Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product OPTI PLEX GX1 Dell
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ZZZ GHOOFRP 'HOO 2SWL3OH[ *; *;S 0DQDJHG 3& DQG2SWL3OH[1;1HW3&6VWHPV 6(59,&( 0$18$/.
________ __________ __ Inf or mation in this document is subject to c hange withou t notice. © 1996 ¤ 1 998 Del l Comput er Corpor ation. All r i ghts reserv ed. Reproduction in any manner w hatsoev er without the writ ten permission of D ell Computer Corpor ation is strictly forbidden.
v &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Chass is Dif ferenc es . .
vi Syst em-Bo ard Serv ice Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 Syst em Bo ard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 Syst em Bo ard Ju mpers . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Insid e the C omput er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Compu ter Co ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Ejec t, Powe r, and Rese t But tons .
viii Expa nsion C ards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 Expa nsion-C ard C age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -15 Expa nsion C ard . . . . . . .
x Figure 1-15. Computer Ori enta t ion Inf ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23 Figure 1-16. DC Power Connector P1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25 Figure 1-17. DC Power Connectors P2 (Midsize and Mini Tower Chassis) ; P3, P4, P5, P6, and P9 (All Opt i Plex GX1/GX1p Chassis) .
xi Figure 5-2. Optio nal-St and Re moval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Figure 5-3. Compu ter Co ver Re moval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -5 Figure 5-4. Eject, Power, and Reset Butt on Removal .
xii Figure 6-22. Install i ng a Video-Memory Upgrade Module . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22 Figure 6-23. SEC Cartridge/ Heat Sink Remo val . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23 Figure 6-24 . Sy stem Batter y Inst allatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv 5 HDG7KLV)LUVW A prerequi site f or using this manual t o ser vice Del l computer sy stems is a basi c kno w l edge of IBM ® -compatibl e PCs and prior train ing i n IBM-compat ible PC troublesh ooting tec hni ques.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 &+$37(5 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ T hi s manual contains field-ser vicing i nformat ion f or the Dell ® Opt iPle x ® GX1/ GX1p Managed PC and OptiPlex NX1 Net PC family of computers.
S y stem O vervie w 1-3 &KDVVLV6LPLODULW LHV All f our c hassis configurations ha ve the f ollowin g similarities: T he same sy stem board. Identica l operational c haracteristics ( same BIOS, POS T , memor y , microproces sor , exter nal I/O ports, and so on).
1-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 0DLQ0HPRU Main memor y for the OptiPlex GX1 and OptiPl ex N X1 systems ranges fro m a minimum of 32 MB to a maximum of 384 MB .
S y stem O vervie w 1-5 ,QWHJUDWHG'LVNHWWH7 DSH' ULYH&RQWUROOHU T he Opti Ple x GX1/GX1p and OptiPle x NX1 syst ems are equipped with an inte- grated disk et te drive cont rol ler (PIIX4e) tha t can support a maximum of two non-EIDE disk et te and t ape driv es via a 34-pin DSKT connector l ocated on the sys t em board.
1-6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO $ 7,0 XOWLPHGLD&KDQQHO T he A TI multimedia c hannel (AMC) imple ments a local gr aphics bus that allo ws e xt ernal de vices to at tac h directly to the graphic s contr ol l er .
S y stem O vervie w 1-7 ,QWHJUDWHG(WKHUQHW1,&6XS SRUW2SWLRQDO T he Opti Ple x GX1 systems and OptiPle x NX1 sy stems are av ailable with or without a n integra ted Ethernet NI C subsystem. T he OptiPle x GX1p sy stems are a vai lable only with an integr ated Ethernet NIC subsy stem.
1-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 3 RZHU6X SSO T he Opti Ple x GX1/GX1p and OptiPle x NX1 syst ems are equipped with a switc h-selectable (1 1 5/230-V A C) po wer supply t hat can o perate fr om standard A C po wer outlets in the U .
S y stem O vervie w 1-9 )L JXUH)URQW3 DQHO)HDWXUHV disk et te-drive access indicat or reset bu t ton hard-d i sk dr ive access i nd icator po wer but ton power indi ca tor d.
1-1 0 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH/RZ 3 URILOH&KDVVLV seri al po rt 1 con nector power supply volta ge selecti on switc h AC p o w e r receptacle 3.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 1 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH0LGVL]H& KDVVLV NIC conn ector (opt iona l) parallel port connec tor power supply voltage selection switc .
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 3 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH2SWL 3OH[1;&KDVVLV $GYDQFHG( [SDQVLRQ)HDW XU HV T he Opti Ple x GX1/GX1p syst ems con tain adv .
1-1 4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWHU·V ([SDQVLRQ&DUG 6ORW T he OptiPle x NX1 com p uter has one PCI e xpansion-card connect or on the riser board (see Figur e 1 -7).
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 5 total of fiv e e xpansion-ca rd slots (see Figur e 1 -9). Option 2 is an activ e riser board, with a PCI-to- PCI bridge. Option 2 has two IS A expansi on-card connec- tors and fiv e PCI expan sio n-card connectors.
1-1 6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 0LQL7 RZHU&RPSXWHU · V([SDQVLRQ &D UG6ORWV T he OptiPle x GX1/GX1p mini to wer computer s ha ve se ve n expa nsion-card slots.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 7 0DLQ0HPRU([SDQVLRQ T he thr ee DIMM soc kets on the sy stem board can accommodate combina- tions of 32-, 64-, and 1 28-MB DIMMs up to a tot al memor y capacity of 384 MB. Main memor y can ha ve ei ther 72-bit pari t y (ECC) DIMMs or 64-bit nonparity DIMMs.
1-18 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VW HP'LDJ QRVWL FV Ser ver - based and disk et te-based diagnostics are avai lable to aid in t roubleshoot - ing all major compon ents of the OptiPle x GX1 and GX1p.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 9 )L JXUH6VWHP%RDUG&RP SRQHQWV2OG SEC ca rt ri d ge connect or (SLO T1) pri mar y EID E inte rface c onnecto r (IDE 1) disket t e/ t .
1-20 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VWHP%RDUG -XPSHUV T he s ystem board jumpers a re located in the s a me corn er on bo th the old and ne w sy stem board.
S y stem O vervie w 1-21 ,QWHUUXSW$VVLJQPHQWV 350MHZ * Microprocess or speed Install jumper i f the mic roprocessor’ s internal speed is 350 MHz; other wise, the jumper shoul d not be i nstalled.
1-24 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO +DUG'LVN'ULYHIRUWKH0LQL7 RZHU&RPSXWHU T he har d-disk drive brac ket is loca ted beneath the e xternally accessibl e driv e bay s at the front of the computer .
S y stem O vervie w 1-25 3 LQ$VVLJQPHQWVI RUWKH'&3 RZHU&RQQHFWRU V T he po we r -supply outpu t v oltages can be measur ed at th e bac k (wire side) of the connect ors without disconnectin g them. Figu res 1 -1 5 through 1 -1 7 show the wire side of the conn ector s.
S y stem O vervie w 1-27 )L JXUH'&3RZHU&DEOHVIRUWKH/RZ 3 URILOH&RPSXWHU P5 P4 P3 P2 P1.
S y stem O vervie w 1-29 )L JXUH'&3RZHU&DEOHVIRUWKH0LGVL ]HDQG0LQL7 RZHU &RPSXWHUV P7 P9 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P6.
1-30 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO )L JXUH'&3RZHU'LVWULEXW LRQIRUWKH0LGVL]H&RPSXWHU –1 2 VDC power manage ment an d NI C logic P7 +3.
S y stem O vervie w 1-31 )L JXUH'&3RZHU'LVWULEXW LRQIRUWKH0LQL7 RZHU&RPSXWHU 6VWHP3 RZ HU6XSSOIRUWKH2SWL3OH [1; &RPSXWHU T he Opti Ple x NX1 computers hav e an 80-W computer po w er supply .
S y stem O vervie w 1-35 7 H FKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV z 7 DE OH7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILF DWLRQV 0LFURS URFHVV RU Microproces sor type . . . . . . Intel P entium II microprocess or with MMX tec hnology Microproces sor speed .
1-36 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO ([SDQVLR Q%XV FRQWL QXHG IS A expansion-car d connecto rs: Lo w -prof ile computers . . . . . . . . . .
S y stem O vervie w 1-37 'ULYHV FRQWL QXHG Mini to we r computers . . . . . . . . . . . one 3. 5-inc h ba y for a 3.5-i nc h disk et te driv e; three 5.25- inc h ba ys f or disk et te, tape, or CD-R OM driv es OptiPle x NX1 computers . .
1-38 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 3RUWV External ly acc essible: Serial ( DT E) . . . . . . . . . . two 9-pin connecto rs (1 6550-compatible) P arallel .
S y stem O vervie w 1-39 &RQWUROVD QG,QGLFD WRUV Reset co ntrol . . . . . . . . . . . . push but ton P o w e r cont rol . . . . . . . . . . . . pus h but ton P o w e r i ndicato r . . . . . . . . . . gr een LED in normal ope rat i on ; flashing green LED i n sleep state Disk et te-driv e access indicat or .
1-40 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 3KVLFDO L ow -pr ofile co mputers: Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0.9 cm (4.3 inc hes) Width . . . . . . .
S y stem O vervie w 1-41 (QYLU RQPHQWD O FRQWLQXHG Maximum shoc k: Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . le f t side (f or low -profile, mids iz e, and Opti- Ple x NX1 computers oper ating in a v ertical orientation) and bot tom half-sine pulse with a c hange in vel ocity of 20 inc hes/sec (50.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-1 &+$37(5 %DVLF 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ T hi s c hapter pro vides basic troubleshooting proced ures applicable to all sys t ems of the Dell OptiPle x GX1/GX1p Managed PC and OptiPle x NX1 Net PC fami li es.
2-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO ([WHUQDO9 LVXDO,QVSHFWL RQ T he e xternal visual inspection consi st s of a quic k inspection of the e xterio r of the compu t er , the monit or , the k eyboar d, an y peripherals, and cables.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-3 Does the inspection re veal an y problems? Ye s . R ef er to the parts remov al and replacement procedure i n Chapters 4, 5, 6, or 7 , as appropr iate f or your sy stem. No . P roceed to the ne xt section, “ Obser ving the Boot Routine.
2-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO S ystem error mes sages : T hese mes sages can i ndicate problems or pro vi de stat us in f ormat ion. I f a sy s tem err or messa ge is displ a y ed, see T able 3-2.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-5 SEC cartr idge/hea t sink a ssembly and r einstall it as descr ibed in “SEC Cartridge/Hea t Sink A ssembly” in Chapter 4, 5, 6, or 7 , as appropriate f or your syste m.
2-6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6HUYHU%DVHG'LDJQRV WLFV T he server -based diagnostics contains tests that aid in troublesho oting major components of t he co mputer .
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-7 Timers T est — Chec ks the timers used b y the microproces sor R TC T est — Confirms the func tionalit y and accura cy of the computer ’ s RTC PIC T es.
2-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO (RAM) requi red f or load ing the di agnostics. If a main memor y er ror is detected, a message i ndicates whic h DIMM has f ailed.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-9 kit con nected to t he computer a s sho w n in Figure 2 -1 and descr ibed in the f ol- lo wing procedure. T he di sket te-based diagnost ics contains the same tests as the hard-disk– based diagnosti cs. T hese tests aid in troubleshooting all major component s of th e sys tem.
2-1 0 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 5 XQQLQJWKH'LVNHWWH %DVHG'LDJ QRVWLFV T o run the disk et te-based diagnost ics, f ollow these ste ps: 1 .
Beep Cod es and Error Me ssages 3 -1 &+$37(5 %HHS&RGHVDQG(UURU0HVVDJHV T hi s c hapter describe s the beep codes and error messages that are common to all members of the Dell OptiPl e x GX1/GX1p Managed PC and Opt iPle x NX1 Net PC f amily of computers.
3-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 1 -3-1 Main-memor y refresh v erifi- cation f ailure F aul ty or .
Beep Cod es and Error Me ssages 3 -3 6VWHP(UURU0HVVDJHV S ystem er ror messages typically are presented on the scr een during the POST but can occur an y time an erro r is detected b y the sy stem. Sy stem messages are v er y useful in troubleshoot ing the sy st em.
3-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 'DWDHUURU Compute r rece ived un- reco ver able data-read error from disk et te or hard-dis k drive. Fault y di sket te , dis ket t e driv e, or hard-disk driv e.
Beep Cod es and Error Me ssages 3 -5 ,QYDOLGFRQILJ XUDWLRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVHUXQ 6(783SURJUDP S y stem Setu p program contains incorrect sys t em configuration set tings. Incorr ect configur ation set tings in Sy stem Set up program or f ault y bat ter y .
3-6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 0HPRUDOORFD WLRQHUURU Sof t w are in us e con- flict s with operating sys t em, appli cat ion, or utilit y .
Beep Cod es and Error Me ssages 3 -7 6HHNHUURU MS-D OS unabl e to locate speci fi c tr ac k on disk et te or hard-di sk driv e. Def ectiv e disk et te or hard-dis k drive. 6HHNRSHUDWLRQ IDLOHG S ystem could not fi nd particular address mar k on disk.
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4- 1 &+$37(5 5 HP RYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH/RZ 3 URILOH&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides procedures for r emovi ng the component s, assemblies, and subassembl ies in the Dell OptiPle x GX1 low -profile computer .
4-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO :$51,1* )25<2853(5621$/6$)(7<$1'352.
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4 -3 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH/RZ 3 URILOH&RPSXWHU power suppl y disket t e dr ive expansion- ca.
4-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO &RPSXWHU&RYHU )LJXUH&R PSXWHU&RY HU5HP RYDO T o remov e the computer c ove r , fo llo w these step s: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4 -5 (MHFW3 RZHU DQG5HVHW%XWWRQV )LJXUH(MH FW3RZHU DQG5HV HW%XWWRQ5 HPRYDO 1 . Lay the computer co ver upside do wn on a fl at wo rk sur fac e, with the bac k of the co ver facing y ou.
4-6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO ) U RQW 3DQHO,QVHUWV )LJXUH)URQW 3DQ HO,QVHUW5HPRYDO T o remov e a front-panel insert, f ollo w these steps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4 -7 &RQWURO3 DQHO )LJXUH&RQW UR O3 DQHO5HPRYDO T o remo ve the control panel, f ol low these steps: 1 . Disconnect the control panel cable from the P ANEL connector on the s y s- tem board.
4-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 'ULYHV Figure 4-6 sho ws an e xample of drive har dw are that can be installed in the computer . R ef e r to this figure when you perf orm any of the procedure s in the f ollowing subsections.
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4 -9 ,QFK'LVNHWWH'ULYH$VVHPEO )L JXUH,QFK'LVNHWWH'ULYH5HPRYDO T o remo ve the 3.5-in ch di sket te driv e assembly , fol lo w these steps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4-1 1 +DUG'LVN'ULYH$VVHPEO )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH$VVHPEO5HPRYDO T o remov e the hard-di sk driv e, foll ow these st eps: 1 .
4-1 2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO )L JXUH 6 VW HP3 RZHU 6X SSO 5H PRYDO T o remo ve the sy stem power supply , foll o w th ese steps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4- 1 3 ([SDQVLRQ &DUGV T he computer has a remo v able expansi on-c ard cage. T h e e xpansi on-c ard cage contains the ris er board a nd an y inst alled exp a nsion cards.
4-1 4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO ([SDQVLRQ&DUG )L JXUH([SDQ VLRQ&DUG5HPRYDO T o remov e an e xpansion card, f ollo w these st eps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4- 1 5 5LVHU%RDUG )L JXUH5L VHU%RDUG5 HPRYDO T o remov e the riser board, f ollow these steps: 1 . R emov e the ex pansion-car d cage and a ll ex pansion cards.
4-1 6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 6VWHP%RDUG )L JXUH 6V WHP %R DUG5 HPRY DO T o remo ve the sy stem board, follo w these steps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4-1 7 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he f ollo wing subsec tions cont ain procedures f or removi ng/replacing sy stem board component s (see Fi gures 1 -1 2 and 1 -1 3). ',00V T o remov e a DIMM from one of the three DIMM soc kets , f ollow these steps: 1 .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4- 1 9 6. Enter the S ystem Set up program, and confirm tha t 8 MB is sho wn in the V ideo Memory optio n. If the tot al m emo r y is list ed inco rre c tly , rep ea t steps 1 through 6 to reseat the vi deo-memor y upgrade module and v eri fy that t he computer ac knowledges the module.
4-20 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO T o remov e the SEC cart ridge/heat si nk assembly , f ollo w these ste ps: 1 . Remo ve the sy stem pow er supply .
Remo ving and Replacing Parts on the Low -Profile C hassis 4-21 2. T urn of f po wer to all periphe rals, and disconnect the A C po wer c a ble from its electrical outlet.
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-1 &+$37(5 5 HP RYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH0LGVL]H&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides procedures for r emovi ng the component s, assemblies, and subassemblies in the Dell OptiPle x GX1/GX1p midsize computer .
5-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO :$51,1* )25<2853(5621$/6$)(7<$1'352 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-3 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH0LGVL]H& RPSXWHU power suppl y disket t e/ t ape drive interface c abl e hard-d i sk dr ive brac ket hard-disk dr iv e interf ace cabl e 3.
5-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 2SWLRQDO6WDQG )L JXUH2S WLR QDO6WDQG 5HPR YDO T o remo ve the optional stand, f o l lo w these steps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-5 &RPSXWHU&RYHU )LJXUH&R PSXWHU&RY HU5HP RYDO T o remov e the computer c ove r , fo llo w these step s: 1 . T urn of f po wer to all per ipherals, and disco nnect the A C po wer c able from its electrical outlet.
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-7 ) U RQW 3DQHO,QVHUWV )LJXUH)URQW 3DQ HO,QVHUW5HPRYDO T o remov e a front-panel insert, f ollo w these steps: 1 . La y the computer co ver upsi de d own on a fl at w ork surf ace , with the fr ont of the co ver facing y ou.
5-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO &RQWURO3 DQHO )LJXUH&RQW UR O3 DQHO5HPRYDO T o remo ve the control panel, f ol low these steps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-9 'ULYHV Figure 5-7 sho ws an e xample of drive har dw are that can be installed in the computer . R ef e r to this figure when you perf orm any of the procedure s in the f ollowing subsect ions.
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-1 1 ,QFK'ULYH$VVHPEO )L JXUH,QFK'ULYH $V V HP EO 5 HP R YD O T o remo ve a 5.25-inc h drive assembl y fr om the middle or lo wer driv e ba y , fol - lo w these steps: 1 .
5-1 2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO +DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDFNHW )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDFNHW5HPRYDO T o remo ve t he hard-di sk drive brac ket, fo llo w these steps.
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-13 +DUG'LVN'ULYH )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH5HPRYDO T o remov e the hard-di sk driv e, foll ow these st eps: 1 . R emo ve the hard-di sk driv e brac ket .
5-1 4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VWH P3RZHU6XSSO )L JXUH 6 VWH P3 RZHU6XS SO5 HPRYDO T o remo ve the sy stem power supply , foll o w th ese steps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-15 ([SDQVLRQ &DUGV T he computer has a remo v able expansi on-c ard cage. T h e e xpansi on-c ard cage contains the ris er board a nd an y inst alled exp a nsion cards.
5-1 6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO ([SDQVLRQ&DUG )L JXUH([SDQ VLRQ&DUG5HPRYDO T o remov e an e xpansion card, f ollo w these st eps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-1 7 5LVHU%RDUG )L JXUH5L VHU%RDUG5 HPRYDO T o remov e the riser board, f ollow these steps: 1 . R emov e the ex pansion-car d cage and a ll ex pansion cards.
5-18 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VWHP%RDUG )L JXUH 6V WHP %R DUG5 HPRY DO T o remo ve the sy stem board, follo w these steps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-19 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he f ollo wing subsec tions cont ain procedures f or removi ng/replacing sy stem board component s (see Fi gures 1 -1 2 and 1 -1 3) ',00V T o remov e a DIMM from one of the three DIMM soc kets , f ollow these steps: 1 .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-2 1 6. Enter the S ystem Set up program, and confirm tha t 8 MB is sho wn in the V ideo Memory option. If the tot al memory is listed incor r ectl y , repeat steps 1 through 6 to reseat the vi deo-memor y upgrade module and v e ri fy that t he computer ac knowledges the module.
5-22 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO T o remov e the SEC cart ridge/heat si nk assembly , f ollo w these ste ps: 1 . Remo ve the sy stem pow er supply .
Removing and R e placin g P ar ts on the Midsize Cha ssis 5-2 3 2. T urn of f po wer to all periphe rals, and disconnect the A C po wer c a ble from its electrical outlet.
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6 -1 &+$37(5 5 HP RYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH0LQL7 RZHU&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides procedures for r emovi ng the component s, assemblies, and sub assemblies in the Dell OptiPle x GX1/GX1p mini to wer co mputers.
6-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO :$51,1* )25<2853(5621$/6$)(7<$1'352 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6 -3 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH0LQL 7 RZHU&RPSXWHU power suppl y system board expans ion-card cage .
6-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO &RPSXWHU&RYHU )LJXUH&R PSXWHU&RY HU5HP RYDO T o remov e the computer c ove r , fo llo w these step s: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6 -5 )U R Q W %H ] H O ) LJXUH ) URQ W %H]H O5 HP RY DO T o remo ve the front bez el, foll ow these step s: 1 . P r ess the tab rel ease mark ed with the icon.
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6 -7 ) U RQW 3DQHO,QVHUWV )LJXUH ,QFK)URQ W 3DQHO,QVH U W5 HPRYDO T o remov e a 5.25-inc h front-panel insert , f ollo w these steps: 1 .
6-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO )L JXUH,QFK)URQW 3DQHO,QVHUW 5HPRYDO T o remov e a 3.5-inc h front-panel insert , f ollo w these s teps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6 -9 &RQWURO3 DQHO )LJXUH&RQW UR O3 DQHO5HPRYDO T o remo ve the control panel, f ol low these steps: 1 . R emo ve the hard-di sk driv e brac ket . 2. Disconnect the contr ol panel cable from the P ANEL connect or on the s y s- tem board.
6-1 0 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 'ULYHV Figure 6-8 sho ws an e xample of drive har dw are that can be installed in the computer . R ef e r to this figure when you perf orm any of the procedure s in the f ollowing subsections.
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6-1 1 ,QFK'LVNHWWH'ULYH$ V VH PE O )L JXUH,QFK'LVNHWWH 'ULYH $V VH PE O 5 H PR YD O T o remov e a 3.5-inc h disk et te drive assembly , foll ow t hese steps: 1 .
6-1 2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO )L JXUH,QFK'LVNHWWH 'ULYH% UD F NH W When you repl ace the 3.
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6- 1 3 T o remo ve a 5.25-inc h drive assembl y fr om the middle or lo wer driv e ba y , fol - lo w these steps: 1 . Disconnect the DC po wer ca ble and the interf ace cable f rom the bac k of the driv e.
6-1 4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO +DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDFNHW )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDFNHW5HPRYDO T o remo ve t he hard-di sk drive brac ket, fo llo w these steps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6- 1 5 +DUG'LVN'ULYH )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH5HPRYDO T o remov e the hard-di sk driv e assembly , f ollo w these steps: 1 . R emo ve the hard-di sk driv e brac ket .
6-1 6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO )L JXUH 6 VWH P3 RZHU6XS SO5 HPRYDO T o remo ve the sy stem power supply , foll o w th ese steps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6-1 7 ([SDQVLRQ &DUGV T he computer has a remo v able expansi on-c ard cage. T h e e xpansi on-c ard cage contains the ris er board a nd an y inst alled exp a nsion cards.
6-18 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO ([SDQVLRQ&DUG )L JXUH([SDQ VLRQ&DUG5HPRYDO T o remov e an e xpansion card, f ollo w these st eps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6- 1 9 5LVHU%RDUG )L JXUH5L VHU%RDUG5 HPRYDO T o remov e the riser board, f ollow these steps: 1 . R emov e the ex pansion-car d cage and a ll ex pansion cards.
6-20 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO 6VWHP%RDUG )L JXUH 6 VWH P%R DUG 5HPRYD O T o remo ve the sy stem board, follo w these steps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6-21 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he f ollo wing subsec tions cont ain procedures f or removi ng/replacing sy stem board component s (see Fi gures 1 -1 2 and 1 -1 3). ',00V T o remov e a DIMM from one of the three DIMM soc kets , f ollow these steps: 1 .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6-23 6. Enter the S ystem Set up program, and confirm tha t 8 MB is sho wn in the V ideo Memory option. If the tot al memory is listed incor r ectl y , repeat steps 1 through 6 to reseat the vi deo-memor y upgrade module and v e ri fy that t he computer ac knowledges the module.
6-24 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*;S0 DQDJHG3&D QG2SWL3OH[1 ;1HW3&6VWH PV6HUYLF H0DQXDO T o remov e the SEC cart ridge/heat si nk assembly , f ollo w these ste ps: 1 . Remo ve the sy stem pow er supply .
Removing and Replacin g P ar ts on the Mi ni T ower Chassis 6-25 2. T urn of f po wer to all periphe rals, and disconnect the A C po wer c a ble from its electrical outlet.
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7- 1 &+$37(5 5 HP RYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH2SWL3OH [1;1 HW3&&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides procedures for r emovi ng the component s, assemblies, and subassemblies in the Dell OptiPle x NX1 Net PC computer .
7-2 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 3UHFDXWLRQDU0HDVXUH V B efor e y ou perf orm an y of the p.
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7- 3 )L JXUH,QWHUQDO9LHZRIWKH2SWL 3OH[1;&RPSXWHU 2SWL RQDO6 WDQG )L JXUH2SWLRQDO6WDQG5HPRYDO T o remo ve the optional stand, if one is installed, f ollow these steps: 1 .
7-4 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 3. Pul l the opti onal stand a wa y from th e computer . Disengage t he locator pins th at position and help secure t he stand to the computer .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7- 5 T o remov e the computer c ove r , fo llo w these step s: 1 . R emo ve the padloc k, if one is inst all ed, from the padloc k ring. )L JXUH6HUYLFH$ FFHVV/RFN 2.
7-6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO &RQWURO3 DQHO )LJXUH&RQW UR O3 DQHO5HPRYDO T o remo ve the control panel, f ol low these steps: 1 .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7- 7 +DUG'LVN'ULYH )LJXUH+DUG'LVN'ULYH5HPRYDO T o remov e a hard-dis k driv e, foll ow these steps : 1 . Disconnect the DC po wer ca ble and the EIDE cabl e from the bac k of the driv e.
7-8 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO )L JXUH 6VW HP3R ZHU6XSSO5 HPRYDO T o remo ve the sy stem power suppl y , foll ow th ese steps : 1 .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7- 9 ([SDQVLRQ&DUG&DJH T he computer has a remo v able expansi on-c ard cage. T h e e xpansi on-c ard cage contains the hard-disk dri v e, the riser board, and an y inst alled e xpansion card.
7-1 0 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO ([SDQVLRQ&DUG )LJXUH([SDQVLRQ&DUG5HPRYDO T o remo ve the ex pansion card, foll o w the se steps : 1 .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7 -1 1 5LVHU%RDUG )L JXUH5L VHU%RDUG5 HPRYDO T o remov e the riser board, f ollow these steps: 1 . Remo ve the expansi on-card cage. 2. Remo ve the ex pansion card if one is installed.
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7-13 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he f ollo wing subsec tions cont ain procedures f or removi ng/replacing sy stem board component s (see Fi gures 1 -1 2 and 1 -1 3). ',00V T o remov e a DIMM from one of the three DIMM soc kets , f ollow these steps: 1 .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7-15 6. Enter the S ystem Set up program, and confirm tha t 8 MB is sho wn in the V ideo Memory option.
7-1 6 'HOO 2SWL3OH[*;*; S0DQDJHG 3&DQG2SWL3OH [1;1HW3&6 VWHPV6H UYLFH0DQ XDO T o remov e the SEC cart ridge/heat si nk assembly , f ollo w these ste ps: 1 . Remo ve the sy stem pow er supply .
Remo ving an d R eplac ing P a rts on the Op tiPlex NX1 Ne t PC Chassis 7-1 7 2. T urn of f po wer to all periphe rals, and disconnect the A C po wer c a ble from its electrical outlet.
S ystem Setup Program A-1 $33(1',;$ 6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP T his appendix, whic h applies to al l Dell Opti Ple x GX1/GX1p Ma naged PC and OptiP le x NX1 Net P C com puter f a milies , des cribes the Sy s tem S etup prog ram, whic h is used to c hange the sy stem configur ati on inf ormation store d in NVRAM on the sys tem board.
A-2 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual 6VWH P6HWXS6FUHHQV )LJXUH$6VWHP6HWXS6FUHH QV ,QWHJUDWHG'HYLFHV '.
S ystem Setup Program A-3 7 DEOH$6VWHP6HWXS2SWLRQV 2SWLRQ )XQFWLRQ Time R esets ti me on com puter’ s inter nal cloc k. Da te R esets date o n computer ’ s internal calendar . Disk ett e Dr iv e A Disk ett e Dr ive B Identi fi es type of disk et te driv es installed.
A-4 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual Chassis Intr usion Enabl es or dis ables the c hassis intr usion f ea- t ure. If computer c ov er is remo ved when the optio n is set to Enabled , the set ting c hanges to Detect ed .
S ystem Setup Program A-5 Au t o P o w e r O n Allo ws you to set the day and time y ou want the sy stem to po wer on automatically . The time uses the 24-hour fo rmat.
A-6 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual 'HYLFH/LVW De vi ce List pro vides access to the Devi ce Li st screen where y ou can c hoose from a list of a v ailable boot de vices to boot from and sp ecify the order in whic h your computer at tempts to bo ot from th ese devic es.
S ystem Setup Program A-7 When determining the ord er of devices to boot from, the sy stem first consid- ers the o rder of the de vices l isted under the Device Contr oller Pr ior ity option, then the order of de vices under Boot Device Pr iori ty .
A-8 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual.
Index 1 ,QGH [ 1XPEHUV 3.5-inch diskette driv e removal low-profi le compu t er, 4-9 midsiz e computer , 5-10 mini tower computer, 6-11 5.25-inc h drive a ssembly removal low-profi le compu t er, 4.
2 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual computer (continued) components, illustra ted, low-profi le computer, 1-10 components, illu strated, midsize com.
Index 3 DC power (conti nued) power supply connectors, 1-33 voltage rang es, OptiPlex GX1 systems, 1- 32 voltage rang es, OptiPlex NX1 systems, 1- 32 diagnosti cs, system about, 1- 18 diskett e-bas ed.
4 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual expansion- card removal low-profi le compu t er, 4-14 midsiz e computer , 5-16 mini tower computer, 6-18 OptiPle.
Index 5 0 main memory, 1-4, 1-17 memory subsyste m expansion using DIMMs, 1- 17 flash ROM, 1-4 main memory, 1-4 secondary L2 cache, 1-3, 1-16 messages, error , 3- 3 microproces sor about, 1- 3 removal.
6 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual Power Supply, 115/230-VAC, 1-8 precauti onary measures low-profi le compu t er, 4-1 midsiz e computer , 5-1 mini.
Index 7 7 tape drives about, 1- 5 removal, l ow-profile computer , 4-10 removal, midsize computer, 5-11 removal, mini tower computer, 6-12 technical speci fications, 1-35 telephony appl ication pro gr.
8 Dell O ptiPlex GX1/GX1p Manage d PC and Opt iPlex NX1 Net PC S ystems Ser vice Manual.
An important point after buying a device Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Dell OPTI PLEX GX1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Dell OPTI PLEX GX1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Dell OPTI PLEX GX1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Dell OPTI PLEX GX1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center