Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DAP-2695 D-Link
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Document Creat ed by Nick Schuster.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 2 T able of C on t ents Pr oduct O verview ......................................................................4 Introduction ................................................................................... 4 F eatur es .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 3 T rac Con trol...............................................................................48 Uplink/Downlink Setting ................................................. 48 QoS.........................................
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 4 P r oduc t O v er view Introduction D- L in k, an in d u s try pi o n e er in wi r el es s ne tw or ki n g , in t r o d uc es a so l u t io n fo r bu si ne s se s se e ki ng t o de pl o y ne xt ge n e r a t io n dr a ft 80 2 .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 5 F eatur es y P ro vi de Et h e rn et t o W i r e l es s L A N b ri dge fu l l y IE EE 8 02 .3 / u/ ab c o m p a ti bl e o n th e E t h e rn et si de a n d fu ll y in te ro p e r a b le wi t h IE EE 8 0 2. 11 a c an d b / g/ n/ a c o mp li a n t eq u ip me n t y C o m p a ti bl e w it h I EE E 80 2 .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 6 P ack age C ont ents • DAP -2695 Ac cess P oint • Six Detachable Antennas • P ower A dapter • P oE Base Unit • Mounting Plate and Hardw are • Ethernet Cable .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 7 Har dwar e O ver view LEDs C onnec tions 1 2 3 4 5 1 Reset Button Pr ess and hold for six seconds to reset the access point to the factor y default settings. 2 Console Port Connect the supplied console cable to c ongure using a command line interface.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 8 Basic I nstalla tion Hardw ar e Setup T o po we r t he a c c e s s p oi n t , y ou ca n u se o ne o f t he f o l l o w i ng 3 m et h od s: Me th od 1 - U s e i f y o u ha v e a P oE s w i t c h or r ou te r .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 9 Method 2 - P oE w i t h o u t P o E S wi tc h o r R o u t er 1. C on ne ct o n e e nd o f a n Et h e rn et ca b le i n t o th e D a t a In p ort o n th e P oE b a se u n it a n d th e o th er e n d in t o o ne p o rt on yo ur sw i t c h, r out er , or c om p u t e r .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 10 Method 3 - No P oE 1. C on ne ct o n e e nd o f y o u r E th ern et ca bl e in t o t he LA N1 (P o E ) o r LA N2 po rt an d th e n co n n e ct th e o th er en d t o a s w it ch , r o u t e r , o r c om p u t e r . 2. U s e th e s up pl ie d p o w e r a da pt e r .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 11 W eb U ser Int er face The D AP-2695 supports an elaborate web user int er face where the user can c ongure and monitor the devic e. Most of the congurable settings are located in the left menu of the web GUI which c ontains section called Basic Settings , Advanced Settings and Status .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 12 W ireless On the wireless settings page , you can setup the basic wireless c onguration f or the access point. The user can choose fr om 4 dier ent wireless modes.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 13 Channel: Channel Width: Authentica tion: T o c ha ng e th e ch an n el , r s t to g gl e th e A ut o C ha nn el Se l e ct io n se tt in g t o Di sa bl e , a nd t he n use t he d r o p-d o wn me nu t o m ak e th e d es ir ed se l ec t io n.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 14 W ireless Band: Mode: Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto C hannel Selec tion: Channel: Channel Width: Se lec t e ith er 2 .4G Hz o r 5 G Hz fr om th e d ro p-d ow n me nu . W D S w i t h A P mo de i s s e l e c t e d f r om t h e d r op- d o wn me nu .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 15 Remote AP MA C Addr ess: Site Survey: Authentica tion: En te r t he M A C a dd re ss es o f th e A P s o n y o u r n etw or k th at w il l s erv e a s b rid ge s t o w i r e l e ss ly c o nn ect m u lt ip l e ne tw or ks .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 16 W ireless Band: Mode: Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto C hannel Selec tion: Channel: Channel Width: Remote AP MA C Addr ess: Se l e ct e i t he r 2 . 4G Hz o r 5 G Hz f r om t he d r o p-d o wn me nu . WD S i s se l ec t e d f ro m t he dr op- do wn m e nu .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 17 Site Survey: Authentica tion: Click on the Scan button to search f or available wir eless networks, then click on the available netw ork that you want to connect with. Use the drop-down menu to choose Open Syst em , Shared K ey , or WP A-Personal .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 18 W ireless Band: Mode: Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto C hannel Selec tion: Channel: Channel Width: Site Survey: Authentica tion: Se lec t ei t h e r 2 . 4 GH z or 5 G Hz f r o m th e dr op-d o wn me nu . W ir e l e ss C li en t is s el ec t ed f r o m t h e d r op -d o w n m en u.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 19 W i r el es s s e c ur it y i s a k ey co n c er n f o r a n y w i r e l e ss ne tw o r k i n st al l e d . U n l ik e a n y o t he r n e t w or ki n g m et ho d w i r e l e ss ne tw o r k s w il l b r o a dc as t i t’ s p r es e n c e f o r a n y on e t o c o n ne ct t o it .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 20 W i-F i Pr otected Ac cess ( WP A / WP A2) WP A was creat ed by the Wi-F i Alliance to addr ess the limitations and w eaknesses found in WEP . This prot ocol is mainly based on the 802.11i standard. Ther e are also two variations f ound in WP A called WP A-Personal (PSK) and WP A-Enterprise (EAP).
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 21 WP A Mode: Cipher T ype: Group Key Upda te Interval: Network Ac cess P rotection: RADIUS Ser ver: RADIUS Port: RADIUS Secret: When WP A-Enterprise is selected, you must als o select a WP A mo de fro m the drop-do wn men u: AUT O ( WP A or W P A2 ), W P A2 Onl y , or WP A Only .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 22 LAN LAN is shor t for L ocal Ar ea Network. This is consider ed your int ernal network . These are the IP settings of the LAN interface for the D AP-2695. These settings may be r eferr ed to as private settings . Y ou may change the LAN IP address if needed.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 23 A dvanc ed Settings In th e A d v an ce d S e tt in gs S e ct i o n t h e us e r c a n c o n gu re a d v a n c e d se t t i ng s co n c e rn in g P erf o rm anc e ,.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 24 P er formanc e On the P er formance Settings page the users can congur e more advanc ed settings concerning the wireless sig nal and hosting. W ireless Band: W ireless: W ireless Mode: Data Rate*: Beacon Interval (25-500): D TM Interval (1-15): Se lec t e it h er 2 .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 25 T ransmit P ow er: WMM ( Wi-F i Multimedia): Ack Time Out (2.4 GHZ, 64~200): Short GI: IGMP Snooping: Multicast Bandwidth Con trol : HT20/40 Coe xistence : T h i s se tt i n g d e t e r m i n e s th e po w e r le ve l of t h e w i r e l e s s t r a n s m i s s i o n .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 26 W ireless Resourc e Con trol The Wireless Resourc e Contr ol window is used to c ongure the wir eless connection settings so that the device can detect the better wireless connection in your envir onment.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 27 User Limit: 11n Pr eferred: Network Utilization: Aging out: RSSI Threshold: Data Rate Threshold: A CL RSSI: A CL RSSI Threshold: Set the maximum amount of users that are allow ed access (z ero to 64 users) t o the device using the specied wireless band.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 28 Multi-SSID The device supports up to four multiple Ser vice Set Identiers . Y ou can set the Primar y SSID in the Basic > W ireless section. The SSID’ s factor y default setting is dlink. The SSID can be easily changed to c onnect to an existing wireless network or to establish a new wireless network.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 29 Encr yption: Key T ype: Key Size: Key Index (1-4): Key: WP A Mode: Cipher T ype: Group Key Upda te Interval: P ass Phrase: Conrm P ass Phrase: RADIUS Ser ver: RADIUS Port: RADIUS Secret: W h en y ou se l e ct Op en S y s t e m, t ogg le be t w e e n En ab le an d Di sa b le .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 30 VLAN The D AP-2695 supports VLANs. VLANs can be created with a Name and VID . Mgmt ( T CP stack), LAN, Primary/Multiple SSID , and WDS connec tion can be assigned to VLANs as they are phy sical por ts. An y packet which enters the D AP -2695 without a VLAN tag will have a VLAN tag inser ted with a PVID .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 31 The P ort List tab displays the current ports. If you want to congur e the guest and internal networks on a Virtual LAN ( VLAN), the switch and DHCP ser ver y ou are using must also support VLANs.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 32 The Add/E dit VLAN tab is used to congure VLANs. Once you hav e made the desired changes , click the Save butt on to let your changes take eect. VLAN Status: VLAN ID: VLAN Name: Use the radio button t o toggle to Enable .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 33 The PVID Setting tab is used to enable/disable the P ort VLAN Identier Auto A ssign Status as w ell as to congur e various types of PVID settings. Click the Save butt on to let your changes take e ect. VLAN Status: PVID Aut o Assign Status: Use the radio button t o toggle between Enable and Disable.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 34 Intrusion The W ireless Intrusion Pr otection windo w is used t o set AP s as All, V alid, Neighborhood, Rogue , and New . Click the Sa ve button to let your changes take eect. W ireless Band: AP List: Detect: Select 2.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 35 Schedule The Wireless Schedule Settings window is used to add and modify scheduling rules on the devic e. Click the Sav e button to let y our changes take eect.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 36 AP Arr ay The AP Array window allows users to create a set of devices on a network that are organized into a single group in order to increase ease of management. Once a user has made the desir ed settings, click the Sav e button to let the changes take e ect.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 37 Network Name (SSID): SSID Visibility: Auto C hannel Selec tion: Channel Width: Security : Se l e ct t h is o p ti on t o u se a N e tw or k Na m e (S SI D) . Se l e ct t h is o p ti on t o e na bl e S SI D V is i b il ity .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 38 SSID: SSID Visibility: Security : WMM: VLAN: Se lec t t hi s o pt i on t o us e a n SS I D . Se lec t t hi s o pt i on t o ma ke th e S SI D V is i bl e. Se lec t t hi s o pt i on t o us e W ir el es s Se cu ri ty . Se lec t t hi s o pt i on t o us e W M M .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 39 W eb Redirection This page allows the user t o setup a Web Redir ection Page f or Hotspot roaming users prior and after to authentication.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 40 Internal RADIUS Ser ver The DAP -2695 features a built-in RADIUS ser ver . Once you have nished adding a RADIUS account , click the Save button to let your changes take eect. The newly- created account will appear in this RADIUS Account List.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 41 ARP Spoong Pr ev ention The ARP Spoong P reven tion featur e allows users t o add IP/MA C address mapping to pr event arp spoong attack.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 42 F air Air Time The F air Air Time window allows the user t o manage the bandwidth of the device and arrange the bandwidth f or various wireless clients . When the fair air time rule is nished, click the A dd button. T o discard the A dd F air Air Time Rule settings, click the Clear button.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 43 DHCP Ser ver The DHCP address pool denes the r ange of the IP address that can be assigned t o stations in the network. A D ynamic P ool allows wir eless stations to rec eive an a vailable IP with lease time contr ol.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 44 Static P ool Setting The DHCP address pool denes the r ange of IP addresses that can be assigned t o stations on the network. A static pool allows specic wireless stations to rec eive a x ed IP without time contr ol.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 45 C urrent IP Mapping List This window displa ys information about the curr ent assigned DHCP dynamic and static IP addr ess pools. This information is a vailable when you enable DHCP ser ver on the AP and assig n dynamic and static IP address pools .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 46 F ilters This page allows the user t o congure Wir eless MA C ACL settings f or acc ess control . W ireless Band: Ac cess C ontrol List: MA C Addr ess: MA C Addr ess List: Curr ent Client Information: Di sp l a y s t he c ur re n t w ir el es s ba nd r a t e.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 47 This page allows the user t o congure a WLAN P artition. W ireless Band: Link Integrity: Ethernet WLAN Access: Internal Station C onnection: D i sp la y s th e c ur r e n t wi r el es s b an d . S el e c t E na b le or D is ab l e .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 48 T rac C ontr ol The uplink/downlink setting allo ws users to customiz e the downlink and uplink interfaces including specifying downlink/uplink bandwidth rates in Mbits per second. These values ar e also used in the QoS and T rac Manager windows .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 49 Quality of Ser vice (QoS) enhances the experience of using a network by prioritizing the trac of di erent applica tions. The DAP -2695 supports four priority levels. Onc e the desired QoS settings are nished , click the Save butt on to let your changes take e ect.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 50 The trac manager f eature allo ws users to cr eate trac management rules tha t specify how to deal with listed clien t trac and specify downlink/ uplink speed for new tr ac manager rules. Click the Sav e button to let y our changes take eect.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 51 Status In the Status Sec tion the user can monitor and view congur ation settings of the access poin t. Here the user can also view statistics about client information, WDS information and more . The following pages will e xplain settings found in the Status section in more detail .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 52 Device Inf ormation This page display s the current inf ormation like rmwar e version, Ethernet and wireless par ameters, as w ell as the information r egarding CPU and memor y utilization.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 53 Client Informa tion This page display s the associated clients SSID , MAC, band , authentication method , signal strength, and po wer saving mode f or the DAP -2695 network.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 54 WDS Information P age This page display s the access points SSID , MAC, band , authentication method , signal strength, and status f or the D AP-2695’ s Wireless Distribution System netw ork.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 55 Channel Analyz e W ireless Band: Detect: AP List: Se lec t e it h er 2 . 4G hz o r 5 GH z . Cl ic k t he De te ct b ut to n t o sc an .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 56 Stats P age Displays wir ed interface net work trac inf ormation. Ethernet T rac Statistics: T h i s pa ge d i s p la ys t r a n s mi tt e d an d r e c e i v e d c o un t s t a t is ti cs f or p ac k et s a nd b y t e s .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 57 WLAN T rac Statistics Displays thr oughput, transmitted frame , rec eived frame , and WEP frame error information f or the AP network. WLAN T rac S tatistics: This page display s wireless network statistics for da ta throughput, transmitted and r eceived frames , and frame errors .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 58 L og The AP’ s embedded memor y holds logs here . The log information includes but is not limited t o the follo wing items: cold start AP , upgrading rmwar e, client associat e and disassociate with AP , and web login.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 59 Log Settings Enter the log server ’ s IP address to send the log to that server . Check or uncheck System A ctivit y , Wir eless Activity , or Notice to specify what kind of log type you want it to log .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 60 Maintenanc e Sec tion In the Status Sec tion the user can monitor and view congur ation settings of the access poin t. Here the user can also view statistics about client information, WDS information and more . The following pages will e xplain settings found in the maint enance section in more detail.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 61 A dministr ation Check one or more of the ve main ca tegories to display the v arious hidden administrator parameters and settings displa yed on the next ve pages. Each of the v e main categories display various hidden administra tor parameters and settings .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 62 Sy stem Name Settings Each of the ve main categories displa y various hidden administrator par ameters and settings. Sy stem Name: Location: The name of the device . The default name is D-Link DAP-2695. The phy sical location of the device , e.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 63 SNMP Settings Each of the ve main categories displa y various hidden administrator par ameters and settings. Status: Public C ommunity String: Priva te C ommunity String: Check the box to enable the SNMP functions. This is enabled by default.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 64 F irm ware and SSL Upload This page allows the user t o per form a rm ware upgr ade. A F irmware upgrade is a function that upgrade the running software used by the access point. This is a useful f eature that pr even ts future bugs and allow s for new f eatures t o be added to this product.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 65 C ongura tion F ile Upload This page allows the user t o backup and reco ver the current c onguration of the acc ess point in case of a unit failure .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 66 T ime and Dat e Settings Enter the NTP server IP , choose the time zone, and enable or disable da ylight saving time . Curr ent Time: Enable NTP Ser ver: NTP Ser ver: T.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 67 C ongur ation and S yst em These options are the r emaining option to choose from in the t op menu. C onguration allow s the user to sav e and activate or discard the congurations done . Syst em allows the user to r estart the unit, per form a factor y reset or clear the language pack settings.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 68 S y stem Settings On this page the user can restart the unit, per form a factor y reset of the access poin t or clear the added language pack. Restar t the Device: Restore to F actor y Default Settings: Clear Language P ack: Click Restar t to restart the DAP -2695.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 69 Help The help page is useful to view a brief description of a function available on the access point in case the manual is not pr esent.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 70 Knowledge Base D-Link wireless products are based on industr y standards t o provide high-speed wir eless connectivity that is easy to use within your home , business or public access wir eless networks. D-Link wireless products provides y ou with access t o the data you wan t, whenever and wher ever you want it .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 71 The D -Link Access Point lets you access your net work using a wireless connection from vir tually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless netw ork.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 72 T roubleshooting When entering the IP address of the D-Link access point ( for example), you are not connecting t o a w ebsite on the Internet or have to be connected to the Internet. The device has the utility built-in to a ROM chip in the devic e itself .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 73 After you install y our network adapter , by default, the T CP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address fr om a DHCP ser ver (i.e . wireless router) aut omatically . T o verify your IP address , please follo w the steps below .
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 74 If you are not using a DHCP capable gatew ay/rout er , or you need to assign a static IP address , please f ollow the steps below: Step 1: Windo ws® 2000: Click on Sta.
D-Link DAP-2695 U ser Manual 75 T echnical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11ac (draft) • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11a • IEEE 802.
An important point after buying a device D-Link DAP-2695 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DAP-2695 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DAP-2695 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DAP-2695 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DAP-2695 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DAP-2695, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DAP-2695.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DAP-2695. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DAP-2695 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center