Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DGS-1224T Cisco Systems
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D-Link DGS-1224T 24-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Switch + 2-Port mini GBIC Web-Smart Switch User’s Guide First Edition Building Netw orks f or Peopl e.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS About This Guide................................................................................. 1 Purpose ............................................................................................ 1 Terms/Usage ................
ii Installing the Smar tConsole Utility................................................ 17 SmartConsole Utility Features ....................................................... 18 Menu Toolbar...........................................................
iii Security > Mac Address Table > Sta tic MAC............................ 52 Security > Mac Address Table > Dynam ic Forwarding Table .. 53 Monitoring > Statistics .
1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Congratulations on your purchase of the DGS-1224T 24 -Port 10/100/10 00Mbps Gi gabit Ether net + 2-Por t Mini GB IC Web-Smart Switch. This device integrates 100 0Mbps Gigabit Et hernet, 100Mbp s Fast Ethernet and 10 Mbps Ethernet network capabilities in a highly flexible package.
2 INTRODUCTION This chapter descr ibes the featur es of the DGS-1224T an d provides some background information abou t Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet switching technology. Gigabit Ethernet Technology Gigabit Ethernet is an extension of IEEE 802.
3 In addition, the phenomenal bandwid th delivered by Gigabit Ethernet is the most cost-e ffective m ethod to tak e advantage of to day and tomorrow’s rapidly improvin g switchin g and rout ing inter networking technologies.
4 Switching Technology Another a pproach to p ushing beyo nd the lim its of Ethe rnet technology is the develo pment of swi tching technol ogy. A switc h bridges Ethernet packets at the MAC address level of the Et hernet protoc ol transmitting a mong connec ted Ethernet or Fast Ethernet L AN segments.
5 so broadcast and multicast traffic use val uable network ban dwidth more efficiently. Additional VLAN benefits include: Security: Security is increased with the redu ction of opportunity in eavesdropping on a broadcast n etwork because data will be switched to only those confid en tial users within the VLAN.
6 ♦ Supports Static MAC setting ♦ D-Link Safeguard Engine supp ort ♦ Supports Simple Netw ork Managem ent Protocol (SNMP) ♦ MIB support for: RFC121 3 MIB I I, Private MIB ♦ Supports DHCP cli.
7 Flas h Memo ry Prom 2M By tes Port Functions LAN - 24 x 10/100/1000BaseT ports - Compliant with the following standards: IEEE 802.3 compliance 1. IEEE 802.3u compliance 2. IEEE 802.3ab compliance 3. Supports Full-Duplex operations at 10/100Mbps, and 1000Mbps only on SFP ports 4.
8 Reset button on the back panel A factory reset button x 1 Physical & Environment AC input 100-240 VAC, 50 /60 Hz Internal uni versal power s upply Operation Temperature 0-40°C Storage Temperature -10-70°C Humidity Operation: 10%-90% R H Storage: 5% ~ 90% RH Power consumption 35.
9 UNPACKING AND INSTALLATIO N This chapter provides unpack ing and installation in formation for the Web-Smart Switch. Unpacking Carefully un pack the conte nts of the We b-Smart Switch packagi ng and.
10 • Ins tall the Sw itch in a si te free from strong electromagneti c field generat ors (such as m otors), vib ration, dust, a nd direct exposure to sunligh t.
11 Figure 2 – Attach the mounting br ackets to the Sw itch Use the screws pr ovided with t he equipment rack o r chassis to mount the Switch in the rack.
12 AC Power The Switch utilizes an AC power supply of 100-240V AC, 50-6 0 Hz. The power switch is located at the rear of the Switch adjacent to the AC power connector and the system fan . The switch’s power supp ly will adjust to the local power source automatically and may be turned on without ha ving any or all LAN segm ent cables connect ed.
13 IDENTIFYING EXTERNAL COMP ONENTS This chapter describes the front pa nel, rear pa nel, and LED i ndicators of the Switch. Front Panel The figure below shows the front panel of the Switch.
14 Rear Panel Figure 5 – Rear panel of the Switch Reset button: The Reset button resets all configuration settings back to the factory default. Note: Be sure that to reco rd all custom settings of the Switch before pressing the reset button . Resetting the Switch back to factory default settings will erase all custom configurations.
15 UNDERSTANDING LED INDI CATORS The front pa nel’s LED Indi cators provide i nstant status feedbac k, which help m onitoring and troubl eshooting LAN issues if needed.
16 Blinking When there is reception or transmission (or Activity) of data in any port Light off No link detected Green Solid Light When there is a secure connection (or link) to 1000Mbps device in a p.
17 CONFIGURATION Through a web brow ser, the features and func tions of the DGS-1224T Switch can be config ure d for optimum use. Supported web browsers The embedded Web-based Utility currently suppo rts the following web browser s : • Microsoft Int e r net Expl orer ver.
18 SmartConsole Utility Features The SmartConsole Utility is divided into four parts, a Menu Toolbar of functi ons at the to p, Discovery List , Monitor List , and Device Setting . Figure 7 – SmartConsole Utility Menu Toolbar The Menu Toolbar in the SmartConsole Utility has four main tabs, File, View, Option, and Help.
19 • Exit: To exit the SmartConsole Utility. View includes: View log and Clear Log functions, wh ich provide trap setting list operations. • View Log: To show the event of the SmartConsole Utility and the device. • Clear Log: To clear all log entries.
20 Help includes: information Abou t the SmartConsole Utility, such as the software ve rsion. Discovery List This is the list where all Web- Smart devices on t he networ k are discovered. By pressing the Disc overy button, all the Web-Smart devices are listed in the discov ery list.
21 Definitions of the Monitor List functi ons and terms: S: Shows the sy stem sym bol of the Web-Sm art device, represents the device system is inactive. IP Address: Shows the cu rrent IP ad dress of th e device . MAC Address: Shows the device MAC Address.
22 The symbol “ ” represents a new trap signal, and will disappear after the event record is reviewed (clicked). Figure 9 – Trap information Note: To receive T rap information, the switch m ust be configured with Trap IP and Trap Events, ava ilabl e from the Trap Setting m enu.
23 Figure 10 – Configuration Setting Password Chan ge: To change the pa ssword, fill in the new and original passwor d, and pre ss “Set” . Figure 11 – Password Change This space has been inten.
24 Firmware Upgrade: When the device firmware is be upgraded, enter the Firmware path and pass wo rd (if necessary) to update. Figure 12 – Firmware Upgrade Web Access: Double click the device in the Monitor List or select a device in the Monitor List and press t he “Web Access” button to ope n the Web-based Utility.
25 Web-based Utility The DGS-1224T Web-Smart Switch has a web br owser GUI interface for configuri ng the Swit ch through a web browser. To see the list of web browsers the Web-based Utility supports, see Supported we b browsers on page 20. A network administrato r can manage, control and monitor the Switch from a PC on the lo cal LAN.
26 When the following dialog appears, (the actual IP a ddress will correspond with the IP address of the Switch), enter the defau lt password "admin" and press OK to enter the main Web-based Utility. Figure 15 – Log in screen After entering the password, the main page of the Web-based Utility displays the status of the Swit ch.
27 Tool Menu The Tool Menu offers glo bal function cont rols such as Reset, Configuri ng Backup and Res toration, Firm ware Backup and Upload, and System Reboot.
28 Figure 19 – Tool Menu > Configure Backup and Restore Firmware Backup and Upload: Allows for the firmware to be saved , or for an existing firmware file to be uploaded to the Switch.
29 System Reboot: Provides a safe way to reboot the system . Figure 21 – Tool Menu > System Reboot Setup Menu When the Web-based Utility appears, a Setup Menu o n t h e l e ft s i d e o f the screen provide s an organizati on of links to pages for spec ific feature and fu nction configurat ions and properties.
30 System > System Setting The System Setting includes IP Information and System information. By default DHCP is disabled. If DHCP is disabled, t he IP Address , Subnet Mask and Gateway can be ma nually configured.
31 Enabled , enter the Destinati on IP address of the m anaging PC that will receive trap information. Figure 24 – System > Trap Setting System Event: Monit ors the sy stem’s trappi ng inform ation. Device Bootup : Traps syste m boot-up inf ormation.
32 System > Port Setting In the Port Set ting page, the status of all ports can be monitored a nd adjusted for optimu m configuration. By selecting a range of ports ( From Port and To Por t ), the Speed and Flow Control ca n be set f or all such ports, by clicki ng Apply .
33 Flow Control: This setting determines if the Switch handles flow control. Set to Enable to avoid data transfer overflows. Default setting for all ports is Disable . Link Status: Reporting Down indicates the port is disconnected. Priority: Displays each port’s 802.
34 string. SNMP packets fr om a station that are not aut henticated are ignored (dropped ). Figure 26 – System > SNMP Setting Enabled / Disabled: Default setting is Disabled . Click Enable, then Apply, to set Community Settings. The default c ommuni ty strings fo r the Switc h used for S NMP v.
35 events such as a port status change. The Switch ca n generate traps and send them to the trap recipien t (i.e. network a dministrator). Setting up a T rap: Select Enable , enter a Trap Name (i.e. Trap Nam e must be selected from a Communit y Name), add t he IP of the devi ce to be monitored, and choo se the event(s) to trap.
36 Configuration > Jumbo Frame By default, the Jumbo Frame function is set to Disabled . Enabling this function will allow the Switch t o receive packets sizes of up to 10,240 bytes. Figure 28 – Configuration > Jumbo Frame Configuration > 802.
37 Figure 29 – Configuration > 802.1Q VLAN > Default Setting Figure 30 – Configuration > 802.1Q VLAN > Add VID.
38 Figure 31 – Configuration > 802.1Q VLAN > Example VIDs Figure 32 – Configuration > 802.1Q VLAN > VID Assignments.
39 Configuration > Trunking The Trunki ng function e nables the casca ding of tw o or more ports for a combined lar ger bandwidt h. Up to six Tru nk groups ma y be created, each supporting up to 8 ports. Add a Trunking Name a nd select the ports to be trunke d together, and click Apply to activate the selected Trunking groups.
40 header. IGMP snooping ca n help re du ce cluttered traffic on the LAN. With IGMP s nooping ena bled glob ally, the Web-Smart Switch will forward IP multicast traffic only to connections th at have group members attached. Figure 34 – Configuration > IGMP Snooping Configuration By default, IGMP is Disabled .
41 for controlling the frequen cy of IGMP traffic on a subnet. Default is 10 seconds. Robustness Variable (1-255 sec): The Robustness Variable allows adjustment for the e xpect ed packet loss on a subn et. If a subnet is expected to be lossy, the Robu stne ss Va riable may be increased.
42 a group is received, a group-specific query is sent to the po rt on which the leave message is received. A timer is started wit h a time interval equal to IgsLeaveProcessInterval. If a report message is receive d before above timer expires, the Leave m essage is dropped.
43 To view the Multicast Entry Table for a given VLAN, press the View button. Figure 36 – Configuration > IGMP Multicast Ent r y Table.
44 Configuration > 802.1D Spanning Tree 802.1D Spa nning Tree P rotocol ( STP) impl ementation is designed t o prevent net work loops t hat could ca use a broadcast storm. Whe n physical links forming a loop prov ide redundancy, only a sing le path will be forwarding frames.
45 Bridge Priority: This value between 0 and 65535 s pecifies the priority for forwarding packets: the lower the value, the higher th e priority. The default is 32768.
46 Path Priority: Select a value between 0 and 255 to specify the priority for a specified p ort for forwardi ng packets: the lower the value, the higher the priority.
47 RX (receive) mode: Duplicates the data that se nd to the source and forwards it to the Ta rget Port. Both (trans mit and receive) mode: Duplicate both the data transmitted from and data send to th e so urce port, an d forwards all th e data to the assigne d Target Port .
48 flooding int o the switch's C PU. This functi on helps prot ect the Web- Smart Swit ch from bei ng interrupt ed by m alicious vir uses or worm attacks.
49 Figure 41 – Security > Broadcast Storm Control Security > 802.1X Setting IEEE-802.1X prov ides a security st andard for net work access control, predominantly in W i-Fi wireless networks. 802.1X holds a network port disconnected u ntil authentication is completed.
50 Figure 42 – QoS > 802.1X Setting By default, 802.1X is Disabled . To use EAP for security, select Enabled and set the 802.1X Global Setti ngs for the Radius Server and applicable authentication i nformation. Authentication Port: sets primary port for security monitoring.
51 QuietPeriod: Sets the number of seconds that the switch remains in the quiet state following a failed au thentication exchange with the client. Default 80 seconds SuppTimeout: Sets the switch-to-client retransmission time for the EAP-request frame.
52 Security > Mac Address Table > Static MAC This page provides two distinct f eatures. The top table provides the ability to turn off auto learning Mac add ress if a port isn 't connected to an uplink Switch (i.e. DHCP Server). By default, this feature is OFF (disabled).
53 Security > Mac Address Table > Dynami c Forwarding Table For each port, this table displays the Mac address of e ach packet passing through th e Switch. To add a Mac address to the Static Mac Address List, click the Add chec kbox associated with the identified packet.
54 Monitoring > Statistics The Statistics screen displays the stat us of each port packet count. Figure 45 – Monitoring > Statistics Refresh: To renew the details collected and displayed. Clear Counter: To reset the details displayed. TxOK: Number of packets tr ansmitted succ essfully.
55 Figure 46 – Monitoring > Port Statistics.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems DGS-1224T (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems DGS-1224T yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems DGS-1224T - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems DGS-1224T you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems DGS-1224T will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems DGS-1224T, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems DGS-1224T.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems DGS-1224T. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems DGS-1224T along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center