Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product living connect Danfoss
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MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE Danfoss Heating Solutions living connect® Ins tal lat io n and Us er G uid e.
living connect ® 2.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 3 Tha nk yo u for b uy in g a Dan fos s pr odu ct UK DE DK NL T ak fo rd i du k øbt e et D anf oss p ro duk t Dan ke fü r de n Kau f ei nes D an fos s Pro du kt s Be dan k .
living connect ® 4 UK DE DK NL 1. System ov erview ................................................................ 5 2. Overview of display and control buttons ................. 5 3. Installation - step by step ......................................
Danfoss Heating Solutions 5 UK DE DK NL 1. Sy stem overview living connect ® is an electronic radiator thermostat for homes. It is controlled b y a central device called a Danfoss Link TM CC. Danfoss Link TM CC can also contr ol floor heating and on/off switches in the building.
living connect ® 6 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - step by step 3.1 Prepara tion living connect ® is supplied with adapters for Danf oss RA valves and valves with M30X1.5 (K) connections (014G0002), two alkaline AA batteries and a 2 mm Allen key . Inserting the batteries Remove the battery cover and insert the two batteries.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 7 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - step by step 3.3 Configuring Danfoss Link TM CC F or pract ical r easo ns, it is rec omm ende d th at the Danfoss Link TM CC i s c onn ected to a b att ery pa ck (014 G02 62). Th is m ake s th e de vic e mo bil e, and it c an then ea sily be posi tio ned at a di stan ce of u p t o 1.
living connect ® 8 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - step by step 1. Configure the r ooms in which the radiator thermostats have been installed. 2. Add a new room.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 9 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - step by step 3.4 Connecting to Danfoss Link TM CC Each th ermos tat mus t b e co nne cted to the Danfoss Link TM CC. Thi s is be st d one by standing beside each ther most at with the Danfoss Link TM CC ( con nect ed t o the recommended 014G0262 battery pack).
living connect ® 10 UK DE DK NL 4. T echnic al settings 4.1 Reinstallation mode If the thermostat has been removed from the r adiator and needs to be reinstalled (after being used), it is necessary to activate installation mode to prevent damage to the thermostat.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 11 UK DE DK NL 4. T echnic al settings 4.3 Adjustments for o ver/undersized r adiators The factory setting is P2 . Use P1 if the radiator appears ov ersized for the room. Use P3 if it is undersized.* Press for at least 3 seconds un til M is displayed.
living connect ® 12 UK DE DK NL 4.5 T echnical data Actuator type Electromechanical Software classification A Safety classification Type 1 Recommended use R esidential Open window function Y es Synchronizing Every 5 minute Mechanical strength 70 N (max.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 13 UK DE DK NL 6. Removing living connect® T o remove the thermostat, insert an appropriate tool in the hole in the thermostat's battery chamber and in the hole in the black ring behind the chamber (see illustration).
UK DE DK NL living connect ® 14 1. System ov erview ............................................................... 14 2. Overview of display and control buttons ................ 15 3. Changing the batteries ..........................................
Danfoss Heating Solutions 15 UK DE DK NL 2. Overview of display and contr ol buttons 3. Changing the batteries When the battery level is low , the alarm bell and battery icon will flash simultaneously. If the battery goes flat, the system switches automatically to frost pr otection mode.
living connect ® 16 UK DE DK NL 4. T emperature control and adjustmen t The temp er atu re is u sua lly controlled via Danf oss Link TM CC, but may be cha nged at an y t ime usin g t he t herm osta t's but ton s.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 17 UK DE DK NL 1. Systemüberblick ................................................................ 18 2. Überblick - Anzeige und T asten ................................... 18 3. Installation - Schritt für Schritt ........
living connect ® 18 UK DE DK NL 1. Sy stemüberblick living connect ® ist ein elektronischer Heizkörperther- mostat zur Raumtemperaturregelung . Die Steuerung erfolgt über das Zentralgerät „Danfoss Link TM CC“ . Dieses kann auch für elektrische oder W armwasser- F ußbodenheizungen sowie Ein-Ausschalt-Relais eingesetzt werden.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 19 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - Schritt für Schritt 3.1 V orbereitung living connect ® wird mit Adaptern für Danf oss RA- V entile und Ven tile mit M30X1,5 Anschluss (K), z wei Alkaline AA-Batterien sowie einem 2 mm Inbus- schlüssel geliefert.
living connect ® 20 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - Schritt für Schritt 3.3 Danfoss Link TM CC k onfigurieren Au s pr akt is che n Grü nd en em pfie hl t s ic h d er An sc hlu ss des Danfoss Link TM CC an das als Zubehör erhältiche Batterieteil (014G0252).
Danfoss Heating Solutions 21 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - Schritt für Schritt 1. Die Räume, in denen die Heizkörperther mostate eingebaut wurden, konfigurieren. 2. Einen neuen Raum hinzufügen. 3. Den Namen des Raumes bearbeiten oder eingeben. Zum Bestätigen drücken.
living connect ® 22 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - Schritt für Schritt 3.4 Mit Danfoss Link TM CC v erbinden Jede Komponente muss mit dem Danfoss Link TM CC ve rbun de n se in .
Danfoss Heating Solutions 23 UK DE DK NL 4. Einstellungen 4.1 Re-Installation/Installation nach Demontage W enn ein Thermostat nach einer Demontage wieder montiert werden soll, muss immer der Installations- modus aktiviert werden, um eine Beschädigung des Thermostates zu vermeiden.
living connect ® 24 UK DE DK NL 4. Einstellungen pb p2 4.3 Anpassung an Heizkörper und Raum Jede r Rau m h at e ine gew isse W ärmeträ ghe it. Um e ine ev ent uell vo rhan dene Un ter - od er Übe.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 25 UK DE DK NL 4.5 T echnische Daten Typ Elektromechanisch Softwareklasse A Sicherheitsklasse Typ 1 Empfohlener Einsatzzweck Wohnungen Fensteröffnungserkennung Ja Synchronisierung Alle 5 Minuten Mechanische Belastbarkeit 70 N (max.
living connect ® 26 UK DE DK NL 6. Demontage living connect ® Zum De montier en de s Therm ostats ein gee ignet es W erkzeu g, z. B. Inb usschlüs sel, in die Bo hrung i m Batteriefach und in eine in dem dahinterliegenden schw arzen Rin g steck en.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 27 UK DE DK NL Bedienungsanleitung für living connect® 1. Systemüberblick ................................................................ 27 2. Überblick - Anzeige und T asten ................................... 28 3. Batterien wechseln .
living connect ® 28 UK DE DK NL 2. Überblick - Anzeige und T asten 3. Batterien w echseln W enn die Ba tte rien fas t le er s ind , b link en d ie Sym bole für Alarm und Batterie gleichzeitig. W enn die Ba tte rien kom plet t le er sind , s chal tet das System automatisch auf den F rostschutzmodus.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 29 UK DE DK NL 4. T emperatursteuerung und -anpassung Die T emperatur wird normalerwei - se via Danfoss Link TM CC gesteuert, kann aber jederzeit mithilfe der T aste n am Thermo sta t ge ände rt werden.
living connect ® 30 UK DE DK NL 1 . Systemove rsig t.. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ................ 31 2. O versig t over disp lay og k napp er .............................. 31 3. Inst allati on - trin f or tri n ..
Danfoss Heating Solutions 31 UK DE DK NL 1. Sy stemoversigt living con nect ® er en elektronisk radiatortermostat for boliger . D en styres af en central enhed , kaldet Danfoss Link TM CC. Danfoss Link TM CC kan også styre husets gulvvarme og tænd/sluk kontakter .
living connect ® 32 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - trin for trin 3.1 Indledende trin living con nect ® leveres med adaptere til Danf oss RA-ventiler , 2 stk. AA alk aline batterier og en 2 mm unbraconøgle. Isætning af batterier Fjern dæksel på batterikammer og isæt de to batterier .
Danfoss Heating Solutions 33 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - trin for trin 3.3 Konfigura tion af Danfoss Link TM CC Af praktiske årsager anbefales det at tilslutte Danf oss Link TM CC til batteripakken (014G0262). Dermed er enheden mobil og kan let bringes i en afstand af max.
living connect ® 34 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - trin for trin 1. Opret nu rummene, h vor radiatortermostaterne er monteret. 2. Opret nyt rum. 3. Rediger eller indtast rummets navn. T ryk f or at godkende. Bemæ rk - under d ette i kon er der fordefin erede na vne.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 35 UK DE DK NL 3. Installation - trin for trin 3.4 T ilm el din g til Danfoss Link TM CC Hver en kelt ter most at ska l koble s til Danfoss Link TM CC . D et te gøre s let tes t ved at st å ved hver en kelt ter- mos tat me d Danfoss Link TM CC ( tilslu tte t til anb efa let bat teri pak ke 0 1 4 G0262) .
living connect ® 36 UK DE DK NL 4. T ek niske indstillinger 4.1 Genmontering Hvis termostaten er blevet afmonter et og skal gen- monteres (efter den er taget i brug), er det nødven- digt at aktivere montageindstillingen. For a t komme i montageindstilling gør følgende: Hold inde indtil M vises i display .
Danfoss Heating Solutions 37 UK DE DK NL 4. T ek niske indstillinger 4.3 Tilpasning til r adiator og rum F abriksindstilling er P2 . P1 anvendes , hvis radiator en forekommer ov erdi- mensioneret. P3 hvis under dimensioneret.* Hold inde i min. 3 sekunder til M vises.
living connect ® 38 UK DE DK NL 4.5 T ekniske data Aktuatort ype Elektrome kanisk Soft wareklasse A Sikkerhedsklasse Type 1 Anb efa let b rug Boliger Åbe n vin dues fun kt ion Ja Synkronisering Hve rt 5. m inut Mek anis k st yrk e 70 N (max . tr yk fr a venti l) Max .
Danfoss Heating Solutions 39 UK DE DK NL 6. Afmontering af living c onnect ® For a t afmontere termostaten indf øres et passende værktøj i hullet i termostatens batterikammer og i hullet i den bagvedliggende sorte ring, se billede. I denne tilstand skrues hele termostaten mod uret, indtil termostaten er frigjort af gevindet.
DE DK NL living connect ® 40 UK 1 . Systemove rsig t .................................................................. 40 2. O versig t over disp lay og k napp er .............................. 41 3. Bat teris kif t .................................
Danfoss Heating Solutions 41 UK DE DK NL 2. Oversigt ov er display og knapper Batterisymbol Indstillede temperatur Netværks- forbindelse Alarm Lås Frostsikring Anvendes til at na vigere i menuen, samt justering af temperatur . Anvendes til at vælge menu og til a t bekræfte valg.
living connect ® 42 UK DE DK NL 4. T emperatur Overordnet styres tempera turen via Danfoss Link TM CC, men med termostatens knapper kan tem- peraturen på et h vert tidspunkt ændres. Hvis dette gøres , sender termostaten besked til Danfoss Link TM CC om at synkronisere de øvrige termostater i rummet.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 43 UK DE DK NL 1. Systeemov erzicht.............................................................. 44 2. Overzicht van het display en de bedieningsknoppen ......................................................... 44 3. Stapsgewijze installatie .
living connect ® 44 UK DE DK NL 1. Sy steemoverzicht living connect ® is een elektronische radiatorthermos- taat voor in de woning , die wordt ger egeld door een centrale regelaar , genaamd Danfoss Link TM CC. De Danfoss Link TM CC kan ook de vloerver warming en de aan/uit-schakelaars in het gebouw regelen.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 45 UK DE DK NL 3. Stapsgewijze installatie 3.1 V oorbereiding living connect ® wordt gelev erd met adapters voor Danfoss RA-afsluiters en af sluiters met M30x1,5-aan- sluitingen (014G0002), twee alkaline AA-batterijen en een 2 mm-inbussleutel.
living connect ® 46 UK DE DK NL 3. Stapsgewijze installatie 3.3 De Danfoss Link TM CC c onfigureren Uit praktische overwegingen raden we aan de Danfoss Link TM CC aan te sluit en op een battery pack (014G0262).
Danfoss Heating Solutions 47 UK DE DK NL 3. Stapsgewijze installatie 1. Configureer de kamers waar waarin de radiatorthermostaten zijn geïnstalleerd zijn. 2. V oeg een nieuwe kamer toe. 3. Voer d e kamernaam in of wijzig de naam. Druk op om te beves - tigen.
living connect ® 48 UK DE DK NL 3. Stapsgewijze installatie 3.4 V erbinden met de Danfoss Link TM CC Elke thermostaat moet op de Danfoss Link TM CC w or- wor - den aangemeld. Dit kunt u het beste doen door naast elke thermostaat te gaan staan met de Danfoss Link TM CC (aang esl oten op de aanb evo len battery pack).
Danfoss Heating Solutions 49 UK DE DK NL 4. Instellingen 4.1 Herinstallatie mode Als de thermostaat van de radiator is gedemonteer d en opnieuw geïnstalleerd moet worden (na gebruikt t e zijn geweest), is het nodig om de installatiemodus te activ er en om s chad e aa n d e th ermo staa t t e v oork ome n.
living connect ® 50 UK DE DK NL 4. Instellingen 4.3 Afstemming van de r adiatoren op de kamer De fabrieksinstelling is P2 . Gebruik P1 al s de r ad ia to r te groot lijkt voor de kamer . Gebruik P3 als hij te k lein lijkt.* Druk gedurende ten minste 3 seconden op tot M wordt weergegev en.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 51 UK DE DK NL 4.5 T echnische gegevens Type servomotor Electromechanisch Softwareklasse A Veiligheidsklasse Type 1 Aanbevolen gebruik Woningbouw Open-raamfunctie Ja Synchroniseren Elke 5 minuten Mechanische sterkte 70 N (max.
living connect ® 52 UK DE DK NL 6. Demonteren van living c onnect ® W an nee r u de th erm ost aa t w ilt de mon te re n, pla ats dan ee n g esc hi kt ger ee dsc hap do or het ga at je in de batterijkamer van de thermostaat in het gaatje van de zwar te ring eronder (zie afbeelding).
Danfoss Heating Solutions 53 UK DE DK NL Gebruikershandleiding voor living c onnect® 1. Overzicht van het systeem ............................................ 53 2. Overzicht van het display en de bedieningsknoppen ...................................
living connect ® 54 UK DE DK NL 2. Overzicht van het display en de bedieningsknoppen Lage batterijspanning T emperatuur- instelling Netwerk- verbinding Alarm Kinderslot Vorst- beveiliging Gebruik deze knoppen om door het menu te bladeren en de temperatuur aan t e passen.
Danfoss Heating Solutions 55 UK DE DK NL 4. T emperatuur aanpassen De t emp era tuur wo rd t st anda ard geregeld via de Danfoss Link TM CC , maar k an op elk moment wor - den gewij zigd via de knoppen van de thermostaat.
013R9501, VIFN E29P Danf oss ca n accep t no re spon sibi lit y for p ossi ble e rror s in ca tal ogu es, br ochu res an d oth er pri nted m ateri al. Da nfos s rese rv es the r ight t o alter i ts pr odu ct s with out n otice .
An important point after buying a device Danfoss living connect (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Danfoss living connect yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Danfoss living connect - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Danfoss living connect you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Danfoss living connect will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Danfoss living connect, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Danfoss living connect.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Danfoss living connect. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Danfoss living connect along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center