Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DAP-1533 D-Link
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2 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual D-Link res er ves the right to rev ise this publi catio n and to make change s in the cont ent her eof withou t obligat ion to notif y any perso n or organiz ation of such revisions or changes .
3 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual T able of Cont ents Prefac e ................................................................................ 2 Manual Revisions .......................................................................... 2 T rademarks ..
4 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual T able of Cont ents C onguration f or Bridge Mode ...................................... 44 W eb-based Conguration Utility .......................................... 44 Setup W izard ...............................
5 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview D-Link DAP-1533 Wir eless N450 MediaBridge®/Access P oin t Ethernet Cable P ow er Adapter CD-ROM with User Manual P r oduc t O v er view.
6 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview S y st em Requiremen ts Network Requir ements • An Ethernet-based Cable or DSL modem with a br oadband router • IEEE 802.
7 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview Introduction W ireless N450 MediaBridge®/A cc ess P oint - F lexible netw orking solutions Whether you ’ re wan ting to giv e high ban.
8 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview • F as ter W irel ess Netw orking - The DAP -1533 prov ides up to 450Mbps* wire less con nection with other 802.1 1n wir eless clients. This capability allow s users to participate in real-time ac tivities online, such as video str eaming, online gaming , and re al-t ime audio .
9 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview Har dwar e O v er view C onnec tions 1 WPS Button Pr ess for 3 seconds to star t the WPS proc ess. After pressing , the AP or Bridge LED (depending what mode y ou have selec ted) will blink.
10 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 1 - Pr oduct O verview LEDs 1 P ower LED A solid green light indica tes a proper connection to the pow er supply . 2 AP LED A solid light indicates that the DAP -1533 is in AP mode. This LED will blink during the WPS connection process.
11 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation Installation This sec tion will walk you through the installation process. Placement of the DAP -1533 is ver y impor tant. D o not place the DAP -1533 in an enclosed ar ea such as a closet, cabinet, or in the attic or garage .
12 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation W ireless Installation C onsidera tions The D-Link wireless access point lets y ou acc ess y our network using a wireless connection fr om virtually an ywhere within the operating range of your wireless net work.
13 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation Depending on how y ou want to use your D AP-1533 will determine which mode you use . This section will help you gure out which setting works with your setup .
14 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation Crea te a F ull MediaB and (5GHz wireless) Netw ork If you have two DAP-1533 devices and want to create a wireless network with full MediaBand technology you will need to conne ct one W irele ss Bridge to your router and move the switch on the back panel to “ AP 5GHz ” .
15 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation One T ouch AP C ongur a tion One T ouch AP Conguration works like WPS but can transf er the wireless settings fr om an e xisting access point or wir eless router to the DAP-1533 in access point mode.
16 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation C ongur a tion f or AP Mode This section will show y ou how to c ongure your new D-Link wireless ac cess point using the web-based conguration utility .
17 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation C li c k La u n ch W i r e l es s Se t u p W i z a r d to q ui c kl y c o n g u r e y our a cc e ss po in t. If you want to enter your settings without running the wizard, click W ireless S ettings (on the lef t side) an d skip to page 21.
18 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This Wizar d is designed to assist you in connecting your wireless device to your access point. I t will guide you through step- by-step instructions on how to get y our wireless devic e connected.
19 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Click Next to continue . Click End to complet e the setup ..
20 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Selec t Manual as the conguration method to set up your network manually . Click Next to con tinue. Ente r a ne two rk n am e (S SID) a nd u nch ec k As sig n a network k ey to aut omatically creat e a network key .
21 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Manual C ongur ation W ir eless Setup Enable W ireless: W ireless Network Name: W ireless Band: W ireless Mode: Enable Auto Channel Scan: W ireless Channel: Channel W idth: V isibility Status: Ch e ck t he b ox t o en a bl e th e wi re l es s fu n c t io n .
22 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W ir eless Setup 2.4GHz Enable W ireless: W ireless Netw ork Name: W ireless Band: W ireless Mode: Enable Auto Channel Scan: W ireless Channel: Check the box to enable the wireless function.
23 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W ir eless Setup 5GHz Enable W ireless: W ireless Netw ork Name: W ireless Band: W ireless Mode: Enable Auto Channel Scan: W ireless Channel: Check the box to enable the wireles s func tion.
24 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Channel W idth: V isibility Status: Security Mode: Select the Channel W idth: Auto 20/40 - Select if you ar e using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless devices . 20MHz - Selec t if you are not using an y 802.
25 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation LAN Setup This section will allow you to change the local netw ork settings of the access point and to c ongure the DHCP settings. Device Name: LAN Connection T ype: En t er the Dev ic e N am e of the AP .
26 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Device Name: IPv4 Connection T ype: Ac cess P oint IP Addr ess: Subnet Mask: Default Gatewa y: En te r th e Devic e Nam e of the AP . It is re co mm end ed to change the Device Name if there is more than one D-Link device within the subnet.
27 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation IPv6 Address: Subnet Pr ex Length: Default Gatewa y: Primary DNS Ser ver: Secondary DNS Ser ver: En t e r t h e s t at i c I P v 6 a d d r e ss pr o vi d e d b y y ou r Internet Ser vice Pro vider .
28 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Obtain IPv6 DNS Ser vers automatically: Use the f ollowing IPv6 DNS Ser vers: Primary DNS Ser ver: Secondary DNS Ser ver: Select to obtain IPv6 DNS S er vers automatically . Enter a specic DNS server address.
29 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation A dvanc ed MA C Addr ess F ilter The M AC addr ess lter section can be used t o lter network acc ess by machines based on the unique MA C addresses of their network adapter (s). I t is most usefu l to preve nt unaut horize d wire less devi ces from con necting to your network.
30 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T ransmit P ower: WMM Enable: Short GI: IGMP Snooping: WLAN P ar tition: Sets the transmit power of the ant ennas. WMM is QoS for your wireless network . This wi ll impr ov e the quality of video and voi ce app lica tion s for y our wireless clients .
31 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Enable QoS: Priority by LAN P or t: Enable this option if y ou want Q oS to prioritize your trac .
32 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W i-F i Pr ot ec ted Setup Enable: This fea ture allow s y ou to add devices to y our network using a PIN or button P ress . Y our devices must suppor t Wi-F i P rotected Setup in order to be congur ed by this method .
33 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation User Limit Check the box to enable . Enter the maximum number of clients allowed to connect to the access point. The User Limit section allows y ou to set a maximum number of wireless clien ts that can connect to the access point .
34 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation P assword: V erify P asswor d: Ente r a n ew p as swo rd for t he Admi ni st rato r L o g i n N a m e . T h e a d m i n i s t r a t o r c a n m a k e changes to the settings. Enter the same password that you entered in the prev ious tex t box in orde r to co nr m i ts accuracy .
35 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Save t o Local Hard Drive: Load from L ocal Hard Drive: Restore to F ac tory Default: Reboot the Device: Use th is o ption to save the cur rent a ccess p oint conguration settings to a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using.
36 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Brow se: Upload: Af t e r y o u h a ve d ow n lo a d ed t h e ne w r mw ar e, click Browse to loca te the rmware update on your hard driv e. Click Upload to complet e the rm ware upgrade .
37 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T ime The Time Conguration option allows you to congure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system clock . F rom this section y ou can set the time zone that y ou are in.
38 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Ping T est / IPv6 Ping T est: Ping Result: The Ping T est / IPv6 Ping T est is used to send Ping pa c ke ts to t es t i f a c om pu te r i s o n t he Int ernet . Ent er the host name or IP/IP v6 add res s that you wish to P ing , and click Ping .
39 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Schedules Enter a name f or your new schedule. Sel ec t a day, a rang e of days, or Al l Week to include every day . Enter a start and end time for your schedule . The list of sched ules wil l be liste d here .
40 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation General: LAN: W ireless LAN: Displays the access point ’ s time and rmware version. Dis pl ay s the M A C ad dr ess and the pri va te (lo cal ) IP settings for the acc ess point. Dis pl ays th e wi rele ss MAC a ddre ss a nd yo ur wireless settings such as SSID and Channel.
41 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Log Options: Apply Log Settings now: F irst Page: Last P age: Pr evious: Next: Clear: Save L og: Refresh: There are t wo t ypes of lo gs th at can be viewed: System Ac t ivi ty , D ebu g In form atio n, Attac ks, Dropped Pack ets and Notice .
42 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Statistics T h e S ta t i st i c s p a ge d i s p la ys a l l o f t h e LA N a n d W i r e l e s s p a c k e t s t r a n s m i t a n d r e c e i v e s t a ti s t i c s .
43 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Help.
44 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation C ongur a tion f or Bridge Mode This section will sho w you how to c ongure your new D-Link wir eless MediaBridge using the web-based conguration utility .
45 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Th i s w i z a rd i s d e s i g n e d t o a s s i s t yo u i n c o n g u r i n g t h e w i r e l e s s s e t t i n g s f o r yo u r b r i d g e . I t w i l l g u i d e y o u t h r o u g h ste p - by- ste p i ns tr uc t io n s on h ow to s et up yo ur wi rel es s ne t wor k .
46 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation S e l e c t W P S co n f i g u r a t i o n i f y o u w a n t t o u s e Wi - Fi P r ot ect ed Se tu p . If y ou wan t to se t up yo ur netw o rk man ua l ly , ski p to pag e 47 . Cl ick N e xt to c on ti nu e .
47 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Sele ct Man ual conguration to se t up your net work manually . Click Next to con tinue. Ple as e wa i t wh il e yo ur d ev ic e sc an s fo r an a vai la b le Network. If you clicked on Site Sur vey , the following scr een will be display ed.
48 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation B a s e d o n t h e w i r e l e s s r o u t e r o r A P d e v i c e y o u a r e connecting to , select the Securit y Mode which applies . Click Next to con tinue. If you choose WEP , ent er the wirel ess security pass wor d and click Next to complet e the Setup W izard.
49 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Selec t A uto ( WP A or WP A2) and click Next to continue. Enter t he W P A /WP A2 Personal Passphrase a nd c lick Next to establish wireless connection. Click F inish to complete the setup .
50 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W ir eless Setup 2.4 GHz W ireless T ype: W ireless Network Name: W ireless Band: W ireless Mode: W ireless Channel: Channel W idth: Sele ct Infr as tructu re or A d-Ho c fr om the dr op-dow n menu.
51 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W ir eless Setup 5 GHz W ireless T ype: W ireless Network Name: W ireless Band: W ireless Mode: W ireless Channel: Channel W idth: Select Infrast ructur e or Ad -Hoc from the dro p- dow n menu.
52 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This fea ture allows y ou to clone the wireless M AC addr ess to connect the device. Select to enable Wir eless Mac Clone. Enter the desired M AC addr ess connected to your bridge to enable the clone function.
53 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Device Name: LAN Connection T ype: IPv4 Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gatewa y: Primary DNS Ser ver: Secondary DNS Ser ver: My IPv6 Connection: Enter the Device Name of the AP and click Next to continue .
54 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Dynamic Select DHCP to automatically obtain an IP address on the LAN/private network. LAN Connection T ype:.
55 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation A dvanc ed A dvanc ed W ireless This section allo ws uses to change the LAN Settings. W e do not rec ommend chang ing these settings fr om the factor y default. HT20/40 Coe xistence: Y ou m a y c h o o s e t o E n a b l e o r D i s a b l e t h i s f e a t u r e .
56 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation QoS Enable QoS: Priority by LAN P or t: Ena ble t his o pt ion i f you wa nt Qo S to pr io ri tize your trac .
57 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation P assword: V erify P asswor d: Ente r a n ew p as swo rd for t he Admi ni st rato r L o g i n N a m e .
58 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Save Settings T o Local Hard Driv e: Load F rom L ocal Hard Drive: Restore T o F actory Default: Reboot The Device: Use thi s opti on to save the current access p oint conguration settings to a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using.
59 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Brow se: Upload: After you hav e downloaded the new rmware , click Brow se to locate the rmware update on your hard drive.
60 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T ime The Time Conguration option allows you to congure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system clock . F rom this section y ou can set the time zone that y ou are in.
61 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation D i s p l a y s t h e a c c e s s p o i n t ’ s t i m e a n d f i r m w a r e version. Displays the MA C address and the privat e (local) IP settings for the acc ess point. Di sp la ys th e wir e le ss MA C addr e ss an d you r wir e les s settings such as SSID and Channel.
62 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation L ogs The access point automatically logs (recor ds) events of possible interest in its internal memor y . I f there isn ’t enough internal memor y for all events, logs of older events are deleted , but logs of the latest events ar e retained.
63 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Statistics T h e S ta t i st i c s p a ge d i s p la ys a l l o f t h e LA N a n d W i r e l e s s p a c k e t s t r a n s m i t a n d r e c e i v e s t a ti s t i c s .
64 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Help.
65 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - Security W ireless Security This section will show y ou the dier ent levels of security you can use to pr otect y our data fr om intruders.
66 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 4 - Security C ongur e WP A/WP A2 It is r ecommended t o enable encr yption on y our wir eless acc ess point before your wireless network adapt ers. Please establish wireless connectivit y befor e enabling encr yption.
67 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network C onnec t to a W ireless Netw ork U sing W indow s® 7 It is recommended to enable wireless securit y ( WP A/WP A2) on your access point before conguring your wireless adapter .
68 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network 3. Highlight the wireless net work (SSID) you would like to connect to and click the C onnect button. If you get a good sig nal but cannot acc ess the Interne t, che ck yo ur T CP/IP settings for your wireless adapter .
69 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network 5. Enter the same securit y key or passphrase that is on your access point and click Connect . Y ou can also connect by pushing the WPS button on the rout er . It ma y take 20-30 seconds to c onnect t o the wireless net work.
70 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network C onnec t to a W ireless Netw ork U sing W indow s V ista® Windo ws Vista® users may use the con venien t, built-in wireless utility .
71 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network Click C onnec t An y wa y to continue . T h e u t i l i t y w i l l d i s p l a y t h e f o l l o w i n g w i n d o w t o i n d i c a t e a connection is being made. The n al wi nd ow in di ca te s t he e s ta bl i sh me nt of a su cce s sf ul connection.
72 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network Selec t a network to c onnect to and then click the C onnect button. E n t e r t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s e c u r i t y k e y o r p a s s p h r a s e i n t h e f i e l d provided and then click the C onnect button.
73 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network C onnec t to a W ireless Netw ork U sing W indow s® XP Windo ws® XP users may use the built-in wireless utilit y (Zero Congura tion U tility). The following instructions are for S er vice P ack 2 users.
74 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network C ongur e Securit y It is r ecommende d to enable wireless security on your wireless bridge or access point bef ore conguring your wirel ess adapter . If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the security key being used.
75 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a W ir eless Network 3. The W ireless Network C onnection box will appear . Enter the security passphrase and click C onnect. I t m ay ta k e 2 0- 3 0 s ec on ds to co nn e c t t o t he wi re le s s n et w or k .
76 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DAP -1533. Read the follo wing descriptions if you are having pr oblems.
77 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting • Congure y our Internet settings: • Go to Star t > Settings > Contr ol Panel . Double - click the Internet Options Icon. F rom the Securit y tab , click the button to r estore the settings t o their defaults.
78 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix A - W ireless Basics D - Li n k w i rel e s s p ro du c t s are b as e d o n i n d us t r y s ta n d ard s to pro vi d e e a sy - to - u se a nd co m pa ti b l e h ig h -s p e ed wi re l es s connectivity within y our home , business or public access wireless networks.
79 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix A - W ireless Basics What is W ireless? Wir eless or Wi-F i technology is another wa y of connecting y our computer to the network without using wires. Wi-F i uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly , so you have the fr eedom to connect computers an ywhere in your home or oce .
80 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix A - W ireless Basics W ireless P ersonal A rea Networ k ( WP AN) Bluetooth is the industr y standard wireless technology used for WP AN.
81 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix A - W ireless Basics Wher e is wireless used? Wir eless technology is expanding every where not just at home or oc e. P eople like the freedom of mobility and it ’ s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now pro vide wire less acc ess to attract people.
82 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix A - W ireless Basics Security Don ’t let your next- door neighbors or intruders connec t to your wireless net work. S ecure your wireless network by turning on the WP A or WEP security feature on the ac cess point.
83 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking B asics Check y our IP address After you install your new D -Link adapter , by default, the T CP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP ser ver (i.e. wir eless rout er) automatically .
84 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically A ssign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gat eway/r outer , or you need to assig n a static IP address , please follo w the steps below: Step 1 Windo ws® 7 - Click on Start > Contr ol Panel > N etwork and Internet > N etwork and Sharing C ent er .
85 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications T echnical Specications Standards • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.11a • IEEE 802.
86 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix D - C ontacting T echnical Support C on tac ting T echnical Suppor t U .S. and Canadian customers can c ontact D -Link technical suppor t through our web sit e or by phone . Befor e you contact technical support, please have the f ollowing ready: • Model number of the produc t (e.
87 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty W arran t y Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link ”) provides this Limit ed W arranty: • Only.
88 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty Limited Soft ware W arr anty: D-Link warrants that the sof tware por tion of the product (“Sof tware ”) will substantially conform to D -Link.
89 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty • After an RMA numbe r is issued, the def ective produ ct m ust be packaged securely in the origina l or other suitable shipping pack age o ensure that it will not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked on the outside of the package.
90 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty While necess ar y maintenanc e or r epairs on your Pr oduct can be performed by any compan y , w e recommend that you use only an A uthorized D-Link Ser vice Oce. Improper or incorrectly per formed maintenance or r epair voids this Limited Warran ty .
91 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty C opyright Sta tement: No par t of this publication or documentation accompanying this product may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as tr anslation, transf ormation, or adaptation without permission fr om D-Link Corporation/D-Link Syst ems, Inc.
92 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix E - W arranty IMPORT ANT NOTE: FC C Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set for th for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distanc e 20cm between the radiator & your body .
93 D-Link DAP-1533 U ser Manual Appendix F - Registra tion V ersion 1.0 August 24, 2011 Pr oduct registration is en tirely volun tar y and failure to complet e or return this form will not diminish y our warranty rights. Registr ation Register y our product online at registr ation.
An important point after buying a device D-Link DAP-1533 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DAP-1533 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DAP-1533 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DAP-1533 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DAP-1533 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DAP-1533, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DAP-1533.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DAP-1533. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DAP-1533 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center