Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DL-2159-05 Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco Aironet 1 20 0 S eries Access P oint S o f twa re Conf iguration Guide Sof t ware Release 12.
iii Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configurati on Guide OL-2159-01 CONTENTS Preface xii i Audienc e and Scop e xiii Organi zation xii i Conv enti ons xiv Rela ted Publi cation s xv Obtain ing Docu mentati on xv Cisco.
Cont ents iv Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-01 CHAPTER 2 Using t he Manag ement Int erfaces 2-1 Using th e W eb-Bro wser In terface 2-2 Using the Web -B.
Content s v Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Settin gs on t he AP Ra dio Adva nced Page 3-17 Ethern et Configur atio n 3-23 Ente ring I dentit y I nformat.
Cont ents vi Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-01 Guidel ines for Wireless VL AN Deploy ment 4-21 CHAPTER 5 Configur ing Fil ters an d QoS 5-1 Filt er Set .
Content s vii Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Regist ration 6-10 Tunn eling 6-10 Proxy Mobi le IP Security 6-11 The Prox y Mobile IP Setup Pag e 6-11 Gen.
Cont ents viii Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-01 Setti ngs on th e Associat ion Tabl e Advance d Page 7-17 Event No tifica tion Setu p 7-19 Event Di spl.
Content s ix Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Authent icatin g Client Devices Usi ng MAC Addresse s or EAP 8-25 Enabl ing M AC-B ased A uthe ntica tion in.
Cont ents x Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-01 Retri eving Fir mware and Web Pag e Files 10-7 Distri buting Firmwar e 10- 8 Distri buting a C onfigur ati.
Content s xi Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Log Headi ngs 13-14 Saving the Log 13-14 Event Lo g Summary Pa ge 13-14 Using Comma nd-Line Diagnosti cs 13-.
Cont ents xii Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-01 IEEE 802 .11b A-4 APPENDI X B Protocol Filte r List s B-1 APPENDI X C Event L og Messages C-1 Message Fo.
xiii Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configurati on Guide OL-2159-05 Preface The Cisc o Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Configurat ion Guide describes how to configure Cisco Airo net 12 00 Ser ies A ccess Poin ts using the we b-based manage ment syst em.
xiv Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Preface Conv ent ions Chapter 9, “ Ne twork Ma nageme nt, ” describes how to browse to other devices on your network.
xv Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Pre face Relate d Publ icati ons Related Publications The follo wing do cuments pro vide more information about ac ces.
xvi Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Preface Obtain ing Do cument ation Documenta tion CD-ROM Cisco documentati o n and additional l iterature are a v ailable in a Cisco Documentation CD-R OM packag e, w hich ma y have shipped with your produ ct.
xvii Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Pre face Obtaining Technical Assistance Obtaining Tech nical Ass istance For all customer s, partne rs, resel lers, .
xviii Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Preface Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion Priority 4 (P4 ) — Y ou require in formation o r assistance with Cisco prod uct capabiliti es, install ation, or configurati on.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 1 Overview Cisco Air onet access po ints are wire less LAN transc ei ve rs that serv e as the center point of a stand -alone wireless ne twork or as the co nnectio n point b etween wireless an d wire d networks .
1-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Key Featu res Key Features This se ction desc ribe s the ke y featu res of the access point f irmw are. The follo wing are the k e y featur es of thi s firmware version : • Multiple IEEE 802.
1-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Manageme nt Options • Secure Shel l (SSH) suppor t for providing a stro ng user au thentic ation and encrypt ion of manage ment traffic.
1-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Quality of Service Supp ort What is QoS? QoS refers to th e ability of a netw ork to pro vide impro ved service to selected ne twork traf fic o ve r var ious underl ying t echnol ogies i nclud ing Et hern et and wire less L ANs.
1-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview VLAN Supp ort VLAN Support V ersion 1 2.01T1 suppo rts VLAN technology by mapping SSIDs to VLANs. W ith the multiple-SSID capability , the access po int can suppor t up to 16 VLAN subnets.
1-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew VLAN Support Figur e 1 -1 LAN Segme ntation and VLAN Seg mentation with Wi r eless Comp onen.
1-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview VLAN Supp ort In fu ndamenta l te rms, the key to c onfiguring an ac cess point to con nect to a sp ecific VL AN i s by conf iguring an SSID to map to that VLAN.
1-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Network Configuratio n Examples Figur e 1 -2 VLAN Exam ple Network Config uration Examp les This section de scribes th e access po int ’ s role in three co mmon wir eless networ k configurati ons.
1-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Configuration Examples Figur e 1 -3 A ccess P oints as Root Units on a Wir ed LAN Repeate.
1-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Network Configuratio n Examples Figu re 1 -4 Acce ss Point as Repe ater Central Unit in an All-Wireless Network In an all-wir eless netw ork, an access po int acts as a stan d-al one root un it.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 2 Using the Management Interfa ces This chap ter des cribes the in terfa ces you can use to config ure the acces s point.
2-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Manag ement Interfaces Usin g the Web -Bro ws er Inte rfa ce Using the Web-Browser In terface .
2-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Man agement Interfaces Using the Web-Browser Interface Navigating Using the Map Windows The Ma p window appea rs when y ou click Map at t he top of an y manage ment page .
2-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Manag ement Interfaces Using th e Command- Line I nterface The Networ k Map win dow appears when you clic k Netwo rk Map in the Map window .
2-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Man agement Interfaces Usin g th e Com man d-Line In terf ace Connecting the Serial Cabl e Connect a DB-9 t o RJ-45 ser ial cabl e to the CO M por t on a comp uter an d to the RJ- 45 seria l port on the acces s point.
2-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Manag ement Interfaces Using th e Command- Line I nterface Y ou can a lso en ter di agnostic com mands i n the CL I. See the “ Using Co mmand -Line Diag nostics ” section on page 13-15 for informatio n on the CLI diagnostic commands .
2-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Man agement Interfaces Using SNMP Applying Changes to the Co nfiguration The C LI ’ s auto-apply f eature i s on by default, so change s you ma ke to any page a re appli ed aut omatica lly when you move to another m anagem ent p age.
2-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 2 Using the Manag ement Interfaces Using SNMP Supporte d MIBs The access point supports the follo wing MIBs: • Standa rd MIB-II (RFC 1213-M ) Supported bra nches: – system (1.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 3 Radio Configuration and Basic Settings This c hapter describ es how to us e t he page s in t he ac cess point mana gement system to co nfigure the access p oint.
3-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Basic Set tings Basic Set tings This sect ion descri bes the basi c settings on the Expr ess Setup p age.
3-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Basic Settings Entering Bas ic Settings The Ex press Setup page .
3-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Basic Set tings Configuration S erver Pr otocol Set the Configuration Server Pr otocol to matc h the network's method of IP addre ss assignm ent.
3-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Basic Settings The me nu c ontains t he following op tions: • Root Access Point — A wire less LAN transcei ver that connects an Ethernet network with wir eless client stat ions.
3-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Basic Set tings Figur e 3-3 Repeat er A ccess P oint • Site Surv ey Client — A wireless device t hat de pends on an access po int fo r its connec tion to the network.
3-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Radio Network Com patibility (Ensure Compatib ility With) Y ou use this setting to automatical ly conf igure the access poin t to be compatible with other de vices on your wi reless LAN .
3-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation Entering Identity Information Use the AP Radio Identif ication pages to enter basic locating and identity information for the acce ss point rad ios.
3-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Primary Port Setti ngs T wo opt ions a llow you to design ate t he ra dio por t as t he Primary Po rt and sel ect whether the r adio port adopts or assu mes the iden tity of the primary port .
3-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation LEAP Password Use this f ield if the r adio is set up as a repeater and authentica tes to th e networ k using LEAP .
3-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Settings on th e AP R adio Har dware Page T.
3-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation • No — De vices that do no t specify a.
3-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Transmit Power This sett ing determi nes the po wer le vel of radio tr ansmission. T he def ault po wer setti ng is th e highest transm it power allowed in your regulatory do main.
3-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation Note If client de vices us ing po wer-sa ve mode wak e up too o ften wh en associat ed to th e access p oint, in crease the data beac on rate setting.
3-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Figur e 3-8 AP Radio Res tr ict Sear ch ed Channe ls P a ge for th e Inter nal Radio The page lists all the chan nels in the access point ’ s re gulatory do main.
3-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation Figur e 3-9 AP Radio A d v anced P a ge for I nter nal Radio Foll ow this lin k path to reach the AP Radio Advan ced pages: 1.
3-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Settings on th e AP R adio Advanc ed Page T.
3-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation Default Mul ticast Addr ess Filters MA C address f ilters allo w o r disallo w the forwardin g of multicast packets sent to specif ic MAC addres ses.
3-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Use Aironet Extensions Select yes or no to use Cisco A ironet 802 .
3-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation A Cisco Airone t W orkgroup Bridge provides a w ireless LAN conn ecti on fo r up to eight Ether net-en abled devices.
3-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Radio Configuration Temporal K ey Integrit y Protocol This set .
3-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Radio Configur ation If this access point is a repe ater , type the MA C address of one or more root-unit access points with which you wan t this acces s point to associ ate.
3-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Ether net Conf igurat ion Non-Root Mob ility This setting ap plies mainly to repeat er access points that you inte nd to use in a roaming en vironment.
3-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Ethernet Confi guration Settings on th e Ethernet Identificati .
3-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Ether net Conf igurat ion Figur e 3-1 1 Th e Ether net Hardwa r e P ag e Foll ow this lin k path to reach the Ethernet Hardwar e page: 1.
3-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Ethernet Confi guration • 10-Base-T / Half Duple x — Etherne t network c onnecto r for 10-M bps transm ission speed over twisted-pa ir wire and operating in half-dup lex mode.
3-27 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Ether net Conf igurat ion Entering Advanced Configuration Information Y ou use the Etherne t Advanced page to ass ign spec ial c onfiguration settin gs for t he ac cess point ’ s Ether net port .
3-28 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Ethernet Confi guration • Blocking — The port is blocking tra nsmiss ion. Blocki ng is always displa yed when there are no clients associat ed to the acce ss poi nt.
3-29 Cisco Aironet 1200 Seres Access Point Software Conf iguration Gui de OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Configura tion and B asic Setting s Ether net Conf igurat ion Maximum Multicast Packets/Sec ond Use this settin g to contr ol the number of multicast p ackets that can pass through the E thernet port each second.
3-30 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser es Access Point Software Config uration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 3 Radio Co nfigur ation and Basic Set tings Ethernet Confi guration.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 4 Configuring VLANs This ch apter d escr ibes VLA Ns an d provides i nformat ion ab out c onfiguring th em on an a ccess p oint. T he chap ter gu ides you th rough the pr ocess for configurin g a ty pical example VLA N deploy ment.
4-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs Entering VLA N Informat ion Entering VLAN Information T o access th e VLAN setu p page (see Figure 4-1 ). click VL AN in the Associations section of the Setu p page.
4-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s Entering VLAN Information • VLAN ID • VLAN Name • Exis tin g V LAN s VLAN Summary Status Link Clickin g this link takes yo u to a page contai ning a listi ng of exi sting V LANs on the acce ss point.
4-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs VLAN Security Policy Single VLAN ID which allows Unencrypted packets Identifies the number of the VLAN on which un encr ypted pa ckets can pass be tween the access po int and the switch.
4-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s VLAN Secur ity Policy • Def aul t Po lic y Grou p — Ability to appl y a pol icy group (set of La yer 2, 3, and 4 filte rs) fo r each VLAN.
4-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs VLAN Security Policy management tr af fic as well as the RAD IUS traf fi c is routed t o the access point thr ough the nati ve VLAN.
4-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s RADIUS-Based VLAN Access Contr ol If a cl ient or i nfras tructure device (such as a wor.
4-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs Criteria for D eploying Wir eless VLA Ns Figur e 4-4 RADIUS-Based VLAN Access Con tro.
4-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example • Comm on de vices used to access the WLAN, such .
4-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple • Maintena nce workers use spe ciali zed ha nd-he ld devices to acce ss inform ation sp ecific to maintena nce issues (such as tro uble t ick ets).
4-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example Using the Configuration Screens Using th e example ou tlined ab ove, this section describe s how to use the configurati on screen s to configure VLAN s on y our ac cess po int.
4-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple Figur e 4-6 VLAN Set up P age Step 4 Enter 1 in the Defa ult VL AN ID f ield. Step 5 Ente r Native VL AN in th e VLAN N ame f ield.
4-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example Figur e 4-7 VLAN ID #1 S etup P age Step 7 Make the following entr ies on this page : a. VLAN Name: Nati ve VLAN (shoul d be di splayed) b.
4-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple Creating the Full- and Part- Time VLANs The f ull- an d part -tim e VL ANs a re ess enti ally the sa me exce pt fo r their na mes and SSIDs.
4-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example Creating the Guest VLAN Step 1 Crea te a “ Guest ” VLAN using the follo wing confi guration: a. VLAN ( 802.
4-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple Step 3 Make the following entr ies on this page : a. VLAN Name: Maintenance b. VLAN Enable: Enabled c.
4-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example Figur e 4 -8 AP Radio Inter nal Service Sets page Step 3 In the Existing SSIDs f ield, highlight the Te s t A P 2 (pr imary ) SSID an d click Edit .
4-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple Step 4 Make the follow ing changes to thi s page: a. Rename the Primary SSID to Gues t VLAN b. Maximum under o f As sociations: 0 c.
4-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s A Wirele ss VLAN Deployme nt Example Enabling VLAN (802.1Q) Tagging and Identifying the Native VLAN When yo u hav e fini shed creat ing and co nf igurin g the VLANs and their asso ciated SSIDs , you must enable VL AN IEEE 802.
4-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs A Wireless VL AN Deploy ment Exa mple Figur e 4-1 1 AP Radio Service Sets P age Step 5 V eri fy th at th e SSID s you cre ate d appea r in th e Exis tin g SSID s field.
4-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring VLAN s Guideli nes for Wi reless VLAN Depl oyment Creating an SSID for Infrastructure Devices .
4-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 4 Configuring V LANs Gui deli nes f or Wirele ss V LAN Deploy ment.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 5 Configuring Filters and QoS This chap ter pro vides information a nd conf iguratio n procedures f or settin g up f ilters. T he chapt er also provid es information an d procedures for setting up QoS using f ilters you create.
5-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Filter Se tup Filter Setup This section describ es how to set up f iltering to control the flo w of data through the access point.
5-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Filter Setup Figur e 5-2 Pr ot ocol Filt ers P age Foll ow this lin k path to reach the AP Radio or Ethernet Protocol Filte rs page: 1.
5-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Filter Se tup Step 5 Click Add New . The Filter Set page appe ars. Figu re 5-4 show s the Filter Set page. Figu re 5-4 Fi lter Set Page Step 6 Select fo r w a r d or block from the D efault Disp osition dr op-down menu .
5-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Filter Setup Step 9 Select fo r wa r d or block from the Di sposition d rop-d.
5-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Filter Se tup Step 3 Select th e proto col f ilter set that you want to enabl e from t he Ethert ype, IP Pr otocol, or IP Po rt drop-down menu.
5-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Filter Setup Creating a MAC Address Filter Foll ow these steps to create a MA C address filt er: Step 1 Foll ow the lin k path to the Address Filters page.
5-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Filter Se tup Figur e 5-7 AP Radio A dvanc ed P age Step 7 Click Adv anced Primary SSID Setup . The A P Ra dio Prima ry SSID page a ppears.
5-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Filter Setup Figur e 5-8 AP Radio Pr imary SSID P age Select Open , Shared K ey , or Ne two rk-E AP to set th e authenti cations the acc ess poin t recogni zes.
5-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS QoS Config uration Note The Ethernet Adva nced page contains the Defa ult Unicast a nd Multica st Addres s Filter setting s for the Ethernet port.
5-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS QoS Configuration Figur e 5-9 AP Radio Qu ality of Service Se tup P age Foll ow this lin k path to reach the Quality o f Service setup page: 1.
5-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Applyi ng QoS Send IGMP General Quer y Conf igures the a ccess point to perform IP multica st fi ltering o n behalf of its clien ts.
5-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Applying QoS The be st example of th is is th e negotia tions bet ween the ac cess poi nt and a Symbol V oIP WLA N hand set.
5-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Applyi ng QoS By VLAN The defau lt priority of a VLAN can be set, and the access point uses this setting for all tr af fic on that VLAN ex cept when overridden by a filter setting.
5-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS Applying QoS By Filter Access po int filters al ready allow the classi fication of traffi c based upon E thertype , In ternet Protocol, or IP Por t.
5-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS Applyi ng QoS Figure 5-15 shows ho w the Spectr alink f ilter i s applied.
5-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS A Wirele ss QoS Deployment Example Foll ow th ese steps to ac cess the DSCP-to -CoS Con versio n page. Step 1 From the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Setup .
5-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS A Wireless Q oS Deploym ent Exampl e Step 5 Click Add New . The VLAN ID # xx page appea rs. Step 6 Set VLAN Enable set ting to Enable .
5-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS A Wirele ss QoS Deployment Example WEP Set on the Wirele ss Phone If WEP is set on your wireless phone, you must set an identical WEP k ey for the inter acti ve v oice VLAN.
5-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS A Wireless Q oS Deploym ent Exampl e Step 4 Click OK . Y ou ar e retu rned to t he Setup page . Step 5 In the Assoc iations se ction, click SSIDs: Int .
5-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuri ng Filters an d QoS A Wirele ss QoS Deployment Example Figur e 5-21 AP Radio : Inter nal Service Sets page Step 9 Lea ve all o ther settings at t he default se ttings and click OK .
5-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 5 Configuring Filters and QoS A Wireless Q oS Deploym ent Exampl e.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 6 Configuring Proxy Mobile IP This cha pter descri bes how to enable and co nfigure your ac cess poin t ’ s proxy Mobil e IP feature .
6-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Proxy Mobi le IP Proxy Mobile IP These sec tions explain how access poin ts conduc t proxy Mobile IP: Note Additional informat ion can be found in the P r oxy Mo bile IP D epl oymen t G uide , which is a v ailable on Cisco.
6-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Introduction to Mobility in IP The Nom adic Ap proach A noma dic no de is a device t hat moves, or ro ams f rom o ne n etwork to anoth er .
6-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Introd uction t o Mobili ty in IP Figur e 6-2 The Mo bile IP En vir onment In order for a mob ile node (MN) to successfully r oam across subnets it must f irst be anchor ed to its home netwo rk.
6-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Introduction to Mobility in IP Figur e 6-3 The Mobile IP T ra f fic P att er n When the m obile n ode ro ams back to its ho me network , it drops i ts registra tion w ith the h ome age nt an d the tun nel is rem oved.
6-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Introd uction t o Mobili ty in IP Proxy Mobile IP suppo rts Mobile IP for wireless nodes with out requiring specializ ed software f or those de vices .
6-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Introduction to Mobility in IP Issues to Consider While Deploying Proxy Mobile IP When deployi ng proxy Mobi le IP , consi der these ke y issues: • Proxy Mobil e IP is currently not suppo rted with VLANs.
6-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Introd uction t o Mobili ty in IP • A home agent.
6-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Introduction to Mobility in IP client de vices. Rather than waiting f or agent advertise ments, an access point can sen d out an agent solicitati on.
6-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Introd uction t o Mobili ty in IP When a client de vice associat es to an .
6-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP The Pro xy Mobile IP Setu p Page Data pa ck ets addr essed to the visiting client are r outed to its home n etwor k, whe re the home agent intercep ts and tunnels them to the care-of address to ward the visitin g client.
6-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP The Proxy Mob ile IP Setup Page Figur e 6-5 Pr o xy Mobile IP Set up pag e Foll ow this link pa th to reach t h e Proxy Mobile IP Setup page: 1.
6-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP The Pro xy Mobile IP Setu p Page Settings on the Proxy Mobile IP General P age Enable Proxy Mobil e IP This setting en ables the proxy Mobile IP fea ture on the access point.
6-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP The Proxy Mob ile IP Setup Page Settings on th e Authenticator Configuration Page 802.1X Pro tocol Version (for EAP Aut henticati on) This dr op-down menu allows you to select the dr aft of t he 802 .
6-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP The Pro xy Mobile IP Setu p Page Local SA Bindings Selecting t he Local SA Binding s link takes y ou to the Local SA Bindings pa ge ( Figure 6-8 ).
6-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP The Proxy Mob ile IP Setup Page Existing SA Bindings This field cont ains a list ing of previously co nfigured security asso cia tion bindi ngs.
6-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP The Pro xy Mobile IP Setu p Page Acti ve AAP This infor mational f ield lists the IP address of th e acti ve authorita ti ve access point.
6-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Configuring Pro xy Mobil e IP Registr ation Request s Denied by HA The num ber of time s the hom e agen t reject ed registr ation requ ests.
6-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Configuring Proxy Mobile IP • Access po ints c onfigured as authori tative acc ess poin ts mus t be ena bled fo r prox y Mobile IP befo re regular acc ess points.
6-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Configuring Pro xy Mobil e IP Figur e 6-1 1 A Sa mple Netw or k Foll ow these steps to create a Pro xy Mobile IP co nf igurati on.
6-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Configuring Proxy Mobile IP Step 3 Select the SSI D on which proxy Mobile IP will be supported and click Edit . The A P Ra dio: Int ernal Primary SSI D page a ppears ( Figu re 6-13 ).
6-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Configuring Pro xy Mobil e IP Figur e 6-15 Pro xy Mobile IP Gener al P age Step 8 Set the Enable Pr oxy Mobile I P setting to yes .
6-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Configuring Proxy Mobile IP Step 15 Click V iew Subnet Map T able . The acc ess poin t sees the ho me agent if an entry e xists for the des ired subnet an d display s it on the Subn et Map T abl e page ( Figu re 6- 17 ).
6-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Configuring Pro xy Mobil e IP Figur e 6-1 8 A uthenticator Co nfigur ation P age Step 2 Perform th e follo wing: a. In the Serv er Name/IP f ield, enter the IP address or domain name of the A CS serve r .
6-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Prox y Mobi le IP Configuring Proxy Mobile IP Step 5 Def ine an ent ry for each Proxy Mo bile I P-ena bled ac cess point ( F igu re 6- 20 ).
6-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 6 Configuring Proxy Mob ile IP Configuring Pro xy Mobil e IP Figur e 6-22 P assed A uthentication Scr een Step 8 In the Servi ces sect ion of the Setup page , click Pr oxy Mobile IP .
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 7 Configuring Other Settings This c hapter covers co nfiguration setting s n ot covered in Chap ters 3, 4 , and 5 .
7-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Server Setup Server Setup This secti on describe s how to configure the server to support acc ess point featu res. Y o u use separat e manageme nt syst em page s to ente r server se ttings.
7-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Server Setup Settings on th e Time Server S etup Page The Time Server Se tup pa.
7-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Server Setup Entering Boot Server Settings Y ou use the Boo t Server Setup page t o configure the acce ss point for your net work's BOOTP or DHCP servers for autom atic assignment of IP addr esses.
7-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Server Setup • DHCP Minimu m Le ase Dura tion ( min) • DHCP Client Identif .
7-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Server Setup DHCP Requ ested Lease Du r ation ( min) This setting spe cifies th e length of time the a ccess point reques ts for an IP address lea se from your DHCP serv er .
7-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Server Setup DHCP Cl ient Iden tifi er Value Use this setting to include a u nique identif ier in the a ccess po int ’ s DHCP request pa cket.
7-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Server Setup • Ext ra W eb Pa ge File • Default W eb Root URL Allow Non-Consol e Browsing Select yes to allow browsing t o the manage ment sy stem.
7-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Server Setup Entering Name Server Settings Y ou use the Name Server Setup page to configure the acc ess point to work with your network ’ s Domain Name Sy stem (DNS) serv er .
7-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Server Setup myco mpany .com The Current Domai n line under the entry f ield lists the domain that is serving the acce ss point.
7-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Routing Setup • FTP Directory • FTP User Nam e • FTP User P assword File Tr ansfer Prot ocol Use the drop- down menu to selec t FTP or TFTP (T rivial File T ransfer Pr otocol) .
7-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Routing Setup Figur e 7 -6 Routing Set up P age Foll ow this link path to reach the Routing Setup page: 1. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Setup .
7-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Asso cia tion Tab le Di spl ay S etup Installed Network Routes list The list of in stalled routes pro vides the destination netw ork IP address, th e gate way , and the subnet mask for ea ch inst alled route.
7-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Associat ion Table D isplay Setu p • Restore Cu rrent De faults — Applies the currentl y sav ed defa ult settings to the Associa tion T able and retu rns you t o th e Ass ociati on T able page .
7-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Asso cia tion Tab le Di spl ay S etup Settings on th e Association Tabl e Filt.
7-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Associat ion Table D isplay Setu p Packets To/ From Stati on Use these setting s to display packe t volume inf ormation in the Associati on T able.
7-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Asso cia tion Tab le Di spl ay S etup Figur e 7 -8 Associa tion T able Ad v anced P age Follow this link path t o reach th e Associ ation T able A dvanced page: 1.
7-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Associat ion Table D isplay Setu p Handle St ation Aler ts as Sever ity Level This setting de termines the Sev erity Le vel at which Station Alerts are repor ted in the Even t Log.
7-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Event Notification Setup Default Activit y Timeout ( seconds) Per Device Cl ass These set tings det ermine th e number of se conds t he access poi nt continu es to track a n inactive de vice dependin g on its class.
7-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Event Notif ication Setup How should time general ly be disp layed? Y ou use this pu ll-down menu t o dete rmine w hether t he events in the E vent Log a re displa yed as system uptime or wall-clo ck time.
7-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Event Notification Setup These sele ctions af fect displa y of e vents only . They are used to f ilter info rmation, not to remov e it from the Event Log.
7-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Event Notif ication Setup Figur e 7 -1 0 Th e Eve nt Handling Set up P age Foll ow this link path to rea ch the Ev ent Handling Setup page: 1.
7-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Event Notification Setup Settings on th e Even t Handling Setup Page The Ev en.
7-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Event Notif ication Setup If your browser is Net scape Commun icator, click the lin ks with you r left mous e button to view the trace data.
7-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Othe r Settings Event Notification Setup Foll ow this link path to reach the E vent No tif ications Setu p page: 1. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Set u p .
7-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 7 Configuring Other Settings Event Notif ication Setup Should Syslog Messages use the Cisco EMBLEM Format.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 8 Security Setup This chapter describ es how to set up your a ccess point ’ s secur ity feat ures.
8-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Security Ov erview Security Overview This sec tion descr ibes the types of se curity fe atures you ca n enable on th e access po int.
8-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Sec urit y Ov ervi ew WEP encry ption scr ambles the com municat ion between the access poi nt and client de vices to keep the commun ication p riv ate.
8-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Security Ov erview Figur e 8-2 Sequence for EAP A uthentication In Step s 1 throu gh 9 in Figu re 8-2 , a wireless client de vice and a RADIUS serv er on the wired LAN use 802.
8-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Sec urit y Ov ervi ew • MA C addres s — The access point re lays the wireless client de vice ’ s MA C a ddress to a RADIU S server on your n etwork, and the se rver chec ks th e add ress agains t a list of allowed M A C addre sses.
8-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Security Ov erview Figur e 8-4 Sequence for Op en A uthentication • Shared k ey — Cisco provides sha red key authe nticatio n to comply w ith the IE EE 802.
8-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up WEP Protecting the Access Point Configuration with User Manager The ac cess poin t ’ s user manager feat ure pre ven ts unau thor ized en try to the access point mana geme nt system.
8-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up WEP Note U se this page to configure the ra dio unle ss you have enab led VLAN s. If VLAN s are enabl ed, you must set the radio data encryp tion for e ach enab led VLAN through th e VLAN Setup pa ge.
8-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up WEP Beca use th e acces s poin t ’ s WEP key 1 is sel ected a s the transmi t key , WEP ke y 1 on the other device must conta in the same cont ents.
8-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Enab lin g Ad diti onal WEP S ecur ity Feat ures Using SNMP to Set Up W EP Y ou can use SNMP to se t the WEP lev el on the access point. Consu lt the “ Using SNMP ” secti on on page 2-7 for details on using SNMP .
8-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Enabling Additional WEP Security Features Use the AP Radio A dvanced page t o enab le MIC. Both the i nterna l radio an d the ra dio modu le have an AP Radio Adv anced page.
8-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Enab lin g Ad diti onal WEP S ecur ity Feat ures Foll ow these steps to en able MIC: Step 1 Foll ow the step s in the “ Setting Up WEP ” section on page 8-7 to set up and enab le WE P .
8-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Enabling Additional WEP Security Features Step 2 Foll ow this li nk path to bro wse to the AP Radio Adva nced page: a. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Set u p .
8-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up O pen or Shared Key Authe ntication Foll ow these steps to enable broadcast ke y r otation: Step 1 Foll ow the step s in the “ Setting Up WEP ” sect ion on page 8-7 to set up and en able WEP .
8-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up EAP Authentication Setting Up EAP Authentication During EAP a uthenticat ion, the acce ss point re lays authentic ation messages b etween t he RADIUS serv er on your net work and the authe nticati ng client de vice .
8-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up EA P Authent ication Note Y ou can use th e same serv er for both EAP authen tication and MA C-ad dress auth enticatio n. Step 2 Use the 802.
8-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up EAP Authentication Step 6 Enter the shar ed secret used by y our RADIUS s erv er in t he Share d Secret entry f ield. The sh ared sec ret on the access po int must m atch the sh ared secr et on the RADIUS s erve r .
8-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up EA P Authent ication Step 14 Enter a WEP key in slot 1 of the En crypti on Key f ields . The a ccess po int uses t his key for mu lticast d ata signals (si gnals sent fro m the acc ess point to several client devices at once).
8-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up EAP Authentication Note Restart ing th e serv ice clea rs the Logg ed-in User R epor t, refr eshes the M ax Ses sions counter , a nd temporarily inter rupts all Cisco Secure A CS services.
8-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up EA P Authent ication Step 2 Foll ow this lin k path to browse to the radi o ’ s AP Radio Identif ication page: a. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Setup .
8-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up MAC -Based Authentication Setting Up MAC-Based Authentication MA C-based authentic ation a llo ws only client de vices with sp ecif ied MA C address es to as sociat e and pass data through the acce ss point.
8-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up MAC-B ased Authe nticati on Note Step 2 and Step 3 describe entering MA C addresses in the acc ess point management system.
8-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up MAC -Based Authentication Y ou ca n configure up to four servers for authen tication service s, so you can set up backup a uthent icator s.
8-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up MAC-B ased Authe nticati on Figur e 8-12 AP Radio Adv anced P age Step 16 Select Di sallowed from t he pull-do wn menu for Defau lt Unicast Addr ess Filter for each auth entication type requirin g MA C -based authe ntication.
8-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up MAC -Based Authentication When you set Def a ult Unicast Ad dress Filter to disa.
8-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up MAC-B ased Authe nticati on Enabling M AC-Based Authenticatio n in Cisc o Se.
8-27 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Summary of Settings for Authentication Types Summary of Settings for Authentication Types Ta b l e 8 - 5 lists the access point settin gs required to enable eac h authenticatio n type and combinati ons of authenti cation t ypes.
8-28 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Summary of Settings fo r Authe ntication Ty pes EAP-TL S, EAP-MD5, and st atic WE P under 802.11 Open The a ccess point do es not suppor t this com binatio n of aut hentica tion type s.
8-29 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup RADIUS Attributes Sent by the Access Point RADIUS Attributes Sent by the Acce ss Point T ab.
8-30 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup RADIUS Att ributes Sent by the A ccess Poi nt T able 8-8 Attr ibutes Sent in Ac countin.
8-31 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up Backup Authentication Servers Setting Up Backup Authen tication Servers Y ou ca n configure up t o four servers for au thent icatio n services on the Aut hentica tor Configurat ion page, so you can set u p backup authe nticators.
8-32 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up A dministr ator Auth orization Figur e 8-13 A uthenticator Co nfigur ation P.
8-33 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting Up Administrator Authorization Figu re 8-14 Sec urity Se tup Page Foll ow this link path to reach the Se curity Setup page: 1. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Set u p .
8-34 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting Up A dministr ator Auth orization Figur e 8-16 User Ma nagem ent Windo w Step 4 Enter a user name a nd passwor d for t he new user .
8-35 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting up Centralized Administrator Authentication Figur e 8-17 User Manag er Setup P age Step 8 Select Use r Manager: Enabled to restrict u se of the access point ma nageme nt system to users in the user list.
8-36 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting up Cent ralized Ad ministra tor Authent ication Step 6 Click Back . Y ou are return ed to the Secur ity Setup pa ge. Step 7 Click User Ma nager .
8-37 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Security Setup Setting up Centralized Administrator Authentication System Flow Note s The follo wing notes help to iden tify and describe th e flo w between th e access point a nd its authenticati o n server .
8-38 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 8 Se curity Setup Setting up Cent ralized Ad ministra tor Authent ication • If the u ser en try is no t.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 9 Network Management This se ction de scribe s how to browse to other devices on your n etwork, how to use C.
9-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Using th e Associat ion Tab le Using the Associatio n Table The mana gement system ’ s Associatio n T a ble p age list s all t he devices, bot h wirel ess and wire d to t he root LA N, of which the access po int is aw are.
9-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Using the Association Table Using Station Pages Click a device ’ s MA C address in the Association T able ’ s MA C Addr . co lumn to displa y a Station page for th e device.
9-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Using th e Associat ion Tab le Information on Stat ion Pages Station Identif icatio.
9-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Using the Association Table To Station Inf ormation Fields in the T o Statio n colum n.
9-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Using th e Associat ion Tab le The fo llowing four fields appear only on the Station page for an acc ess point: • Stations As sociated — Displa ys, by number and cl ass, all stat ions assoc iated with the acces s point.
9-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Using the Association Table Figur e 9-3 Ping Windo w Performing a Link Test Foll ow th.
9-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Using the Ne twork Map Window Figu re 9-4 Li nk T est R esul ts Wi ndow Clearing and Updating Sta tistics Use t he Clear Stats a nd Refr esh buttons to cle ar and update t he Station pa ge sta tistics.
9-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Usin g Cis co Di scov ery P rot ocol Note Y o ur Inte rnet br owser must have Jav a enabled to use the map win dows.
9-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Using Cisco Discov ery Protocol Figur e 9-6 CDP Setup P age Foll ow this link path to reach the CDP Setup page: 1. On the Summ ary Status pa ge, clic k Setup .
9-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Assigning Network Ports Assigning Netwo rk Ports Use the Port Assignment s page to assign a specific network port to a re peater ac cess poin t or to a non-root bridg e.
9-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Enabling Wireless Net work Acc ounting Settings on the P ort Assignmen ts Page The.
9-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Enabli ng Wirel ess Network Acco unting Figur e 9-8 A ccounting Set up P age Foll ow this link path to reach the Ac counting Setu p page: 1.
9-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Enabling Wireless Net work Acc ounting • Port — The comm unication p ort settin g used b y the access p oint and th e serv er .
9-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 Network M anageme nt Enabli ng Wirel ess Network Acco unting Acct-Authen tic The method with which the client de vice is authenticated to the network. Th is v alue is al ways 1, wh ich represen ts RADIUS authentica tion.
9-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 9 N etwork Manage ment Enabling Wireless Net work Acc ounting.
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 10 Managing Firmwa re and Configura tions This se ction describe s how to up date the firmware version on t.
10-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Updatin g Firmw are Updating Fir mware Y ou use the Cisco Services Se tup page to upd ate the access point ’ s f irmwa re.
10-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Up dating Firmware Figur e 1 0-2 Updat e All Fir mwar e Throug h .
10-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Updatin g Firmw are Figur e 1 0-3 Updat e Fir mw ar e Thro ugh Br.
10-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Up dating Firmware Figur e 1 0-4 Update All Fi r mw ar e F rom Fi.
10-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Updatin g Firmw are e. In the F TP Passw ord ent ry fi eld, en ter the pass word as sociated with the user n ame. If y ou selected TFTP , you c an l eave this field blank.
10-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Up dating Firmware Retrieving Firmware and Web Page Files Y ou ca.
10-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Distri buting Fi rmwar e Distributing Firmware Use the Distrib u te Firmwar e page to distrib ute the access point ’ s firmware to other Ci sco Airo net ac cess points.
10-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Distributing a Configuration T o d istribute the firmware co mponen ts i ndividually , s elect no for Distrib u te All Firmwa re, and click the checkb oxes for the c omponent s you want to distr ibute.
10-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Downlo ading, Upl oading, and Resetting the Configu ration Foll .
10-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Downloading, Uploading, and Resetting the Configuration Figur e 1 0-9 Syst em Configur ation S etup P ag e Foll ow this link path in the bro wser inter face to reach th e System Co nfigur ation Setup page: 1.
10-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Downlo ading, Upl oading, and Resetting the Configu ration Uploa.
10-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 0 Managing Firm ware and Configurat ions Downloading, Uploading, and Resetting the Configuration Step 2 Enter the FTP settings on the FTP Setup page. a. Select FTP or TFTP from t he File T r ansfer Protocol pull-down menu.
10-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 10 Managing Firmware and Configurations Downlo ading, Upl oading, and Resetting the Configu ration Note .
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 11 Management System Setup This ch apt er explains how to set up y our a ccess poi nt to use SNM P , T eln et, or the c onsole p ort to manage the access point.
11-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 11 Management System Se tup SNMP Setup SNMP Setup Use the SNMP Setup pa ge to configure th e acces s point to work with your network ’ s SNMP station. Figure 11-1 shows the SNMP Setup page.
11-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 1 Management Syst em Setup SNMP Setup The Browse Mana gement Inform ation Bas e (MIB ) link at the bottom of t he SNMP Se tup page l eads to the Da tabase Que ry page .
11-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 11 Management System Se tup Console and Telnet Setup Changing Settings w ith the Database Query Page Follow these ste ps to c hange a n ac cess po int se tting f rom th e Data base Query page: Step 1 T ype the obj ect identi fier (OID) i n the OID field.
11-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 1 Management Syst em Setup Consol e and Telne t Setup Settings on the C onsole/ Telnet Pag e The Console /T elnet Setup page contains the follo wing settings: • Baud Rate — The ra te of data transm ission expressed i n bits per second .
11-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 11 Management System Se tup Console and Telnet Setup.
C HAPTER 12-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 12 Special Configurations This chapt er desc ribes how to set up the access poin t in network ro les other than as a root unit on a wired LAN.
12-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Configurations Setting Up a Rep eater Acce ss Point Setting Up a Repeate r Access Point A repe.
12-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Co nfigurations Setting Up a R epeater Access Point Figu re 12-1 Access P oi nt as Repe ater Y ou.
12-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Configurations Setting Up a Rep eater Acce ss Point Note Y o u can also rely on the DHCP server to assign a default IP subnet mask.
12-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Co nfigurations Using Hot St andby Mode Step 15 Also on the AP Radio Data Encrypt ion page, select the same Authentication T ypes that are on the root acces s point.
12-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Configurations Using Hot St andby Mod e Note Th e Current State field varies dependin g on the hot st andby status. It can display Hot Standby is not running , Hot Standby is initializing , or Hot Sta ndby i s mon itoring and protecting .
12-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Co nfigurations Using Hot St andby Mode Follow these steps to enable hot st andby mode : Step 1 On the standby access point, duplicate th e settings on the monitored access point.
12-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 12 Special Configurations Using Hot St andby Mod e Note If you need to browse to the stand by access poin.
C HAPTER 13-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 13 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting This chap ter describ es the diagno stic pages in the manage ment syste m and provides t roublesh ooting procedures fo r basic problems with the acc ess point.
13-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges Using Diagnostic Pages The ma nageme nt sys.
13-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages Radio Diagnost ics Tests Click Radio Diagnostics T ests to access the Radio Diagnostics p age and condu ct a carrier test ( Figure 13 -2 ).
13-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges The bar gra p h on t he lef t sid e of th e wind o w displa ys the p erce ntage use d for each fr eque nc y; the highest curr ent perc entag e used is lab eled on th e top left of the graph .
13-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages The fo llowing links are av ailab le on this pa.
13-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges There are three lin ks at the top of the pa.
13-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages Data Transmitted • Unicast pkts. — Th e number of packe ts transmitted in point-to -point communic ation.
13-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges Configur ation Infor mation • The top r o w of the Configu ration sectio n of the ta ble contain s a Set Pro perties link that le ads to the Ether net Har dware page .
13-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages Transmit Sta tistics • Unicast P acket s — The number of pack ets transmitte d in point-to-poin t communication .
13-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges Figur e 1 3-8 AP Radio P or t Pag e Like the Network Ports an d Etherne t Port pages, t he AP Radio Po rt pag e lists statisti cs in a ta ble divided into sectio ns.
13-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages • SSID — The uni que identif ier that cli ent de v ices use to associate with the access point radio.
13-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges • Discar ded P ackets — The num ber of pac kets discar ded by the acces s poin t due t o er rors or network congest ion.
13-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Using Diagnostic Pages Event Log Page The Ev ent Log page lists a ccess poi nt e ve nts and pro vides lin ks to the Eve nt Displa y Setup and Even t Log Summar y pages .
13-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Diag nostic Pa ges Log Headings The ev ent log is divided into three columns: • Ti m e — The t ime the e vent oc curred.
13-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s Figur e 13-1 0 Eve nt Log Summ ary P age Click the Sev erity heading o n the E vent L og page to reach the Ev ent Log Summary page.
13-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics Entering Diagn ostic Command s Foll ow these steps to enter diagnostic commands in the CLI: Note Th ese steps desc ribe ope ning the CLI with T elne t.
13-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s Diagnostic Command Results This secti on descri bes the info rmati on displaye d on the CLI for the diagnost ic comma nds listed i n T able 13- 1 .
13-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics :eap_diag2_on Use the :eap_di ag2_on command to disp lay the packet contents of each authentica tion s tep fo r clien t devices auth en ticati ng th rough th e acce ss poi nt.
13-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s • Use — num ber of pa ckets.
13-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics :vxdiag_checkstack Use the :vxdiag _chec ksta ck comm and to displ ay a summa ry of the stac k activity for each access point task.
13-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s :vxdiag_hostshow Use the :vxdiag_host show comman d to display remote ho sts and th eir IP addr esse s and aliase s.
13-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics :vxdiag_i Use the :vxdiag_i command to display a list of current task s on the access poin t.
13-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s :vxdiag_ipstatshow Use the :vxdiag_ipstatshow c ommand to disp lay IP st atistics for the acc ess point.
13-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics :vxdiag_memshow Use the :vxdiag_memshow comma nd to displa y informa tion on the a ccess point ’ s f ree and allocated memory .
13-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s :vxdiag_muxshow Use the :vxdiag_muxshow comm and to displ ay all t he networ king pro tocols inst alled on the a ccess point.
13-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Using Comm and- Line Dia gnost ics :vxdiag_routeshow Use the :vxdiag_routeshow command to displa y current routing infor mation for the access point.
13-27 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Usin g C omma nd- Line Diag nos tic s :vxdiag_tcpstatshow Use the :vxdiag_tcpstatsh ow command to display T ransmission Control Protocol (TCP) statistics for the access p oint.
13-28 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Tracing Pack ets :vxdiag_udpstatshow Use the :vxdiag_udpstatshow comm and to disp lay U ser Da tagram Protoc ol (U DP) sta tistic s for the access p oint.
13-29 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Traci ng Packets Step 3 Enter the n umber of byt es of me mory the a ccess point should use for p acket tr acing in the Ma ximum memory re served for Detailed Event Trace Buf fer (bytes ) entry field.
13-30 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Tracing Pack ets Tracing Pac kets for E thernet and R adio Po rts F.
13-31 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Checking th e Top P anel Ind icators A port ion of the H eader s Only pac ket trac e file mi ght look like t his examp le: ===Beginning of AP_North Detailed Trace Log=== 04:46:14 +17174.
13-32 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Checking th e Top Panel In dicators Figur e 13-1 1 T op P anel Indicat or Lights • The Ethe rnet i ndicator signa ls traff ic on the wired LAN , or Ether net infra struc ture.
13-33 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Checking th e Top P anel Ind icators Finding an Access Point by Blink.
13-34 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Checking Bas ic Settings Checking Basic Set tings Mismat ched basi c settings are the m ost com mon cau ses of lost connecti vity wit h wirele ss clien ts.
13-35 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Checki ng Basic Sett ings Note Dra ft standa rd 8 is the default se tting in firm ware version 11.05 an d earl ier , and it m ight r emain in effect when y ou upg rade t he firmware to versi on 11.
13-36 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Rese ttin g to the De fau lt Co nfig urat ion Step 3 Click A pply or OK to apply the se tting. The access poin t reboot s.
13-37 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Chapter 1 3 Diagnostics and Trou bleshoot ing Resetting to the Default Configuration Step 9 T ype yes , and press Enter to con firm the co mm and. Note The res et a l l command is v alid for only 2 minutes immediate ly after the access point reboots.
13-38 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Software Config uration Guid e OL-2159-05 Chapter 13 Diagnostics and Tr ouble shooting Rese ttin g to the De fau lt Co nfig urat ion.
A- 1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 APPEND IX A Channels, Powe r Levels, and Antenna Gains This a ppend ix list s the IEEE 802. 11a and IEE E 802.11 b cha nnels support ed by the world 's regula tory domain s as w ell a s the maxi mum p ower leve ls and antenn a gains allowed per dom ain.
A- 2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix A Cha nnels, Po wer Levels, and Ant enna Gains Channels Channels IEEE 802.1 1a The ch anne l ident ifiers, cha nnel cente r frequ enci es, an d regulator y domai ns of each IEE E 802.
A-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix A Channels, Power Lev els, an d Antenna Gains Maximum Power Le vels and Antenna Gains IEEE 802.1 1b The ch anne l ident ifiers, cha nnel cente r frequ encie s, an d regulator y domai ns of ea ch IEE E 802.
A- 4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix A Cha nnels, Po wer Levels, and Ant enna Gains Maximum Power Levels and Ante nna Gains IEEE 802.1 1b An imp roper comb ination of power level an d anten na gain can result i n EIRP above the am ount al lowed per regulato ry domain .
A-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix A Channels, Power Lev els, an d Antenna Gains Maximum Power Le vels and Antenna Gains Israel ( – I) (100 mW EIRP ma ximum) 0 100 2.2 50 5.2 30 6 30 8.5 5 12 5 13.
A- 6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix A Cha nnels, Po wer Levels, and Ant enna Gains Maximum Power Levels and Ante nna Gains.
B-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 APPEND IX B Protocol Filter L ists The table s in this appe ndix list the protocols available on the Protocol Filte rs pages descri bed in the “ Protocol Filte ring ” secti on on page 5-2 .
B-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix B Protocol Filter Lists T able B-1 Prot ocols on the Ethe rtyp e Filt ers P age Protocol Additional Identifier ISO Designator ARP — 0x0806 RARP — 0x8035 IP — 0x0800 Berk eley T railer Neg otiati on — 0x1000 LAN T est — 0x0708 X.
B-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix B Protocol Fil ter Lists User D atagram Protocol UDP 17 XNS-IDP IDP 22 ISO-TP4 TP4 29 ISO-CN LP CNLP 80 Ban.
B-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix B Protocol Filter Lists BOO TP Client — 68 TFTP — 69 goph er — 70 rje netrj s 77 fin g er — 79 Hy.
B-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix B Protocol Fil ter Lists SNMP Traps snmp-tra p 162 ISO CM IP Mana gement Over IP CMIP Management Over IP cm.
B-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix B Protocol Filter Lists rfs_s erv er remo tefs 5 56 Kerberos k admin kerberos- adm 749 network dic tionar.
C-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 APPEND IX C Event Log Messages This ap pendix lists the SNMP a nd SYSLOG e vent no tifi cations generated b y the access point.
C-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Formats Message Formats Ev ent mess ages ap pear i n eithe r the def ault forma t or in the C isco EMB LEM fo rmat.
C-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Form ats Sy slog Severity EMBLEM Sever ity SystemFatal ProtocolFatal PortFat.
C-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Message Desc riptions Ta b l e C - 1 lists the ev ent log messages.
C-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Protocol Info D eauthe nticati on from host , reason rea so n host : host MAC address RCV_DEAU TH Non e. Protocol Info R eceived Unexpected 802.
C-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns System Wa r n i n g Host sr cadd r has requeste d that this s.
C-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions System Wa r n i n g Station sr chost Associa ted with Encrypti.
C-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Protocol Wa r n i n g Rece i ved T runcat ed 802.
C-9 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Protocol Wa r n i n g Rece i ved Truncated Deauthentic ation f.
C-10 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Port W arning Failed to Addres s P acket from sr ch ost to d.
C-11 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Externa l Wa r n i n g Recei ved multicas t MA C addres s sr .
C-12 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Externa l Wa r n i n g Sorry , IPv6 protocol analy sis not y.
C-13 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Externa l Wa r n i n g Recei ved ARP pack et from sr ch ost t.
C-14 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns System Fatal Failed to Set System IP Address to netaddr (DB_.
C-15 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Protocol Fat al Port ifDescr is not an 802.11 netw ork ifDescr : Name of network inte rface PR O8 0211_BIND _ERR2 Reboot the acc ess point.
C-16 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Port F atal NIC MA C for de vice ifDescr canno t be Enab led.
C-17 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Protocol Wa r n i n g WEP Requi red in Ass ociate Response from Parent host , though this system disallows WEP host : MA C addre ss of h ost RCV_ ASSOCRSP_ ENC WEP is miscon figured.
C-18 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns System Info Hot standby AP state indicates that the m onitor mode setu p failed HSTN DB Y_ MON_F AILED V e rify ro ot ac cess point operat on.
C-19 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Port W a rning MAC-Addre ss Auth entica tion denie d for Statio n clientAd dr clie ntAd dr : client MAC address MACA U TH_ DEN Y A rogue 802.
C-20 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Protocol Wa r n i n g Station clie ntAd dr , User usernam e .
C-21 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions Sys tem Fatal R eboot ing Syst em due to c hang e in 80 2.
C-22 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns System Fatal Inst allation Keys Restored! Rebooting System SYS_REBOO T_ INSTKE Y Reconf igure the access point.
C-23 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions System Infor mati on Acct sessi on creat ion fail at crea ting receive RevBuffer AMNGR_ SESF AIL_ NORBUF If this m essage appears contin uously , reboot the ac cess point.
C-24 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns Protocol Wa r n i n g Unable to start SSH connec tion SSHD_CON_ INIT_F AIL ED Reboot the acc ess point.
C-25 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions System Fatal BK ey1Proc's semBC reate returns e rror BKR_KEY1_ LOCKER R Correct the system configura tion an d reboot the access point.
C-26 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Message Descriptio ns System Wa r n i n g BK ey1 Proc can't access A WC_MIB' s DefaultK ey for devEnhCtrl Ind ex radioIndex BKR_KEY1_ NOMIB DKEY Correct the system configura tion an d reboot the access point.
C-27 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Message Descr iptions System Fatal BKeyXmit N O MIB access, BKey rotation stoppe d for VLAN vl anID . vlanID : n umeric VLAN id enti fier BKR_XMIT _ NOM IB Correct the system configura tion an d reboot the access point.
C-28 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Statuses and Reasons Statuses and Reasons These are th e statu s and rea son phr a.
C-29 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-05 Append ix C Event Log Me ssag es Stat uses and Rea sons • T oo Many Statio ns in BSS • Bas ic Ra te No t S upp o.
C-30 Cisco Aironet 1200 Ser ies Access Point Softwar e Configuration Guid e OL-2159-05 Appendix C Event Log Message s Statuses and Reasons.
IN-1 Cisco Aironet 1200 S eries Access Po int Software Configur ation Gui de OL-2159-01 INDEX Numerics 802.1Q E ncapsulation Mo de setting 4-3 A acces s point creat ing and co nfigu ring VLA Ns on 4-1.
Index IN-2 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 C Cancel but ton 2-3 CDP MIB 2-8 centralize d admini strator auth entication 8-35 assignin g RADIUS or TACAC S.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco Aironet 1200 S eries Access Po int Software Configur ation Gui de OL-2159-01 setting up in Cisco Secure ACS 8-18 setting up on the access point 8-15 setting WEP key timeout 8-19 EIRP, ma ximum A-4 to A-5 EMBLEM format 7-26 encr yption .
Index IN-4 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Ether net 13-32 locate unit by fla shing L EDs 13-33 radio tra ffic 13-32 status 13-32 limiting distributions .
Inde x IN-5 Cisco Aironet 1200 S eries Access Po int Software Configur ation Gui de OL-2159-01 config uring 6-18 config uring on a wire d LAN 6-19 configuring security associa tions on a CiscoSe cure .
Index IN-6 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01 Security Setup pa ge 8-33 user manage r 8-32 securit y, VLAN 4-4 serial num ber, radio 3-8 server setup boot s.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco Aironet 1200 S eries Access Po int Software Configur ation Gui de OL-2159-01 creat ing SSID for infrastruc ture de vices 4-21 enab ling VL AN (802.
Index IN-8 Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point Software Configuration Guide OL-2159-01.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems DL-2159-05, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems DL-2159-05.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems DL-2159-05. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems DL-2159-05 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center