Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PG PLUS-25 Delta
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W arranty Registration Card must be filled out by the customer and mailed within thirty (30) days of installa - tion in order to gain warranty coverage. When receiving the Delta Performance unit, any claims for damage or shortage in shipment must be filed immediately against the transportation company by the consignee.
T able of Contents i PRODUCT AND SAFETY INFORMA TION Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product W arnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of Contents ii U-T ube Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 Domestic Drain V alve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Multiple Units Installation .
iii T able of Contents SECTION VII - GAS PIPING Gas Supply Piping Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Natural Gas Pipe Sizing -Natural Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv T able of Contents SECTION XI - ST AR T -UP PROCEDURES Final Checks Before Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 PERFORMANCE PLUS Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v T able of Contents Inspection of Ignition Electrode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Check Ignition W iring and Ground W iring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Check Control W iring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pr oduct & Safety Information 1 Indicates the pr esence of a hazardous situation which, if ignor ed, will result in death, serious injur y or substantial pr operty damage. Indicates a potentially hazardous situ - ation which, if ignor ed, can r esult in death, seri ous injury or s u b s t a n t i a l pr operty damage.
Pr oduct & Safety Information 2 Ba cter ia c an dev el op in the d om estic w a t e r sy stem if cer tain m inimu m wat er t e m p e r a t u r es a re n ot mai ntain ed. W ater temperature over 125ºF can cause s e v e r e b u r n s i n s t a n tl y o r d ea th f r o m scalds.
3 Pr oduct & Safety Information Do not use this appliance if any par t has been under water . Immediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the appliance and to r eplace any par t of th e con tro l s y ste m w hi c h ha s b e en under water .
4 Pr oduct & Safety Information OPERA TING RESTRICTIONS • Maximum working pressure for inner (domestic water) tank is 150 psig. • Maximum working pressure for outer (primary water) tank is 45 psig.
Pr e-Installation Items 5 SECTION I - Pr e-Installation Items Code Compliance This product must be installed in accor - dance to the following: • All applicable local, state, national and provincial codes, ordinances, regula - tions and laws. • The National Fuel Gas Code NFP A54/ ANSI Z332.
Pr e-Installation Items T o pr ovide serviceability to the unit it is r ecommended that the following clear - ances be maintained: T op and vent hood ar ea - 36 inches.
Combustion Air and V enting 7 SECTION II - Combustion Air and V enting Combustion Air Contamination If the PERFORMANCE PLUS combus - tion air inlet is located in any ar ea likely to cause or contain c.
8 Combustion Air and V enting Combustion Air Requir ements The PERFORMANCE PLUS can use inside air if no contaminants are present in the area of installation. If contaminants are likely to be present in the area of installation, outside air must be piped directly to the unit as referenced in Section VI V enting and Combustion Air Piping.
9 Combustion Air and V enting - Combini ng space s o n th e same sto ry . Each open ing shall have a minim um free area of 1 sq. in./ 1000 Btu/ hr of the total input rat ing of all gas util ization equ ipment in the space, but not less than 100 sq . inches.
10 Combustion Air and V enting Co m bi n a t i o n o f I nd o o r and O u t do o r Combustion Air Indoor Openings: Where used, openings con - necting the interior spaces shall comply with the Indoor Combustion Air section on page 8. Outdoor Opening(s) Location.
11 Combustion Air and V enting Re m o v a l o f a n E x i s t i ng Bo i l e r f r o m a Common V ent System F o r inst all ation s i n whi ch t he PER FOR - MA NCE PLUS is r ep lacin g a n exi stin g .
12 Unit Pr eparation SECTION III - Unit Pr eparation Handling Instructions The PERFORMANCE PLUS is generally eas - ier to handle and maneuver once removed from the shipping carton and pallet. T o remove the shipping carton and pallet: a. Remove the shipping straps and open the top of the shipping carton to remove the wood shipment insert.
Unit Pr eparation 13 Do not leave the unit unattended while p r essurize d. A cold water fill could expand and c ause exce ssive pr e s s u re , r esulting in sever e personal injur y , death or substantial property damage. 7. Ensure constant gauge pressure has been maintained throughout the 10 minute test.
Domestic Piping SECTION IV - Domestic Piping General Piping Requirements • All plum bin g must m eet or exceed al l loca l, st ate an d n atio nal plum bin g co des. • Use p ipe dope or ta pe suita ble for potable water . • Use isolation valves to isolate system components.
Domestic Piping The installer must install dischar ge piping onto the T&P relief valve. The discharge piping must be: • Made of material serviceable for tem - peratures of 250ºF or greater . • Directed so that any hot water dis - char ge flows away from all persons.
Domestic Piping 3. Solder the U-T ube Assembly onto the adapter . (See Fig. 5) 4. On c e t h e a d ap t e r ha s su f f i c i e n t l y cooled, re-insert the check valve assem - bly making su re of orien tatio n a nd reconnect onto the mixing valve.
17 Domestic Piping TR/SMAR T Series Application For applications requiring lar ge volumes of domestic hot water over an extended period, the ins ta ller m ay i nclu de a Triangle T u b e TR/SMAR T Indirect W ater Heater in conjunc - tion with the PERFORMANCE PLUS.
18 Domestic Piping Fig. 7: PERFORMANCE PLUS W ith Recir culation 1. Mixing valve with check valve 2. Flow check valve 3. Shut off valve 4. Backflow preventer or pressure reducing valve* 6. Thermal expansion tank 7. Circulator (controlled by aquastat) 8.
19 Fig. 10: PERFORMANCE PLUS with TR/SMAR T Indir ect W ater Heater Fig. 9 : PERFORMANCE PLUS with Storage T ank 1. Mixing valve with check valve 2. Flow check valve 3. Shut off valve 4. Backflow preventer or pressure reducing valve* 6. Thermal expansion tank 7.
20 Primary Piping SECTION V - Primary Piping General Piping Requirements Low W ater Cutof f Device - Th e P E RF OR MA NC E PL US i s eq ui pp ed w it h a f ac t ory in st al le d pr es su re s wi tc h s ty le L ow W at er Cu t O f f de vi ce . - The min im um o per at ing sy ste m p ressu re a llow ab le wi th thi s de vic e is 1 0 psi g.
21 Primary Piping For proper operation of the expansion tank and system, remove the factory installed autom ati c a ir v en t from the PER FO R- MANCE PLUS and plug the connection. (See Item 10, Fig. 46 page 68) DO NOT install automatic air vents on a closed-type expansion tank system.
22 Primary Piping Syst em Pi ping - Rad ian t Hea ting wit h Mix ing V a l v e Co nn ect t he PERF O RMAN CE PL US to t he sy ste m p ip ing as sh own wi th a r ad ian t s ys- tem u si ng a t her mo sta tic mi xin g v alv e a s sh own in Fig . 14 pag e 25 .
23 Primary Piping Near Appliance Piping 1. Appliance Circulator 2. Shut Off valve 3. Expansion tank 4. Auto fill valve 5. T ank fitting 6. Automatic air vent 7. Air Separator 8. Plug (by others) Fig. 1 1 : Near Appliance Primar y Piping with a Diaphragm T ype Expansion T ank Fig.
24 Primary Piping Fig. 12: Primary piping - Zoning with Cir culators Fig. 13: Primary Piping - Zoning with Zone V alves 1. Appliance circulator 2. Shut-off valves 3. Flow check valve 4. Zone valve 5. System purge valve 6. System circulator Note: See page 23 for near appliance piping.
25 Primary Piping Fig. 14: Primary Piping - Low T emperatur e Radiant System Note: Adjust system temperature valve to establish maximum sup - ply/return temperature dif feren- t i al o f 3 0º F a n d a mi ni m u m 130ºF return water temperature to the PERFORMANCE PLUS 1.
26 Primary Piping.
27 V enting and Combustion Air Installation SECTION VI - V enting and Combustion Air Installation General Requir ements - Ins tal latio n mu st comply w ith loca l re qui reme nt s an d with the N ati ona l Fuel Gas Code, NFP A 54/ ANSI Z223.1 for U.S.
28 V enting and Combustion Air Installation Category IV V ent T ermination Clearances Maintain the following clearances to the vent termination: - At least 6 feet from adjacent walls - No closer than .
29 V enting and Combustion Air Installation - M u s t m a i n t ai n 4 f e e t o f cl e a ra n c e below and horizontally from doors and windows. See dimension A Fig.
30 V enting and Combustion Air Installation V enting Option - Dir ect V ent / V ertical In this vent application the PERFORMANCE PLUS is vented vertically through the roof or an unused chimney using the T riangle T ube Concentric V ertical V ent Kit. The installer should consider the following when choosing this vent option: a.
31 V enting and Combustion Air Installation V enting Option - Dir ect V ent / Horizontal In this vent application the PERFORMANCE PLUS is vented horizontally through a wall using only approved 3-inch stainless steel vent material and using outside air for combustion.
32 V enting and Combustion Air Installation Excessive Horizontal V ent Runs If maintaining the 1/4 inch per foot pitch requirement creates clearance problems with st r uc t u r a l o bs ta cle s , i .
33 V enting and Combustion Air Installation The maximum equivalent length is the total length of the venting and the com - bustion air inlet combined. This includes termination fittings.
34 V enting and Combustion Air Installation Fig . 21 : Stand ard Ho rizont al V enti ng Inst allati on Fig. 2 2: Horizo ntal - Dir ect V ent Com bina tion Fig .
35 V enting and Combustion Air Installation Fig. 24B: V ent T ermination - Non- Combustible W all Fig. 24A: V ent T ermination Combustible W all Fig. 23: Location of Air Inlet T ermination.
36 V enting and Combustion Air Installation.
37 Gas Piping SECTION VII - Gas Piping Gas Supply Piping Connection The gas supply piping must be installed in accordance to all applicable local, st a t e a n d n a ti o n a l c o d e s an d u t i li t y r equirements. 1. Remove the burner jacket hood.
38 Gas Piping NA TURAL GAS Pipe Sizing - Natural Gas 1. Refer to T able 3 for pipe length and diame - ter requirements. Based on rated PER - FORMANCE PLUS input (divide by 1,000 to obtain cubic feet per hour). - T able 3 is based on Natural Gas with a specific gravity of 0.
39 Gas Piping PROP ANE GAS Pipe Sizing - Pr opane Gas 1. Contact the local propane gas supplier for recommended sizing of piping, tanks and 100% lockup gas regulator . P r opane G as Supp ly Pr e s s u r e Req uir e m e n t s 1. Adjust the propane supply regulator pro - vided by the gas supplier for 13”w .
Internal W iring 40 SECTION VIII - Internal Wiring ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. For your safety , disconnect electrical power supply to the unit befor e servicing or ma ki ng any e le ctr ic al c on ne cti on s to avo id p oss ibl e elec tr ic sho ck haz a rd.
41 Internal W iring Fig. 30: Factor y W iring Schematic.
42 Internal W iring Fig. 31: Factory Internal W iring.
43 External W iring SECTION IX - External Wiring Installation Compliance All field wiring made during installation must comply with: - National Electrical Code NFP A 70 and any other national, state, provincial or local codes or requirements. - I n Ca na d a , CSA C2 2 .
External W iring 44 4 W ire Zone V alve Fig. 33: Multiple Zone Field W iring Using Zone V alves 3 W ire Zone V alve *Use isolation relay on 3-wire zone valve with non-isolated end switch. Trans f ormer and th e P ER FO R M AN CE PL US control can burn out if isolation relay is not used.
45 External W iring Fig. 34: Field wiring with zone circulators..
46 External W iring Fig. 35: T ypical Zone Relay Panel Wiring Fig. 36: Storage T ank Recirculation Wiring.
47 Start-Up Preparations SECTION X - Start Up Pr eparation Ch e c k S y s t e m a n d Do me s t ic W a t e r Chemistry Do not use petr oleum-base cleaning or sealing compounds in the primary sys - tem. Damage to seals and gaskets in the system components could occur , r esult- ing in substantial pr operty damage.
48 Start-Up Preparations Syst em water inclu ding addi tiv es must be pra cti call y non -tox ic, h aving a to xici ty r ating or Class of 1 , a s list ed in Clinic al T oxicol ogy o f Com mer cia l Pr o d u c t s .
49 Start-Up Preparations 3. Fill the outer tank to correct system pressure. Correct pressure will vary with each application. T ypical r esidential system fill pressur e is 12 psi. System pressur e will incr ease wh e n sys t e m t e m p e ra t ure i n c r e a s e s .
50 Start-Up Preparations V erify Corr ect Pr essure Switch 1. Remove the burner hood and verify the burner pressure switch setting. 2. Che ck a nd co mp are the c ol or of the out- li ne on the p ress u re s w it ch labe l to T able 3 pag e 49 .
51 Start-Up Pr ocedur es SECTION XI - Start-Up Pr ocedur es Final Checks Before Star t-up V er i fy t h e P ER F O R MA N CE P LU S and the primary and domestic systems are full of water and all system compo - nents are correctly set for operation.
52 Start-Up Pr ocedur es FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS TO TURN OFF GAS T O APPLIANCE 1. STOP! Read the safety information above. 2. Set the secondary thermostat to the lowest setting. 3. T urn manual shutof f valve on the gas supply line clockwise to “Close” 4.
53 Start-Up Pr ocedur es V enting system must be sealed gas-tight to pr event flue gas spillage and potential carbon monoxide emissions, which will r esult in sever e personal injur y or death. Check Gas Piping 1. Check around the unit for gas odor fol - lowing the procedure outlined in this manual on Page 49.
54 T emperatur e Limits SECTION XII - T emperatur e Limits Studies have indicated that dangerous bacteria can form in the potable water distribution system if certain minimum water temperatur es ar e not maintained.
55 T emperatur e Limits Setting the Thermostatic Mixing V alve The thermostatic mixing valve controls the outlet hot water temperatur e deliv - ered to the faucets. POTENTIAL SCALD HAZARD The mixing valve must be installed on the PERFORMANCE PLUS.
56 Check-Out Pr ocedur es S E CT I ON XI II - C he ck -O ut P r o c e d u r e s Perform the following check-out pr oce - dur es as outlined and check off items as completed. When pr ocedures ar e com - pleted, the installer should complete the installation r ecord on page 57.
57 Installation Record SECTION XIV - Installation Record.
58 Maintenance Schedule S E CT IO N XV - Ma i n te na n ce Sc he du l e Service T echnician At least on an annual basis the following main - tenance should be performed by a qualified ser - vice technician: General • Attend to any reported problems.
59 Maintenance Pr ocedur es SECTION XVI - Maintenance Pr ocedures MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The PERFORMANCE PLUS should be inspected and serviced annually , pr efer- ably at the start of the heating season, by a qualified service technician.
60 Maintenance Pr ocedur es Chec k Combu stio n/ V enti latio n A i r O p e n i n g s V erify that all combustion air and ventila - tion openings to the mechanical room or building are open and unobstructed. Check the operation and wiring of any automatic ventilation dampers.
61 Maintenance Pr ocedur es Check Boiler Relief V alve Inspect the relief valve and lift the lever to verify flow at least annually or as recom - mended on the warning tag of the valve.
62 Maintenance Pr ocedur es Check Burner Flame Inspect the burner flame through the obser - vation port on the burner mounting plate. If flame pattern is not fully blue and covers the entire burner surface, shut the unit down and allow it to cool thoroughly .
63 Replacement Parts SECTION XVII - Replacement Par ts Replacement Parts Replacement parts can be ordered and pur chased through a local T riangle T ube distributor . When ordering parts, spec - i f y th e Mo d e l N u mb e r an d Se r i a l Number . Include a description of the part and a replacement par t number .
Replacement Parts 64 Fig. 40: Jacket Components Item Part No. Description Quantity required by Model PG PLUS-25/ 30/35 PG PLUS-40/45 HMJKTF25 Complete Jacket Set 1 HMJKTF40 Complete Jacket Set 1 HMJKT.
65 Replacement Parts Item Part No. Description Operating Thermostat Primary or Secondary Manual Reset Hight Limit Pre-set at 205ºF Auto Reset High Limit Pre-Set at 194ºF Temperature / Pressure Gauge Control Panel PGRKIT21 PGRKIT 22 HMCS01 PGRKIT23 HMGAU01 7 11 8 9 10 Fig.
66 Replacement Parts Item Part No. Description R1 Relay - Controls Burner Function R2 Relay - Controls Domestic Priority & Circulator 120 V-24 V 40VA Transformer 13 PGRKIT18 12A PGRKIT19 12B PGRKIT 19 Fig.
67 Replacement Parts Fig. 43: Burner Components Item Part Number Description Where Used 14 PGRKIT01 Gas valve replacement kit ALL PGRKIT02 PG PLUS-25 Blower / motor replacement kit PG PLUS-25 PGRKIT03.
Specifications 68 Fig. 45: Rear V iew Fig. 44: Side View 1. Primary circuit, ø 1” NPT 2. Primary circuit drain valve connection, ø 1/2” NPT 3. Domestic temperature/pressure relief valve (150 psi), ø 3/4” NPT 4. Primary circuit & pressure relief valve (30 psi), ø 1” NPT 5.
Specifications 69 T able 7: PERFORMANCE PLUS Data T able 6: Dimensional Data Type PG PLUS-25 PG PLUS-30 PG PLUS-35 PG PLUS-40 PG PLUS-45 Input Nat. Gas Btu/hr 100,000 120,000 140,000 165,000 199,000 Inner Tank Capacity Gal 17 17 17 22 22 Outer Tank Capacity Gal 20 20 20 18 18 Dimensions Inches A 59 59 59 67 67 B 54 54 54 62.
Additional quality water heating equipment available fr om T riangle T ube/Phase III - Exclusive “T ank-in-T ank” design - Stainless steel construction - A vailable in 8 sizes and 2 models - Limit.
An important point after buying a device Delta PG PLUS-25 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Delta PG PLUS-25 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Delta PG PLUS-25 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Delta PG PLUS-25 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Delta PG PLUS-25 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Delta PG PLUS-25, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Delta PG PLUS-25.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Delta PG PLUS-25. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Delta PG PLUS-25 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center