Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product INT9 Clarity
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Clarity INT9 A/D converter Code/Rev.: M105/25B – 11 July 2007 Phone: +420 - 251 013 400 © DataApex Ltd. 2007 Fax: +420 - 251 013 401 Podohradská 1 clarity@dataapex.
Sections of the manual c onnected only to the Cla rity Full version are marked with the icon and grey stripe to the right of the text. Clarity ® , DataApex ® and ® are trademarks of DataApex Ltd. Microsoft ® and Windows TM are trademarks of Microsoft Cor poration DataApex reserves the right to make changes to manuals without prior notice.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Table of Contents 3 1 Brief Descr iption ............................................................ 4 1.1 INT9 Acquisition card ........................................... 4 1.2 Hardware and software requirements........
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Brief Description 4 1 Brief Description This manual describes the use of the INT9 converter with Clarity software ver. 2.5 and later. INT9 is an internal 24-bit A/D co nverter card that measures the voltages of chroma tographic and electrochemical detectors.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Brief Description 5 A/D Converter types in general Prior to collecti ng and proces sing the ch roma- tographic signal by a computer, t he analog signal of the detector m ust first be converted to digital form usin g an analog/digi tal (A/D) converter.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 6 2 Installation Ensure that you have Administrator access rights to your Windows OS before you proceed with the installation. 2.1 The INT9 Card • Install Clarity software from the CDROM. Caution! I nstall the Cla rity software be fore inputt ing any devices.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 7 and tinned endin gs – red (+), wh ite (-) and shielding (an alogue groun d)]. • Starting (marker) cables Labelled “ IN1 ” to “ IN4 ” (correlating to chann el number) and tip ped with CI NCH connector (female).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 8 Starting cable Signal cable ST ART (REMOTE, …) Red Shielding SYMMETRICAL CONNECTION + (+1V , Hi, …) - (-1V , Lo, …) COM (0, GND ) Red Shielding White .
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 9 2.3.2 Connection of starting cables: Starting input reacts to a change of the TTL logical level (5V) or t o a connection by any contact (button, contact of relay). The input implicitly reacts to a change from HIGH to LOW (or closing of a contact).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 10 6. Enter the detector nam es in Name fields for individual channels, set s ignal units. Note: A detai led description of thi s dialog can be f ound in chapter 3.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 11 2.4.1 Measuring on multiple Instruments Rather than dragging the entire INT9 A/D Card Driver icon from the Setup Control Modules list (see Fig. 5), drag the individual detector s ignals ( TCD , FID in this case) to separate Instruments .
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 12 2.4.2 Using multiple INT9 cards When using m ultiple A/D car ds, it will be necessary to add the INT9 car d again, repeating the entire procedure described in chapter 2.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Installation 13 Device Manager , otherwise y ou will no t be able to add it in the System Con figuration dialog and configure its de tectors to Clarity Instruments. Fig. 7. Device Manager – two INT9 cards Note: A ma x imum of four I NT 9 cards ca n be configured and used in Cl arity simultaneously.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 14 3 Using the INT9 card There are generally two places f or setting the parameters of INT9 A/D Converter in Clarity . • The INT9 A /D Card S etup dialog for setting the parameters that are set with respect to the typ e of connected signal.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 15 Channel 1 (to 4) For each channel of the I NT9 A/D Converter the name of the signa l can be edited in the Name field and the Set Units... button can be used to change ot her signal parametres.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 16 Supply Frequency Allows to change the Mains Supply Frequenc y Suppre ssion. It i s used for suppresi ng the interference on th e specified frequen cy level. This setting influences th e sampling frequency as well.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 17 Select Detector Selects the detector w hose parameters will be set. If there is only one detector (channel) configured on the Cla rity Instrument, this control will not be displayed. Range Selects the input voltage range (in mV).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 18 3.2.2 Method Setup - Measurement Fig. 11. Method Setup - Measurement External Start/Stop Enables control from an external signal. Note: The Input us e d f or an e x te rn al Start from a chromatogra p h can be set in the System Configuration dialog (see Fi g.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Using the INT9 card 19 Down The station reacts to changes in voltage in the relevant co ntrolling input fr om high (> 3V) to low (< 0.7 V ), or to contact s closed in the relay. Up The station reacts to changes in voltage in the relevant controlling input from low (< 0.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 20 4 Troubleshooting If you will not find your answers her e, use the website where th e Support menu will navigate y ou to frequently asked questions (FAQ), Clar ity email confere nce archive or contact to DataApe x helpdesk.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 21 4.2 Problems with INT9 driver • “ Board ma lf unction ” If the error message " Board malfunction " appears, the card is probably incorrectly inserted or damaged. Solution: Check whether the INT9 A/D card is correctly set in the ISA slot.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 22 4.2.1 How to check the INT9 dri ver: How to check the INT9 driver: Windo ws 2000/XP/ Vista In the Start menu (lower le ft corner of the scree n), select.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 23 • The item does app ear and there are no error symbols around it. A driver for a different type of Window s operating syst em was possibly installed thereby replacing the c orrect driver. Solution: Uninstall the incorrect driver and install the correct one as described in section 4.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 24 • Select the Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) option. • Select In clude this location in the search ; here click the Bro wse button and select the path to the main folder of the work station and INT s ubfo lder ( C:CLARITYHW_DRIVERSINT9 by default).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 25 • In th e Syst em Rest ore dialog use the Restore my computer to an earlier time optio n and press the Next button. • In the next dialog select a restore point from a time before the incorrect driver was installed.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 26 Caution! This pr ocedure can only be used s a f ely i f no other hardware ha s been insta lled since the i nstallation of th e c ar d . Deleting incorrect *.inf files in the system Note: Be s ure to have th e Clarit y softw are inst alled alre ad y.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 27 • Select Add/Troubleshoot a device and press the Next button. • In th e Devices list select Add a new device and press the Next button.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 28 • Select No, I want to select the hardware from a list and press the Next button. • In th e Hardware types list select the Other devices option and press the Nex t button. • Click the Browse button to navigate to the driver located in the ( C:C LARITYHW_DRIVERSINT9 ) Clarity directory.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 29 • In the Models li st select the DataApex Acquisition device, Model 9.00 and press the Next button. • In the remaining dialogs press the Next button. • Restart the PC. • Re-check the driver in the De vice Manager as desribed in chapter 4.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 30 If your A/D card is not in the left- hand Setup Control Modules list, add it using the Add button and repeat the previous step. Note: More i nf ormation on con f igurat ion of the INT9 ca rd is in chapter 2.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Troubleshooting 31 If you only have Demo detectors in the left- hand Setup Control Modules list and your A/D card is missing, open t he Available Control Modules dialog and, using the Add button , add it to the configuration of the station.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Tables and specifications 32 5 Tables and specifications 5.1 Description of the INT9 card connector (Male) Connector pins: 1H + Input of the 1 st channel 1L - Input of the 1 st channel AGND1 Ground of the 1 st channe l IN1 Digital input (of the 1 st channel).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Tables and specifications 33 5.2 Parameters of digital Inputs and Outputs The card contains eight digital TTL outputs (OUT1-OUT8) with a max imum permissible current of 20 mA at bo th levels. The first four outputs are also designed as relay contacts (OUT1S1/OUT1S2- OUT4S1/OUT4S2).
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Tables and specifications 34 5.3 INT9 - CE Conf ormity Declaration.
Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Tables and specifications 35 5.4 Technical Data Converter typ e: 24-bit ΔΣ (de lta – sigma) Analog inputs: differential Number o f channels: 1, 2 or 4 fully inde pende.
An important point after buying a device Clarity INT9 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Clarity INT9 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Clarity INT9 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Clarity INT9 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Clarity INT9 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Clarity INT9, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Clarity INT9.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Clarity INT9. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Clarity INT9 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center