening the unit, dis connect the supply voltage. Paper exchange Remove the hous ing cover of the MSK 33. The hous ing cover is attac hed with four screws. Af ter opening the unit, tak e out the axle with the empty paper roll.
Technic al A ppendix Technical A ppendix Overview of DiSEqC commands Command overv iew framing byte Hex-byte Descri ption E0 Comm ando f rom m aster, one tim e transm ission E1 Comm ando f rom m aster.
Technic al A ppendix Command overv iew command byte Hex- by te Command identification Description Number Data/ By te 00 Reset Reset DiSEqC minicontroller - 01 Clr.
Technic al A ppendix Command overv iew data byte An appropriate data byte must only be transm itted, if the com m and byte requires the data by te(s). You can tak e these f rom the com mand byte table. To find out which data by te m ust be transm itted to the respec tive com m and by te, please ref er to the data sheets of the respective unit.
Technic al A ppendix Channel tables Channel and frequency table standard B/G (frequency in MHz) The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. VHF-CCIR UHF-CCIR UHF-CCIR Pilot freq. 01 80.15 21 C21 471.25 46 C46 671.25 E2 C02 48.25 22 C22 479.
Technic al A ppendix Channel and frequency table st andard L(frequency in MHz) VHF UHF The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. UHF C01 80.75 21 C21 471.25 46 C46 671.25 C02 55.75 479.25 47 *LC 23 C23 C48 687.25 C04 63.75 495.25 49 L1 25 C25 C50 703.
Technic al A ppendix Channel and frequency table standard D/K (frequency in MHz) The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. VHF UHF UHF R-I C01 49.75 21 C21 471.25 46 C46 671.25 R-II C02 59.75 22 C22 479.25 47 C47 679.25 R-III C03 77.25 23 C23 487.
Technic al A ppendix Channel and frequency table st andard I (frequency in MHz) The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. VHF UHF UHF IA C01 471.25 46 45.75 21 C21 C46 671.25 IB C02 53.75 22 C22 479.25 47 C47 679.25 IC C03 61.75 23 C23 487.
Technic al A ppendix Channel and frequency table standard M/N (frequency in MHz) The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. VHF UHF UHF 01 C72.00 14 C14 471.25 47 C47 669.25 A02 02 C55.25 15 C15 477.25 48 C48 675.25 A03 03 C61.25 16 C16 483.
Technic al A ppendix Channel and frequency table standard M/N (frequency in MHz) The table s how the channel, display MSK 33 and frequency. Special channels Special channels S01 91.25 O O 51 S43 A 4 96 S02 97.25 PP 52 S44 391.25 A-3 97 S03 103.25 QQ 53 S45 397.
Techni cal Data Technical Data Technical data Power supply Mains operation Accum ulator oper ation Power draw DCP max Power draw ACP max 100…250 V~/50…400 Hz Lead accum ulator 12 VDC/3.
Techni cal Data TV FM Standard B/G T T1=5.5 MHz, TT 2=5.74 MHz SAT 1 V W £± 3 dB 1 V pp / 75 W £± 1 dB LNB current 0...35 dB ± 2 dB to 32 dB at QAM64 2k / 8k m ode to 32 dB Standard D/K TT 1=6.5 MHz, TT 2=6.26 MHz Standard I TT 1=6.0 MHz Standard M/M jap.
Techni cal Data Scope of delivery 1 Mains cable 1 Measurem ent cable- BNC- connector - BNC- connector - 1 Adapter - BNC- soc ket - F-sock et 1 Adapter - BNC- soc ket - F- connector - 1 Adapter - BNC- soc ket - IEC connector - 1 Adapter - BNC- soc ket - IEC sock et 1 Operating m anual A ccessories Leather bag Order no.
Techni cal Data A ssignment of RS232 socket Connection Signal Note TXD RTS CTS DSR S-GND DCD DTR 1 2 3 RXD 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 110.
Techni cal Data A ssignment of socket TS PARA LLEL (optional) TS PARALLEL Connection Signal Abbreviation Clock for data item CLOCK A Earth GND Data bit 7 (high-value data bit) DATA BIT 7 A (MSB) Data .
Techni cal Data Unit v ariants MSK 33/G Integrated graphic c ard Spectrum analyser S/N meas urem ent (weighted) Digital video-, audio- and DiSEqC- os cilloscope MSK 33/Q Integrated graphic c ard and d.
Dow nloading New MSK33 Operating Softw are Downloadi ng New M SK33 Operating Softw are General notes: Observe the bold lines . The non-bold notes c an only help y ou solve a problem in cases of error. <RET> m eans to trigger the com m and with RETURN on the term i- nal program m e.
internet: ht t p://www.k at KATHR EIN- W erke KG Telefon (0 80 31) 18 40 Fax (0 80 31) 18 43 06 Anton-Kat hrei n-Straße 1-3 Postfach 10 04 44 D-83004 Ros enheim 998649 8/020 .
An important point after buying a device DreamGEAR MSK 33 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought DreamGEAR MSK 33 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data DreamGEAR MSK 33 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, DreamGEAR MSK 33 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get DreamGEAR MSK 33 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of DreamGEAR MSK 33, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime DreamGEAR MSK 33.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with DreamGEAR MSK 33. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device DreamGEAR MSK 33 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center