Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WRVS4400N DeWalt
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BUSINESS SERIES Model: WR VS4400N W ir eless-N G igabit Securit y Router with VPN U ser G uide.
WRVS4400N W ireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN User Guide 2 Linksys is a register ed trademark or trademark of Cisco Systems , Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U .S. and certain other countries. Copyright © 2008 Cisco S ystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
T able of Contents WR V S 44 0 0 N Us e r G ui d e 1 Chapter 1: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Welcome 1 How t o Use this Gu ide 2 Document Style Conventions 2 Findin .
T able of Contents WR V S 44 0 0 N Us e r G ui d e 2 DDNS 36 LAN 38 DMZ 40 MAC Ad dress Clon e 40 Adv anced Rout ing 42 Time 44 IP Mode 45 Wireless Ta b 46 Basic Wirel ess Settings 46 Wireless Securit.
T able of Contents WR V S 44 0 0 N Us e r G ui d e 3 Information 94 L2 Swit ch Ta b 94 VLAN 94 VLAN & Port Assignment 96 RADIUS 98 Port S ettings 99 Statistics Overview 100 Port Mirroring 100 RSTP 101 Status Tab 102 WAN / Gatew ay 102 Local Netwo rk 103 Wireless LAN 105 System Performance 106 Chapter 7: VPN Setup Wizard .
T able of Contents WR V S 44 0 0 N Us e r G ui d e 4 Appendix F: Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Appendix G: Warranty Informati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 LIMITED WARRAN TY 156 Exclusions an d Limitatio ns 156 Obtaining Warranty Service 157 Technical Support 157 Appendix H: Regulatory Information .
WRVS44 00N U ser G uide 1 We lc o m e Gettin g St arted Getting Star ted We l c o m e Thank you for ch oosing the Wireless-N Gigabi t Secur ity Ro uter with VPN. The Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router wi th VPN is an adv anced Interne t-sharing network so lution f o r y our small business needs.
WRVS44 00N U ser G uide 2 How to Use th is Guide Gettin g St arted How to Use th is G uide This User Guide has been desi gned to make un derstanding ne twork ing with the camera easier than ever . Look for the following items wh en reading this gui de: Document St yle C onv entions The f ollowing style conv entions are used in this document.
WRVS44 00N U ser G uide 3 Finding Information in Y our PDF D ocuments Gettin g St arted • Search an individual PDF • Searc h multi ple PDFs at once (for e xample, all PD Fs in a spe cific folder or disk d rive) • P er form advanced searches F indin g T ext in a PD F By default, the F ind toolbar is open.
WRVS44 00N U ser G uide 4 What’ s in this Guide? Gettin g St arted What’ s in this Guid e? This user guid e cov ers the steps for settin g up and using the Wireless-N Gigabit Securi ty Router with VPN.
WRVS44 00N U ser G uide 5 What’ s in this Guide? Gettin g St arted • Appendix G , "Warranty Informatio n" This ap pend ix sup plies the wa rrant y inform ation for t he Router . • Appendix H , "Regulator y Information" This ap pend ix sup plies the regu lator y in formatio n regardin g the Router .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 An Intr oducti on to LANs Network ing and Securit y Basics Netw ork ing and S ecurity Basics An Intr oduction to LANs A Router is a network devi ce that connects mu ltiple networks together and for ward traffic based on IP destinatio n of e ach packet.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 The U se of IP A ddres ses Network ing and Securit y Basics Ex ample netw ork T he U se of IP Ad dress es IP stands for Internet P rotocol. Ev er y device in an IP -based network, in cluding PCs, prin t servers , and routers, requires an I P address to iden tify its loc ation, or address, on th e net work.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 The U se of IP A ddres ses Network ing and Securit y Basics If you use the Route r to share your cable or DSL Internet connection, cont act your ISP to find out if they ha ve assigned a static IP address to yo ur account.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 The Intru sion Prevention System (IPS) Network ing and Securit y Basics T he Intr usion Pr even tion Sy stem (IPS) IPS is an ad vanced technology to protect your network from malicious att acks.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 Why do I ne ed a VP N? Planni ng Y our Vir t ual Private Networ k ( VPN) Planning Y our V ir tual Private Netw ork ( VPN) Wh y do I need a VPN? Computer netw ork ing provides a flexibili ty not available when usin g an archaic, paper-based syst em.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 Wha t is a VP N ? Planni ng Y our Vir t ual Private Networ k ( VPN) Internet. Data trav elling over the I nternet will often pass through many diff erent servers around the world bef o re r eaching its final destin ation.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 2 Wha t is a VP N ? Planni ng Y our Vir t ual Private Networ k ( VPN) VPN Router t o VPN Router An example of a VPN Router-to-VPN Router V PN would be as follow s. At home, a telecommuter uses hi s VPN Rout er fo r his alwa ys-on Internet c onnec tion.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 3 The Fr ont Panel Getting to Know the Router Gett ing to Know the Ro uter Th e Fro nt Pa n e l The Router’ s LEDs are located on the fron t panel of the R outer . Front of Router Status LE D/Color Descrip tion Po we r / Green The POWER LED lights up when t he Ro uter is powered on.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 4 The Fr ont Panel Getting to Know the Router 1-4 (ETH ERNET )/ Green F or each por t, there ar e three LEDs. If the corresponding LED is conti nuousl y lit, t he Ro uter is connec ted to a devi ce at the speed indicated through the corresponding port (1, 2, 3, o r 4).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 5 The Back Pan el Getting to Know the Router Th e Ba c k Pa n el The Router’ s por ts and Reset button ar e locat ed on the back pane l of the Router .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 6 Antennas and Po sitions Getting to Know the Router Ante nnas and Positions The Ac cess P oint can be placed in three diff erent positions.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 7 Antennas and Po sitions Getting to Know the Router With Mounting F eet The Ac cess P oint has three non-detachable 1.8dBi omni-directional antennas . The three antennas hav e a base t hat can rotat e 90 degrees when in the standing position.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 8 Ov ervie w Connecting the Ro uter C onnec ting the Router Ov ervi e w • T o s et up your network , you w ill do the followin g: • Connec t th e Route r to one of your PC s according to the inst ruct ions in this chapter .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 9 Co nnection Instructions Connecting the Ro uter Con n ec t i o n I n s t r u c t io n s 1. B e fore yo u b eg in , m ak e su re tha t a ll o f you r h ard ware i s po were d o ff, inc lu di ng th e R ou ter , PCs, hubs, switches, and cable or DSL mod em.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 0 Placem ent Opt ions Connecting the Ro uter 5. P ower on the ca ble or DSL modem and the other net work device if using one. 6. Connect the included AC power cable to the Rout er ’ s Powe r por t on the side of the R outer , and then plug the power adapte r into an electric al outlet.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 1 Placem ent Opt ions Connecting the Ro uter W all-Mount Op tion Y ou wi ll need t wo suitable screws to mount the Router . Ma ke sure the screw size can f it into the criss- cross wall-mou nt slots. 1. On the Wireless Rou ter’ s back pan el are two criss- cross wall-mou nt slots.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 2 Placem ent Opt ions Connecting the Ro uter 4. Place the wall-mount slots ov er the screws and slide the Wireless Router down un til the screws fit s nugly into t he wall-m ount slo ts.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 3 Ov ervie w Setting Up and Configuring the Router Setting Up an d C o nfiguring the Ro uter Ov ervi e w The Wireless R outer h as been d esigned to b e fun ction al right out o f the box w ith the default settin gs.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 4 How to Nav igate the Utilit y Setting Up and Configuring the Router through a DHCP server . It is not recommen ded, because y ou can easily lose your connection through wireless configuration changes. T o a ccess t he Web-ba sed U tility of t he Ro uter : 1.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 5 How to Nav igate the Utilit y Setting Up and Configuring the Router • Adv anced Rout ing —Select the Router ’ s operation mode either connecting to the Internet or Intranet (NA T is only enabled while c onnecting to the Internet).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 6 How to Nav igate the Utilit y Setting Up and Configuring the Router Protec tL ink The T rend Micro Prot ectLink G ateway hosted service provides security for your network. I t checks e -mai l messages, filters website add re sses (URLs), and blocks potentially malicious web si te s.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 7 How to Nav igate the Utilit y Setting Up and Configuring the Router IPS Use this tab for adva nced conf iguration on built-in Intru sion Prevention System (IPS) in side the Router . • Conf igu re —Enable or disable IP S functions.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 8 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Set up T ab The Setup screen contains all of the Router’ s basic setup functions. The Router can be used in most net work setti ngs wit hout ch anging any o f the d efault val ues.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 2 9 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Netw ork Sett ing Sta tus LAN IP— Displays the IP addr ess of the Router's LAN interface. WA N I P — Displays the IP addr ess of the R outer's W AN interface.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 0 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Int e rnet C onnection T ype The Router su ppor ts six con necti on types. Each WA N S e t u p screen an d avai lable opti ons will diff er depending on what kind of connection type you s elect.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 1 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Internet IP Address — The Router’ s IP address on the W AN por t that can be reached from the Internet. Y our ISP will provide you with the IP Addr ess you need to specify here .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 2 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router K eep Al iv e Redial per iod — T Allo ws the R outer will peri odical ly ch eck your In ternet connection. If you are disconnected, then the Router will automatically r e -es tablish your connection.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 3 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router the number of minutes you want t o have elapse d b efor e your Internet connection termina tes in t he Max Idle Time field. Use t his op tion to m inimize your DSL connec tion time if it is charged based on time.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 4 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router your connection. T o use this opti on, click the opt ion next to Ke e p A li ve . In the Redial P eriod field , you speci fy how often y ou want the Router t o check the Internet connection.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 5 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router in t he Max Idle Time field. Use t his op tion to m inimize your DSL connec tion time if it is charged based on time.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 6 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router DDNS The Router offe rs a Dynami c Domain Name System (DDNS) f eature.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 7 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router TZO .com • E-mai l Addr ess, TZO P asswor d, and Domain Name —E nter th e E -m ail Ad dres s, P assword, and Domain Name o f the accou nt you se t up w ith TZO .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 8 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router LAN The LAN Setu p secti on allows you to change the Ro uter ’ s loca l net work settings for the four Ethernet por ts. IPv4 The Router’ s Local IPv4 Addr es s and Subnet Mask are shown here .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 3 9 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router IP Reser ved for Internal U sage — Enter the r eser ved IP betw een 1 and 254.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 0 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router DHCP ad dress range end— Enter the en ding DHCP v6 IP addr ess. Prim ar y DN S —Enter the P rimar y IPv6 DNS server address . Sec ondary DNS —Enter the Secondar y IPv6 DNS server address .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 1 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router change the registered MAC address to the Rou ter's MAC address. The Router's MAC address is a 6-byte hexadecimal number assigned to a unique piece of hardwar e for identificat ion.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 2 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Ad va n ce d Ro u t i ng Operating M ode Select the Opera ting mode in whi ch the Router will f unction. Gat ew ay — This is the normal mode of op eration. This all ows all devices on your LAN to share the same W AN (Internet) IP address.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 3 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Static Ro uting Some IS Ps require static routes to bu ild you r routing table i nstead of usin g dynam ic rout ing pro toco ls. Stat ic rou tes do n ot requ ire CPU reso urc es to exc hange ro uting inf ormatio n with a peer rout er .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 4 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Click the Sav e Settings button to save the R outing settings, click the Cancel Change s button to undo your change s or cl ick th e Show Rout ing T able butt on t o v iew the cu rre nt ro utin g table.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 5 Setup T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Click the Sav e Settings button to save the R outing settings, click the Cancel Change s button to undo your change s or cl ick th e Show Rout ing T able butt on t o v iew the cu rre nt ro utin g table.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 6 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Clic k the Sa ve Setti ngs but ton to sav e the netw ork sett ings or click t he Canc el Change s butto n to undo your ch anges. Hel p infor mation is displ ayed on the r ight-hand side of the screen , and click More for additional d etails.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 7 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Wir e le ss C h a nn e l —S elect the appropriate channel to be used between your W ireless Router and yo ur clien t devic es. T he default is channel 6.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 8 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Disable d T o di sable wireless security completely , selec t Disabl ed . WEP This security mode is defined in the orig inal IEEE 802.11. This mode is not recommended now due to its weak security protection.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 4 9 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Key 1 - 4 —I f you want to manua lly enter WEP keys, then comp lete the fiel ds provided. Each WEP key can consi st of the letters “ A ” through “F” an d the n umbers “ 0” throu gh “9” .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 0 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router WP A2-P ersonal Encryption —WP A2 always uses AES f or data encrypti on.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 1 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router WP A-Ent erprise This option fea tures WP A used in coordina tion with a RADIUS s erver f or cl ient au thentic atio n. ( This should on ly be used when a RADIUS server is co nnected to t he Wir eless Rout er .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 2 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router WP A2-Ent erprise This option fea tures WP A2 used in coordina tion with a RADIUS s erver f or cl ient au thentica tion. ( This should on ly be used when a RADIUS server is co nnected to t he Wir eless Rout er .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 3 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router WP A2-Enterprise Mix ed This securi ty mode supp or ts the transitio n from WP A-Enterpris e to WP A2-Enterprise. Y ou can hav e client de vices that use ei ther WP A-Enterprise or WP A2-Enterprise.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 4 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Wir e l e s s Co n n e c t io n Co n tr o l Configure the Con nec tion Control List to eith er permi t or block sp ecific wi reless client devices connectin g to (associati ng with) t he Wireless Router .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 5 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Adv anced W ireless Settings Confi gure the advanc ed settings for the Wir eless Router . The Wir eless-N Router adopts several new parameters to adjust the channel bandwi dth and guard intervals to improve the data rate dynamically .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 6 Wi r e l e s s Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router DT I M I n t e r v a l —Indicates how often the W ireless Router sends out a Deliv ery T raffic Indication Messag e (DTIM).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 7 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router diff erent types of traffi c. It automatically maps the incoming packets to t he appropriate queues based on QoS set tings (in IP or layer 2 heade r). WMM provide s the cap abilit y to prio ritize t raffic in you r envir onment.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 8 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Note that for W A N traffic, NAPT settin gs are ap plied first, then the SPI Firewall setti ngs, followed by IP based Access List (which requires more CPU power).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 5 9 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router • Coo k ie s —A cook ie is data stored on your P C and used by Inte rnet sites wh en you int eract with them, so yo u may no t want t o deny cookies . • Act ive X —ActiveX is a Microsof t (Internet Explorer) progr amming language for websites.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 0 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Pri or it y —Defines the order on which rule is checke d against fi rst. The smaller number has higher priority . The default rules will always be checked last.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 1 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Edit IP ACL Rule This W eb page can be entered only through IP Based A CL T ab. Enter thi s page by click ing Add New Rule bu tton on th at page. Act io n —S elect either Allow or Den y .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 2 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Dat e —E nt er t he da ys i n a we e k t h is r u le w il l b e a p p li ed (u s ed to g et he r wi th Tim e ).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 3 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Use the setti ngs on this screen to establis h an access pol ic y . Sele ct ing a po lic y from t he dro p- down menu will di splay that polic y's sett ings.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 4 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router T o create an Internet Access policy : 1. Select the desir ed policy nu mber fro m the Inte rnet Ac ces s P olicy drop- down menu. 2. Enter a P olicy Name in the fi eld pro vided.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 5 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router the Internet, the NA T Router will forward those requests to the app ropria te ser vers on your LAN. Appl ication —Enter the name of the application you wish to configu re.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 6 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Chang e these setti ngs as descri bed here and click Sav e Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Change s to cancel you r changes. Help information is disp laye d on the right-hand side of the scr een, and click Mor e for additio nal detai ls.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 7 Fire w al l Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Chang e these setti ngs as descri bed here and click Sav e Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Change s to cancel you r changes. Help information is disp laye d on the right-hand side of the scr een, and click Mor e for additio nal detai ls.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 8 Protec tLink Tab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Prote c tL i nk T a b The T rend Micro Prot ectLink G ateway service provides security for your network. I t checks email messag es, filters website addresses (URLs ), and blocks potentially malici ous websites.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 6 9 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router T unnels Us ed— Displ ays the number of tunnels used . T unnel (s) A vaila ble— Displays the number of availabl e tunnels . Deta il bu tton — Click D etail to displ ay more tunnel infor mation.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 0 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router IPSec VPN V ir tual Priva te Network ( VPN) is a secur ity measure that crea tes a secure connection between two remote locations . Configur e these settings so the Gateway will create VPN tunnels .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 1 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Loca l Secur it y Gr oup T ype —S elect the local LAN user(s) behind the r outer t hat can us e this VPN tunnel . This may be a sin gle IP address or Sub-net work.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 2 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router IP Sec Se tup Key i n g M o d e — The router suppor ts both IKE with Preshared K ey (a utomatic) and Manual key management. When choos ing automatic key manageme nt, IKE (I nternet Key Exchange) protocols are used to negoti ate key material for SA.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 3 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Encryption — The Encr yption method determines the length of the key used to encr ypt/ decr ypt ESP packe ts. 3DES is sup por ted. Notice that both sides of the VPN tunnel must use the same Encr yption method.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 4 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router VPN Cl ient Accounts Use this page to admin ister your VPN Cli ent users. Enter the i nformation at th e top of the screen and the users you've enter ed appear in the list at the bottom, showing their status .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 5 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Use rn am e —Displays the username. Edit bu tton —Modify the username, password, or toggle between whether the user is allowed to change th eir password. Remove button —Delete a user account.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 6 VPN T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router VPN P assthrough This scr een allows users to use their own VPN algorithms to con nect to their remot e Routers. The Wireless Router will ju st pass th e traffic th rough.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 7 QoS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router QoS T ab QoS ( Quali t y of Ser vic e) a llo ws y ou to perfor m Bandwidt h Management, by eit her Rate C ontro l or Prior ity. Y ou can a lso con figure Q oS T rust Mode and th e DS CP sett ings.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 8 QoS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Enable — Chec k this box to enable this R ate Control Rule. Add to lis t— A fter a rule i s set u p, click this butto n to add it to the list. The list can co ntain a maximum of 15 entri es.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 7 9 QoS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router QoS S etup The QoS Setup scr een allows u sers to conf igure QoS T rust Mode for each LAN por t. Po r t I D — The number of the LAN por t. Tr u s t M o d e — Select either Por t , Co S , or DS CP .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 0 QoS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router DSCP Setup DSCP — T he Differ entiated Services Code P oint value in the inco ming packet. Queue— Sele ct the traffic for warding qu eue, to 4, to which the D SCP prior ity is map ped.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 1 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Ad m i n i s t ra t i o n T a b Management Ro ute r Acces s This configures the ad ministrator user accounts to manage the Wireless Rou ter through W e b based Utili ty.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 2 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router SNMP Config ures the Simple Network Management Protocol setti ngs. Users can use managem ent soft ware to read or wri te in formation from o r to t he de vice.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 3 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router config ure the Wir ele ss Router to send the event log to you through e -mail, upload the log to syslog ser ver , or view the log locally o n the Wirel ess R outer .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 4 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Outgoi ng Log — Select Enable to cause all out going packets to be l ogged. Y ou can then click View Outgoing T abl e to displ ay information on the outgoin g packets including Source IP , Dest ination I P , and S er vice/ Port nu mber .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 5 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Loc al Log —Enable this if you want to see the log locally on the Wirel ess Router . View Log butto n —I f Loc al Log is enabled, click Vie w Lo g to view the ev ent log on the Wireless Router .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 6 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Diagn ostics Pin g T e st Pa rame ter s Pin g T arg et I P —Enter the IP addr ess or URL that y ou want to ping. Pin g Si ze —Enter the size of the packet you want to use.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 7 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Star t T e st bu tton — Click thi s button to be gin the test. A new screen appears a nd display t he test resul ts. A summar y o f the P ING resul ts will be sh own on t he bottom of t his scree n.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 8 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Status— Displ ays the status of th e pair . Change these settings a s described and click Sav e Sett ings to apply your ch anges, or click Cancel Change s to cancel you r changes.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 8 9 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Fa c t o r y D e f a u l t s Restor e F actory Defaults —Cl ick this button to reset all conf iguration setti ngs to th eir def ault values—All settings that hav e been saved will be lost when the default settings are rest ored.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 0 Adm in is tra t ion T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Fir mw a re U p gr a d e T o up grade firmware, download the l atest firmware for the product from, extrac t it to your computer , and per form the steps below: 1.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 1 IPS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router IPS T ab The W ireless Rout er suppor ts advanced Int rusion P r event ion Syst ems (IPS), which is an int egral .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 2 IPS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Chang e these setti ngs as descri bed here and click Sav e Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Change s to cancel you r changes. Help information is disp laye d on the right-hand side of the scr een, and click Mor e for additio nal detai ls.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 3 IPS T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Repor t This scr een provides the network histor y status , including net work traffic and attack c ounts, thro ug h d iag ram an d t a ble s. Repor t Diagram — T wenty-four hour diagram displays network traffic and attacks.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 4 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Click the Vi e w L o g button to view the log. Information Signature V e rsion — The Signature V ersion displa ys the versi on of the signa ture pa tterns file loaded in the Wir eless Router that protects against malicious threats.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 5 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router networ k traffic to fl ow more eff iciently withi n subgroups. VLANs managed through soft ware reduce the amo unt of time in which net work ch anges are implem ented.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 6 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router VLAN & Port Assignment Thi s T a b i s a c om bi n at io n of Por t se tt i ng s an d V L A N m em b er sh i p ta bs i n o ne o n t h is de v ic e and other routers.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 7 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router • Gener al — All frames c an be tagged or unta gged coming in to the swi tch. I f it i s untagged, def ault PVID will ap ply to th e packet. Only t he Gene ral mode users can choose the following two op tions.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 8 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router RADI US RADIU S mode provides authe nticatio n on de vices con nec ting to t he LAN por ts. I t requires install ation of a R ADIUS s er ver on your lo cal n etwork .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 9 9 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Po r t S e t t i n g s Po r t —Specifies the number of the four LAN port s. Link —Displa ys the por t duplex mode (Ful l or Half ) and speed (10/100/1000 Mbps).
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 0 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Statistics Over view Tx Byt es — D isplays the number of By tes transm itted from th e selec ted por t. Tx F rames— Displ ays the num ber of Frames transmi tted f rom the sel ected p or t.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 1 L2 Switch T ab Setting Up and Configuring the Router Mirr or P ort— Selec t the mirror destination port from the drop- down menu.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 2 Status Ta b Setting Up and Configuring the Router Stat us T ab The Status T ab provides cur rent status on th is Wireless Router including W A N, LAN, Wireless LAN, System P er formance, VPN client c onnec tions, and IP sec VPN connec tions.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 3 Status Ta b Setting Up and Configuring the Router DHCP Re new button—Click th is button to renew IP address on the W AN por t if using DHCP . IP Conntrack— Cl ick this button to disp lay the IP Conntrack s creen.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 4 Status Ta b Setting Up and Configuring the Router IPv6 A ddress —Displays th e LA N por t I Pv6 IP address, if IP v6 is enabl ed. DHCP Serv er —Displays the statu s of the R outer's DHCP ser ver . St art IP A ddress —Displays the beginning of the range of I P addresses used by the DHCP Ser ver .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 5 Status Ta b Setting Up and Configuring the Router W i reless LAN This sc reen provide s some b asic information on th e Wireless LAN of t his Wireles s Rou ter . Wir e le ss I P Ad d re s s — The IP addre ss assigned to the wireless interf ace of this rout er .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 6 Status Ta b Setting Up and Configuring the Router Syste m Per f orm a nc e This sc reen provide s data p acket statistic s on t he LA N switch and Wireless L AN o f the R outer . All LA N Por ts / W LA N The All LAN P o rts colu mn shows the aggregat e traffic statistics from all four LAN ports.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 7 7 Before Y ou B egin VPN Setu p W izar d VPN S etup W izard Now you can configure a g atewa y-to -gateway VPN tunnel bet ween two VPN routers in a fast and efficient way by using the VPN S etup Wizard. The VPN Setup Wizard works with us ers running Microsoft Windows 2000, XP , and Vista.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 8 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d Running the VPN Rout er Sof tware W izard 1. Access the VPN Setu p Wizard in one of two ways: • If you hav e an RVS4000, W RVS4400N v1.1, or WR VS4400N v2 Installation CD-ROM , insert it into yo ur C D-R OM dr ive.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 0 9 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 4. A infor matio nal scree n discu ssing the V PN Wizard ap pear s. When you ar e ready, click Nex t to proc eed. 5. The C hoose a way to build VPN screen appears.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 0 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 6. If yo u picked Build VPN connection fr om Local LAN port of one route r , e nter the req uired da ta in the Config ure VP N T unnel scr een and cl ick Next to cont inue.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 1 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 7. The ro uter configur ation is checked. 8. The Summary screen appears.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 2 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 9. The VPNC Summar y s creen appears showin g the settings t hat were made to industr y standards. Clic k Clo se when you are r eady to continue. 10.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 3 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 11. Click Te s t i n g to make sure t he connection is successfull y established. 12. When t esting is done , click Exit to end the W izard. Congratulations! S etup i s now comp lete.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 4 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 5 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d Building Y our VPN C onnec tion Remotely This proc edure cont inues from Step 5. Use this proced ure to build y our VPN connection from a remo te PC .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 6 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 2. Enter the requ ired data in th e Configure VPN T unne l screen and then cli ck Nex t to cont inue. • Rout er 1 User Name : Enter the user na me o f the Rout er 1.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 7 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 3. The ro uter configur ation is checked. 4. The Summary screen appears.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 8 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 5. The VPNC Summar y s creen appears showin g the settings t hat were made to industr y standards. Clic k Clo se when you are r eady to continue. 6.
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 1 9 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d 7. Click Te s t i n g to make sur e the connection is successfull y established .
W R V S 4 4 0 0 N U s e r G u i d e 1 2 0 Running the VP N Router Software W izard VPN Setu p W izar d Congratulations! S etup i s now comp lete. Y ou may now log into the W e b Administrator Interface and see t he results.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 121 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions T r oubleshooting This ap pend ix provide s solu tions to problems that may occu r dur ing t he in stallatio n and operation of the Rout er . Read the descri ptions below to help solve your problems .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 122 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 3. In the Compon en ts chec ked are u sed by thi s connec tio n box, high light Internet P rotoc ol (T CP /I P) , and click t he Prop e r tie s bu tton. Se lec t Use th e foll ow ing IP addres s option.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 123 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions Check your TCP/IP se ttings. For Windows 98 a nd Mi llen nium : Refer to Windows Help for details. M ake sure Obta in IP ad dress automat ically i s sele cte d in the set tings. F or W indows 2000: 1.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 124 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 1. In the command prompt, type p ing 192.168.1 .1 and press the Enter key . • If you get a repl y , the compute r is commu nicating with t he Ro uter .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 125 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 1. Ref er to “P roblem #2, I want to t est m y Internet co nnection ” to verif y that yo ur compu ter is properly c onnected to t he Router .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 126 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 1. Access the Router ’ s W eb-ba sed Utilit y by going to http: / /192.168. 1.1 or the IP add ress of the Rout er .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 127 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 4. Confi gure as many entries as y ou like. 5. When y ou hav e completed t he configurat ion, click the Sa ve Setting s b utton. I can ’ t get the Internet game , server , or ap plication to wo rk.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 128 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 4. Click the Sa ve Set tin gs button. I am a PPPoE u ser , and I need to remov e the pro x y settings or the dial-up p op-up window . If you hav e pro xy settings, y ou need to di sable these on y our computer .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 129 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions 1. Use the Linksys TFTP pr ogram to upgrade the firmware . Go to the Linksys website at http://ww w .linksys.c om and down load the TFTP program , w hich will be listed with the firmware . 2.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 130 Com mon P roblems a nd Solu tions If your difficu lties continue , change the Size to diff erent values. T ry this list of values, one value at a time, in this order , until you r problem is solved: – 1462 – 1400 – 1362 – 1300 I need to use por t trig gering.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 131 Fre q u e n t l y A s ke d Q u e s t i o n s Pr efer enc es , Advance d , and Proxy . Make s ure that Nets cape Navigator is set to Direct connect ion to the Internet . I’m trying to ac cess the R outer’ s W eb -based Utility , but I do not see the login screen.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 132 Fre q u e n t l y A s ke d Q u e s t i o n s Y es, bu t Linksy s does not, at this ti me, provi de tech nical support for setu p , configur ation or troubleshooting of any non- Window s operating systems. I set up an Unreal T ournament Ser ver , but others on the LAN cannot join.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 133 Fre q u e n t l y A s ke d Q u e s t i o n s firmw are v ersion, unles s that version contains ne w featu res that you w ould like to us e. Download ing a more current versio n of Router firmware will not enhance t he quality or speed of your Internet conn ection, and may disrupt your current connection stability .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 134 Fre q u e n t l y A s ke d Q u e s t i o n s The maximum number depends on many factors. A t le ast one I PSec se ssi on wil l wor k thr ough the Rou ter; however , s imultaneous IPSec session s may be possib le, depending on the specific s of your VPNs.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 135 Overvi ew Linksy s Q uickVPN So f tware Ov ervi e w The Linksys Wir eless-N Giga bit Securit y Router with VPN offe rs a free QuickV PN sof tware program fo r computers ru nning Wi ndows 2000 or XP . (Computers running other operating systems will have to use a th ird-part y VPN s oft ware program.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 136 Instal ling the Li nksys Qu ickVPN So ftwa re 5. Click the A dd/Sa v e button. 6. Click the Ac t i ve checkbox f or VPN Clien t No . 1. 7. Click the Sa ve Set tin gs button. Installing the Linksy s QuickVPN Sof tware Installing fr om the CD-ROM 1.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 137 Using the Linksy s QuickVPN Software Usi ng the Linksy s QuickVPN Sof tware 1. Double - cli ck the Linksys Q uickVPN soft ware icon o n your desktop o r in the system tray . 2. The l ogin screen will appear . Enter a name f or your profile.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 138 Using the Linksy s QuickVPN Software Co nn ecti ng Sc ree n Activating Screen Ve r i f y i n g N e t w o r k 4. When your Qu ickVP N conne cti on is e stabl ished, the status sc reen w ill ap pear . 5. The Qui ckVPN tray i con will t urn green.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 139 Using the Linksy s QuickVPN Software 7. If you clicked the Ch ange P assw ord button and ha ve permission to change your own password , you will see the Connect Virtual Priv ate Connectio n screen. 8. Enter your password in the O ld P assword fiel d.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 140 Overvi ew C onfiguring a Gate wa y-to- G at ewa y IPSec T unnel Ov ervi e w This appendix explai ns how to config ure an IPSec VPN tunnel between tw o VPN Routers by exam ple. T wo PC s are u sed to te st t he liveli nes s of th e tun nel.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 141 Configuring the VPN S ettings for the V PN Routers 3. A password request page will appear . (Non-W indows XP users will see a similar screen.) Comple te the User Name and Password field s ( ad min is the defaul t user name and password).
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 142 Configuring the VPN S ettings for the V PN Routers 5. Click the VPN tab. 6. Click the IPSec VPN tab . 7. F or the VPN T unnel setting , s elect Enabled . 8. Enter a name in the T unnel Name field . 9. F or the Local Secure Gr oup, select Subnet .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 143 Co nfig urin g the K ey Manage men t Setting s C onfiguring the Key Management Settings C onfiguring VPN Router 1 F ollowing these instructions for VPN Router 1. 1. On the IPSec VPN scr een, select 3DES from the Encr yption dr op- down menu.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 144 Configuring PC 1 and PC 2 15. Click the Sav e Settin gs button o n the IP Sec VPN scr een . C onfiguring VPN Router 2 F or VPN Router 2, follow th e same i nstruc tions as you d id for conf iguring VPN R outer 1. C onfi guring PC 1 a nd PC 2 1.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 145 W indow s 98 or Me Instructions MA C A ddress and IP A ddress This secti on describes h ow to find th e MAC address for your computer ’ s Ethernet adapter so you can use the MA C address cloning f eature of the Router . Y ou can also find the IP address of your comput er ’ s Ethernet adapter .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 146 W indow s 2000 or XP Instructions The follo wing example shows the Ethernet adapter ’ s IP address as Y ou r computer may show something diff erent. MAC A ddress/Adapter Address W indow s 2000 or XP I nstructions 1.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 147 For the Router’ s W eb -base d Utility MA C Address/Physical Address F or the Router’ s W eb-based Utility F or MA C address cloning, ent er the MA C Address in the MA C Addr ess field or select Clone My PCs MAC .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 148 Glossar y This glossar y contains some basic ne twork ing terms yo u may come across w hen usin g this product. F or more advanced terms, see t he complete L inksys glos sar y at http:/ / ww w .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 149 Domai n - A specific n ame for a network of com puters. Downl oad - T o receive a file transmitted over a network . DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - An always-on broadband connection over tr aditional phone lines. Dynam ic IP Address - A temporary IP address assigned by a DHCP server .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 150 ISP (I nternet Ser vice Pro vider) - A company that provides access to the I nternet. LAN - The co mpute rs and netw orking product s that make up y our loc al networ k . MAC (Media Acc ess Control) Address - The uniqu e address that a manufac turer assigns to each networking device.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 151 SNMP (S imple Net work Management Protocol) - A wid ely used network monitoring and control protoc ol. SPI (Stateful Packet Inspec tion) Fi r ew a l l - A te chno logy that insp ec ts inco ming p ackets of informat ion before allowing them to enter the networ k .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 152 WEP ( Wir ed E quiv alent Pri vacy) - A meth od of encrypt ing network data transmitted on a wireless network for great er securit y . WLAN ( Wireless Local Area Network) - A group of computers and asso ciated devices t hat communicate with each other wirelessly .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 153 Spec ific atio ns WRVS4400N v2 Specifications Model WRVS4400N v2 Standards Draft IEEE802.11n, IEEE802.11g , IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u, 802.1X (Securit y Authentication), IEEE802.1Q ( VLA N), 802.11i (Security WP A2), 802.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 154 VPN 5 Quic kVPN T u nnel s for remote clien t access 5 IPSec Gateway-to- Gateway T unnels for branch office connectivit y 3DES Encry ption MD5/S HA1 A uthen tica tion IPSec.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 155 W eight 1.01 lbs (0.46kg) P ower 12V 1A Certification FCC Class B, ICES-003, CE , WiF i WP A2, WiF i Draft N 2.0 Operating T emp.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 156 LIM ITED W ARRANTY W arran ty Inf ormation LIMITED W ARRA NTY Linksys warrants th is Linksys h ardware product against defect s in materials and work mansh ip under normal .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 158 FC C Statem ent Regulator y Informa tion FC C Sta tem ent This equipme nt has been tested and found to comply with th e limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 159 FC C Statem ent American National Standar ds In stitute (ANSI) / Institute of Electrical and Electronic Eng ineers / IEEE C 95.1 (92) Intern ational Co mmiss ion on Non Ion izing R adi ation Protecti on (ICNIR P) 98 Minist ry o f Health (Canada) Safety Code 6.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 160 Saf ety Notic es This sy stem has been ev aluated f o r RF exposure f or Humans in re ferenc e to t he ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protectio n) limits. The minimu m separation distance from the ant enna to the user is 20cm (7.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 161 Saf ety Notic es User Info rmation for C o nsumer Products Co vere d by EU Directive 2002/96/ EC on W aste Elec tric and Elec tronic Equipment (W EEE) This docu ment contains im por ta nt information for users with regards to the proper disp osal and rec ycling of Link sys produc ts.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 162 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 163 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 164 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 165 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 166 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 167 Saf ety Notic es.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 168 Saf ety Notic es F or m ore inform ation, visit ..
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 169 US/ Can ada C ontacts C onta c t Inf orma tion Need to contact Lin ksys? F or additional inform ation or troubleshooting help , ref er to the User Guide on the CD-ROM. Additional suppor t is also available by phone o r online.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 170 Prote c tL ink T r end Micro Protec tLink G at ewa y Ser vic e The optional T rend Micro P rotectLink Gateway service pr ovides security fo r your netw ork. I t checks e -mai l messages, filters website add re sses (URLs), and blocks potentially malicious websites.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 171 How to Use the Ser vice I have purchase d Protec tLi nk Gateway and want to regist er it— If you alre ady have a license, cl ick this l ink. Y ou wi ll b e redirec ted to th e T rend M icro Protec tLink Gateway web site. Then f ollow the on-scr een instructions.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 172 Prote ctLink > W eb Prot ection Business Hour Setting Business Da ys— Select the ap propriate days. The default days are Mon . throug h Fr i . Business T imes— T o specify entire days , keep the default, All da y (24 hours) .
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 173 Pr otectLink > Email Prot ection T emp orarily blo ck URL reques ts ( This i s the recommende d se tting)— If there are too many URL reque sts, the over flow w ill be held back until they c an be processed. Th is is th e de fault setting.
WRVS44 00N U ser Gu ide 174 Pr otectLink > Lic ense License Information Vie w d etailed license online — T o view l icens e inform ation online, cli ck thi s link . Status— The status of your license, Activated or Expired, is displayed . Platform— The platform type, Gateway Ser vice, is automati cally displayed.
An important point after buying a device DeWalt WRVS4400N (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought DeWalt WRVS4400N yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data DeWalt WRVS4400N - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, DeWalt WRVS4400N you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get DeWalt WRVS4400N will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of DeWalt WRVS4400N, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime DeWalt WRVS4400N.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with DeWalt WRVS4400N. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device DeWalt WRVS4400N along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center